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MODULE TITLE: Introduction to computer.

UNIT TITLE: Organizing micro computer and its peripherals

What is a Computer?
Is an electronic device which is capable of receiving information (data) in a particular form
and of performing a sequence of operations (process) in accordance with a predetermined
set of instructions (program) and produce a result in the form of information or signals.

A computer is a device that takes input data such as numbers, text, sound, image,
animations, video, and etc., and converts it, presenting the changed input (processed input)
as output. All numbers, text, sound, images, animations, and video used as input are called
data, and all numbers, text, sound, images, animations, and video returned as output are
called information.

What is Data?
Data is unprocessed facts and figures without any added interpretation or analysis that has
got less or no meaning such as alphabets, numbers, or symbols) that refer to, or represent,
conditions, ideas, or objects. Data is limitless and present everywhere in the universe. Data
consists of numbers, text, sound, images, animations, and video

What is a Process?
A process is a set of a linked activities or procedures that transform inputs into outputs.
These procedures consume one or more resources (time, energy, machines) to convert
inputs (data, material, etc.) into outputs. The process converts numbers, text, sound,
images, animations, and video (data) into usable data, which is called information.

What is Information?
Information is data that has been processed in such a way as to be meaningful to the
person who receives it. The information consists of numbers, text, sound, images,
animations, and video that has been converted by the process.

Generally informations can be used for Planning, Controlling, Decision-making, and


Parts of a computer system

The computer system is divided into only two main parts which are Hardware and

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What is computer Hardware?
Computer hardware refers to the physical parts or components of a computer system such
as the monitor, mouse, keyboard etc, a basic computer consists of 4 components which are
Input device, CPU (Central Processing Unit), Memory, and Output device.

What are input devices?

An input device is a hardware or peripheral device used to send data to a computer. An
input device allows users to communicate and feed instructions and data to computers for
processing, display, storage and/or transmission.
Examples of input devices include:
 Keyboards: Allows users to input data
 Mouse: Allows user to point different items in the computer.
 Microphone: allows user to enter sound in the computer
 Scanner: allows user to convert hard copy images to digital image and enter into the

What are output devices?

An output device is a piece of hardware that is used to output data that has been previously
entered into a computer or similar processing device. Examples of output device are
Monitor, Printer, Projector, Speaker, Headphones.

What is CPU (Central Processing Unit)

The CPU is the primary component of a computer that processes all logical instructions in
the computer. The CPU is responsible for all processing of data and information that flows
into the computer system. It is where all the searching, sorting, calculating and decision
making takes place in the computer. The CPU has three parts in it and these are

Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU),

The ALU is the part of a CPU that performs all arithmetic computations including addition,
subtraction, multiplication, and division. The Arithmetic Logic Unit also performs all logical

Control Unit
The CU control unit is responsible for executing or storing the results coming out of the
ALU. Within the CU, the control unit performs the functions of fetch, decode, execute, and

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store. The control unit communicates with both the arithmetic logic unit (ALU) and
memory, and literally directs the entire computer system to carry out, or execute, stored
program instructions.

Registers are the temporary storage areas for instructions or data within the processor.
Registers are basically special storage locations somewhat similar to a computer’s memory
though contained within the processor and exceptionally faster.

What is Memory/ Storage devies?

Memory refers to the devices or place into the computer which is used to store information
for use in a computer or elsewhere. There are two types of memory; these are Main or
primary memory and secondary memory.

Main/primary memory
Primary Memory is internal memory of the computer which is directly connected to the
CPU that stores information for temporary and when the power or device is switch off all
memories are lost. The primary memory provides main working space to the computer.
Examples of primary memories are: - Registers, Cache Memory, RAM, ROM, EPROM, and
EEPROM etc. sometimes this kind of memory is known as volatile memory. Primary
memory has high speed in information retrieval as compare to secondary memory because
they are directly connected to the CPU.

Secondary memory.
This is a non-volatile kind of memory which is used to store information in electromagnetic
or optical form. Sometimes it is called Mass Storage, Auxiliary Memory and External
Memory. This memory is slower than the Main memory as it involves mechanical motion
techniques during storage and retrieval of data which links with the CPU. Therefore, this
kind of memory is not directly connected to the CPU. Example of these memories are: -
flash disk, SD memory, Cd, DVD, Hard disk.

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Computer software?
Computer software is any set of machine-readable instructions that directs a computer's
processor (hardware) to perform specific operations. Computer software have no physical
presence therefore you can’t touch or feel but still you can see and use them. Computer
software is stored in digital form within computer the memory.

Software is often divided into two main categories. These are systems software which
includes the operating system (used to manage and control the hardware components and
which allow interaction between the hardware and the other types of software) and utilities
software (such as anti-virus software, firewalls, disk defragmenters and so on which helps to
maintain and protect the computer system but does not directly interface with the hardware).
Another category is Applications software includes programs which help computer users to
perform a specific task. For example, word processors, spreadsheets, and Database.

Operating system?.
An operating system (OS) is software that manages computer hardware and software
resources and provides common services for computer programs.
The operating system is an essential component of the system software in a computer
system. Application programs usually require an operating system to function.
Examples of Operating systems: Linux, Solaris, Windows7, Windows XP, Windows
2000,Windows ME , Windows 98, Windows NT, Windows 95

What is Application Software?

Application software is a set of one or more programs designed to carry out operations for
a specific application. Application software cannot run on itself but is dependent on system
software to execute. Examples of application software include MS Word, MS Excel, games.

Types of computers.
Computer may be categorized in many ways, they can be categorized according to the way
how they process data, according to the technology they were designed, and according to
their size and power where this is the simplest and understandable way. Starting with the
biggest one these are: -

Supercomputer computers.
This type of computer processes data much faster than a regular system. It is the leader in
processing capacity and costs millions of dollars. A supercomputer is used for sensitive and
calculation-intensive work such as scientific research, physical simulation, climate studies,
oil and natural gas exploration, weather forecasting, quantum physics, to name a few.
Example:- Jaguar supercomputer, owned by the U.S. Department of Energy.

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Mainframe Computers:
Are usually powerful and expensive computer computers next to super computers A
technique that allows many people at terminals, to access the same computer at one time is
called time sharing. Mainframes are used by banks and many business to update inventory
etc. Mainframe computers can support hundreds or thousands of users, handling massive
amounts of input, output, and storage, Mainframe computers are used in large
organizations where many users need access to shared data and programs, Mainframes are
also used as e-commerce servers, handling transactions over the Internet.

Mini Computers:
A minicomputer is a type of computer that possesses most of the features and capabilities
of a large computer but is smaller in physical size. A minicomputer fills the space between
the mainframe and microcomputer, and is smaller than the former but larger than the
Minicomputers are mainly used as small or midrange servers operating business and
scientific applications. However, the use of the term minicomputer has diminished and has
merged with servers.

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Micro Computers:
A microcomputer is a complete computer on a smaller scale and is generally a synonym for
the more common term, personal computer or PC , a computer designed for an individual.
The increasing use of micros in home, school, business and professional offices has been even more
revolutionary. Although these computers have limited memory and speed, their cost makes them
very attractive for applications that would otherwise not be feasible.
Microcomputers can be further divided into different types based on the size of their
central processing unit (CPU) and other major and minor components.

The computer system.

The computer system is a collection of various devices which work together with the
computer itself, and each of them has unique importance and uses. This includes the

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The computer monitor
The monitor is the piece of computer hardware that displays the video and
graphics information generated by the computer through the video card.
Monitors are very similar to televisions but usually display information at
a much higher resolution.

A computer keyboard is an important device
that allows a person to enter symbols like
letters and numbers into a computer. It is
the main input device for most computers.
There are different types of keyboards. The
most popular type is the QWERTY design,
which is based on typewriter keyboards.

The mouse is a pointing device that detects two-dimensional motion relative to a surface.
This motion is typically translated into the motion of a pointer on a display, which allows
for fine control of a graphical user interface.

Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS).

An uninterruptible power supply (UPS) is a device that allows your
computer to keep running for at least a short time when the primary
power source is lost. It also provides protection from power surges. A
UPS contains a battery that "kicks in" when the device senses a loss of
power from the primary source. If you are using the computer when
the UPS notifies you of the power loss, you have time to save any data
you are working on and exit gracefully before the secondary power
source (the battery) runs out. When all power runs out, any data in
your computer's random access memory (RAM) is erased. When
power surges occur, a UPS intercepts the surge so that it doesn't
damage your computer.
Printers are Output devices used to prepare permanent
Output devices on paper. Printers can be divided into two
main categories.

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How to switch on the computer
One thing a computer definitely needs to work is electricity! A desktop computer must
always be connected to a power outlet, while a laptop may operate on its own internal
battery for a few hours. In any case, without power the computer is pretty useless.

You need to plug in your Computer, monitor, mouse, keyboard and any other helping
devices before you can turn them on. When all your computer components are plugged in
and ready to go, follow this simple guide to turn on the computer system:

 Turn on the power outlet probably the switch on the wall, or generator.
 Turn on the UPS if available by pressing the power button
 Turn on the monitor by pressing the power button located at the bottom left corner
of the monitor
 Turn on the CPU by pressing the power button located in front of the CPU
 Then wait for automatic boot process to complete, some other computer may need
assistance by pressing several buttons like F1 e.t.c depending on the instruction
given on the screen.
 Many computer will display accounts available in the computer simply click to your
account, and other will require you to write the name of your account and the
password if available and click login.

How to turn off the computer

Unlike most electrical appliances, a computer shouldn’t be turned off by pressing the same
button that you pressed to turn it ‘on’ n or unplugging the computer from the power
source. If you do that, you can actually lose data or damage some of the processes in the
machine or simply kill the machine. Think of turning off the computer properly as letting it
shut down properly.
Follow these step-by-step instructions to help you turn off your computer.
 Click the ‘Windows’ button at the bottom left-hand corner of your screen.
 Click shut down.
 If you’ve left any programs running or documents open, you’ll get a message asking
you to save or close them first. You have two options now:
 Click Cancel and then close everything that had been listed in the message, saving
when necessary. Then try closing again.
 Click Force shut down. The computer will automatically close all your documents,
programs and so on without saving anything. As a result, you may lose all unsaved

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A guide to your computer desktop
Once you’ve turned on or logged on to your computer, what appears on your screen is
called the 'desktop'. This is like an entrance where you go through it to find anything that
you want to do on the computer.

After you have logged in you may see various small picture on your desktop, these are
called computer ICON these are small pictures or symbol that appears on a monitor and is
used to represent a command, or a program. You may also notice the long horizontal bar at
the bottom of your screen. This is called the Taskbar, here is where you can get all opened
files. The taskbar includes the following:
 Start menu
 Quick Launch bar (Windows Vista and earlier only)
 Notification area
1. What do you understand the term computer?
2. What is the difference between data and information?
3. Mention and describe the two parts of the computer system.
4. Mention three parts of the CPU and describe the function of each part.
5. Define the term software and mention any types of software you know.
6. Define the term hardware and mention any components of hardware you know.
7. Define the term memory, and mention and describe the two types of memory.
8. What are the types of computer?
9. What are the procedures of switching ON and OFF the computer?
10. What is an ICON and what are its uses?
11. Describe the uses of data in daily life.
12. Data must pass through various processes before comes to output. Mention and
describe each processes.
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A paint program is a software graphics program that allows the user to draw or paint
shapes like line, cycle, oval on a computer. This program comes in the Microsoft suite suit.

Starting Microsoft Paint program.

 Open Paint by clicking the Start button .
 Click All Programs,
 Click Accessories,
 Click Paint.
When you start Paint, you'll see an empty window; drawing and painting tools are located
in the ribbon at the top of the window.

The Title Bar

At the left end of the Title Bar the first item shows a little paint palette. If clicked, this
button opens a standard window menu, offering Restore, Move, Size, Minimise, Maximise
and Close. You are unlikely to want to use this menu, since all of those things can be done in
quicker ways.
After the Quick Access items, you'll see the title of your picture followed by the name of the
program—Paint, of course. If you haven't yet saved your picture, the name will be shown as

At the right-hand end of the Title Bar are the three usual window buttons, Minimise,
Maximise and Close. If your Paint Window is already maximised—taking up all of your

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screen—the middle button will be Restore, which makes the window the size you usually
have it.
The Menu Bar

The Menu bar has three items on the left and a Help button at the far right.

The Ribbon

All the tools, the color palette, and most commands are grouped together in the ribbon. The
exceptions are Save, Undo and Redo, which are shown at the left end of the title bar, in the
Quick Access Toolbar.

The following illustration shows the different parts

of the Paint window:

Working with tools

The ribbon in Paint includes a handy collection of
drawing tools. You can use these tools to create
freehand drawings and add a variety of shapes to
your pictures.
Draw a line
Some tools and shapes, such as the Pencil, Brush,
Line, and Curve, let you make a variety of straight,
curved, and squiggly lines.
Draw a shape
Paint lets you draw many different shapes. For example, you can draw ready-made, defined
shapes such as rectangles, circles, squares, triangles, and arrows. You can also make your
own custom shape by using the Polygon shape to draw a polygon.

Adding text
You can also add text to your picture. The Text tool lets you add a simple message or title.
 On the Home tab, in the Tools group, click the Text tool .
 Drag the pointer in the drawing area where you want to add text.
 Under Text Tools, on the Text tab, click the font face, size, and style in the Font group.
 In the Colors group, click Color 1, and then click a color. This is the text color.
 Type the text that you want to add.

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Erase part of your picture
If you make a mistake or need to change part of a picture, use the eraser. By default, the
eraser changes any area you erase to white, but you can change the eraser color. For
example, if you set the background color to yellow, anything you erase turns to yellow.
 On the Home tab, in the Tools group, click the Eraser tool .
 In the Colors group, click Color 2, and then click the color that you want to erase
with. If you want to erase with white, you don't have to select a color.
 Drag the pointer over the area you want to erase.

Saving a picture
Save your picture frequently so you don't accidentally lose your work. To save, click the
Paint button , and then click Save. This saves all of the changes made to the picture
since the last time you saved.
The very first time that you save a new picture, you will need to give your picture a file
name. Follow these steps:
 Click the Paint button , and then click Save.
 In the Save as type box, select the file format you want.
 In the File name box, type a name, and then click Save.

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Exercise: 1




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Exercise: 2

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Exercise: 3

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