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MODULE 5 SITE INVESTIGATION AND SOIL EXPLORATION fe and economical development of The knowledge about the site forms a vital role in the sai inary to the construction of any site, A thorough investigation of the site is an essential prelimi ng officials may require soil data together with the civil engineering works. Public buil recommendations of the geotechnical consul Elimination of the site exploration, which usually ranges from about 0.5 tol percent of tol ding permit t prior to issuance of a bi al only to find after construction has started that the foundation must be construction costs, generally recognized, and it is doubtful if any redesigned is certainly false economy. This is major structures are currently designed without exploration being undertaken. ‘© To access the general suitability of the site. © To achieve safe and economical design of foundations and temporary works. «Tp know the nature of each stratum and engineering properties of the soil and rock, which ‘may affect the design and mode of construction of proposed structure and foundation, to ground To foresee and provide against difficulties that may arise during construction du and other local conditions. To find out the sources of construction material and selection of sites for disposal of water or surplus material. * To investigate the occurrence or causes of all natural and man made changes in conditions and the results arising from such changes. To ensure the safety of surrounding existing structures. To design for the failed structures or remedial measures for the structures deemed to be unsafe. To locate the ground water level and possible corrosive effect of soil and water on foundation material A Planning For Subsurface Exploration ethods to be used, and methods of sampling and tests to be carried out. The purpose of the exploration program is to determine, within practical limits, the stratification and engineering properties of the soils underlying the site. The principal properties of i be the strength, deformation, that the maximum amount of erest will and hydraulic characteristics. The program should be planned so nformation can be obtained at minimum cost. In the earlier stages of an investigation, the information available is often inadequate to allow a firm and detailed Plan to be made. The investigation is therefore performed in the following phases: 1. Fact finding and geological survey 2 Reconnaissance 3 Preliminary exploration 4 Detailed exploration 5. Special exploration 1, Fact finding and geological survey Assemble all information on dimensions, column spacing, pe and use of structure, basement requirements, and any special architectural considerations of the proposed building. Foundation regulations in the local building code should be consulted for any special requirements, For bridges the soil engineer should have access to type and span lengths as well as pier loadings. This information will indicate any settlement limitations, and can be used to estimate foundation loads. Reconnaissance This may be in the form of a field trip to the site which can reveal information on the type and behavior of adjacent sites and structures such as cracks, noticeable sags, and possibly sticking doors and windows. The type of local existing structure may influence, to a considerable extent, the exploration program and the best foundation type for the proposed adjacent structure. Since nearby 4, existing structures must be maintained, excavations or vibrations will have to be carefully controlled also be observed. For highways, run off patterns , as well as Erosion in existing cuts (or ditches) ma soil stratification to the depth of the erosion cut , may be observed. Rock outcrops may give an indication of the presence or the depth of bedrock Preliminary Explo In this phase a few borings are made or a test pit is opened to establish in a general manner the stratification, types of soil to be expected, and possibly the location of the groundwater table. One or more borings should be taken to rock, or competent strata, if the initial borings indicate the upper soil is loose or highly compressible. This amount of soil exploration is usually the extent of the site investigation for small structures. A feasibility exploration program should include enough site data and sample recovery to approximately establish the foundation design and identify the construction procedures. It is common at this stage to limit the number of good quality samples recovered and rely heavily on strength and settlement correlations using index properties such as liquid limit, plasticity index, and penetration data together with unconfined compression tests on samples recovered during penetration testing. Detailed Exploration Where the preliminary site investigation has established the feasibility of the project, a more detailed exploration program is undertaken. The preliminary borings and data are used as a basis for locating additional borings, which should be confirmatory in nature, and determining the additional samples ‘ely uniform in stratification, a rather orderly spacing of borings at required. If the soil is rel locations close to critical superstructure elements should be made. On occasion additional borings will be required to delineate zones of poor soil, rock outcrops, fills, and other areas which can influence the design and construction of the foundation. Sufficient additional samples should be recovered to redefine the design and for any construction procedure required by the contractor to install the ;, nage to bid for the foundation work, cost overruns, and dams foundation, This should avoid an excessive s discovered when the © P savation is adjacent property owners from unanticipated soil condition: si opened. 5.2 Methods of site exploration The various types of site investigation are: a Open excavé «Boring * Subsurface Sounding * Geophysical Methods ‘These available methods of exploration can be broadly classified into two categories: * Direct methods Indirect methods ‘The direct method of soil exploration usually consists of sinking a borehole at a predetermined location to the required depth by a method suitable for the site and to obtain fairly intact samples of soils from every stratum encountered or at suitably selected depths. The samples obtained are utilized to get necessary information about the soil characteristics by means of laboratory tests. During recent years, indirect methods of soil exploration have also been used for civil engineering structures, These methods include various sounding and geophysical methods. In sounding methods, the variation in penetration resistance of sample or cone is utilized to interpret some of the physical properties of the strata. In geophysical methods, the change in subsoil strata are identified by measuring certain physical characteristics, e.g. electrical conductance, wave velocity of subsurface deposits. In addition to these methods, projectiles, probes, and aerial photographs are also useful in intexpreting the soil characteristies Direct methods fon methods of exploration which not Test pits, trenches, shafis and tunnels are the direet excava only affords sampling and testing in situ but also permit visual inspection of the soil and rock state, They are considered the only means of obtaining reliable formations in their natural information in a soil deposit of mixed sand, gravel and boulders where boring may prove difficult, However, they are slow and become relatively expensive with increasing depths of exploration tes pits ‘Trial pts are the cheapest way of site exploration & do not require any specialized equipment. pit is manually excavated to get an indication of the soil classification & obtain undisturbed & tu disturbed samples. Trial pits allow visual inspection of any change of strata é facilitate in testing. They are suitable for exploration of shallow depth only Boring methods of exploration “The boring methods are used for exploration at greater depths where direct methods fail. These provide both disturbed as well as undisturbed samples depending upon the method of boring, In selecting the boring method for a particular job, consideration should be made for the following: «¢ The materials to be encountered and the relative efficiency of the various boring methods in such materials. «The available facility and accuracy with which changes in the soil and ground water conditions ean be determined # Possible disturbance of the material to be sampled ‘The different types of boring methods are 1. Displacement boring S Wash boring. Auger boring. AS Rotary drilling. Percussion drilling. Continuous sampling. Wash Boring It is @ popular method due to the use of limited equipments, The advantage of this is the use of ive and easily portable handling and drilling equipments. Here first an open hole is inexpensi done below the formed on the ground so that the soil sampling or rock drilling operation can be is done by hole. The hole is advanced by chopping and twisting action of the light bit. Cutting forced water and water jet under pressure through the rods operated inside the hole In India the “Dheki operation is used, i, a pipe of Sem diameter is held vertically and filled with water using horizontal lever arrangement and by the process of suction and application of pressure, soil slurry comes out of the tube and pipe goes down. This can be done upto a depth of 8m —10m (excluding the depth of hole already formed beforehand) seting Tak. sump Se" fg———Casing iy —__§ preeton of water ow (Chopping bit Just by noting the change of colour of soil coming out with the change of soil character can be identified by any experienced person. It gives completely disturbed sample and is not suitable for very soft soil, fine to medium grained cohesionless soil and in cemented soil. Auger boring ght, flexible and inexpensive instruments for 1g simple, li ‘This method is fast and economical, us to stiff cohesive soils and also can be used to large to small holes. It is very suitable for soft determine ground water table. Soil removed by this is disturbed but it is better than wash boring, percussion or rotary drilling, It isnot suitable for very hard or cemented soils, very soft soils, as then the flow into the hole can occur and also for fully saturated cohesionless soil. fia} Rotary drilling Rotary drilling method of boring is useful in case of highly resistant strata, It is related to finding out the rock strata and also to access the quality of rocks from cracks, fissures and joints. It ean conveniently be used in sands and silts also, Here, the bore holes are advanced in depth by rotary percussion method which i is similar to wash boring technique. A heavy string of the drill rod is used for choking at ion, The broken rock or soil fragments are removed by circulating water or through the drill rods and bit up through the bore hole from which itis drilling mud pum collected ina setling tank for recirculation. If the depth is small and the soil stable, water alone 8 ¢ bore hole. Drilling drilling fluids are drilling fluid caus 0 the bore hole pared with water 3 sect is impart can be used. However, ises stabilizing effect slurry of bentonite 1n water, Th her specific gravity a8 CO abilizing ¢! ‘This method is suitable f nud is nd partly due t0 formation of mud ed by these drilling fluids 9 + boring holes of diam: mical for holes less than partly due t0 ‘cake on the sides of the hole. As the st eter casing is required if drilling fluid is used st of the rocks. It is unecono! oem, or more preferably 15 to20em in mos by inspection of cuttings 10cm diameter. The depth of various strata can be detecte Cutting circulated to surface through annular space Tricone oil ng and depth of bo Guidelines for choosing s Spacing of boreholes S$: 1892-1979 — Code of practice for subsurface investigation for foundations” has v ale the following recommendations: re, one bore hole or ‘or smaller and of about 0.9 hi “For a compact building site covering an ar adeq trial pit in each corner and one in the centre should be Jess important buildings even one trial pit at the centre will For very large areas covering industrial and residential colo nature of the terrain will help in deciding the number of bore holes or trial pits.” ics, the geologic Depth of boreholes Depth of exploration (18 1892-1979) ‘Sno Type of foundation Depth of exploration 7 Isolated spread footings or alts: ‘One and half times the width, 2. Adjacent footings with clear One and half times the spacing less than twice the width length 3. Adjacent rows of footings (i) With clear spacing between Four and half times the sows less than twice the width width, (u) With clear spacing between rows ‘Three times the width, greater than twice the width (in) With clear spacing between rows One and half times the greater than four times the width width 4 Pile and well foundations ‘One and half tines the width of structure from beanng level 3 Road cuts qual to the bottom width of the cut ql Two metres below the ground level or equal to the height of fil, whichever is greater 10 Ss In general soil samples are cat il samplings and samplers tegorized as shown in fig _/ Disturbed samples y tools or the The structure of the soil is disturbed to the considerable degree by the action of the bori excavation equipments. The disturbances can be classified in following, basic types ‘+ Change in the stress condition, ‘+ Change in the water content and the void ratio, '* Disturbance of the soil structure, ‘© Chemical changes, «Mixing and segregation of soil constituents, The causes of the disturbances are listed below: «Method of advancing the borehole, + Mechanism used to advance the sampler, «Dimension and type of sampler, ‘+ Procedure followed in sampling and boring. Ifall the constituents are present in the sample which represents the same suil type from any place, dew it properties yet changed dive to is called a representive sample. In the remoulded sample the engineerin remoul Undisturbed samples 1c true insite structure and water content of the sell Por Ik retains as closely as pr voided The follvwing requirements are hioked " + No change due to disturbance of the soil structure, «No change in void ratio and water content, © No change in constituents and chemical properties Requirement of good sampling process B-D, = 100% Inside clearance ratio e The soil is under great stress as it enters the sampler and has a tendency to laterally expand. The inside clearance should be large enough to allow a part of lateral expansion to take place, but it should not be so large that it permits excessive deformations and causes disturbances of the sample. For good sampling process, the inside clearance ratio should be within 0.5 to 3 %. For sands silts and clays, the ratio should be 0.5 % and for stiff and hard clays (below water table), it should be 1.5 %. For stiff expansive type of clays, it should be 3.0 % Pu ~De 300% Area ratio of entrance of excess soil and danger of “The penetration resistance of the sampler, the possibili disturbance of sample all increase with increase in area ratio. The allowable area ratio intended for obtaining undisturbed samples depends on diameter, design and method of operation of the sampler. The area ratio should be preferably be less than 10 %, but it is possible that the greater area ratio can be tolerated when the sampler is provided with a stationary piston and / o the cutting edge having very small angle of taper © (c,)- 2 100% Outside clearance ratio = Dy For good sampling process, the ratio should be within 0-2 %, le diameter = += 75mm. Minimum in: ‘The length (L) should be at least equal to (the intended length + 100mm) for residual soils For soft soils depending upon the sensitivity, (L/ 9s ) ratios are given in table 1.1 20° The cutting edge angle ( @ ~ refer tig. 1.6) should be within 20° inside of the The tube should be uniform and should not have any protrusions or irregularities. The insi tube should beetean and smooth, (8) Laroore Recovery ratio a Where, L is the length of the sample within the tube His the depth of penetration of the sampling tube. Ht represents the disturbance of the soil sample, For good sampling the recovery ratio should be 96 10 98 &%. Wall fiction ¢a be reduced by suitable inside clearance, smooth finish and oi stummed wall should have large orifice to allow ait and water to escape 13 Table 1.1 Sensitivity Vs (L/Ds) ratio Sensitivity (LD) ratio >30 20 5-30 12 <5 12 “Types of samplers 1, Standard split spoon sampler It consists of tool-steel driving shoe at the bottom, a steel tube (that is split longitudinally in to halves) in the middle, and a coupling at the top. The steel tube in the middle has inside and out side diameters of 34.9mm and 50.8mm, respectively. When the bore hole is advanced to a desired depth, the drilling tools are removed. T spoon sampler is attached to the drilling rod and then lowered to the bottom of the The sampler is driven in to the soil at the bottom of the bore hole by me: s of hammer blows. The hammer blows occur at the top of the drilling rod. The hammer For each blow, the hammer drops a distance of 0.762m. The number of blows req driving the sampler through three 124mm interval is recorded. The s blows required for driving the last two 152.4mm intervals is penetration number; N. it is also commonly called the blow co completed, the sampler is with drawn and the shoe and coupling sample collected inside the split tube is then removed and transferred to the Iaborstory in small glass jars. Determination of the standard penetration number spoon samples are usually done at 1.5m. piston samplers Unaisturbedt san we may he obtained fiom boreholes by open drive samplers or piston samplers, Open drive s ples consist of thin-walled tubes which are pushed or driven in to the soil at the bottom of the hole and then rotated to detach the lower end of the sample from the soll, Me NU or moderately stiff cohesive soil can be sampled without extensive disturbance in thin-walled seamless steel tubes ameter not less 50 mm. the lower end of the tube is sharpened to fiom a cutting edge and the other end is machined for attachment to the drill rods. ‘The entire tube is pushed or driven in to the soil at the bottom of the hole and is removed sample with inside. ‘The two ends of the tub sample shifted to the laboratory, 3. Piston type sampler Good quality undisturbed samples are obtained fom piston samplers which use thin-walled is being lowered to the bottom of the sampling tubes with a piston inside, White the tub dill hole, the piston rods and piston are held at the bottom of the sampler by means ofa drill toad which rises fo the top of the bore hole, The presence of the piston prevents excess soil y of the sample. fiom squeezing: in to the tube and thus, maintains the inte Preservation of samples be tested after some time should be maintained in such a way n are allowed. ned and no evaporatis + wax and petroleum jelly are applied in molten state on such dity controlled room. In the absence Hessian bags and sprinkled with water from ck paraffin wax and kept in air-tight ‘x and the sample. Standard penetration test The standard penetration test is carried out in a borehole, while the DCPT and SCPT are carried out without 2 borehole. All the three tests measure the resistance of the soil strata to penetration by a penetrometer. Useful empirical correlations between penetration resistance and soil properties are available for use in foundation desi ‘This is the most extensively used penetrometer test and employs a split-spoon sampler, which consists of a driving shoe, a split-barrel of circular cross-section which is longitudinally split into wwo parts and a out the test. coupling. 1S: 2131-1981 gives the standard for carry Procedure © The borehole is advanced to the required depth and the bortom cleaned. © The split-spoon sampler, attached to standard drill rods of required length is lowered into the borehole and rested at the bottom. + The splitespoon sampler is driven into the soil for a distance of 450mm by blows of a drop hammer (raonkey) of 65 kg falling vertically and freely from a height of 750 mm. The number of blows required to penetrate every 150 mm is recorded while driving the sampler. The number of blows required for the last 300 mm of penetration is added together and recorded as the N value at that particular depth of the borehole. The number of blows required to effect the first 180mm ot penetration, called the seating drive, is disregarded. © The split-spoon sampler is then withdrawn and is detached from the drill rods The split-barrel ig disconnected from the cutting shoe and the coupling. The soil sample collected inside the split barre| is carefully collected so as to preserve the natural moisture content and transported to the laboratory for tests. Sometimes, a thin liner is inserted within the split-barrel so that at the end of the SPT, the liner containing the soil sample is sealed with molten wax at both its ends before it is taken away to the laboratory The SPT is carried out at every 0.75 m vertical intervals in a borehole. This can be increased to 1.50 m if the depth of borehole is large, Due to the presence of boulders or rocks, it may not be possible to drive the sampler to a distance of 450 mm, In such a case, the N value can be recorded for the first 300 mm Penetration. The boring log shows refusal and the testis halted if | = 50 blows are required for any 150mm penetration | = 100 blows are required for 300m penetration | = 10 successive blows produce no advance L Merits of SPT + the testis simple and relatively economical. + itis the only test that provides represen Ve soil samples both for visual inspection in the field and for natural moisture content and classifi ation tests in the laboratory, S Corrections SPT values obtained in the field for sand have to be corrected before they are used in empirical correlations and design charts, IS: 2131-1981 recommends that the field value of N be corrected for two effects, namely, (a) effect of overburden pressure, and {b) effect of dilatancy 7 a) Correction for dilatancy Silty fine sands and fine sands below water table de eases the resistance i dissipated. The pore pressure ii number N. Dilatancy correction is to Terzaghi and Peck recommended dila where Ng= recorded value and Ne= cori IfNpZ15 then Ne = Nz (b) Correction for overburden pressure Several investigators have found that the penetration revi by the overburden pressure. Of two granular is influenced density but having different confining sher N value. Since the confining pressur he N val hig! pressure) increases with depth, 1 timated. To values at larger depths are overes different effective overburden pre pressure. ‘The corrected N values given bY Ne Roe c= NR* (0 +70) where Nee recorded value and Nc= corrected valve a0 = effective overburden pressure (—; This equation is applicable for go 2280 kN) im? Jab fie histone WAS wid 7.9 Dh pat Bashy Jnl be dered by 7 ty obtain the design value used in Hil wollen iy yoewbey thy J) We Wh fining ths banning cape Hy oh od J) eonnsetiony mony bs waterloo oy oaburated oily sured and Hine ound. AL that tne overburden A He Aiaataniey sanreetion do applied using Hie Ne value obtained after poco legylied Heston averburden prenunne A 11 valve in 4 ebaiard penetivtion tev at Amn depth was V7, Fhe vill pote ehavwe fine wand up i Tm depth, Unit Paample Te ns The gruel wales Level iy a0 611 We iW ah envied ba 1 BIA SIned thas saves test HP value Haluthon Vivek ayy Wiabarey vores toon Myo Wal ‘ , 1 an) nM) = Ve bm 16 en el HH ngyily ve niaunten yrewune eoureston Plea, My 16 yA I BN) AHH HIM #28) HH = Att = Bi 0 i ee 16» se (oy) = Nye hts 0 18 0 en ST ST My Weratine, ww Honea, the evuseried 11 value after applying ath dilatuncy aid overhunden pressuce cenyeetions WMD = Vs Geo-Physical Method of Soil Exploration Geophysivat methurbsine used hen sail exploration sto be carried out over Tange area amd AF is ef pane Ingenta where sp 2 that physical properties like electrical density ete. vary for different types cal survey, namely, rely (I) Seismic refraction method at sound waves travel faster in rock in different media. city of sound waves is differs on) are created into the soil at ground by sciking a plate on the soil with the hammer oF ‘oduced travel down in the sub- (er sound waves of vibra In this method shock #29¢: level or 2 2 ceria depth & how by exploding small chares i= soil strata end get refracted 2f shock waves are picked op by waves $0 pri the soil. The surface below. The refracted or radiated (algo known 2s geophone) where the time of travel of the shoei z the time of travel of the primary sed: fetid waves mt variows geophones, nme atl dist various strata in the sub- .¢ graphs are drawn based on abich i is possible to evaluate the depth of soil, goch as clay, gravel, silt rack, hard rock ete, have characteristics seismic Different materils to establish their identi iy in the sub-soil based on time disuance erapb \ Seismic Refraction Method (ii) Electrical Resistivity Method: This soil exploration method is based on the principle that each soil has diff resistivity, depending upon the type of soi, its water content, compaction and co ‘Thus saturated soil has lower electrical resistivity as compared to loose dry grav rock. In this method 4 electrodes are driven in the ground at equal distance apart and in 2 line. The distance between two electrodes being the depth of exploration or depth up to which the ground resistance is to he measured. A current is passed between electrodes and the potential drop between the inner electrodes is measured by use of potentiometer Electrical Resistivity Method The mean resistivity is calculated by the following formula’ Pe2xD(EMy Where, p= mean resistivity (ohm.emn) \ p= distance between electrodes (cin) [:=potential drop between inner electrodes (volts) J = current flowing. between outer electrodes famperes) Average value of resistivity for various types of soils have already heen established hased on Sof change in ican resistivity af subesoil strata at site, is tests, Thus on knowing the va nt type of soils in the formation Jossible to establish the nature and distribution of differe ~~ Boring log A borehole Jog is a record of informmation obtained from in situ fests and sumanary of laboratory {ests on samples for a particular borehole. It includes description or classification af varias ail mnary of essential propertics including presence or rock types at different depths with ted in Fie otherwite of ground water table. A typical Borehole fog. ill Date: 06-04-1984 BH No.1 GL: 643m WIL: 6.0m Supervisor: X set Remarks Fig: Typica borehole lox Well foundation Well foundation is a type oF keep foundation sehieh Is wen rally provided bel wetet ( fap bidges. HE provides a nolid and nuassive foundation fur a heavy load. It may be of any shap or ablong. Cansions of well have been 11 use dstions of x ehreular, reetangatla | periods ther strnetires sinee Roman and Mu Hlements of well foundation —A—— ‘Aanineat”\. ——A— p Fig | Parts of a Well Foundation to transmit th Well Cap ~The well cap is a RCC slab of sufficient strength the body of well. Its generally kept at low water level. The dime sufficient 10 accommodate the pier. The recommended minimum t the well cap is usually kept at the bed level in case of rivers with seas low water level in case of perennial rivers 2 fers load 10 the base of the fou! ie of concrete used in steining § portion called well curb. The a weight. The thickness should be unde ng by its own weight. oped during s projected from 1 el cuttin; per eubie meter. The inner portion a sharp edge or can also = projes jow the curb and boulders. In 2 of gravels ely to be damaged in s1 ade bowled shape in order to have an arch action. The >. When sunk to its final depth bottom part is conereted to kness varies from 14 to full inside diameter of the well so as ‘om plug the sand is filled above the bottom plug and well. reduce tensile stress produced by bending jure on to the botiom plug. Sand filling relieves If the curb is to be laid precautions are 10 be taken as far as pos yperation is carrie Stage 3- Sinking Operation ~The follow: 1) Excavate material under the inside of well « b ) Allow the well to remain vertical can be mad 5) Lip to a depth of I m, excavation unde exceeds | m excavate by Jhams or grabs. 4) Whea well goes on buoyancy 5) When the well does not sink. sunk by applying ken outside the well or grease the outside 6) Go oa adding sections of steining (2 to 5 m in length) up 10 ¢ Problem of Sinking ~Generally the following problems are 1/60, Dred Jalt and Shift- Adopt the following measures if tit exe effective at greater depths. ‘on, It is not an easy task to The not an easy task to achieve shifts away from the Shifts and Tilts The well should be sunk straight and vertic Well should be sunk straight and vertical att! this objective in the field, Sometimes the well ti desired position. The following precautions may be taken to avoid (i) The outer surface of the well curb and steining should be smooth. - Gi) The eurb diameter should be kept 40 to 80 mm larger than the outer diameter of the steining, and the well should be symmetrically placed. , (iii) The cutting edge should be uniformly thick and sharp. (is) Dredging should be done uniformly on all sides and in all the pockets. t at the correct posi ne correct position. It Its onto one side or it ts and shifts: fed and recorded. Correct measurement of tilt is an important ues for tilts and shifts. ie shift should be suitable remedial Tilts and shifts must be carefully not observation in well sinking. It is difficult to specify permissible 18:3955-1967 recommends that tilt should be generally limited to } in 60. Th restricted 10 one percent of the depth sunk. In case these limits are exceeded, measures are to be taken for rectification. Remedial Measures for Rectification of Tilts and Shifts: ‘The following remedial measures may be taken to rectify tilts and shifts: (1) Regulation of Excavation: The higher side is grabbed more be regulating the dredging. Inthe initial stages this may be all right, Otherwise, the well may be dewatered if possible, and open excavation may be carried out on the higher side [Fig. 19.23 (a)]- (2) Eccentric Loading: Eccentric placing of the kentledge may be resorted to provide greater ‘sinking effort on the higher side. If necessary a platform with greater projection on the higher side may be constructed and used for this purpose. As the depth of sinking increases, entricity would be required to rectify tilt [Fig. 19.23 (b)]. heavier kentledge with greater ecet G) Water Jetting: If water jets are applied on the outer face of the well on the higher side, the friction is reduced on that side, and the tilt may get rectified [Fig. 19.23 (cD). (@) Excavation under the Cutting Edge: If hard clay is encountered, open excavation is done sootar the eutting edge, if dewatering is possible; if not, divers may be employed to loosen the strata. Sleeper under the Cutting Edge: Wood slecpers may be inserted (5) Insertion of Wood ‘temporarily below the cutting edge on the lower side (o avoid further (6) Pulling the Welt: In the early stages of sinking, ine or more sicel ropes round the well, with vertical sleepers packed in between to distribute pressure over larger areas of wel steining, is effective [Fig. 19.23 (d)). ted on its tilted side with suitable logs of wood to prevent (1) Strutting the Well: The well is strutt further tilt. The well steining is provided with sleepers to distribute the load from the strut. The other end of the logs rest against a firm base having driven piles (Fig, 19.23 (e)]. (8) Pushing the Well with Jacks: Tilt can be rectified by pushing the well by suitably arranging wechanieal or hydraulic jacks. In actual practice, a combination of two or more of these approaches may be applied successfully (Fig. 19.23 ()] pulling the well to the higher side by placing { (c) Water ora jetting” {a) Excavation on (b) Using eccentric pron higher side higher side eniledge te ef a {d) Pulling from {e) Strutiing the well higher side from kower side () Pushing the well with jacks Fig. 19.23 Remedial measures for correction of tilt of wells

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