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Trainee’s name
Trainer’s name JUDE MARK M. MAYANG
Organic Agriculture Production NCII

Unit of Competency Prepare composting and raw materials

Date of assessment
Time of assessment
Instructions for assessors
1. Observe the candidate while performing the required tasks for one (1) hour.
2. Describe the assessment activity and the date on which it was undertaken.
3. Place a check in the box to show that the candidate completed each aspect
of the activity to the standard expected in the enterprise.
4. Ask the candidate a selection of questions from the attached list to confirm
his/her underpinning knowledge
5. Place a check in the box to show that the candidate answered the
questions correctly.
6. Complete the feedback section of the form.

Learning Outcome/Evidence ✓ to show if evidence is demonstrated

During the demonstration of
skills, did the trainee: Yes No Comments

 Determined the
characteristics of a good
composting site*
 Identified the basic raw
materials for composting*
 Identified the raw materials
for foliar fertilizer*
 Determined the production
of vermicast and
 Determined processes in
foliar fertilizer
 Determined the similarities
and differences between
basal and foliar fertilizers*
 Determined the application
and relevance of Carbon
and Nitrogen (C/N) ratio*
 Determined the advantages
of an organic fertilizer over a
chemical-based fertilizer
 Determined the positive
contributions of an organic
fertilizers to the
 Identified safety factors in
the preparation and
processing of organic
 Determined the proper
application of fertilizer to
soil and plant
 Identified elements that
makes fertilizers organic
 Preserved the potency of
organic fertilizer
 Identified important
elements present in an
organic fertilizer*
 Maintained record in the
production of organic

The trainee’s demonstration was:

Satisfactory ❑ Not
Satisfactory ❑

QUESTIONS Satisfactory
The trainee should answer the following questions: Yes No


How do you prepare the composting? □

What are the characteristics of a good composting site? □

What are the basic raw materials for composting?

How do you produce vermicast and vermicompost? □

What are the raw materials for foliar fertilizer? □

How do you process foliar fertilizer? □

What are the commonalities and differences between basal □
and foliar fertilizers? □

How do you understand the carbon and nitrogen (C/N)

ratio and what it means?
What are the advantages of an organic fertilizer over a
chemical- based fertilizer?

What are the positive contributions can organic fertilizers

do to the environment?

How do you protect yourself during the preparation and

processing of organic fertilizers?

How do you apply fertilizer to the soil/plant and when?

What makes a fertilizer organic?

How do you preserve the potency of your organic fertilizer?

What are the important elements present in an organic


What are the things to record in the production of organic


How do you plan to implement the Philippine National

Standards (PNS) for organic fertilizer production?

How do you communicate with superiors and co-workers

to ensure that planned activities in production are carried
out effectively?

What to comply in the establishment of commercial

organic fertilizer production?
What are the safety measures in performing Site selection,
preparation of raw materials, application of appropriate □ □
composting methods, and processing of compost fertilizer?


What are the responsibilities of tour guide in writing the tour □ □



What will you do if the specific information on the internet about □

your locality is in conflict on what is stated on the book? □

What will you do if one of the destinations included in the tour □
package is temporarily closed?

What will you do if misunderstanding on time occur between the □
tour supplier and the travel agency?
Why do we need to include rules and regulation in preparing the
tour script?

Cite at least 2 laws, city ordinances or rules and regulations that

□ □
must be included in preparing a tour script.

trainee’s underpinning knowledge was:

Satisfactory □ Not Satisfactory □

Feedback to trainee:

trainee’s overall performance was:

Satisfactory □ Not Satisfactory □

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