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Module & + Beaxing Capacity of Shallow foundalt Beaxing capa at G tru Aupporclut power of soll fon Hu Wad coratng pow super steudwa Foundation Ata the pallb of ty atuuckwu whic a to diruct contac with wy stuntkoa and blaramits uv wad & Hu gxound- Footing at otha perkon 6 a foundation that transmits tho load direuetty to tw ground GUD Pramas Antonity (4) aba tw total prumuu at du bar of tu footing dug tb a) Abs woughr of tuper sto UDe 5) wy went of ty footing ©) woighh of edith Hill Aa doperudl an tw WLCUK pAUAU® OL Ww diffouna w Uv thteruthia af geon prone aftoc Uy corabruehon of cy Weck who 79 ; p= dapthy of foundation utinoade bering eapaitte (40) 4 aw minimum guor pruruou da ay te footing at tty cobith tw soll fai & shears ms < Net ettimate taxing eepniity (Ane) ne = UE - db undakon ins * Safe ning capacity (45) rg + JO 40 oe anny 4 it ured pear ee ure "4 Bax of wt foley fa ough rave sont oa wrasght Bled vita, Chin tia tadzmdaly ond aus yoilue xove do wot wctenct dnagh tiv ae of thy foot Are Uwadid sagion div ‘i flaHe Zone Ate feoting & emidved ax 2 tallow footiog ae 6 gels Suony ih band on thy diviking aap whos te pew atking wedge émmu ota pardatien 4 Blomuid fox sale ego and BD being tir] pacity & datixmuied Fait pation oui ad ae Cogastithin te cou ie gy ome dar ty outer edge of My ona o! «4D Al enter labo. & treated below by hav of foting, ore oy Kivu hua mw) oe 5 milax 40 pauux cattle pRIMede np Up the + TONY + 0.5 BYNY ow H maki an angte AG = Zi Wet uskinoake beoxing capacity, ‘ ow axe ayurned ao te i fot vcd ti Was oye ty boye of tr ooking, shin éenptia mies . ) nt = ene 4 10 (nat) # oBING stance gq ay ott above tu bom ef eel t wyso i! 20 | Ne -5:4 ,Ngel a rylutid & to cell above am plary 4 supliud oe purty esugurt ‘oil > @ ’ : alu, D Wial beng cap vs as BH t gas tS) tt wae acity (44) of bok nq = eslant, iy (Ge) oa atu fokeg 5 sa - 4) e GR = lle tong 4 oe i ‘ Ne = (wa-!) wt} eNe + Ng + 05 BAM - g q Ny = gone [18 se sas et oT ape posure ent oe prune. qv svebuxdin prmnuee alot 4 Sy poe ‘ Spiel Sei ae é 1 Rectangular Fookiag = wlth fbokng Neng My = bearing capacity Jaden Ne Cae ose] + Ng + OBI NY Only on ay angle <) 7 ia & 3. oh guar Fog + o'Ng + Oe BF crater Footing ue tquast fooling 25m x 25m G buitk on a Ue of tard af unit weight sokn [m3 and ang ef huaning xufitana 36° . ake depth Galtalate ty tafe Coad had can be caroukd th a fathn q falby s- cue Tomaghite Fx g = 36", 4), Ng 49-4 | ay quwcal 2 oil propecia ate Joilwer iuy 8 slgriyicart commpruaion ef aci( ance Aw Und eye 4 cnt of footthg joking and only paxtiah dwdlopmunk «f ftate cf plaite aqbro. sad mover eit budga out an Akin cot, foilwu surfary oer nok nasthtng ay ground surface. wxtain loading ou ya ths filaser kage dxeenation nny cau belote Mey toting de plana axe wok fully dusoloped + tien of hocad Swann Jailane ad eamnat be dake med peor load unlemant par only lave Ave Loar ga fohong ox jallwer ocena op y wkend & w ¢ noel uti mate Qo = railwe ona a diorty dgerird » + stir ealging qf vo salt oewet wecue ae occas & medium fond and cay radium comittuney. tay care qj footing: occa dy coe of ange seh y ta foun dalto hile salen WE fend fo tu qyou By ya ce dared oot ES ing Ol fr) Sep Sey Sp tnty anal moet of. 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