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Abdhitvarn’ 4 MODULE 3 3.1 SETTLEMENT ANALYSIS What is foundation settlement? Inevitably. soils deform under the load of foundation structures, The total vertical displacement that occur at foundation level is termed as settlement. The cause of foundation settlement is the reduction of volume air void ratio in the soil Causes of settlement The causes of foundation settlement are rarcly due to the design (or under-design) of the structure itself. More commonly. damage is caused as changes occur within the foundation soils that surround and support the structure Foundation settlement may be caused by some or a combination of the following reasons 1. of the foundation and the unde! 2. of the underlying soils, which is much larger than the clastic compression. The inelastic compression can be predicted by the theory of consolidation. 3. . Repeated lowering and rising of water level in loose granular soil tends to compact the soil and cause settlement of the ground surface. Lowering of water level in fine grained soils cause consolidation settlement, The major settlements in the city of Maxico has been due to ground water lowering, and due to this. the city has been called as the “sinking city of Maxico’ 4. due to pile driving, blasting and oscillating machineries may cause settlement in deposits of granular soils. 5. of expansive clays. 6. _ such as surface erosion, slow creep or landslide, 1. such as adjacent excavation, mining subsidence, underground erosion, ete on settlement ‘Types of foundal © Dillerential foundation settlement + Uniform foundation settlement Differential foundation settlement fe s of a building is termed + Settlement thet occurs at differing rates between different portions ofab differential settlement. stems a F s. or structural + Differential settlement occurs if there is difference in soils. loads, or structural sy , a rhe hildine surctureico between parts of a building. in this case. different parts of the building structure could settle by substantially different amounts. + Consequently, the frame of the building may become distorted, floors may slope. walls and glass may crack, and doors and windows may not work properly Uniform foundation settlement * when foundation settlement occurs at nea yy the same rate throughout all portions of a building. itis called uniform settlement + Ifall parts of a building rest on the same kind of soil, then uniform settlement the most probable type to take place. + Similarly. when loads on the building and the design of i structural system are uniform throughout, the anticipated settlement would be uniform type Commonly. uniform settlement has small detrimental influence on the building safety Building Original Level Sy f TP Sos Sm Final Level Sau Components of total settlement of foundations Immediate settlement «Iti also called short term settlement. «immediate settlement take place mostly in coarse grained soils oF high permeability and in unsaturated fine-grained soils of low permeability Lastly, it occurs over short period of time which about 7 days. So, it ends during construction time. Primary settlement/ Consolidation Settlement + Italso termed as primary consolidation «Take place over long period of time that ranges from 1 10 5 years or more «Primary settlement frequently occurs in saturated inorganie fine grain soil. + Expulsion of water fi ves of saturated fine grain soil is the cause of primary settlement. Secondary settlement © Secondary settlement is the consolidation of soil under constant effective stress. «Frequently. it occurs in organie fine grain soil «Ie-continues over the life span of foundation structure similar to ereep in concrete ‘Total Settlement ‘Total foundation settlement can be divided into three different components, namely Immediate or elastic settlement, consolidation settlement and secondary or creeP settlement as given below Here, S = Total Settlement Immediate /Elastic Settlement Consolidation Settlement $s = Secondary Settlement Estimation of immediate settlement * Immediate settlement of cohesive soils Schleicher’s Method ~ In this method the settlement at the comer of the rectangularly loaded area at the surface of a semi-infinite medium of a homogeneous and isotropic soil mass is given si = Immediate settlement q= Load on foundation B= Smaller dimension of the loaded area # = Poisson's Ratio ( = 0.5 for saturated clay) 1, = Influence coefficient E= Modulus of elasticity To the settlement atthe center the principle of superposition is used. For a rectangular area. the settlement at the center is equal to four times the settlement at the comer. ‘The Value of the influence factor Is for a saturated clay layer of semi-infinite extent can be obtained from Table | Table 1 Values of Influence Factors (Is) The shape of Flexible Rigid Loaded Area Centre Corner Average ireular 1.00 0.64 0.85 0.80 Rectangular (UB) 1.0 (square) Lz 0.56 0.95 0.90 1S 1.36 0.68 1.20 1.09 2.0 1.53, 0.77 131 1.22 5.0 2.10 1.05 1.83 1.68 10.0 2.52 1.26 2.25 2.02 100.0 3.38 1.69 2.96 2.70 \ Rigidity Correction — The rigidity correction is done by multiplying the flexible settlement obtained from the equation above by a factor, 0.8 called the Rigidity Factor. Alternatively we can write: SeIGID = WS spy, i: ———- 2) Alternatively the value of (1-4°)/E can be determined from plate load test © Immediate settlement cohesionless soils * Elastic and primary comp: ion effects occur more or less together in cohessionless soil because its permeability values are high © SPT value is used for fining inuaediate settlement, ‘g-a0" | H — loge cs eo Where Cs=thickness of layer compressed, o'= effective overburden pressure @ the centre of the layer before any excavation or application of load, Aa" = vertical stress increment @ centre of layer. Cs=Compressibility constant. csa1 ste oo c= Static cone resistance, (400 N as per Meyerhof) N = No of blows Allowable settlement f e structure and it usually The allowable settlement is defined as the acceptable amount of settlement of the stru' includes a factor of safety. Maximum and differential settlements as per Indian standard Title 28. Maximam end rental Settlements (1S + 1964—1978) | - Send add ly Pasi ay : | I ‘Ager (as Dif Angular Ma =| Dif | ; ct | shite | Batroe | Sinem | Selene | Dison (oy buted | | | Found | | | | is sinm|OWBL | 1800 sone | 003 | 18 ed c | sure | | ace | Sm | Ooms L 6s | 5mm | dons. | tHe snes | | | (ty Rot | ' | | Foundations | | \ | set | sam | om, | atten | cus, ) an Sraces | j | wee | an | mn | sorae | coe, | age eres | Determination of Bearing Capacity from field tests Field Tests are performed in the field. You have understood the advantages of field tests over laboratory tests for obtaining the desired property of soil. The biggest advantages are that there is no need to extract soil sample and the conditions during testing are identical to the actual situation me Load Test | ff) ‘Sand Bags Patorm for acing Dial Gauge + Testing Plate Fay rsp et yp fo Plate Load test assembly Procedure 1. Itis a field test for the determination of bearing capacity and settlement characteristics of ground in field at the foundation level. OO 2. The test involves preparing a test pit up to the desired foundation level. 3. A rigid steel plate, round or square in shape. 300 mm to 750 mm in size, 25 mm thick acts as model footing. 4. Dial gauges, at least 2, of required accuracy (0.002 mm) are placed on plate on-plate at comers to measure the vertical deflection, 6. Loading is provided either as gravity loading or as reaction loading. For smaller loads gravity loading is acceptable where sand bags apply the load. In reaction loading, a reaction truss or beam is anchored to the ground. A hydraulic jack applies the reaction load. 7. At every applied load, the plate settles gradually. The dial gauge readings are recorded after the settlement reduces to least count of gau 0,002 mm) & average settlement of 2 or more gauges is recorded. 8. Load Vs settlement graph is plotted as shown, L sad (P) is plotted on the horizontal scale and settlement () is plotted on the vertical scale. 9. Red curve indicates the general shear failure & the blue one indicates the local or punching shear failure. 10. The maximum load at which the shear failure occurs gives the ultimate bearing capacity of soil The advantages of Plate Load Test are 1. It provides the allowable bearing pressure at the location considering both shear failure and settlement. 2. Being a field test, there is no requirement of extracting soil samples. 3. The loading techniques and other arrangements for field testing are identical to the actual conditions in the field 4. Itis a fast method of estimating ABP and P — behaviour of ground ‘The disadvantages of Plate Load Test are 1. The test results ret the behaviour of soil below the plate (for a distance of ~2Bp). not that of actual footing which is generally very large. ae 2. It is essentially a short duration test. Hence, it does not reflect the long settlement of clayey soil. : i i ial in such soils. 3. Size effect is pronounced in granular soil. Correction for size effect is essential in st i ting for 4. Itis a cumbersome procedure to carry equipment, apply huge load and carry out testing several days in the tough field environment 3.2 FOUNDATION DESIGN PRINCIPLES AND PROCEDURE Foundation Design Principles.- the main objectives of foundation design are to ensure that the Structural loads are transmitted to the subsoil(s) safely economically and without any ‘inaeceptable movement during the construction period and throughout the anticipated life of the building or structure. Basie Design Procedure. ~ this can be considered as a series of steps or stages 1. Assessment of site conditions in the contest of the site and soil investigation report. 2. Calculation of anticipated structural loading 3. Choosing the foundation type taking into consideration a. Soil conditions; b. Type of structure; €. Structural loading(s): . Economic factors: & Time factors relative to the proposed contract period: £ Construction problems. y and any Lusige of ship foley a) Phin cengile c.f Ge dul dees rte ernie! ky allowable Leauig fee eidh B»& a. lad fo Qa - allavabls Sot presen . Thich ness ab be lg of Llu foes Z 1c» fea wesrve Beil, run Ehichre® - F069 B) Retnfenced concrete footing Fooleg eyeog hans rein feed tn The “hansverse corlaeh pseu ou lhe broth ou weak be.6 au ateweloo ciel th oh Lhe fockiis a: %, 8 IK [ | mao |/ pat, poching val af shee | [roster if F ed J ice sank “3 7 to pt om A a Fon Cerin burg the 8m flor gah fa 9 Sy. —_ desinid . foes A fe he nur p.m- Fe (B-b)” be (8-2 Je actual Soil patsyerrt b. thickness of oll O- ewadlth of jee Leg chagmed Bhar, F = te o). a] a — or ye MeN Bz = 8 oe aan * SECO = 990 + SurD = “ise ba waxy soja, WS1z0 wWony ~wezy = p S001 «© + Kode Gar atone * 900 +P "9970 58 saH09 jue HAY gogt se toy Me sory =” ‘ndop reB90 oun ety 7 wong warooe = 22. a ‘ounssad amy au sneronc = TE oy nd femy UE = Ae 9 Ct a er ee 29 Oe oY 6h ba way che pe i waggle lose ' ¥ hove esac ges \engey ener Gayl Ben emp Sasones 2M sf Spoof seeues ponatasssumbs © ior “tye abun ay yea ty hb -—__+ n woes Ju 09s 40, ys asp F use Dua woe TH hart SNOUVONHOU KOTTYHS 40 woIsaa "WoUBSI}UBY aut sags unony au suoys eye-a Jay wn [sy yoe p- ways = NTE” Tame * a wre een toy wot ni od 4 wna mneioog = E = (6) smssod yos waco = aE ( (98 remy wy = OE soy uo = EE = a src b9 moss won mes ube 0 8 antsud jos sygmuay 2ur L4t 099 fo poo v Buxtuma 2PINOD NaN praia 0 Steg “Exe Mey Sane SUTMNYN JAtLMusaTH fr 212409 apy w 7» of ao ba og 9 ‘dap tam 50 204249 uy EID 62 sane 0394 spon) Aceon 9 ¥ 1 mes 28g * 7 eonepuny adenoe cag ways yo BONE “g EO EO BES 057 = FC pur goU g x g 205.957 ~ Fy aay (apeo) ©0507 = Ay sos asso () osorse vaoa rose oom scorer rages | naw wisscogiee | eae | ne et 10s bo wourwe | hmm = (69) uonoway apestans 30 woEUPCS “THE NEL, ‘OKRRARION NOLIVANAOS ONY SOINVHIDBN HOS 7 a SOL MECHANICS AND FOUNDATION ENGINEERING DESIGN OF SHALLOW FOUNDATIONS From Eq, 24.12, the dingonol shear From Bg. 24.23, 8 « AML From Bg, 2424, ‘Aca pes pe metre ran Bg. 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BR oh column Coal medication Gowler G) x gun by pe Gav a —— ; i air ay MM Lhe colann loach we mullplad by %' for bot dlup CFG, P42, F63 eke ) : 0) 7h Leneling menunt ancl ghear fos hagas Bie braun fe Lhe roclifcd Lek, beculs avot he prwcbfied average der! pousers (faut) i fuck v edual Abups Divsin tha 4 minh 1 eplhets fones ausuyeed as An at ce lumns © ating Foundation which the weight of the fom ation in foundation for a building can be defined as a fo: ¢ whieh ineludes water building is approsimately e of the soil removed the site of the buildin; T(a) shows @ horizontal 1(b) shows an (c) shows a structure built othe weight of AWith reference wo Fig 1 this prneipe of otation may be expined. Fi depth dy below the ground st > dw and Fig. 1¢ ht of the building is equal | J vertical pressure in ground surface with water ble at a excavation made in the ground to a depth D where, D in the excavation and completely filling it, the weie! ved from the excavation, then its clear that the (018 ‘as in Fig, Ha) before exeavation. the soil and water r the soil below depth D in Fig. 1(¢) is the same Jdder the following 00 {yPeS While dealing with Moating foundations. it is important that we & of soils. hh that shear failure of soil will not occur under lar are so large that they tion soils are of such stren But the setlements. differential settle a floatit Type 1: The foun the building i constitute the failus mens in partic foundation is used to reduce of the sirueture, In sich settlements to an socepiable vale. se founshtion soil fs so fow that rupture of the soil would occur if Type 2: The shear sirength of the building were t0 be Founded at ground level + depth. in the absence of a strong reduces the shear stresses (0 a1 Ai a seasonat roundation. Thi gan only: be built on a Hest layer the building acceptable vale

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