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IBM Storage Discover Level 2 Quiz: Attempt review

IBM Storage Discover Level 2 Quiz

This quiz will help you solidify your learning and internalize key Back Next
concepts. To complete this learning plan, you must pass the quiz with
a score of 75% or higher. This quiz is an open-book quiz and all the
answers to the quiz questions can be found in the material you've
reviewed, either the slides or speaker notes. Good luck!
Started on Thursday, May 4, 2023, 2:57 AM
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Completed on Thursday, May 4, 2023, 3:15 AM
Time taken 17 mins 46 secs
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Storage Discover Level 2 Quiz!

Question 1


Points out of 1.00

IBM Storage Discover has a free trial version so that clients can
see �rst-hand what an open data ecosystem for unstructured
data can do for their business. How long can they use the trial
version for?

30 days

90 days 

365 days

60 days

1 of 13 7/5/2024, 2:07 PM
IBM Storage Discover Level 2 Quiz: Attempt review

Question 2


Points out of 1.00

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IBM Storage Discover creates an open data ecosystem by

unifying metadata for �le and object storage wherever it resides.
In such an open and transparent data ecosystem, which four
tasks are made easy to achieve?

Display, Categorize, Label, and Search

Discover, Categorize, Tag, and Learn

Learn, Classify, Tag, and Archive

Discover, Classify, Label, and Find 

Question 3


Points out of 1.00

Data inspection and classi�cation, labelling sensitive data for

compliance, and data clean-up are examples of IBM Storage
Discover use cases in which category?

Data Optimization

Data Management

Large-scale analytics / Arti�cial Intelligence (AI) / Machine

Learning (ML)

Data Governance 

2 of 13 7/5/2024, 2:07 PM
IBM Storage Discover Level 2 Quiz: Attempt review

Question 4


Points out of 1.00

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Metadata is de�ned as data about data. Which of the following

statements about metadata and its potential bene�ts

It can improve time-to-value and storage economics

It enforces that all datasets produced in the world 

conform to Open Data Standards for sharing and

It can identify and manage assets that add value

It can de�ne and execute policies based on the metadata

Question 5


Points out of 1.00

One powerful aspect of IBM Storage Discover is content search.

This is the ability to search the object data itself and create new
tags based on the content. Which of the following statements is
INCORRECT about IBM Storage Discover’s content search

IBM Storage Discover can be used to detect personal

identi�able information (PII) to ensure that data is
compliant with data governance policies and regulations
such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

Clients can use regular expressions to de�ne custom

search terms

IBM Storage Discover contains support for industry-speci�c

�le formats such as DICOM and VCF for healthcare and life

There are over a hundred search terms pre-de�ned in 

IBM Storage Discover. Customization is not required nor
is it supported in IBM Storage Discover

3 of 13 7/5/2024, 2:07 PM
IBM Storage Discover Level 2 Quiz: Attempt review

Question 6


Points out of 1.00

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IBM Storage Discover can scale to meet enterprise demands.

What is the maximum size of a single IBM Storage Discover

Up to 100 billion indexed documents 

Up to 1 million indexed documents

Up to 1 petabyte (PB) of managed �les

Up to 600 terabytes (TB) of managed �les

Question 7


Points out of 1.00

Which of the following is NOT considered a type of metadata?

System: information about �le and object types, their sizes,

when they were last modi�ed, etc.

Derived: information from analytics that is applied to your

data enriching the metadata model with additional meaning

Global: information about how the data is being used by 

the applications that it serves

Custom: user/organization-de�ned information based on a

unique taxonomy

4 of 13 7/5/2024, 2:07 PM
IBM Storage Discover Level 2 Quiz: Attempt review

Question 8


Points out of 1.00

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IBM Storage Discover can mitigate risk and improve data

quality. Which of the following is NOT a way in which IBM
Storage Discover helps with data governance?

Speeding up investigations for legal discovery and

regulatory audits

Reducing risk buried in unstructured data stores

Automatically archiving cold data to a write once read 

many (WORM) storage media

Ensuring that data is consistent with governance policies

Question 9


Points out of 1.00

Who are the main competitors of IBM Storage Discover in the

marketplace as identi�ed in this course?

Streamed Prometheus metrics

Dell and Amazon

Rubrick and ElasticSearch

Dell and Veritas 

5 of 13 7/5/2024, 2:07 PM
IBM Storage Discover Level 2 Quiz: Attempt review

Question 10


Points out of 1.00

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Automatic tagging for custom insight, reporting / search data

capability, and search content for fast discovery are examples of
IBM Storage Discover use cases in which category?

Data Optimization

Large-scale analytics / Arti�cial Intelligence (AI) / Machine

Learning (ML)

Data Management 

Data Governance

Question 11


Points out of 1.00

IBM Storage Discover can help clients gain deep insights into
data in backup and archive environments. Which two backup
and archive offerings are currently supported by IBM Storage

IBM Storage Protect and Storage Copy Data Management

IBM Storage Protect Plus and IBM Storage Insights

IBM Storage Protect and IBM Storage Protect Plus

IBM Storage Protect and IBM Storage Archive 

6 of 13 7/5/2024, 2:07 PM
IBM Storage Discover Level 2 Quiz: Attempt review

Question 12


Points out of 1.00

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What are the three roles within an organization that IBM Storage
Discover has the most direct impact on with respect to their

IT admin / architects; Application developers; CxO

IT admin / architects; Lines of Business (LOBs); Application


Users / data administrators; IT admins / architects; 

Data scientists

Users / data administrators; Data scientists; CxO (CEO, CIO,


Question 13


Points out of 1.00

Archive / tiering, data pipeline progression, and optimizing data

for faster results are examples of IBM Storage Discover use
cases in which category?

Data Governance

Data Optimization 

Large-scale analytics / Arti�cial Intelligence (AI) / Machine

Learning (ML)

Data Management

7 of 13 7/5/2024, 2:07 PM
IBM Storage Discover Level 2 Quiz: Attempt review

Question 14


Points out of 1.00

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The IBM Storage Discover Application Catalog is a community-

supported catalog of open source Action Agents. Which of the
following statement about the IBM Storage Discover Application
Catalog is least accurate?

Clients can �nd and install available extensions via a

command line interface (CLI) (with Docker Hub)

Clients can develop and share new extensions, supported

with sample code and a fully published API

Clients can enhance the capabilities of IBM Storage

Discover with third-party extensions

Clients can join forums on the Application Catalog for 

discussions or ask IBM engineers for help

Question 15


Points out of 1.00

Data mapping, data discovery, dataset identi�cation, and data

pipeline progression are examples of IBM Storage Discover use
cases in which category?

Data Management

Large-scale analytics / Arti�cial Intelligence (AI) / 

Machine Learning (ML)

Data Governance

Data Optimization

8 of 13 7/5/2024, 2:07 PM
IBM Storage Discover Level 2 Quiz: Attempt review

Question 16


Points out of 1.00

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What is the licensing metric used by IBM Storage Discover?

Managed processor value unit (PVU)

Managed drive

Managed terabyte 

Managed server

Question 17


Points out of 1.00

IBM Storage Discover is a horizontal play across industries, but

there are prime verticals where IBM Storage Discover shines.
What are the four prime verticals identi�ed in this course?

Retail, Healthcare / Life Sciences, Manufacturing, and


Financial, Healthcare / Life Sciences, Manufacturing, 

and Telecommunications

Financial, Healthcare / Life Sciences, Information

Technology, and Energy

Retail, Transportation, Manufacturing, and


9 of 13 7/5/2024, 2:07 PM
IBM Storage Discover Level 2 Quiz: Attempt review

Question 18


Points out of 1.00

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Existing data management solutions are not designed for

massive amounts of data or to leverage data across multiple
large data storage systems. According to a study referenced in
this course, what percentage of digital transformation projects
fail due to siloed data and unreliable integration?

84% 




Question 19


Points out of 1.00

While speaking to IBM Storage Discover prospects, which

business environment characteristics would hint that Storage
Discover may NOT be a good �t?

Plagued by limited visibility into stored data

Need for a storage infrastructure that offers end to end 

encryption and security to meet compliance

Struggling to keep pace with rapid growth of unstructured


Constrained by stringent regulations and compliance


10 of 13 7/5/2024, 2:07 PM
IBM Storage Discover Level 2 Quiz: Attempt review

Question 20


Points out of 1.00

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According to a quote referenced in this course, what percentage

of the data in the world is “like gold” and not easily accessed,
that is, extremely valuable for gaining competitive advantage in
the marketplace?



80% 


Question 21


Points out of 1.00

IBM Storage Discover can uncover hidden data value using

analytics. Which of the following is NOT a way in which IBM
Storage Discover helps with data analytics?

Suggesting the analytics algorithms that are most 

applicable to the data set

Orchestrating machine learning (ML), deep learning (DL),

and MapReduce processes

Operationalizing tasks to reduce the burden of data


Accelerating data identi�cation for large-scale analytics

11 of 13 7/5/2024, 2:07 PM
IBM Storage Discover Level 2 Quiz: Attempt review

Question 22


Points out of 1.00

Back Next

IBM Storage Discover is an integral part of the AI data pipeline.

Which stage of the AI data pipeline does Storage Discover’s
classi�cation and metadata tagging capabilities belong to?




Organize 

Question 23


Points out of 1.00

IBM Storage Discover can ingest data from multiple types of

unstructured data sources, several of which have next-level
integration which allows IBM Storage Discover to ingest data in
real-time. Which of the following are sources from which IBM
Storage Discover can ingest data in real-time?

IBM Storage Protect and IBM Storage Archive

Netapp, Dell EMC Isilon, and Amazon Simple Cloud Object

Storage (S3)

IBM Storage Scale, IBM Cloud Object Storage, and IBM 

Storage Ceph

Red Hat OpenShift Container Storage

12 of 13 7/5/2024, 2:07 PM
IBM Storage Discover Level 2 Quiz: Attempt review

Question 24


Points out of 1.00

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IBM Storage Discover can facilitate data optimization. Which of

the following is NOT a way in which IBM Storage Discover helps
with data optimization?

Reducing storage Operating Expenditure (OPEX) by

improving storage administrator productivity

Decreasing storage Capital Expenditure (CAPEX) by

facilitating data movement to cheaper storage

Increasing storage ef�ciency by eliminating redundant data

Reducing data volume by compressing data using the 

LZO compression algorithm

Question 25


Points out of 1.00

What is a perceived strength of Dell Technologies ClarityNow?

Uni�ed �le system view across heterogeneous systems 

Unlimited scalability

Intuitive graphic user interface (GUI)

Wide range of supported �le sources

13 of 13 7/5/2024, 2:07 PM

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