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Omega Dawn

Text Book One

Foundations of Traditionalist Theology One (1.6)

The Beginning of the Traditionalist Journey

The Search for the Factual Truth of the Lord our God

Written by: Louis Charles Hook D.DIV; MRST; MET

Support Title Page 2nd Edition 6th Rewrite Omega Dawn Text Book One The Foundations of Traditionalist Theology One (1.6) The Traditionalist Journey The Traditionalist search for the factual truth of the Lord our God Author: Louis Charles Hook Literary Agent: von Hook Group Publisher: ULC Seminary Date: 01/02/2007 First Copyright 05/30/91 Entire Twelve Volumes of Works Second Copyright 01/07/02 Entire Twelve Volumes of Works plus supplemental notes, maps and documents US Copyright Office / Library of Congress Registration Number: TXu1-034-391 ISBN: 978-0-9797887-0-3 Louis Charles Hook Traditionalist Theologian D.DIV; MRST; MET

Table of Contents:
Description Page No.

Title Page Support Title Page Table of Contents Fact Support Page Chapter 1: Forward for Omega Dawn Chapter 2: The Prologue Chapter 3: The Peace Chapter 4: The Wonder Chapter 5: Truth Chapter 6: The Journey (Epistle) Chapter 7: The Time (Epistle) Chapter 8: The Path Chapter 9: The Heart (Epistle) Chapter 10: The Sin Chapter 11: The Hope Chapter 12: The Journey Chapter 13: Saint Peter (The Rock) Chapter 14: Appendixes: A B C D Christian Hebrew Spirituality Science

001 002 003 004 005 009 020 032 052 078 093 109 135 154 174 190 225 250 251 266 268 271

Fact Support Page This edition is printed on acid-free paper. Credits and permissions for any and all illustrations and maps are indicated on pages, which hereby become a part of the copyrighted pages. Scripture References marked KJV are from the King James Version of the Bible. Posted as The Holy Bible 1977 Containing The Old and New Testaments Translated out of the Original Tongues and with the Former Translations diligently compared and revised. Thomas Nelson Publishers Nashville; Camden and New York The Good News Bible 1979 With Deuterocanonicals and Apocrypha American Bible Society All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by means electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording or any other except for brief quotations in printed reviews, without the prior permission of the Publisher. Originally written in One Complete Volume: The Omega Dawn 05/30/91 The Traditionalist Journey The Search for the factual truth of the Lord thy God Special Note:
Chapter Dispositional Annotations are used as the principal function for the breakdown of assorted ideas, concepts and thoughts. The use of open footnotes allows the reader to see the various definitions of the word or phase and how it relates to the passage in the book. I do my best to highlight, which I consider the basis of the hypothesis of each opinion. It is up to the reader to see within their selves as to which submission is correct. This is the reason why many of the Footnotes are long and detailed in relation to the words of the phase and the language basis of the direction of the opinion. This why I constructed a Chapter Dispositional Annotation section which places the details in an open forum for the reader pleasure.

The Omega Dawn

The Foundations of Traditionalist Theology One

Chapter One

Forward for the Omega Dawn Text Book One

Forward for the Omega Dawn Text Book One


I originally wrote this series of Theological Discourse it ended up being

around Twenty-Four Hundred pages long, not counting maps, charts, and supplemental documents of appendixes. Several of my fellow compatriots felt it was a little long winded; so after discussions with various Professors and Writers of acquaintance I broke into twelve processed Books or Series of Books.

Fourth Theology is exactly what it means the Fourth path of the Lord via

the Christian basis of Religious Belief. There are as we speak three other forms of Christian Theology 1 which are considered of the Fundamental Foundation of Truth; which are as follows: Catholicism; Protestantism; and Pentecostalism. Therefore the fourth Foundation of the Truth as per the Lords touch is Traditionalism.
Daniel, Bel and the Snake; Song of the Three Young Men; Didache; Gospel of Egerton; Mara Bar Serapion; Menander; Masoretes; Oxyrhynchus 840 Gospels; Ignatius of Antioch; The Assumption of Moses; The Ascension of Isaiah II; Tobit; Baruch; Acts 26:28; 1ST Peter 4:16; 4th Peter

I found remarkable as I studied, learned and grew in this Fourth Path

to the Lord was that it was around before the other three even started. The roots of the Traditionalist Journey is traced back to the First Church in Jerusalem headed by Peter and James; whom walked with and learned from the Lord Christ, Jesus
Theology (the al e je) {ME theologie < LL theologia < Greek} a) the study of religious doctrines and matters of divinity; specific, the study of God and the relations between God, humankind, and the universe b) a specific formulation or systemization of religious doctrine or belief as set forth by a given religion or denomination or by one or more individuals New Advent 20th Century Pentecostalism 19th Century Protestantism 16th Century Catholicism 7th Century Proto Orthodoxy 4th Century Traditionalism 1st Century

himself. The Tenth Book in this series will explore and refine the roots and message of the First Traditionalist and how others gradually eclipsed them in the Faith.
Susanna; The Letters of Jeremiah; Red Seas Battles; Signs in the Gospels; Shepherd of Hermes (3) Similitudes; Matthew 16:18; 18:17; Acts 2:47; 5:11; 7:38; 8:1, 3; 11:22, 26; 14:23, 27; 20:17, 28; 1st Peter 5:13; 5th Peter

is most fascinating is the Second through the Ninth Books in this

Series for they are just letters and timelines to the Lord placed in order of his choosing. This Series will of the vain be Epistles to the Lord from which much of my ignorance and Love for the Lord will come out. This is posted in short form to explain why I have broken the Nine Volume Set down and how I have slowly started to listen to the Lords touch as he attempts with his infinite patience to bring along in his path of enlightenment.
Assumption of Moses; Manasseh; Ecclesiaticus; Acts 15:30; 23:33; 2nd Peter 3:1, 16; 3rd Peter

Books of the Fourth Theology have been worked upon for over thirty-five

years and will continue to be revised long after the Lord has taken me. I shall do my best to complete the task he has given me however; my time running from the Lord shall not be replaced. I hope and pray that hell allow me the option of putting a dent in this work and bring it to elucidation.
Exodus 5:13; Daniel and Susanna; 2nd Esdras; Ecclesiasticus; Wisdom of Solomon; Baruch; Manasseh; Letters of Jeremiah; Terentius Maximus of Parthia; The Council of Jamnia; The Gospel of the Egyptians; Writings pf Pliny the Younger; The writings of Suetonius; Dialogue of the Savior; Naassene Fragment (Papyrus); 4th Peter

have done my best to open a path for any whom wish to journey in a

Traditionalist Walk to the Lord by this labor. It is broken down to as simple form as possible and I think in a way that most can grasp the thrust of the Message that the

Lord has given me to articulate. I am human and this work is my humble best to bring a message of Truth, Love and Hope to a tired Multi-Cosmos. The Precepts of the Traditionalist are very simple and straightforward: Faith, Tradition and Honor.
Genesis 27:4; 29:20, 32; Exodus 20:6; 21:5; Deuteronomy in the Torah by Moses 7:7, 9; Judges 5:31; 1st Samuel 18:22; 2nd Chronicles 19:2; Psalms; Proverbs 8:17, 21, 36; Ecclesiastes from the Neviim by Solomon 9:1, 6; Ezekiel 16:8; Fayum; The Sermons of Peter an Apostle of Christ Jesus; The Odes of Solomon; The Apocalypse of Peter; Matthew 5:43, 44, 46; Mark 12:30, 31, 33, 38; Valentinian Theology One; Ophite Diagrams (partial); Gospel of the Truth; Luke 11:42, 43; John 14:15, 21, 23, 31; 1st Peter 1:8, 22; 3rd Peter

God bless you all.

Genesis 12:2, 3; 17:16; 27:10; Exodus 12:32; Numbers 6:23, 24, 27; Deuteronomy 7:13; Joshua 8:33; Judges 5:9; 1st Samuel 6:20; The writings of Papias; 2nd Samuel 7:29; Psalms; Proverbs 30:11; Haggai 2:19; The Twelve Patriarchs; The Gospel of the Egyptians; Matthew 5:44; Luke 6:28; Diognetus the Epistle of Mathetes; Acts 3:26; The Traditions of Matthias; Epiphanies on Righteousness

God gave us free will so he does not have to Micro-Manage our lives.

The Omega Dawn

The Foundations of Traditionalist Theology One

Chapter Two

The Prologue

The Prologue

Let us start, as it should be an opening prayer: Most heavenly Father whom

came forth unto us and gave life. Help us seek thee in a strong way and be of your heart in all things.
2nd Samuel 7:27; 1st Kings 8:28, 29, 38, 45, 49, 54; 2nd Kings 19:4; 2nd Chronicles 6:19, 20, 29, 35, 39, 40; Psalms; Proverbs 15:8; Daniel 9:13, 17, 21; Malachi; Maccabees (1); Esdras (2); Tobit; Judith; The Narratives of the Passion; The Book of Quelle; The Shepherd of Hermes (2) Commands; Prayers of Manasseh; Ur-Mark; Gospel of Egerton; Matthew 17:21; Mark 11:17; Luke 6:12; Acts 1:14; 1st Peter 4:7; 2nd Peter; 3rd Peter

are the season of the year, the time of our hearts and the Will of our

Souls. Almighty Lord gives us this way unto you that we may be of your heart and mind; we are but mortal and yea are of the truth. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost, Amen.

seek the accurate truth of the Lord our God within our hearts by

examining the known written words of former theologians of various faiths from around this ever-growing smaller globe. It is we whom shall know the truth which is factually based, while at the same time spiritually soul nourishing.

knowledge of the Lord our God is based on the writings of humanity

discernment of this functional Highest Power. It is told that he is the Alpha and the Omega of all structured life the total consumption of Life and Light.

is written that his chosen walked amongst us almost two thousand years

ago in a far distant area of the then Great Roman Empire.



we must begin the study of all theologian documents, scrolls, papers,

books, tablets, and greatest work of literature the KJV of the Bible. We must determine why some items were deleted, while other less supported ideas were added. It is written that the Gospels of the Newly Revised International Edition, which is basically approved by most Christians is in most cases absolutely correct, while at the same time completely artificial.
Assumption of Moses; 2nd Ascension of Isaiah; Wisdom of Sirach; Ecclesiasticus (Sirach 2); Letters of Jeremiah; Daniel 10:21; The Gospel of Thomas; Mark 12:10; Luke 4:21; John 19:24, 28, 36, 37; Acts 8:32, 35; 1st Peter: 6; 2nd Peter 1:20; 3rd Peter; New Babylon; Gospel of Peter; Mara Bar Serapion; Paralipomena of Jeremiah (III); Disciple of Menander; Papyrus of Egerton 2nd; Gospel of Marcion; Valentinian Theology (2); Valentinian, Sophia and Eve; Gospel of the Nazoreans

is written that the commandments of the Lord our God is rather simple:

Love the Lord thy God with all your Heart, your Mind, {your Strength} and your Spirit. Love thy Neighbor unto yourself.

quest of the Omega Dawn is the factual path to the Final Beginning. the question supplicates for a simple answer, what is the factual truth of


the Lord our God and why is it important? The simple answer: The ability of our Free Will to know these accurate truths of our heart and within our restless soul. Thus it is spoken: The Lord our God is the Agape of Love.

Christ, Jesus is the Total of Justice in the Multi-Cosmos. The Holy

Ghost is the Completeness of Hope.

Genesis 18:19; Deuteronomy 33:21; 2nd Samuel 8:15; Job 8:3; Proverbs 1:3; 8:15; 21:3; Ecclesiastes 5:8; Isaiah 56:1; 58:2; 59:9; 1st Esdras; Wisdom of Sirach; Additions to the Book of


Esther (10: 4 10); Ezekiel 45:9; Gospel of Signs; Ur- Mark; Letters of Ptolemy; Infancy Gospels of James; Excerpts of Theodotus The writings of Theophilus of Antioch; Canon Muratorian; Acts of Andrew

is the search for the Factual Truth of the Lord our God even needed?

Has it not been studied for over five thousand years of known (what is described as known) recorded history? Are not the brightest and best of the multiple religions around the globe pouring over tens of thousands of pages of Theological documents? The answer is that God tasks it.
Leviticus 27:33; Numbers 13:2, 32; 1st Samuel 23:23; 1st Kings 20:6; 2nd Kings 10:23; Ezra 4:15, 19; 5:17; Job 8:8; Psalms 44:21; Proverbs 25:2, 27; Ecclesiastes 1:13; Amos 9:3; Zephaniah 1:12; 1st Thessalonians; Philemon; Oxyrhynchus 1224 (1); The Shepherd of Hermes (1) Visions; Secret Gospel of Mark; Matthew 2:8; Secret Book of James; Disciples of Menander; Papyrus Egerton 2; Acts of Paul; Letters of Pantaenus

begs a question or series of detailed concerns for all faiths based

persons on this small planet on the far side of the galaxy.


are the points and concepts for which thousands if not millions of

persons on this world alone have given their very souls to finding the Truth of the Lord our God.
Maccabees 3 & 4; Letters of Jeremiah; Oxyrhynchus 1224 (2); Fayum; 1st Corinthians; Papyrus 45 of the Word; Papyrus 72 of the Word; Epistles of the Apostles; Epistles of the Ebionities; The Book of the Nine; The Acts of Pilate; The Acts of Thecla; Peter to James and its reception; The Apocalypse of Paul; 5th John

myself have read, studied, researched, and prayed in regards to the KJV

of the Bible for over thirty Earth years. I have studied various other common religions for almost fifteen years. Ive read the KJV of the Bible cover to cover twice and


continue to read daily; Ive prayed for hours and days at a time to reach the level of Open Truth in a simple quest: Where is the Lord our God, other than in our own hearts.
Ecclesiastes 12:12; Manasseh; Ecclesiasticus; Gospel of Mark; {Pre-Cannon version Ur-Mark from what I can tell} The Acts of the Apostles; The Epistle to the Romans; Gospel of Thomas; Fayum (Papyrus); Gospel of the Signs; Gospel of Egerton; Terentius Maximus of Parthia; Masoretes at Tiberias; The Twelve Patriarchs; The writings of Pliny the Younger; Ophite Diagrams; The Gospel of the Truth

the Lord our God has moved within my heart and I am seeking his path

within my soul for the enhancement of my spirit and thus my quest brings this humble work to your eyes to see and your ears to hear.

is the Omega Dawn and how does it make our lives better as we

journey unto the Lord? The Omega Dawn is three concepts, which in our path to the truth which we all must pass.

Concepts are these: a Theological Book Series (this being the first of

the series); a Song (the theme of the Way) and the Stories (The Foundation; A Struggle and The Acquiesce); from which all matters of apprehension that we may have, shall be addressed. In this series as youll find the Theological Books shall attempt in a most humble way to enlighten a path unto the Factual Truth of the Lord thy God.
Genesis 24:27; 32:10; Exodus 18:21; Deuteronomy 13:14; Joshua 24:14; 1st Samuel 12:24; 1st Kings 17:24; Job 9:2; Psalms; Proverbs; Daniel 2:47; 4:37; 7:16, 19; 8:12; 9:13; 10:21; 11:2; The Testament of Moses; Malachi; 1st Esdras; Tobit; Oxyrhynchus 1224 (3); Signs of the Gospels; The Council of Jamnia; Matthew 14:33; Mark 12:32; Luke 4:25; John 8:32, 40, 44, 45, 46; Acts 4:27; 1st


Peter 1:22; 2nd Peter 2:2; The Letters of Basilides; The Letters of Marcion; The Acts of Andrew; Papyrus 64 (67); Serapion of Antioch; The Letters of Caius

is the factual perception of the Lord thy God have to do with life on

this dusty globe? Who is it among us that are without sin that can even try to touch upon his supreme righteousness?

the three principles as I understood them upon writing this foremost

Thesis of the Quest: Faith, Tradition and Honor. We are human beings and we fall short of the Lord our Gods Grace and Love; wherein those that accept his Agape Love have their inner most chance of forgiveness.
3rd Ascension of Isaiah; Maccabees 1; Judith; Daniel, Bel and the Snake; The Songs of the Three Young Men (Daniel 3: 24 90); Baruch; Matthew 15:2, 3, 6; Mark 7:3, 5, 8, 9, 13; 1st Peter 1:18; The Battles of Peter an Apostle of Christ Jesus; The Birth of John the Baptist; The Marriage in Cana in Galilee; The Internment of Christ Jesus; The Last Judgment

Lord our God is tiers above all concepts of humanitys religions on this

or any plane of existence.


Lord our God is the complete factual conception of Agape Love. Once,

you have started down this road of self-discovery in the factual thought of the Lord our Gods being, youll grow in enlightenment and truthful inner Love of not only yourself (without self love one can never reach the truth of inner Peace) but for all creatures in the Multi-Cosmos.
Exodus 32:13; Malachi; The Prayers of Manasseh; Tobit; Ecclesiasticus; Letters of Jeremiah; UrMark; Secret Gospel of Mark; The Narratives of the Passion; The Book of Quelle; 1st Peter 2:24; The Gospel of Peter; Paralipomena of Jeremiah; The Apocalypse of Peter an Apostle of Christ Jesus



Lord our God is Love a total Agape Love for all beings in this area of

time we call the Multi-Cosmos. He is the only real thing in these days of pandemonium and anarchy; in the future to come He is the Omega Dawn.

Omega Dawn is the final beginning of his Factual Truth of Agape Love

for all things. Contemplate not that I have said these things and you wonder from where this has come but seek upon your inner most heart as to why you have not asked of this upon your soul from which the Lord our God has given to you.
Testament of Solomon; Oxyrhynchus 1224 (2); Oxyrhynchus1224 (Gospels); Apocalypse of Peter an Apostle of Christ Jesus; Oxyrhynchus 840 (3); The Protevangelion; The Writings of Nicodemus a follower of Christ Jesus; Revelation of John 1:8, 11; 21:6; 22:13; Gospel of the Lord; Valentinian Theology 3; The Letters of Basilides; The writings of Papias; Tatians address to the Greeks

concepts of religious thought need two opposing qualities or forces if

they are to endure. First, we need Factual Order, Structured Coherence, Balanced Authority and Lasting Consensus, which allow the faith from becoming Fragmented and Lost. Second, we need the spirit of Theological Dissent, Divine Inspiration, Wisdom Based Exploration and Inner Most Minds Originality which the Lord our God has ordained which will slow atrophy. 25The absence of dissent will cause Faith to become rigid and lack a functional proposes, without tradition and order the Faith becomes atomized and eventually disappears from the thoughts and hearts of beings.

Lord our God is beyond all beings language; our simple knowledge can

only help us understand that we can comprehend very little of the Lord our Gods Multi-Cosmic Wisdom thus we have the debate of the Omega Dawn.



it is stated in Theological Hermeneutics 2 we seek the following in this

discourse and debate towards the factual truth of the Lord our God: There is ONE Interpretation but MANY Applications.
Genesis 40:5, 12, 16, 18; Daniel 2:4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 16, 24, 25, 26, 30, 36, 45; John 1:42; 9:7; Acts 9:36; 13:8; Romans; Philippians; 1st Thessalonians; Philemon; Oxyrhynchus 1224 (3); The Book of Quelle; Fayum; The Shepherd of Hermes (1, 2, and 3); Tobit; 2nd James; 2nd Peter 1:20; Naassene Fragment; Valentinian Theology 2 and 3; The Gospel of the Truth; The Letters of Marcion; The Letters of Polycarp to the Philippians; 2nd Clement; The Passion of the Scillitan Martyrs; The Letter of Galen

No Text without Context only Pretext.

Genesis 37:27; Exodus 2:21; Leviticus in the Torah by Moses 10:20; Joshua 7:7; 2nd Kings 5:23; Job 6:28; Proverbs 6:35; Testament of Moses; Manasseh; Judith; Testament of Solomon; Baruch; The Shepherd of Hermes (1 & 2); The Book of Quelle; The Odes of Solomon; The Gospels of the Egyptians; The Apocalypse of Peter an Apostle of Christ Jesus; Mark 15:15; Luke 3:14; Maximus of Jerusalem; The Acts of Andrew; Diatessaron; The Letters of Hegesippus; The Letter of Heracleon

Factual Hermeneutics leads towards the Science and Interpretation of all Theological Text.
Proverbs 18:13; Isaiah 41:21; Daniel and Susanna; Daniel, Bel and the Snake; Esdras (1 & 2); The Book of Quelle; The Gospels of Signs; The Gospel of Egerton; Mara Bar Serapion; The Council of Jamnia; Nicolaus of Antioch (Nicolaitans); 2nd Mark; Acts of the Apsotles 7: 1 60; Acts 21:34; Oxyrhynchus 840 Gospels; The Gospels of the Lord; Naassene Fragment; 1st Clement; Western Reviser Papyrus P29, 38, 48 Codex Bezae; Basilides of Alexandria

Hermeneutics (hur me noot ik) {Greek hemeneutikos} interpretive, the art or science of interpretation, as of literary or religious texts


Faith through the Holy Scriptures breeds factual truth.

Deuteronomy 32:20; Daniel and Susanna; Isaiah; Tobit; Sirach; Baruch; The Narratives of the Passion; Oxyrhynchus 1224 (2); the Gospel of Thomas; The Sermons of Peter; The Council of Jamnia; The Twelve Patriarchs of Christ Jesus; Matthew 14:31; 15:28; 16:8; Mark 2:5; Acts 3:16; Papyrus 47 (3rd Chester Beatty Sinaitcus); The Epistle from the Hebrews; The Book of the Nine; The Acts of Thomas; 3rd Corinthians; 1st Ignatius; The Passion writings of Origen; The Apocalypse of Paul

All Scripture texts relates to Context and Content.

Deuteronomy; The Assumption of Moses; The Ascension of Isaiah; Maccabees 1 & 3; Esdras (1); The Wisdom of Solomon; Baruch {with the letter of Jeremiah}; The Letters of Jeremiah; The Shepherd of Hermes (3); The writings of Pliny the Younger; Papyrus Egerton 2; Matthew 21:42; 22:29; 26:54, 56; Mark 12:24; 14:49; Luke 24:27, 32, 45; John 5:39; Acts 17:2, 11; 18:24, 28; Acts 17:11; 18:24, 28; Galatians; 1st Thessalonians; The Gospel of Peter an Apostle of Christ Jesus; 2nd Peter 3:16 3; The Gospel of the Truth; 1st Clement; The Gospels of the Nazoreans; 2nd Clement; The Infancy Gospel of James; The writings of Rhoden; The Acts of Andrew

Common Sense is the Basis of Scripture Texts if taken in the Context that the Lord our God has meant us to understand and acknowledge.
Exodus 31:3; 35:31; Deuteronomy 1:13; 1st Samuel 25:3; 1st Kings 3:9; Job 12:3, 12, 13; Psalms; Proverbs; Isaiah 11:2, 3; Daniel 5:11, 12, 14; Daniel, Bel and the Snake; Obadiah 7, 8; Barnabas; Trallians; Fayum; 2nd Mark; The Shepherd of Hermes (1); Roman Jewish Wars; The Council of Jamnia; The Disciples of Menander; Satorinus of Antioch; The Gospels of Basilides (24 book commentary); Expositions of the Sayings of the Lord;

The Books set for Paul, Peter, James and John in the Epistles of the New Testament have not been verified to be written by them and the facts as known today do not support any possible link to them. This thesis is based on known Roman, Greek and Hebrew records; documents and histories of the era as set and approved by multiple scholars of the theology: Colossians 80 AD; Hebrews 94 AD; James 98 AD; Ephesians 99 AD; 2nd Thessalonians 100 AD; 1st Peter 110 AD; 1st John 120 AD; Jude & 2nd John 121 AD; 3rd John 124 AD; Titus 147 AD; 1st Timothy 150 AD; 2nd Timothy 152 AD; and 2nd Peter 160 AD (please consider posted without commit)


1st Clement; 1st Corinthians; Galatians; 1st Thessalonians; Matthew 15:16; Mark 7:18; Luke 1:3; Letters for Ptolemy; Tertullian (Spectaculis); Diatessaron; The Letters from Dionysius of Corinth; The Letters from Athenagoros of Athens

Historical and Literary precepts are important parts of Context.

Exodus 24:12; Numbers 11:26; 2nd Kings 8:23; 1st Chronicles 12:15; 2nd Chronicles 23:18; Ezra 3:2; Nehemiah 8:14; Esther 8:5, 8, 9; Job 19:23; Proverbs 22:20; Daniel 5:24, 25; 9:11, 13; Daniel and Susanna; Tobit; Sirach; Baruch; The Narratives of the Passion; Oxyrhynchus 1224 (2); the Gospel of Thomas; The Sermons of Peter; The Council of Jamnia; The Twelve Patriarchs of Christ Jesus; Matthew 11:10; 21:13; 26:24, 31; Signs of the Gospels; The Book of Quelle; Fayum; The Shepherd of Hermes (3); Mark 14:21, 27; Luke 10:20, 26; John 12:14, 16; Acts of the Apostles 13:29, 33; 1st Peter 1:16; 5:12; 2nd Peter 3:15; The Letters from Apollinaris, Claudius; The Letters of Bishop Dionysius of Alexandria; The Maximus of Jerusalem; The Acts of Andrew; Dura-Europos (The Gospel of Harmony); The Acts of Paul; The Letters of Pantaenus; Papyrus 66; Tosefta (the supplements to the Mishnah); Porphyry (Neoplatonic philosopher Adversus Christianos); Papyrus 72

it begins, as it should in the passage of a time from which we do not

understand and will not listen.


speaks and we do not see; he writes and we do not hear; and he loves and we

do not feel trust in the Lord thy God as his Traditionalist Movement comes forth to save us all.

is a fundamental virtue of Christian character; to live in the attitude


of gratitude means one must think and talk in grateful terms and senseless acts of random kindness towards others at all times.



term gratitude is the basis of reverence, which is, brings forth thanks to

the dearest Lord. It is only selfishness that prevents all peoples of all worlds from having the abundant life; it is the Lords touch, which allows for the open door of hope to reach our inner little child of fear.

be upon your house.

Genesis 15:15; 24:21; 34:5; 44:17; Leviticus in the Torah by Moses 4:10, 26, 31, 35; Numbers 7:17, 23, 29, 35, 41, 47, 53, 59, 65, 71, 77, 83, 88; Deuteronomy 20:10, 11, 12; 1st Samuel 20:13, 21, 42; 1st Kings 22:17, 27, 28, 44; 1st Chronicles 16:1, 2; Job 5:24; 11:3; 22:21; Psalms; Proverbs; Jer 4:10, 19; Lamentations 3:17; Zechariah 8:10, 16, 19; The Book of Quelle; Oxyrhynchus 1224 (3); Fayum; 2nd Mark; 3rd James; The Twelve Patriarchs of Christ Jesus; Matthew 10:13; Mark 4:39; Luke 1:79; John 20:19; Acts 15:33; 1st Corinthians 7:15; Romans 14:17, 19; Phil 4:7, 9; 1st Peter 3:11; Revelations of John 1:4; 6:4; The Apocalypse of Peter an Apostle of Christ Jesus; The Gospel of Thomas; The sermons of Peter; The Acts of Peter and the Twelve; The Letters of Bishop Cyprian of Carthage; The Epistles of the Apostles; The Epistles of the Savior; The Epistles of the Papyrus Egerton (3); The Epistles of the Mary Magdalene; The Epistles according to the Nazarenes; The Papyrus of the Oral Traditions written by unknown author; The Book of the Nine

God loves us unconditionally and still we see him not.


The Omega Dawn

The Foundations of Traditionalist Theology One

Chapter Three

The Peace 4

Peace (pes) {ME pais < OFr < Latin pax} as this definition so speaks to us the aided assistance of the Lord to give absolute tranquility in ones inner most soul a) Freedom from war or a stopping of war b) a treaty or agreement to end war or the threat of war c) freedom from public disturbance or disorder; public security; law and order d) freedom from disagreement or quarrels; harmony; concord e) an undisturbed state of mind; absence of mental conflict; serenity: in full peace of mind f) calm; quiet; tranquility.


The Peace

we begin to seek the factual truth 5of the Lord our God in all manners

that are Righteous unto his Holy Name.

Genesis 32:10; Exodus 18:21; 1st Kings 17:24; 2nd Chronicles 31:20; Ps 31:5; Malachi; Maccabees 1 & 3; Tobit; Sirach; Judith; Testament of Solomon; Baruch; The Narratives of the Passion; Daniel, Bel and the Snake; Obadiah 7, 8; Barnabas; Trallians; Fayum; 2nd Mark; The Shepherd of Hermes (1); Roman Jewish Wars; The Council of Jamnia; The Disciples of Menander; Satorinus of Antioch; The Gospels of Basilides (24 book commentary);Oxyrhynchus 1224 (3); James; The Gospel of the Signs; The Odes of Solomon; The Book of Quelle; Matthew 22:16; John 4:23; Letters of Origen (Homoousios / Ousia / Hypostases); The Letters of Galen; The Acts of John the beloved; Papyrus 32; The Letter of Pantaenus; The Book of Thomas the Contender; The Letters of Hippolytus of Rome; Bohairic Coptic Scriptures (Papyrus); The Second Gospels of the Hebrews

as Traditionalist 6 must always say unto ourselves we are not of the path

we must make a step towards its way. God loves us unconditionally but he requires our Obedience 7in this walk with him.
Deuteronomy; Daniel, Bel and the Snake; The Ascension of Isaiah; The Prayer of Manasseh; Tacitus Annals; 4th Ascension of Isaiah; Tobit; Fayum; The Book of Quelle; The Shepherd of Hermes (2); James; The Gospel of the Egyptians; The Apocalypse of Peter an Apostle of Christ Jesus; Philemon 21; The Epistles of Barnabas; The Gospel of the Savior; Ophite Diagrams; The Gospel of the Truth; 1st Clement; Valentinian Theology (3); The Letters of Galen; The Maximus of Jerusalem; The Acts of Andrew; The Acts of John the beloved; Sahidic Coptic Scriptures; Tosefta;

Thus this quality of truth (trooth) {ME treuthe < OE treowth} that

Traditionalist is a way of life, which is most difficult being able to accept that we are not the center of the Universe and allow the Love of the Lord thy God to touch our hearts daily. The one thing we wish to never do in our hearts is to give obedience


The Response letters via Clesus on Christ Jesus; The Second Gospels according to the Ebionities; The Book of the Nine; The Acts of Pilate

are the Truths of the Traditionalist whom seeks the Lord our God in

their hearts, minds and spirits: That the Holy Scripture 8 are the rule of knowing God and living unto Him which whoso does not believe 9cannot be saved. That there is a God 10 who is the Creator, Governor and Arbitrator of the world, which is to be received by faith 11, and every other way of the knowledge of Him is insufficient.
Exodus 4:5; Deuteronomy 1:32; 2nd Chronicles 20:20; The Assumption of Moses; Daniel, Bel and the Snake; Isaiah 7:9; The Ascension of Isaiah; Judith; Mara Bar Serapion; Terentius Maximus of Parthia; Matthew 27:42; Luke 24:25; Mark 15:32; John 3:12; The Gospel of Peter; Disciples of Menander; Valentinian Theology 1; Naassene Fragment; The Gospel of the Lord; Diognetus (The Epistle of Mathetes); The Infancy Gospels of James; 1st Clement; The Letters of Ptolemy; The Canon of Muratorian; The Letters of Athenagoros of Athens; The Acts of Peter an Apostle of Christ Jesus; The Letters of Apollonius; Papyrus 72 of the Gospels; Papyrus 47; The Epistles of the Apostles; The Papyrus of the written words of the Apostles

Deuteronomy 32:20; Habakkuk 2:4; Daniel and Susanna; Malachi; Maccabees 2; Esdras 1 and 2; Roman Jewish Wars; The Council of Jamnia; The Disciples of Menander; Satorinus of Antioch; The Gospels of Basilides (24 book commentary); Expositions of the Sayings of the Lord; 1st Clement; 1st Corinthians; Galatians; 1st Thessalonians; Matthew 8:10; Mark 4:40; Luke 17:6; James; 2nd Mark; The Gospel of Peter; Fayum; The Narratives of the Passion; Laodiceans; Christ and Abgarus; Magnesians;


Holy Scripture {Latin scriptura, a writing, in LL (Ec), a Scripture, passage of Scripture < scriptus} That which is to believe

God - Glorious Omnipresent Deity for all beings in the Multi-Cosmos and we few of Humanity that tries daily to love him as he unconditionally loves us.
10 11

The faith of the ages


Barnabas; The Letters of Bishop Dionysius of Alexandria; The letters of Pantaenus; Hypostasis of the Archons; Papyrus 72; Papyrus 47; 3rd Mark; 3rd Corinthians; The Epistles of the Resurrection

this God who is the Creator 12 is eternally distinct from all creatures in

His Being and inviolability; and that this God is One in Three Persons 13or subsistences or essences.


Christ, Jesus 14 is the only Arbitrator between God and Man without the

knowledge of whom there is no salvation.


this Christ, Jesus is the true God; that this Christ, Jesus is also true

Man; that this Christ, Jesus is God and Man in One Person; that this Christ, Jesus is our Redeemer 15, who by paying a ransom and bearing our sins has made satisfaction for them and that this same Lord Jesus Christ is He that was Crucified at Jerusalem 16, and rose again and ascended into Heaven.

God who is the Creator the maker of the Multi-Cosmos and all timelines via Time and AntiTime that is and shall always be.

This is the mystery of the age for we may never know or understand the breath and scope of the reason for this view of the Lord. We are but mortal and lack the wisdom to accept the simple truth of the God of all; how is it we should try to understand his being. We cannot comprehend it or make it intelligible. It is logical in some of its relations and modes of manifestation, but incoherent in its essential nature.
13 14

Christ, Jesus is the Formal Title as earned by the Lord of the Host and Victor over Death. Redeemer is the Savior of the Multi-Cosmos and all beings in it. Crucified at Jerusalem the place of the First but never the final victory over Sin and Death.





this same Christ Jesus being the only God and Man in One Person

remains forever a distinct Person from all saints and angels notwithstanding their union and communion 17 with Him.


all humanity 18 by nature were dead in Factual Sins and Functional

Trespasses, and no beings can be saved unless they be born again, repents and believes 19 and that they are justified and saved by grace and faith in Christ, Jesus and not by ones worldly works.


to continue in any known Functional Sin upon what pretence or

principle so ever is damnable.


God is to be worshipped according to His own will, and whosoever

shall forsake and despise all the duties of His worship cannot be saved.


the dead shall rise, and that there is a day of judgment wherein all

shall appear, some to go into everlasting life and some into everlasting
Communion is primary part of the Lords Heart as it beats and flows through out the MultiCosmos and beyond.

Humanity - the fact or quality of being human; human nature (B) [pl.] human qualities or characteristics, esp. those considered desirable; the human race; mankind; people(C) the fact or quality of being humane; kindness, mercy, sympathy.

Born Again, Repents and Believes to Hear, Accept, Know, Surrender and Live.


condemnation 20. Seek yea the truth of the Lord thy God in all manner of things, accept his inner most fact the Holy Ghost 21 upon your soul.
Leviticus; Deuteronomy; Lamentations; Ecclesiastes; The Wisdom of Sirach; Oxyrhynchus 1224 (3); Ecclesiasticus; The Songs of the Three Young Men (Daniel 3: 24 90); Ur-Mark; The Signs of the Gospels; The Book of Quelle; The sermons of Peter; Fayum; The Apocalypse of Peter an Apostle of Christ Jesus; Luke 23:40; John 3:19; 5:24; Oxyrhynchus 840; Papyrus Egerton 3 (partial); Paralipomena of Jeremiah; Satorinus of Antioch; Diognetus (The Epistles of Mathetes); Expositions of the Sayings of the Lord Christ Jesus; Valentinian Theology 1, 2 & 3; Ophite Diagram (Papyrus); The Gospel of the Truth; The writings of Papias; Epistula Apostolorum; The Teachings of Silvanus; Valentinian view of the Creation (without comment); The Letters from Aristo of Pello Genesis 1:2; The Gospel of Mary; The Protevangelion; The writings of Nicodemus; Trallians; Philippians; The Gospel of the Egyptians; The Book of Quelle; The Narratives of the Passion; The Gospel of Thomas; Matthew 1:20, 3:11; Mark 8:38; Luke 1:15, 1:35, 3:16, 4:1; John 1:33; Acts 2:4; The Apocalypse of Peter an Apostle of Christ Jesus; The writings of Suetonius; The writings of Tacitus; The writings of Papias; The writings of Tertullian; The Gospels of the Nazoreans; The Gospels of the James (Infancy 1 & 2); The Gospels of the Apostles; The Gospels of the Hebrews; The Gospels of the Ebionities; Papyrus 72 and 47; The Gospels of the Mary Magdalene; The Gospels of the Philip; UrMark

part of him based in eternal wisdom 22 searches for all mortals in the

Multi Cosmos; it cries I am here, heed my Words unto the Lord thy God is all Faith, Tradition and Honor.
Exodus 28:3, 31:6, 35:35; 2nd Chronicles 1:10-12; Job 12:12,13,16; Proverbs; Micah 6:9;Daniel and Susanna; Isaiah II; Mark II; James II; Ecclesiasticus; The Songs of the Three Young Men (Daniel 3:

Condemnation The Holy Ghost which is the third part/being/one/hope/wisdom of the Three Wisdom 25



24 90); Ur-Mark; The Signs of the Gospels; The Book of Quelle; The sermons of Peter; Fayum; The Apocalypse of Peter an Apostle of Christ Jesus; Oxyrhynchus 840; Papyrus Egerton 3 (partial); Paralipomena of Jeremiah; The sermons of Peter; Matthew 11:19, 12:42; The Shepherd of Hermes (3); Oxyrhynchus 1224 (1); Testament of Solomon; The Apocalypse of Peter an Apostle of Christ Jesus; The Dialogue of the Savior; The Gospel of Mary; The Letters from Lucian of Samosata; Naassene Fragment (Papyrus damaged 70%); Ophite Diagram; Justin Martyr on the Sole Government of the Lord our God; The Gospels of the Nazoreans

dont know that to them that love the Lord all things work together for

physical security, hope and comfort. On the contrary, we know that servants of the Master are likely to get hurt, for the business in which they are engaged is most dangerous business.

as Traditionalist are called to be spokespersons of the Living God and

his purpose in history, and not merely the voice of a public opinion rooted in ignorance or fear or greed. We are called to devote our lives to the welfare of others, the underprivileged, the dispossessed, and the exploited.

as Traditionalist are called to work for the good of all, will make for

peace and not conflict. We are called to task which ever has been costly and is likely to be costly for a long time to come. We look to the Wonder of the Lord our God.

Wisdom of the Lord is the first step towards forgetting the truth of the world.


Chapter Dispositional Annotations Truth - Incorporates the core values of loyalty; trustworthiness; sincerity; genuineness; and honesty in the Pure Genuineness of the Lord. Truth is the quality or state of being true; specify, (a) honesty (c) the quality of being in accordance with experience, facts, or reality; conformity with fact (d) reality; actual existence (e) agreement with a standard, rule, etc. (f) correctness; accuracy; that which is true; statement, etc. (g) that accords with fact or reality; an established or verified fact, principle (h) a particular belief or teaching regarded by the speaker as the true one (i) often with the {in truth truly; in fact or of a truth certainly} as based on the simple concept of Fact (as in Factual) is the final result of all research and hope in seeking the path of the Word of the One True God. Thus we must look at the root of the word Fact: which is noun {LL factum, that which is done, deed, fact, neutral pp. of facere} (a) a deed; act: now esp. in the sense of a criminal deed in the phrases after the fact and before the fact or accessory after the fact" (b) a thing that has actually happened or that is really true (c) thing that has been or is; the state of things as they are; reality; actuality; truth (d) fact as distinct from fancy"; something said to have occurred or supposed to be true (e) to check the accuracy of one's facts" (f) Law an actual or alleged incident or condition, as distinguished from its legal consequence (g) as a matter of fact in reality; really; actually} that leads us to the base of all ideas One Path Only. Truth suggests conformity with the facts or with reality, either as an idealized abstraction or in actual application to statements, ideas, acts; veracity, as applied to persons or to their utterances, connotes habitual adherence to the truth; verity, as applied to things, connotes correspondence with fact or with reality; verisimilitude, as applied to literary or artistic representations, suggests a degree of plausibility sufficient to induce audience belief. We must always consider that the Factual Truth of the Lord our God is beyond our limited


minds to accept less along understand seek the truth of your heart and know the knowledge of the Lord Pure Truth. Obedience (o be de ens) {OFr < Latin obedientia} that is the state, fact, or an instance of obeying, or a willingness to obey; submission to the One True God of the Multi-Cosmos (a) the administering of justice (b) authority or legal power to hear and decide cases (c) authority or power in general; a sphere of authority; the territorial range of authority (d) a law court or system of law courts to the One whom needs none and yet he loves us regardless of our strong self-wills which cause most of the worlds suffering. To obey the Lord is to gain a firm place in ones self and know the truth of all wisdom; none are perfect except the Lord our God trust only the One and know. Holy Scripture (skrip cher) {ME < Latin scriptura, writing, in LL, a scripture} sacred writing or any writing regarded as authoritative and inviolable of the Factual Truth of the Lord, God. Obey as Considered in Ecclesiastes the word used is Jurisdiction {ME jurisdiccioun, altered influenced by Latin < OFr juridiction < Latin jurisdictio} (a) the administering of justice (b) authority or legal power to hear and decide cases (c) authority or power in general; a sphere of authority; the territorial range of authority (d) a law court or system of law courts to the One whom needs none and yet he loves us regardless of our strong self-wills which cause most of the worlds suffering. To obey the Lord is to gain a firm place in ones self and know the truth of all wisdom; none are perfect except the Lord our God trust only the One and know. That which is to believe (be lev, be-) {ME bileven < bi, BE- + leven < ileven < OE geliefan < Latin Libido} for which we seek that which is to take as true, real (b) to


have confidence in a statement or promise of (another person); (c) to suppose or think; to have trust or confidence (in) as being true, real, good. And thus we look at faith (fath) {ME feith < OFr feid, fei < Latin fides, confidence, belief < Greek peithein} which is the unquestioning belief that does not require proof or evidence; unquestioning belief in God, religious tenets of the Truth. Faith of the Worlds without end thus a religion or a system of religious beliefs; anything believed; complete trust, confidence, or reliance; allegiance to some person or thing; loyalty which is the basis for all matter in the Cosmos. For without the Lord our God none would be. Thus to condemn {ME condempnen < OFr condemner < Latin condemnare < com-, intens. + damnare, to harm, condemn} (A) To pass an adverse judgment on; disapprove of strongly; censure; (B) to declare to be guilty of wrongdoing; convict (b) to pass judicial sentence on; inflict a penalty upon (C) to doom of our Souls to the place of eternal cold in the Hell that we make for ourselves and unto ourselves. Beware of the Truth of Humanity and the path of the spirit into its snare of dreams. We are but travelers in a world not of our own and the journey is but the beginning to reach the far side of Hope. Three in One is a term used for many years which came from several learned scholars of the far distant past: These are the Founders and Theologians of the Trinity: (A) Basil of Caesarea the Great the Bishop of Cappadocia Caesarea from 356 A.D. and the Leader of the Cappadocian Theologians and the future Theorist of the Eastern Orthodox Christian Monasticism.


(B) Eusebius of Caesarea Bishop of Caesarea one of the Origenist Theologians friendly to the Arianism Concepts of the Era. He was considered one of the first great historians of the New Catholic Church of the Old Roman Empire based movement. (C) Gregory of Nazianzus Bishop of Sasima a very strong Cappadocian Theologian, Gregory of Nyssa the brother of Basil the Great; the Bishop of Nyssa; a Cappadocian Theologian. Thus we look at others whom placed their mark on the process: (D) Origen of Alexandria the Christian teacher and one of the outstanding theologians of the Third Century. (E) Helena the Mother of Constantine the Great whom placed her ideals on the hearts of the craftsmans of the works of the Cappadocian (who was a pilgrim to the Holy Lands, Benefactor to the Church and founder of many churches throughout the Empire). Holy Ghost of Complete Wisdom (a) the spirit or soul: now only in give up the ghost (to die) and in Holy Ghost; (b) Folklore a dead person's disembodied spirit, esp. when thought of as appearing to the living as a pale, shadowy apparition; a haunting memory; (c) a faint, shadowy semblance; inkling (d) a slight trace not a ghost of a chance"} of the Lord our God is the essences of Intellect in all the MultiCosmos and beyond. The Holy Ghost is not only the Hope of the Multi-Cosmos but also the Protector of all Soulful Beings in all parts of the Time River. Once the Lord our God pulls the Holy Ghost from Her protective zone of control from around the world we are in deep (the s word). I liken the Holy Ghost as in a Parable of Truth which has been told a million times: she is like a mother that loves both her Good and Bad children equally; she is the sister that never quits her siblings; she is the ship that steers through the night to the safe port; she is like a lioness that searches

for hours to find one of her cubs; she is the grandmother that loves her grandchildren without prejudges and she is the wife that loves you even when she knows you are wrong. Wisdom (wiz dem) {ME < OE wis} is the quality of being wise; power of judging rightly and following the soundest course of action, based on knowledge, experience, understanding, His trail of knowledge is planted on her soil of Fact. Thus Wisdom cries from all points in the Universe be of good judgment; sagacity; learning; knowledge; erudition the wisdom of the ages wise discourse; the ability of truth in ones heart. I have listed Proverbs as a complete Book of Wisdom from the Bible; if you but seek its basis you too shall see a small glimmer of the eruditions of the Lord God.


The Omega Dawn

The Foundations of Traditionalist Theology One

Chapter Four

The Wonder23

Wonder is a person, thing, event, or Deity that causes astonishment and admiration in which all aspects of the Quest of Logic and Truth are met.


The Wonder
1 Accept

the Love of He Who Is 24 and will always be; appreciate and grasp

the Words of those whom came before us.

Genesis 1:10; 5:22, 24; 16:13; Exodus 3:14; Deuteronomy 4:24; 6:4, 5; 2nd Samuel 22:32; Proverbs 30:9; Esdras 1 & 2; Judith; Ecclesiasticus; Baruch with the letter of Jeremiah; Bel and the Dragon (Daniel 14); Ecclesiastes 5:2; 12,13; Ezekiel 20:19, 20; Jonah 1:6; The writings of the Passion Narratives; Papyrus Oxyrhynchus 1224 Fragment; The Signs of the Gospel; The Didache; Matthew 22:32, 37; Mark 12:32; Luke 16:13; John 11:22; Acts 7:55; The Gospel of Peter; Romans 8:14, 31; 1st Corinthians 8:6; 2nd Corinthians 1:3; Revelation of John 7:17; The Council of Jamnia; The Gospel of the Egyptian; Tacitus Annals; Josephus Jewish Antiquities; The Book of the Hebrews; Nicolaus of Antioch; Paralipomena of Jeremiah; The Oxyrhynchus 840; The writings of Pliny the Younger; Naassene Fragment; The apology of Aristides; The Gospel of the Truth

and you shall perceive sound of a soft wind in your spirit; read and it

shall be revealed unto you; touch and the feeling of the Inner Soul shall be unto the Spirit of the Lord thy God.
Leviticus 25:9; 26:36; Numbers 10:7; Joshua 6:5, 20; 1st Kings 1:40, 41; Job 21:12; Ezekiel 26:13, 15; 27:28; 31:16; Daniel 3:5, 7, 10, 15; Susanna (Daniel 13); Prayer of Manasseh; Daniel, Bel and the Snake; Ecclesiasticus; Gospel of Thomas; Oxyrhynchus 1224 (1); Matthew 6:2; Luke 15:27; John 3:8; Acts 2:2; Tobit; Judith; Romans 10:18; 1st Corinthians 14:7, 8; Revelations of John 8:6, 13; Writings of the Passion Narratives; Ur-Mark; The Gospel of Peter; Mara Bar Serapion; Terentius Maximus of Parthia; Simon Magus of Samaria {Simonianism}

unto the Holy Ghost in the days of your youth and gain infinite

Wisdom from the Lord thy Gods Agape Loved Logic.


Term used to describe the Lord thy God our Father in Heaven.


The Time River is just as its name states the flowing of the past to the present and then unto the future; we swim down stream and God has the Prefect River Boat which allows him to go up and down as he see fit.


unto the factual Truth of the Lord thy God; he has sent unto this World

the Comforter 25, which shall be with any whom need until the End of the Time River 26.
Assumption of Moses; Maccabees 1; Judith; Sirach; Baruch; Matthew 1:20; Mark 7:6; The Gospel of the Egyptians; The Shepherd of Hermes (1, 2 & 3); James II; Fayum; The Gospel of Peter; Oxyrhynchus 1224 (1); The Book of Quelle; The signs of the Gospels; Luke 1:15, 35; 3:16; John 14:26; Acts 2:4; Revelation of John 3:7; The Apocalypse of Peter an Apostle of Christ Jesus; Oxyrhynchus 840 {Fragments of the Gospels}; Papyrus 52 (The oldest known extant of the NT fragment); Ophite Diagrams; 1st Clement; The Traditions of Matthias; Epiphanes on Righteousness; 2nd Clement; Basilides of Alexandria; Symmachus an Ebionite (The New Greek OT translation without comment); The True discourse a pro-Pagan / Anti-Christian polemic fragment; The Acts of Andrew; Fragment of the Latin Scriptures translations done in Carthage; Papyrus 46 and 66; The Book of Thomas the Contender


Comforter - a person or thing that comforts such as the Holy Ghost

Term used to describe the flow of time as created by the Lord our God in his wise course of love. The never-ending direction of this one marvel is the primary reason for faith of humanity. The creation and maintenance of the constant one-way flow of Time is the foundation of logic and reason in the Multi-Cosmos. Time is what binds all we creatures together in the Lord; his little gift of function in our daily struggles.



is of the Lord our God 27, for we have gazed and deliberate in this

small gray book the essence of his being.

Genesis 12:1, 18:24, 28:21; Exodus 20:7; Psalms 27:14, 33:12; Manasseh; Tobit; Testament of Solomon; Jeremiah II; The Narratives of the Passion; The Gospel of Thomas; The Book of Quelle; The Gospel of the Egyptians; The sermons of Peter; The Apocalypse of Peter an Apostle of Christ Jesus; John 20:25, 20:28; Revelation of John 19:16, 22:20; The Gospel of Basilides; The Letters from Lucian of Samosata; The Gospel of the Truth; Valentinian, Sophia and Eve; 2nd Clement; The Letters for Melito of Sardis; The writings from Rhodon; The writings from Polycrates of Ephesus; The Acts of Thomas

all fall short of his Cosmic Love, but still he loves us unconditionally until

the completion of the End. Thus a tremendously changed world this would be if love were adopted by all humanity as the basis for life; Fear, Hate, Selfishness and Greed would be transformed into Faith, Joy, Friendship and Kindness.


have examined, probed, asked, sooth and inquired at the numerous

aspects of the Factual 28 Word of God and still we see only a glimmer of this Truth 29 as if thru a Large Glass of Milk a million light years away.
Psalms 26:3, 31:5, and 40:11; Proverbs 3:3, 12:17, 16:6; Dan 8:12; Daniel and Susanna; Malachi; Isaiah II; Esdras 1 and 2; Sirach; Ecclesiasticus; Jeremiah; The Gospel of Thomas; The Narratives

The Lord our God Facts of the Lord


This quality of truth - the quality or state of being true; specify, reality; actual existence; thus the Lord is the Truth of All Timelines and Places in the Multi-Cosmos.


of the Passion; The Book of Quelle; 3rd James; 2nd Mark; John 1:14,17, 6:14; The Shepherd of Hermes (1 & 2); The Council of Jamnia; The Gospel of the Egyptian; Tacitus Annals; Josephus Jewish Antiquities; The Book of the Hebrews; Nicolaus of Antioch; Paralipomena of Jeremiah; The Oxyrhynchus 840; The writings of Pliny the Younger; Naassene Fragment; The Apocalypse of Peter an Apostle of Christ Jesus; Old Syriac Gospels (as written in Aramaic); Mishnah (Torah teachings to the Greeks); Papyrus 72; The second Gospel of the Apostles

Traditionalist 30 as the name denotes accepts the Old Ways, the long tried

and proven path, the ways of the ancients. One must accept that all substance of this Multi-Cosmos is of the Old Ways the functional trace of the Lord thy God.
Sirach; Judith; Ecclesiasticus; The Red Sea Battles; The Gospel of Peter; The Odes of Solomon; The Council of Jamnia; Oxyrhynchus 840; Papyrus Egerton 3 (partial); Paralipomena of Jeremiah; Satorinus of Antioch; Diognetus (The Epistles of Mathetes); Expositions of the Sayings of the Lord Christ Jesus; Valentinian Theology 1, 2 & 3; Ophite Diagram (Papyrus); The Gospel of the Truth; The writings of Papias; Matthew 15:2,3,6; Mark 7:3, 5, 8, 9; 2nd Mark; 3rd Mark; The Gospel of the Savior; Ur-Mark; The Book of the Nine; The Acts of Thecla; Paul and Seneca; Clementine; 1st Tertullian; 2nd Ignatius; 2nd Polycarp; 1st Peter 1:18; 3rd Peter; 5th Peter

Traditionalist accepts that pre-history is more precise than the historical

times we are in; the Worlds, Nations and Civilizations which existed before our narration of fact and those which still exist bring forth the Wisdom of the Lord upon our own Eschatological Sociology 31.


Thus traditionalist from the root word Tradition

Eschatology is the branch of theology dealing with the last things, such as death, immortality, resurrection, judgment and the end of the world.



seek the path of a Traditionalist means to Surrender 32 all facets of ones

life to the Lord thy God; to follow the path of the Traditionalist one must give up all Pre-existing concepts of Knowledge, Logic 33 and Wisdom.
Deuteronomy; Leviticus; Bel and the Dragon; The Ascension of Isaiah; 2nd Samuel 24:23; Job 13:8, 13:10, 32:21, 42:8; Proverbs 18:5; Amos 5:22; Moses II; Esther 10: 4 10; The Letters of Jeremiah; The Secret Gospel of Mark; Oxyrhynchus 1224 (1); The Shepherd of Hermes (3); The sermons of Peter; James II; Acts of the Apostles 24:3; The apocalypse of Peter an Apostle of Christ Jesus; Didache; Ur-Mark; The Gospel of Egerton; Terentius Maximus of Parthia; The Council of Jamnia; The Council of Jerusalem; Nicolaitans; The Secret Book of James; Oxyrhynchus 840 (partial fragment and damaged) of the Gospels; The Infancy Gospels of Thomas; 2nd Apology of Justin Martyr; Basilides of Alexandria

are beings that seek the Lord our God in all ways, while at

the same time maintain the Faith 34, Tradition 35 and Honor 36 of the path of truth in their daily lives.

Accept The surrender (a) to give up possession of or power over (b) yield to another on demand or compulsion; to give up claim to; give over or yield, esp. voluntarily, as in favor of the Lord, God.

The touch of the Lord via the science of correct reasoning; science which describes relationships among propositions in terms of implication, contradiction, contrariety, conversion, and / or the correct reasoning with valid induction or deduction which must lead to the Factual Truth of the Lord thy God.


Thus the term faith

The term Tradition is the process of handing down orally of stories, beliefs, teachings, and / or customs, from generation to generation wherein the historical line of conventions, principles, morals, ethics and / or attitude characteristics are derived for most social groups or movements upon this world. These then develops into a long-established custom or practice having the effect of precedent or unwritten law. This form is the basis among most early Christians, the unwritten teachings regarded as handed down from Christ Jesus to his Apostles and then to the entire world.

The honor of the Lord is 37

Habakkuk 2:4; Daniel & Susanna; Maccabees 3 & 4; Esdras 1; Sirach; Oxyrhynchus 1224 (1 & 2); The Book of Quelle; Gospel of Thomas; The Gospel of the Egyptians; Fayum; New Babylon; James; Matthew 9:2, 29, 14:31, 16:8; Mark 4:40, 5:34, 11:22; Luke 7:9, 50, 17: 5, 6, 19; The Gospel of Egerton; The Roman Jewish War; The Council of Jerusalem; The Letters of Flavius Josephus; The sermons of Peter; Papyrus Egerton 4 (partial and damaged); The Gospel of the Savior; The Gospel of the Lord; The Gospel of the Truth; Valentinian view of Creation (damaged); The Gospels of the Nazoreans; 2nd Clement; The Letters of Athenagoros of Athens

Exodus 20:12; Judges 4:9, 9:9, 13:17; Esther 6:3, 6, 7, 9, 11; Proverbs; Malachi; Esdras 2; Judith; Gospel of Peter; The Narratives of the Passion; The sermons of Peter; John 5:23, 41, 44, 49, 54; The Gospel of Egerton; The Roman Jewish War; The Council of Jerusalem; The Letters of Flavius Josephus; The sermons of Peter; Papyrus Egerton 4 (partial and damaged); The Gospel of the Savior; The Gospel of the Lord; The Gospel of the Truth; Valentinian view of Creation (damaged); The Gospels of the Nazoreans; 2nd Clement; The Letters of Athenagoros of Athens; Revelation of John 19:1; The Apocalypse of Peter an Apostle of Christ Jesus

are those who ask why. We are those that see other items of daily life

and we are those that recognize only the factual truth of the Lord thy God. Do you contemplate the factual reality of all religions 37 upon this diminutive out of the way planet?


you speculate if the Scriptures 38 are accurate and Faith Factual? Do you

seek that which cannot be seen, felt, or heard; are you afraid of the Last Death?

The belief in a divine or supernatural power or powers to be obeyed and worshiped as the Supreme Creator of the Functional Multi-Cosmos.


The scripture


The Gospel of Mary; Laodiceans; Paul and Seneca; Smyrnaeans; The Gospel of Thomas; The Book of Quelle; Matthew 26:54, 56; The Gospel of Egerton; The Roman Jewish War; The Letters of Flavius Josephus; The sermons of Peter; Papyrus Egerton 4 (partial and damaged); The Gospel of the Savior; The Gospel of the Lord; The Gospel of the Truth; Valentinian view of Creation (damaged); The Gospels of the Nazoreans; 2nd Clement; The Letters of Athenagoros of Athens; Mark 12:24, 14:49; Luke 24:27, 32, 45 John 5:39; Acts of the Apostles 18:28; The Odes of Solomon; The Letters of Origen (homoousios); Maximus of Jerusalem; The Council of Jerusalem; The Acts of Andrew; The Acts of Peter and the Twelve; 2nd Mark of the Gospels; 3rd Mark of the Gospels; The Book of the Nine; The Second series of the works of the Acts for Thomas; 3rd Peter of the Gospel recount; 3rd Irenaeus

concepts of Infinite39 Timelines, Pre-History and Wisdom of open

thoughts unto your Inner Most Heart? It is written that Fear of the Lord thy God is the first step towards the path of Wisdom and everlasting Life.


Verily, I say unto thee that the trepidation of the Lord is not the path

of the Traditionalist One must not only Fear God wherein, but must respect 40 his Infinite Agape 41 Love, which is the key to Salvation. We all fear, we all make mistakes (except the Lord) and we all Functional sin daily in our conduit to glory.


The Concept of all, which lacks limits or bounds; extending beyond measure or comprehension: without beginning or end the endless options of Gods Will. Thus the form of timelines stated are a chart, table or path in which historical dates and events are posted in chronological order; wherein the multiple options upon Gods Will is open to all possibilities changing in each journey down the Time River to the Multi-Verse / Cosmos which is only a gleam in the eye of the Lord our God. The term Respect The Agape




Genesis 4:5; Exodus 2:25; Leviticus 19:15, 26:9; 2nd Samuel 14:14; Proverbs 24:23, 28:21; Manasseh; Fayum; The Gospel of the Egyptians; The sermons of Peter; The Gospel of Peter; Baruch; Letters of Jeremiah; The Council of Jamnia; The Epistles of Barnabas; The Gospel of the Savior; Ophite Diagrams; The Gospel of the Truth; 1st Clement; Valentinian Theology (3); The Letters of Galen; The Maximus of Jerusalem; The Acts of Andrew; The Acts of John the beloved; Sahidic Coptic Scriptures; Tosefta; The Response letters via Clesus on Christ Jesus; The Second Gospels according to the Ebionities; The Book of the Nine; 2nd Corinthians 3:10; 1st Peter 1:17

Apocalypse of Moses; Malachi; Christ and Abgarus; The Protevangelion; Gospel of the Infancy 1;
The writings of Nicodemus; Romans; Magnesians; Matthew 5:43, 44, 46, 19:19, 22:37, 39; Mark 12: 30, 31, 33, 38; Luke 6:27, 32, 35, 10:27; John 3:16, 10:17, 13:34, 35, 14:23, 15:9, 21:15, 16, 17; The Epistles of Barnabas; The Gospel of the Savior; Ophite Diagrams; The Gospel of the Truth; 1st Clement; Valentinian Theology (3); The Letters of Galen; The Maximus of Jerusalem; The Acts of Andrew; The Acts of John the beloved; Sahidic Coptic Scriptures; Tosefta; The Response letters via Clesus on Christ Jesus; The Second Gospels according to the Ebionities; The Book of the Nine; 1st Peter 1:22, 2:17, 3:8, 10; 1st John; Jude 2; Revelation of John 2:4, 3:19; 5th Peter

Traditionalist follows the uncomplicated path: Love the Lord thy God

with all your Heart, with all of your Mind and all of your strength learn to love thy neighbor unto your Inner Most Soul 42. When asked why a Traditionalist will say such a thing the Traditionalist responsibility is to answer with the Factual Truth, God has tasked it.
2nd Enoch (Oral); Ur-Mark; Esdras 1 & 2; Tobit; Sirach; Judith; Oxyrhynchus 1224 (1); The Gospel of Thomas; Didache; Ur-Mark; The Gospel of Egerton; Terentius Maximus of Parthia; The Council of Jamnia; The Council of Jerusalem; Nicolaitans; The Secret Book of James; Oxyrhynchus 840 (partial fragment and damaged) of the Gospels; The Infancy Gospels of Thomas; 2nd Apology of Justin Martyr; Basilides of Alexandria; The Apocalypse of Peter an Apostle of Christ Jesus; The

We are our soul


Narratives of the Passion; Matthew 22: 37; Mark 12:30; Luke 10:27; John 15:10; The Acts of Paul; Papyrus 32, 64, 67, 66 and 46; Porphyry (Neoplatonic); Mandeans (followers of John the Baptist (Ginza); 1st and 2nd Tertullian; 2nd Polycarp

the Lord was never merely negative; the Sermon on the Mount is the

greatest sermon ever delivered because of that fact. Again and again, Christ, Jesus substituted some positive demand for an old restriction of Faith.


insisted that the Old Law was unalterably true, but His Grace

changed the emphasis from negative to positive. It is a hard task that we as Traditionalist must walk, however look at the footsteps of whom came before you.
Genesis 26:5; Exodus 16:28; 18:16; Leviticus 26:46; Nehemiah 9:13, 14; Esther 1:19; 3:8; Psalms 105: 45; Ezekiel 43:11; 44:5, 24; Daniel 7:25; 9:10; The Protevangelion; Barnabas; Trallians; The Gospel of Egerton; Terentius Maximus of Parthia; The Council of Jamnia; The Council of Jerusalem; Nicolaitans; The Secret Book of James; Oxyrhynchus 840 (partial fragment and damaged) of the Gospels; The Infancy Gospels of Thomas; 2nd Apology of Justin Martyr; Basilides of Alexandria; The Apocalypse of Peter an Apostle of Christ Jesus; The Narratives of the Passion; Smyrnaeans; The Shepherd of Hermes (1, 2 & 3); Fayum; The Twelve Patriarchs; The Book of Quelle; The sermons of Peter; 4th Peter

last thing Jesus was trying to do was make Faith too easy; he

challenged us to live by His inner spirit, not by any code that could be narrowed into humanistic words.



path was to the Truth.

Genesis 24:27; 32:10; 42:16; Deuteronomy 13:14; Joshua 24:14; 1st Samuel 12:24; 21:5; 1st Kings 2:4; 3:6; 2nd Kings 20:19; Job 9:2; Psalms; Proverbs; Daniel 2:47; 4:37; 7:16, 19; 8:12; 10:21; Hosea 4:1; Micah 7:20; Zec 8:3, 8, 16, 19; Malachi 2:6; Matthew 14:33; Mark 5:33; Luke 9:27; John; Acts of the Apostles 10:34; The Book of Quelle; Oxyrhynchus 1224 (3); Fayum; Romans 2:2, 8, 20; 3:7; 15:8; 1st Corinthians 5:8; 2nd Corinthians 11:10; Galatians 2:14; 1st Peter 1:22; 2nd Peter 1:12; The Gospel of Peter; The Apocalypse of Peter an Apostle of Christ Jesus; The Gospel of the Truth; 1st Clement; Valentinian Theology (3); The Letters of Galen; The Maximus of Jerusalem; The Acts of Andrew; The Acts of John the beloved; Sahidic Coptic Scriptures; Tosefta; The Response letters via Clesus on Christ Jesus; The Second Gospels according to the Ebionities; The Book of the Nine; 3rd Corinthians; Laodiceans; 3rd Peter of the Gospel story (damaged); 2nd Titus (unknown author); 4th and 5th Peter of the Apocalypses; The birth of the Virgin; The birth of John the Baptist; The story of Christ in the Garden

Everyone will meet God at least once, some will not be very happy when they do


Chapter Dispositional Annotations Wonder (wun der) {ME < OE wundor} a person, thing, event, or Deity that causes astonishment and admiration in which all aspects of the Quest of Logic and Truth are met. Thus Wonder or Wonders are these prodigy; marvel; the feeling of surprise, admiration, and awe aroused by something strange, unexpected, incredible; a miraculous or apparently miraculous thing or act; miracle; to be seized or filled with wonder; feel amazement; marvel; to have curiosity, sometimes mingled with doubt; surprise, awe, stupefaction, admiration, wonderment, astonishment, wondering, stupor, bewilderment, perplexity, puzzlement, fascination, consternation, perturbation, confusion, shock, start, jar, jolt, incredulity; miracle, curiosity, oddity, rarity, freak, phenomenon, phenom, sensation, prodigy, act of God, portent, wonderwork, rara avis (Latin), nonpareil, spectacle, perversion, prodigious event, something unnatural, the unbelievable; be surprised, be startled, be fascinated, be amazed, be dumbfounded, be confounded, be dazed, be awestruck, be astonished, be agape, be dazzled, stand aghast, stand in awe, look aghast, be struck by, be unable to take one's eyes off, admire, gape, be taken aback, stare, be flabbergasted. Comforter (kum fer ter) {ME comfortour < OFr conforteor} a person or thing that comforts such as the Holy Ghost Term used to describe the flow of time as created by the Lord our God in his wise course of love. The never-ending direction of this one marvel is the primary reason for faith of humanity. The creation and maintenance of the constant one-way flow of Time is the foundation of logic and reason in the Multi-Cosmos. Time is what binds all we creatures together in the Lord; his little gift of function in our daily struggles. Time River (Excerpts from Time Lines and the Cosmos) Universe


Matrix is a groundbreaking model that pioneers a new synthesis within theoretical physics that is momentous for future developments, particularly within quantum mechanics, relativity, and gravity. This model is mathematically sound and based upon geometric patterns of matrix structure configuration, with formation similar to the most elegant inner structure of many crystals. Lisa Randall, Ph.D., a leading theoretical physicist, and expert in particle physics, string theory, and cosmology, [tenured physicist at Princeton, MIT, and Harvard], has revolutionized the field of physics with extraordinary breakthroughs, in which she introduces hidden extra dimensions within the Cosmos. She cuts to the edge of todays particle physics, presenting inspiring debates about relativity, quantum physics, and gravity. The Universe Matrix model provides an innovative and radical approach that directly responds to the questions in Lisa Randalls Warped Passages (HarperCollins, 2005). Mathematical equations that evolve from the matrix configuration define the limits and laws of quantum mechanics, relativity, and gravity. All the formulas that currently exist for present physics can be created from the matrix configuration. All mathematical formulas for quantum mechanics, gravity, and relativity can be configured directly from this model. In fact, the resulting equations from the Universe Matrix model produced slightly more accurate numbers than the CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics noted, up until the latest edition [2005-2006], which produced equation results that were equal to the ones computed directly from the Universe Matrix model up to or beyond the 4th or 5th decimal place.


You can imagine that, when the new numbers in the current handbook more accurately reflected the resulting numbers that have been computed from this model, we responded with wonder and celebration! This is a mathematically sound revolutionary model that responds to some of the unsolved mysteries that have challenged physics throughout history. The Universe Matrix model concentrates on the Universe, of which we are aware, from all physical observations, including the use of macroscopic and microscopic instruments, and is referenced as the Observable Universe. In this context the Cosmos is considered to be the space and space contents that exist everywhere. The Observable Universe is considered to be the space and space contents that are physically observable, and is located within the Cosmos. You are located in the center of your Observable Universe because all observation is limited by the speed of light, in all directions, from your location. Everyone has his or her own Observable Universe. Because of the vastness of space, the earth is approximately the center of the observable Universe. Outside the Observable Universe is mostly unknown. The Lord our God (gad, god) {ME < OE < German Gott} in monotheistic religions, the creator and ruler of the universe, regarded as eternal, infinite, all-powerful, and all-knowing; Supreme Being; the Almighty} is the Maker of the Multi-Cosmos in which all beings of the Soul linger for the Omega Dawn. God of truth any of various beings conceived of as supernatural, immortal, and having special powers over the lives and affairs of people and the course of nature; deity, esp. a male deity: typically considered objects of worship; an image that is worshiped; idol; a person or thing deified or excessively honored and admired.


This quality of truth (trooth) {ME treuthe < OE trowth} the quality or state of being true; specify, reality; actual existence Thus the Lord is the Truth of All Timelines and Places in the Multi-Cosmos. Truth of the Lord which as stated (a) loyalty; trustworthiness (b) sincerity; genuineness; honesty (c) the quality of being in accordance with experience, facts, or reality; conformity with fact (d) (e) agreement with a standard, rule, etc. (f) correctness; accuracy; that which is true; statement, etc. (g) that accords with fact or reality; an established or verified fact, principle (h) a particular belief or teaching regarded by the speaker as the true one: often with the {in truth truly; in fact or of a truth certainly} as based on the simple concept of Fact (as in Factual) is the final result of all research and hope in seeking the path of the Word of the One True God. Thus we must look at the root of the word Fact: which is noun {Latin factum, that which is done, deed, fact, neutral pp. of facere} a deed; act: now esp. in the sense of a criminal deed in the phrases after the fact and before the fact an accessory after the fact"; a thing that has actually happened or that is really true; thing that has been or is; the state of things as they are; reality; actuality; truth fact as distinct from fancy"; something said to have occurred or supposed to be true to check the accuracy of one's facts"; Law an actual or alleged incident or condition, as distinguished from its legal consequence; as a matter of fact in reality; really; actually} that leads us to the base of all ideas One Path Only. Thus traditionalist from the root word Tradition (tre dish en) {ME tradycion < MFr tradicion < Latin traditio} down in this way; a historical line of conventions, principles, or attitudes characteristic of a school, social group, movement; a long-established custom or practice having the effect of precedent or unwritten law for the worship of the Lord our God. Traditionalist bases their path on those handed down orally of stories, beliefs, customs, etc. from generation to generation (b) a story, belief, custom, proverb, etc. handed Law; Theological (c) among Jews, the unwritten


religious code and doctrine regarded as handed down from Moses (d) among Christians, the unwritten teachings regarded as handed down from Jesus and the Apostles (e) among Muslims, the sayings and acts attributed to Mohammed and transmitted orally} is a person whom leads with the heart and the head towards the Factual Truth of the Lord thy God. Another view of this path to the Lord thy God is thus: a bearer of knowledge {ME knoweleche, acknowledgment, confession < Late OE cnawl + c < cnawan < lacan, to play, give, move about} the act, fact, or state of knowing; specific; (f) acquaintance or familiarity (with a fact, place, etc.) (g) Awareness (h) understanding; acquaintance with facts; range of information, awareness, or understanding; all that has been perceived or grasped by the mind; learning; enlightenment; the body of facts, or principles. In addition the view is thus: honor {ME honour < OFr < Latin honor, honos, official dignity, repute, esteem} high regard or great respect given, received, or enjoyed; especially, (i) glory; fame; renown (j) good reputation; credit; a keen sense of right and wrong; adherence to action or principles considered right; integrity; (k) chastity or purity (l) reputation for chastity; high rank or position; distinction; and / or dignity. Eschatology is the branch of theology dealing with the last things, such as death, immortality, resurrection, judgment and the end of the world. Thus the form of Eschatology - {Greek: eschatos, furthest (<ex-out < IE base eghs > Latin ex) + LOGY} wherein the science of human society and of social relations, organization, religion and change; specify the study of the beliefs, values, etc. of said societal group or groups and of the processes governing the faith phenomena is included in this process of timelines. {ML raptura} a carrying away or being carried away in body or spirit: thus Christian theologies, the bodily ascent into heaven just before Armageddon of those who are saved.

Accept we consider to accept a formal type of surrender (se ren der) {ME surrendren < MFr surrendre} (a) to give up. Thus to give up or abandon (d) to yield or resign (oneself) to an emotion, influence; to give oneself up to another's power or control, esp. as a prisoner; to give in to surrender to temptation" {LME < MFr surrendre, inf. used as noun} the act of surrendering, yielding} of ones Self-Will of the Mind unto the Hope of the Lord thy God and his Love. Possession of or power over (b) yield to another on demand or compulsion; to give up claim to; give over or yield, esp. voluntarily, as in favor of the Lord, God. The touch of the Lord via the science of correct reasoning; science which describes relationships among propositions in terms of implication, contradiction, contrariety, conversion, and / or the correct reasoning with valid induction or deduction which must lead to the Factual Truth of the Lord thy God. Logic is {ME logike < OFr logique < Latin Logica < Greek logike (techn e)} the truth of hope over ignorance. Thus the term faith - (fath) {ME feith < OFr feid, fei < Latin fides, confidence, belief < Greek Peithein} unquestioning belief that does not require proof or evidence; unquestioning belief in God, religious tenets; a religion or a system of religious beliefs {in faith indeed; really or on faith through trust; without proof or evidence} is the primary basis for the path of the Traditionalist and the logic of Truth. The term Tradition is the process of handing down orally of stories, beliefs, teachings, and / or customs, from generation to generation wherein the historical line of conventions, principles, morals, ethics and / or attitude characteristics are derived for most social groups or movements upon this world. These then develops into a long-established custom or practice having the effect of precedent or unwritten law. This form is the basis among most early Christians, the unwritten teachings regarded as handed down from Christ Jesus to his Apostles and then to the entire world. The


Traditionalist {ME tradycion < M French tradicion < Latin traditio} seeks the blind truth of the Lords Love and his Righteousness. The term honor (an er) {ME honour < OFr < Latin honor, honos, official dignity, repute, esteem} as in high regard or great respect given, received, or enjoyed; esp., (a) glory; fame; renown (b) good reputation; credit; a keen sense of right and wrong; adherence to action or principles considered right; integrity. Honor above all else (c) chastity or purity (d) reputation for chastity; decoration of respect place upon by the Lords quiet touch; a person or thing that brings respect and fame to a school, country, or other form of institution. Thus the process of developing respect greatly; regard highly; esteem; to show great respect or high regard for; treat with deference and courtesy; to worship (a deity) the Lord thy God daily; or to do or give something in honor of (such as our prayers) (e) Honor, as compared here, implies popular acknowledgment of a person's right to great respect as well as any expression of such respect [in honor of the martyred dead]; homage suggests great esteem shown in praise, tributes, or obeisance [to pay homage to the genius of Milton]; reverence implies deep respect together with love [the love he held for God in reverence]; deference suggests a display of courteous regard for a superior, or for one to whom respect is due, by yielding to the person's status, claims, or wishes [in deference to his age]. The belief in a divine or supernatural power or powers to be obeyed and worshiped as the Supreme Creator of the Functional Multi-Cosmos. This process is done in expression of such a belief by conduct and ritual. Thus this specific system of belief and worship: often involving a code of ethics; a form of philosophy; a system of beliefs or practices; and said functions of faith used as a daily tradition - as set down by the overall belief {ME religioun < Old French or Latin religion < Latin religio, reverence for God and holiness}.

The scripture - (skrip cher){ME < Latin scriptura, a writing, in LL (Ec)}, a Scripture, passage of Scripture; anything written; a Bible passage; (a) any sacred writing or books (b) any writing regarded as authoritative and inviolable. The Holy Scriptures as quoted (c) the sacred writings of the Jews, (d) semi-identical with the Old Testament of the Christians; (e) the Christian Bible; Old and New Testaments {scriptural} of the Lord our God is the basis of all aspects of the Christian Faith as we know it today; however as the Bible is Perfect as set by God the copies today leave much to consider. The Concept of all, which lacks limits or bounds; extending beyond measure or comprehension: without beginning or end the endless options of Gods Will. Thus the form of timelines stated are a chart, table or path in which historical dates and events are posted in chronological order; wherein the multiple options upon Gods Will is open to all possibilities changing in each journey down the Time River to the Multi-Verse / Cosmos which is only a gleam in the eye of the Lord our God. Agape Love of the Lord as the term Love - (luv){ME < OE lufu, akin to OHG luba, Goth lubo < IE base leubh-, to be fond of, desire} as set by our social norms: a deep and tender feeling of affection for or attachment or devotion to a person, persons or the Lord thy God with such examples as: an expression of one's love or affection; a feeling of brotherhood and good will toward other people; (a) strong liking for or interest in something (b) the object of such liking; a) a strong, usually passionate, affection of one person for another, based in part on sexual attraction (c) the person who is the object of such an affection; sweetheart; lover; (d) God's tender regard and concern for all human beings (e) devotion to and desire for God as the supreme good, that all human beings have; [L-] Myth. (f) Cupid, or Eros, as the god of love b) Venus. (g) Love implies intense fondness or deep devotion and may apply to various relationships or objects [sexual love, brotherly love, love of one's work, or the Love of

God]; affection suggests warm, tender feelings, usually not as powerful or deep as those implied by love [he has no affection for children]; attachment implies connection by ties of affection, attraction, devotion, etc. and may be felt for inanimate things as well as for people [an attachment to an old hat]; infatuation implies a foolish or unreasoning passion or affection, often a transient one [an elderly man's infatuation for a young girl].


The Omega Dawn

The Foundations of Traditionalist Theology One

Chapter Five

The Truth 43


Truth or truths does suggests conformity with the facts or with reality, either as an 52

The Truth

one follows, accepts, understands and internalizes 44 the Two Great

Commandments of the Lord thy God; said persons shall:


the Lord thy God

Heed the Words of the Factual Truth

Deuteronomy 4:10; 31:13; Joshua 6:5; 1st Samuel 2:23; 1st Kings 18:26; Ezekiel 3:27; Matthew 11:15; 17:5; Mark 7:37; Luke 21:9; John 12:47; The Narratives of the Passion; The Gospel of Thomas; The Book of Quelle; The Signs of the Gospel; The Protevangelion; The writings of Nicodemus; Paul and Thecla; Smyrnaeans; The Council of Jamnia; Acts 8: 30,31; Romans 10:14; Revelation of John 3:20; The Letters of Origen (homoousios); Maximus of Jerusalem; The Council of Jerusalem; The Acts of Andrew; The Acts of Peter and the Twelve; 2nd Mark of the Gospels; 3rd Mark of the Gospels; The Book of the Nine; The Second series of the works of the Acts for Thomas; 3rd Peter of the Gospel recount; 3rd Irenaeus

the Wisdom of the Lord

Repent of their Sins unto the Lord thy God

Exodus 4:1, 5, 8, 9; 19:9; Numbers 14:11; Job 9:16; 39:12; Proverbs 26:25; Ecclesiasticus; Baruch; Letters of Jeremiah; Habakkuk 1:5; Matthew 21:25, 32; 24:23, 26; Mark 11:23, 24, 31; Barnabas; Philadelphians; Laodiceans; Luke 8:12, 13, 50; John 6:29, 30, 36, 64, 69; James II; Mark II; Ur-Mark; Acts of the Apostles 8:37; 13:39, 41; 21:20, 25; Oxyrhynchus 1224 (2); Gospel of Thomas; The Book of Quelle; Romans 3:3; 1st Corinthians 14:22 (4); Galatians 3:22; 1st Peter 1:21; 2:7; 1st John 5:13; The Letters of Origen (homoousios); Maximus of Jerusalem; The Council of Jerusalem; The Acts of Andrew; The Acts of Peter and the Twelve; 2nd Mark of the Gospels; 3rd Mark of the Gospels; The Book of the

The path to make internal; specific, and long lasting changes in ones own patterns of thinking (the prevailing attitudes, ideas and norms which make up a persons ethic and moral basis) towards the true journey unto the Lord thy God.


Nine; The Second series of the works of the Acts for Thomas; 3rd Peter of the Gospel recount; 1st Irenaeus Exodus 13:17; 32:12; Numbers 23:19; 1st Sam 15:29; 1st Kings 8:47; Job 42:6; Psalms 90:13; 110:4; 135:14; Jeremiah 4:28; 18:8, 10; 26:3; Ezekiel 18:30; Moses II; Daniel and Susanna; Malachi; Esdras 2; Sirach; Baruch; Letters of Jeremiah; The Narratives of the Passion; Matthew 3:2; Mark 6:12; Luke 13:3, 5; Acts of he Apostles 2:38; 3:19; 8:22; 17:30; 26:20; 2nd Corinthians 7:8; James; The sermons of Peter; Fayum; Revelation of John 2:5, 6, 16, 21, 22; 3:3; 3:19; The Apocalypse of Peter an Apostle of Christ Jesus; The Letters of Origen (homoousios); Maximus of Jerusalem; The Council of Jerusalem; The Acts of Andrew; The Acts of Peter and the Twelve; 2nd Mark of the Gospels; 3rd Mark of the Gospels; The Book of the Nine; The Second series of the works of the Acts for Thomas; 3rd Peter of the Gospel recount; 2nd Irenaeus

upon the Factual Truth of the Lord

Recognize Christ, Jesus as your Personal Savior

Leviticus 5:5; 16:21; Numbers 5:7; 2nd Chronicles 6:24, 26; Lamentations; Job 40:14; Psalms 32:5; Matthew 10:32; Luke 12:8; Daniel and Susanna; Malachi; 3rd Ascension of Isaiah; Esdras 2; Sirach; Baruch; Jeremiah; The Narratives of the Passion; John 9:22; Acts of the Apostles 8:37; Romans 10:9; 14:11; Revelation of John 3; 5; The Apocalypse of Peter an Apostle of Christ Jesus; Tertullian (wrote de Spectaculis); The Letters for Ptolemy; Demiurge in Valentinianism; Diatessaron; The Letters of Heracleon; The Canon of Muratorian; The Letters of Hippolytus of Rome; The Gospel of Mary Magdalene; The Apocalypse of Paul; 5th Peter of the Apocalypse; 5th John; The Kiss of Judas and concepts (fragments); The Adoration of the Magi (damaged); The birth of Christ and the murder of the innocents; Christ before Pilate (partial); The Battles of Peter; Christ Jesus as a gardener appearing to Mary Magdalene

your Sin upon his Blood

Consent to the Holy Ghost into your Heart


Genesis 9:4, 5, 6; 37:22, 26, 31; Exodus 7:17, 19, 20, 21; Numbers 35:19, 21, 24, 25, 27, 33;

Deuteronomy 12:16, 23, 27; Joshua 20:3, 5, 9; 1st Samuel 25:26, 31, 33; 1st Kings 2:31, 32, 33,
37; Job 16:18; Proverbs 1:11, 16, 18; Jeremiah 2:34; Ezekiel 16:6, 9, 22, 36, 38; Hosea 1:4; 4; 2; Joel 2:30, 31; Jonah 1:14; Matthew 23:30, 35; Mark 14:24; Luke 11:50, 51; John 6:53, 54, 55, 56; Acts 21:25; The Narratives of the Passion; The Gospel of Thomas; The Book of Quelle; The Signs of the Gospel; The Protevangelion; The writings of Nicodemus; Paul and Thecla; Smyrnaeans; The Council of Jamnia; Romans 3;15, 25; 1st Corinthians 11:25, 27; Galatians 1:16; 1st Peter 1:2, 19; 1st John 5:6, 8; Revelation of John 16:3, 4, 6; The Apocalypse of Peter an Apostle of Christ Jesus; Tertullian (wrote de Spectaculis); The Letters for Ptolemy; Demiurge in Valentinianism; Diatessaron; The Letters of Heracleon; The Canon of Muratorian; The Letters of Hippolytus of Rome; The Gospel of Mary Magdalene; The Apocalypse of Paul; 5th Peter of the Apocalypse; 5th John; The Kiss of Judas and concepts (fragments); The Adoration of the Magi (damaged); The birth of Christ and the murder of the innocents; Christ before Pilate (partial); The Battles of Peter; Christ Jesus as a gardener appearing to Mary Magdalene

unto the Lord thy God factual Love

Endeavor to lead a Righteous Life

Genesis 32:20; Exodus 22:11; Leviticus 26:41, 43; Deuteronomy 33:11; 1st Samuel 26:19; 2nd Samuel 24:23; Job 13:8, 10; 32: 21; Psalms 119:108; Jeremiah 14:10; Ezekiel 20:40, 41; 43:27; Malachi 1:8, 10, 13; The Gospel of Mary; Laodiceans; Paul and Seneca; Smyrnaeans; The Gospel of Thomas; The Book of Quelle; Acts 24:3; Romans 14:18; 1st Peter 2:5, 20; The Apocalypse of Peter an Apostle of Christ Jesus; Tertullian (wrote de Spectaculis); The Letters for Ptolemy; Demiurge in Valentinianism; Diatessaron; The Letters of Heracleon; The Canon of Muratorian; The Letters of Hippolytus of Rome; The Gospel of Mary Magdalene; The Apocalypse of Paul; 5th Peter of the Apocalypse; 5th John; The Kiss of Judas and concepts (fragments); The Adoration of the Magi (damaged); The birth of Christ and the murder of the innocents; Christ before Pilate (partial); The Battles of Peter; Christ Jesus as a gardener appearing to Mary Magdalene

upon the Factual Truth of the Lord our God

Challenge to walk the path of Christ in your daily life


Matthew 3:11; Mark 1:4, 8; Luke 3:16; The Narratives of the Passion; The Gospel of Thomas; The Book of Quelle; The Signs of the Gospel; The Protevangelion; The writings of Nicodemus; Paul and Thecla; Smyrnaeans; The Council of Jamnia; John 1:26, 33; Acts of the Apostles 2:38; 1st Corinthians 1:17; Galatians 3:27; Nag Hammadi Papyrus (5); The Apocalypse of Peter an Apostle of Christ Jesus; Tertullian (wrote de Spectaculis); The Letters for Ptolemy; Demiurge in Valentinianism; Diatessaron; The Letters of Heracleon; The Canon of Muratorian; The Letters of Hippolytus of Rome; The Gospel of Mary Magdalene; The Apocalypse of Paul; 5th Peter of the Apocalypse; 5th John; The Kiss of Judas and concepts (fragments); The Adoration of the Magi (damaged); The birth of Christ and the murder of the innocents; Christ before Pilate (partial); The Battles of Peter; Christ Jesus as a gardener appearing to Mary Magdalene

an even Strain 45 on a daily basis

1st Kings 8:45, 49, 59: 1st Chronicles 26:27; 2nd Chronicles 6:35, 39; Job 13:15; Psalms 9:4; 16:5; 140:12; The Gospel of Mary; The Protevangelion; The Gospels of the Infancy (1 & 2); Christ and Abgarus; The writings of Nicodemus; Laodiceans; Barnabas; Ephesians; Trallians; Smyrnaeaans; Philippians; The Letters of Herod and Pilate; The Apocalypse of Peter an Apostle of Christ Jesus; The Apocalypse of Peter an Apostle of Christ Jesus; Tertullian (wrote de Spectaculis); The Letters for Ptolemy; Demiurge in Valentinianism; Diatessaron; The Letters of Heracleon; The Canon of Muratorian; The Letters of Hippolytus of Rome; The Gospel of Mary Magdalene; The Apocalypse of Paul; 5th Peter of the Apocalypse; 5th John; The Kiss of Judas and concepts (fragments); The Adoration of the Magi (damaged); The birth of Christ and the murder of the innocents; Christ before Pilate (partial); The Battles of Peter; Christ Jesus as a gardener appearing to Mary Magdalene

is the factual path of a contented life, full of Peace, Fun, Adventure and

Love for which the Lord has promised; it is at hand only once you accept.

The process in everyday life wherein the great efforts, exertions or tensions injury a part of the body or soul to cause a weakening in the Inner Most Strength of Ones Life



these words within your Heart and seek the factual truth of its

Indispensable Meaning; the Lord thy God has studied your life from the Intra-Spatial Sequence of Future 46, Present and Past.


must allow his astuteness and devotion of his Omnipresent 47 Logic to

aid you in your struggles on this Plane of the Time River.


good traditionalist doesnt worry about the Future, nor does he worry

about others whom seek the false path he accepts the truth of his heart and follows the way of Christ, Jesus in his Soul.
Genesis 49:17; Leviticus; Deuteronomy; Numbers 22:24; Job 28:7; 30:13; Psalms 16:11; Bel and the Dragon; Daniel, Bel and the Snake; 2nd Ascension of Isaiah; Proverbs 1:15; 2:9; 4:14, 18, 26; 5:6; Joel 2:8; The Narratives of the Passion; The Gospel of Thomas; The Book of Quelle; The Signs of the Gospel; The Protevangelion; The writings of Nicodemus; Paul and Thecla; Smyrnaeans; The Council of Jamnia; Matthew 5:2, 3, 6; Mark 7:3, 5, 8, 9; 1st Peter 1:18; The Council of Jerusalem; The Council of Antioch; The Wisdom of Sirach; Esther 10: 4,6,7,9; (additions to Esther in the OT); Ecclesiasticus (Sirach II); The Red Sea Battles against Pharaohs Armies; New Babylon; The Gospel of Peter; The Gospel of Egerton; Ur-Mark; The Secret Book of James (the brother of Christ Jesus); Paralipomena of Jeremiah; The Gospel of Mary (the mother of Christ Jesus)

Intra-Spatial Sequence of Future is the functional control of the Time River as it pulses to the flow of the maker of the Universe. This flow never starts and never ends; it exists as before and shall exist long after the flow of life is done.


Omnipresent present in all places at the same time or omnipresence



good traditionalist Internalizes that the Future is set in Stone and the path

of Free Will is always covered under Gods superior graces this can revolutionize all things. It is said it is impossible with the Lord thy Gods inner most Love to adept the future to his present stroke of the Time River.


good traditionalist accepts the sluice of Life as given by the Lord and

triumphs over all manners of Trials & Tribulations 48 as posted in this plane; with the matchless Grace of Christ, Jesus administering all Justice in our life and the Holy Ghost Executing all forms of rationale.
Deuteronomy 4:30; Judges 10:14; 1st Samuel 26:24; Ur-Mark; The Gospel of Thomas; The
Gospel of the Egyptians; Fayum; Matthew 13:21, 24:21, 29; Mark 13:24; John 16:33; Acts 14:22; Oxyrhynchus 1224 (3); The Book of Quelle; Romans 2:9; 5:3; 8:35; 2nd Corinthians 1:4; 7:4; The Council of Jerusalem; The Council of Antioch; The Wisdom of Sirach; Esther 10: 4,6,7,9; (additions to Esther in the OT); Ecclesiasticus (Sirach II); The Red Sea Battles against Pharaohs Armies; New Babylon; The Gospel of Peter; The Gospel of Egerton; The Secret Book of James (the brother of Christ Jesus); Paralipomena of Jeremiah; The Gospel of Mary (the mother of Christ Jesus); Revelation of John 1:9; 2:9, 10, 22; 7:14; The Apocalypse of Peter an Apostle of Christ Jesus

good traditionalist surrenders unto the Lord daily and with as many

questions as his Love will bring to the front.


is mightier than the Lord thy God? Who is most judicious upon the


Tribulations 58


is the Agape Love for all Timelines of the Time River whom seeks the

Joy and contentment of all? Who gave Salvation to the entire Multi-Cosmos? It is he who has given all and still is willing to give more; he is your Lord, God the maker of the Universe and conquers of Functional Sin.

Jesus will accept none who dont yield unto his Fathers Agape Love

and defeat the Inner Child that holds him or her back.
19Wisdom 49

the Kind Lady that cries and mourns for those that seek a False

Path; Factual Truth and Acceptance of the Lord thy Gods stroke of Obedience is the key to Logic of the Age.
Exodus 28:3, 31:3, 25:35; 1st Kings 4:29, 30, 34, 5:12; 2nd Chronicles 9:3, 5, 6, 7; Job 6:13, 11:6, 13:5; Proverbs; Ecclesiastes of the Neviim by Solomon 1:13, 16, 17, 18, 7:11, 12, 19, 23, 25; Daniel 2:14, 20, 21, 23; 5:11, 14; The Gospel of Thomas; The Gospel of the Egyptians; Fayum; Matthew 12:42; Mark 6:2; Luke 2:40; The Council of Jerusalem; The Council of Antioch; The Wisdom of Sirach; Esther 10: 4,6,7,9; (additions to Esther in the OT); Ecclesiasticus (Sirach II); The Red Sea Battles against Pharaohs Armies; New Babylon; The Gospel of Peter; The Gospel of Egerton; Ur-Mark; The Secret Book of James (the brother of Christ Jesus); Paralipomena of Jeremiah; The Gospel of Mary (the mother of Christ Jesus); The Signs of the Gospel; The Protevangelion; The writings of Nicodemus; 2nd Peter 3:15; 4th Peter

calls upon you, we call upon you Accept 50, Read, Study, Repent,

Believe, and Acknowledge then in quite ease surrender to your God. It is written that

Wisdom of the Lords love


the Lord thy God is not in a building 51, made neither of wood, stone or even the substance of brick he is of himself and the total consumption 52 of Light and Life. Therein Wisdom, Study and Literacy could lead you to the Lord but Faith is the prime requirement of Truth.


many understand and attempt said path upon their spirit and then

allow this faith to grow in the One True God?


WHO IS53, HE WHO WAS54 and HE WHO WILL BE 55 seek your inner

most spirit upon the Agape Love of the Lord thy God. God is factual Love. Christ is Functional Justice. Holy Ghost is Faithful Hope.
Genesis; Exodus; Leviticus; Deuteronomy; The Assumption of Moses; Daniel Bel and the Snake; 1,2,3,and 4th Maccabees; Job 29:16; Psalms 68:5; The Gospel of Mary; The Gospel of Thomas; The Gospel of the Egyptians; The Gospel of Peter; Matthew 5:16, 6:9, 7:21, 10:32, 33, 12:50, 28:19; Luke 23:24; Oxyrhynchus 1224 (1, 2 & 3); John; 1st John 3:1, 5:7; Rev 3:21; The

The Concept to take and receive willingly; to receive favorably; approve; to submit; to believe in; to understand as having a certain meaning; to agree to take the responsibilities of your soul in the path of salvation; thus to Accept ones heart daily.


Chapter Dispositional Annotations which have Excerpts from the Epistles

The journey of the using all matter in the Cosmos for the betterment of all humanity through the giving of himself daily and in the past via his Sons self- sacrifice for Functional Sin.

The Father The Son Holy Ghost




Apocalypse of Peter an Apostle of Christ Jesus; Didache; Papyrus Fayum; The Secret Gospel of Mark; The Council of Jamnia; The Council of Jerusalem; The Council of Antioch; The Book of Quelle; Odes of Solomon; Paralipomena of Jeremiah; Testament of the Twelve Patriarchs of the Lord Christ Jesus; Oxyrhynchus 840 Gospels (partial); Gospel of Mary The Gospel of Mary; The Gospel of Thomas; The Gospel of the Egyptians; The Gospel of Peter; Matthew; Mark; Luke; James; John; The Narratives of the Passion; Acts; 1st Peter 2:21; 1st John 2:22; Revelation of John 11:15; The Apocalypse of Peter an Apostle of Christ Jesus; Didache; Papyrus Fayum; The Secret Gospel of Mark; The Council of Jamnia; The Council of Jerusalem; The Council of Antioch; The Book of Quelle; Odes of Solomon; Paralipomena of Jeremiah; Testament of the Twelve Patriarchs of the Lord Christ Jesus; Oxyrhynchus 840 Gospels (partial); Naassene Fragment; Ophite Diagram; The Letters of Basilides; The writings of Papias; The Gospel of the Hebrews; The Traditions of Matthias Genesis 1:2; The Gospel of Mary; The Gospel of Thomas; The Gospel of the Egyptians; The Gospel of Peter; The Book of Quelle; Fayum; The sermons of Peter; Matthew 1:20, 3:11; Mark 8:38; Luke 1:15, 1:35, 3:16, 4:1; John 1:33; Acts 2:4; Revelation of John 3:7; The Apocalypse of Peter an Apostle of Christ Jesus; Didache; Papyrus Fayum; The Secret Gospel of Mark; The Council of Jamnia; The Council of Jerusalem; The Council of Antioch; The Book of Quelle; Odes of Solomon; Paralipomena of Jeremiah; Testament of the Twelve Patriarchs of the Lord Christ Jesus; Oxyrhynchus 840 Gospels (partial); 1st and 2nd Clement; The writings of Theophilus of Antioch; The Letters of Bishop Polycrates of Ephesus; 5th Peter

traditionalist inquires about the voice crying in the wilderness: Repent 56,

repent! Make your way straight with the Lord!


The way of feeling sorry or self-reproachful for what one has done or in this case failed to do; be conscience-stricken or contrite in your soul to accept the Lord thy God; his Son Christ, Jesus (as your personal Savior and Lord) and the Holy Ghost



his Righteousness 57 upon your Inner Most Soul and be Baptized

with the Spirit Water of the Truth! The Lord thy God, the Son of Man and the Comforter 58 have accepted you before the commencement of Sequenced Time.
Genesis 15:6; 30:33; Deuteronomy 9:4, 5, 6; 1st Samuel 26:23; 2nd Samuel 22:21; Job 6:29; Proverbs; Psalms 143:11; Isaiah 42:21; Ur-Mark; The Gospel of Thomas; The Gospel of the Egyptians; Fayum; The Signs of the Gospel; The Protevangelion; The writings of Nicodemus Matthew 5:10; 1st Peter 3:14; 2nd Peter 2:21; 3:13; 3rd Peter; Revelation of John 19:8, 11; The Apocalypse of Peter an Apostle of Christ Jesus

Ecclesiastes 4:1; Lamentations 1:9, 16; Ur-Mark; The Gospel of Thomas; The Gospel of the
Egyptians; Fayum; John 14:16, 26, 15:26, 16:7; The Narratives of the Passion; The Gospel of Thomas; The Book of Quelle; The Signs of the Gospel; The Protevangelion; The writings of Nicodemus; Paul and Thecla; Smyrnaeans; The Council of Jamnia

are the beginning of the Final Course of this Time Line 59 we who are

Traditionalist must accept the responsibility for all avenues of the Truth that is of God unto this World.


not, seek not and accept not that which is not of the Lord thy

God; he exists in the appearances of truth for the conception of all components and vicinities of the Time River. Those, which it is given and to those that it is given not,


The acting in a just, upright manner; doing what is right; virtuous; morally right; fair and just

An entity or deity, which brings a person comfort from its presence; a covering of truth, which protects all things in this Cosmos The Holy Ghost
58 59

Chapter Dispositional Annotations which have Excerpts from the Epistles 62

understand the factual truth of the Lord thy God in all things its just their own self will that gets in the way.


Holy Ghost is given unto all beings that accept the Lord in his way and

not theirs; it is respect for the Lord thy God and the acquaintance of his power, which leads to peace 60.
Genesis 28:21; Exodus 29:28; Deuteronomy 20:12; Job 25:2; Jeremiah 43:12; Daniel and Susanna; Isaiah; James; Ur-Mark; Mark II; Esdras 1 and 2; Sirach; Judith; Ecclesiasticus; The Narratives of the Passion; Oxyrhynchus 1224 (3); The Shepherd of Hermes (1 & 2); Matthew 10:13; Mark 10:5; Luke 24:36; John 14:27; Acts of the Apostles 16:36; The Apocalypse of Peter an Apostle of Christ Jesus; The Narratives of the Passion; The Gospel of Thomas; The Book of Quelle; The Signs of the Gospel; The Protevangelion; The writings of Nicodemus; Paul and Thecla; Smyrnaeans; The Council of Jamnia; Epistula Apostolorum; Diatessaron; The Letters while Theophilus was in Caesarea

good traditionalist is not worthy of the Agape Love of the Lord thy God

except by the Grace of Salvation first bought by Christ, Jesus and the inception of the Holy Ghost upon your soul. Functional Sin?


outer and inner flaw within the souls of all whom seek the Lord thy God

in their ways; which with Free Will can be conquered by simple surrender unto the


Peace 63

Lord. It is not enough that Ive told you, but that you have not heard or listened to the words of the Lord.


to the highest peak the factual truth of the Lord thy God and that which

is given unto you that He Who Was came forth and gave his life for all beings; even you.
Assumption of Moses (Moses II); Exodus 15:1, 21; 32:18; Numbers 21:17; 1st Samuel 21:11; 1st Paralipomenon; 2nd Chronicles 20:22; Most of the Ketuvim of Psalms by King David; Proverbs 29:6; Ketuvim of Song of Songs or the Canticle of Canticles by King Solomon; Ketuvim of the Song of Three young men {Apocrypha} (Daniel 3:24 to 90); The Epistle of the Apostles; Christs entry into Jerusalem; Adoration of the Magi; The Signs of the Gospels; Didache; The Book of Quelle; L in Caesarean Basic; Papyrus Fayum; 1st Corinthians 14:15; The 2nd Gospel of Egerton; Revelation of John 15:3; The Council of Antioch; The Book of Nine; Bartholomews Resurrection of Christ Jesus and the heavenly choir; The Gospel of Basilides; Naassene Fragment; Epistula Apostolorum; Diatessaron by Tatian; Excerpts from Theodotus

the words of the factual truth of the Lord thy God, Christ Jesus my son

has died for you, Repent! Repent! Yea sinner!


Lord Christ, Jesus has died on all planes of existence for all beings in

all components, places and constituencies of the Time River. Behold, the great and wonderful news he lives in all places, times and beings through out the Cosmos, as we know it and do not know it. Who is vaster in Logic than God? Who understands the balance of truth more than God Repent! Repent!



yea the Lord in all ways for he is in all things, which are under, above

and about the heaven the places, which we see and cant see.


Jesus has conquered all functional sin in all timelines and to all

beings in his vast and infinite Cosmos 61. We rejoices upon his Righteous Name in that he so loved the Multi-Cosmos that he gave of himself by his Death and Resurrection that all beings may be Saved.


you are saved by your surrender unto the Lord and it is written that

functional Salvation begins with Literacy 62, Acceptance, Surrender, Hope, Faith, Tradition, Honor 63, Repentance and Belief that the Lord Christ, Jesus victory on the Cross of all time lines is of the Truth.
Ketuvim of Proto-Job by Elihu; 2nd Paralipomenon; Proverbs 3:9, 3:16, 4:8, 515:33, 20:3, 29:23, 31:25; 3rd Esdras {Apocrypha} by Nehemiah; Ecclesiasticus a Deuterocanonical by Ben Sirach;

The Multi-Verse or Multi-Cosmos considered as a harmonious and orderly system of time, space, matter and love which bonds all things into co-existence as set by the Will of the Lord thy God. This complete and safe system of being which holds all races, creeds and species in the palm of the Lords Mighty hand and allowing Free Will to function daily

It is my belief that this one word means much in the way of ones salvation it establishes the open heart acceptance of the Will of the Lords Love, the Justice of Christ, Jesus Victory and the Touch of the Holy Ghost upon your Inner Most Minds Eye of the Soul. As it is written the state or quality of being literate thru the ability to read and write in ones tongue; the knowledge ability or capability of self-thought to all whom bring forth wisdom of the Lord thy God

Honor the most important word in all the Bible and any other religious writing from which beings bring forth the Word, Will and Love of the Lord thy God. Thus to Honor is the highest basis of love of God in the Multi-Cosmos


The Presentation in the Temple; The Baptism of Christ Jesus the Son of God in the Jordan by John the Baptist; The Life of Saint John the Baptist; Papyrus Oxyrhynchus 1224 fragment of the Gospel truths; The Scroll of R in Aramaic; Ur-Mark; The Gospel according to Peter an Apostle of Christ Jesus; The Gospel of Judas; Nicolaus of Antioch {Nicolaitians}; The Acts of Pilate; The writings of Pliny the Younger; 1st Peter (body of works); Papyrus 52; Papyrus P 29, 38 48 and Codex Bezae; 2nd Clement; The letters of Hegesippus; The letters of Galen; The Acts of Andrew; Papyrus 45

must be joyous unto the Lord our God, Glory unto his name for his faith

in our aptitude to surrender unto his Loving Word. Accept his Hope of everlasting glory upon his Cosmos and its Intra-Spiritual Consciences 64. As it is written, I am rising for the avocation of man to live each day as though it was his last never flustered, never lazy, never a false word herein lies the perfection of Character.
Proto-Genesis (oral) which leads to Genesis 31:1; Exodus 16:7, 10; Leviticus 9:6, 23; Numbers 14:10, 11, 22; 1st Chronicles 29:11; Book of Samuel the Seer - (1st Chronicles 29:29); Nathan the Prophet - (1st Chronicles 29:29 & 2nd Chronicles 9:29); Book of Gad the Seer - (1st Chronicles 29:29); 2nd Chronicles 7:1, 2, 3; Prophecy of Abijah - (2nd Chronicles 9:29); The story of the Prophet Iddo - (2nd Chronicles 13:22); The Visions of Iddo the Seer - (2nd Chronicles 9:29); Job 29:20; Psalms 24: 7, 8, 9, 10; Isaiah 66:11, 12, 18, 19; 1st Martyrdom of Isaiah; 2nd Martyrdom of Isaiah; Ezekiel 10: 4, 18, 19; Daniel 11:20, 39; Tobit which is a Deuterocanonical; The Wisdom Sirach also a Deuterocanonical by Ben Sirach; Ecclesiasticus by Ben Sirach another Deuterocanonical; Zechariah 11:3; Ascension of Isaiah as part of The Twelve; The Prayer of Manasseh an Apocrypha; Daniel, Bel, and the Snake also an Apocrypha; Pistis Sophia an Epistle; Epistle of Eugnostos; According to the Hebrews Gospel; Oxyrhynchus 1224 Gospels; Council of Jerusalem; Matthew 6:13; Mark 8:38; Luke 2:9, 14, 32; John 11:4, 40; Acts of the Apostles 7:2, 55; Romans 9:4, 23; Gospel of Cerinthus; 1st Corinthians 1:29, 31; 2nd Corinthians 3:7, 9, 10, 18; According to Nicodemus a Gospel; Galatians 1:5; Papyrus 52; Revelation 5:12, 13; Valentinian Theology 3; Tatian produces "Diatessaron" Harmony; Epistle to Diognetus; Papyrus 66


See Chapter Dispositional Annotations



am a member of the whole body of conscience things through out this vast

Multi-Cosmos. Life is the way you see it, face the tempestuous winds that blow from the Wrath of God with steady oars and uncomplaining hearts.


Love, which is woven for you in the pattern of your soulful destiny 65;

what could be better suited for your inner growth.


it is the concealed power within us that pulls the strings; Honor

the highest Calling in the universe; dig within. Waste no more time talking about great souls and how they should be; become one yourself.


Repent! Make your way straight with the Lord thy God. It is said

that the heart and soul, one cant exist without the other. The Body and Heart, the Soul and Spirit are inseparable from the Factual Truth of Gods Agape Love.
1st Enoch (Oral) - Apocrypha; Apocalypse of Pseudo Methodius (Oral) a Pseudepigrapha; Jubilees which is an Apocrypha; Exodus 13:17; Numbers 23:19; Book of the Wars of the Lord an additional part of the Torah (Numbers 21:14); Deuteronomy 32:36; 1st Kings 8:47; Job 42:6; Psalms 110:4; Jeremiah 18:8; Ezekiel 18:30; Jonah 3:9; Chronicles of the King Ahasuerus which is a Ketuvim (Esther 2:23 and Esther 6:1); Chronicles of the Kings of Media and Persia also a Ketuvim (Esther 10:2); Additions to Esther via the Ketuvim (Esther 10:4-10); Questions from Bartholomew a Gospel; Epistle of Eugnostos; Ur-Mark; Didache; Book of Quelle; Gospel of Appelles; Matthew 3:2; Mark


That which determines events: said of either the supernatural agency of the Lord thy God


1:15; Luke 13:3, 5; Acts of the Apostles 2:38; 3:19; 8:22; 17:30; 26:20; 2nd Corinthians 7:8; Revelation 2:5, 16, 21, 22; Sermons of Peter an Epistle; Paralipomena of Jeremiah a Gospel based on the 4th Baruch {Written in Hebrew Ethiopic Testament; Marsenes a Sethian; The Acts of John a Leucian; Letter of Corinthians an Epistle which were sent to Paul

is known that one form of Chaotic Insanity 66 is repeating the same

mistake over and over again expecting a different result.


sustains when everything else fails; through hope we renew the

struggle when all seems lost.


see it depends on whether our hope is well founded; if we as

Traditionalist hope in the factual promise of the Lord it is a Hope built upon the Hill.
2nd Enoch (Oral) an Apocrypha; Life of Adam and Eve an Apocrypha {(Vita Adae at Evae) Oral}; Joseph and Aseneth a Pseudepigrapha; Psuedo-Phocylides a Pseudepigrapha; Ruth 1:12; 2nd Chronicles of the Neviim (2nd Paralipomenon) or (4th Kings of Old); Ezra 10:2; Job 4:6; 5:16; 11:18, 20; 41:9; Psalms 119:49, 81, 114, 116; Baruch, with the letter of (Jeremiah) a Deuterocanonical; Proverbs 11:7; Ecclesiastes a Neviim 9:4; Jeremiah 2:25; Lamentations a Ketuvim 3:18, 21, 24, 26, 29; Luke 6:34; The Epistle of Mathetes by Diognetus; The Acts of Peter & Paul a Leucian; 5th Peter

and well placed for any storm that may threat us with harm. Our

hope is based on a Person, a great Friend, and more than a friend, One whose love surpasses even the love of a wife or mother.


The state of being insane; mental illness or derangement, usually excluding amentia



Lord gave His Life for our Functional Sin; since He loved us so much

should we not trust in that hope of truth. His Truth is the path.
Acts of the Apostles 26:6, 7; Romans 8:20, 24, 25; Apocalypse of Stephen a Revelation; 1st Corinthians 9:10 (3); 1st Apology of Justin Martyr an Epistle; Epiphanies on Righteousness an Epistle; 2nd Clement which are a three book series based on the Epistle basis; Papyrus 75: (Bodmer 14-15, Luke & John, earliest extant Luke, ~ Vaticanus Luke 3: 18-22, 33-4:2, 34-5:10, 376:4, 10-7:32, 35-39, 41-43, 46-9:2,4- 17:15, 19-18:18; 22:4-24:53; 1st John: 1-7:52; 8:12-11:45, 4857; 12:3- 13:1, 8-9; 14:8-30; 15:7-8)

Deuteronomy 29:29 The secret things belong unto the Lord; but those things which are revealed belong unto us, and to our children forever, that we may do all the words of this law.


Chapter Dispositional Annotations Truth the quality or state of being true; specifically: a) loyalty; trustworthiness b) Sincerity; genuineness; honesty c) the quality of being in accordance with experience, facts, or reality; conformity with fact d) reality; actual existence e) agreement with a standard, rule, etc.; correctness; accuracy; that which is true; statement, etc. that accords with fact or reality; an established or verified fact, principle, etc.; a particular belief or teaching regarded by the speaker as the true one; certainly; fact; veracity, as applied to persons or to their utterances, connotes habitual adherence to the truth [I cannot doubt your veracity]; verity, as applied to things, connotes correspondence with fact or with reality [the verity of that thesis]; verisimilitude, as applied to literary or artistic representations, suggests a degree of plausibility sufficient to induce audience belief [the characterizations in that novel lack verisimilitude] The path to make internal specific, and long lasting changes in ones own patterns of thinking (the prevailing attitudes, ideas and norms which make up a persons ethic and moral basis) towards the true journey unto the Lord thy God. The process in everyday life wherein the great efforts, exertions or tensions injury a part of the body or soul to cause a weakening in the Inner Most Strength of Ones Life {ME streinen < Old French estraindre, to strain, wring hard < Latin stringere, to draw tight}. Intra-Spatial Sequence of Future is the functional control of the Time River as it pulses to the flow of the maker of the Universe. This flow never starts and never ends; it exists as before and shall exist long after the flow of life is done. Time Motion Control wherein:


Intra (in tre) {Latin intra- < tra, within, inside < intera, akin to interior, inter} prefix within, inside Spatial (spa shel) {< Latin spatium, SPACE + -AL} of space / happening or existing in space Sequence (se kwens) {MFr < LL, a following < Latin sequens} (a) the following of one thing after another in chronological, causal, or logical order; succession or continuity (b) the order in which this occurs (c) a continuous or related series, often of uniform things (d) a resulting event; consequence; sequel (e) {known} {ME < ML sequentia < LL (Ec), used as translation of Greek (Ec) akolouthia, a succession of notes on the last syllable of the alleluia} a hymn coming immediately before the Gospel in certain Masses Omnipresent (am ni prezent) {ML omnipraesens < Latin omnis, all + praesens} present in all places at the same time or omnipresence The tribulations (trib ye la shen) {ME tribulacion < OFr < LL (Ec) tribulatio < tribulare, to afflict, oppress < Latin to press < tribulum, threshing platform with sharp studs, akin to terere, to rub} great misery or distress, as from oppression of Factual in our Lives. Future (fyoo cher) {ME futur < OFr < Latin futurus, about to be, used as fut. part. of esse, to be} (a) That is to be or come; of days, months, or years ahead (b) indicating time to come (c) the time that is to come; days, months, or years ahead (d) what will happen; what is going to be (e) the prospective or potential condition of a person or thing; especially, the chance to achieve, succeed. In other words the Lord has looked at your life five thousand years before you were born and five thousand

years after you have died. He has compared, examined and research all options of the Time River in regards to how your touch is upon it affects it and thus with your Free Will created a balance in all aspects of the flow in the Time River. Tribulations which lead to deep sorrow; something that causes suffering or distress; affliction (e flik shen) {ME affliccion < OFr affliction < Latin afflictio} (A) an afflicted condition; pain (B) suffering or anything causing pain or distress; calamity (C) affliction implies pain, suffering, or distress imposed by illness, loss, misfortune, etc.; trial suggests suffering that tries one's endurance, but in a weaker sense refers to annoyance that tries one's patience; tribulation describes severe affliction continuing over a long and trying period; misfortune is applied to a circumstance or event involving adverse fortune and to the suffering or distress occasioned by it. Thus the form of disaster (di zas ter) {OFr desastre < Italian disastro < Latin dis+ astrum < Greek astron (see ASTRAL), star} any happening that causes great harm or damage; serious or sudden misfortune; calamity} as we fail to listen to the wise touch of Gods hand upon our souls. Disaster implies great or sudden misfortune that results in loss of life, property, etc. or that is ruinous to an undertaking; calamity suggests a grave misfortune that brings deep distress or sorrow to an individual or to the people at large; catastrophe is specifically applied to a disastrous end or outcome; cataclysm suggests a great upheaval, esp. a political or social one, that causes sudden and violent change with attending distress, or suffering. Thus Wisdom {ME < Old English wis, wise + -dom}(a) the quality of being wise (b) power of judging rightly and following the soundest course of action, based on knowledge, experience, understanding, sagacity word and the power of the Lord thy Gods touch upon your heart. Wisdom of Her who calls thus we look at the root word


of wise (wiz) {ME wis < OE, akin to witan, to know, OHG wis, MDu wijs < PGmc wisa-, wise < IE weid- < base wedi-, to see, know > Sans vcdas, knowledge, Greek idris, knowing, Latin videre} (a) having or showing good judgment; sagacious; prudent (b) prompted by wisdom; judicious; sound (c) having information; informed (d) learned; erudite (e) shrewd; crafty; cunning (f) {most interesting aspect, having knowledge of black magic, etc. (g) [Slang] (1) annoyingly self-assured, knowing, conceited, etc. (2) impudent; fresh. The Concept to take and receive willingly; to receive favorably; approve; to submit; to believe in; to understand as having a certain meaning; to agree to take the responsibilities of your soul in the path of salvation. Thus to Accept {ME accepten < Old French accepter < Latin acceptare < pp. stem of accipere < ad-, to + capere, to take} ones heart daily. The journey of the using all matter in the Cosmos for the betterment of all humanity through the giving of himself daily and in the past via his Sons self- sacrifice for Functional Sin. The Father Job 29:16; Psalms 68:5; Matthew 5:16, 6:9, 7:21, 10:32, 33, 12:50, 28:19; Luke 23:24; John; 1st John 3:1, 5:7; Rev 3:21: The Lord thy God whom is and will always will be upon the face of the Multi-Cosmos. Our Lord Father in Heaven thus Father (fa ther) {ME fader < OE f+der, akin to ON fathir, OHG fater, Goth fadar > Latin pater, Greek patcr, Sans pitr: ult. origin prob. echoic of baby talk, as in PAPA, Hindi babd} (A) a man who has begotten a child; esp., a man as he is related to his child or children (B) a) a stepfather b) an adoptive father c) a father-inlaw (C) the male parent of a plant or animal (D) a person regarded as a male parent; protector (E) God, or God as the first person in the Trinity (F) a forefather; ancestor: usually used in pl. (G) an originator, founder, or inventor (H) any man deserving of

respect or reverence because of age, position, etc. (I) a senator of ancient Rome (J) any of the leaders of a city, assembly, etc.: usually used in pl. (K) any of the early Christian religious writers considered reliable authorities on the doctrines and teachings of the Church (L) a Christian priest: used especially as a title. The Son Matthew; Mark; Luke; John; Acts; 1st Peter 2:21; 1st John 2:22; Rev 11:15: The Christ Jesus of the Cosmos whom came forth and gave his life for all that believe in his Justice in the path of Salvation. Son (sun) {ME sone < OE sunu, akin to German sohn, Goth sunus < IE sdnus < base seu-, to give birth to > Sans sdyatc, (she) bears, OIr suth, birth} (A) a boy or man as he is related to either or both parents: sometimes also used of animals (B) a male descendant (C) a) a stepson b) an adopted son c) a son-in-law (D) a male thought of as having been formed by some influence, as a child is by a parent sons of France" (E) an affectionate or familiar form of address to a boy or man, as used by an older person (F) The Son of God via Christian Theology; Jesus Christ, as the second person of the Trinity. Holy Ghost - Gen 1:2; Matt. 1:20, 3:11; Mark 8:38; Luke 1:15, 1:35, 3:16, 4:1; John 1:33; Acts 2:4; Rev. 3:7: The Holy Spirit of the Lord, which existed before time and will move upon the Multi-Cosmos long after it, is gone. Holy Ghost {ME haligast, translation of LL (Ec) Spiritus Sanctus} HOLY SPIRIT - the spirit of God; specific the third person of the Trinity. Holy Ghost of True Hope thus we look at holy (ho lie) {ME holie < OE halig (akin to German heilig) < base of OE hal, sound, happy, WHOLE: first used in OE as translation of Latin sacer, sanctus, in the Vulg} (A) dedicated to religious use; belonging to or coming from God; consecrated; sacred (B) spiritually perfect or pure; untainted by evil or sin; sinless; saintly (C) regarded with or deserving deep respect, awe, reverence, or adoration (D) a holy thing or place (E) holy suggests that which is held in deepest religious reverence or is basically associated with a religion and, in extended use, connotes spiritual purity

[the Holy Ghost, a holy love]; sacred refers to that which is set apart as holy or is dedicated to some exalted purpose and, therefore, connotes inviolability [Parnassus was sacred to Apollo, a sacred trust]; consecrated and hallowed describe that which has been made sacred or holy, consecrated in addition connoting solemn devotion or dedication [a life consecrated to art], and hallowed, inherent or intrinsic holiness [hallowed ground]; divine suggests that which is of the nature of, is associated with, or is derived from God or a god [the divine right of kings], and, in extended use, connotes supreme greatness [the Divine Duse] or, colloquially, great attractiveness. The way of feeling sorry or self-reproachful for what one has done or in this case failed to do; be conscience-stricken or contrite in your soul to accept the Lord thy God; his Son Christ, Jesus (as your personal Savior and Lord) and the Holy Ghost {ME repenten < Old French repentir < VL repoenitere < Latin re-, again + poetitere, for paenitere} Psalms 143:11; Is 42:21; Matthew 5:10; 1st Peter 3:14: The acting in a just, upright manner; doing what is right; virtuous; morally right; fair and just; wherein morally justifiable in ones path upon this plane of existence for the betterment of humanity as a whole and thus acting as per the Lord in all things {altered, by analogy with adjs. In EOUS < ME rihtwis < Old English} An entity or deity, which brings a person comfort from its presence; a covering of truth, which protects all things in this Cosmos The Holy Ghost Peace is the exceptional quality of the Lord thy Gods touch upon your heart wherein the calm, quiet, tranquil, undisturbed state of being in which harmony co-exist with our soul {ME pais < Old French < Latin Pax (gen. Pacis) < IE base * pak}


The Multi-Verse or Multi-Cosmos considered as a harmonious and orderly system of time, space, matter and love which bonds all things into co-existence as set by the Will of the Lord thy God. This complete and safe system of being which holds all races, creeds and species in the palm of the Lords Mighty hand and allowing Free Will to function daily {ME < Greek kosmos, universe, harmony} It is my belief that this one word means much in the way of ones salvation it establishes the open heart acceptance of the Will of the Lords Love, the Justice of Christ, Jesus Victory and the Touch of the Holy Ghost upon your Inner Most Minds Eye of the Soul. As it is written the state or quality of being literate thru the ability to read and write in ones tongue; the knowledge ability or capability of self-thought to all whom bring forth wisdom of the Lord thy God. Honor the most important word in all the Bible and any other religious writing from which beings bring forth the Word, Will and Love of the Lord thy God. Thus to Honor is the highest basis of love of God in the Multi-Cosmos. That which determines events: said of either the supernatural agency of the Lord thy God or the necessity of the Holy Ghost upon the Inner deaf eye of the Soul. This seemingly inevitable or necessary succession of events, which will happen to any person leading to ones everlasting The state of being insane; mental illness or derangement, usually excluding amentia; thus thru the Law any form or degree of mental derangement or unsoundness of mind, permanent or temporary, that makes a person incapable of what is regarded legally as normal, rational conduct or judgment: it usually implies a need for hospitalization {Latin insanitas < insanus} Insanity, current in popular and legal language but not used technically in medicine (see definition


above), implies mental derangement in one who formerly had mental health; lunacy specifically suggests periodic spells of insanity, but is now most commonly used in its extended sense of extreme folly; dementia is the general term for an acquired mental disorder, now generally one of organic origin, as distinguished from amentia (congenital mental deficiency); psychosis is the psychiatric term for any of various specialized mental disorders, functional or organic, in which the personality is seriously disorganized.


The Omega Dawn

The Foundations of Traditionalist Theology One

Chapter Six

Epistle of the Journey


Epistle of the Journey


concept of Movement forward into the luminosity after one has died

upon this plane of existence has been around since the pre-history of mankind.

2Humanity 67

must learn in their individual hearts to Love the Lord, God and

his factual truth, which leads to the true light.

Testaments of the Patriarchs Pseudepigrapha; Corpus Areopagiticum Pseudepigrapha (Dionysius the Areopagite); Apocalypse of Moses Pseudepigrapha; The Book of Jehu (2nd Chronicles 20:34); Sayings of the Seers (2nd Chronicles 33:19); Acts of Uziah (2nd Chronicles 26:22); Isaiah 8:16; 4th Martyrdom of Isaiah Pseudepigrapha; 3rd Esdras Apocrypha; Prayer of Manasseh Apocrypha; 4th Maccabees Deuterocanonical; Writings of the Gospel (Passion Narrative); Epistles of the Apostles; Matthew 5:1; 9:10, 11, 14, 19, 37; Mark 2:15, 16, 18, 23; Papyrus Oxyrhynchus (840 partial Gospel); According to the Egyptians Gospel; Luke 9:1, 14, 16, 18, 40, 43, 54; The Toledoth Yeshu {Texts} - (Yeshu means Christ Jesus); Acts of the Apostles 11:26, 29; 21:16; The Savior Gospel; Gospel of the Ebionites (The 7 fragments of); Sermons of Peter Epistle; Written words of the Apostles - Gospel

functional factual path to the Light of the Lord, God is very much a One

Way Road.


path must be sensible as possible based on the inner most elements of

your heart. In the true Life of Light; ones days are bright and factually contented in all matters.

The humanity (A) the fact or quality of being human; human nature 79

Tobit of the Deuterocanonical; Wisdom Sirach of the Deuterocanonical by Ben Sirach; Ecclesiasticus (Sirach) also of the Deuterocanonical by Ben Sirach; Daniel, Bel, and the Snake in the tales (Bel and the Dragon) Apocrypha; Pistis Sophia Epistle; The Gospel of Bartholomew; UrMark; The Book of Quelle; Apocalypse of Adam Revelation; Apocryphon of John (Secret Gospel of John) {Revelation}; Tablets of M in Hebrew; Acts of the Apostles 11:26, 26:28; 1st Peter 4:16

Life of Light could be boring if one does not understand the Factual Love

of the Lord, God. One must comprehend that according to humanity's concept of religion - all evil and false thinking are not allowed at any time in ones life. The ideas of rebellion and Free Will are strictly prohibitive.


must consider, you are not allowed under current religious doctrine to

have Free Will with Inner Soul thought and still be able via the Organization to enter into the Kingdom of the Lord, God.
Corpus Areopagiticum {Pseudepigrapha) (Dionysius the Areopagite)}; The Book of Jasher II by Nathan (2nd Samuel 1:18); 2nd Samuel 7:27; Letters of Jeremiah Apocrypha; 1st Kings 8:28, 29, 38, 45, 49, 54; 2nd Kings 8:54; 2nd Chronicles 6:19, 20, 29, 35, 39, 40; Nehemiah 1:6, 11; Job 16:17; Psalms 66: 19, 20; Proverbs 15:8, 29; Daniel 9:13, 17, 21; Susanna of the Ketuvim (Daniel 13); Bel and the Dragon also of the Ketuvim (Daniel 14); Daniel and Susanna in the Ketuvim; Jonah 2:7; Habakkuk 3:1; Prayer of Manasseh Apocrypha; Book of Oral traditions {Gospel}; Wisdom of Christ a Gospel of Christ Jesus (Sophia of Christ Jesus or Sophia Jesu Christi); Matthew 21:13, 22; Ur-Mark; Mark 11:17; Luke 18:1; Acts 16:13, 16; Council of Antioch a Report by Peter; Romans 10:1; Gospel of Bardesannes; Gospel of Mani; 1st Corinthians 7:5; 2nd Corinthians 9:14; 1st Peter 4:7; Valentinian Theology 1; Valentinian Theology 3; Demiurge in Valentinianism; Papyrus 46 a Report (2nd Chester Beatty, "Alexandrian" text-type: Rm5: 17-6:3, 514; 8: 15-25, 27-35, 37-9:32; 10:1-11:22, 24-33, 35-15:9, 11-16:27; Hb1: 1- 9:16, 18-10:20, 22-30, 32-13:25; 1Cr1: 1-9:2, 4-14:14, 16-15:15, 17- 16:22; 2Cr1: 1-11:10, 12-21, 23-13:13; Ep1: 1-2:7,


10-5:6,8-6: 6,8,20- 24; Gal 1:1-8, 10-2:9, 12-21; 3:2-29; 4:2-18, 20-5:17, 20-6:8, 10- 18; Ph1: 1, 515, 17-28, 30-2:12, 14-27, 29-3:8, 10-21; 4:2-12, 14- 23; Cl1: 1-2, 5-13, 16-24, 27-2:19, 23-3:11, 13-24; 4:3-12, 16- 18; 1st Th1: 1,9-2:3; 5: 5-9,23-28)

theological concepts, rules and regulations 68 standards have been

formatted and written by lowly human beings; majority of who are males.

If one does not follow the policy of these temporal organizations, one cannot

cross the threshold into the Kingdom of the Lord, God.

1st Enoch (Oral) Apocrypha and 2nd Enoch (Oral) Apocrypha; Testament of Abraham, Apocalypse of Abraham and Joseph & Aseneth Pseudepigrapha; Manner of the Kingdom (The Book of Statutes 1st Samuel 10:25); 4th Esdras (Apocrypha) by Nehemiah; Book of Oral traditions (Gospel); Wisdom of Christ (Gospel) (Sophia of Christ Jesus or Sophia Jesu Christi); Mary Magdalene Gospel; Secret Gospel of Mark; Terentius Maximus of Parthia Report; Mark 6:21; Luke 14:12, 16, 17, 24; 22:20; John 12:2, 4; 21:20; Acts 20:7; 1st Corinthians 11:20, 21; Revelation 19:9, 17; The Papyrus 45: (1st Chester Beatty, Gospels (Caesarean) Acts (Alexandrian): Mt20: 24-32; 21: 13-19; 25: 41-26:39; Mk4: 36-40; 5: 15-26,38-6:3,16-25,36-50; 7: 3-15,25-8:1, 10-26, 349:9,18-31; 11: 27-12:1,5-8,13-19,24-28; Lk6: 31-41,45-7:7; 9: 26 -41,45-10:1,6-22,26-11:1,6-25, 28-46, 50-12:12,18-37,42-13:1,6-24,29-14:10,17-33; Jn10: 7-25,30-11:10,18-36,42-57; Ac4: 27-36; 5:10-21,30-39;6: 7-7:2,10-21,32-41,52-8:1, 14-25,34-9:6,16-27,35-10:2,10-23,31-41; 11: 2-14, 2412:5,13-22; 13: 6-16,25-36,46-14:3,15-23; 15:2-7,19-27,38-16:4,15-21,32-40; 17: 9-17)

temporal conventions as fashioned by mankind, established by their

mortal principles and enforced by their inner Child 69 - are not of the Lord, God.

68 69

Regulations (A) a regulating or being regulated (B) a rule, ordinance, or law by which conduct

Thus the Inner Child with two words combined to try and explain the function of our own self wills inner 81


in its wisdom is of the opinion that Earth based organizations will

be used to control the Kingdom of the Lord, God.

Apocalypse of Abraham a Pseudepigrapha; Joseph and Aseneth also a Pseudepigrapha; Testaments of the Patriarchs the final Pseudepigrapha of this option; Exodus 2:6; The book of the Covenant of the Torah by Moses (Exodus 24:7); Deuteronomy of the Torah 13:17; 30:3; 1st Samuel 23:21; The Manner of the Kingdom by Samuel (The Book of Statutes 1st Samuel 10:25); 2nd Chronicles 36:15, 17; Shemaiah the Prophet (2nd Chronicles 12:15); Prophecy of Abijah (2nd Chronicles 9:29); Psalms 111:4; Isaiah 49:15; Jeremiah 12:15; Jeremiah (Baruch) which is a Deuterocanonical; Lamentations 3:32; Micah 7:19; Questions from Bartholomew; Matthew 18:27, 33; Ur-Mark; Mark 1:41; 9:22; Luke 10:33; Romans 9:15; Papyrus Oxyrhynchus (840 partial Gospel); Nativity of Mary a Gospel (The Libellus de Nativitate Sanctae Mariae); 1st Peter 3:8; Disciples of Menander an Epistle; Jude 12; 4th Shepherd of Hermes an Epistle (Written in Rome (AF = Apostolic Fathers)); Letters from Lucian of Samosata an Epistle of the Lucian

Light of the Lord, God is perfect; where as the Darkness of mankind's

inner soul grows blacker with the passage of time - seek the way of the Lord, God in all things.


Verily, I say unto thee - humanity's developed religions will be unable

to allow you to enter into the Kingdom of the Lord, God.

Matthew 16:18; Ur-Mark; Shepherd of Hermes an Epistle (Visions / Commands / Similitudes) The Acts of John of the Leucian; The Acts of Peter also of the Leucian; The Secondary partial of the Leucian (Of the Gospel of Andrew); Acts 11:22, 26; 20:28; Romans 16:1, 5, 23; 1st Corinthians 14:4, 5, 12, 19, 23, 28, 35; Maximus of Jerusalem an Epistle; 2nd Corinthians 1:1; Papyrus 64 (+67): Report (Matthew 3:9, 15; 5: 20-22, 25-28; 26:7-8, 10, 14-15, 22-23, 31-33); 1st Peter 5:13; Revelation of John 3:1, 7, 14; Paul and Seneca an Epistle; The Sentences of Sextus an Epistle; Paul and Thecla an Epistle; Barnabas the Epistle; Laodiceans an Epistle



Lord, God is perfect in all matters of the ability to arrive at the preferred


14Who of mankind presumes that the

Lord, God lacks anything. Who among

human beings is near righteousness to understand the factual truth of the Light of the Lord, God?


being's religious organizations have a tendency to leave very little

room for the Lord, God.

Psalms 151 of the Ketuvim by King David; Psalms 133:1; Wisdom Sirach and Ecclesiasticus (Sirach) of the Deuterocanonical by Ben Sirach; Pistis Sophia an Epistle; Christ, Jesus in the Gospel (Preatorium and Mocked); Paul and Barnabas on Cyprus an Epistle by Barnabas (Apocryphal Epistle of Barnabas); Of Thecla Acts; Ephesians 4:3, 13; John 17:20,21; The Protevangelion a Report; The Acts of Thomas of the Leucian; Papyrus 52: Gospel (The oldest intact NT fragment {p.1935, parts of Jn18: 31-33, 37-38}; The Dialogue of the Savior a Gospel

factual truth of the Religious Organizations 70 of humanity leaves very

little allowance for Free Will; the one concept with which our Lord, God has consecrated all of mankind and all beings in the Multi-Cosmos.


Thus we must look at the term organization



Religious Organizations' rules and regulations could cover an

area the size of L.A. County in about three feet of paper. One must consider this when attempting to understand these guidelines as created by humans.
Corpus Areopagiticum {Pseudepigrapha} (Dionysius the Areopagite); Pseudo-Philo {Pseudepigrapha}; Deuteronomy 32:20; Habakkuk 2:4; Ascension of Isaiah; Questions from Bartholomew a Gospel; Matthew 9:2, 22, 29; Ur-Mark; The Book of Quelle; Gospel of Thomas; Mark 10:52; Baptism of Christ in the Jordan, Christs entry into Jerusalem and Christ before Pilate the secondary Gospels of the Word; Luke 17:5, 6, 19; John 17:21; Acts of the Apostles 6:5, 6, 7; Romans 3:22, 25, 27, 28, 30, 31; 1st Corinthians 15:14, 17; 2nd Corinthians 10:15; 1st Peter 1:21; Revelation of John 13:10; Papyrus 66: Report (2nd Bodmer, John, 1956, "Alexandrian / Western" text-types: John 1:1-6:11, 35-7:52; 8:12-14:26, 29-30; 15:2-26; 16: 2-4, 6-7, 10- 20:20, 22-23, 2521:9)

must accept that these guidelines are not of the Lord, God - they are

developed and perpetrated by certain elements of human beings: the Elite.


any of these Religious Organizations of Righteousness in their intent

spreading via a form of False Teachings which could be considered a lie to the masses?


factual Truth of the Lord, is God's love for us, Good 71?


Good {better, best} - a general term of approval or commendation 84


world of ours, does all of humanity need to believe one Devout

Organization over another, to see the Factual truth of the Lord, God? All of mankind will see the Lord, God and gain an intimate understanding of his Justice however; the end result, which many will come to know, will not be greatly appreciated.
Sayings of the Seers (2nd Chronicles 33:19); Acts of Uziah (2nd Chronicles 26:22); 3rd Martyrdom of Isaiah in the Pseudepigrapha; Bel and the Dragon of the Ketuvim (Daniel 14); Daniel, Bel, and the Snake in the Apocrypha; Baptism of Christ in the Jordan a Gospel; Christs entry into Jerusalem a Gospel; Gospel of Thomas; Didache the Report; Book of Quelle; Gospel of Cerinthus; Gospel of Appelles; Gospel of Bardesannes; Gospel of Mani; New Babylon another form of Gospel; Papyrus Fayum a long lost Gospel; Luke 8:15; According to Nicodemus a Gospel; Acts of the Apostles 6:3; Romans 12:17; 2nd Corinthians 8:21; 13:7; Sermons of Peter an Epistle; Odes of Solomon an Epistle; Scrolls of the Sayings of Barnabas an Epistle; 1st Peter 2:12; The Acts of John, The Acts of Peter and The Secondary partial Of the Gospel of Andrew of the works in the Leucian


beings in the Multi-Cosmos must face the Lord, God - no none will

escape the Justice of He Who Is.

1st Enoch (Oral) of the Apocrypha; Deuteronomy of the Torah by Moses in thus 32:2; Job {ProtoVersion) Oral} of the Ketuvim by Elihu; Job 11:4; Proverbs 4:2; Isaiah 28:9; Jeremiah 10:8; Letters of Jeremiah of the Apocrypha by Jeremiah; Baruch, with the letter of Jeremiah in the Deuterocanonical; Jeremiah (Baruch) also in the Deuterocanonical; Matthew 16: 12, 16; Mark 1:22, 27; John 7:16, 17; Acts of the Apostles 2:42; 5:28; 8:37; Romans 6:17; 16:17 1st Corinthians 14:6, 26; Revelation of John 2:14, 15, 24; Simon Magus of Samaria an Epistle (Simonianism); Nicolaus of Antioch an Epistle (Nicolaitans); Sermons of Peter which are based in an Epistle; Odes of Solomon an Epistle; Papyrus 66: a Report (2nd Bodmer, John, 1956, "Alexandrian / Western" texttypes: John 1:1-6:11, 35-7:52; 8:12-14:26, 29-30; 15:2-26; 16: 2-4, 6-7, 10- 20:20, 22-23, 25-21:9)



is guilty of sin against the Lord, God? All of the beings in the

Multi-Cosmos are of sin in the eyes of the Lord, God - so who can be saved?


Lord thy God is total factual Love.


is the premise of mankind's arrogance 72 wherein all can be saved by

all of the Worldly Religious Organizations that humanity has created. Without the Righteousness of the Lord, God's factual Love none, no none can be saved.
Susanna (Daniel 13), Bel and the Dragon (Daniel 14) and Daniel and Susanna in the Ketuvim; 4th Esdras of the Apocrypha by Nehemiah; Pistis Sophia an Epistle; Presentation in the Temple an Gospel; Matthew 16:18; 18:17; Acts of the Apostles 2:47; 5:11; 12:1, 5; 15:3, 4, 22; 20: 17, 28; Romans 16:1, 5; 1st Corinthians 14:12, 19, 23, 28, 35; 2nd Corinthians 1:1; 1st Peter 5:13; Revelation of John 2:1, 8, 12, 18; Epiphanies on Righteousness an Epistle; Basilides of Alexandria an Epistle; 2nd Clement (The Old Sermon) an Epistle; 2nd Apocalypse of James a Revelation; Letters for Ptolemy an Epistle; Wrote de Spectaculis an Epistle by Tertullian; Papyrus 46: a Report (2nd Chester Beatty, "Alexandrian" text-type: Rm5: 17-6:3, 5- 14; 8: 15-25, 27-35, 37-9:32; 10:111:22, 24-33, 35-15:9, 11-16:27; Hb1: 1- 9:16, 18-10:20, 22-30, 32-13:25; 1Cr1: 1-9:2, 4-14:14, 1615:15, 17- 16:22; 2Cr1: 1-11:10, 12-21, 23-13:13; Ep1: 1-2:7, 10-5:6,8-6: 6,8,20- 24; Gal 1:1-8, 102:9, 12-21; 3:2-29; 4:2-18, 20-5:17, 20-6:8, 10- 18; Ph1: 1, 5-15, 17-28, 30-2:12, 14-27, 29-3:8, 1021; 4:2-12, 14- 23; Cl1: 1-2, 5-13, 16-24, 27-2:19, 23-3:11, 13-24; 4:3-12, 16- 18; 1st Th1: 1,9-2:3; 5: 5-9,23-28)


Arrogance - full of or due to unwarranted pride and self-importance; overbearing; haughty



to the concepts of the World's Organized Religious Movements,

unless you worship each God units' way - you will not be able to enter into the Kingdom of the Lord, God.


is a paradox 73 that humanity has developed over the past three

thousand years - what if all religions are factually based in the words of the Lord, God?
1st Enoch (Oral) an Apocrypha by Enoch; 2nd Enoch (Oral) an Apocrypha by Enoch; Life of Adam and Eve {(Vita Adae at Evae) Oral} Apocrypha; Job {Proto-Version) Oral} of the Ketuvim by Elihu; Testament of Abraham, Apocalypse of Abraham, Joseph and Aseneth and the Testaments of the Patriarchs in the Pseudepigrapha; Book of Samuel the Seer (1st Chronicles 29:29), Nathan the Prophet (1st Chronicles 29:29 & 2nd Chronicles 9:29), Book of Gad the Seer (1st Chronicles 29:29) and the Annals of King David (1st Chronicles 27:24) all written by Gad; 1st Martyrdom of Isaiah and the 2nd Martyrdom of Isaiah in the Pseudepigrapha; Psalms 151 in the Ketuvim by King David; The Prayer of Manasseh in the Apocrypha; Daniel, Bel, and the Snake also in the Apocrypha; The Gospel of Bartholomew; Key of the Plate in Hell another Gospel story used to develop our modern Bible; Questions from Bartholomew a Gospel; Battle of Peter a Gospel; Adoration of the Magi an additional Gospel; {Supportive} Birth of John the Baptist and the Saint John the Baptist (Life and times of) a Gospel series of the Word; Papyrus Oxyrhynchus Report (1224 fragments); Book of Quelle; Gospel of Egerton 1st; Gospel of Judas; Matthew 1:18; 2:4; 16:18; 24:5, 23; Ur-Mark; Mark 15:32; Luke 23:35, 39; John 7:27, 41, 42; Acts of the Apostles 26:23; Romans 15:3, 7, 18, 20; 1st Corinthians 15:3, 12, 16, 17, 23; 2nd Corinthians 5:16, 17, 19; 1st Peter 4:1; Revelation of John 11:15; Papyrus 47: a Report (3rd Chester Beatty, ~Sinaiticus 2 Rv9: 10-11:3,5-16:15,17-17:2)


Paradox - Latin paradoxum < Greek paradoxon



consider the next logical perspective - what if all religions on this world

are not based on the word of the Lord, God? Righteous thought is mankind's attempt at explaining the factual truth of the Lord, God via their religious faith organizations.


Verily, I say unto you - most religious leaders are of themselves only

and not of the word from the Lord, God.


Lord, God's factual truth is not of any of this world's religious

organizations and unless we change as a people - it never will be, why?

Apocalypse of Abraham of the Pseudepigrapha; Book of Gad the Seer (1st Chronicles 29:29); The story of the Prophet Iddo (2nd Chronicles 13:22); The Visions of Iddo the Seer (2nd Chronicles 9:29); Sayings of the Seers (2nd Chronicles 33:19); Papyrus Oxyrhynchus (1224 fragments) a Report; The Book of Quelle; Ur-Mark; Matthew 26:33, 35, 37, 40, 58, 69, 73, 75; Gospel of Peter; Mark 14:29, 33, 37, 54, 66, 67, 70, 72; Luke 22:34, 54, 55, 58, 60, 61, 62; Infancy Gospel of Thomas a Gospel; The Gospel of Truth; The Gospel of Thomas; John 18:10, 11, 15, 16, 17, 18, 25, 26, 27; Acts of Peter and the Twelve; Acts of the Apostles 10:13, 14, 17, 18, 19, 21, 23, 25, 26, 32, 34, 44, 45, 46; The Acts of Peter of the Leucian; 1st Peter 1:1; Peter to James (& its Reception) an Epistle; 2nd Peter 1:1; The Foundation an Epistle; Papyrus 72: a Report (Bodmer 5-11+, pub. 1959 "Alexandrian" text-type: Nativity of Mary; 3Cor; Odes of Solomon 11; Jude 1-25; Melito's Homily on Passover; Hymn fragment; Apology of Phileas; Ps33, 34; 1Pt1:1-5:14; 2Pt1:1-3:18); Apocalypse of Peter another Book of Revelation


Chapter Dispositional Annotations The humanity (hyoo man e te) {ME humanite < OFr < Latin humanitas}(A) the fact or quality of being human; human nature (B) human qualities or characteristics, especially those considered desirable (C) the human race; mankind; people (D) the fact or quality of being humane; kindness, mercy, and sympathy Regulations - (reg ya la shen) {ME regulatio} (A) a regulating or being regulated (B) a rule, ordinance, or law by which conduct, etc. is regulated (C) Embryology the process by which a structure, damaged or partially changed in an early stage of an animal embryo, adjusts to the disturbance and develops normally} with its root word in two forms: Regulate (reg ye lat) {< LL regulatus, pp. of regulare, to rule, regulate < Latin regula}(A) to control, direct, or govern according to a rule, principle, or system (B) to adjust to a particular standard, rate, degree, amount (C) to adjust (a clock, etc.) so as to make operate accurately (D) to make uniform, methodical, orderly)} Law - {ME lawe < OE lagu < Anglo-Norm lagu, akin to ON lg, pl. of lag, something laid down or settled < IE base legh-, to lie down > LIE} (A) a) all the rules of conduct established and enforced by the authority, legislation, or custom of a given community, state, or other group b) any one of such rules (B) the condition existing when obedience to such rules is general to establish law and order" (C) the branch of knowledge dealing with such rules; jurisprudence (D) the system of courts in which such rules are referred to in defending one's rights, securing justice, etc. To resort to law to settle a matter" (E) all such rules having to do with a particular sphere of human activity business law" (F) common law, as distinguished from equity (G) the profession of lawyers, judges, etc.: often with the a) a sequence of events in


nature or in human activities that has been observed to occur with unvarying uniformity under the same conditions (often law of nature) b) the formulation in words of such a sequence the law of gravitation, the law of diminishing returns" (H) any rule or principle expected to be observed the laws of health, a law of grammar" (I) inherent tendency; instinct !the law of self-preservation" (J) Eccles. a) a divine commandment b) all divine commandments collectively (K) Math., Logic, etc. a general principle to which all applicable cases must conform the laws of exponents" (L) [Brit.] Sports an allowance in distance or time as in a race; handicap (M) [Informal or Dial.] to take legal action (against) (N) go to law to take a problem or dispute to a law court for settlement (O) lay down the law (P) to give explicit orders in an authoritative manner (Q) to give a scolding (to) (R) read law to study to become a lawyer (S) The Law a) the Mosaic law, or the part of the Jewish Scriptures containing it; specific, the Pentateuch b) [the l-] [Informal] a policeman or the police (T) law, in its specific application, implies prescription and enforcement by a ruling authority [the law of the land]; a rule may not be authoritatively enforced, but it is generally observed in the interests of order, uniformity, etc. [the rules of golf]; regulation refers to a rule of a group or organization, enforced by authority [military regulations]; a statute is a law enacted by a legislative body; an ordinance is a local, generally municipal, law; a canon is, strictly, a law of a church, but the term is also used of any rule or principle regarded as true or in conformity with good usage Thus the Inner Child with two words combined to try and explain the function of our own self wills inner (in er) {ME < OE innerra, compar. of inne, within} (A) located farther within; interior; internal (B) of the mind or spirit (C) more intimate, central, or secret} and child (child) {ME, pl. childre (now dial. childer; children is double pl.) < OE cild, pl. cild, cildru < IE gelt-, a swelling up < base gel-, rounded (sense development: swelling a womb a fetus a offspring > Goth kilthei, womb, Latin globus,


sphere} (A) an infant; baby (B) an unborn offspring; fetus (C) a boy or girl in the period before puberty (D) a son or daughter; offspring (E) a) a descendant b) a member of a tribe, clan (F) a person like a child in interests, judgment, etc., or one regarded as immature and childish (G) a person identified with a specified place, time (H) a thing that springs from a specified source; product (I) [Archaic] CHILDE (J) [Brit. Dial.] a female infant. Good (good) {ME gode < OE gbd, akin to German gut < IE base ghedh-, to unite, be associated, suitable} (I) a general term of approval or commendation (A) a) suitable to a purpose; effective; efficient a lamp good to read by" b) producing favorable results; beneficial; salutary good exercise for the legs" c) in accord with prevailing usage good English" d) clever or witty a good quip" (B) fertile good soil" (C) fresh; unspoiled; uncontaminated good eggs" (D) valid; genuine; real good money, a good excuse" (E) healthy; strong; vigorous good eyesight" (F) financially safe or sound a good investment" (G) honorable; worthy; respectable !one's good name" (H) enjoyable, desirable, pleasant, happy, etc. A good life" (I) dependable; reliable; right good advice" (J) thorough; complete a good job of cleaning up" (K) a) excellent of its kind a good novel" b) best or considered best her good china" (L) adequate; ample; sufficient; satisfying a good meal" (M) morally sound or excellent; specific, a) virtuous; honest; just b) pious; devout c) kind, benevolent, generous, sympathetic, etc. d) well-behaved; dutiful (N) a) proper; becoming; correct good manners" b) socially acceptable a good family" (O) able; skilled; expert a good swimmer" (P) loyal or conforming a good Democrat" (Q) Law effectual; valid good title" (II) a general intensive (A) to a considerable amount, extent, or degree a good many, a good beating" (B) at least; full we waited a good six hours" (C) something good; specific, a) that which is morally right b) worth; virtue; merit !the good in a man" c) something contributing to health, welfare, happiness, etc.; benefit;


advantage the greatest good of the greatest number" d) something desirable or desired. (III) Interjection used to express satisfaction, pleasure, agreement, etc. and, in some exclamatory phrases, to express surprise, consternation, etc.: orig. a euphemism for God good! Good grief!)" (IV) Adv. (A) well, completely, fully, etc.: variously regarded as substandard, dialectal, or informal as good as in effect; virtually; nearly (B) come to no good to come to a bad end; end in failure, trouble, etc. (C) For good (and all) for always; finally; permanently (D) able to survive, endure, or be used for (a specified period of time) (E) worth a coupon good for 10H" (F) able to pay, repay, or give (G) sure to result in good for a laugh" (H) used to express approval good for you!" (V) The good (A) those who are good (B) what is morally good (VI) to the good as a profit, benefit, or advantage Arrogance (ar e gens, er) the quality or state of being arrogant; overbearing pride or self-importance: with the root word of arrogant {ME & OFr < Latin arrogans, prp. of arrogare} full of or due to unwarranted pride and self-importance; overbearing; haughty Paradox (par e daks) {Latin paradoxum < Greek paradoxon, neutral of paradoxos, paradoxical < para + doxa, opinion < dokein, to think}(A)[Archaic] a statement contrary to common belief (B) a statement that seems contradictory, unbelievable, or absurd but that may be true in fact (Ex.: Water, water, everywhere, nor any drop to drink) (C) a statement that is self-contradictory and, hence, false (D) a person, situation, or act that seems to have contradictory or inconsistent qualities


The Omega Dawn

The Foundations of Traditionalist Theology One

Chapter Seven

Epistle of Time


Epistle of Time


the year of 11,150 BC74 various pre-historical cultures existed in around

the globe and some gave way to larger more lasting civilizations on this small third planet from the sun 75 called Sol.


to multiple scientists and scholars several existing monuments,

shrines and temples around this world are over 17,000 years old - the people who built these massive structures are still unknown to us (these structures survived the Great Flood of the Lord our God).
Life of Adam and Eve {(Vita Adae at Evae) Oral} Apocrypha; Job {Proto-Version) Oral} of the Ketuvim by Elihu; Genesis 11:4, 5; 35:21; Judges 8:9, 17; 9:46, 47, 49, 51, 52; Psuedo-Phocylides in the series of Pseudepigrapha; 2nd Samuel 22:3; Nathan the Prophet (1st Chronicles 29:29 & 2nd Chronicles 9:29) by Gad; 2nd Kings 17:9; Nehemiah 3:1, 11, 25, 26, 27; Psalms 144:2; Proverbs 18:10; Songs of Solomon 4:4; 7:4; Isaiah 2:15; 5:2; Jeremiah 6:27; Ezekiel 29:10; Micah 4:8; Zechariah 14:10; Daniel, Bel, and the Snake of the Apocrypha; The Book of Quelle; Matthew 21:33; Ur-Mark; Mark 12:1; Luke 13:4; Book of Hebrew a Gospel; Letters of Flavius Josephus an Epistle; Sermons of Peter an Epistle; Odes of Solomon an Epistle; Scrolls of the Sayings of

BC or B.C. abbreviation of Before Christ (Foundations and Doctrines gives much more details, concepts and facts to base the Epistle upon)

Star (star) {ME sterre < OE steorra, akin to the Goth staimo or the Cornish of sterenn < Greek aster or Latin stella} a) any of the luminous celestial objects seen as points of light in the sky; esp., any self-luminous celestial body having continuous nuclear reactions which send heat, light, etc. in all directions b) a conventionalized flat figure having (usually five or six) symmetrical projecting points, regarded as a representation of a star of the sky c) any mark, shape, emblem, or the like resembling such a figure, often used as an award, symbol of rank or authority d) a) Astrological a zodiacal constellation or a planet regarded as influencing human fate or destiny b) fate; destiny; fortune


Barnabas an Epistle; Apocalypse of Baruch a Revelation {2nd Baruch (Syriac) 3rd Baruch (Greek) {Peshitta}}; The Apocalypse of Peter a Revelation; Valentinian Theology 2nd ;The Acts of Xanthippe (Polyxena and Rebecca {Paul, Peter & Andrew}); Papyrus 46: a Report (2nd Chester Beatty, "Alexandrian" text-type: Rm5: 17-6:3, 5- 14; 8: 15-25, 27-35, 37-9:32; 10:1-11:22, 24-33, 35-15:9, 11-16:27; Hb1: 1- 9:16, 18-10:20, 22-30, 32-13:25; 1Cr1: 1-9:2, 4-14:14, 16-15:15, 17- 16:22; 2Cr1: 1-11:10, 12-21, 23-13:13; Ep1: 1-2:7, 10-5:6,8-6: 6,8,20- 24; Gal 1:1-8, 10-2:9, 12-21; 3:229; 4:2-18, 20-5:17, 20-6:8, 10- 18; Ph1: 1, 5-15, 17-28, 30-2:12, 14-27, 29-3:8, 10-21; 4:2-12, 1423; Cl1: 1-2, 5-13, 16-24, 27-2:19, 23-3:11, 13-24; 4:3-12, 16- 18; 1st Th1: 1,9-2:3; 5: 5-9,23-28)

current and largely out of date ideas of ancient history shall be

examined and questioned in this Epistle. We as always use a simple prayer to begin the endeavor.


most heavenly father forgives us of our ignorance and inability to

function as you see fit on this small world of your making. We are but humble servants of your will within the framework of your campaign of Free Will to all beings in the Multi-Cosmos.


us who seek the inner most truth and please prepare a way for us to

begin the path of knowledge for which we have strived these many decades; hold us in your loving arms and bless that which is and that which is not.



us unto your bosom and teach the Light of the Cosmos and allow us

your servants of Light to reach all beings in this Alpha-Universe with your word of Factual Truth - Amen.


items of recorded (7999 BC or 3775 BC) history {after the Known

First (?) Flood 76} of ancient and modern religions as seen from the view of the twenty-first century and posted without commit.


Pre-Hsia Kingdom of China begins to create a crude form of religion and

culture in the Yellow River valley in 7560 BC. This is also the approximate timeline for the building of the Pyramids (in Egypt) at Gaza by the creators of the Technology of Mass Disposition Movement (according to various Geologist 77 of record).
Genesis 12:10; 37:36; 45:4; 46:6; Exodus 3:10; 12:51; 13:3; Numbers 22:5; Book of the Wars of the Lord in the Torah by Moses (Numbers 21:14); Psalms 80:8; Is 19:1, 19:23; Tobit, Wisdom Sirach and Ecclesiasticus (Sirach) all of the Deuterocanonical by Ben Sirach; Ezekiel 23:3; Council of Antioch a Report by Peter; Mary Magdalene a Gospel; 4th Esdras Hebrew an Epistle (Claims 24 OT books (Vulgate & Peshitta); Valentinian Theology 1st; Wrote de Spectaculis an Epistle by Tertullian; The Sibylline Oracles an Epistle; Letters of Heracleon an Epistle; Letters from Apollinaris an Epistle; Matthew 2:13; The Muratorian Canon a Report (1st extant for NT, written in Rome by Hippolytus, Excludes Hebrews, James, 1st and 2nd Peter, 3rd John; includes Wisdom of Solomon and the Apocalypse of Peter); Origin of the World an Apocalypse; The Potion of the Apostles an Epistle; Letters of Methodius an Epistle; Papyrus Chester Beatty a Report {R962: Gn8: 1376 77

Flood - an overflowing of water on an area normally dry; inundation; deluge Geology - the science dealing with the physical nature and history of the earth


9:2,24:13-46:33 253 Enoch91-105; #7: I8:18-19:13,38:14-45:5,54:1=60:22; #8: Jr4:30-5:24; #10: Dn1- 12:13(+Add), Bel4-39,Sus5-end,Esther1:1a-8:6(+Add)}

Jericho's and Jarmo's Neolithic develop tribal burial concepts in the years of

7000 BC.
Joshua of the Neviim; The Book of Jasher I (Joshua 10:13); Two Spies sent by Joshua to Jericho and their escape via Rahab of the Neviim; Pseudo-Philo in the writes of the Pseudepigrapha; Numbers 22:1, 26:3, 26:63, 31:12, 33:48, 33:50, 34:15, 35:1, 36:13; Deuteronomy 32:49, 34:1, 3; Joshua 2:1, 2, 3; 3:16, 16:1, 7; 2nd Samuel 10:5; Shemaiah the Prophet (2nd Chronicles 12:15); Prophecy of Abijah (2nd Chronicles 9:29); 2nd Kings 2:4, 5; 3rd Esdras of the Apocrypha; Christ, Jesus ascending unto Heaven with Two Angels a Gospel; Pistis Sophia an Epistle; Christ, Jesus in the Preatorium and Mocked of the Gospel; Christ, Jesus Descent into Hell another form of Gospel; Matthew 20:29; Ur-Mark; Mark 10:46; Oxyrhynchus 1224 Gospels a Report; Signs of the Gospels; Apocalypse of Adam an optional style of Revelation; Luke 19:1; The scrolls of R in Aramaic; L in Caesarean Basic; Tablets of M in Hebrew; New Babylon an interesting Gospel; According to James Gospel; Tacitus Annals a Report; Jewish Antiquities a historical Report for review by Josephus; 2nd Clement (3 books) an Epistle by Clement; 3rd Clement (3 books) an Epistle by Clement; Papyrus 75: a Report (Bodmer 14-15, Luke & John, earliest extant Luke, ~ Vaticanus Luke 3: 18-22, 33-4:2, 34-5:10, 37-6:4, 10-7:32, 35-39, 41-43, 46-9:2,4- 17:15, 19-18:18; 22:424:53; 1st John: 1-7:52; 8:12-11:45, 48-57; 12:3- 13:1, 8-9; 14:8-30; 15:7-8); The Penitence of Origen an Epistle; Barnabas an Epistle; Laodiceans an Epistle; Hypostasis the hidden spiritual reality of the Archons an Epistle

founding and growth of Catal Huyuk Religion/Government process in

6000 BC.


creation of the Fayyumi Religion and culture in began around 5500 BC.



growth and expansion of Jericho's culture, power and religion began in

5000 BC. This is followed by the development and expansion of the Hacilar Faith Procedures way in 4950 BC.


is paralleled by the Tasian and Badarian Cultures and Religions in the

area of Egypt in the year 4506 BC.


semi-nonviolent absorption of the Jarmo by Hassuna Faith which

occurred in 4500 BC and followed by the Halaf Movement in 4300 BC lead to the Neolithic Religions growth in the areas of upper Mesopotamia.


4000 BC the Chalcolithic Cultures 78 and their mystery religions start

developing in the Syrian - Palestine areas. In upper Mesopotamia the Ubayd, Warqa, Jamdat, and Nasr cultures create a series of Deities in 3950 BC.
Apocalypse of Abraham a Pseudepigrapha; Joseph and Aseneth another of the Pseudepigrapha; 2nd Chronicles 36:20, 22, 23; Nehemiah 12:22; Ezekiel 1:1, 2, 8; 3:7; 4:3, 5, 7; 8:27; Daniel 8:20; 10:1, 13, 20; 11:2; Susanna of the Ketuvim (Daniel 13); Bel and the Dragon of the Ketuvim (Daniel 14); Daniel and Susanna of the Ketuvim; Papyrus 967: Chester Beatty 9 a Report (Greek Ezekiel 11:25-end, ~Codex Vaticanus); Acts of Peter and the Twelve; Letters of Origen an Epistle by Origen (Jesus and God one substance, adopted at Council of Nicaea in 325, compiled "Hexapla": 6

Chalcolithic Cultures Chalco (kal ko, ke) {Greek chalkos} combining form copper or brass chalcocite Lithic (lith ik) {Greek lithikos < Lithos} a) processed through or of stone b) Chemical of lithium c) Med. of calculi


versions of LXX side by side: Hebrew, Hebrew transliterated in Greek, Aquila's Greek translated, Symmachus' Greek trans., Origen's revised LXX Greek translation - Theodotion's revised LXX; also Quinta / Sexta / Septima translated, Tetragrammaton in square Hebrew script; cites "Alexandrian" & "Caesarean" NT text-types; Eusebius claimed Origen castrated himself for Christ due to Mt19:12 [EH6.8.1-3]; 1st Tertullian an Epistles; Origen letters an Epistle; 2nd Tertullian an Epistles; 2nd Polycarp an Epistles; 3rd Polycarp Letters of Philippians 3rd an Epistle; Writings of Plotinus an Epistle; 2nd Treatise of the Great Seth (Apocalypse); Romans II an additional Epistle; Smyrnaeans a Report; Bohairic Coptic Bible translations written in Alexandria a Gospel

Hindus Valley Civilization develops a small but complete infrastructure

of roads, temples and cities in 3900 BC.

Corpus Areopagiticum the Pseudepigrapha (Dionysius the Areopagite); Manner of the Kingdom (The Book of Statutes 1st Samuel 10:25); Chronicles of the Mordcai of the Ketuvim; King Ahasuerus (Esther 2:23 and Esther 6:1); Chronicles of the Kings of Media and Persia of the Ketuvim (Esther 10:2); Additions to Esther (Esther 10:4-10) of the Ketuvim by Mordcai; Esther 1:1; 8:9; Questions from Bartholomew a Gospel; Adoration of the Magi another Gospel of these Eastern Sages; Council of Jerusalem a Report by James (Brother of Jesus); Book of Quelle; Gospel of Cerinthus; Gospel of Appelles; Gospel of Bardesannes; Gospel of Mani; The Gospel of Mary Magdalene; Roman-Jewish War a detailed Report by the historian Josephus; The Sermons of Peter an simple Epistle of his preaching the Word; The Shepherd of Hermes (Visions / Commands / Similitudes) and the 4th Shepherd of Hermes both which are Epistles of the truth (Written in Rome (AF = Apostolic Fathers)); Naassene Fragment a Gospel

in an area up north the growth and expansion of the Hsia Culture with

the development of a single deity called Yudi in 3850 BC.

18This is then followed by the Pre-Archaemenidic cultures

of Sialk, Susa,

Tepe, Hisar, and Tepe Giyan in the Persian area in 3800 BC. Thus as we see


various cultures and groups create reasons and concepts of faith based on their positive response to their area, region and environment. The (second?) Great Flood occurred in 3775 BC.
Life of Adam and Eve {(Vita Adae at Evae) Oral} an Apocrypha; Testament of Abraham of the books of the Pseudepigrapha; Apocalypse of Abraham also of the Pseudepigrapha; Genesis 7: 1 24; Job {Proto-Version) Oral} of the Ketuvim by Elihu; Job 22:16; 28:11; Psalms 104:9; Isaiah 54:9; 1st Martyrdom of Isaiah of the Pseudepigrapha; Jeremiah 47:2; Baruch, with the letter of the Deuterocanonical; Birth of the Virgin Gospel of Pseudo-Matthew; Birth of Christ another Gospel; Elizabeth receiving The visit of Mary a Gospel; The Presentation in the Temple a Gospel; The Birth of Christ and the Murder of the Innocents a deeply sad Gospel of the event; Matthew 24: 36 39; According to the Egyptians a Gospel; 1st Peter 3:18 22; Gospel of Egerton 1st ; 2nd Peter 2:4,5; Revelation of John 12:15, 16; The 36 fragments of Gospel (Of the Nazarenes in Aramaic)

we look at the Egyptian {North Africa the Mesopotamian Stimulation

(or so it is said)} with the Unification and Founding of the Dual Monarchy of the preDynasties era of Menes in 3550 BC.
1st Enoch (Oral) and the 2nd Enoch (Oral) of the Apocrypha; Testament of Abraham of the Pseudepigrapha; Apocalypse of Abraham also of the Pseudepigrapha; Genesis 12:15; 37:36; 40:7; 40:11, 13, 20, 21; The book of the Covenant of the Torah by Moses (Exodus 24:7); The Red Sea Battles against Pharaohs Armies in the Torah by Moses; Exodus 2:7, 8, 9, 10; 15:4; Deuteronomy 6:21; 1st Samuel 2:27; Book of Samuel the Seer (1st Chronicles 29:29); Nathan the Prophet (1st Chronicles 29:29 & 2nd Chronicles 9:29); Book of Gad the Seer (1st Chronicles 29:29); Annals of King David (1st Chronicles 27:24); 3rd Martyrdom of Isaiah and the 4th Martyrdom of Isaiah of the Pseudepigrapha; 1st King 3:1; 7:8; 11:20; Wisdom Sirach and the Ecclesiasticus (Sirach) a part of the Deuterocanonical by Ben Sirach; Ezekiel 30:24; The Gospel of Bartholomew; Questions from Bartholomew; Ur-Mark; The Book of Quelle; The Gospel of Thomas; Gospel of Peter; Acts of the Apostles 7:21; Mara Bar Serapion a Report; The Egerton 2nd Gospel; 2nd Mark of Gospel; Trimorphic Protennoia a Report; 3rd Mark; Book of Hebrew another form of Gospel; Apocalypse of Peter a Revelation; Paralipomena of Jeremiah a Gospel {4th Baruch {Written in Hebrew (Ethiopic


Testament)}; Zostrianos of the Sethian; Marsenes of the Sethian; The Acts of John, The Acts of Peter, and The Secondary partial of the Gospel of Andrew of the Leucian; Valentinian Theology 1st ; Ophite Diagrams; Valentinian Theology 2nd ; Papyrus 64 (+67): a Report (Matthew 3:9, 15; 5: 2022, 25-28; 26:7-8, 10, 14-15, 22-23, 31-33)


3500 BC the City State, Culture and Religion of Troy was founded in the

Western tip of Asian Minor region (of Central Western Turkey {modern assumed location}).


migration 79 from the Arabian Peninsula to areas of the

Akkadian Settlement in 3450 BC continued.


development and long-term creation of the Egyptian Culture and

Religion in the areas of Narmer in 3100 BC - the Second Dynasty grew from the path of the First Dynasty via the Menes.
Corpus Areopagiticum of the Pseudepigrapha (Dionysius the Areopagite); Exodus 1:22; 2:5; 4:9; 7:17, 18, 20, 21, 24, 25; 8:3; The book of the Covenant of the Torah (Exodus 24:7); Apocalypse of Moses of the Pseudepigrapha; Joshua 15: 4, 47; Pseudo-Philo in the Pseudepigrapha; 1st Kings 8:65; 2nd Chronicles 7:8; The Book of Jehu (2nd Chronicles 20:34); Sayings of the Seers (2nd Chronicles 33:19); Acts of Uziah (2nd Chronicles 26:22); Isaiah 7:18; 27:12; 3rd Martyrdom of Isaiah in the Pseudepigrapha; Mara Bar Serapion a Report; Terentius Maximus of Parthia another Report; Masoretes at Tiberias compile Masora an Epistle; Paralipomena of Jeremiah the 4th Baruch {Written in Hebrew (Ethiopic Testament) a Gospel


Migrate - migrate denotes a moving from one region or country to another



birth and growth of the Sumerian Culture and religion began in 2800

BC in the lower Mesopotamian / Persian Gulf area.


creation of roads, canals, farms, temples and cities expanded in the

Old Kingdom of China under the Hsia Empire in 2700 BC.

2nd Enoch (Oral) of the Apocrypha; 1st Samuel 27:10; The Manner of the Kingdom (The Book of Statutes 1st Samuel 10:25); The Book of Solomon in the Neviim; The Wisdom of Solomon II; Jeremiah (Baruch) a Deuterocanonical; The Ecclesiasticus (Sirach) another Deuterocanonical; Pistis Sophia an Epistle; Acts 16:6; 20:16, 18; The Council of Jerusalem Report by James (Brother of Jesus); 1st Corinthians 16:19; The Council of Antioch a Report by Peter; Odes of Solomon an Epistle; 1st Peter 1:1; The Protevangelion a Report; Revelation of John 1:11; Papyrus 32: a Report (Titus 1:11-15; 2: 3-8)

Kingdom of Egypt began the creation of the Pyramids (not the ones at

Gaza) and expanded their religion via conquest of local city-states in 2690 BC. The Third Dynasty of Djoser from 2690 to 2650 BC. The Fourth Dynasty of Snefu in 2650 BC; Khufu {Cheops} in 2600 BC; Khaf-Re in 2560 BC and Men-kau-Re in 2525 BC.


Kuyuk of Asia Minor was built upon the religion of that post Haciliar

peoples in 2650 BC. In 2600 BC the Vedic Period of the Indus valley expanded their religion to include most of the Middle Kingdom of the sub-continent with the PreUpanisds, - Aranyakas and - Makabharata.



consider the creation of the Amurru Culture and religion at Amorite in

the Syrian/Palestine area in 2620 BC. The birth of the Fifth Dynasty of Ne-user in 2425 BC that lead to the development of the Pyramid Texts in 2350 to 2175 BC.
Genesis the Proto-Version of the Oral basis; The Testament of Job of the Pseudepigrapha; The Testaments of the Patriarchs also of the Pseudepigrapha; Genesis 14:15; 15:2; 2nd Samuel 8:5, 6; The Book of Jasher II (2nd Samuel 1:18) by Nathan; 1st Kings 11:24; 15:16; 19:15; The Book of Acts of Solomon (1st Kings 11:41); 2nd Kings 16:10, 11, 12; The Song of Solomon (Song of Songs) 7:4; The 3rd Esdras of the Apocrypha; Isaiah 7:8; 8:4; Ezekiel 27:18; 47:16, 17, 18; The Tobit in the Deuterocanonical; The Gospel of Thomas; The Gospel of Peter; Acts of the Apostles 9:1, 2, 3, 8, 10, 22, 27; The Acts of Peter; Latin Bible translations: (This was begun in Carthage) a Gospel; The Hypostasis (The hidden spiritual reality of the Archons) an Epistle; The Papyrus 45: which is a Gospel (1st Chester Beatty, Gospels (Caesarean) Acts (Alexandrian): Mt20: 24-32; 21: 13-19; 25: 41-26:39; Mk4: 36-40; 5: 15-26,38-6:3,16-25,36-50; 7: 3-15 ,25-8:1, 10-26, 34-9:9,18-31; 11: 2712:1,5-8,13-19,24-28; Lk6: 31-41,45-7:7; 9: 26 -41,45-10:1,6-22,26-11:1,6-25, 28-46, 50-12:12,1837,42-13:1,6-24,29-14:10,17-33; Jn10: 7-25,30-11:10,18-36,42-57; Ac4: 27-36; 5:10-21,30-39;6: 77:2,10-21,32-41,52-8:1, 14-25,34-9:6,16-27,35-10:2,10-23,31-41; 11: 2-14, 24-12:5,13-22; 13: 616,25-36,46-14:3,15-23; 15:2-7,19-27,38-16:4,15-21,32-40; 17: 9-17)

2360 BC the Akkadian Empire was formed and grew in the

Mesopotamian area {the Amorite migration was during this time}.

1st Enoch (Oral) an Apocrypha; The Apocalypse of Abraham of the Pseudepigrapha; The stories of Joseph and Aseneth also a Pseudepigrapha; Genesis 24:10; Deuteronomy of the Torah by Moses 23:4; Judges 3:8, 10; 1st Chronicles 19:6; The Book of Samuel the Seer (1st Chronicles 29:29), Nathan the Prophet (1st Chronicles 29:29 & 2nd Chronicles 9:29), Book of Gad the Seer (1st Chronicles 29:29) and the Annals of King David (1st Chronicles 27:24) all by Gad a Prophet of the Lord our God; Ur-Mark; Gospel of Mary; Acts 2:9, 7:2; Paul and Seneca an Epistle; The Sentences of Sextus an Epistle; 1st Ignatius and 2nd Ignatius both are Epistles; 1st Polycarp and 2nd Polycarp both are Epistles; Romans II an additional Epistle



Sixth Dynasty of Egypt follows with Pepi the First in 2325 BC and then Pepi

the Second in 2275 BC. This was the peaking times for the Egyptian Gods of Old which controlled most of the peoples lives on a daily basis.
Genesis 16:3; 21:9; 25:12; 39:1, 2; Jubilees an Apocrypha; The Corpus Areopagiticum of the Pseudepigrapha (Dionysius the Areopagite); Exodus 2:11, 12, 14, 19; Leviticus of the Torah 24:10; Nathan the Prophet (1st Chronicles 29:29 & 2nd Chronicles 9:29) by Gad; The Prophecy of Abijah (2nd Chronicles 9:29); Susanna of the Ketuvim (Daniel 13); Bel and the Dragon of the Ketuvim (Daniel 14); Daniel and Susanna of the Ketuvim; 4th Esdras of the Apocrypha by Nehemiah; The Epistles of the Apostles another Gospel by James; The Epistle of Eugnostos; Battle of Peter a Gospel; Adoration of the Magi the basis of several of the Gospel stories; Acts of the Apostles 7:22; 7:24, 28; 21:38; Letters of Origen an Epistle {Jesus and God one substance, adopted at Council of Nicaea in 325, compiled "Hexapla": 6 versions of LXX side by side: Hebrew, Hebrew transliterated in Greek, Aquila's Greek trans., Symmachus' Greek trans., Origen's revised LXX Greek trans., Theodotion's revised LXX; also Quinta/Sexta/Septima trans., Tetragrammaton in square Hebrew script; cites "Alexandrian" & "Caesarean" NT text-types; Eusebius claimed Origen castrated himself for Christ due to Mt19: 12 [EH6.8.1-3]

development of the Vedas Codes in the Indus Valley 80 in 2250 BC

which lead to many locations in the Sub-continent to become for a better term Hindu.


Indus Valley a Southern constellation between Pavo and Grus Indus


Chapter Dispositional Annotations Flood (flud) {ME flode < OE flod, akin to German flut: for IE base}(A) an overflowing of water on an area normally dry; inundation; deluge (B) the flowing in of water from the sea as the tide rises (C) a great flow or outpouring (D short for FLOODLIGHT (E) a) water, as opposed to land b) a large body of water, as a sea or broad river (F) to cover or fill with or as with a flood; overflow; inundate (G) to put much or too much water, fuel, etc. on or in (H) to rise, flow, or gush out in or as in a flood (I) to become flooded (J) the Flood Bible the great flood in Noah's time: Genesis Chapter 7 Geology (je al e je) {ML geologia: see GEO- & -LOGY}(A) the science dealing with the physical nature and history of the earth, including the structure and development of its crust, the composition of its interior, individual rock types, the forms of life found as fossils (B) the structure of the earth's crust in a given region, area, or place (C) a book about geology. (The detailed version and updated timeline is given later in this Semester and the next) Migrate (mi gret) {Latin migratus, pp. of migrare, to move from one place to another, change < IE meigw-, to change location < base mei-, to change, exchange, wander}(A) to move from one place to another; esp., to leave one's country and settle in another (B) to move from one region to another with the change in seasons, as many birds and some fishes (C) to move from place to place to harvest seasonal crops (D) migrate denotes a moving from one region or country to another and may imply, of people, intention to settle in a new land, or, of animals, a periodical movement influenced by climate, food supply, etc.; emigrate and immigrate are used


only of people, emigrate specifically denoting the leaving of a country to settle in another, and immigrate, the coming into the new country. Indus Valley Indus - (in des) {Latin, the Indian} a Southern constellation between Pavo and Grus river in South Asia, rising in SW Tibet and flowing west across Jammu and Kashmir, India, then southwest through Pakistan into the Arabian Sea: c. 1,900 mi (3,058 km) Valley (val e) {ME valey < OFr valee < val < Latin vallis, vale < IE base wel-, to turn, roll > WALK, WELL}(A) a stretch of low land lying between hills or mountains and usually having a river or stream flowing through it (B) the land drained or watered by a great river system (C) Any long dip or hollow, as the trough of a wave (D) Architecture the trough formed where two slopes of a roof meet, or where the roof meets a wall Peace {< OFr < Latin pax (gen. pacis) < IE base *pak-, to fasten > FANG, Latin pacisci, to confirm an agreement, pangere, to fasten} (A) freedom from war or a stopping of war (B) a treaty or agreement to end war or the threat of war (C) freedom from public disturbance or disorder; public security; law and order (D) freedom from disagreement or quarrels; harmony; concord (E) an undisturbed state of mind; absence of mental conflict; serenity: in full peace of mind (F) calm; quiet; tranquility (G) to be or become silent or quiet: obs. except in the imperative. Honor {ME honour < OFr < Latin honor, honos, official dignity, repute, esteem} (A) high regard or great respect given, received, or enjoyed; esp., a) glory; fame; renown b) good reputation; credit (B) a keen sense of right and wrong; adherence to action


or principles considered right; integrity to conduct oneself with honor" (C) a) chastity or purity b) reputation for chastity (D) high rank or position; distinction; dignity !the great honor of the presidency" (E) [H-] a title of respect given to certain officials, as judges: preceded by Your or by His or Her (F) something done or given as a token or act of respect; specific, a) [Obs.] a curtsy; bow b) a social courtesy or privilege !may I have the honor of this dance?" c) a badge, token, decoration, etc. given to a person d) [pl.] public act or ceremonies of respect !buried with full military honors" e) [pl.] special distinction or credit given to students, esp. at commencement, for high academic achievement f) [pl.] an advanced course of study in place of or in addition to the regular course, for exceptional students !Honors English" (G) a person or thing that brings respect and fame to a school, country, etc. (H) to respect greatly; regard highly; esteem (I) to show great respect or high regard for; treat with deference and courtesy (J) to worship (a deity) (K) to do or give something in honor of (L) Honor, as compared here, implies popular acknowledgment of a person's right to great respect as well as any expression of such respect [in honor of the martyred dead]; homage suggests great esteem shown in praise, tributes, or obeisance [to pay homage to the genius of Milton]; reverence implies deep respect together with love [he held her memory in reverence]; deference suggests a display of courteous regard for a superior, or for one to whom respect is due, by yielding to the person's status, claims, or wishes [in deference to his age]. Intra = the prefix of within, inside {Latin intra- < tra, within, inside < 8intera, akin to interior}. Spiritual - the form of non-corporeal essence as distinguished from all matter and the body (with its temporal concerns) which creates all forms of intellect, ideals and intelligence in the Cosmos {ME spirituel < Old French < Late Latin (Ec) spiritualis < Latin, of breathing or air of the Lord thy God}. The Conscience - a knowledge or sense of right and wrong, with an urge to do right; this moral judgment


that opposes the violation of a set ethical principle of the Lord thy God and leads to a feeling of guilt if one violates his just Will. This inner thought or feeling from which the acceptance of the Christ, Jesus upon your Inner Most Soul at the point of Salvation {Old French < Latin conscientia, consciousness, moral sense < prp. Of conscire < com-, with + scire, to know (as in science) replacing ME inwit, the knowledge within}. Fate or destiny {ME destine < Old French destinee, fem. Pp. of destiner}. Fate {ME < Latin fatum, prophetic declaration, oracle < neut. pp. of fari, to speak: (A) the power or agency supposed to determine the outcome of events before they occur; destiny (B) a) something inevitable, supposedly determined by this power b) what happens or has happened to a person or entity; lot; fortune (C) final outcome (D) death; destruction; doom (E) [F-] any of the three FATES (G) Fate refers to the inevitability of a course of events as supposedly predetermined by a god or other agency beyond human control; destiny also refers to an inevitable succession of events as determined supernaturally or by necessity, but often implies a favorable outcome [it was her destiny to become famous]; portion and lot refer to what is supposedly distributed in the determining of fate, but portion implies an equitable apportionment and lot implies a random assignment; doom always connotes an unfavorable or disastrous fate.


The Omega Dawn

The Foundations of Traditionalist Theology

Chapter Eight

The Path 81


The Path - a course or manner of conduct, thought, or procedure 109

The Path

in the Lord thy God in all manner, seek him continuously behold his

glory upon your bosom 82. It is said that our resemblance to the Lord our God is complete, now and perfect, however it is also infinitesimal; when the Innermost Spirit returns to the Lord they begin to regain a little of the pristine purity which is our God given right.
Life of Adam and Eve {(Vita Adae at Evae) Oral} an Apocrypha; Job {Proto-Version) Oral} of the Ketuvim; Genesis 16:5; Exodus 4:6, 7; Numbers 11:12; Deuteronomy 28:54; 2nd Samuel 12:3; 1st Kings 1:2, 3:20, 17:19; The Book of Acts of Solomon (1st Kings 11:41); Wisdom of Solomon (Wisdom) in the Neviim; The Book of Wisdom of Solomon II of the Neviim; Job 31:33; Psalms 35:13, 74:11, 79:12; Proverbs 5:20, 6:27, 17:23, 19:24; Jeremiah 32:18; Letters of Jeremiah an Apocrypha; Baruch, with the letter of, in the Deuterocanonical; Jeremiah (Baruch) in the Deuterocanonical; The Presentation in the Temple another Gospel; Ur-Mark; The Gospel of Thomas; The Gospel of Peter; Luke 6:38, 16:22, 23; The Book of Quelle; John 1:18, 13:23; Papyrus Fayum a partial Gospel; According to the Egyptians the Gospel; The Mara Bar Serapion a Report; Odes of Solomon an Epistle; The Scrolls of the Sayings of Barnabas an Epistle; Three Steles of Seth of the Sethian scrolls; The Secret Book of James an Apocryphon; The Acts of John and The Acts of Peter are both of the Leucian

if that were it there would be no point in the whole process nor

would Christ, Jesus Incarnate have any ultimate reason for his victory on the Cross.


The bosom 110


concept of {Reformatio in Melous} the transmutation to a Higher State,

is the basis of most cosmic institutions and faiths of many historical consciences and it is a powerful ideal in which we of the faith must strive.
Assumption of Moses of the Torah; Genesis 1:2; 6:3; 41:8; The book of the Covenant of the Torah by Moses (Exodus 24:7); Exodus 35:21, 31; Judges 3:10; 6:34; 9:23; 15:19; 1st Samuel 16:13, 14, 15, 16, 23; 1st Kings 10:5; 18:12; Proverbs 1:23; 11:13; 17:22; 29:23; Ecclesiastes of the Neviim 4:16; 12:7; Isaiah 28:6; 32:15; 34:16; Daniel 4:8, 9, 18; 7:15; Bel and the Dragon of the Ketuvim (Daniel 14); Micah 2:7, 11; Matthew 10:20, 12:18, 28, 43; Ur-Mark; Mark 8:12; Luke 2:40; The Gospel of Peter; The Gospel of Mary Magdalene; John 3:34; Acts of the Apostles 6:10; Satorninus of Antioch a Report; The Protevangelion also a Report; The Acts of Thomas of the Leucian; The Naassene Fragment of the Gospel; The Valentinian Theology 1st; Ophite Diagrams; The Valentinian Theology 2nd; The Acts of Xanthippe (Polyxena and Rebecca {Paul, Peter & Andrew}); 2nd Clement (The Old Sermon) which is posted in an Epistle; The 2nd Apocalypse of James which is another form of Revelation

is the Celestial Paradise of the Multi-Cosmos which recapitulates the

original paradise but in even greater Faith, Tradition and Honor. Behold the wisdom of the Lord thy God in all things for which we are but a small piece of his universal puzzle.
2nd Enoch (Oral) of the Apocrypha; The Testament of Abraham, The Apocalypse of Abraham and the Book of Joseph and Aseneth all three a part of the Pseudepigrapha; Exodus 28:3; 31:3, 6; 35:26, 35; Corpus Areopagiticum of the Pseudepigrapha(Dionysius the Areopagite); 1st Kings 4:29, 30, 34; 10:4, 6, 7, 8, 23, 24; 2nd Chronicles 9:3, 5, 6, 7, 22, 23; Prophecy of Abijah (2nd Chronicles 9:29); The Sayings of the Seers (2nd Chronicles 33:19); The Acts of Uziah (2nd Chronicles 26:22); Job 12:2, 12, 13, 16; Proverbs; Ecclesiastes of the Neviim by Solomon 7:11, 12, 19, 23, 25; Daniel 1:4; 2:14, 20, 21, 23, 30; Daniel and Susanna of the Ketuvim; The Birth of the Virgin (Gospel of Pseudo-Matthew); The Birth of Christ a proto-Gospel; Elizabeth receiving the visit of Mary a detailed Gospel of the visit; Matthew 11:19; Wisdom of Christ {Sophia of Christ Jesus or Sophia


Jesu Christi} another Gospel; The Papyrus Oxyrhynchus an interesting Report (1224 fragments); Luke 2:40, 52; The Signs of the Gospels; The Apocalypse of Adam a form of Revelation; The Didache a Report; Acts 6:10; 7:10; Papyrus 46: a Report (2nd Chester Beatty, "Alexandrian" texttype: Rm5: 17-6:3, 5- 14; 8: 15-25, 27-35, 37-9:32; 10:1-11:22, 24-33, 35-15:9, 11-16:27; Hb1: 19:16, 18-10:20, 22-30, 32-13:25; 1Cr1: 1-9:2, 4-14:14, 16-15:15, 17- 16:22; 2Cr1: 1-11:10, 12-21, 23-13:13; Ep1: 1-2:7, 10-5:6,8-6: 6,8,20- 24; Gal 1:1-8, 10-2:9, 12-21; 3:2-29; 4:2-18, 20-5:17, 206:8, 10- 18; Ph1: 1, 5-15, 17-28, 30-2:12, 14-27, 29-3:8, 10-21; 4:2-12, 14- 23; Cl1: 1-2, 5-13, 1624, 27-2:19, 23-3:11, 13-24; 4:3-12, 16- 18; 1st Th1: 1,9-2:3; 5: 5-9,23-28)

Multi-Cosmos is part of the Mega-Sphere of the Ultimate Heavens of

Infinite Time wherein all alternate universes exist and co-exist in dimensional relative planes where in all timelines are made whole.


is proposed then when a Black Hole collapses into a Singularity, a new

Dimensional existence can form whose Ten Space-Time Dimensions exist at right angles to the existing one.


Lord our God derives his Glory upon our Inner Most Love for our drive to

be a part of his being; thus as Augustine implies that in his writings, describing his divine vision at Ostia as a Vision of Simultaneity and his return from the Vision as flowing back into reality {Time River exit} with their concepts of beginning and endings.
Testament of Abraham of the Pseudepigrapha; Genesis 31:1; 45:13; Exodus 8:9; Numbers 14:10, 21, 22; Psalms; Proverbs; Isaiah; Jeremiah 9:23, 24; 4th Martyrdom of Isaiah from the


Pseudepigrapha; Ecclesiasticus (Sirach) a Deuterocanonical; The Prayer of Manasseh an Apocrypha; Daniel, Bel, and the Snake another Apocrypha; Matthew 6:13; 25:31; Wrote de Spectaculis an Epistle by Tertullian; The Letters and Writings which are posted as an Epistle by Tertullian; The Infancy Gospel of James; Ur-Mark; Mark 10:37; The Gospel of Thomas; Luke 17:18; John 7:18; Acts 12:23; 5th John (Apocalypse) another form of Revelation; Papyrus 72: a Report {Bodmer 5-11+, pub. 1959 "Alexandrian" text-type: Nativity of Mary; 3Cor; Odes of Solomon 11; Jude 1-25; Melito's Homily on Passover; Hymn fragment; Apology of Phileas; Ps33, 34; 1Pt1:15:14; 2Pt1:1-3:18}; 1st Ignatius an Epistles; The Smyrnaeans a Report; The Latin Infancy Gospels 8Thus we as Traditionalist can conceive intellectually and spiritually of the

Absolute Being who perceives all Time, Space and Forms the TOTUM SIMUL; as the creator our Lord God.
Apocalypse of Abraham and the stories of Joseph and Aseneth of the Pseudepigrapha; Genesis 3:6; 41:8, 33, 39; Exodus 22:23; 23:8; 28:3; 31:6; 35:10; Leviticus of the Torah by Moses 19:17; Deuteronomy also of the Torah by Moses 21:23; Joshua 6:18; 23:12; Judges 5:29; 2nd Samuel 6:3; 14:20; The Book of Jasher II by Nathan (2nd Samuel 1:18); Ecclesiastes of the Neviim by Solomon 8:1, 5, 7: 9: 11, 15, 17; Isaiah 19:11, 12, 14; Jeremiah 9:12, 23; Letters of Jeremiah of the Apocrypha; Baruch, with the letter of the Deuterocanonical; Jeremiah (Baruch) also of the Deuterocanonical; Daniel 2:12, 13, 14, 18, 21, 24, 27, 48; Matthew 2:16; 5:18; 7:24; Ur-Mark; Luke 13:11; 18:17; Acts 13:34; The Acts of Xanthippe (Polyxena and Rebecca {Paul, Peter & Andrew}); "Christian Apologists" (The writings against Roman Paganism) an Epistle by Aristides; The Valentinian Theology 3rd; Christ and Abgarus an Epistle (The Epistle of Jesus Christ and Abgarus King of Edessa); Diatessaron a Report by Tatian (Tatian produces "Diatessaron" (Harmony) by Blending 4 "Western" texts type); Letter of Hegesippus an Epistle; The New Greek Old Testament translation for the Gospel by Symmachus (An Ebonite); Testament of the Gospel (The Twelve Patriarchs); Acts of John; Papyrus 64 (+67): a Report (Matthew 3:9, 15; 5: 20-22, 25-28; 26:7-8, 10, 14-15, 22-23, 31-33)

the consideration is thus Prayer is the Light of our Inner Most Soulful

Spirit. When it glows within we may ignore the darkness without.



is written that the Paneatheism 83 is the view that the Infinite Cosmos

lays within the Lord our Gods Innermost Soul, thus it is Divine. Therefore, Traditionalist understand that the whole world is a Theophany 84, a manifestation of the Eternal Word of the Lord our God.


Traditionalist is always afraid, however by the courage that is granted by

the Holy Ghost upon our Souls we defeat Fear daily in our lives. Thus it is said Intellectually, Wisdom begins with understanding that we beings cant get to the absolute truth in regards to most ideals, ideas, concepts and thoughts of this outer reached Multi-Cosmos.
The Gospel of Thomas; The Gospel of the Signs; Matthew 1:20; 3:11; 7:6; Ur-Mark; Mark 1:8; 8:38; Luke 1:15, 35; 3:16; 4:1; John 1:33; 7:39; Apocalypse of Baruch {2nd Baruch (Syriac) 3rd Baruch (Greek) {Peshitta}} a different type of Revelation; Acts of the Apostles 1:5; 2:4; 5:3; 7:33, 51; 15:28; The Acts of John and The Acts of Peter of the Leucian; 1st Peter 1:15; 2:5; 2nd Peter 3:11; Writings of Pliny the Younger an Epistle; The Gospel of Infancy; The Zostrianos and Marsenes of the Sethian; The Protevangelion a Report; The Acts of Thomas of the Leucian; The Naassene Fragment another form of Gospel; Apocalypse of Stephen a reported form of factual Revelation; Demiurge in Valentinianism; Muratorian Canon a Report (1st extant for NT, written in Rome by Hippolytus, Excludes Hebrews, James, 1st and 2nd Peter, 3rd John; includes Wisdom of Solomon and the Apocalypse of Peter)

We have sought the factual truth of the Lord our God in multiple avenues within this feeble attempt at a Theological Discourse. Now we reach beyond the present into the future now of this era we seek the Timelines of the Time River.
83 84

Theophany - a manifestation of God or a deity; there upon the base of manifestation 114


must look at Christ, Jesus as portrayed both as pastor and lamb; he is

both the good shepherd and the sacrificial lamb of the Lord our God.


with Gods courage overcame the fear of his mortal self to conquer

Death and Functional Sin, are we any less with the assistance of the Holy Ghost via the Agape Love of God?
Assumption of Moses of the Torah by Moses; Numbers 13:20; Deuteronomy of the Torah also by Moses 31:6, 7, 23; Joshua 1:6, 9, 18; 2:11; The Book of Jasher I (Joshua 10:13); The Two Spies sent by Joshua to Jericho and their escape via Rahab in the Neviim; The Pseudo-Philo of the Pseudepigrapha; Psalms 27:14; Daniel 11:25; Song of the Three Young Men an Apocrypha by Daniel (Daniel 3:24-90); The stories of Daniel and Susanna from the Ketuvim; Ur-Mark; The Gospel of Thomas; Questions from Bartholomew another Gospel; Acts of the Apostles 28:15; The Book of Quelle; Papyrus Oxyrhynchus (840 partial Gospel); The 36 fragments of Gospel (Of the Nazarenes in Aramaic); The Thought of Norea of the Sethian; The Shepherd of Hermes an Epistle (Visions / Commands / Similitudes)

Traditionalist understands that the real being is not our flesh {Soma or

Sarx} but our Soul (Psyche). A being who in life has been too attached to the Body and forms of materialism will in death wonder; one who follows the Wisdom of the Lord will rise in spirit to the realm of truth Divine Paradise 85 in Christ, Jesus.
Menander an Epistle (A disciple of Simon Magus); The Paralipomena of Jeremiah Epistle; The Masoretes at Tiberias compile Masora an Epistle; Luke 23:43; The Paralipomena of Jeremiah a Gospel {4th Baruch {Written in Hebrew (Ethiopic Testament)}; The Secret Book of James a form of Apocryphon; The Secondary partial Gospel of Andrew in the Leucian; The Gospel of Mary; The

The Divine Paradise


Gospel of the Savior; The Gospel of the Lord; The Writings from Rhodon in the form of an Epistle; The Epistle to Diognetus (In Apostolic Fathers); Papyrus 66: a Report (2nd Bodmer, John, 1956, "Alexandrian / Western" text-types: John 1:1-6:11, 35-7:52; 8:12-14:26, 29-30; 15:2-26; 16: 2-4, 67, 10- 20:20, 22-23, 25-21:9)

is said that the wondering souls of those without the Lord shall see him

eventually, however the end result will not be to their pleasing.

16The Traditionalist accepts that in this plane of existence beings lack


imagination and vocabulary to define or describe the Lords home without using the Metaphors of Timelines, Time Rivers, Space, Infinity and Outer Existence.


could subsist before the Creation of this Cosmos, for nothing other

than the Lord subsisted before this point of Commencement 86.

Genesis {(Proto-Version) Oral}; 1st Enoch (Oral) an Apocrypha by Enoch; Testament of Abraham and the Apocalypse of Abraham in the Pseudepigrapha; Pseudo-Philo also in the Pseudepigrapha; Nehemiah 9:6; Testament of Job in the Pseudepigrapha; Job 9: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10; The entire book of Psalms; Jeremiah 23:23, 24; Letters of Jeremiah an Apocrypha; Zechariah 12:1

Lord is Beyond Eternal, he subsist outside all forms of Existence,

Timelines and Time Rivers that flow from his Agape Loved Thought while at the same occurrence he does permeates them.


The act or time of commencing; beginning; start as of the day when this takes place for which all things are made. None were made unless he gave it one must consider that all Matter, AntiMatter, Time and Anti-Time co-exist in the Lord Minds eye 116

Psalms 21:4; 121:8; Psalms 151 of the Ketuvim; Susanna of the Ketuvim (Daniel 13); Daniel 12:2; Daniel, Bel, and the Snake an Apocrypha; 3rd Maccabees and the 4th Maccabees in the Deuterocanonical; Matthew 19: 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21; Ur-Mark; The Gospel of Thomas; Luke 18:29, 30; John 3:16; 5:24, 25; 12:25; 6:50 58; 14:6; 20:30, 31; The Papyrus 45: a Gospel (1st Chester Beatty, Gospels (Caesarean) Acts (Alexandrian): Mt20: 24-32; 21: 13-19; 25: 41-26:39; Mk4: 36-40; 5: 15-26,38-6:3,16-25,36-50; 7: 3-15,25-8:1, 10-26, 34-9:9,18-31; 11: 27-12:1,5-8,1319,24-28; Lk6: 31-41,45-7:7; 9: 26 -41,45-10:1,6-22,26-11:1,6-25, 28-46, 50-12:12,18-37,4213:1,6-24,29-14:10,17-33; Jn10: 7-25,30-11:10,18-36,42-57; Ac4: 27-36; 5:10-21,30-39;6: 77:2,10-21,32-41,52-8:1, 14-25,34-9:6,16-27,35-10:2,10-23,31-41; 11: 2-14, 24-12:5,13-22; 13: 616,25-36,46-14:3,15-23; 15:2-7,19-27,38-16:4,15-21,32-40; 17: 9-17)

sees, understands, honors, and loves all points in his Space Time Void

as of himself he is the TOTUM SIMUL, all at once.


Traditionalist endures upon his soul that the resurrected being will be

identical with the temporal body, but transfigured it will be immune to Death, Fear, Sin, and Non-Joy.
Testaments of the Patriarchs of the Pseudepigrapha; The Assumption of Moses in the Torah; Genesis 5:1, 2, 3; 9:22 27; 1st Samuel 2:25; 1st Kings 16:31; Job 20:12, 13, 14; The entire book of Psalms; Ezekiel 18:14; 16:48, 49, 50, 51, 52; 33:13; Hosea 13:12; The Chronicles of the King Ahasuerus of the Ketuvim by Mordcai (Esther 2:23 and Esther 6:1); The Chronicles of the Kings of Media and Persia of the Ketuvim by Mordcai (Esther 10:2); The Additions to Esther in the Ketuvim by Mordcai (Esther 10:4-10); Malachi 4:6; The Gospel of Thomas; Ur-Mark; Papyrus P29, 38, 48 and Codex Bezae (D) "Western Revisor" (+-) from original Acts a Report; Luke 12:2, 3; Nazarene Prophecy another view of the Gospel (Matthew 2:23); The Gospel of Perfection; John 3:19, 20, 21; The Magnesians a Report; The Gospel of the Twelve; The Trallians a Report; Papyrus Chester Beatty a Report {R962: Gn8: 13-9:2,24:13-46:33 253 Enoch91-105; #7: I8: 18-19:13,38:1445:5,54:1=60:22;#8: Jr4: 30-5:24; #10: Dn1- 12:13(+Add), Bel4-39,Sus 5-end, Esther 1:1a8:6(+Add)}


21The Trans-Gloried Being will be at the height of the Inner Most

Power of the

Lord, no disease, no functional deformities, and no Sinful pain; a force of pure truth in the prime of life forever 87 (pretty cool). It must surpass anything we could imagine, even from the accounts via Christ, Jesus teachings on this planet those many years ago.


Traditionalist believes that there are four functional senses of the

factual scriptures: Eschatological 88; Allegorical 89; Moral 90 and Overt 91


Traditionalist believes that there are three levels of Consciousness to

the Lord our God in this Temporal Vision: Imagination from the Lords Knowledge, Knowledge gained from our Sense, and Temporal Intuitions.

Thus a being without beginning or end; existing through all time; everlasting; forever the same; always true or valid; unchanging! The eternal verities" always going on; never stopping; perpetual

The doctrines concerning or the branch of theology dealing with last things, such as death, immortality, resurrection, judgment, and the end of the world

The concepts or characteristic of allegory wherein that is or contains an allegory - a story in which people, things, and happenings have a hidden or symbolic

That which relating to, dealing with, or capable of making the distinction between right and wrong in conduct; relating to, serving to teach, or in accordance with the principles of right and wrong

The form or process not hidden; open; observable; apparent; manifest and thus without attempt at concealment and with evident intent to all whom seek the Love of the Lord thy God


The book of the Covenant of the Torah by Moses (Exodus 24:7); The Red Sea Battles against Pharaohs Armies also in the Torah by Moses; Nathan the Prophet (1st Chronicles 29:29 & 2nd Chronicles 9:29) by Gad; The Book of Gad the Seer (1st Chronicles 29:29); The Annals of King David (1st Chronicles 27:24) by Gad; Ezekiel 14:1 11; 3rd Esdras an Apocrypha; The Song of the Three Young Men an Apocrypha by Daniel (Daniel 3:24-90); The Gospel of Christ, Jesus ascending unto Heaven with Two Angels; The Pistis Sophia an Epistle; The Gospel of Christ, Jesus in the Preatorium and Mocked; The Gospel of Christ, Jesus Descent into Hell; The Gospel of Thomas; Matthew 6:30; 8:26; 14:31; 16:8; Ur-Mark; Mark 9:23; 11:24; Book of Oral traditions another Gospel; Luke 17:6; The Signs of the Gospels; The Apocalypse of Adam another style of Revelation; John 12:42; Acts of the Apostles 9:36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42; The scrolls of R in Aramaic Oral, The L in Caesarean Basic Oral and The Tablets of M in Hebrew Oral; The Gospel for the Nativity of Mary (The Libellus de Nativitate Sanctae Mariae); Secret Gospel of Mark; The Roman-Jewish War a historical report by Josephus; The Mara Bar Serapion a Report; The Egerton 2nd Gospel; The Gospel According to James; The Tacitus Annals a Report; The Jewish Antiquities another historical Report by Josephus

Traditionalist accepts that we fix Theology with a form of

Epistemology 92 and then flow into Metaphorical 93 Ontology 94. We used our senses to create a concept of the Lord our God however these concepts of He Who Is touching all beings via the Holy Ghost, it is ultimately based on the Words of the Lord within each person heart; their inner most soul.
2nd Enoch (Oral) an Apocrypha by Enoch; The Life of Adam and Eve {(Vita Adae at Evae) Oral} of the Apocrypha; Genesis 32:20; Exodus 22:11; Leviticus in the Torah by Moses 26:41; The Deuteronomy of the Torah by Moses 33:11; The Apocalypse of Moses in the Pseudepigrapha; 1st
92 93

Epistemology the study of nature

Metaphorical Metaphoric (met e for) {Latin metaphora < Greek metapherein} a figure of speech containing an implied comparison, in which a word or phrase ordinarily and primarily used of one thing is applied to another


Ontology (an tal e je) {Latin ontologia} a) the branch of metaphysics dealing with the nature of being, reality, or ultimate substance b) a particular theory about being or reality 119

Samuel 26:19; 2nd Samuel 24:23; The Book of Jasher II by Nathan (2nd Samuel 1:18); Parts of the 2nd Chronicles (2nd Paralipomenon) (4th Kings of Old) of the Neviim by Ezra; Job 13:8, 10; 32:21; The Testament of Solomon of the Neviim; Proverbs 18:5; Baruch, with the letter of the Deuterocanonical; Jeremiah 14:10; Amos 5:22; The Tobit of the Deuterocanonical; The Wisdom Sirach and the Ecclesiasticus (Sirach) of the Deuterocanonical by Ben Sirach; The Gospel of the Baptism of Christ in the Jordan; The Gospel for Christs entry into Jerusalem; The Gospel for Christ before Pilate; The Epistle of Eugnostos; The Gospel of Ur-Mark; The Gospel according to the Hebrews; The Gospel from the Book of Oral traditions; Papyrus Oxyrhynchus a Report (1224 fragments); The Gospel of Thomas; The Epistle of Paul and Barnabas on Cyprus (Apocryphal Epistle of Barnabas); The Oxyrhynchus 1224 Gospels which is a detailed Report; Acts of the Apostles 24:3

Traditionalist believes the Divine Spark in beings is God based, he

draws us to him until we are united with the Lord our God. Once cleansed of Functional Sin and Temporal needs that blur of our Outer and Inner Visions, we can enjoy the glorious sight of the Lord s Enigma, which is Radiant in the Pure Light of our Inner Most Spirits Heart.
Genesis 44:15; 1st Samuel 28:8; Manner of the Kingdom (The Book of Statutes 1st Samuel 10:25); The wisdom of Solomon (Wisdom) and the Book of Wisdom of Solomon II in the Neviim by Solomon; Proverbs 16:10; 1st Martyrdom of Isaiah and the 2nd Martyrdom of Isaiah of the Pseudepigrapha; Micah 3:6; Ezekiel 13:9; Ascension of Isaiah of the Twelve by Isaiah (partial found and still in process for certification) The Prayer of Manasseh of the Apocrypha; The Gospel of Mary Magdalene; Secret Gospel of Mark; Ur-Mark; The Gospel of Thomas; 2nd Peter 1:3, 4; The Gospel of Signs; The Gospel according to Nicodemus; The Gospel of Egerton 1st; The Gospel according to Peter; The Gospel of Judas; The Sermons of Peter; The Allogenes of the Sethian; Papyrus 52: the Gospel (The oldest intact NT fragment {p.1935, parts of Jn18: 31-33, 37-38}

Ecstasy shall be in our beings filled with Divine Qualities of Faith,

Tradition, Honor, Glory, Power and Perfection. As it is written in the Psalms, How


blessed are those whos way is pure, who walk along the path you have shown them.


Traditionalist believes as per current medical studies and research in

those fields, that persons whom seek the Lord thy God daily maintain a healthier, joyful and more fulfilled life.
Apocalypse of Pseudo (Methodius (Oral), Testament of Abraham and Apocalypse of Abraham all a part of the Pseudepigrapha; Genesis 1:20, 30; 3:14, 17, 22, 24; 48:15; Corpus Areopagiticum (Dionysius the Areopagite) of the Pseudepigrapha; Exodus 4:19; Book of the Wars of the Lord of the works in the Torah by Moses (Numbers 21:14); Leviticus 17:11, 14; Deuteronomy 30:15, 19, 20; Judges 12:3; Manner of the Kingdom (The Book of Statutes 1st Samuel 10:25); 2nd Samuel 4:8; Most of Proverbs; Testament of Solomon of the Neviim by Solomon; The Ecclesiastes of the Neviim 6:12; Lamentations of the Ketuvim by Jeremiah 2:19; The Tobit of the Deuterocanonical; The Prayer of Manasseh in the Apocrypha; The Pistis Sophia an Epistle; Ur-Mark; The Book of Quelle; Matthew 2:5, 20; The Gospel for the Battle of Peter; The Gospel of the adoration of the Magi; The Book of Acts of the Apostles 2:28; 20:10; 1st Peter 3:10; 4:3; 2nd Peter 1:3; 4th Peter

it begins, as it was the first path of truth from the Lord, seek yea him in

all things, manners and hope.


are the beginning for which we must allow his love and honor to rule the

day, thus a Traditionalist knows. The final quest is for the honor of the Lords Love


for all beings in the Multi-Cosmos. Acceptance of his True Salvation 95 unto your Heart is the key of the Path for Truth.
Testament of Abraham in the Pseudepigrapha; Apocalypse of Abraham in the Pseudepigrapha; Testaments of the Patriarchs in the Pseudepigrapha; Assumption of Moses of the Torah by Moses; Genesis 49:18; Jubilees of the Apocrypha; Corpus Areopagiticum (Dionysius the Areopagite) in the Pseudepigrapha; Exodus 15:2; The book of the Covenant of the Torah by Moses (Exodus 24:7); 1st Chronicles 16:23, 35; Book of Samuel the Seer (1st Chronicles 29:29), Nathan the Prophet (1st Chronicles 29:29 & 2nd Chronicles 9:29), The Book of Gad the Seer (1st Chronicles 29:29) and The Annals of King David (1st Chronicles 27:24) all by Gad the Prophet of the Lord; The Testament of Job of the Pseudepigrapha; Job 13:16; Psalms; Is 51:5, 6, 8; Jeremiah 3:23; Habakkuk 3:13, 18; Ecclesiasticus (Sirach) of the Deuterocanonical by Ben Sirach; The Gospel of Bartholomew; The Gospel for the Key of the Plate in Hell; The Gospel with the Questions from Bartholomew; Luke 1:69, 1:77, 2:30, 3:6, 19:9; The Gospel of Ur-Mark; The Gospel according to the Hebrews; The Gospel of the Book of Oral traditions; The Gospel with the Wisdom of Christ (Sophia of Christ Jesus or Sophia Jesu Christi); Papyrus Oxyrhynchus the Report (1224 fragments); John 3:16*, 4:22; The Gospel from the Papyrus Oxyrhynchus (840 partial Gospel); Acts 16:17; The Gospel from the stories of New Babylon; The Gospel based on the Papyrus Fayum; The Gospel according to the Egyptians; 1st Peter 1:5, 9, 10; Jude 3; Revelation of John 12:10

unto the Lord his creation of Faith in your Heart, Tradition upon

your Mind and Honor in your Soul thus the framework of your spirits ability to see the Truth of the One True God. He Who Was gave his life for all beings in the Cosmos that whom so ever accepts his truth upon his inner soul shall be saved.


Salvation is thus - the functional basis for all Salvation in this and all other Universes.

* - The basis for all Salvation in the Multi-Cosmos 122

31Reason 96

unto the Lord thy path unto the Time River and know in your heart

that He Who Is, He Who Was and He Who Will Be shall at all times guide your path unto the quest of Truth. Repent, make your way unto the Lord and know his Love his Strength and his Hope.
Testament of Abraham and the Apocalypse of Abraham of the Pseudepigrapha; Genesis 41:31, 47:13; Exodus 2:23; The Apocalypse of Moses in the Pseudepigrapha; Numbers 18:8; Deuteronomy of the Torah by Moses 5:5; 1st Kings 9:15, 14:4; The Book of Acts of Solomon (1st Kings 11:41); Wisdom of Solomon (Wisdom) and The Book of Wisdom of Solomon II from the Neviim by Solomon; Psalms 44:16; Psalms 151 from the Ketuvim by King David; Ezekiel 19:10, 21:12, 26:10, 27:12, 16, 28:17; Daniel 4:36, 5:10, 8:12; The Books of Daniel, Bel, and the Snake from the Apocrypha; The Gospel of the Presentation in the Temple; Ur-Mark; The Book of Quelle; The Gospel of Thomas; Matthew 16:8; Mark 8:17; Luke 5:22; John 6:18, 12:11; The Gospel of Cerinthus; The Gospel of Appelles; The Gospel of Bardesannes; The Book of Acts of the Apostles 18:14; The Council of Jamnia a detailed Report by Simeon (cousin of Christ Jesus); 1st Peter 3:15; 2nd Peter 2:2; Revelation of John 8:13, 9:2, 18,19; The Epistle for Paralipomena of Jeremiah; Papyrus 46: a Report (2nd Chester Beatty, "Alexandrian" text-type: Rm5: 17-6:3, 5- 14; 8: 15-25, 27-35, 37-9:32; 10:1-11:22, 24-33, 35-15:9, 11-16:27; Hb1: 1- 9:16, 18-10:20, 22-30, 32-13:25; 1Cr1: 1-9:2, 4-14:14, 16-15:15, 17- 16:22; 2Cr1: 1-11:10, 12-21, 23-13:13; Ep1: 1-2:7, 10-5:6,8-6: 6,8,20- 24; Gal 1:1-8, 10-2:9, 12-21; 3:2-29; 4:2-18, 20-5:17, 20-6:8, 10- 18; Ph1: 1, 5-15, 17-28, 30-2:12, 14-27, 29-3:8, 10-21; 4:2-12, 14- 23; Cl1: 1-2, 5-13, 16-24, 27-2:19, 23-3:11, 13-24; 4:312, 16- 18; 1st Th1: 1,9-2:3; 5: 5-9,23-28)


The explanation or justification of an act, idea; a cause or motive; the ability to think, form judgments, draw conclusions; sound thought or judgment; good sense and thus normal mental powers; a sound mind; sanity which lead to thinking coherently and logically; draw inferences or conclusions from facts known or assumed


32Hope 97

is of the Lord thy God, seek him in all ways, assist him in helping

your inner most heart of your soul. Behold he comes unto all beings whom reach for him and accept his Righteousness, Glory, Agape Love, and Holiness.
The Jubilees of the Apocrypha; The Corpus Areopagiticum (Dionysius the Areopagite) in the Pseudepigrapha; The Pseudo-Philo in the Pseudepigrapha; Ruth 1:12; The Psuedo-Phocylides in the Pseudepigrapha; Job 6:11; Psalms 16:9, 31:24, 33:18, 22, 71:5; The Psalms 151 of the Ketuvim by King David; The 4th Esdras of the Apocrypha; Proverbs 11:7, 13:12, 14:32, 19:18, 26:12, 29:20; Ecclesiastes of the Neviim by Solomon 9:4; Lamentations of the Ketuvim by Jeremiah 3:18, 21, 24, 26, 29; The Wisdom Sirach in the Deuterocanonical by Ben Sirach; The Ecclesiasticus (Sirach) in the Deuterocanonical by Ben Sirach; Hosea of the Twelve 2:15; The Last of the Judgment a Gospel; The Epistles of the Apostles a version of the Gospel by James; The Birth of the Virgin another Gospel of the Word (Gospel of Pseudo-Matthew); Ur-Mark; The Gospel of Thomas; The Book of Quelle; Luke 6:34; The Papyrus Oxyrhynchus (840 partial Gospel); The Secret Gospel of Mark; Acts of the Apostles 16:19, 23:6, 24:15, 28:20; The Book of 2nd Mark another Gospel; The Trimorphic Protennoia a Report; The Book of 3rd Mark another Gospel; The Paralipomena of Jeremiah for the Gospel {4th Baruch {Written in Hebrew (Ethiopic Testament)}; 1st John 3:3

must accept our factual sin and learn about functional sin, which

maintains the wall between us, as God fearing beings and the Lords True Agape Love.

has hopes; it is like a sprinkle of water. Just as water bubbles

forth from the spring, so thoughts and plans bubble forth from the spring of hope. Usually things that have happened in our daily lives thus far color our hopes.
The Hope of Humanity that beings that feel - that what is wanted is likely to happen; desire accompanied by expectation [Archaic] trust; reliance to want very much



life has inspired us with several noble hopes; we are indeed fortunate as

humble Traditionalist.
The story of Genesis {(Proto-Version) Oral}; The Scrolls of 1st Enoch (Oral) from the Apocrypha; The Testaments of the Patriarchs from the Pseudepigrapha; Exodus 10:3; Deuteronomy from the Torah by Moses 8:2, 16; Judges 19:24; Job 22:29; The Book of Samuel the Seer (1st Chronicles 29:29) and The Scrolls from Nathan the Prophet (1st Chronicles 29:29 & 2nd Chronicles 9:29) both are by Gad the Prophet of the Lord; Psalms 34:2; Proverbs 6:3; 16:19; Ur-Mark; Matthew 18:4; 23:12; 1st Peter 5:5, 6; The Gospel about the Interment of Christ, Jesus; The Epistle about the writings of Pliny the Younger; The Gospel of Infancy; The Zostrianos and the Marsenes from the path of Sethian; The Acts of John, The Acts of Peter and The Secondary partial of the Gospel of Andrew all from the Leucian; The Epistle from Aquila of Pontus (the Roman converts to Christianity compiled literal Greek OT translation); The Gospel of Basilides (the 24-book commentary); The Papyrus 66: a Report (2nd Bodmer, John, 1956, "Alexandrian / Western" text-types: John 1:1-6:11, 35-7:52; 8:12-14:26, 29-30; 15:2-26; 16: 2-4, 6-7, 10- 20:20, 22-23, 25-21:9)

will help us realize our hopes; without faith, hopes are mere

daydreams. Traditionalists who have achieved have been those who sought guidance from the Master of Wisdom Christ, Jesus.
The Apocalypse of Pseudo (Methodius (Oral)) from the Pseudepigrapha; The Testament of Abraham also from the Pseudepigrapha; The Apocalypse of Abraham an addition from the Pseudepigrapha; The Book of the Wars of the Lord (Numbers 21:14) in the Torah by Moses; Deuteronomy from the Torah by Moses 32:20; 1st Chronicles (1st Paralipomenon) (3rd Kings of Old) from the Neviim by Ezra; Habakkuk of the Twelve 2:4; The Book of 1st Maccabees, The Book of 2nd Maccabees and The Book of 3rd Maccabees all from the basis of the Deuterocanonical; UrMark; The Book of Quelle; The Gospel of Signs; The Gospel of Mary; Matthew 6:30; 8:10, 26; 9:2, 22, 29; Mark 2:5; 4:40; Luke 7:9, 50; The Gospel of Mani; The Gospel of the New Babylon; The Gospel partial from the Papyrus Fayum; Acts of the Apostles 3:16; 6:5; 11:24; 14:22, 27; The Gospel from Mary Magdalene; The Gospel of Peter; The Gospel according to the Nazarenes; 1st Peter 1:21; 5:9; 2nd Peter 1:1, 5; The Council of Jamnia with a Report from Simeon (Cousin of


Christ Jesus); The Thought of Norea from the Sethian; The Epistle from Simon Magus of Samaria (Simonianism); The story from Nicolaus of Antioch (Nicolaitans); The Sermons of Peter (Epistle); The Odes of Solomon (Epistle); Papyrus 64 (+67): an interesting Report (Matthew 3:9, 15; 5: 2022, 25-28; 26:7-8, 10, 14-15, 22-23, 31-33)

trust God and to see through the eye of faith the realization of our noble

hopes is the tonic that will guide us through the storm.


our hopes and faith must be permeated with the Agape Love of Christ,

Jesus; without love we become the most fatigued and non-joyful persons imaginable.
The Pistis Sophia an Epistle of the Word as known; The Epistles of the Apostles about the Gospel by James; The Epistle of Eugnostos; Matthew 1:18; Ur-Mark; The Gospel according to the Hebrews; The Book of Oral traditions (Gospel); The Wisdom of Christ about the Gospel (Sophia of Christ Jesus or Sophia Jesu Christi); Mark 9:41; The Oxyrhynchus 1224 Gospels a detailed discourse and report; The Signs of the Gospels; The Apocalypse of Adam another type of Revelation; Luke 4:41; The Apocryphon of John (Secret Gospel of John) a book of hermeneutical Revelation; The Council of Antioch which posted a detailed report by Peter; John 11:27; The Gospel of Signs; The Gospel according to Nicodemus; The Gospel of Egerton 1st; Acts of the Apostles 9:20; The Acts of Peter; The Gospel according to Philip; The Terentius Maximus of Parthia a faithful Report; The Gospel of Judas; 1st Peter 2:21; The Acts of Pilate by Nicodemus; The Acts of Thecla; The written words of the Apostles (Gospel); The Papyrus 75: a Report (Bodmer 14-15, Luke & John, earliest extant Luke, ~ Vaticanus Luke 3: 18-22, 33-4:2, 34-5:10, 376:4, 10-7:32, 35-39, 41-43, 46-9:2,4- 17:15, 19-18:18; 22:4-24:53; 1st John: 1-7:52; :12-11:45, 4857; 12:3- 13:1, 8-9; 14:8-30; 15:7-8)

of those things for which we hope, love for the Lord, and love for

Honor in the cause of Truth will carry us forward to conquer SIN in our daily lives.


Chapter Dispositional Annotations The Path (path) {ME < OE p+th, akin to Ger pfad, Du pad, prob. early Gmc loanword < Iran (as in Avestan path-) < IE base pent (h)-, to step, go > FIND, Latin pons, bridge} a) a track or way worn by footsteps; trail b) a walk or way for the use of people on foot, as in a park or garden c) a line of movement; course taken d) a course or manner of conduct, thought, or procedure e) pathway, trail, way, track, short cut, footpath, bridle path, crosscut, footway, roadway, walkway, cinder track, trod (British), byway; unto the Lord daily. The Bosom of the Lord is thus the breast regarded as the source of feelings or the seat of inmost thoughts which to embrace or cherish that which is unto his Will. We have sought the factual truth of the Lord our God in multiple avenues within this feeble attempt at a Theological Discourse. Now we reach beyond the present into the future now of this era we seek the Timelines of the Time River. Theophany (the af e ne) {LL (Ec) theophania < Greek theophaneia: see THEO- & -PHANE} a manifestation of God or a deity; there upon the base of manifestation (man e fes ta shen) {LL manifestatio} a manifesting or being manifested; something that manifests or is manifested; a form in which a being manifests itself or is thought to manifest itself, esp. the material or bodily form of a spirit; a public demonstration, as by a government or party for political effect The Form of Paradise thus the abode of the righteous after death; abode of God and the blessed; heaven {ME paradis < OE & OFr, both < LL (Ec) paradisus, heaven, abode of the blessed < Latin, park, orchard < Greek paradeisos, park, garden (in N.T. & LXX, Paradise) < Iran pardez, akin to Avestan pairi-dacza,


enclosure < pairi, around (see PERI-) + dacza, a wall < IE base dheigh-, to knead clay} (A) The garden of Eden (B) the abode of the righteous after death; abode of God and the blessed; heaven (C) [p-] a) any place of great beauty and perfection b) any place or condition of great satisfaction, happiness, or delight. The act or time of commencing; beginning; start as of the day when this takes place for which all things are made. None were made unless he gave it one must consider that all Matter, Anti-Matter, Time and Anti-Time co-exist in the Lord Minds eye. Thus a being without beginning or end; existing through all time; everlasting; forever the same; always true or valid; unchanging; The eternal verities" always going on; never stopping; perpetual {ME < OFr < LL aeternalis < Latin aeturnus < aevum, an age < IE base aiw-, aju-, a life, vital force > AYE} Thus those whom are Eternal {ME < OFr < LL aeternalis < Latin aeturnus < aevum, an age < IE base aiw-, aju-, a life, vital force > AYE} The doctrines concerning or the branch of theology dealing with last things, such as death, immortality, resurrection, judgment, and the end of the world {< Greek eschatos, furthest < Latin ex) eschatological. Thus the term Cataclysm (kat e kliz em) {Latin cataclysmos < Greek kataklysmos < kataklyzein < kata-, down + klyzein, to wash: for IE base see CLOACA} (A) a great flood; deluge (B) any great upheaval, as an earthquake or a war, that causes sudden and violent changes, great destruction} has a meaning most of us have never considered. The concepts or characteristic of allegory wherein that is or contains an allegory a story in which people, things, and happenings have a hidden or symbolic meaning:


allegories are used for teaching or explaining ideas, moral principles, thus presenting of ideas by means of such stories or any symbol or emblem That which relating to, dealing with, or capable of making the distinction between right and wrong in conduct; relating to, serving to teach, or in accordance with the principles of right and wrong; good or right in conduct or character; sometimes, specific, virtuous in sexual conduct moral The form or process not hidden; open; observable; apparent; manifest and thus without attempt at concealment and with evident intent to all whom seek the Love of the Lord thy God. Overt (o vurt) {ME overt < MFr overt, pp. of ovrir, to open < VL operire < Latin aperire, to open} Salvation is thus the functional basis for all Salvation in this and all other Universes. The explanation or justification of an act, idea; a cause or motive; the ability to think, form judgments, draw conclusions; sound thought or judgment; good sense and thus normal mental powers; a sound mind; sanity which lead to thinking coherently and logically; draw inferences or conclusions from facts known or assumed. The Hope of Humanity that beings whom feel - that what is wanted is likely to happen; desire accompanied by expectation [Archaic] trust; reliance to want very much. Epistemology (e pis te mal e je) {Greek episteme, knowledge} the study or theory of the nature, sources, and limits of knowledge


The 5th Versus: It is written that the quantum-mechanical wave function is merely a spatio-temporal subset of a more complex entity that exists in a state of continuous transition between additional high-order Modes. What this is describing is the sub level of the hand of the Lord our God at work in a way that we as mortal (whom study the truth and science) can fathom the knowledge of the Lord our God. The collapse of the wave function represents merely the localization of an event in our particular sub-domain of the shifting via this Super realm of Gods Infinite Domain. That which exists in the familiar Cosmos of Space and Time that we perceive, is just a part of something larger and more complex (yet elementary under Gods Wisdom) a form of Hypre Wave function that co-exist in a state of continuous Oscillation (I term it a form of Gods Infinite Glory) between our and various Infinite Realms of Dimensions. The Hypre Wave function can become localized in a form that manifest itself as a Mass Energy Quantum a particle in our Sub domain as it were, of this Cosmos of this Timeline. It is possible to induce relocatization into other Sub domains in other word, physical; projection into these Timelines. Furthermore; some such projections involve coordinated shifts along the axes of what we perceive as Space and Time. Hence, we have the basis not only for traveling through various Timelines, but also for covering immense Spatial Distances as well


via the Grace of Gods Infinite Will. It is said that many Quantum Events can be assembled to correlate in such a way that they add up to significant effects at the Macroscopic level. The pattern of Bound Wave functions that defines a Macroscopic Object can be relocalized simultaneously. In each element of the Super Position, the Object or system assumes a particular Eigenstate of the Observer; which I feel is just on aspect of the Power and Touch of the Lord our God (we lack such wisdom but have such great promise). The real Cosmos of the Lord our God is far vaster than we have ever imagined a Gigantic Super Position of staggering Complexity in which every interaction generates its own set of Branching Timelines and / or Universes. Verily, Verily, I say unto yea, since there is nothing in the formalism to designate any branch as being any more real than any other, all can equally be functional; as the Lord thy God Wills it. Thus every Quantum Transition in every Star, every Galaxy, and every remote corner of the Cosmos as crafted by the Lord our God, is splitting itself into secondary copies as you read this passage. Everyone of the countless Billions of variations multiplying at the rate of countless Billions every second an infinitely branching tree in which everything that might happen, does happen as the Lord our God views us through his quest of Free Will effect. The rates of Time flows at the two ends of any possible functional link must not move at the same rate. The Time River like any river on this world does not flow in a uniform pattern but as the effects of the


Riverbed dictates. They would differ, in fact, according to the latest thought the Timed Interval between ends; with Time at the Future Sphere running slower; whereas Time in the past running much faster. Thus we begin to see a little of the Lord our Gods infinite Power via his Righteous Will and how he has contact to all areas of the Cosmos. Peace - {pais < OFr < Latin pax (gen. pacis) < IE base *pak-, to fasten > FANG, Latin pacisci, to confirm an agreement, pangere, to fasten} (A) freedom from war or a stopping of war (B) a treaty or agreement to end war or the threat of war (C) freedom from public disturbance or disorder; public security; law and order (D) freedom from disagreement or quarrels; harmony; concord (E) an undisturbed state of mind; absence of mental conflict; serenity: in full peace of mind (F) calm; quiet; tranquility (G) to be or become silent or quiet: except in the imperative. Honor {ME honour < OFr < Latin honor, honos, official dignity, repute, esteem}(A) high regard or great respect given, received, or enjoyed; esp., a) glory; fame; renown b) good reputation; credit (B) a keen sense of right and wrong; adherence to action or principles considered right; integrity to conduct oneself with honor" (C) a) chastity or purity b) reputation for chastity (D) high rank or position; distinction; dignity the great honor of the presidency" (E) a title of respect given to certain officials, as judges: preceded by Your or by His or Her (F) something done or given as a token or act of respect; specific, a) a curtsy; bow b) a social courtesy or privilege !may I have the honor of this dance?" c) a badge, token, decoration, etc. given to a person d) [pl.] public act or ceremonies of respect buried with full military honors" e) [pl.] special distinction or credit given to students, esp. at commencement, for high academic achievement f) [pl.] an advanced course of study in place of or in addition to the regular course, for exceptional students !Honors English" (G) a person or thing that brings respect and fame to a school, country, etc. (H) to respect greatly; regard

highly; esteem (I) to show great respect or high regard for; treat with deference and courtesy (J) to worship (a deity) (K) to do or give something in honor of (L) Honor, as compared here, implies popular acknowledgment of a person's right to great respect as well as any expression of such respect [in honor of the martyred dead]; homage suggests great esteem shown in praise, tributes, or obeisance [to pay homage to the genius of Milton]; reverence implies deep respect together with love [he held her memory in reverence]; deference suggests a display of courteous regard for a superior, or for one to whom respect is due, by yielding to the person's status, claims, or wishes [in deference to his age]. Intra = the prefix of within, inside {Latin intra- < tra, within, inside <} intera, akin to interior}. Spiritual = the form of non-corporeal essence as distinguished from all matter and the body (with its temporal concerns) which creates all forms of intellect, ideals and intelligence in the Cosmos {ME spirituel < Old French < Late Latin (Ec) spiritualis < Latin, of breathing or air of the Lord thy God} The Conscience = a knowledge or sense of right and wrong, with an urge to do right; this moral judgment that opposes the violation of a set ethical principle of the Lord thy God and leads to a feeling of guilt if one violates his just Will. This inner thought or feeling from which the acceptance of the Christ, Jesus upon your Inner Most Soul at the point of Salvation {Old French < Latin conscientia, consciousness, moral sense < prp. Of conscire < com-, with + scire, to know (as in science) replacing ME inwit, the knowledge within}.


Fate or Destiny {ME destine < Old French destinee, fem. Pp. of destiner} Fate {ME < Latin fatum, prophetic declaration, oracle < neutral pp. of fari, to speak} (A) the power or agency supposed to determine the outcome of events before they occur; destiny (B) a) something inevitable, supposedly determined by this power b) what happens or has happened to a person or entity; lot; fortune (C) final outcome (D) death; destruction; doom (E) [F-] any of the three FATES (G) Fate refers to the inevitability of a course of events as supposedly predetermined by a god or other agency beyond human control; destiny also refers to an inevitable succession of events as determined supernaturally or by necessity, but often implies a favorable outcome [it was her destiny to become famous]; portion and lot refer to what is supposedly distributed in the determining of fate, but portion implies an equitable apportionment and lot implies a random assignment; doom always connotes an unfavorable or disastrous fate.


The Omega Dawn

The Foundations of Traditionalist Theology One

Chapter Nine

The Epistle of a Heart


The Epistle of a Heart


us begin with a simple prayer unto the Lord our God due to his ever-

increasing mercy unto his most Non-Righteous and Ignorant Servant:


Father, which has, conquers all avenues of Fear, Darkness and Pain

we seek thee upon bended knee. Oh Lord our God we are not worthy of your Grace to us and still we cling to the fact that thou are Love. Forgive us Oh Lord of our past mistakes and our failure to insure the righteous path for our childrens children.


am a failure to consider all aspects of your Agape Love for one whom is of

the past, present and future a disgusting Sinner. Help this wicked person over come has present to built the path unto all holiness to thy Kingdom, Oh Lord. Help me seek thee in a quite still breeze, which is only of your SON Christ, Jesus.


surrender unto your Love, accept his Conquest and aqueous her Spirit; in

the Name of the Father, SON and Holy Ghost, Amen.


is written that the Lord thy God known as yhuh Tetragrammaton of the

Hebrew Letters which form the phrase of: I am. The Ancient of Day, the Shekinah, the Light of Glory, the Adonai of the Lord, El Elyon the Most High God and the


Sabaoth the Lord of Host are all concepts, functions and ideals of the Lord thy God in the present known form.
1st Enoch (Oral) of the Apocrypha; The Testament of Job from the Pseudepigrapha by Elihu; 2nd Kings of the Neviim by Jeremiah 4:43; 2nd Chronicles of the Neviim by Ezra (2nd Paralipomenon) (4th Kings of Old) 10:4; The Visions of Iddo the Seer (2nd Chronicles 9:29); Iddo Genealogies (2nd Chronicles 12:15); The Book of Jehu (2nd Chronicles 20:34); The Sayings of the Seers (2nd Chronicles 33:19); Acts of Uziah (2nd Chronicles 26:22); Lamentations from the Ketuvim by Jeremiah 1:3; The Song of the Three Young Men of the Apocrypha by Daniel (Daniel 3:24-90); Daniel, Bel, and the Snake of the Apocrypha; The Epistles of the Apostles (Gospel) by James; The Adoration of the Magi (Gospel); The Papyrus Oxyrhynchus a Report (1224 fragments); The Apocryphon of John a Revelation (Secret Gospel of John); The Thought of Norea from the partial aspect of the Sethian

is also written in the beginning, in the First Nano Moment {of Created

Anti Time / Positive Time} in which the Angelic Choirs 98 were formed by Gods mighty hand, the whole of the Lord thy Gods Plane of existence was in complete perfection. And in so far the Lord thy God willed, every created entity or spirit was endowed with that most divine of all Cosmic Properties: being Self Direction and Sovereignty.
2nd Enoch (Oral) of the Apocrypha by Enoch; The Life of Adam and Eve of the Apocrypha {(Vita Adae at Evae) Oral}; Job {Proto-Version) Oral} out of the Ketuvim by Elihu; Job 4:6, 14; The Testaments of the Patriarchs from the Pseudepigrapha; The Assumption of Moses

Angelic Choir - a messenger of God, a supernatural being, either good or bad, to whom are attributed greater than human power, intelligence, a conventionalized image of a white-robed figure in human form with wings and a halo


of the Torah; Genesis 9:2; 15:1; 31:53; 50:21; Exodus 9:30; 20:20; Leviticus of the Torah by Moses; Leviticus of the Torah by Moses 19:13, 14, 32; 25:17, 36, 47; 1st Samuel of the Neviim by Samuel (1st Kings of Old) 12:14, 20, 24; The Letters of Aristeas from the Pseudepigrapha; Nehemiah of The Twelve 6:14; Ecclesiastes of the Neviim by Solomon 8:12; Jeremiah 40:9; The Letters of Jeremiah from the Apocrypha by Jeremiah; Baruch, with the letter of (Deuterocanonical); Jeremiah (Baruch) (Deuterocanonical); Daniel 1:10; 6:26; 10:12, 19; Susanna of the Ketuvim (Daniel 13); Bel and the Dragon of the Ketuvim (Daniel 14); Daniel and Susanna of the Ketuvim; Malachi of The Twelve by Isaiah 2:5; UrMark; The Book of Quelle; The Questions from Bartholomew (Gospel); The Last Judgment; The Epistles of the Apostles (Gospel) by James; The Birth of the Virgin another version of the Gospel (Gospel of Pseudo-Matthew); Matthew 10:26, 28, 31; Luke 2:10; John 12:15; The Gospel of Thomas; Acts of the Apostles 2:43; 1st Peter 1:17; 2:17, 18; 3:2, 15; 4th Esdras Hebrew (Claims 24 OT books (Vulgate & Peshitta); The Three Steles of Seth from the Sethian; The Apocalypse of Baruch another form of Revelation {2nd Baruch (Syriac) 3rd Baruch (Greek) {Peshitta}}; The Apocalypse of Peter an established second view of Revelation; The Paralipomena of Jeremiah (Gospel ); {4th Baruch {Written in Hebrew (Ethiopic Testament)}

most important Power of Self Direction without compulsion, otherwise

known as the Freedom of Will. It is written that for Love to truly exist it is only when it is given most freely without duress. Understanding that there are three types of Factual Love within the framework of the Lord thy Gods infinite plan.
Testament of Abraham and the Apocalypse of Abraham from the Pseudepigrapha; The Books of Joseph and Aseneth from the Pseudepigrapha by Joseph; Genesis 1:10; Exodus 3:14; Numbers 23:19; Deuteronomy from the Torah by Moses 10:17; 2nd Samuel 22:32; The Book of Jasher II by Nathan (2nd Samuel 1:18); 1st King 18:21; The Book of Acts of Solomon (1st Kings 11:41); The Wisdom of Solomon (Wisdom) of the Neviim by Solomon; The Book of Wisdom of Solomon II of the Neviim by Solomon; Psalms 46:10; Psalms 151 of the Ketuvim by David; 4th Esdras of the Apocrypha by Nehemiah; The Pistis Sophia an Epistle; The Gospel According to the Hebrews; The


Gospel Book of Oral traditions; The Gospel from the Wisdom of Christ (Sophia of Christ Jesus or Sophia Jesu Christi); Matthew 19:17; Ur-Mark; The Apocalypse of Adam a partial set of Revelation; The Didache a Report; Luke 2:14; The Council of Jerusalem with a Report by James (Brother of Jesus); The Book of Quelle; John 4:24; The Gospel of the New Babylon; The Gospel of the Papyrus Fayum; The Gospel according to the Egyptians; Acts of the Apostles 5:29; The Gospel of Peter; The Gospel according to the Nazarenes; The 36 fragments of Gospel (Of the Nazarenes in Aramaic); The Gospel according to Philip; The Terentius Maximus of Parthia a Report; 1st John 3:10; The Gospel of the Ebionites (The 7 fragments of); The Gospel according to James; The Tacitus Annals a detailed Report of the Truth; The Epistle from Nicolaus of Antioch (Nicolaitans); The Sermons of Peter (Epistle); The Odes of Solomon (Epistle); The Scrolls of the Sayings of Barnabas (Epistle); The Papyrus 75: a Report (Bodmer 14-15, Luke & John, earliest extant Luke, ~ Vaticanus Luke 3: 18-22, 33-4:2, 34-5:10, 37-6:4, 10-7:32, 35-39, 41-43, 46-9:2,4- 17:15, 19-18:18; 22:4-24:53; 1st John: 1-7:52; 8:12-11:45, 48-57; 12:3- 13:1, 8-9; 14:8-30; 15:7-8)

Lord by allowing all Soul Based Beings, Spirits, Entities, or Creatures of

Soulness to process the Divine property of Freedom, the Lord thy God was well aware that he had undertaken an immense risk.
1st Enoch (Oral); 2nd Enoch (Oral) and The Life of Adam and Eve {(Vita Adae at Evae) Oral} all apart of the Apocrypha; Genesis 19:1; The Testament of Job by Elihu of the Pseudepigrapha; The Apocalypse of Pseudo by (Methodius (Oral)) of the Pseudepigrapha; Job 4:18; Pseudo-Philo of the Pseudepigrapha; The Tobit of the Deuterocanonical; The Wisdom Sirach and the Ecclesiasticus (Sirach) of the Deuterocanonical by Ben Sirach; Psalms 68:17, 103:20, 104:4, 148:2; Writings of the (Passion Narrative) partial form of the Gospel; The Gospel of Bartholomew; Epistle of Eugnostos; Matthew 4:11; Ur-Mark; The Book of Quelle; Book of Oral traditions the basis of the known Gospels; Mark 8:38; Luke 4:10; John 1:51; Gospel of Cerinthus; Gospel of Appelles; Gospel of Bardesannes; Gospel of Mani; Acts of the Apostles 7:53; Gospel of Peter; Gospel of Judas; 1st Peter 1:12; 2nd Peter 2:4; 2nd Peter 2:11; 2nd Mark (Gospel); The Trimorphic Protennoia a Report; 3rd Mark (Gospel); Written words of the Apostles (Gospel); The Papyrus P29, 38, 48 and Codex Bezae (D) "Western Revisor" (+-) from original Acts a Report



it is known; as it is written Verily, Verily, I say unto thee: If one is free to

Love then the concepts of opposites is also in play; one is free to Hate. When we consider the known written stories, tales and fables of the ancients one must always look upon the first members of the Heavenly Host of the Lord thy God.
Genesis {(Proto-Version) Oral}; Genesis 24:60; The Testaments of the Patriarchs of the Pseudepigrapha; The Assumption of Moses in the Torah; Exodus 20:5; Leviticus in the Torah by Moses 19:17; Numbers 10:35; Deuteronomy in the Torah by Moses 5:9; Apocalypse of Moses of the Pseudepigrapha; The Pseudo-Philo of the Pseudepigrapha; Judges 14:16; The Book of Acts of Solomon (1st Kings 11:41); The Wisdom of Solomon of the Neviim; The Book of Wisdom of Solomon II of the Neviim; 1st Kings 22:8; Job 8:22; Psalms 9:13, 21:8, 35:19, 118:7; Psalms 151of the Ketuvim by David; 4th Esdras of the Apocrypha by Nehemiah; Proverbs 6:16, 8:13; Jeremiah 44:4

was one so surpassingly beautiful that he was named: Lucifer, the

bearer of Light. He held most of the Higher Ranks of Authority in the Kingdom of Heaven of the Lord thy God.


he was free willed he noticed the unbelievable grandeur of his inner

most being that the Lord thy God had bestowed unto his personage.
The Testament of Abraham of the Pseudepigrapha; The Apocalypse of Abraham of the Pseudepigrapha; Genesis 27:4; The Jubilees of the Apocrypha; The Corpus Areopagiticum (Dionysius the Areopagite) of the Pseudepigrapha; Exodus 20:6; The book of the Covenant (Exodus 24:7) in the Torah by Moses; Deuteronomy 6:5; The Book of Jasher I (Joshua 10:13); The Two Spies sent by Joshua to Jericho and their escape via Rahab of the Neviim; The Pseudo-Philo of the Pseudepigrapha; Joshua 22:5; 1st Samuel 18:22; Psalms 4:2; Proverbs 1:22; Ecclesiastes


3:8; Song 2:10; Isaiah 38:17; Jeremiah 2:33; Ezekiel 23:17; Daniel 1:9; The Song of the Three Young Men (Daniel 3:24-90) of the Apocrypha by Daniel; Hosea 3:1; Amos 5:15; Zephaniah 3:17; Zechariah 8:19; Matthew 22:37; Ur-Mark; Mark 12:33; Mara Bar Serapion a Report; Egerton 2nd Gospel; The Gospel according to Peter; The 36 fragments of Gospel of the Nazarenes in Aramaic; Luke 6:32; John 13:34; The Writings of Suetonius a Report; The Writings of Tacitus a Report; The First book of Jeu (Gospel) a detailed Diagram; Papyrus 52: Gospel (The oldest intact NT fragment {p.1935, parts of Jn18: 31-33, 37-38}; The Second Book of Jeu (Gospel) a detailed Diagram; The Naassene Fragment (Gospel); Apocalypse of Stephen; Papyrus 66: Report (2nd Bodmer, John, 1956, "Alexandrian / Western" text-types: John 1:1-6:11, 35-7:52; 8:12-14:26, 29-30; 15:2-26; 16: 2-4, 6-7, 10- 20:20, 22-23, 25-21:9)

felt or realized that it would be impossible for the Almighty Lord thy

God to create anything more excellent than himself the crowning achievement of the Birth of Logic upon the Multi-Cosmos; the handy work of the Lord thy God.
Book of Samuel the Seer by Gad (1st Chronicles 29:29); Nathan the Prophet by Gad (1st Chronicles 29:29 & 2nd Chronicles 9:29); The Book of Gad the Seer (1st Chronicles 29:29); The Annals of King David by Gad (1st Chronicles 27:24); 1st Chronicles 21:1; Job; Psalms 109:6; Zechariah of the Twelve by Jeremiah 3:1; Matthew 12:26; The Shepherd of Hermes an Epistle (Visions / Commands / Similitudes); 4th Esdras (Claims 24 OT books (Vulgate & Peshitta) of the Hebrew (Epistle); Luke 4:8; Acts of the Apostles 5:3; The Epistle of Mathetes by Diognetus; The Acts of Peter & Paul by Leucian; The Letters from Lucian of Samosata an Epistle

is written that Lucifer looked again into the Heart of the Lord thy God and

as his gaze went deeper into the Infinite Glory of the Essence 99 of the Lord he began to share the divine Visions of possible future Timelines of the Creation from which he was apart.


Essence - something that is, or exists; entity 141


is here to his complete amazement, he saw in several possible futures

that the Lord our God was preparing a far higher place in his kingdom than the one Lucifer held.


Timelines as we all well know are not certain and for some reason

the Birth of Logic, which brings forth Free Will, was forgotten.
The Apocalypse of Pseudo (Methodius (Oral); The Testament of Abraham; The Apocalypse of Abraham and the writings of Joseph and Aseneth all of these are from the Pseudepigrapha; Leviticus in the Torah by Moses 22:18, 21, 23, 23:38; Numbers 29:39; The Apocalypse of Moses of the Pseudepigrapha; Deuteronomy in the Torah by Moses 12:6, 17, 16:10, 23:33; 2nd Chronicles (2nd Paralipomenon) (4th Kings of Old) of the Neviim by Ezra 31:14; Shemaiah the Prophet (2nd Chronicles 12:15); Prophecy of Abijah (2nd Chronicles 9:29); The story of the Prophet Iddo (2nd Chronicles 13:22); The Visions of Iddo the Seer (2nd Chronicles 9:29); Iddo Genealogies (2nd Chronicles 12:15); 1st Martyrdom of Isaiah; 3rd Martyrdom of Isaiah and 4th Martyrdom of Isaiah all a part of the Pseudepigrapha; Ezra of the Ketuvim 1:4, 3:5, 7:13, 16, 8:28; Susanna of the Ketuvim (Daniel 13); Bel and the Dragon of the Ketuvim (Daniel 14); Daniel and Susanna of the Ketuvim; Psalms 119:108; The 3rd Maccabees and the 4th Maccabees of the Deuterocanonical

would never pay homage to a set of beings in a possible Timeline

that were less Luminous, Powerful and Spiritual than his own. He considered it nobler to rebel and fight forever than to surrender the pride of his Angelic Dignity. He was at once inflamed with the emotions of Anger, Hate, Malice and Rage.


with Lucifer, there were many other beings {Angelic Type Creatures}

who felt the same emotions.



to Oral and written estimates they numbered over seven million

beings of the heavenly host (if you can believe the exact number = 7,405,998) with Lucifer as their Leader turned their backs on the glory of the Lord our God.


is said that in this manner a whole host of Angelic Creatures became

Demons and Devils. Their Leader or Prince became Satan, the Adversary of all Timelines and his Second in Command Beelzebub, the Lord of Flies (moving from Time to Time).


the Lords Prefect Light reaches forever and forever to all points in the

Multi-Cosmos and beyond; the Devils, Demons and Leaders found no escape from his Agape Loving Glory.


only escape lay inwards, to the solitaries, isolated sanctuary of their

own Free Wills. It is said that a place where the Lord our Gods Glory will not reach (which is an Oxymoron) and no Light from Gods Infinite Love may shine, a dominion for Satans hordes HELL 100.
The Testaments of the Patriarchs of the Pseudepigrapha; The Assumption of Moses in the Torah by Moses; Deuteronomy in the Torah by Moses 32:22; The Manner of the Kingdom (The Book of

Hell, Hades, Sheol? or Underworld - a state or place of woe and anguish, arrived at by the wicked after death


Statutes 1st Samuel 10:25) by Samuel; 2nd Samuel of the Neviim by Nathan (2nd Kings of Old); The Book of Jasher II (2nd Samuel 1:18) by Nathan; 2nd Samuel 22:6; The Testament of Job in the Pseudepigrapha by Elihu; Job 11:8; Psalms 55:15; Proverbs 7:27; Ezekiel 31:16; The Letters of Jeremiah from the Apocrypha; Baruch, with the letter of the Deuterocanonical; The Book of Jeremiah (Baruch) from the Deuterocanonical; Amos 9:2; Habakkuk of the Twelve 2:5; The Ascension of Isaiah of the Twelve; The Prayer of Manasseh from the Apocrypha; Matthew 5:29; The Gospel of Bartholomew; The Book of the Key of the Plate in Hell (partial Gospel); Questions from Bartholomew (Gospel); Ur-Mark; The Book of Quelle; Battle of Peter (Gospel); The Wisdom of Christ (Sophia of Christ Jesus or Sophia Jesu Christi) a version of support for the Gospels; The Papyrus Oxyrhynchus a Report (1224 fragments); The Gospel of Thomas; Mark 9:43; Signs of the Gospels; The Apocalypse of Adam (Revelation); The Didache a Report; Luke 12:5; Gospel of Cerinthus; Gospel of Appelles; Acts of the Apostles 2:27; Gospel of the Ebionites (The 7 fragments of); The Sermons of Peter (Epistle); The Odes of Solomon (Epistle); The Scrolls of the Sayings of Barnabas an Epistle; 2nd Peter 2:4; The Paralipomena of Jeremiah an Epistle; The Secret Book of James an Apocryphon; The Secret Gospel (of Mark); The Acts of John; The Acts of Peter and The Secondary partial of the Gospel of Andrew all are a part of the Leucian; The Gospel of Truth; The Letters and Writings of Tertullian (Epistle); The Infancy Gospel of James; Papyrus 46: a Report (2nd Chester Beatty, "Alexandrian" text-type: Rm5: 17-6:3, 5- 14; 8: 15-25, 27-35, 37-9:32; 10:111:22, 24-33, 35-15:9, 11-16:27; Hb1: 1- 9:16, 18-10:20, 22-30, 32-13:25; 1Cr1: 1-9:2, 4-14:14, 1615:15, 17- 16:22; 2Cr1: 1-11:10, 12-21, 23-13:13; Ep1: 1-2:7, 10-5:6,8-6: 6,8,20- 24; Gal 1:1-8, 102:9, 12-21; 3:2-29; 4:2-18, 20-5:17, 20-6:8, 10- 18; Ph1: 1, 5-15, 17-28, 30-2:12, 14-27, 29-3:8, 1021; 4:2-12, 14- 23; Cl1: 1-2, 5-13, 16-24, 27-2:19, 23-3:11, 13-24; 4:3-12, 16- 18; 1st Th1: 1,9-2:3; 5: 5-9,23-28)

senior level leaders under Satan in this Finite Dominion are known as

Beelzebub, Mephistopheles, Ashtaroth, Abadden, Mammon, Asmodeus, and of course Belphegor.

Leviticus in the Torah by Moses 17:7; Deuteronomy in the Torah by Moses 32:17; The Apocalypse of Moses from the Pseudepigrapha; The Psuedo-Phocylides from the Pseudepigrapha; The 2nd Martyrdom of Isaiah from the Pseudepigrapha; The Wisdom Sirach of the Deuterocanonical by Ben Sirach; The Ecclesiasticus (Sirach) of the Deuterocanonical by Ben


Sirach; The Prayer of Manasseh from the Apocrypha; Matthew 4:24, 7:22, 8:16, 9:34, 12:24; The Questions from Bartholomew (Gospel); Ur-Mark; The Book of Quelle; Battle of Peter (Gospel); Mark 3:15, 3:22, 16:17; 2nd Mark (Gospel); Trimorphic Protennoia a Report; 3rd Mark (Gospel); The Dialogue of the Savior (partial form of Gospel); The Gospel of the Savior; The Gospel of the Lord; Luke 8:2; The Demiurge in Valentinianism a form of open Theology; The Teachings of Silvanus (Acts); 1st Apocalypse of James (Revelation); 2nd Peter (Epistle); The Epiphanies on Righteousness an Epistle; Basilides of Alexandria (Epistle); 2nd Clement {(The Old Sermon) Epistle}; The 2nd Apocalypse of James (Revelation)

Lucifer, the Satan is to the Lord our God what seems to be a Self-

Conscious, Anti Ego of an Individualized Essence of Rebellion.


is written that the missed senses of these Myths by Christian Dogma, so

that is now personified or stylized by the Dominion Movement of Satan is not one of the aspects of the Lord thy God (posted without comment).


is the very illusion of Self, in which Orthodox Christianity Dogma most

fervently believes and in which most mortals tremble (posted without comment).


sum, then, the tragedy of this Christian Dogma is the confusion of its

Myths with factual supportable history; for this is the realm of the Abstract and the Non living; of the seeming Self. Degraded to this realm; the Lord Christ, Jesus and Lucifer the Satan alike become Images of Our Egos 101 of the past and the non101

Ego - the self; the individual as self-aware 145

living of humanity whom do not liberate but only blinds within (posted without comment).


Dogma mythology involves some problems of Interpretation, which are

hardly found elsewhere in the known Multi-Cosmos (posted without comment).


is written within the Context of the Dogma 102 of those known faiths upon

the End of this Timeline of our Cosmos, far above the smoke and stench of the Inferno of the Bottomless Pit, the Battle Warrior Angel Michael and his Righteous based Legions will fling Lucifer and his diabolical Host into the uttermost depths of the Bottomless Pit (posted without comment).


the essence of Evil in this Cosmos will be eaten and to eat, to

torment and be tormented, on and on for the ages that will never end. The persons of this prison will be those that could not and would not accept the Lords Infinite Agape Love within their Souls and allow their own Free Will to guide the Inner Heart (posted without comment).


Dogma - a positive, arrogant assertion of opinion



is any wonder that some of the faith consider anyone else as a person

which is going to this place and must be avoided; I say unto you trust in the Lord thy God accepting his pleasure of truth in your Mind and the power of his Love within your Heart. Gods plan is so perfect even Satan could be saved


is a writing of the heart but not any heart it is yours.

Lucifer never sleeps and knows us better than we do


Chapter Dispositional Annotations Angelic Choir {LL (Ec) angelicus < Greek angelikos < Angelos} (A) of an angel or the angels; spiritual; heavenly (B) like an angel in beauty, goodness, innocence, etc.} The root word of angel (an jel) {ME aungel < OFr Angele or OE engel, or directly < LL (Ec) angelus (> OFr & OE forms) < Greek (Ec) Angelos, messenger} (A) Theological a) a messenger of God b) a supernatural being, either good or bad, to whom are attributed greater than human power, intelligence, etc. (B) a guiding spirit or influence one's good angel" (C) a conventionalized image of a white-robed figure in human form with wings and a halo (D) a person regarded as being as beautiful, good, innocent, etc. as an angel: said esp. of women and children (E) an English gold coin, last issued in 1634, stamped with an image of the archangel Michael and the dragon (F) [Informal] a supporter who provides money, as for producing a play. The term choir (kwir) {< ME quere < OFr cuer < ML chorus, choir < Latin}(A) a group of singers organized and trained to sing together, esp. in a church (B) the part of a church they occupy, as a chancel or choir loft (C) an instrumental section of an orchestra (D) any organized group or band, as of dancers (E) Theological - any of the nine orders of angels (see Angels in the Epistles of the Traditionalist). Essence (es ens) {ME < OFr & Latin essentia < esse, to be: for IE base}(A) something that is, or exists; entity (B) that which makes something what it is; intrinsic, fundamental nature or most important quality (of something); essential being (C) a) a substance that keeps, in concentrated form, the flavor, fragrance, or other properties of the plant, drug, food, etc. from which it is extracted; essential oil b) a solution of such a substance or oil in alcohol c) a perfume (D) Philosophy - a) the inward nature of anything, underlying its manifestations; true substance b) the


indispensable conceptual characteristics and relations of anything (E) in essence essentially (F) of the essence of the greatest importance. Hell, Hades, Sheol? or Underworld thus Hell (hel) {ME helle < OE hel (akin to German hlle, hell & ON Hel, the underworld goddess, HEL) < base of helan, to cover, hide < IE base ael-, to hide, cover up > Latin celare, to hide}(A) [often H-] Bible the place where the spirits of the dead are: identified with SHEOL and HADES (B) Theological a) a state or place of woe and anguish, arrived at by the wicked after death; specific, esp. in Christian theology, the state or place of total and final separation from God and so of eternal misery and suffering, arrived at by those who die unrepentant in grave sin b) popularly, this state or place as the abode of Satan and of all other devils and of all the damned c) those in hell d) the powers of hell, evil, etc. (C) any place or condition of evil, pain, disorder, cruelty, etc. (D) [Informal] a) any extremely disagreeable, unsettling, or punishing treatment or experience, or the cause or source of this b) devilish spirits or excitement !full of hell" (E) [Slang] to live or act in a reckless or dissolute way: often with around (F) interj. used to express irritation, anger, etc. As profanity, hell is also widely used interjectionally in various combinations to express irritation, anger, etc. [hell, no!], and in various ways, esp. after in or the, to express surprise, disbelief, disgust, etc. [who in hell is he? what the hell!] (G) As hell [Slang] as can be; to the highest degree; extremely (H) Be hell on [Slang] (a) to be very difficult or painful for (b) to be very strict or severe with (c) To be very destructive or damaging to (I) catch (or get) hell [Slang] to receive a severe scolding, punishment, etc. (J) for the hell of it [Slang] for no serious reason (K) very bad; awful (L) very much (M) very fast; quickly. Ego (e go) {Latin} (A) the self; the individual as self-aware (B) a) egotism; conceit b) self-esteem; self-respect (C) Philosophy the self, variously conceived as a spiritual

substance on which experience is superimposed, the series of acts and mental states introspectively recognized, etc. (D) Psychoanalysis that part of the psyche which experiences the external world, or reality, through the senses, organizes the thought processes rationally, and governs action: it mediates between the impulses of the id, the demands of the environment, and the standards of the superego. Dogma (dog me) {Latin, an opinion, that which one believes (in LL (Ec), a decree, order) < Greek, opinion, judgment < dokein, to seem}(A) a doctrine; tenet; belief (B) doctrines, tenets, or beliefs, collectively (C) a positive, arrogant assertion of opinion (D) Eccles. a doctrine or body of doctrines formally and authoritatively affirmed (Part II) SYN doctrine (dak trin) {ME < Latin doctrina < doctor}(A) something taught; teachings (B) something taught as the principles or creed of a religion, political party, etc.; tenet or tenets; belief; dogma (C) a rule, theory, or principle of law (D) an official statement of a nation's policy, esp. toward other nations !the Monroe Doctrine" (E) doctrine refers to a theory based on carefully worked out principles and taught or advocated by its adherents [scientific or social doctrines]; dogma refers to a belief or doctrine that is handed down by authority as true and indisputable, and often connotes arbitrariness, arrogance, etc. [religious dogma]; tenet emphasizes the maintenance or defense, rather than the teaching, of a theory or principle [the tenets of a political party]; precept refers to an injunction or dogma intended as a rule of action or conduct [to teach by example rather than by precept]. Commence (ke mens) {ME commencen < OFr comencier < VL cominitiare, orig., to initiate as priest, consecrate < Latin com-, together + initiare}(A) to begin; start; originate and thus beginning {ME biginnen < OE beginnan; akin to German beginnen, Goth duginnan} (B) to start doing, acting, going, etc.; get under way (C) to come into being; arise (D) to have a first part or element the Bible begins with

Genesis" (E) to be or do in the slightest degree: used with an infinitive they don't begin to compare" (F) to cause to start; set about; commence; to cause to come into being; originate; to be the first part or element of (G) Begin, the most general of these terms, indicates merely a setting into motion of some action, process, or course [to begin eating]; commence, the more formal term, is used with reference to a ceremony or an elaborate course of action [to commence a court action]; start carries the particular implication of leaving a point of departure in any kind of progression [to start a journey, the boulder started a landslide]; initiate, in this connection, refers to the carrying out of the first steps in some course or process, with no indication of what is to follow [to initiate peace talks]; inaugurate suggests a formal or ceremonial beginning or opening [to inaugurate a new library]. Eternal and Forever (A) without beginning or end; existing through all time; everlasting (B) of eternity (C) forever the same; always true or valid; unchanging the eternal verities" (D) always going on; never stopping; perpetual eternal rest" (E) seeming never to stop; happening very often her eternal complaints" (F) outside or beyond time or time relationships; timeless. The continual exist of being (ken tin yoo el) {ME continuel < OFr < Latin continuus}(A) happening over and over again; repeated often; going on in rapid succession (B) going on uninterruptedly; continuous (C) Continual applies to that which recurs repeatedly or goes on unceasingly over a long period of time [continual arguments]; continuous applies to that which extends without interruption in either space or time [a continuous expanse]; constant stresses uniformity, steadiness, or regularity in occurrence or recurrence [the constant beat of the heart]; incessant implies unceasing or uninterrupted activity [incessant chatter]; perpetual applies to


that which lasts or persists for an indefinitely long time [a perpetual nuisance]; eternal stresses endlessness or timelessness [the eternal verities] Thus we must look at immortal (I mort l) {ME < Latin immortalis}(A) not mortal; deathless; living or lasting forever (B) of or relating to immortality (C) lasting a long time; enduring (D) having lasting fame an immortal poet" (E) an immortal being; specific, a) [pl.] the ancient Greek or Roman gods b) a person having lasting fame. Allegorical {ME allegorie < Latin allegoria < Greek allcgoria, description of one thing under the image of another < allos, other (see ELSE) + agoreuein, to speak in assembly < agora, AGORA} Also allegoric, allegorically or allegorical (al e gor l kel) Thus we look at the root word of symbolic (sim bal ik) {LL symbolicus < Greek symbolikos}(A) of or expressed in a symbol or symbols (B) that serves as a symbol (of something) (C) characterized by symbolism. Moral (mor el) {ME < Latin moralis, of manners or customs < mos (gen. moris), pl. mores, manners, morals (see MOOD): used by CICERO as translation of Greek cthikos} Thus we look at the root word distinction (di stinjk shen) {ME distinccioun < OFr distinction < Latin distinctio < pp. of distinguere} (A) the act of making or keeping distinct; differentiation between or among things (B) the condition of being different; difference (C) that which makes or keeps distinct; quality, mark, or feature that differentiates (D) the state of getting special recognition or honor; fame; eminence !a singer of distinction" (E) the quality that makes one seem superior or worthy of special recognition to serve with distinction" (F) a mark or sign of special recognition or honor. Thus the term Salvation (sal va shen) {ME salvacioun < OFr salvation < LL (Ec) salvatio < Latin salvatus, pp. of salvare, to SAVE} (A) a saving or being

saved from danger, evil, difficulty, destruction, etc.; rescue (B) a person or thing that is a means, cause, or source of preservation or rescue (C) Theological deliverance from sin and from the penalties of sin; redemption. Thus reason {ME reisun < OFr < Latin ratio, a reckoning, reason}


The Omega Dawn

The Foundations of Traditionalist Theology One

Chapter Ten

The Sin 103

Sin - error, wrongdoing, trespass, transgression, wickedness, evil-doing, iniquity, immorality, crime, ungodliness, unrighteousness, veniality, disobedience to the divine will, transgression



Sin 104 of any being in this Multi-Cosmos which is of the Lords realm;

that course for which all beings are trapped (we are born in SIN and will die in SIN the SIN we inherited) by our Temporal 105 Mortal Ways. The character of a life without the aspect of God that which is given; unto all soul beings due to our cloud 106 of doubt between the Lord and us.
The Testament of Abraham; The Apocalypse of Abraham; The Book of Joseph and Aseneth; and the Testaments of the Patriarchs all apart of the Pseudepigrapha; The Assumption of Moses in the Torah; Genesis 4:7, 39:9, 42:22; Exodus 29:36, 32:31, 34:7, 9; Leviticus in the Torah by Moses 4:2, 3, 8, 13, 14, 20, 21, 23 29, 32 35, 10:16, 17, 19, 14:13, 19, 22, 31, 24:15; Numbers 5:6, 7, 27:3; Deuteronomy in the Torah by Moses 19:15, 20:18, 21:22, 24:15, 16; 1st Martyrdom of Isaiah and the 2nd Martyrdom of Isaiah of the Pseudepigrapha; 2nd Kings 21:16; 2nd Chronicles 29:21, 23, 24; Shemaiah the Prophet (2nd Chronicles 12:15); The Prophecy of Abijah (2nd Chronicles 9:29); The story of the Prophet Iddo (2nd Chronicles 13:22); Job 5:24, 10:14, 13:23, 14:16, 35:3; Psalms 32:1, 5, 38:3, 51:2, 119:11; Proverbs 10:16, 19, 14:9, 14:34, 20:9, 21:4, 24:9; Ezekiel 18:24, 33:14, 40:39, 43:19, 21, 22, 25, 46:20; Amos 8:14; Matthew 12:31, 18:21; Ur-Mark; The Gospel according to the Hebrews Gospel; The Book of Oral traditions (partial version of the Gospel); The Wisdom of Christ (Sophia of Christ Jesus or Sophia Jesu Christi); The Papyrus Oxyrhynchus a Report (1224 fragments); The Gospel of Thomas; John 1:29, 5:14, 8:34, 19:11; Acts of the Apostles 7:60; Romans 5:12, 13, 20, 21, 6:10 18, 20, 22, 23, 7:7 9, 11, 13, 14, 17, 20, 23, 25; The Book of the Nine (Gospel); 2nd Thessalonians (Epistle); Hebrews 4:15, 9:26, 28, 10:6, 8, 26; The Apocalypse of Peter a Revelation; The Paralipomena of Jeremiah (Gospel) {4th Baruch {Written in Hebrew (Ethiopic Testament)}; 1st Peter 2:22, 4:1; 2nd Peter 2:14; Gospel of Basilides {24-book

The Sin

Temporal - I, define this as of this world; worldly, not spiritual, secular rather than ecclesiastical and thus lasting only for a time; transitory; temporary, not eternal as is the Lord our God.

The Cloud of the following items between the Lord and us: an appearance of murkiness


commentary}; "Christian Apologists"(Epistle) by Quadratus (Writings against Roman Paganism); 1st John 1:7, 8, 2:1, 3:4 5, 8, 9, 5:16, 17; The Papyrus 45: partial forms of the Gospel (1st Chester Beatty, Gospels (Caesarean) Acts (Alexandrian): Mt20: 24-32; 21: 13-19; 25: 41-26:39; Mk4: 3640; 5: 15-26,38-6:3,16-25,36-50; 7: 3-15 ,25-8:1, 10-26, 34-9:9,18-31; 11: 27-12:1,5-8,13-19,24-28; Lk6: 31-41,45-7:7; 9: 26 -41,45-10:1,6-22,26-11:1,6-25, 28-46, 50-12:12,18-37,42-13:1,6-24,2914:10,17-33; Jn10: 7-25,30-11:10,18-36,42-57; Ac4: 27-36; 5:10-21,30-39;6: 7-7:2,10-21,32-41,528:1, 14-25,34-9:6,16-27,35-10:2,10-23,31-41; 11: 2-14, 24-12:5,13-22; 13: 6-16,25-36,46-14:3,1523; 15:2-7,19-27,38-16:4,15-21,32-40; 17: 9-17)

Sin of beings in this Multi-Cosmos which is of the Lord thy God

glorious realm; that course for which all beings are empowered by (the SIN we face everyday which we can say NO to SIN we can defeat) Free Will to conquer.


Sin is Sin 107, however we are aided by Christ, Jesus to

overcome the Factual Sin of ourselves. Once you understand the difference of the two forms of Sin, you can stop defeating the assistance of your God in your daily life of struggles against your own ignorance.


does this happen? Factual Sin is of the Inner Nature 108 and Functional

Sin is of the Inner Self.

The processes of truth in that all whom see their SIN have lived in SIN; we are not of that path if we but ask for help from the Lord our God. The Truth of God enables all to conquer the Daily SIN of Life. Thus once you understand the SIN placed about you that SIN is SIN. However with the Lord Christ, Jesus victory on the Cross-this is now defeated by his Blood; all you have to do is allow his truth to reach your Soul and the battle is won. The surrender to the Lord is the conquest of all SIN in the Cosmos.
107 108

We are born in SIN and we die in SIN; thus is our fate unless we do 156

The Jubilees of the Apocrypha; The Corpus Areopagiticum from the Pseudepigrapha (Dionysius the Areopagite); Exodus 32:34, 34:7; The book of the Covenant in the Torah by Moses (Exodus 24:7); The Red Sea Battles against Pharaohs Armies in the Torah by Moses; The Book of Samuel the Seer (1st Chronicles 29:29); Nathan the Prophet (1st Chronicles 29:29 & 2nd Chronicles 9:29) and the Book of Gad the Seer (1st Chronicles 29:29) all by Gad; The 3rd Martyrdom of Isaiah of the Pseudepigrapha; The 4th Martyrdom of Isaiah of the Pseudepigrapha; The 4th Maccabees from the Deuterocanonical; The Writings of the Passion Narrative a Gospel; The Gospel (partial) of Christ as a Gardener appearing to Mary Magdalene; The Gospel of Mary Magdalene; The Gospel according to James; The Tacitus Annals a Report; The Gospel of Mary; The Gospels of the Nazoreans; The Epistle of Faith and Knowledge by Valentinian; The 1st Apocalypse of James (Revelation); The Epistle from the excerpts of Theodotus; The book of True Discourse an Epistle (A pro-Pagan/anti-Christian polemic); The Letters of Heracleon (Epistle); The Letters from Apollinaris (Epistle) by Claudius; The Papyrus 64 (+67): a Report (Matthew 3:9, 15; 5: 20-22, 2528; 26:7-8, 10, 14-15, 22-23, 31-33); John 15:22, 24; The Epistle of Barnabas; The Sibylline Oracles (Epistle); The Prayers of Paul (Epistle); The Acts of Peter and the Twelve; The Gospel of the Four Heavenly Realms; Missing Epistle of Jude (Jude 1:3); Peter to James & its Reception (Epistle); The Origin of the World an Apocalypse; 3rd Peter an Epistles; Romans 5:12, 13, 20, 21, 7:7, 8, 9 11, 13, 14, 17, 20, 23, 25; 2nd Romans; Magnesians a Report; The Gospel of the Twelve; 1st Peter 2:22, 4:1;Papyrus 72: a Report (Bodmer 5-11+, pub. 1959 "Alexandrian" text-type: Nativity of Mary; 3Cor; Odes of Solomon 11; Jude 1-25; Melito's Homily on Passover; Hymn fragment; Apology of Phileas; Ps33, 34; 1Pt1:1-5:14; 2Pt1:1-3:18; 3rd Ignatius an Epistles; 1st Polycarp an Epistles; The Papyrus 47: a Report {3rd Chester Beatty, ~Sinaiticus 2 Rv9: 10-11:3,5-16:15,1717:2}; The Bohairic Coptic (Gospel) Bible translations written in Alexandria

in our daily lives of the Lords Truth, Agape Love and Power can

lead to the final conquest of the first and support daily in the other; one must


surrender 109 to the Lord thy God with complete awareness of this and work via the Holy Ghost to reach the true Justice in Christ, Jesus.


bring you great tidings of joy to you whom seek for the factual truth of the

Lord thy God; Behold the Lord has developed over the past Infinite Time of his Soul the concept of earned immortality for all whom qualify.


must follow his Righteousness in the two great commandments and

accept the salvation 110 for which it brings.

The Testament of Job of the Pseudepigrapha by Elihu; Psuedo-Phocylides from the Pseudepigrapha; Sayings of the Seers (2nd Chronicles 33:19); The Song of the Three Young Men (Daniel 3:24-90) from the Apocrypha by Daniel; Daniel and Susanna from the Ketuvim; The Presentation in the Temple (partial Gospel); The Birth of Christ and the Murder of the Innocents (partial Gospel); Marys Offering in the Temple (Gospel); Ur-Mark; The Gospel according to the Hebrews; The Book of Oral traditions (partial Gospel); The Wisdom of Christ (Sophia of Christ Jesus or Sophia Jesu Christi) first an oral and then a written form of the words from Christ Jesus; The Papyrus Oxyrhynchus a Report (1224 fragments); The Gospel of Thomas; John 3:16; The scrolls of R in Aramaic; L in Caesarean Basic and Tablets of M in Hebrew all three an Oral history of the events written later to scrolls; The Gospel of Signs; The Gospel according to Nicodemus; The Gospel of Egerton 1st; 1st John 3:16; 2nd Mark (Gospel); The Trimorphic Protennoia a Report; 3rd Mark (Gospel); The Writings of Pliny the Younger (Epistle); The Gospel of Infancy; The Zostrianos and the Marsenes of the Sethian; The Papyrus 46: a Report (2nd Chester Beatty,


The ability of a being to give up possession of or power over their SIN; yield to another on demand for the betterment of ones Soul; to give up claim to Ones Factual SIN; give over or yield Salvation



"Alexandrian" text-type: Rm5: 17-6:3, 5- 14; 8: 15-25, 27-35, 37-9:32; 10:1-11:22, 24-33, 35-15:9, 11-16:27; Hb1: 1- 9:16, 18-10:20, 22-30, 32-13:25; 1Cr1: 1-9:2, 4-14:14, 16-15:15, 17- 16:22; 2Cr1: 1-11:10, 12-21, 23-13:13; Ep1: 1-2:7, 10-5:6,8-6: 6,8,20- 24; Gal 1:1-8, 10-2:9, 12-21; 3:229; 4:2-18, 20-5:17, 20-6:8, 10- 18; Ph1: 1, 5-15, 17-28, 30-2:12, 14-27, 29-3:8, 10-21; 4:2-12, 1423; Cl1: 1-2, 5-13, 16-24, 27-2:19, 23-3:11, 13-24; 4:3-12, 16- 18; 1st Th1: 1,9-2:3; 5: 5-9,23-28)

is upon you once you surrender unto the Lord and accept his

instantaneous true plan of Freedom from Factual Sin. Read 111 upon the factual truth of the Lord; accept his Word; Study his Scriptures and Repent of your Sins unto him as he has said (that is of course the Lords own words in my opinion).


not that this has been said but wonder how you have not heard it this

way; he will find all whom Seek, he will hear all who Call, he will accept all whom Surrender 112.
The Testament of Abraham; The Apocalypse of Abraham; The Book of Joseph and Aseneth; and the Testaments of the Patriarchs from the Pseudepigrapha; The Assumption of Moses in the Torah; The Jubilees from the Apocrypha; The Corpus Areopagiticum (Dionysius the Areopagite) Pseudepigrapha; Deuteronomy in the Torah by Moses 4:7, 26, 30:19; 2nd Samuel 22:4; 1st Kings 18:24; The Letters of Aristeas from the Pseudepigrapha; Psalms 18:3, 55:16, 72:17; 86:5; 105:1, 116:13; 2nd Martyrdom of Isaiah; 3rd Martyrdom of Isaiah and 4th Martyrdom of Isaiah from the Pseudepigrapha; Isaiah 7:14; Ezekiel 21:23; The Papyrus Oxyrhynchus (840 partial Gospel); The Odes of Solomon (Epistle); The Scrolls of the Sayings of Barnabas (Epistle); The Acts of Pilate by

It is my opinion that functional Salvation is based on the concept of these ways to the Lord; it is said that one does not have to read to accept I agree. However, the truth of your heart via the reading of his Word will set you free of your journey to death in eternity. The three main concepts of salvation in the Cosmos Seek, Call and Surrender. These are the cornerstones of the Truth of the Lord thy God and shall be past the End of the End which shall never occur.



Nicodemus; The Acts of Thecla; The Written words of the Apostles (Gospel); The Apocalypse of Baruch (Revelation) {2nd Baruch (Syriac) 3rd Baruch (Greek) {Peshitta}; The Apocalypse of Peter (Revelation); The Report from Satorninus of Antioch; The Ophite Diagrams; Matthew 1:23; 1st Apocalypse of James (Revelation); 2nd Peter an Epistle; The Epiphanies on Righteousness an Epistle; 1st Peter 1:17; The Acts of Peter; 3rd Corinthians an Epistle; The Epistle for Paul and Seneca; An Epistle of the Sentences of Sextus; The Papyrus 45: a Gospel (1st Chester Beatty, Gospels (Caesarean) Acts (Alexandrian): Mt20: 24-32; 21: 13-19; 25: 41-26:39; Mk4: 36-40; 5: 1526,38-6:3,16-25,36-50; 7: 3-15 ,25-8:1, 10-26, 34-9:9,18-31; 11: 27-12:1,5-8,13-19,24-28; Lk6: 3141,45-7:7; 9: 26 -41,45-10:1,6-22,26-11:1,6-25, 28-46, 50-12:12,18-37,42-13:1,6-24,29-14:10,1733; Jn10: 7-25,30-11:10,18-36,42-57; Ac4: 27-36; 5:10-21,30-39;6: 7-7:2,10-21,32-41,52-8:1, 1425,34-9:6,16-27,35-10:2,10-23,31-41; 11: 2-14, 24-12:5,13-22; 13: 6-16,25-36,46-14:3,15-23; 15:27,19-27,38-16:4,15-21,32-40; 17: 9-17)

Lord our God transcends all levels of Free Will by his conquest over

Functional Sin and Mortal Death. Who among you can accept the truth and not be opened to the Will of the Lord.


are the Final Beginning the Omega Dawn 113, but only if we accept the

factual truth of the Lord. We are the end of the Beginning of Functional Sin, if we allow the glory of the Lord via his captive Son to wash his Souls Inner Spirit over our Sin.
The Apocalypse of Pseudo Methodius (Oral) from the Pseudepigrapha; The Apocalypse of Abraham from the Pseudepigrapha; The Apocalypse of Moses from the Pseudepigrapha; The Prophecy of Abijah (2nd Chronicles 9:29); The Last Judgment a Gospel; The Apocalypse of Adam (Revelation); Revelation of John 1:8, 1:11, 21:6, 22:13; The Apocalypse of Baruch (Revelation){2nd

Omega - the twenty-fourth and final letter of the Greek alphabet: in English transliteration, as in the etymologies or the last (of any series); end. Via the scriptures:


Baruch (Syriac) 3rd Baruch (Greek) {Peshitta}; The Apocryphon of John a form of Revelation (Secret Gospel of John); The Apocalypse of Peter (Revelation); The Protevangelion a Report; The Acts of Thomas from the Leucian; The Apocalypse of Stephen (Revelation); The Apocalypse of Thomas (Revelation); The 1st Apocalypse of James (Revelation); 2nd Apocalypse of James (Revelation); 2nd Clement (3 books) a series of Epistles; 3rd Clement (3 books) a series of Epistles; The Papyrus 46: a Report (2nd Chester Beatty, "Alexandrian" text-type: Rm5: 17-6:3, 5- 14; 8: 1525, 27-35, 37-9:32; 10:1-11:22, 24-33, 35-15:9, 11-16:27; Hb1: 1- 9:16, 18-10:20, 22-30, 32-13:25; 1Cr1: 1-9:2, 4-14:14, 16-15:15, 17- 16:22; 2Cr1: 1-11:10, 12-21, 23-13:13; Ep1: 1-2:7, 10-5:6,8-6: 6,8,20- 24; Gal 1:1-8, 10-2:9, 12-21; 3:2-29; 4:2-18, 20-5:17, 20-6:8, 10- 18; Ph1: 1, 5-15, 17-28, 30-2:12, 14-27, 29-3:8, 10-21; 4:2-12, 14- 23; Cl1: 1-2, 5-13, 16-24, 27-2:19, 23-3:11, 13-24; 4:312, 16- 18; 1st Th1: 1,9-2:3; 5: 5-9,23-28); The Epistle from Serapion of Antioch; Letters of Apollonius (Epistle); 1st Irenaeus (Epistles); The Epistles from Clementine; Paul {(Apocalypse) (Revelation)}; 2nd Irenaeus (Epistles); The Epistle from Laodicea (Colossians 4:16); The Letters of Origen: Jesus and God one substance, adopted at Council of Nicaea in 325, compiled "Hexapla": 6 versions of LXX side by side: Hebrew, Hebrew transliterated in Greek, Aquila's Greek trans., Symmachus' Greek trans., Origen's revised LXX Greek trans., Theodotion's revised LXX; also Quinta/Sexta/Septima trans., Tetragrammaton in square Hebrew script; cites "Alexandrian" & "Caesarean" NT text-types; Eusebius claimed Origen castrated himself for Christ due to Matthew 19:12

must understand that all yes all, are of the Lords Inner Most Agape

Love if we but ask. Accept 114, Read, Learn, Repent, Recognize and Believe upon the Truth of the Lord thy God always.


search the nights sky for a planet in a far away Galaxy on the other

side of the Multi-Verse / Cosmos (Gods Infinite Universes) and there stands Christ,

The use of accept in this case is used to describe the surrender one must do unto yourself first and then to the Lord thy God for without the function of truth in ones heart how can you be saved from your SIN.


Jesus he has gained another World for his father in heaven by his Sacrificial Truth in those far flung places of the Domination we call the Multi-Cosmos.


walks among them teaching, healing and gaining Infinite Wisdom of his

Justice for the Future Present Timelines in our Worlds.


see he comes his mission is fulfilled again; Justice of the Truth

has triumphed over all Levels of Evil 115.

Genesis 3:5, 6:5, Deuteronomy in the Torah by Moses 13:32, 29:21, 30:15, 31:29; The Apocalypse of Moses from the Pseudepigrapha; 1st Samuel 16:15, 23, 18:10; The Manner of the Kingdom (The Book of Statutes 1st Samuel 10:25); Job 1:8; Psalms 23:4, 34:13, 91:10, 97:10; Proverbs 1:16, 4:14, 15:3; The Book of Acts of Solomon (1st Kings 11:41); The Wisdom of Solomon in the Neviim by Solomon; The Book of Wisdom of Solomon II in the Neviim by Solomon; Jonah 3:10; Matthew 5:45, 6:13, 34, 9:4; Ur-Mark; The Book of Quelle; Mark 9:39; Luke 6:45, 11:4; John 3:19, 20; Acts of the Apostles 19:15; The Papyrus Oxyrhynchus a Report (1224 fragments); The Gospel of Thomas; The Epistle from Paul and Barnabas on Cyprus by Barnabas (Apocryphal Epistle of Barnabas); Romans 7:19, 21, 12:9, 21, 14:16; The Apocryphon of John (Secret Gospel of John) a different aspect of Revelation to consider; The Gospel of Cerinthus; The Gospel of Appelles; The Gospel of Bardesannes; The Gospel of Mani; 1st Corinthians 13:5; The Apocalypse of Peter (Revelation); The Paralipomena of Jeremiah (Gospel){4th Baruch {Written in Hebrew (Ethiopic Testament)}; The Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs (Revelation); The Kiss of Judas (partial Gospel); 1st Timothy 6:10; The Gospel of the Savior; The Gospel of the Lord; The Hypostasis (The hidden spiritual reality of the Archons) an Epistle; The Physiologus an Epistle; 3rd John 11; The Papyrus Chester Beatty a Report {R962: Gn8: 13-9:2,24:13-46:33 253 Enoch91-105; #7: I8:18-

The evil - depravity; sin; or anything that causes harm, pain, misery, or disaster; the One whom we all know as the Evil One who is known as the Devil; Satan or Lucifer.


19:13,38:14-45:5,54:1=60:22; #8: Jr4:30-5:24; #10: Dn1- 12:13(+Add), Bel4-39,Sus5end,Esther1:1a-8:6(+Add)}


the Worm Holes that are of the Lord, wherein all aspects of

creation occur simultaneously with each event of Christ, Jesus; we must reflect on this Jesus of Nazareth has walked up Infinite Hills to be crucified for the Sins of multiple planes of existences, timelines and beings (which we could only imagine) 116.


the glories in his surrender unto the Lord thy God to create Finite

Loves of Justice.


upon this as a Traditionalist 117 for which all has been quoted, spoken

or mentioned in this small out of the way book: which leads us to the facts that the Lord our God has given his Son multiple times for the Sin of the Multi-Cosmos.


yea do not understand the truth of the Lord thy God via his simple love for

this world ponder the cross of the Cradle of his truth upon the Cosmos.


It is my belief that the Lord our God is of all worlds and that many souls exist

The traditionalist in this tense is one whom adherence to traditions based on the Love of the Lord our God and his Will unto our hearts. Not to be confused with the doctrine, condemned by the Roman Catholic Church in the 19th century, that the only valid religious belief is that handed down by tradition from an original divine revelation.



understood before time, space, planes, energy, and matter that he

would give of himself unto all the worlds for the equality of Faith 118 to all.
Key Word is Faith 1st Enoch (Oral) from the Apocrypha by Enoch; 2nd Enoch (Oral) from the Apocrypha by Enoch; The Life of Adam and Eve in the Apocrypha {(Vita Adae at Evae) Oral}; The Assumption of Moses in the Torah; Deuteronomy in the Torah by Moses 32:20; The Apocalypse of Moses from the Pseudepigrapha; Habakkuk of the Twelve 2:4; The 3rd Esdras from the Apocrypha; The Ascension of Isaiah of the Twelve; The Prayer of Manasseh from the Apocrypha; The Books of Daniel, Bel, and the Snake in the Apocrypha; 1st Maccabees; 2nd Maccabees; 3rd Maccabees; and 4th Maccabees from the Deuterocanonical; The Council of Jerusalem a Report by James (Brother of Jesus); The Book of Quelle; Matthew (12 times); Ur-Mark; Mark (5 times); Luke (12 times); 2nd Mark a Gospel; The Trimorphic Protennoia a Report; 3rd Mark a Gospel; Acts of the Apostles (15 times); The Epistle to the Romans (30 plus times); 1st Corinthians; 1st Thessalonians and the 2nd Corinthians all Epistles by Paul (72 times); The Council of Antioch a Report by Peter

from individual and specialized hopes, there are some general hopes,

which it is good for all Traditionalists to have.


is good to hope for gainful employment in a congenial occupation, time to

cultivate a functional hobby of Inner Growth, pleasant wholesome social contacts, an agreeable family life, and a satisfying Spiritually base Faith experience.


The New Testament shows this ideal of honor multiple times Faith 164


we consider the Sacred Holy Scriptures of the Word of God (Bible)

contains 3,566,480 letters, 773,692 words, 31,173 verses, 1,189 chapters, and 66 books. The middle verse is Psalm 118:18.


longest verse is Esther 8:9, the shortest verse is John 11:35.


is this basis of factual Hope from the Lord our God that all Traditionalist

take heart. His will shall be done and all whom seek shall find. Hope is of the Holy Ghost.
The Corpus Areopagiticum (Dionysius the Areopagite) from the Pseudepigrapha; Ruth 1:12; The Chronicles of the King Ahasuerus (Esther 2:23 and Esther 6:1) in the Ketuvim by Mordcai; The Chronicles of the Kings of Media and Persia (Esther 10:2) in the Ketuvim by Mordcai; The additions to Esther (Esther 10:4-10) in the Ketuvim by Mordcai; Ezra in the Ketuvim 10:2; Job 4:6; 8:13, 14; 11:18, 20; 31:24; Psalms 33:18, 22; 38:15; 119: 49, 81, 114, 116; Proverbs 11:7; 13:12; 29:20; Ecclesiastes in the Neviim by Solomon l9:4; Isaiah 38:18; Jeremiah 2:25; 14:8; Lamentations in the Ketuvim by Jeremiah 3:18, 21, 24, 26, 29; Ezekiel 13:6; The Tobit of the Deuterocanonical; The Wisdom Sirach and the Ecclesiasticus (Sirach) from the Deuterocanonical by Ben Sirach; The Writings of the Passion Narrative (the first partial Gospel); The Adoration of the Magi (the second partial Gospel); The Birth of John the Baptist (Gospel); Ur-Mark; The Book of Oral traditions (Gospel); The Gospel of Mary Magdalene; The Gospel of Peter; The Gospel according to the Nazarenes; The Gospel of Signs; The Gospel according to Nicodemus; The Epistle of Mathetes by Diognetus; The Letters of Heracleon (Epistle); The Letters from Apollinaris (Epistle); The Passion of the Scillitan Martyrs (Epistle); The Writings of the Epistle by Theophilus of Antioch; Acts of the Apostles 23:6; 24:15; 26:6; 28:20; The Acts of Andrew from the Leucian; The Acts of John; Romans 8:20, 24, 25; 15:4, 13; The Papyrus 45: (Gospel) (1st Chester Beatty, Gospels (Caesarean) Acts (Alexandrian): Mt20: 24-32; 21: 13-19; 25: 41-26:39; Mk4: 36-40; 5: 15-26,386:3,16-25,36-50; 7: 3-15 ,25-8:1, 10-26, 34-9:9,18-31; 11: 27-12:1,5-8,13-19,24-28; Lk6: 31-41,45-


7:7; 9: 26 -41,45-10:1,6-22,26-11:1,6-25, 28-46, 50-12:12,18-37,42-13:1,6-24,29-14:10,17-33; Jn10: 7-25,30-11:10,18-36,42-57; Ac4: 27-36; 5:10-21,30-39;6: 7-7:2,10-21,32-41,52-8:1, 1425,34-9:6,16-27,35-10:2,10-23,31-41; 11: 2-14, 24-12:5,13-22; 13: 6-16,25-36,46-14:3,15-23; 15:27,19-27,38-16:4,15-21,32-40; 17: 9-17); 1st Corinthians 9:10; 13:13; 2nd Corinthians 3:12; The Epistle to the Ephesians; Origen: writes an Epistle (Contra Celsum: against Celsus); The Magnesians a series of Reports; The Gospel of the Twelve; The Trallians a Report; 1st Peter 1:13, 21; 3:15; The Gospel of the Seventy; The Grave plate of the Apostles; The 5th John (Apocalypse) another style of Revelation; The Smyrnaeans a Report; The Latin Infancy Gospels

Hope is of the Lord forever and ever


Chapter Dispositional Annotations Sin - error, wrongdoing, trespass, transgression, wickedness, evil-doing, iniquity, immorality, crime, ungodliness, unrighteousness, veniality, disobedience to the divine will, transgression of the divine law, violation of God's law. The seven deadly or capital or mortal sins believed by some Christian denominations to lead to spiritual death are: pride, covetousness or avarice, lust, wrath or anger, gluttony, envy, sloth; err, do wrong, commit a crime, offend, break the moral law, break one of the Commandments, trespass, transgress, misbehave, misconduct oneself, go astray, stray from the path of duty, wander from the paths of righteousness, fall, lapse, fall from grace, fall from virtue, sow one's wild oats, kick over the traces, let one's foot slip, take the primrose path, wallow in the mire, wander from the straight and narrow, follow the broad way, backslide, live in sin, sleep around.

Factual Sin - An offense against the Lord thy God, the Functional Faith, or its Proper Morals; the condition of being guilty of continued offense against One True God, His Faith, or Common Sense (Good) morals; an offense against his law, his standard, or his code {ME (East Midland) sinne < OE synne (for sunjo), akin to German s=nde, prob. < early Gmc borrowing < Latin sous (gen. sontis), guilty, technical legal term, orig. part. form of esse, to be (see IS), in sense (he) being (the one) Hebrew} the twenty-first letter of the Hebrew alphabet (V). Transgression (tran s gresh en) the act or an instance of transgressing; wherein a breach of law or ones duty to God is affected; such as; sin. Thus a mistake taken to understand or perceive wrongly; interpret or judge incorrectly the path from which the Lord has given unto us at the creation of the Multi-Verse. Thus a fault in


understanding, perception, and interpretation, to an idea, answer, or act that results in a wrong or error of disposition.

Temporal (tem pe rel) {ME < Latin temporalis < tempus, time} I, define this as of this world; worldly, not spiritual, secular rather than ecclesiastical and thus lasting only for a time; transitory; temporary, not eternal as is the Lord our God.

The Cloud {ME cloude, clude, orig., mass of rock, hence, mass of cloud < OE clud, mass of rock} of the following items between us and the Lord: an appearance of murkiness or dimness, as in a liquid; anything that darkens, obscures, threatens, or makes gloomy; to make muddy or foggy; to darken; obscure; threaten; to make gloomy or troubled; to cast slurs on; sully; against the Will of the Lord.

The processes of truth in that all whom see their SIN have lived in SIN; we are not of that path if we but ask for help from the Lord our God. The Truth of God enables all to conquer the Daily SIN of Life. Thus once you understand the SIN placed about you that SIN is SIN. However with the Lord Christ, Jesus victory on the Cross this is now defeated by his Blood; all you have to do is allow his truth to reach your Soul and the battle is won. The surrender to the Lord is the conquest of all SIN in the Cosmos. Ex 32:34, 34:7, John 15:22, 24; Romans 5:12, 13, 20, 21, 7:7, 8, 9 11, 13, 14, 17, 20, 23, 25; 1st Peter 2:22, 4:1: We are born in SIN and we die in SIN; thus is our fate unless we do something about it.

The ability of a being to give up possession of or power over their SIN; yield to another on demand for the betterment of ones Soul; to give up claim to Ones Factual SIN; give over or yield, esp. voluntarily, as in favor of another (such as the


Lord Christ Jesus); to give up or abandon. Surrendering {ME surrendren < MFr surrendre < sur-, up + rendre, to RENDER LME < MFr surrendre} all hope to the Lord your God; to yield or resign (oneself) to an emotion, influence or path to freedom from Sins yoke; to give oneself up to another's power or control, esp. as a prisoner in SIN; to give in (to); the act of surrendering, yielding, or giving up, over, or in.

It is my opinion that functional Salvation is based on the concept of these ways to the Lord; it is said that one does not have to read to accept I agree. However, the truth of your heart via the reading of his Word will set you free of your journey to death in eternity. The three main concepts of salvation in the Cosmos Seek, Call and Surrender. These are the cornerstones of the Truth of the Lord thy God and shall be past the End of the End which shall never occur. Thus to surrender (A) to give up possession of or power over; yield to another on demand or compulsion (B) to give up claim to; give over or yield, esp. voluntarily, as in favor of another (C) to give up or abandon (D) to yield or resign (oneself) to an emotion, influence, etc. (E) to give oneself up to another's power or control, esp. as a prisoner (F) to give in (to) the act of surrendering, yielding, or giving up, over, or in} to win in victory. Omega (o ma ge) {Greek b + mega, great lit., great (i.e., long) o, to distinguish from o mikron}the twenty-fourth and final letter of the Greek alphabet (v, 8): in English transliteration, as in the etymologies or the last (of any series); end.


Thus Omega is the final (fi nel) {ME < OFr < Latin finalis < finis, end}(A) of or coming at the end; last; concluding the final chapter" (B) leaving no further chance for action, discussion, or change; deciding; conclusive a final decree" (C) having to do with the basic or ultimate purpose, aim, or end a final cause" (D) [pl.] the last of a series of contests, trials.} Touch of the Lord before the entry into heaven. Dawn - (don) {ME daunen, back-form. < dauninge, earlier dauinge, daybreak, prob. altered (influenced by ON dagan, dawn) < OE dagung < dagian, to become day < d+g, DAY} to begin to be day; grow light; to begin to appear or develop; come forth; to begin to be understood or felt: usually with on or upon; the beginning of daylight in the morning; daybreak or the beginning (of something). The beginning (be gin ning) {ME biginnen < OE beginnan; akin to German beginnen, Goth duginnan} (A) to start doing, acting, going, etc.; get under way (B) to come into being; arise (C) to have a first part or element the Bible begins with Genesis" (D) to be or do in the slightest degree: used with an infinitive they don't begin to compare" (E) to cause to start; set about; commence (F) to cause to come into being; originate (G) to be the first part or element of (H) begin, the most general of these terms, indicates merely a setting into motion of some action, process, or course [to begin eating]; commence, the more formal term, is used with reference to a ceremony or an elaborate course of action [to commence a court action]; start carries the particular implication of leaving a point of departure in any kind of progression [to start a journey, the boulder started a landslide]; initiate, in this connection, refers to the carrying out of the first steps in some course or process, with no indication of what is to follow [to initiate peace talks]; inaugurate suggests a formal or ceremonial beginning or opening [to inaugurate a new library]} of the truth of the Lord in your heart.

The use of accept in this case is used to describe the surrender one must do unto yourself first and then to the Lord thy God for without the function of truth in ones heart how can you be saved from your SIN. The evil (e val) as in the quality of dishonor unto ones self and how you plot to defeat the Love of God in your heart. {ME ivel < OE yfel, akin to German =bel < IE upelo- < base upo-, up from under > Sans upa, toward} depravity; sin; or anything that causes harm, pain, misery, or disaster. The One whom we all know as the Evil One who is known as the Devil; Satan or Lucifer. Evil of the Heart - (A) morally bad or wrong; wicked; depraved (B) resulting from or based on conduct regarded as immoral an evil reputation" (C) causing pain or trouble; harmful; injurious; offensive or disgusting (D) Threatening or bringing misfortune (E) unlucky; disastrous; unfortunate (F) in a wicked, or offensive way: (G) anything morally bad or wrong; wickedness. Thus those that are wicked (wik id) {ME < wikke, evil, akin to OE wicce}(A) morally bad or wrong; acting or done with evil intent; depraved; iniquitous (B) painful, unpleasant, etc. a wicked blow on the head" (C) naughty in a playful way; mischievous} seek the destruction of their Inner Most Soul unto their lust for hatefulness. It is my belief that the Lord our God is of all worlds and that many souls exist in this and other levels of the Cosmos from which we have no concept. Seek the Truth in the Lord thy God and know we are but beginning in our quest of the Factual Truth of the Lord, God. The traditionalist in this tense is one whom adherence to traditions based on the Love of the Lord our God and his Will unto our hearts. Not to be confused with the doctrine, condemned by the Roman Catholic Church in the 19th century, that the

only valid religious belief is that handed down by tradition from an original divine revelation. The New Testament shows this ideal of honor multiple times. Thus Faith (fath) {ME feith < OFr feid, fei < Latin fides, confidence, belief (in LL (Ec), the Christian religion) < fidere, to trust < IE base bheidh-, to urge, be convinced > BIDE, Greek peithein, to persuade, Latin foedus, a compact} is the unquestioning belief that does not require proof or evidence; unquestioning belief in God, religious tenets; a religion or a system of religious beliefs. I believe that one must read, hear, accept, study, believe and repent of your SINS and then allow the Blood to wash you clean (in any combination from which the Lord deems necessary) Thus we look at the root word of read literate (A) able to read and write (B) well-educated; having or showing extensive knowledge, learning, or culture (C) [Now Rare] versed in literature (D) knowledgeable or capability to dissimilate a specific language via all its customs, traditions and ways. Thus the concept of Omni Multiple is based of simultaneous (si mel ta ne as) {ML simultaneus < simultas, simultaneity < Latin, competition, rivalry < simul} occurring, process done, co - existing, together or at the same time; works done for the betterment of all life in this plane of existence. Thus tradition (tre dish en) {ME tradycion < MFr tradicion < Latin traditio, a surrender, delivery, tradition < traditus, pp. of tradere, to deliver} (A) the handing down orally of stories, beliefs, customs, etc. from generation to generation (B) a story, belief, custom, proverb, etc. handed down in this way (C) a historical line of conventions, principles, or attitudes characteristic of a school, social group,

movement, etc. the realist tradition in literature" (D) a long-established custom or practice having the effect of precedent or unwritten law (E) Theological a) among Jews, the unwritten religious code and doctrine regarded as handed down from Moses b) among Christians, the unwritten teachings regarded as handed down from Jesus and the Apostles c) among Muslims, the sayings and acts attributed to Mohammed and transmitted orally. Thus a traditionalist (A) an upholder of tradition (B) a transmitter, recorder, or student of tradition} is the person whom seeks the open and heart felt way of the Lord daily.


The Omega Dawn

The Foundations of Traditionalist Theology One

Chapter Eleven

The Hope 119


Hope of the True Heart 174

The Hope

he comes unto this world and another and to another to save those

whom follow the Commandments 120 of his Path complete and utter surrender to the Touch of Salvation; regardless of your Species 121 or Creed.
The Testament of Abraham; The Apocalypse of Abraham; and the Testaments of the Patriarchs from the writing in the Pseudepigrapha; The Assumption of Moses in the Torah by Moses; Genesis in the Torah by Moses 26:5; Exodus in the Torah by Moses 15:26; Leviticus in the Torah by Moses 4:2, 13, 22, 27; Numbers in the Torah by Moses 15:22, 39, 40; Deuteronomy in the Torah by Moses 5:10, 29, 31; Joshua 22:5; The Book of Jasher I (Joshua 10:13); The Two Spies sent by Joshua to Jericho and their escape via Rahab from the Neviim; The Pseudo-Philo in the Pseudepigrapha; Judges 2:17, 3:4; 1st Samuel 15:11; 1st Kings 2:3, 3:14, 6:12, 8:58, 61; 2nd Kings 17:13, 16, 19, 23:3; 1st Chronicles 28:7; The Book of Samuel the Seer (1st Chronicles 29:29); The Book of Nathan the Prophet (1st Chronicles 29:29 & 2nd Chronicles 9:29); The Book of Gad the Seer (1st Chronicles 29:29) and The Annals of King David (1st Chronicles 27:24) all by Gad a prophet of God; 2nd Chronicles 7:19, 17:4, 24:20; Ezra from the Ketuvim 7:11; Nehemiah of the Twelve 1:5; Psalms (29 times); Proverbs 2:1, 3:1, 4:4, 7:1, 2, 10:8; Ecclesiastes in the Neviim by Solomon 12:13; Isaiah 48:18; Daniel 9:4; Amos 2:4; The Birth of John the Baptist (Gospel); Life and times of Saint John the Baptist (Gospel); The Book of Ur-Mark; The Gospel according to the Hebrews; The Book of Oral traditions (Gospel); The Wisdom of Christ {Gospel} (Sophia of Christ Jesus or Sophia Jesu Christi); The Papyrus Oxyrhynchus a Report (1224 fragments); Matthew 5:19, 15:9, 19:17, 22:40; Mark 7; 7, 10:19, 12:29; Luke 1:6, 18:20; John 14:15, 21, 15:10; The Council of Jerusalem a Report by James (Brother of Jesus); The Book of Quelle; 1st Corinthians an Epistle by Paul 7:19, 14:37; 1st Thessalonians an Epistle by Paul 4:2; The Council of Antioch a Report by Peter; The Acts of the Apostles 1:2; Ephesians an Epistle 2:15; Colossians an Epistle 2:22; Titus 1:14; 1st John 2:3, 4, 3:22, 5:3; 2nd John 6; Revelation of John 12:17, 14:12, 22:14; The scrolls of Mary supporting the Dead Christ on her knees (Gospel); The Secret Gospel (of Mark);
120 121

Commandments The Term Beasts in the KJV has been determined to mean - living creatures


The Resurrection of Christ, Jesus; The Interment of Christ, Jesus; The Acts of John of the Leucian; The Acts of Peter of the Leucian; The Secondary partial of the Gospel of Andrew of the Leucian; The Acts of Paul; The Papyrus 46: a Report (2nd Chester Beatty, "Alexandrian" text-type: Rm5: 17-6:3, 5- 14; 8: 15-25, 27-35, 37-9:32; 10:1-11:22, 24-33, 35-15:9, 11-16:27; Hb1: 1- 9:16, 1810:20, 22-30, 32-13:25; 1Cr1: 1-9:2, 4-14:14, 16-15:15, 17- 16:22; 2Cr1: 1-11:10, 12-21, 23-13:13; Ep1: 1-2:7, 10-5:6,8-6: 6,8,20- 24; Gal 1:1-8, 10-2:9, 12-21; 3:2-29; 4:2-18, 20-5:17, 20-6:8, 10- 18; Ph1: 1, 5-15, 17-28, 30-2:12, 14-27, 29-3:8, 10-21; 4:2-12, 14- 23; Cl1: 1-2, 5-13, 16-24, 27-2:19, 23-3:11, 13-24; 4:3-12, 16- 18; 1st Th1: 1,9-2:3; 5: 5-9,23-28) The Apocalypse of Pseudo in the Pseudepigrapha (Methodius (Oral); The Testament of Abraham in the Pseudepigrapha; The Apocalypse of Abraham in the Pseudepigrapha; The Apocalypse of Moses in the Pseudepigrapha; The Book of Susanna of the Ketuvim (Daniel 13); The scroll from Bel and the Dragon a part of the Ketuvim (Daniel 14); The scroll of Daniel and Susanna of the Ketuvim; Ezekiel 1:5; The Key of the Plate in Hell (Gospel); The Questions from Bartholomew Gospel; The Last Judgment (Gospel); The Epistles of the Apostles (another version of the Gospel by James the Apostle); The Apocalypse of Adam (Revelation); The Apocryphon of John (Secret Gospel of John); The Book of Quelle; Rev 5:6, 8, 11, 14, 6:1, 6, 8, 7:11, 14:3, 15:7, 18:13, 19:4; The Apocalypse of Baruch {2nd Baruch (Syriac) 3rd Baruch (Greek) {Peshitta}}; The Apocalypse of Peter (Revelation); The Secret Gospel (of Mark) {Gospel}; The Resurrection of Christ, Jesus (Gospel); The Interment of Christ, Jesus (Gospel); The Gospel of Truth; The Apocalypse of Stephen (Revelation); The Apocalypse of Thomas (Revelation); 1st Apocalypse of James (Revelation); 2nd Apocalypse of James (Revelation); 4th Peter (Apocalypse) {Revelation}; 5th Peter (Apocalypse) {Revelation}; The Papyrus 45: basis of the Gospels - (1st Chester Beatty, Gospels (Caesarean) Acts (Alexandrian): Mt20: 24-32; 21: 13-19; 25: 41-26:39; Mk4: 36-40; 5: 15-26,386:3,16-25,36-50; 7: 3-15 ,25-8:1, 10-26, 34-9:9,18-31; 11: 27-12:1,5-8,13-19,24-28; Lk6: 31-41,457:7; 9: 26 -41,45-10:1,6-22,26-11:1,6-25, 28-46, 50-12:12,18-37,42-13:1,6-24,29-14:10,17-33; Jn10: 7-25,30-11:10,18-36,42-57; Ac4: 27-36; 5:10-21,30-39;6: 7-7:2,10-21,32-41,52-8:1, 1425,34-9:6,16-27,35-10:2,10-23,31-41; 11: 2-14, 24-12:5,13-22; 13: 6-16,25-36,46-14:3,15-23; 15:27,19-27,38-16:4,15-21,32-40; 17: 9-17)



says unto his Lord, God again I walk before thee and again my power

is torn from me but not my Will 122 but thine Will Oh Lord. I seek thee at all times and I will transcend all aspects of Sin from this Multi-Cosmos; so help me God. They are my sheep, I am their Shepard and thus I shall be their Power in the dark and evil times of their plane, place or world Oh Lord my God do not forsake them for they are but cubs of the fold in your heart give them a chance my father to grow, learn and love you as you have loved me.


Christ, Jesus on the other worlds fights for the freedom of inner souls

will, he accepts that victory will be of the Lord thy God at the end of time.


as human beings were lucky that the Lord our God chose us as a place

of Salvation how many worlds did not qualify?


this question unto your soul he could reach past us to some

species more of his Righteousness and Holy but he did not.

Thus we look at the Will (A) the power of making a reasoned choice or decision or of controlling one's own actions (B) a man of weak will" (C) strong and fixed purpose; determination



gave of himself the only way possible via his Son to die for us and to

conquer the one thing which most dont consider is important Truth 123.
Genesis {(Proto-Version) Oral}; 1st Enoch (Oral) of the Apocrypha by Enoch; The Assumption of Moses in the Torah; Genesis 24:27; 32:10; 42:16; The Jubilees of the Apocrypha; The Corpus Areopagiticum of the Pseudepigrapha (Dionysius the Areopagite); Exodus 18:21; Deuteronomy in the Torah by Moses 18:21; Joshua 24:14; 1st Samuel 12:24; 2nd Samuel 15:20; 1st Kings 3:6; 2nd Kings 19:17; 2nd Chronicles 18:15; Esther 9:30; The Chronicles of the King Ahasuerus (Esther 2:23 and Esther 6:1) in the Ketuvim by Mordcai; The Kings of Media and Persia (Esther 10:2); The Additions to Esther (Esther 10:4-10) in the Ketuvim by Mordcai; Job 9:2; Psalms (30 Plus); Proverbs 12:17, 19; Ecclesiastes of the Neviim by Solomon 12:10; The Song of Songs of the Neviim by Solomon (The Songs of Solomon); 1st Martyrdom of Isaiah of the Pseudepigrapha; 4th Martyrdom of Isaiah of the Pseudepigrapha; Isaiah 59:14, 15; 61:8; Jeremiah 9:3, 5; Daniel 7:16, 19; The scrolls of Bel and the Dragon in the Ketuvim (Daniel 14); The scrolls and writings of Daniel and Susanna in the Ketuvim; Hosea 4:1; Micah 7:20; Zechariah of the Twelve by Jeremiah 8:16, 19; Matthew 14:33; The Epistle of Eugnostos; The scroll of Christ Praying in the Garden (Gospel); The Battle of Peter (Gospel); Ur-Mark; The Gospel according to the Hebrews; The Book of Oral traditions; Mark 12:14, 32; Luke 12:44; John (20 plus); Acts of the Apostles 10:34; The Council of Jerusalem a Report by James (Brother of Jesus); The Book of Quelle; Romans 2:2, 8, 20; 3:7; 1st Corinthians 13:6; 2nd Corinthians 7:14; Galatians an Epistle by Paul 5:7; Ephesians an Epistle 4:15, 21, 25; The Written words of the Apostles (Gospel); Philippians an Epistle by Paul 1:18; Col 1:5, 6; 1st Thessalonians an Epistle by Paul 2:13; 2nd Thessalonians an Epistle by Paul 2:10, 12, 13; 3rd Thessalonians an Epistle; 1st Timothy 2:4, 7; 2nd Timothy 2:15, 18, 25; Titus 1:1, 14; 1st Peter 1:22; 2nd Peter 2:2; The Zostrianos of the Sethian; The Marsenes of the Sethian; 1st John 2:4, 21, 27; 2nd John 1,3,4; 3rd John 3,4,8; The Protevangelion the Report; The Acts of Thomas in the Leucian; The Papyrus 52: (Gospel) (The oldest intact NT fragment {p.1935, parts of Jn18: 31-33, 37-38}

is time to marvel that Christ, Jesus has done this multiple times for any

world which seeks the factual truth of the Lord thy God.


Thus the concept of truth - the quality or state of being true; loyalty; trustworthiness 178


is asked by many are we worthy of this factual Agape Love of the Lord and

the truthful answer is Never.


are mortal and only consider temporal matters, which control our daily

lives; we rarely think about the Love of the Lord.


is by the grace of Christs Justice upon the Cross that we are given a

chance (even if some of the facts of that long ago age are not a hundred percent accurate).
The Apocalypse of Pseudo of the Pseudepigrapha (Methodius (Oral); The Testament of Abraham of the Pseudepigrapha; The Apocalypse of Abraham of the Pseudepigrapha; Genesis 6:8; 33:10, 15; Exodus 33:12, 13, 16, 17; Numbers 32:5; Judges 6:17; Ruth 2:2, 10; Psuedo-Phocylides of the Pseudepigrapha; 1st Samuel 20:3; 2nd Samuel 14:22; Ezra 9:8; Esther 2:17; Psalms 45:2; Proverbs 3:22, 24; Jeremiah 31:2; Tobit of the Deuterocanonical; The Wisdom Sirach in the Deuterocanonical by Ben Sirach; The Ecclesiasticus (Sirach) in the Deuterocanonical by Ben Sirach; Zechariah of the Twelve by Jeremiah 4:7; The Signs of the Gospels; The Apocalypse of Adam (Revelation); The Didache a Report; The Gospel of Mary Magdalene; The Gospel of Peter; The Gospel according to the Nazarenes; 2nd Mark and 3rd Mark (partial Gospels); The Shepherd of Hermes {(Epistle) (Visions / Commands / Similitudes)}; The Secret Gospel (of Mark); Luke 2:40; John 1:14, 16, 17; The Acts of John of the Leucian; The Acts of Peter of the Leucian; The Secondary partial of the Gospel of Andrew of the Leucian; The Writings of Suetonius a Report; The Writings of Tacitus a Report; The Acts of Peter & Paul of the Leucian; The Acts of Philip; The Acts of the Apostles 20:24, 32; The Acts of Xanthippe (Polyxena and Rebecca {Paul, Peter & Andrew}); Romans (20 plus); 1st Peter 1:2, 10, 13; 2nd Peter 1:2; 3:18; 4th Peter (Apocalypse) and 5th Peter (Apocalypse) both are a version of Revelation; Jude 4; Papyrus 75: a Report (Bodmer 14-15, Luke & John, earliest extant Luke, ~ Vaticanus Luke 3: 18-22, 33-4:2, 34-5:10, 37-6:4, 10-7:32, 35-39, 41-43, 46-9:2,4- 17:15, 19-18:18; 22:4-24:53; 1st John: 1-7:52; 8:12-11:45, 48-57; 12:3- 13:1, 8-9;


14:8-30; 15:7-8); Revelation of John 22:21; The Penitence of Origen (Epistle); The Latin Bible translations: Gospel (This was begun in Carthage); The Letters of Pantaenus (Epistle); The Sahidic Coptic Bible {Gospel (The translations written in Alexandria)}; 1st Irenaeus (Epistles); Clementine (Epistles); Paul (Apocalypse); 2nd Irenaeus (Epistles); The Epistle from Laodicea (Colossians 4:16); The Magnesians a Report; The Gospel of the Twelve; The Trallians a Report; The Papyrus Chester Beatty a Report R962: Gn8:13-9:2,24:13-46:33 253 Enoch91-105; #7: I8:18-19:13,38:1445:5,54:1=60:22; #8: Jr4:30-5:24; #10: Dn1- 12:13(+Add), Bel4-39,Sus5-end,Esther1:1a8:6(+Add)}


is said that illness brings one closer to the Lord our God in ways we cant

imagine its a pity we wait so long for the opportunity to communicate with our Maker.


yea were Strong & Mighty, then you were brought down by sickness;

you have reached the zenith of truth how will you decide?


zenith or apex is the Lords way of rewarding you that any & all

processes of life are of his realm.


are of the mighty touch of his gentle hand some times its touch is not

really appreciated.


the factual truth of the Lord thy God, He Is. He will be upon the face

of all beings in this Multi-Cosmos.



will touch all sentient 124 creatures within his realm. He will allow all

Factual Free Will to all whom request it via their open surrender unto the Truth of the Lord.


be sure of this: the Lord, God is supremely interested in you as an

individual; what concerns you concerns him.


has created you for a purpose and you may achieve that purpose in the

flash of an instant for which all the preceding years have been but the trailed preparation.
Job {Proto-Version) Oral} of the Ketuvim by Elihu; The Testament of Job from the Pseudepigrapha by Elihu; Ruth 2:16; The Psuedo-Phocylides from the Pseudepigrapha; 1st Kings 5:5; The Book of Acts of Solomon (1st Kings 11:41); The Wisdom of Solomon of the Neviim by Solomon; 2nd Chronicles 28:10; The story of the Prophet Iddo (2nd Chronicles 13:22); The Visions of Iddo the Seer (2nd Chronicles 9:29); Iddo Genealogies (2nd Chronicles 12:15); The Book of Jehu (2nd Chronicles 20:34); Sayings of the Seers (2nd Chronicles 33:19); Acts of Uziah (2nd Chronicles 26:22); Ezra 4:5; Nehemiah of the Twelve 8:4; Job 33:17; Proverbs 20:18; The Ecclesiastes of the Neviim by Solomon 3:1, 17; Isaiah 14:26; Jeremiah 36:3; Daniel 6:17; Bel and the Dragon of the Ketuvim (Daniel 14); Daniel and Susanna of the Ketuvim; The 1st Maccabees and 4th Maccabees from the Deuterocanonical; The Epistle of Pistis Sophia; Christ, Jesus Descent into Hell (Gospel); The Gospel of Bartholomew; The Questions from Bartholomew (Gospel); The Life and Times of Saint John the Baptist (Gospel); Ur-Mark; The Gospel according to the Hebrews; The Book of Oral traditions (Gospel); The Wisdom of Christ {Gospel} (Sophia of Christ Jesus or Sophia Jesu Christi);

Thus we examine the term used by many to mean which that of what they say and in a way it is used thus as in The sentient


The Papyrus Oxyrhynchus {Report (1224 fragments)}; The Gospel of Thomas; The Signs of the Gospels; The Apocryphon of John {Revelation (Secret Gospel of John)}; The Book of Quelle; Matthew 26:8; Gospel of Egerton 1st; The Toledoth Yeshu {Texts (Yeshu means Christ Jesus)}; The Secret Gospel of Mark; Acts of the Apostles 27:13, 43; Paralipomena of Jeremiah {4th Baruch {Written in Hebrew (Ethiopic Testament)}; The Testaments of the {Revelation (Twelve Patriarchs)}; The Kiss of Judas (Gospel); Christ on the Cross-between the two Malefactors; Romans 9:11, 17; 2nd Corinthians 1:17; Ephesians 3:11; Colossians 4:8; 2nd Timothy 1:9; 1st John 3:8; The Second Book of Jeu (Gospel); The Naassene Fragment (Gospel); The Apocalypse of Thomas (Revelation); The Acts of Philip; The Epistula Apostolorum (Epistle); The Demiurge in Valentinianism (Theology); The Teachings of Silvanus (Acts); Papyrus 66: a Report; (2nd Bodmer, John, 1956, "Alexandrian / Western" text-types: John 1:1-6:11, 35-7:52; 8:12-14:26, 29-30; 15:2-26; 16: 2-4, 6-7, 10- 20:20, 22-23, 25-21:9); 2nd Polycarp (Epistles); 3rd Polycarp {Epistle (Letters of Philippians 3rd)}; The Writings of Plotinus (Epistle); 2nd Treatise of the Great Seth (Apocalypse); Romans II (Epistle); The Smyrnaeans a Report; Papyrus 47: a Report {3rd Chester Beatty, Sinaiticus 2 Rv9: 10-11:3,5-16:15,17-17:2}


are two points of view: pessimism and optimism, cowardice and

courage, defeat and victory. On the one hand there is lack of hope and faith in God, in people, and in the future of functional goodness.


the other hand there is confidence in the Eternal Goodness, in the

divinity in human beings, and the ultimate triumph of right.


reason why Traditionalist can believe in the ultimate triumph of

righteousness is because their hope is in the Lord our God in a God who created a good world and Multi-Cosmos.



the world is not now good; in the good powerful Lord of Truth who is

powerful enough, with the help of some of his children, finally to destroy evil in the world.


the Lords help we Traditionalist can take steps, and then the next

step, lending a helping hand to a distressed person beaten and broken by the wayside, and clearing the Jerusalem Jericho highway of life all cutthroats and robbers.
The Testament of Abraham a part of the Pseudepigrapha; The Apocalypse of Abraham of the Pseudepigrapha; The Testaments of the Patriarchs of the Pseudepigrapha; The Assumption of Moses in the Torah; Genesis 38:29; The Jubilees of the Apocrypha; The Corpus Areopagiticum (Dionysius the Areopagite) of the Pseudepigrapha; Leviticus of the Torah by Moses 13: 20, 25; 1st Samuel 2:4, 10; The Manner of the Kingdom (The Book of Statutes 1st Samuel 10:25); 2nd Kings 11:6; 2nd Chronicles 24:7; Shemaiah the Prophet (2nd Chronicles 12:15); Prophecy of Abijah (2nd Chronicles 9:29); The story of the Prophet Iddo (2nd Chronicles 13:22); Job 24:20; Psalms 34:18, 20; Proverbs 17:22; Ecclesiastes of the Neviim by Solomon 12:6; Isaiah 8:9; Jeremiah 11:10, 16; Lamentations of the Ketuvim by Jeremiah 3:4; Ezekiel 6:4, 6, 9; Daniel 8:8, 22, 25; Song of the Three Young Men {Apocrypha (Daniel 3:24-90)}; The Scroll of Susanna of the Ketuvim (Daniel 13); Hosea 5:11; Jonah 1:4; Micah 2:13; Zechariah of the Twelve by Jeremiah 11:11, 16; Matthew 21:24; Ur-Mark; The Book of Quelle; Mark 5:4; Luke 12:39; John 19:31; Acts of the Apostles 27:35, 41, 44; Romans 11:17, 19, 20, 24; The Acts of John of the Leucian; The Acts of Peter of the Leucian; Ephesians 2:14; The Valentinian View of Creation a basic form of Theology; 3rd Thessalonians (Epistle); The Revelation of John 2:27; 2nd Clement {(3 books) Epistle}; 3rd Clement {(3 books) Epistle}; Acts of John; 3rd Corinthians (Epistle); The Epistles of Barnabas; The Epistles of the Laodiceans; The Epistles of Barnabas; The Sibylline Oracles (Epistle); The Prayers of Paul (Epistle); The Papyrus 45: a Gospel {(1st Chester Beatty, Gospels (Caesarean) Acts (Alexandrian): Mt20: 24-32; 21: 13-19; 25: 41-26:39; Mk4: 36-40; 5: 15-26,38-6:3,16-25,36-50; 7: 3-15 ,25-8:1, 10-26, 34-9:9,18-31; 11: 27-12:1,5-8,13-19,24-28; Lk6: 31-41,45-7:7; 9: 26 - 41,45-10:1,6-22,26-


11:1,6-25, 28-46, 50-12:12,18-37,42-13:1,6-24,29-14:10,17-33; Jn10: 7-25,30-11:10,18-36,42-57; Ac4: 27-36; 5:10-21,30-39;6: 7-7:2,10-21,32-41,52-8:1, 14-25,34-9:6,16-27,35-10:2,10-23,31-41; 11: 2-14, 24-12:5,13-22; 13: 6-16,25-36,46-14:3,15-23; 15:2-7,19-27,38-16:4,15-21,32-40; 17: 917)}; 3rd Peter (Epistles); Nazarene Prophecy {Gospel (Matthew 2:23)}; The Gospel of Perfection; Porphyry: Neoplatonic {Epistle (The philosopher Adversus Christianos)}; The 1st Irenaeus (Epistles); The Epistles of Clementine; Paul {(Apocalypse) Revelation}; The Magnesians (Report); The Gospel of the Twelve (Gospel); The Trallians a Report; The Papyrus Chester Beatty a Report {R962: Gn8: 13-9:2,24:13-46:33 253 Enoch91-105; #7: I8:18-19:13,38:14-45:5,54:1=60:22; #8: Jr4:30-5:24; #10: Dn1- 12:13(+Add), Bel4-39,Sus5-end,Esther1:1a-8:6(+Add)}; Letters of Origen (Epistle) Jesus and God one substance, adopted at Council of Nicaea in 325, compiled "Hexapla": 6 versions of LXX side by side: Hebrew, Hebrew transliterated in Greek, Aquila's Greek trans., Symmachus' Greek trans., Origen's revised LXX Greek trans., Theodotion's revised LXX; also Quinta / Sexta / Septima trans., Tetragrammaton in square Hebrew script; cites "Alexandrian" & "Caesarean" NT text-types; Eusebius claimed Origen castrated himself for Christ due to Mt19:12 [EH6.8.1-3]; The Gospel of the Seventy; 5th John {(Apocalypse) (Revelation)}

we can look up and trust the Will and Word of our Lord, God.


Journey towards the factual Will of God continues.


Chapter Dispositional Annotations Hope of the True Heart; thus hope (hop) {ME < OE hopa, akin to Du hoop} a) a feeling that what is wanted is likely to happen; desire accompanied by expectation b) the thing that one has a hope for c) a reason for hope d) a person or thing on which one may base some hope e) trust; reliance. The Term Beasts in the KJV has been determined to mean - living creatures. As stated in the Bible: The idea of species of other worlds is not an old concept however the Bible speaks directly to this issue in the Book of Revelations. Let us look at the breakdown of this term in relationship to Theology. A species {Latin, a seeing, appearance, shape, kind, or quality < base of specere, to see}(A) a distinct kind; sort; variety; class; (B) outward form, appearance, or mental image (C) Biol. a naturally existing population of similar organisms that usually interbreed only among themselves, and are given a unique, Latinate (D) binomial name to distinguish them from all other creatures (E) see GENUS (sense 2); Logic a class of individuals or objects having certain distinguishing attributes in common, given a common name, and comprised with other similar classes in a more comprehensive grouping called a GENUS} other than human praising the Lord, God. Thus we look into the Book of Revelations for it says: Rev 4:6 - And before the throne there was a sea of glass like unto crystal: and in the midst of the throne, and round about the throne, were four beasts full of eyes before and behind. Rev 4:7 - And the first beast was like a lion, and the second beast like a calf, and the third beast had a face as a man, and the fourth beast was like a flying eagle.


Rev 4:8 - And the four beasts had each of them six wings about him; and they were full of eyes within: and they rest not day and night, saying, Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, which was, and is, and is to come. Rev 4:9 - And when those beasts give glory and honour and thanks to him that sat on the throne, who liveth for ever and ever, Thus we look at the Will (wil) {ME wille < OE willa, akin to Ger wille, willen < IE base wel-, to wish, choose > Latin velle, to wish, voluptas, pleasure} (A) the power of making a reasoned choice or decision or of controlling one's own actions (B) a man of weak will" (C) strong and fixed purpose; determination. Thus the concept of truth {ME treuthe < OE treowth} the quality or state of being true; specifically, a) loyalty; trustworthiness b) sincerity; genuineness; honesty c) the quality of being in accordance with experience, facts, or reality; conformity with fact. Thus we examine the term used by many to mean which that of what they say and in a way it is used thus as in The sentient (shent) beings or creatures that make up all the worlds of this Multi-Verse; {Latin sentiens, prp. of sentire, to perceive by the senses} of, having, or capable of feeling or perception; conscious}. Whereas the concept known as self-conscious (kan shes) which details the form of thought from which the Lord our God gives Free Will to whom that seek it. Thus the a) conscious or, esp., unduly conscious of oneself as an object of notice a selfconscious poet" b) awkward or embarrassed in the presence of others; ill at ease c) indicating embarrassment a self-conscious cough"; having or showing awareness of one's own existence, actions, etc.; conscious of oneself or one's ego.


The commandments (ke mand ment) {ME & OFr comandement} which is an authoritative command or order (A) mandate; or precept as given by the Lord thy God to all in the Cosmos of his minds eye. (B) A great example is the TEN COMMANDMENTS from which most of our modern concepts of ethics and law are derived. The root word of command (ke mand) {ME commanden < OFr comander < VL commandare < Latin com-, intens. + mandare, to commit, entrust} (A) to give an order or orders to; direct with authority (B) to have authority or jurisdiction over; control (C) to have ready for use to command a large vocabulary" (D) to deserve and get; require as due, proper, or becoming to command respect" (E) to control or overlook from a higher position the fort commands the entire valley" (F) to demand authoritatively (G) to exercise power or authority; be in control; act as a commander (H) to overlook, as from a height (I) an order; direction; mandate (J) authority to command (K) power to control or dominate by position (L) ability to have and use; mastery (M) command, when it refers to a giving of orders, implies the formal exercise of absolute authority, as by a sovereign or military leader; order often stresses peremptoriness, sometimes suggesting an arbitrary exercise of authority [I ordered him out of the house]; direct and instruct are both used in connection with supervision, as in business relations, instruct perhaps more often stressing explicitness of details in the directions given; enjoin suggests a directing with urgent admonition [he enjoined them to secrecy] and sometimes implies a legal prohibition; charge implies the imposition of a task as a duty, trust, or responsibility} shows us many facets of the Lords Trust in his Word.

Thus the will is (D) where there's a will there's a way (E) energy and enthusiasm (F) to work with a will (G) disposition or attitude toward others; a man of good will (H) the particular desire, purpose, pleasure, choice, etc. of a certain person or group (I) a


compelling command or decree [the will of the people] (J) {ME willien < OE willian < willan, to desire} to have as the object of one's will; desire; want (K) to will another's happiness, to will to survive" to control or influence by the power of the will to will oneself into an action, to will others into submission" to exert one's will (L) to succeed by willing" to wish, desire, prefer, or choose to do as one wills (M) at will when one wishes; at one's discretion (N) will, the more inclusive term here, basically denotes the power of choice and deliberate action or the intention resulting from the exercise of this power [freedom of the will, the will to succeed]; volition stresses the exercise of the will in making a choice or decision [he came of his own volition] Then we examine the concept of will {wil pt. would ME willen < OE willan, to be willing, desire, akin to Ger wollen, will} (A) used to indicate simple future time (B) when will she be able to travel? I will bring the dessert" (C) used to express determination, compulsion, or obligation (D) you will listen to me, he will have his own way (E) I will have you know that I was here first (F) used to express inclination or inevitability (G) boys will be boys" used in polite questions (H) will you have some wine? (I) used to express habit or customary practice (J) they will talk for hours on end" used to express expectation or surmise (K) that will be his wife with him, I suppose" used to express possibility (L) this drawer won't open (M) usagethe distinction between WILL (for second and third person subjects) and SHALL (for the first person) in expressing simple future time or determination, etc. is largely an artificial one, and today is virtually nonexistent in North American English; except for the use of SHALL in certain formal contexts (see SHALL) and other meanings specific to each, WILL and SHALL and their respective past tenses WOULD and SHOULD are used interchangeably, with WILL (and WOULD) being the preferred form in all persons. The Truth of the Lord is thus d) reality; actual existence e) agreement with a standard, rule, etc.; correctness; accuracy; that which is true; statement, etc. that

accords with fact or reality; an established or verified fact, principle, etc.; a particular belief or teaching regarded by the speaker as the true one: in truth truly; in fact / of a truth certainly. Truth suggests conformity with the facts or with reality, either as an idealized abstraction [What is truth? said Pilate] or in actual application to statements, ideas, acts, etc. [there is no truth in that rumor]; veracity, as applied to persons or to their utterances, connotes habitual adherence to the truth [I cannot doubt your veracity]; verity, as applied to things, connotes correspondence with fact or with reality [the verity of that thesis]; verisimilitude, as applied to literary or artistic representations, suggests a degree of plausibility sufficient to induce audience belief [the characterizations in that novel lack verisimilitude] Which then leads to the term known as fact (fakt) {Latin factum, that which is done, deed, fact, neutral pp. of facere}a deed; act: now esp. in the sense of a criminal deed in the phrases after the fact and before the fact; a thing that has actually happened or that is really true; thing that has been or is; the state of things as they are; reality; actuality; truth; something said to have occurred or supposed to be true; Law an actual or alleged incident or condition, as distinguished from its legal consequence as a matter of fact in reality; really; actually.


The Omega Dawn

The Foundations of Traditionalist Theology One

Chapter Twelve

The: Journey 125


Journey - transit, passage, trip, tour, excursion, wayfaring, jaunt, pilgrimage 190

The Journey

will come & go; Empires will expand, develop and die, but the Lord

our God is forever. 2As it is written he binds us, surrounds us, and is within us he is the Omega Dawn.


Beginning and the End; the total consumption of Light and Life; he is the

One and Only God all mighty for whom it was foretold. 4However we seek not his Wisdom from the ancients whom were greater than we upon this globe; he has allowed via Free Will all forms of creatures to exist and flourish upon this MultiCosmos, we are no less.
Genesis {(Proto-Version) Oral}; 1st Enoch (Oral) of the Apocrypha; Genesis 29:1; Exodus 5:3; Numbers 9:10, 13; Deuteronomy of the Torah by Moses 1:2, 7, 40; The Apocalypse of Moses in the Pseudepigrapha by Moses; Joshua 9:11, 13; 2nd Chronicles 1:13; Sayings of the Seers (2nd Chronicles 33:19); Acts of Uziah (2nd Chronicles 26:22); Nehemiah of the Twelve 2:6; Jonah 3:3, 4; Epistles of the Apostles (Gospel) by James; Birth of the Virgin (Gospel of Pseudo-Matthew); Birth of Christ (Gospel); Elizabeth receiving the visit of Mary (Gospel); Presentation in the Temple (Gospel); Birth of Christ and the murder of the Innocents (Gospel); Marys Offering in the Temple (Gospel); Baptism of Christ in the Jordan (Gospel); Christs entry into Jerusalem (Gospel); Christ before Pilate (Gospel); The Epistle of Eugnostos; Ur-Mark; The Gospel according to the Hebrews; The Book of Oral traditions (Gospel); The scrolls of R in Aramaic, The L in Caesarean Basic and the Tablets of M in Hebrew all of which were in Oral form later written down but not accepted in the Bible; Matthew 10:10; Mark 13:34; Luke 15:13; John 4:6; Acts of the Apostles 10:9; The Gospel of Cerinthus; The Gospel of Appelles; The Gospel of Bardesannes; The Gospel of Mani; The Gospel of Signs; The Gospels according to Nicodemus; The Gospel of Judas; The Sermons of Peter an Epistle; Odes of Solomon an Epistle; Scrolls of the Sayings of Barnabas an Epistle; The Secret


Gospel (of Mark); The Resurrection of Christ, Jesus (Gospel); The Writings of Pliny the Younger an Epistle; The Gospel of Infancy; The Zostrianos and the Marsenes of the Sethian; Romans 15:24; 2nd Corinthians 11:26; The Apology of Aristides an Acts; The Epistles from Aquila of Pontus {Roman converts to Christianity compiled literal Greek OT translation}; The Gospel of Basilides a 24-book commentary; Titus 3:13; The Acts of Philip; The Epistles from Epistula Apostolorum; The Theology of the Demiurge in Valentinianism; The Teachings of Silvanus a form of Acts; 3rd John 6; 3rd Thessalonians; The Epistles of Justin Martyr (Discourse to the Greeks); The Traditions of Matthias a Report; The Epistles from Justin Martyr Final Series; The Letter to the Ionians an Epistle; The 1st Apocalypse of James (Revelation); 2nd Peter an Epistle; 2nd Apocalypse of James (Revelation); 4th Peter {(Apocalypse) Revelation}; 5th Peter {(Apocalypse) Revelation}; The Epistles of the Excerpts of Theodotus; The Letters of Heracleon an Epistle; The Letters from Apollinaris an Epistle by Claudius; The Passion of the Scillitan Martyrs (Epistle); The Letters of Origen {(Epistle) of the (Homoousios, Ousia and the Hypostases)}; The Papyrus 75: a Report (Bodmer 14-15, Luke & John, earliest extant Luke, ~ Vaticanus Luke 3: 18-22, 33-4:2, 34-5:10, 37-6:4, 10-7:32, 35-39, 41-43, 46-9:2,4- 17:15, 19-18:18; 22:4-24:53; 1st John: 1-7:52; 8:12-11:45, 48-57; 12:3- 13:1, 8-9; 14:8-30; 15:7-8)

him in a constant rain upon your face for he is the Water 126 of the true

factual Light. 6Bless it be in the name of the Lord thy God in whom all manners of Factual Truth grows upon the hearts of all beings. He comes unto us as one, departs us as all.


is our Lord and our God. We are his beginning and the end for Time will

lead us unto his mighty glory, behold he comes. Once we look upon ourselves we see the facts of our hearts we want what we want when we want it.

If you should ever look at the definition of water you would most surprised by how much we do not accept; thus



must learn to surrender so as to be able to hear the voice of the Lord; all

whom seek his face shall see however it may not be as to your liking.


Lord calls to us everyday in ways we never realize or imagine; wherein

we must accept that our listening skill is not of the level we should have, how is that?

skills that were given unto us at birth are not necessarily available for us, as

we grow old; the view of ourselves gets in the way.


our Lord whispers; some times he talks and some times he

shouts still we dont hear or is it we dont want to hear.


skill of observation is of our Inner Most Spirit that guides our souls.

Consider the pebble in the stream as it moves by the force of the current a little every year. Does it gain position by patience or by acceptance of its true inner self?

the Lord looks upon us as Creatures of Truth or Beings of Fault 127?


Thus a fault (folt) {ME faute < OFr faulte, a lack < VL fallita < fallitus, for Latin falsus} (A) failure to have or do what is required; lack; something that mars the appearance, character, structure, etc. (B) defect or failing; something done wrongly; in character [eating desserts first is one of his foibles]; vice, although stronger in its implication of moral failure than any of the preceding terms, does not in this connection suggest actual depravity or wickedness



must welcome our Skills, Gifts, Talents, Abilities and Attributes of our

Spirit to lead the Soul to the foundation of the Lord. The Lord our God loves all; however he doesnt accept all, why? 15Only through the Justice of his Son do we have a chance at the Shadow of Gods Infinite Agape Love. It is said that the shadow of Gods Love is all we can expect in the present shape of our souls.


upon the Light of the Lord, which curves, moves and flows through all

aspects of the Multi-Cosmos; there is no true shadow. 17We must accept that without Salvation from the righteous just God none, no none could be saved.


the truth comes for the Lord so loved all Worlds that all are saved by

the Justice of his Son the Christ, Jesus victory over Mortal Death; we need Gods love from the evils, which march through out the Multi-Cosmos; God is the only answer. 19Why is the Lord thy God the only answer all things are made by him, all things are controlled by him, all things are of his Righteousness for his namesake.
The Assumption of Moses in the Torah; Shemaiah the Prophet (2nd Chronicles 12:15); 3rd Martyrdom of Isaiah of the Pseudepigrapha; 4th Martyrdom of Isaiah of the Pseudepigrapha; The Wisdom of Sirach in the Deuterocanonical by Ben Sirach; The Ecclesiasticus (Sirach) in the Deuterocanonical by Ben Sirach; The Prayer of Manasseh in the Apocrypha; Matthew 15:30; 27:57; The Secret Book of James {Apocryphon}; Luke 5:8; Ur-Mark; The Gospel of Thomas; The Book of Quelle; 2nd Clement {(The Old Sermon) (Epistle)}; 2nd Apocalypse of James advanced form of Revelation; The Letters for Ptolemy an Epistle; The Epistles Wrote de Spectaculis by Tertullian; John 12:9; 13:23, 25; The Acts of Andrew from the Leucian; 2nd Corinthians 4:5, 11; 3rd Corinthians


(Epistle); The Papyrus 45: a Gospel (1st Chester Beatty, Gospels (Caesarean) Acts (Alexandrian): Mt20: 24-32; 21: 13-19; 25: 41-26:39; Mk4: 36-40; 5: 15-26,38-6:3,16-25,36-50; 7: 3-15 ,25-8:1, 10-26, 34-9:9,18-31; 11: 27-12:1,5-8,13-19,24-28; Lk6: 31-41,45-7:7; 9: 26 -41,45-10:1,6-22,2611:1,6-25, 28-46, 50-12:12,18-37,42-13:1,6-24,29-14:10,17-33; Jn10: 7-25,30-11:10,18-36,42-57; Ac4: 27-36; 5:10-21,30-39;6: 7-7:2,10-21,32-41,52-8:1, 14-25,34-9:6,16-27,35-10:2,10-23,31-41; 11: 2-14, 24-12:5,13-22; 13: 6-16,25-36,46-14:3,15-23; 15:2-7,19-27,38-16:4,15-21,32-40; 17: 917); 2nd Irenaeus an Epistles; The Epistle from Laodicea (Colossians 4:16); The Gospel of Eve; 2nd Titus (Epistles); 3rd Irenaeus an Epistles; Romans II (Epistle)

evil exist (just look around) because of us are we not of God? Free Will

without the grace of the Holy Ghost and the justice of Christ, Jesus will lead to unfasten 128 Evil.


a factual truth God is not evil, beings that seek the false path are.

What must we do to defeat this growth within our hope? 22Surrender unto the Inner Most Love of the Lord on a daily basis accept his Son as your personal savior and seek the Grace of the Holy Ghost as you live.


exist because we dont allow Christ, Jesus to reach us in his way (for

most the way of the Church hurts the ability to be reached). 24I have pondered the factual truth of Gods Agape Love for more years than I care to consider; wondering
The term used here of unfasten (un fas en) (A) which means to open or make loose (B) untie (C) unlock, undo (D) to become unfastened or just the opposite of to fasten (fas en) {ME fastnen < OE f+stnian < base of f+st} (A) to join (one thing to another) (B) attach; connect (C) to make fast or secure, as by locking, shutting, buttoning, etc. (D) fix firmly in place; to hold, fix, or direct (the attention, gaze


why he loves me unconditionally and in complete openness. Never has he ever left me and never has he ever forsaken me.


do the Masses free him upon their souls and not accept upon their

Hearts? 26Function upon the heart of Gods Love is the easiest way to see his face upon your death. When we give up this mortal flesh and arrive at the Bridge of Factual Truth (over the Time River) before our God; what shall be our answer?


there any hope without the salvation of the Lord at that exact moment?

Does the Lord judge as it is written? Do you wish to take a chance on your eternal soul? 28The voice of reason cries make your path straight with the Lord!


is the most powerful being within our sphere of Knowledge, Wisdom and

Logic yet he is the least understood. He is always there, but never around; he touches all things in all timelines, planes and ways within his Multi-Cosmos. He is the Factual Truth of Reason 129. 30She 130 is the most beautiful of all beings within our

Thus the form of reason (re zen) {ME reisun < OFr < Latin ratio, a reckoning, reason} an explanation or justification of an act, idea (A) a cause or motive; the ability to think, form judgments, draw conclusions (B) sound thought or judgment
129 130

The Holy Ghost


path in this creation and yet she is the least heard. She is always there but never accepted.
Job {Proto-Version) Oral} of the Ketuvim by Elihu; The Testament of Job from the Pseudepigrapha by Elihu; The Apocalypse of Pseudo Methodius (Oral) from the Pseudepigrapha; The Testament of Abraham from the Pseudepigrapha; The Apocalypse of Abraham from the Pseudepigrapha; Exodus 28:3, 31:3, 6; Deuteronomy in the Torah by Moses 4:6, 34:9; 2nd Samuel 14:20, 20:22; The Manner of the Kingdom (The Book of Statutes 1st Samuel 10:25); The Book of Jasher II by Nathan (2nd Samuel 1:18); 1st Kings 3:28, 4:29, 30, 34; 2nd Chronicles 9:3, 5, 6, 7, 22, 23; Ezra 7:25; Job 4:21, 6:13, 11:6, 15:8, 39:26; Psalms 37:30, 51:6, 105:22, 136:5; Most of Proverbs; The Testament of Solomon in the Neviim by Solomon; Most of Ecclesiastes in the Neviim by Solomon; Daniel 1:17, 1:20, 2:14, 20, 21, 23, 30, 5:11, 14; The 3rd Esdras of the Apocrypha; The Song of the Three Young Men of the Apocrypha by Daniel (Daniel 3:24-90); The Scrolls of Susanna in the Ketuvim (Daniel 13); The Scrolls of Bel and the Dragon in the Ketuvim (Daniel 14); The Writings from Daniel and Susanna in the Ketuvim; The Scrolls of Daniel, Bel, and the Snake from the Apocrypha; The Last Judgment a Gospel; The Epistles of the Apostles (a version of the Gospels) by James; Matthew 11:19, 12:42, 13:54; Ur-Mark; The Book of Quelle; Mark 6:2; The Gospel of Mary Magdalene; The Gospel of Peter; The 36 fragments of Gospel (Of the Nazarenes in Aramaic); Luke 1:17, 2:40, 11:49; The Acts of Pilate by Nicodemus; The Acts of Thecla; The Acts of the Apostles 6:3, 10, 7:10, 22; The Acts of John from the Leucian; The Acts of Peter from the Leucian; Gospel of Mary; 1st Corinthians 1:17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 30; 2nd Corinthians 1:12; 3rd Corinthians; 2nd Peter 3:15; 3rd Peter an Epistle; The Revelation of John 7:12; The Acts of Peter & Paul from the Leucian; The Acts of Xanthippe (Polyxena and Rebecca {Paul, Peter & Andrew}); The Acts of Philip; The Epistles of Faith and Knowledge by Valentinian; 1st Apocalypse of James (Revelation); The Diatessaron (Tatian produces "Diatessaron" (Harmony) by Blending 4 "Western" texts type); The Papyrus 64 (+67): a Report (Matthew 3:9, 15; 5: 20-22, 25-28; 26:7-8, 10, 14-15, 22-23, 31-33)

touches all things in all timelines and all hearts of the Lord our Gods

Infinite Cosmos of truth. She is Wisdom.



is Fear 131. It is the most powerful thing that we dont control (never will)

and yet it is the least seen. It is always there but never spotted. It touches all beings in all timelines and all placed of our hearts in Gods Loving Multi-Cosmos.
Genesis 9:2, 15:1, 21:17, 46:3, 50:21; Exodus 14:13, 15:16, 20:20, 23:27; The book of the Covenant in the Torah by Moses (Exodus 24:7); The Red Sea Battles against Pharaohs Armies in the Torah by Moses; Leviticus in the Torah by Moses 19:3, 4, 25:17; Numbers 14:9, 21:34; Deuteronomy in the Torah by Moses 1:21, 3:2, 22, 4:10; Joshua 4:24, 10:25; Judges 4:18, 6:10, 9:21; 1st Saul 4:20, 11:7, 12:14, 20,24; 2nd Kings 17:28, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39; 2nd Chronicles 6:31, 33, 14:14, 17:10; Esther 8:17, 9:2, 3; The Chronicles of the King Ahasuerus (Esther 2:23 and Esther 6:1), The Chronicles of the Kings of Media and Persia (Esther 10:2) and the Additions to Esther (Esther 10:4-10) all from the Ketuvim by Mordcai; Job 39:16, 22, 41:33; Psalms 9:20, 60:4, 147:11; Proverbs 1:7, 10:27, 29:25; Ecclesiastes in the Neviim by Solomon 3:14, 12:13; The Song of Songs 3:8; Isaiah 2:10, 31:9, 63:17; Jeremiah 10:7; Ezekiel 3:9; Daniel 1:10, 10:19; Joel 2:21; Malachi of the Twelve by Isaiah 1:6; The Apocalypse of Baruch a from of Revelation {2nd Baruch (Syriac) 3rd Baruch (Greek) {Peshitta}}; Matthew 1:20, 10:26, 28, 31, 28:8; Luke 1:12, 13, 30, 50, 65, 74; John 7:13, 12:15, 20:19; Acts 2:43, 5:5, 11, 27:24; Papyrus P29, 38, 48 and Codex Bezae (D) "Western Revisor" (+-) from original Acts a Report; Romans 3:18, 13:7; 1st Corinthians 2:3, 16:10; 2nd Corinthians 7:1, 11, 15, 11:13; 1st Timothy 5:20; 2nd Timothy 1:7; 1st Peter 1:17, 2:17, 18, 3:2, 15; Jude 12, 23; Rev 1:17, 14:7, 19:5; Acts of Peter; 3rd Corinthians (Epistle); The Epistle of Paul and Seneca; The Epistle of Paul and Thecla; The Epistle about the Hypostasis (The hidden spiritual reality of the Archons); The Physiologus an Epistle (Ambrose); The Foundation an Epistle; The Book of Nepos an Epistle; The Sermons of Paul; Missing Epistle of Jude (Jude 1:3); The Epistle from Peter to James & its Reception; The Origin of the World (Apocalypse); 3rd Peter an Epistles; The Nazarene Prophecy a Gospel (Matthew 2:23)


There were none that I could find in Mark a most interesting theological concept to consider



are the most misunderstood things within our sphere of thought and

they are the least felt. They are always there but never touched. They reach all things in all timelines and all creatures upon Gods Finite Cosmos.


Traditionalist seeks to Worship, Minister, Evangelize, Fellowship and

Discipleship via Gods Infinite Agape Love.


must follow the Commission unto your heart as you internalize 132 the

Great Commandments unto your Inner Most Soul. Thus we must practice, encourage, balance, live, and enthusiastically blooms into the Faith that the Lord our God desires. 36It is neither an easy road, nor a wide one but it is a well-traveled road indeed.


Traditionalist understands that the Lord, God places a high value on the

functional habit of positive self-evaluation 133. The Traditionalist seeks to aim at a wise firm action, but the foolish sinner will seek moving in multiple directions


Within your soul, spirit and mind; thus we look at the root word of internalize {in ter nel iz) to make internal; specific to make (especially the prevailing, attitudes, ideas or norms) a part of one's own patterns of thinking} wherein internalization which is based on the base word of internal (in ter nel) {ML internalis < Latin internus}

The self {(self) ME < OE, prob. < IE selo- < base se-, original separate, apart (> Latin sibi, se) + *(o) lo-}(A) the identity, character, or essential qualities of any person or thing


simultaneously. Thus the Traditionalist will serve God s purpose in the timeline of his generation.


five thousand years before you became a Traditionalist God planned

this revealing moment in your life. Thus five thousand years after he takes you God understood this moment completely.
The Testament of Abraham of the Pseudepigrapha; The Apocalypse of Abraham of the Pseudepigrapha; The Testaments of the Patriarchs of the Pseudepigrapha; The Assumption of Moses in the Torah by Moses; Genesis 7:11; 8:13; 14:4, 5; Exodus 23:11, 14, 16, 17, 29; The book of the Covenant in the Torah by Moses (Exodus 24:7); The Red Sea Battles against Pharaohs Armies in the Torah by Moses; Leviticus in the Torah by Moses 25: 4, 5, 10, 11, 13, 20, 21, 22, 28, 29, 30; Numbers; Deuteronomy in the Torah by Moses 15:9, 12, 20; The Apocalypse of Moses in the Pseudepigrapha by Moses; Joshua 5:12; 2nd Samuel 27:7; 1st Kings 6:1, 37, 38; 2nd Kings 15:1, 8, 13, 17, 23, 27, 30, 32; 1st Chronicles 26:31; 2nd Chronicles 16:1, 12, 13; Ezra 3:8; Nehemiah of the Twelve 10:31, 34, 35; Esther 2:16; Chronicles of the King Ahasuerus (Esther 2:23 and Esther 6:1) in the Ketuvim by Mordcai; The Chronicles of the Kings of Media and Persia (Esther 10:2) in the Ketuvim by Mordcai; The Additions to Esther (Esther 10:4-10) in the Ketuvim by Mordcai; Job {Proto-Version) Oral}in the Ketuvim by Elihu; The Testament of Job of the Pseudepigrapha by Elihu; The Apocalypse of Pseudo of the Pseudepigrapha (Methodius (Oral); Job 3:6; Isaiah 21:16; Jeremiah 25:1, 3; Ezekiel 29:1, 17; Daniel 8:1; Micah 6:6; Haggai 1:15; Zechariah of the Twelve 14:16; Ur-Mark; The Gospel according to the Hebrews; The Book of Oral traditions (Gospel); The Wisdom of Christ (Sophia of Christ Jesus or Sophia Jesu Christi); The Papyrus Oxyrhynchus a Report (1224 fragments); The Gospel of Thomas; Paul and Barnabas on Cyprus an Epistle (Apocryphal Epistle of Barnabas); Luke 3:1; The 36 fragments of Gospel of the Nazarenes in Aramaic; John 11:49, 51; The Council of Jamnia a Report by Simeon; The Thought of Norea from the Sethian; The Gospel of the Savior; The 7 fragments of Gospel of the Ebionites; Acts of the Apostles 11:26; 2nd Corinthians 9:2; The Epistles of Masoretes at Tiberias compile Masora; The Shepherd of Hermes an Epistle (Visions / Commands / Similitudes); 4th Esdras Hebrew an Epistle (Claims 24 OT books (Vulgate & Peshitta); Three Steles of Seth from the Sethian; The Secret


Gospel (of Mark); Hebrews 10:1, 3; Revelation of John 9:15; The Papyrus 46: a Report (2nd Chester Beatty, "Alexandrian" text-type: Rm5: 17-6:3, 5- 14; 8: 15-25, 27-35, 37-9:32; 10:1-11:22, 24-33, 35-15:9, 11-16:27; Hb1: 1- 9:16, 18-10:20, 22-30, 32-13:25; 1Cr1: 1-9:2, 4-14:14, 16-15:15, 17- 16:22; 2Cr1: 1-11:10, 12-21, 23-13:13; Ep1: 1-2:7, 10-5:6,8-6: 6,8,20- 24; Gal 1:1-8, 10-2:9, 12-21; 3:2-29; 4:2-18, 20-5:17, 20-6:8, 10- 18; Ph1: 1, 5-15, 17-28, 30-2:12, 14-27, 29-3:8, 10-21; 4:2-12, 14- 23; Cl1: 1-2, 5-13, 16-24, 27-2:19, 23-3:11, 13-24; 4:3-12, 16- 18; 1st Th1: 1,9-2:3; 5: 59,23-28); The Papyrus 32: a Report (Titus 1:11-15; 2: 3-8); The Papyrus 64 (+67): a Report (Matthew 3:9, 15; 5: 20-22, 25-28; 26:7-8, 10, 14-15, 22-23, 31-33)

is no coincidence that youve become a Traditionalist; he seeks you in a

quiet field of open contemplation for his names sake. Trust in the Lord thy God and know his path is one for all eternity. 40His ways are not our ways; his truth is of the fact; and we should follow its slow curve to the logical conclusion of Hope.


the Traditionalists vein the attitudes of ones Inner Most Heart counts

more than any aptitude or achievement. 42We must accept our weakness, which will prevent arrogance 134 of the spirit. Know that the Lord thy God specializes in turning weaknesses into functional and humble strength.


forget that pretentiousness 135 repels others but authenticity of spirit

attracts wherein vulnerability is the trail to spiritual intimacy with all whom you
Ones arrogance (ar e gens, er) the quality or state of being arrogant; overbearing pride or selfimportance: also arrogant {ME & OFr < Latin arrogans, prp. of arrogare} full of or due to unwarranted pride and self-importance; overbearing; haughty.
134 135

Pretentiousness which is based on the root word of pretentious (pre ten shes) {Fr pr=tentieux < pr=tention, pretension + -eux} (A) making claims, explicit or implicit, to some distinction, 201

fellowship. 44Maintain an eternal perspective of the Lord thus it will keep you from harping on minor issues of that long tedious day.


best way for a Traditionalist to internalize the principles of factual truth

is to discuss them within the Church.


is based on the Tried, True and Tested scriptures of the Lord

our God. Not the dogma of man but the Inner Most touches of Gods breathe upon our face as we grow in his factual word.


testimony as Traditionalist must be written down as Peter 136 before us

so we shall be known of ourselves. Traditionalist must share his life with all whom would hear; not because we wish to hear our own boast but to give those victories for Christ, Jesus verbally to those whom have none.

importance, dignity, or excellence (B) affectedly grand; ostentatious} which is to lie to ones self daily; beware of the Id.

Peter the Rock see Chapter on Peter



is written that a true testimony is more powerful than a hundred well-

written sermons; all beings 137 in the Multi-Cosmos know the truth when they hear it. It is most wise to learn from the experiences of others than to earn the knowledge through sinful attempts.


a Traditionalist knows in his heart the open passion of the Lord upon

his soul; trust your heart it never lies. Bring the Word of God to all in the MultiCosmos and grow. 50A Traditionalist knows behind everything we do there is a thought; every behavior has a motivation grown from a belief; and every action thus is prompted by an attitude.


we seek the truth well gain a Unity of our Community in our Outer shown

souls and we choose to encourage rather than criticize other faiths we grow in our spirits the truth of the Lord our God. 52We must consider that a functional friendship with God is reserved for those Traditionalists that reverence him. Research and study without humble service leads to spiritual stagnation our service, as Traditionalist is not optional.


Beings or creatures (kre cher) {OFr < Latin creatura} (A) anything created, animate or inanimate (B) an animate or living being; esp., a) [Chiefly Dial.] a domestic animal, specific a horse b) a human being (often used in a patronizing, contemptuous, commiserating, or endearing sense) c) a strange or imaginary being (C) one completely dominated by another or dependent on another} whom we normally call Extra-Terrestrials.



as a Community must avoid comparisons, resist exaggerations 138 and

seek only Gods Commandments in our Hearts. 54A Traditionalist doesnt make excuses, procrastinate 139 or wait for a better circumstances; they try to do Gods Will immediately. It is how you define your Life in the Lord that determines your destiny.


a Traditionalist knows that Fellowship happens when mercy conquers

justice; forgiveness is immediate and then the Lord, God, rebuilds trust over the course of time. 56The Royal Faith Guard 140 (our human concept of a Traditionalist Church) is the body of the faith not a building; an organism nor an organization. The RFG will out live this small out of the way Multi-Cosmos. 57This body is indestructible 141 and will grow long after we are gone.

Exaggerations (eg zaj er at shen) {Latin exaggeratus, pp. of exaggerare, to increase, exaggerate < ex-, out, up + aggerare, to heap up < agger, a heap < aggerere, to bring toward < ad, to + gerere, to carry} see (A) to think, speak, or write of as greater than is really so; magnify beyond the fact; overstate

Procrastinate (pro kras te nat) {Latin procrastinatus, pp. of procastinare < pro-, forward + crastinus, belonging to the morrow < cras, tomorrow} (A) To put off doing (something unpleasant or burdensome) until a future time (B) to postpone (such actions) habitually

RFG (The Holy Order of) Royal Faith Guard of the Traditionalist Church

Indestructible (in di struk te bel) not destructible; that cannot be destroyed} in the sense that it can never be removed from this plane of the Multi-Cosmos except by Gods own Hand



of the Community makes for a warm and safe acceptance of

the Factual Truth of the Lord. This Community requires an investment of TIME 142 and a functional commitment of our true Hearts. He grew time for us and thus one must seek its form: The Infinitesimal Moment of Eternity (T.I.M.E.). 59He then developed the concept of TEAM 143 for us to use in his Community to grow the Word: The Exchange of Analytical Mannerisms.
Genesis 27:36; Exodus 23:17; Leviticus in the Torah by Moses 26:18, 21, 24, 28; Numbers 22:28, 32, 33; Book of the Wars of the Lord in the Torah by Moses (Numbers 21:14); Deuteronomy in the Torah by Moses 18: 10, 14; The Apocalypse of Moses of the Pseudepigrapha by Moses; Joshua 6; 4, 15; The Book of Jasher I (Joshua 10:13); The Two Spies sent by Joshua to Jericho and their escape via Rahab in the Neviim; Judges 20:30; 1st Samuel 3:10; 1st Kings 18:43; 2nd Kings 19:25; 1st Chronicles 12:32; Ezra 10:14; Nehemiah of the Twelve 4:12; Esther 9:31; Psalms 10:1; The Testament of Solomon of the Neviim by Solomon; Ecclesiastes of the Neviim by Solomon 8:12; Daniel; Bel and the Dragon in the Ketuvim (Daniel 14); The scrolls of Daniel and Susanna in the Ketuvim; Matthew 18:21, 22; Simon Magus of Samaria an Epistle (Simonianism); Nicolaus of Antioch an Epistle (Nicolaitans); The Sermons of Peter in the form of an Epistle; The Odes of Solomon an Epistle; The Scrolls of the Sayings of Barnabas an Epistle; The Acts of Pilate by Nicodemus; The Acts of Thecla; Luke 17:4; Acts of the Apostles 3:19, 21; Romans 11:3; Galatians 1:23; Ephesians Eph 1:10; 1st Thessalonians 5:1; 3rd Thessalonians; 3rd Corinthians; The Papyrus 46: a Report (2nd Chester Beatty, "Alexandrian" text-type: Rm5: 17-6:3, 5- 14; 8: 15-25, 27-35, 379:32; 10:1-11:22, 24-33, 35-15:9, 11-16:27; Hb1: 1- 9:16, 18-10:20, 22-30, 32-13:25; 1Cr1: 1-9:2, 4-14:14, 16-15:15, 17- 16:22; 2Cr1: 1-11:10, 12-21, 23-13:13; Ep1: 1-2:7, 10-5:6,8-6: 6,8,20- 24; Gal 1:1-8, 10-2:9, 12-21; 3:2-29; 4:2-18, 20-5:17, 20-6:8, 10- 18; Ph1: 1, 5-15, 17-28, 30-2:12, 1427, 29-3:8, 10-21; 4:2-12, 14- 23; Cl1: 1-2, 5-13, 16-24, 27-2:19, 23-3:11, 13-24; 4:3-12, 16- 18; 1st Th1: 1,9-2:3; 5: 5-9,23-28); 1st Timothy 4:1; 2nd Timothy 3:1; The Gospel of the Twelve; The


TIME The Infinitesimal Moment of Eternity TEAM The Exchange of Analytical Mannerisms



Trallians a Report; Titus 1:3; 2nd Titus; Hebrews 1:1, 13; 1st Peter 1:20; Revelation of John 5:11; 5th John (Apocalypse) another view of Revelation; Papyrus 47: a Report (3rd Chester Beatty, ~Sinaiticus 2 Rv9: 10-11:3,5-16:15,17-17:2); The Bohairic Coptic (Gospel) a Bible translations written in Alexandria

Traditionalist has desire to be intimate with the Lord and knows that this

is the primary goal as we build our relationship of hope in God. Without functional faith it is impossible to please the Lord.


you love the Lord you will obey his commandments. Thus the heart of

factual worship is the Inner Most Surrender to the Lord wherein this shows obedience in our hearts to our Lord, God. Even when the time is tough dont give up grow up in the Heart of the Lords joy.


Traditionalism is neither a Religion 144 nor a Philosophy 145; it's a

functional and growing relationship 146 via an inspired Scriptural lifestyle 147 with God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Ghost*.
Thus Religion (ri lij en) {ME religioun < OFr or L: OFr religion < Latin religio} any specific system of belief and worship, often involving a code of ethics and a philosophy
144 145

Philosophy (fi las e fe) {ME philosophie < OFr < Latin philosophia < Greek < philosophos:} theory or logical analysis of the principles underlying conduct, thought, knowledge, and the nature of the universe: included in philosophy are ethics, aesthetics, logic, epistemology, or metaphysics Relationship (ri la shen ship) (A) the quality or state of being related; connection

146 147

Lifestyle (lif stil) the consistent, integrated way of life of an individual as typified by his or her manner, attitudes, or possessions


1st Enoch (Oral) of the Apocrypha; 2nd Enoch (Oral) of the Apocrypha; The Life of Adam and Eve of the Apocrypha {(Vita Adae at Evae) Oral}; The Testament of Job of the Pseudepigrapha by Elihu; The Testament of Abraham of the Pseudepigrapha; The Apocalypse of Abraham of the Pseudepigrapha; The Scrolls from Joseph and Aseneth in the Pseudepigrapha by Joseph; The Testaments of the Patriarchs in the Pseudepigrapha; The Corpus Areopagiticum from the Pseudepigrapha (Dionysius the Areopagite); The Baruch, with the letter of the Deuterocanonical; The scrolls from Jeremiah (Baruch) in the Deuterocanonical Baruch; The Tobit in the Deuterocanonical; The Wisdom Sirach in the Deuterocanonical by Ben Sirach; The Ecclesiasticus (Sirach) in the Deuterocanonical by Ben Sirach; Ur-Mark; The Gospel according to the Hebrews; The Book of Oral traditions as written down for the research of the Gospel; The Wisdom of Christ a Gospel (Sophia of Christ Jesus or Sophia Jesu Christi); The Papyrus Oxyrhynchus a Report (1224 fragments); The Gospel of Thomas; The Epistles of Paul and Barnabas on Cyprus by Barnabas (Apocryphal Epistle of Barnabas); The Signs of the Gospels; The Apocalypse of Adam (Revelation); The Didache a Report; Matthew 15:2, 3, 6; Mark 7:3, 5, 8, 9, 13; Colossians 2:8; The scrolls of R in Aramaic, L in Caesarean Basic and the Tablets of M in Hebrew all in Oral from and scribed to papyrus; The Papyrus Oxyrhynchus (840 partial Gospel); Galatians 1:14; 2nd Mark a Gospel; The Trimorphic Protennoia a Report; 3rd Mark a Gospel; 2nd Thessalonians 2:15; 3:6; 1st Peter 1:18; Apocalypse of Peter (Revelation); Gospel of Peter; Sermons of Peter; The Acts of Peter in the Leucian; The Acts of Peter & Paul in the Leucian; The Acts of Xanthippe (Polyxena and Rebecca {Paul, Peter & Andrew}); 4th Peter {(Apocalypse) Revelation}; 5th Peter {(Apocalypse) Revelation}; The Muratorian Canon a Report (1st extant for NT, written in Rome by Hippolytus, Excludes Hebrews, James, 1st and 2nd Peter, 3rd John; includes Wisdom of Solomon and the Apocalypse of Peter); Acts of Peter and the Twelve; 3rd Peter; The Papyrus 72: a Report {Bodmer 5-11+, pub. 1959 "Alexandrian" text-type: Nativity of Mary; 3Cor; Odes of Solomon 11; Jude 1-25; Melito's Homily on Passover; Hymn fragment; Apology of Phileas; Ps33, 34; 1Pt1:1-5:14; 2Pt1:13:18;

is one of the great promises of the Holy Scriptures; it is written by the

prophet during a period of confusion and chaos, when dependence upon external conditions produced a sense of futility and fear. 64It points the way to a sense of peace, which depends not upon environment but rather upon the Lord our God.



in time of crisis confirms this statement of the prophet. There is

a peace, which can be realized, in human hearts. 66This perfect peace comes when the Lords Will and the Lords Purpose are made central in the life of a Traditionalist, when our minds, soul and hearts are stayed on Him.
The Testament of Abraham and the Apocalypse of Abraham both from the Pseudepigrapha; Numbers 11:29; 1st Samuel 10:10, 11, 12; 1st Kings 18:4, 13, 19, 20, 22, 25, 40; 2nd Kings 4:1, 38; 1st Chronicles 16:22; 2nd Chronicles 18:11, 12, 21, 22; Isaiah 26:3; 1st Martyrdom of Isaiah and the 2nd Martyrdom of Isaiah of the Pseudepigrapha; Ezra 5:1, 2; Jeremiah 2; 8, 26, 30; Lamentations in the Ketuvim by Jeremiah 2:14; Daniel 9:6, 10; Hosea 12:10; Amos 2:11, 12; Malachi of the Twelve by Isaiah 3:5, 6; Zechariah of the Twelve by Jeremiah 1; 4, 5, 6; The Gospel of Bartholomew; The Questions from Bartholomew about the Gospel; The Epistles of the Apostles (Gospel) by James; The Battle of Peter a Gospel; The Council of Jerusalem a Report by James the Brother of Jesus; The Book of Quelle; Gospel of Cerinthus; Gospel of Appelles; Gospel of Bardesannes; Gospel of Mani; The Gospel of New Babylon; The Gospel from Papyrus Fayum; The Gospel according to the Egyptians; The Gospel from Mary Magdalene; Matthew 23: 29, 30, 31, 34, 37; Ur-Mark; Mark 8:28; 2nd Mark; 3rd Mark; Luke 6:23, 26; Luke 9:8, 19; John 8:52, 53; Acts of the Apostles 3:18, 21, 24, 25; Romans 1:2; 1st Corinthians 12:28, 29; 3rd Corinthians; Ephesians 3: 5; The Papyrus 75: a Report (Bodmer 14-15, Luke & John, earliest extant Luke, ~ Vaticanus Luke 3: 18-22, 33-4:2, 345:10, 37-6:4, 10-7:32, 35-39, 41-43, 46-9:2,4- 17:15, 19-18:18; 22:4-24:53; 1st John: 1-7:52; 8:1211:45, 48-57; 12:3- 13:1, 8-9; 14:8-30; 15:7-8); 1st Peter 1:10; 2nd Peter 2:1; 3:2; 3rd Peter; 4th Peter; 5th Peter; 1st John 4:1; Revelation of John 11:10, 18; Romans II

realization of this inner peace is made possible by trust between the

Traditionalist (as an Individual) and the Master. Most of lifes personal values come from the presence of this quality. 68This Trust in God, this willingness to rest our weary hearts in Him brings into life a complete life; so it is when we trust the Lord our God.



the Lord Guide, Protect and Serve thee in all ways and may his Agape

Love touch you. 70He is Love; his Son is Justice and the Holy Ghost is Hope. Seek yea the way of the Lord in your own way but seek him for he will find you.

God loves you.


Chapter Dispositional Annotations Journey (jur ne) {ME journee < OFr < VL diurnata, days journey or a days work < LL diurnum, a daily portion < Latin diurnus} transit, passage, trip, tour, excursion, wayfaring, jaunt, pilgrimage, saunter, voyage, junket, package tour, crossing, expedition, odyssey, range, patrol, beat, sally, venture, adventure, itinerary, course, route, circuit, Grand Tour, peregrination, ramble, wandering, Wanderjahr (German), traverse, traversal, visit, sojourn, traveling, travels, campaign, trek, hegira, migration, caravan, transmigration, roaming, quest, safari, exploration, vagabondage, vagrancy, round, stroll, run, tramp, hike, promenade, constitutional, turn, airing, outing, drive, march, picnic, jog, prowl, look, survey, setting forth, crusade, perambulation, cruise, flight, sail, navigation, circumnavigation of the globe, nonstop flight, mission, ride If you should ever look at the definition of water (wot er) you would most surprised by how much we do not accept; thus {ME < OE waeter, akin to German wasser < IE wodor < wed to wet > Greek hydor, water, Latin unda} the colorless, transparent liquid occurring on earth as rivers, lakes, oceans, etc., and falling from the clouds. Water of itself as rain: chemically a compound of hydrogen and oxygen, H2O, it freezes, forming ice, at 0UC (32UF) and boils, forming steam, at 100UC (212UF) water in a specified form or amount, or occurring or distributed in a specified way, or for a specified use, as drinking or washing [often pl.] a) a large body of water, as a river, lake, or sea b) the part of the sea contiguous with a specified country, land mass, etc. or the parts away from this international waters" c) any area in a body of water !the noisy waters at the rapids" d) the liquid substance of a body of water !the pond's still waters" water with reference to a) its depth !ten feet of water at the dam" b) its displacement a boat that draws six feet of water" c) its surface above water, under water" d) its level in a sea, river, etc. high water, low water" [pl.] the water of mineral springs !to take the waters at Saratoga" any body fluid or secretion, as urine,

saliva, tears, or gastric and pancreatic juices; specifically, a) the fluid surrounding the fetus in pregnancy; amniotic fluid b) a watery fluid retained abnormally !water on the knee" a solution of any substance in water !mineral water, ammonia water" a) the degree of transparency and luster of a precious stone as a measure of its quality !a diamond of the first water" b) degree of quality or conformity to type !an artist of the first or purest water" a wavy, lustrous finish given to linen, silk, rayon, etc., or to a metal surface a watercolor painting to supply with water; specific, a) to give (animals) water to drink b) to give water to (soil, crops, etc.) by sprinkling, pouring, or irrigating c) to bring water to (land) (said of a river, canal, etc.) d) to put water on by sprinkling, hosing, etc.; soak or moisten with water (often with down) e) to add water to so as to weaken; dilute !to water the milk" to give a wavy luster to the surface of (silk, etc.) fill with tears: said of the eyes to secrete or fill with saliva !his mouth watered at the sight of the roast" to take on a supply of water to drink water: said of animals; of or having to do with water; in or on water; prepared with water, as for thinning or hardening; like water lavishly; freely: said of money spent, etc. ; make someone's mouth water to create a desire or appetite in someone; be or seem tasty; test the water(s) to explore a possible course of action; approach initially; water down to weaken the potency or effectiveness there of. Thus a fault (folt) {ME faute < OFr faulte, a lack < VL fallita < Latin falsus} (A) failure to have or do what is required; lack; something that mars the appearance, character, structure, etc. (B) defect or failing; something done wrongly; in character [eating desserts first is one of his foibles]; vice, although stronger in its implication of moral failure than any of the preceding terms, does not in this connection suggest actual depravity or wickedness [gambling is his only vice]. When you look at the word Fault - specific, (C) a misdeed; offense (D) an error; mistake; responsibility for something wrong; blame it's her fault that they are late (E) to find fault with; blame or

criticize; at fault unable to find the scent: said of hunting dogs (F) not knowing what to do; perplexed (G) guilty of error; deserving blame: also in fault (H) find fault (with) to seek and point out faults (of) (I) complain (about); criticize; to a fault too much; excessively. (J) fault, in this comparison, refers to a definite, although not strongly condemnatory, imperfection in character [her only fault is stubbornness]; failing implies an even less serious shortcoming, usually one of those common to mankind [tardiness was one of his failings]; weakness applies to a minor shortcoming that results from a lack of perfect self-control [talking too much is my weakness]; foible refers to a slight weakness that is regarded more as an amusing idiosyncrasy than an actual defect in character [eating desserts first is one of his foibles]; vice, although stronger in its implication of moral failure than any of the preceding terms, does not in this connection suggest actual depravity or wickedness [gambling is his only vice]. The term used here of unfasten (un fas en) (A) which means to open or make loose (B) untie (C) unlock, undo (D) to become unfastened or just the opposite of to fasten (A) to join (one thing to another) (B) attach; connect (C) to make fast or secure, as by locking, shutting, buttoning, etc. (D) fix firmly in place; to hold, fix, or direct (the attention, gaze, etc.) (E) Steadily on something; to cause to be connected or attributed; impute to fasten a crime on someone; to force (oneself) on or upon another in an annoying way (F) to become attached or joined (G) to take a firm hold (on or upon) (H) seize; cling (I) to concentrate (on or upon). Thus the form of reason (re zen) {ME reisun < OFr < Latin ratio} an explanation or justification of an act, idea (A) a cause or motive; the ability to think, form judgments, draw conclusions (B) sound thought or judgment .The word Reason is C) good sense (D) normal mental powers; a sound mind (E) sanity (F) to think coherently and logically (G) draw inferences or conclusions from facts known or

assumed (H) to argue or talk in a logical way; to think logically about (I) think out systematically; analyze (J) to argue, conclude, or infer (K) now usually with a clause introduced by that as the object; to support, justify, etc. with reasons; to persuade or bring by reasoning (into or out of) (J) CAUSE, THINK by reason of because of / in (or within) reason in accord with what is reasonable / out of all reason unreasonable / stand to reason to be logical or reasonable / with reason justifiably; rightly. She (verse 30) Ex. 28:3, 31:3, 6; Deut 4:6, 34:9; 2nd Sa 14:20, 20:22; 1st Kings 3:28, 4:29, 30, 34; 2nd Chr 9:3, 5, 6, 7, 22, 23; Ezr 7:25; Job 4:21, 6:13, 11:6, 15:8, 39:26; Ps 37:30, 51:6, 105:22, 136:5; Most of Proverbs; Most of Eccl; Dan 1:17, 1:20, 2:14, 20, 21, 23, 30, 5:11, 14; Matthew 11:19, 12:42, 13:54; Mark 6:2; Luke 1:17, 2:40, 11:49; Acts 6:3, 10, 7:10, 22; 1st Cor 1:17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 30; 2nd Cor 1:12; 2nd Peter 3:15; Rev 7:12. She is wisdom (A) the quality of being wise; power of judging rightly and following the soundest course of action, based on knowledge, experience, understanding, etc.; good judgment; sagacity (B) learning; knowledge; erudition the wisdom of the ages" (C) [Now Rare] wise discourse or teaching (D) a wise plan or course of action (E) Wisdom of Jesus, Son of Sirach (F) Ecclesiasticus Wisdom of Solomon a book of the Apocrypha: abbrev. Wis, Wisdom of Sol, or WS (G) Wisdom of Christ, Jesus. Thus as I use the term she which is a pronoun as understood in the plural they (A) the woman, girl, or female animal (or, sometimes, the thing regarded as female) previously mentioned: feminine personal pronoun in the third person singular: she is the nominative form, her the objective, hers the possessive, and herself the reflexive and intensive; her is the possessive pronominal adjective (B) the person; the one; anyone (C) the person just mentioned: used occasionally as an alternative to the generic he !every child needs to feel that she is loved". We look upon the Parables of the Mother whom loved all of her children so much that laid down her life for just one; the mother whom traveled the

world to find her daughter and when she did rejoiced; the sister whom saw her bother fall and ran five miles to her father to help save him even when he was a pain; the Wife that cared so much for her husband that she held him as he cried (the Logic and Wisdom of the Woman is beyond us mere mortal men but completely understood by the Lord our God). I know as consider that most items of the Bible and other holy works are male based; I am of another opinion. This opinion is based on the Infinite Agape Love of God for all beings. Thus I feel, hope, pray and know in my Inner Most Heart that Wisdom as is the Holy Ghost has a feminine basis in fact. Genesis 9:2, 15:1, 21:17, 46:3, 50:21; Ex 14:13, 15:16, 20:20, 23:27; Lev 19:3, 4, 25:17; Numbers 14:9, 21:34; Deut 1:21, 3:2, 22, 4:10; Josh 4:24, 10:25; Judges 4:18, 6:10, 9:21; 1st Saul 4:20, 11:7, 12:14, 20,24; 2nd Kings 17:28, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39; 2nd Chr 6:31, 33, 14:14, 17:10; Esther 8:17, 9:2, 3; Job 39:16, 22, 41:33; Psalms 9:20, 60:4, 147:11; Proverbs 1:7, 10:27, 29:25; Eccl 3:14, 12:13; Song 3:8; Is 2:10, 31:9, 63:17; Jer 10:7; Eze 3:9; Dan 1:10, 10:19; Joel 2:21; Mal 1:6; Matthew 1:20, 10:26, 28, 31, 28:8; (none that I could find in Mark a most interesting theological concept to consider) Luke 1:12, 13, 30, 50, 65, 74; John 7:13, 12:15, 20:19; Acts 2:43, 5:5, 11, 27:24; Romans 3:18, 13:7; 1st Cor 2:3, 16:10; 2nd Cor 7:1, 11, 15, 11:13; 1st Timothy 5:20; 2nd Timothy 1:7; 1st Peter 1:17, 2:17, 18, 3:2, 15; Jude 12, 23; Rev 1:17, 14:7, 19:5. Fear is the mind and soul killer. Thus the concept of fear (A) a feeling of anxiety and agitation caused by the presence or nearness of danger, evil, pain, etc.; timidity; dread; terror; fright; apprehension (B) respectful dread; awe; reverence (C) a feeling of uneasiness or apprehension; concern a fear that it will rain (D) a cause for fear; possibility chance there was no fear of difficulty (E) [Obs.] to fill with fear; frighten (F) to be afraid of; dread (G) to feel reverence or awe for (H) to expect with misgiving; suspect I fear I am late (I) to feel fear; be afraid (J) to be uneasy, anxious, or doubtful (K) fear is the

general term for the anxiety and agitation felt at the presence of danger; dread refers to the fear or depression felt in anticipating something dangerous or disagreeable [to live in dread of poverty]; fright applies to a sudden, shocking, usually momentary fear [the mouse gave her a fright]; alarm implies the fright felt at the sudden realization of danger [he felt alarm at the sight of the pistol]; terror applies to an overwhelming, often paralyzing fear [the terror of soldiers in combat]; panic refers to a frantic, unreasoning fear, often one that spreads quickly and leads to irrational, aimless action [the cry of fire! created a panic]} is both good and bad depending how the Lord in his Infinite Wisdom uses it to instruct, teach or punish those whom have opened the door of self-defeat without hope. Within your soul, spirit and mind; thus we look at the root word of internalize {Latin internus, inward} Internalize is of oneself (A) of or having to do with the inside; inner (B) to be taken inside the body or heart or mind forever internal remedies" (C) having to do with the inner nature of a thing; intrinsic internal evidence" (D) having to do with the inner being; subjective (E) having to do with the domestic affairs of a country internal revenue" (F) existing or occurring inside the body or a body part; an intrinsic quality or attribute} The word which means more than we could possibly imagine intrinsic (in trin sik) {LME intrinsique < MFr intrinseque < LL intrinsecus, inward < Latin inwardly} (A) belonging to the real nature of a thing; not dependent on external circumstances; essential; inherent (B) Anat. located within, or exclusively of, a part Opposed to. The self (A) the identity, character, or essential qualities of any person or thing (B) one's own person as distinct from all others (C) one's own welfare, interest, or advantage; selfishness obsessed with self" (D) [Informal] myself, himself, herself, or yourself tickets for self and wife" (E) being uniform or the same throughout (F) of the

same kind, nature, color, material, etc. as the rest a self lining, self trim" is the root of this extended word phrase which means more than is listed here. It is the basis of all function in the Multi-Cosmos and the foundation of Free Will. One must have self and being of ones present to be able to move towards the options of the future. Thus we look at the term / word of evaluate (A) to find the value or amount of (B) to judge or determine the worth or quality of; appraise (C) Math. to find the numerical value of; express in numbers} wherein all whom seek the path in life must consider (the above definitions not withstanding). Wherein the phrase of self-examination examination or study of one's own qualities, thoughts, conduct, motives, etc.; analysis of oneself; introspection} leads to inner enlightenment. Ones arrogance (ar e gens) the quality or state of being arrogant; overbearing pride or self-importance: {ME & OFr < Latin arrogans, prp. of arrogare} full of or due to unwarranted pride and self-importance; overbearing; haughty. Thus we must look at the base word of being proud {ME < OE prud < OFr < LL prode, beneficial, backform. < Latin prodesse, to be useful} (A) having or showing a proper pride in oneself, one's position, one's family, etc. (B) having or showing an overweening opinion of oneself, one's position, etc.; arrogant; haughty (C) feeling or showing great pride or joy, as from being honored (D) that is an occasion or cause of pride; highly gratifying (E) arising from or caused by pride; presumptuous (F) proud is the broadest term in this comparison, ranging in implication from proper self-esteem or pride to an overweening opinion of one's importance [too proud to beg, proud as a peacock]; arrogant implies an aggressive, unwarranted assertion of superior importance or privileges [the arrogant colonel]; haughty implies such consciousness of high station, rank, etc. as is displayed in scorn of those one considers beneath one [a haughty dowager]; insolent, in this connection, implies both haughtiness and great contempt, esp. as manifested in behavior or speech that insults or affronts others [she has an

insolent disregard for her servant's feelings]; overbearing implies extreme, domineering insolence [an overbearing supervisor]; supercilious stresses an aloof, scornful manner toward others [a supercilious intellectual snob]; disdainful implies even stronger and more overt feelings of scorn for that which is regarded as beneath one} leads to the path in a trail that is not of the flesh but of the lost be careful of the ways of the mind in our self. Never forget the truth; we are mortal. Pretentiousness which is based on the root word of pretentious (pre ten shes) (A) making claims, explicit or implicit, to some distinction, importance, dignity, or excellence (B) affectedly grand; ostentatious} which is to lie to ones self-daily; beware of the Id. Beings or creatures (kre cher) {OFr < Latin creatura}(A) anything created, animate or inanimate (B) an animate or living being; esp., a) [Chiefly Dial.] a domestic animal, specific a horse b) a human being (often used in a patronizing, contemptuous, commiserating, or endearing sense) c) a strange or imaginary being (C) one completely dominated by another or dependent on another} whom we normally call Extra-Terrestrials. Exaggerations or exaggerate (eg zaj er at) {< Latin exaggeratus, pp. of exaggerare, to increase, exaggerate < ex-, out, up + aggerare, to heap up < agger, a heap < aggerere, to bring toward < ad-, to + gerere} (A) to think, speak, or write of as greater than is really so; magnify beyond the fact; overstate (B) to increase or enlarge to an extreme or abnormal degree; overemphasize; intensify (C) to give an exaggerated description or account.


Procrastinate (pro kras te nat) {< Latin procrastinatus, pp. of procastinare < pro-, forward (see PRO) + crastinus, belonging to the morrow < cras, tomorrow} (A) To put off doing (something unpleasant or burdensome) until a future time (B) to postpone (such actions) habitually RFG (The Holy Order of) Royal Faith Guard of the Traditionalist Church Royal (roi el) {ME roial < OFr < Latin regalis, REGAL} (A) of, from, by, or to a king, queen, or other sovereign the royal family, a royal edict, the royal allowance" (B) having the rank of a sovereign (C) of a kingdom, its government, etc. The royal fleet" (D) a) founded, chartered, or helped by, or under the patronage of, a sovereign the Royal Society" b) in the service of a sovereign or of the Crown (E) a) suitable for a sovereign; magnificent, splendid, etc. !Royal robes" b) like or characteristic of a sovereign; majestic, stately, etc. !A royal bearing"} is the basis of our quest for humble service to the Lord our God. We consider that the Lord is of the highest Throne in all the Multi-Cosmos and thus should be placed in such position by those whom worship his name. Faith (fath) {ME feith < OFr feid, fei < Latin fides, confidence, belief (in LL (Ec), the Christian religion) < fidere, to trust < IE base bheidh-, to urge, be convinced > BIDE, Greek peithein, to persuade, Latin foedus, a compact} (A) Unquestioning belief that does not require proof or evidence (B) unquestioning belief in God, religious tenets, etc. (C) a religion or a system of religious beliefs (D) anything believed (E) complete trust, confidence, or reliance (F) allegiance to some person or thing; loyalty (G) [Archaic] indeed; in faith (H) in faith indeed; really (I) on faith through trust; without proof or evidence} of the One True God of the Cosmos.


Guard (gard) {LME garde} (A) to keep safe from harm; watch over and protect; defend; shield (B) To watch over; specific, a) to keep from escape or trouble b) to hold in check; control; restrain c) Sports to keep (an opponent) from making a gain or scoring; also, to cover (a goal or area) in defensive play d) to supervise entrances and exits through (a door, gate, etc.) (C) to cover (a piece of machinery) with a device to protect the operator (D) [Archaic] to escort (E) to keep watch; take precautions (against) (F) to act as a guard - {ME garde < OFr garder, to protect < Gmc wardon (> German warten, to wait) < IE base *wer-, to heed > WARE, Latin vereri, to fear} (G) the act or duty of guarding; careful watch; wariness; defense; protection (H) a) a posture of alert readiness for defense, as in boxing, fencing, etc. b) the arms or weapon in such a posture (I) any device that protects against injury or loss; specific: a) the part of the handle of a sword, knife, or fork that protects the hand (see SWORD, illus.) b) a chain or cord attached to a watch, bracelet, etc. to protect against loss c) a ring worn to keep a more valuable ring from slipping off the finger d) a safety device, as in machinery e) an article worn to protect a part of the body, as in a sport !a catcher's shin guards" (J) a person or group that guards; specific, a) a sentinel or sentry b) a railway brakeman or gatekeeper c) [Brit.] a railroad conductor d) a person who guards prisoners e) [pl.] a special unit of troops assigned to the British royal household f) a military unit with a special ceremonial function !a color guard" (K) Mount guard to go on sentry duty} the Truth of the Lord with our lives as his Will dictates. Indestructible - not destructible; that cannot be destroyed} in the sense that it can never be removed from this plane of the Multi-Cosmos except by Gods own Hand


TIME The Infinitesimal Moment of Eternity The (the) I. referring to a particular person, thing, or group (as opposed to a, an), as: (A) that (one) being spoken of or already mentioned the story ended" (B) that (one) which is present, close, nearby, etc., as distinguished from all others viewed as remote the day just started, the heat is oppressive" (C) that (one) designated or identified, as by a title the President (of the U.S.), the Mississippi (River)" (D) that (one) considered outstanding, most fashionable, etc.: usually italicized in print !that's the restaurant in town" (E) that (one) belonging to a person previously mentioned or understood !take me by the hand, rub into the face" II. referring to that one of a number of persons or things which is identified by a modifier, as by: (A) an attributive adjective !the front door" (B) a relative clause !the man who answered" (C) a prepositional phrase !the hit of the week" (C) an infinitive phrase !the right to strike" (D) a participle !follow the directions given" (E) III. referring to a person or thing considered generically or universally, as: (A) one taken as the representative of the entire genus or type !learn to use the typewriter, the cow is a domestic animal" (B) an adjective used as a noun !the good, the beautiful, the true" IV. (A) that much; to that extent !the better to see you with" (B) by how much . . . by that much; to what extent . . . to that extent: used in a correlative construction expressing comparison !the sooner the better" V. to each; in each; for each; per !at five dollars the half ton" Infinitesimal (in fini tes I mel) {Modern Latin infinitesimus < Latin infinitus infl. by centesimus, hundredth < centum} (A) too small to be measured; infinitely small (B) Mathematics of or pertaining to an infinitesimal (C) an infinitesimal quantity (D) a variable that approaches zero as a limit. Moment (mo ment) {ME < Latin momentum, movement, impulse, brief space of time, importance < *movimentum < movere} (A) an indefinitely brief period of time;


instant (B) a definite point in time or in a series of events (C) a brief time of being important or outstanding (D) importance; consequence news of great moment" (E) Mech. the product of some physical quantity and its distance from the origin of coordinates or an axis, as a torque (F) Philos. any constituent element of a complex entity or process (G) The moment the present or the immediate future. Eternity (e tur ne tei) {ME eternite < OFr eternit= < Latin aeternitas} (A) the quality, state, or fact of being eternal; eternal existence or duration; continuance without end (B) infinite time; time without beginning or end (C) a long period of time that seems endless an eternity of waiting" (D) the endless time after death TEAM The Exchange of Analytical Mannerisms The (the) I. referring to a particular person, thing, or group (as opposed to a, an), as: (A) that (one) being spoken of or already mentioned the story ended" (B) that (one) which is present, close, nearby, etc., as distinguished from all others viewed as remote the day just started, the heat is oppressive" (C) that (one) designated or identified, as by a title !the President (of the U.S.), the Mississippi (River)" (D) that (one) considered outstanding, most fashionable, etc.: usually italicized in print !that's the restaurant in town" (E) that (one) belonging to a person previously mentioned or understood !take me by the hand, rub into the face" II. referring to that one of a number of persons or things which is identified by a modifier, as by: (A) an attributive adjective !the front door" (B) a relative clause !the man who answered" (C) a prepositional phrase !the hit of the week" (C) an infinitive phrase !the right to strike" (D) a participle !follow the directions given" (E) III. referring to a person or thing considered generically or universally, as: (A) one taken as the representative of the entire genus or type !learn to use the typewriter, the cow is a domestic animal" (B) an


adjective used as a noun !the good, the beautiful, the true" IV. (A) that much; to that extent !the better to see you with" (B) by how much . . . by that much; to what extent . . . to that extent: used in a correlative construction expressing comparison !the sooner the better" V. to each; in each; for each; per !at five dollars the half ton" Exchange (eks chanj) {ME eschaungen < OFr eschangier < VL excambiare} (A) a) to give, hand over, or transfer (for another thing in return) b) to receive or give another thing for (something returned) (B) to give and receive (equivalent or similar things); interchange to exchange gifts" (C) to give up for a substitute or alternative to exchange honor for wealth" (D) to make an exchange; barter; trade (E) Finance to pass in exchange currency that exchanges at par" (F) a giving or taking of one thing for another; trade; barter (G) a giving to one another of similar things !an exchange of greetings" (H) the substituting of one thing for another !an exchange of tears for smiles" (I) a thing given or received in exchange (J) a place for exchanging; esp., a place where trade is carried on in securities or commodities by brokers, merchants, etc. !a stock exchange" (K) a central office, or a system operated by it, providing telephone communication in a community or in part of a city (L) Commerce, Finance a) the payment of debts by negotiable drafts or bills of exchange, without actual transfer of money b) a bill of exchange c) a fee paid for settling accounts or collecting a draft, bill of exchange, etc. d) an exchanging of a sum of money of one country or of a depreciated issue for the equivalent in the money of another country or of a current issue e) EXCHANGE RATE f) difference in value between currencies g) [pl.] the checks, drafts, etc. presented to a clearinghouse for exchange and settlement (M) exchanged; interchanged (N) having to do with an exchange !an exchange broker" .


Analytical based on the root word analysis (e nal e sis) {ML < Greek, a dissolving < ana-, up, throughout + lysis, a loosing < lyein, to loose} (A) a) a separating or breaking up of any whole into its parts, esp. with an examination of these parts to find out their nature, proportion, function, interrelationship, etc. b) any detailed examination (B) a statement of the results of this process (C) PSYCHOANALYSIS (D) Linguis. The use of word order and uninflected function words rather than inflection to express syntactic relationships (E) Math. a branch of mathematics, including calculus, that deals with functions and limits and their generalizations (F) SYSTEMS ANALYSIS (G) in the last (or final) analysis after all factors have been considered. Mannerism (man er iz em) (A) excessive use of some distinctive, often affected, manner or style in art, literature, speech, or behavior (B) a peculiarity of manner in behavior, speech, etc. that has become a habit (C) [M-] a 16th-cent. Style in art characterized by distortion of realistic proportions, contorted figures, an avoidance of classical balance, etc.} or habit (hab it) {ME < OFr < Latin habitus, condition, appearance, dress < pp. of habere, to have, hold < IE base *ghabh-, to grasp, take} (A) [Obs.] costume; dress (B) a particular costume showing rank, status, etc.; specific, a) a distinctive religious costume !a monk's habit" b) a costume worn for certain occasions !a riding habit" (C) habitual or characteristic condition of mind or body; disposition (D) a) a thing done often and hence, usually, done easily; practice; custom b) a pattern of action that is acquired and has become so automatic that it is difficult to break (E) a tendency to perform a certain action or behave in a certain way; usual way of doing (F) an addiction, esp. to narcotics (G) Biol. the tendency of a plant or animal to grow in a certain way; characteristic growth !a twining habit" (H) habit refers to an act repeated so often by an individual that it has become automatic with him [his habit of tugging at his ear in perplexity]; practice also implies the regular

repetition of an act but does not suggest that it is automatic [the practice of reading in bed]; custom applies to any act or procedure carried on by tradition and often enforced by social disapproval of any violation [the custom of dressing for dinner]; usage refers to custom or practice that has become sanctioned through being long established [usage is the only authority in language]; wont is a literary or somewhat archaic equivalent for practice [it was his wont to rise early]}

Thus Religion (ri lij en) {ME religioun < OFr or Latin: OFr religion < Latin religio, reverence for the gods, holiness, in LL (Ec), a system of religious belief <? religare, to bind back < re-, back + ligare, to bind, bind together; or < re- + IE base leD-, to collect > LOGIC, Greek legein, Latin legere} (A) a) belief in a divine or superhuman power or powers to be obeyed and worshiped as the creator(s) and ruler(s) of the universe b) expression of such a belief in conduct and ritual (B) a) any specific system of belief and worship, often involving a code of ethics and a philosophy !the Christian religion, the Buddhist religion, etc." b) any system of beliefs, practices, ethical values, etc. resembling, suggestive of, or likened to such a system !humanism as a religion" (C) the state or way of life of a person in a monastery, convent, etc. (D) any object of conscientious regard and pursuit. Philosophy (fi las e fe) {ME philosophie < OFr < Latin philosophia < Greek < philosophos} (A) love of, or the search for, wisdom or knowledge (B) theory or logical analysis of the principles underlying conduct, thought, knowledge, and the nature of the universe: included in philosophy are ethics, aesthetics, logic, epistemology, metaphysics, etc. (C) the general principles or laws of a field of knowledge, activity, etc. !The philosophy of economics" (D) a) a particular system of principles for the conduct of life b) a treatise covering such a system (E) a study of human morals,


character, and behavior (F) mental balance or composure thought of as resulting from the study of philosophy. Relationship - (A) the quality or state of being related; connection (B) connection by blood, marriage, etc.; kinship (C) a particular instance of being related (D) a continuing attachment or association between persons, firms, etc., specific, one between lovers. Lifestyle - the consistent, integrated way of life of an individual as typified by his or her manner, attitudes, possessions, etc.


The Omega Dawn

The Foundations of Traditionalist Theology

Chapter Thirteen

Peter the Rock


Peter the Rock


patriarchal 148 father of the Traditionalist Faith the Apostle 149 Peter (the

Rock) also known as Simon; Cephas. He was a Fishman and the brother of Andrew the Apostle who led him to Christ. 2Renamed "Peter" (rock) by Jesus to indicate that Peter would be the rock-like foundation on which the Church would be built. He earned the position of Bishop 150 while on his quest for the Lord, he was a Miracle 151 worker. He was classifed as the First Archbishop of Antioch 152.

died a Martyred in and around 64 AD in which he was Crucified head

downward because he claimed he was not worthy to die in the same manner as
Thus the patriarchal (pa tre ar kel) the father and ruler of a family or tribe, as one of the founders of the ancient Hebrew families: in the Bible, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Jacob's twelve sons were patriarchs; the foundation of this faith is secured firmly on the Message, Hope and writings of Peter.

Thus we look at the factual meaning of Apostle (e pas el) {ME < OE apostol < LL (Ec) apostolus < Greek apostolos, person sent forth < apostellein} a person sent out on a special mission (B) [usually A-] any of the twelve disciples sent out by Christ to teach the gospel: originally, Andrew, Bartholomew, James (the younger, son of Alphaeus), James (the elder) and John (sons of Zebedee), Jude (or Lebbaeus or Thaddaeus), Judas Iscariot, Matthew (or Levi), Philip, Simon the Canaanite, Simon (called Peter), and Thomas (or Didymus); Paul, the Apostle to the Gentiles, was not among the original twelve; Judas was replaced by Matthias

The title of Bishop (bish ep) {ME < OE bisceop < LL episcopus, an overseer (in LL (Ec), bishop) < Greek episkopos, overseer (in N.T., bishop) < epi-, upon + skopos < skopein} a highranking member of the Christian clergy having authority, variously, over other clergy and usually supervising a diocese or church district; Peter is the correct and proper form for his station and power on this small out of the way world. However, be careful that you do not read more into his Love, Position and Power he is just a man in whom the Lord placed a burden. Understanding this will lead you to the course of truth in your own heart and the factual knowledge of the love of the Lord thy God.

The miracle (mir e kel) {OFr < Latin miraculum, a strange thing, in LL (Ec), miracle < mirari, to wonder at < mirus, wonderful} an event or action that apparently contradicts known scientific laws and is hence thought to be due to supernatural causes, esp. to an act of God

Apostles posting and locations


Christ. 4It is written that out of the whole world one man, Peter, is chosen to preside at the of all nations and to be set over all the apostles and all the fathers of the church. Though there are in God's people many bishops and many shepherds, Peter is thus appointed to rule in his own person those whom Christ also rules as the original ruler.
The Testament of Abraham of the Pseudepigrapha; The Apocalypse of Abraham of the Pseudepigrapha; The Apocalypse of Moses of the Pseudepigrapha by Moses; The Pseudo-Philo of the Pseudepigrapha; The Writings of the Passion Narrative (Gospel); Christ as a Gardener appearing to Mary Magdalene (Gospel); Christ, Jesus ascending unto Heaven with Two Angels (Gospel); The Pistis Sophia an Epistle; Christ, Jesus in the Preatorium and Mocked (Gospel); Christ, Jesus descent into Hell (Gospel); Ur-Mark; The Gospel according to the Hebrews; The Book of Quelle; The Wisdom of Christ (Sophia of Christ Jesus or Sophia Jesu Christi); The Papyrus Oxyrhynchus a Report (1224 fragments); The Epistle of Galatians by Paul 3:1; Romans 6:6; Gospel of Thomas; The Apocryphon of John {Revelation (Secret Gospel of John)}; The Gospel of Cerinthus; The Gospel of Appelles; The Gospel of Bardesannes; The Gospel of Mani; The Gospel of Mary Magdalene; Mark 15:15, 24, 25, 32; 16:6; The Gospel of Peter; The Gospel according to the Nazarenes; The Gospel of Signs; The Gospel according to Nicodemus; The Gospel according to Philip; The Gospel of Judas; The Gospel of the Savior; The Gospel of the Ebionites (The 7 fragments of); The Gospel according to James; The Gospel of the written words of the Apostles; The 4th Esdras Hebrew an Epistle (Claims 24 OT books (Vulgate & Peshitta); Matthew 26:2; 27:22, 23, 26,35, 38, 44; Gospel of Infancy; Luke 23:33; John 19:16, 18, 20, 23, 32, 41; Acts of the Apostles 2:23; 1st Corinthians 1:13; 2nd Corinthians 13:4; 3rd Corinthians; Revelation of John 11:8; Apocalypse of Baruch a Revelation {2nd Baruch (Syriac) 3rd Baruch (Greek) {Peshitta}; The Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs a Revelation; The Secret Book of James an Apocryphon; The Apocalypse of Stephen a Revelation; The Apocalypse of Thomas a Revelation; The 1st Apocalypse of James a Revelation; The 2nd Apocalypse of James a Revelation; The 4th Peter (Apocalypse) a Revelation; The 5th Peter (Apocalypse) a Revelation; The First thought in 3 forms (Apocalypse / Revelation); The Hymn of the Pearl an Apocalypse; The Origin of the World an Apocalypse; The Paul (Apocalypse) his version of Revelation; The Papyrus 72: a Report {Bodmer 5-11+, pub. 1959 "Alexandrian" text-type: Nativity of Mary; 3Cor; Odes of Solomon 11; Jude 1-25; Melito's Homily on Passover; Hymn fragment; Apology of Phileas; Ps33, 34; 1Pt1:1-5:14; 2Pt1:13:18}; The Papyrus Chester Beatty: a Report {R962: Gn8:13-9:2,24:13-46:33 253 Enoch91-105;


#7: I8:18-19:13,38:14-45:5,54:1=60:22; #8: Jr4:30-5:24; #10: Dn1- 12:13(+Add), Bel4-39,Sus5end,Esther1:1a-8:6(+Add)}; The 5th John (Apocalypse) an extended version of Revelation; The Papyrus 47: a Report {3rd Chester Beatty, ~Sinaiticus; 2 Rv9: 10-11:3,5-16:15,17-17:2}

how great and wonderful is this sharing in his power that God in his

goodness has given to this man. 6Whatever Christ has willed to be shared in common by Peter and the other leaders of the Church 153, it is only through Peter that he has given to others what he has not refused to bestow on them.

said: "Upon this rock I will build my Church, and the gates of hell shall

not prevail against it." On this strong foundation, he says, I will build an everlasting temple. The great height of my Church, which is to penetrate the heavens, shall rise on the firm foundation of this faith. 8Thus we look at the life and times of our ancient leader of the faith from the Beginning until the Ascension of the Christ, Jesus. Let us begin at Bethsaida. St. Peter's true and original name was Simon, sometimes occurring in the form Symeon.
The Testament of Abraham of the Pseudepigrapha; The Apocalypse of Abraham of the Pseudepigrapha; The Apocalypse of Moses of the Pseudepigrapha by Moses; The Pseudo-Philo of the Pseudepigrapha; The Writings of the Passion Narrative (Gospel); Christ as a Gardener appearing to Mary Magdalene (Gospel); Christ, Jesus ascending unto Heaven with Two Angels (Gospel); The Pistis Sophia an Epistle; Ur-Mark; The Gospel according to the Hebrews; The Book of Quelle; The Wisdom of Christ (Sophia of Christ Jesus or Sophia Jesu Christi); The 4th Esdras Hebrew an Epistle (Claims 24 OT books (Vulgate & Peshitta); 2nd Mark a Gospel; The Trimorphic Protennoia a Report; 3rd Mark a Gospel; The Gospel Book of the Nine; The Shepherd of Hermes an Epistle (Visions / Commands / Similitudes); The Acts of John of the Leucian; The Acts of Peter of the Leucian; Acts of the Apostles 15:14; The Protevangelion a Report; The Acts of Thomas of

Thus we must look at the form of word Church (church) {ME chirche, kirke < OE cirice (& ON kirkja < OE) < Gmc kirika < LGreek (Ec) kyrikc < Greek kyriakc (oikia), Lord's (house) < kyriakos, belonging to the Lord < kyrios, ruler < kyros, supreme power < IE base aeu-, a swelling, to be strong, hero} all Christians considered as a single body means the people of the faith


the Leucian; Valentinian Theology 1; Ophite Diagrams; Valentinian Theology 2; Infancy Gospel of Thomas; Easter Debate (Minutes) a detailed Report; 1st Clement (3 books) an Epistle; 2nd Clement (3 books) an Epistle; 2nd Clement (The Old Sermon); 3rd Clement (3 books) an Epistle; Papyrus 75: a Report (Bodmer 14-15, Luke & John, earliest extant Luke, ~ Vaticanus Luke 3: 18-22, 33-4:2, 345:10, 37-6:4, 10-7:32, 35-39, 41-43, 46-9:2,4- 17:15, 19-18:18; 22:4-24:53; 1st John: 1-7:52; 8:1211:45, 48-57; 12:3- 13:1, 8-9; 14:8-30; 15:7-8); The Canon of the Apostles a Report; Ephesians another from of Epistle; The Epistle of Barnabas; The Sibylline Oracles an Epistle; The Prayers of Paul in the form of an Epistle; The Gospel of Perfection; 1st Irenaeus an Epistles; The Clementine Epistles; 2nd Irenaeus an Epistles; The Epistle from Laodicea (Colossians 4:16); 2nd Peter 1:1; Papyrus 72: a Report {Bodmer 5-11+, pub. 1959 "Alexandrian" text-type: Nativity of Mary; 3Cor; Odes of Solomon 11; Jude 1-25; Melito's Homily on Passover; Hymn fragment; Apology of Phileas; Ps33, 34; 1Pt1:1-5:14; 2Pt1:1-3:18; Letters of Origen, an Epistle {Jesus and God one substance, adopted at Council of Nicaea in 325, compiled "Hexapla": 6 versions of LXX side by side: Hebrew, Hebrew transliterated in Greek, Aquila's Greek trans., Symmachus' Greek trans., Origen's revised LXX Greek trans., Theodotion's revised LXX; also Quinta/Sexta/Septima trans., Tetragrammaton in square Hebrew script; cites "Alexandrian" & "Caesarean" NT text-types; Eusebius claimed Origen castrated himself for Christ due to Matthew 19: 12 [EH6.8.1-3]; The 1st Polycarp an Epistle; The 2nd Polycarp an Epistle; The 3rd Polycarp an Epistle (Letters of Philippians 3rd)

was the son of Jona (Johannes) and was born in Bethsaida a town on

Lake Genesareth, the position of which cannot be established with certainty, although it is usually sought at the northern end of the lake. (John 1:42, 44)

Apostle Andrew was his brother, and the Apostle Philip came from the

same town. 11Simon settled in Capharnaum, where he was living with his mother-inlaw in his own house at the beginning of Christ public ministry in 27 AD. (Matthew 8:14; Luke 4:38)

was thus married, and, according to Clement of Alexandria, had

children. The same writer relates the Tradition that Peter's wife suffered Martyrdom (ibid. VII, Xi ed. cit., III, 306).


these facts, adopted by Eusebius from Clement the ancient

Christian literature, which has come down to us, is silent. Simon pursued in his town the profitable occupation of fisherman in Lake Genesareth, possessing his own boat (Luke 5:3).

Peter meets Our Lord. Like so many of his Jewish and Hebrew

contemporaries, he was attracted by John the Baptist preaching of Penance and was, with his brother Andrew, among Johns associates in Bethania on the eastern bank of the Jordan.

after the High Council had sent envoys for the second time to John

the latter pointed to the Lord Jesus who was passing, saying, "Behold the Lamb of God", Andrew and another Disciple (not mentioned), followed the Savior 154 to his residence and remained with Him one day. 16Later, meeting his brother. Simon, Andrew said "We have found the Messiah 155 and brought him to Jesus who, looking upon him, said: "Thou art Simon the son of Jona: thou shalt be called Cephas, which is interpreted Peter".
The Testament of Abraham of the Pseudepigrapha; The Apocalypse of Abraham of the Pseudepigrapha; The Apocalypse of Moses of the Pseudepigrapha by Moses; The Pseudo-Philo of the Pseudepigrapha; The Writings of the Passion Narrative (Gospel); Christ as a Gardener appearing to Mary Magdalene (Gospel); Christ, Jesus ascending unto Heaven with Two Angels

Thus we look at the words of savior (sav yer) {ME sauveour < OFr < LL salvator, one who saves (< Latin salvare, in LL (Ec), the Savior, Jesus, translate of Greek (Ec) soter} to rescue or preserve from harm, danger, injury, which is to mean the Lord thy God Christ, Jesus

The current spelling of Messiah (me si e) {used by the Geneva translators (1560) for LL (Ec) Messias & ME Messie, both (ME via OFr < LL) < Greek (Ec) Messias} Judaism the promised and expected deliverer of the Jews, who will bring an era of peace and justice; Traditionalism / Christianity Jesus, regarded as the realization of the prophecy that the Messiah would come, and hence called the Christ


(Gospel); The Pistis Sophia an Epistle; Ur-Mark; The Gospel according to the Hebrews; The Book of Quelle; Matthew 1:21, 25; 27:11, 22, 27; Mark 14:62, 67; The Acts of John of the Leucian; The Acts of Peter of the Leucian; The Protevangelion a Report; The Acts of Thomas of the Leucian; Valentinian Theology 1; Ophite Diagrams; Valentinian Theology 2; Infancy Gospel of Thomas; Easter Debate (Minutes) a detailed Report; 1st Clement (3 books) an Epistle; 2nd Clement (3 books) an Epistle; 2nd Clement (The Old Sermon); 3rd Clement (3 books) an Epistle; Papyrus 75: a Report (Bodmer 14-15, Luke & John, earliest extant Luke, ~ Vaticanus Luke 3: 18-22, 33-4:2, 34-5:10, 376:4, 10-7:32, 35-39, 41-43, 46-9:2,4- 17:15, 19-18:18; 22:4-24:53; 1st John: 1-7:52; 8:12-11:45, 4857; 12:3- 13:1, 8-9; 14:8-30; 15:7-8); The Canon of the Apostles a Report; Luke 23:34, 42; John 1:17; 3: 14, 15, 16; 6:29; Acts 1:11; 2:32; 8:37; 22:8; Romans 10:9 Romans II; The Epistle of Simon Magus of Samaria (Simonianism); The Epistle of Nicolaus of Antioch (Nicolaitans); Sermons of Peter an Epistle; The Odes of Solomon an Epistle; Scrolls of the Sayings of Barnabas an Epistle; The Acts of Pilate by Nicodemus; The Acts of Thecla; 2nd Corinthians 4: 5, 10, 11; 3rd Corinthians; Ephesians 4:21; Philippians an Epistle by Paul 2:10, 11; Colossians an Epistle 3:17; 1st Thessalonians an Epistle by Paul 4:14; 1st Timothy 1:15; 1st John 5:1; 2nd John 7; Revelation of John 22:20; Apocalypse of Baruch a Revelation {2nd Baruch (Syriac) 3rd Baruch (Greek) {Peshitta}; The Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs a Revelation; The Secret Book of James an Apocryphon; The Apocalypse of Stephen a Revelation; The Apocalypse of Thomas a Revelation; The 1st Apocalypse of James a Revelation; The 2nd Apocalypse of James a Revelation; The 4th Peter (Apocalypse) a Revelation; The 5th Peter (Apocalypse) a Revelation; The First thought in 3 forms (Apocalypse / Revelation); The Hymn of the Pearl an Apocalypse; The Origin of the World an Apocalypse; The Paul (Apocalypse) his version of Revelation; The Papyrus 72: a Report {Bodmer 5-11+, pub. 1959 "Alexandrian" text-type: Nativity of Mary; 3Cor; Odes of Solomon 11; Jude 1-25; Melito's Homily on Passover; Hymn fragment; Apology of Phileas; Ps33, 34; 1Pt1:1-5:14; 2Pt1:13:18}; The Papyrus Chester Beatty: a Report {R962: Gn8:13-9:2,24:13-46:33 253 Enoch91-105; #7: I8:18-19:13,38:14-45:5,54:1=60:22; #8: Jr4:30-5:24; #10: Dn1- 12:13(+Add), Bel4-39,Sus5end,Esther1:1a-8:6(+Add)}; The 5th John (Apocalypse) an extended version of Revelation; The Papyrus 47: a Report {3rd Chester Beatty, ~Sinaiticus; 2 Rv9: 10-11:3,5-16:15,17-17:2}

at this first meeting, the Savior foretold the change of Simon's

name to Cephas (Kephas; Aramaic Kipha, rock), which is translated Petros (Latin, Petrus) a proof that Christ, Jesus had already special views with regard to Simon.

probably at the time of his definitive call to the Apostolate with the eleven


other Apostles, Christ, Jesus actually gave Simon the name of Cephas (Petrus), after which especially the Lord usually called him Peter on the solemn occasion after Peter's profession of Faith in the Truth of the Lord God. (Matthew 16:18)

Peter becomes a disciple; after the first meeting Peter with the other

early set of Disciples remained with the Lord for some time, accompanying Him to Galilee (Marriage at Cana), Judea, and Jerusalem, and through Samaria back to Galilee (John 2-4). 20Here Peter resumed his occupation of fisherman for a short time, but soon received the definitive call of the Savior to become one of His permanent Disciples.

and his Brother Andrew were engaged at their calling when the Lord

met and addressed them: "Come ye after me, and I will make you to be fishers of men". On the same occasion the sons of Zebedee were called.
The Testament of Abraham of the Pseudepigrapha; The Apocalypse of Abraham of the Pseudepigrapha; The Apocalypse of Moses of the Pseudepigrapha by Moses; The Pseudo-Philo of the Pseudepigrapha; The Writings of the Passion Narrative (Gospel); Christ as a Gardener appearing to Mary Magdalene (Gospel); Christ, Jesus ascending unto Heaven with Two Angels (Gospel); The Pistis Sophia an Epistle; Ur-Mark; The Gospel according to the Hebrews; The Book of Quelle; Matthew 4:18-22; Mark 1:16-20; Luke 5:1-11; Gospel of Cerinthus; Gospel of Appelles; Gospel of Bardesannes; Gospel of Mani; New Babylon; Papyrus Fayum a Gospel; The Gospel according to the Egyptians; The Gospel of Mary Magdalene; The Gospel of Peter; The Gospel according to the Nazarenes; The Gospel of Signs; The Gospel according to Nicodemus; The Gospel of Egerton 1st; The Toledoth Yeshu a detailed series of Texts (Yeshu means Christ Jesus); Secret Gospel of Mark; The Egerton 2nd Gospel; The 36 fragments of Gospel of the Nazarenes in Aramaic; The Gospel according to Philip; The Gospel of Judas; The Gospel of the Savior; The Gospel of the Ebionites (The 7 fragments of); The Gospel according to James; 2nd Mark a Gospel; The Trimorphic Protennoia a Report; 3rd Mark a Gospel; The Book of Hebrew a view of the Gospel; The written words of the Apostles a Gospel; The Paralipomena of Jeremiah a Gospel {4th Baruch


{Written in Hebrew (Ethiopic Testament)}; The Kiss of Judas a Gospel; Christ on the Crossbetween the two Malefactors a Gospel; Veronica afflicted with an Issue of Blood a Gospel; The Marriage in Cana in Galilee a Gospel; The Secret Book of James an Apocryphon; The Burial of Christ a Gospel; Christ bearing his Cross-to Golgotha followed by holy women (Gospel); Mary supporting the Dead Christ on her knees (Gospel); The Secret Gospel (of Mark); The Resurrection of Christ, Jesus a Gospel; The Interment of Christ, Jesus a Gospel; The Gospel of Infancy

Peter remained always in the immediate neighborhood of the

Lord our God. After preaching the Sermon on the Mount and curing the son of the centurion in Capharnaum, Christ the Lord came to Peter's house and cured his wife's mother, who was sick of a fever (Matthew 8:14-15; Mark 1:29-31). 23A little later the Lord chose His twelve Apostles of the Call as His constant associates in preaching the Kingdom of God.

the twelve Apostles Peter soon became conspicuous. Though of

irresolute character, be clings with the greatest fidelity, firmness of faith, and inward love to the Savior; rash alike in word and act, he is full of zeal 156 and enthusiasm, though momentarily easily accessible to external influences and intimidated by difficulties.

more prominent the Apostles become in the Evangelical narrative, the

more conspicuous does Peter appear as the first among them. 26In the list of the

The word of zeal (zel) {ME zele < LL (Ec) zelus, zeal, emulation < Greek zclos, zeal, ardor < IE base ya-, to be excited, praise} a strong passion (pash en) {OFr < LL (Ec) passio, a suffering, esp. that of Christ (< Latin passus, pp. of pati, to endure < IE base *pc-, to harm > Greek pcma, destruction, Latin paene, scarcely)} any one of the emotions, as hate, grief, love, fear, joy, etc. b) [pl.] all such emotions collectively, extreme, compelling emotion; intense emotional drive or excitement; specific, the object of any strong desire or fondness, fervor and ardor both imply


Twelve on the occasion of their solemn call to the Apostolate, not only does Peter stand always at their head, but the surname Petrus given him by the Lord is especially emphasized (Matthew 10:2): "Duodecim autem Apostolorum nomina haec: Primus Simon qui dicitur Petrus. (Mark 3:14-16): "Et fecit ut essent duodecim cum illo, et ut mitteret eos praedicare . . . et imposuit Simoni nomen Petrus"; (Luke 6:13-14): "Et cum dies factus esset, vocavit discipulos suos, et elegit duodecim ex ipsis (quos et Apostolos nominavit): Simonem, quem cognominavit Petrum . . ." On various occasions Peter speaks in the name of the other Apostles (Matthew 15:15; 19:27; Luke 12:41). When the Lord, Christ addresses all the Apostles, Peter answers in their name (Matthew 16:16). Frequently the savior turns especially to Peter (Matthew 26:40; Luke 22:31).

characteristic is the expression of true fidelity to the Lord, which Peter

addressed to Him in the name of the other Apostles. 28Christ, Jesus, after He had spoken of the mystery of the reception of His Body and Blood (John 6:22 ) and many of His disciples had left Him, asked the twelve if they too should leave Him; Peter's answer comes immediately: "

to whom shall we go? Thou hast the words of eternal life. And we have

believed and have known, that thou art the Holy One of God (Vulg. "thou art the Christ, the Son of God). The Lord Jesus Himself unmistakably accords Peter a special precedence and the first place among the Apostles and designate him for such on various occasions. 30Peter was one of the three Apostles (with James and John) who were with Christ on certain special occasions the raising of the daughter of Jairus from the dead (Mark 5:37; Luke 8:51); the Transfiguration of Christ (Matthew 17:1; Mark 9:1; Luke 9:28), the Agony in the Garden of Gethsemane (Matthew 26:37; Mark 14:33).


several occasions also Christ, Jesus favored him above all the others;

He enters Peter's boat on the Lake Genesareth to preach to the multitude on the shore (Luke 5:3); when He was miraculously walking upon the waters, He called Peter to come to Him across the lake (Matthew 14:28 ); He sent him to the lake to catch the fish in whose mouth Peter found the stater to pay as tribute (Matthew 17:24).

especially solemn fashion the Lord accentuated Peter's precedence

among his fellow disciples and Apostles when, after Peter had recognized Him as the Messiah He promised that he would be head of His flock Christ the Lord was then dwelling with His Apostles in the vicinity of Caesarea Philippi, engaged on His work of salvation.


the Lords coming agreed so little in power and glory with the

expectations of the Messiah many different views concerning Him were current. While journeying along with His Apostles and Disciples, Jesus of Nazareth asks them: "Whom do men say that the Son of Man is? The Apostles answered: "Some say John the Baptist, and other say you are Elias, and others Jeremiahs or one of the Prophets.

Jesus said to them: "But whom do you say that I am?" Simon said:

"Thou art the Christ, the Son of the Living God. And the Lord answering said to him: "Blessed art thou, Simon Bar-Jona: because flesh and blood hath not revealed it to thee, but my Father who is in heaven. And I say to thee: That thou art Peter [Kipha, a rock], and upon this rock [Kipha] I will build my Church [ekklesian], and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it.



I will give to thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven. And whatsoever

thou shalt bind upon earth, it shall be bound also in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth, it shall be loosed also in heaven".
The Testament of Abraham of the Pseudepigrapha; The Apocalypse of Abraham of the Pseudepigrapha; The Apocalypse of Moses of the Pseudepigrapha by Moses; The Pseudo-Philo of the Pseudepigrapha; The Writings of the Passion Narrative (Gospel); Christ as a Gardener appearing to Mary Magdalene (Gospel); Christ, Jesus ascending unto Heaven with Two Angels (Gospel); The Pistis Sophia an Epistle; Ur-Mark; The Gospel according to the Hebrews; The Book of Quelle; Matthew 7:24, 25; 16:18; 27:60; Mark 15:46; Luke 6:48; 8:6; Gospel of Cerinthus; Gospel of Appelles; Gospel of Bardesannes; Gospel of Mani; New Babylon; Papyrus Fayum a Gospel; The Gospel according to the Egyptians; The Gospel of Mary Magdalene; The Gospel of Peter; The Gospel according to the Nazarenes; The Gospel of Signs; The Gospel according to Nicodemus; The Gospel of Egerton 1st; The Toledoth Yeshu a detailed series of Texts (Yeshu means Christ Jesus); Secret Gospel of Mark; The Egerton 2nd Gospel; The 36 fragments of Gospel of the Nazarenes in Aramaic; The Gospel according to Philip; The Gospel of Judas; The Gospel of the Savior; The Gospel of the Ebionites (The 7 fragments of); The Gospel according to James; 2nd Mark a Gospel; The Trimorphic Protennoia a Report; 3rd Mark a Gospel; The Book of Hebrew a view of the Gospel; The written words of the Apostles a Gospel; The Paralipomena of Jeremiah a Gospel {4th Baruch {Written in Hebrew (Ethiopic Testament)}; The Kiss of Judas a Gospel; Christ on the Cross-between the two Malefactors a Gospel; Veronica afflicted with an Issue of Blood a Gospel; The Marriage in Cana in Galilee a Gospel; The Secret Book of James an Apocryphon; The Burial of Christ a Gospel; Christ bearing his Cross-to Golgotha followed by holy women (Gospel); Mary supporting the Dead Christ on her knees (Gospel); The Secret Gospel (of Mark); The Resurrection of Christ, Jesus a Gospel; The Interment of Christ, Jesus a Gospel; The Gospel of Infancy; Romans 9:33; 1st Corinthians 10:4; 1st Peter 2:8; The Acts of Peter of the Leucian; The Secondary partial of the Gospel of Andrew of the Leucian; The Acts of Peter & Paul of the Leucian; The Naassene Fragment a Gospel; The Infancy Gospel of Thomas; The Gospel of Truth; The Acts of Xanthippe (Polyxena and Rebecca {Paul, Peter & Andrew}); 4th Peter (Apocalypse) a Revelation; 5th Peter (Apocalypse) a Revelation; The Papyrus 45: a Gospel (1st Chester Beatty, Gospels (Caesarean) Acts (Alexandrian): Mt20: 24-32; 21: 13-19; 25: 41-26:39; Mk4: 36-40; 5: 1526,38-6:3,16-25,36-50; 7: 3-15 ,25-8:1, 10-26, 34-9:9,18-31; 11: 27-12:1,5-8,13-19,24-28; Lk6: 3141,45-7:7; 9: 26 -41,45-10:1,6-22,26-11:1,6-25, 28-46, 50-12:12,18-37,42-13:1,6-24,29-14:10,1733; Jn10: 7-25,30-11:10,18-36,42-57; Ac4: 27-36; 5:10-21,30-39;6: 7-7:2,10-21,32-41,52-8:1, 14-


25,34-9:6,16-27,35-10:2,10-23,31-41; 11: 2-14, 24-12:5,13-22; 13: 6-16,25-36,46-14:3,15-23; 15:27,19-27,38-16:4,15-21,32-40; 17: 9-17); The Acts of Peter and the Twelve; Peter to James & its Reception (Epistle); The Gospel of Eve; 2nd Titus (Epistles); 3rd Irenaeus (Epistles); The Magnesians an interesting Report of the Word; The Gospel of the Twelve; The Papyrus 72: a Report {Bodmer 5-11+, pub. 1959 "Alexandrian" text-type: Nativity of Mary; 3Cor; Odes of Solomon 11; Jude 1-25; Melito's Homily on Passover; Hymn fragment; Apology of Phileas; Ps33, 34; 1Pt1:15:14; 2Pt1:1-3:18; The Gospel of the Seventy

he commanded his disciples and Apostles, that they should tell no one

that he was the Christ, Jesus the Son of God (Matthew 16:13-20; Mark 8:27-30; Luke 9:18-21). 37By the word "rock" the Savior cannot have meant Himself, but only Peter, as is so much more apparent in Aramaic in which the same word (Kipha) is used for "Peter" and "rock".

statement then admits of but one explanation, namely, that He wishes to

make Peter the head of the whole community of those who believed in Him as the true Messias; that through this foundation (Peter) the Kingdom of Christ would be unconquerable; that the spiritual guidance of the faithful was placed in the hands of Peter, as the special representative of the Lord. 39This meaning becomes so much the clearer when we remember that the words "bind" and "loose" are not metaphorical, but Jewish juridical 157 terms. It is also clear that the position of Peter among the other Apostles and in the Christian Community was the basis for the Kingdom of God on Earth, that is, the True Church of Christ.

The term juridical (joo rid I kel, joo-) {Latin juridicus < jus (gen. juris), law + dicere, to point out, declare (see DICTION) + -AL} the palace of a sovereign; a person or persons appointed to try law cases; must be considered in this phrase as important. Since we know that Christ, Jesus was a Pharisee and a Senior Professor of the Faith in all of Israel. Thus the use of this term is case specific and located for the knowledge of the truth we must all face. Christ, Jesus was a Mentor and Lord for all the Apostles and especial for the crafting of Peters future position as Senior of the Call



Himself personally installed Peter as Head or leader of all the

Disciples, Lay Persons and Apostles. This foundation created for the Church by its Founder could not disappear with the person of Peter, but was intended to continue and did continue in the Primacy 158 of the Church and its bishops (points taken).

intended by the Lord, it must have continued its existence and

development in a form appropriate to the ecclesiastical organism, just as the office of the Twelve continued in an appropriate form. 42Objections have been raised against the genuineness of the wording of the passage, but the unanimous testimony of the manuscripts, the parallel passages in the other Gospels, and the fixed belief of preConstantine literature furnish the surest proofs of the genuineness and nontampered state of the text of Mark. 43In spite of his firm faith in the Lord, Peter had so far no clear knowledge of the mission and work of the Savior. 44The sufferings of Christ especially, as contradictory to his worldly conception of the Messias, were inconceivable to him, and his erroneous conception occasionally elicited a sharp reproof from the Lord (Matthew 16:21-23, Mark 8:31-33).

irresolute character, which continued notwithstanding his

enthusiastic fidelity to his Liege and Lord, was clearly revealed in connection with the Passion of Christ. The Savior had already told him that Satan had desired him that he might sift him as wheat. But that the Lord had prayed for him that his faith fail not, and, being once converted, he confirms his brethren (Luke 22:31-32). 46Peter's assurance that he was ready to accompany his Messiah to prison and to death, elicited the Lords prediction that Peter should deny Him (Matthew 26:30-35; Mark 14:26-31; Luke 22:31-34; John 13:33-38).

Thus primacy (pri me se) {ME primacie < MFr < ML primatia < LL primas} The state of being first in time, order, rank, etc. (B) the rank, office, or authority of a primate



the Lord proceeded to wash the feet of His disciples before the Last

Supper with Christ, and came first to Peter, the latter at first protested, but, on the Lords declaring that otherwise he should have no part with Him, immediately said: "Lord, not only my feet, but also my hands and my head" (John 13:1-10). 48In the Garden of Gethsemane Peter had to submit to the Savior reproach that he had slept like the others, while his Master suffered deadly anguish (Mark 14:37). At the seizing of the Lord Christ, Peter in an outburst of anger wished to defend his Liege by force, but was forbidden to do so.

at first took to flight with the other 10 (John 18:10-11; Matthew 26:56);

then turning he followed his captured Lord to the courtyard of Sanhedrin, and there denied the Lord asserting explicitly and swearing that he knew Him not (Matthew 26:58-75; Mark 14:54-72; Luke 22:54-62; John 18:15-27). 50This denial was of course due, not to a lapse of interior faith in the Lord but to exterior fear and cowardice. His sorrow was thus so much the greater, when, after his Liege had turned His gaze towards him, he clearly recognized what he had done.

spite of this weakness, his position as head of the remaining Eleven was

later confirmed by the Lord and his precedence was not less conspicuous after the Factual Resurrection than before. The women, who were the first to find the Lords Tomb empty, received from the Guardian Angel a special message for Peter (Mark 16:7). 52To him alone of the Apostles did the Lord Christ, Jesus appear on the first day after the Factual Resurrection (Luke 24:34; 1st Corinthians 15:5). But, most important of all, when He appeared at the Lake of Genesareth, the Lord renewed to Peter his special commission to feed and defend His flock, after Peter had thrice affirmed his special love for his Liege (John 21, 15-17).



conclusion the Lord foretold the violent death Peter would have to suffer,

and thus invited him to follow Him in a special manner (ibid, 20-23). Thus was Peter called and trained for the Functional Apostleship and clothed with the primacy of the Eleven, which he exercised in a most unequivocal manner after the Ascension of the Lord. We as Traditionalist can do no more than this leader of our Faith.
The Testament of Abraham of the Pseudepigrapha; The Apocalypse of Abraham of the Pseudepigrapha; The Apocalypse of Moses of the Pseudepigrapha by Moses; The Pseudo-Philo of the Pseudepigrapha; The Writings of the Passion Narrative (Gospel); Christ as a Gardener appearing to Mary Magdalene (Gospel); Christ, Jesus ascending unto Heaven with Two Angels (Gospel); The Pistis Sophia an Epistle; Christ, Jesus in the Preatorium and Mocked (Gospel); Christ, Jesus descent into Hell (Gospel); Ur-Mark; The Gospel according to the Hebrews; The Book of Quelle; The Wisdom of Christ (Sophia of Christ Jesus or Sophia Jesu Christi); The Papyrus Oxyrhynchus a Report (1224 fragments); The Gospel of Thomas; The Apocryphon of John {Revelation (Secret Gospel of John)}; The Gospel of Cerinthus; The Gospel of Appelles; The Gospel of Bardesannes; The Gospel of Mani; The Gospel of Mary Magdalene; Gospel of Peter; The Gospel according to the Nazarenes; The Gospel of Signs; The Gospel according to Nicodemus; The Gospel of Egerton 1st; The Toledoth Yeshu a Text (Yeshu means Christ Jesus); The Secret Gospel of Mark; The Egerton 2nd Gospel; The 36 fragments of Gospel of the Nazarenes in Aramaic; The Gospel according to Philip; The Terentius Maximus of Parthia a Report; Gospel of Judas; Apocalypse of Baruch a Revelation {2nd Baruch (Syriac) 3rd Baruch (Greek) {Peshitta}; The Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs a Revelation; The Secret Book of James an Apocryphon; The Apocalypse of Stephen a Revelation; The Apocalypse of Thomas a Revelation; The 1st Apocalypse of James a Revelation; The 2nd Apocalypse of James a Revelation; The 4th Peter (Apocalypse) a Revelation; The 5th Peter (Apocalypse) a Revelation; The First thought in 3 forms (Apocalypse / Revelation); The Hymn of the Pearl an Apocalypse; The Origin of the World an Apocalypse; The Paul (Apocalypse) his version of Revelation; The Papyrus 72: a Report {Bodmer 5-11+, pub. 1959 "Alexandrian" text-type: Nativity of Mary; 3rd Corinthians; Odes of Solomon 11; Jude 1-25; Melito's Homily on Passover; Hymn fragment; Apology of Phileas; Ps33, 34; 1Pt1:1-5:14; 2Pt1:1-3:18}; The Papyrus Chester Beatty: a Report {R962: Gn8:13-9:2,24:13-46:33 253 Enoch91-105; #7: I8:1819:13,38:14 -45:5,54:1= 60:22; #8: Jr4:30-5:24; #10: Dn1- 12:13(+Add), Bel4-39,Sus5end,Esther1:1a-8:6 (+Add)}; The 5th John (Apocalypse) an extended version of Revelation; The Papyrus 47: a Report {3rd Chester Beatty, ~Sinaiticus; 2 Rv9: 10-11:3,5-16:15,17-17:2}; 1st


Tertullian an Epistles; 2nd Tertullian an Epistles; 1st Ignatius an Epistles; 2nd Ignatius an Epistles; 3rd Ignatius an Epistles; 1st Polycarp an Epistles; 2nd Polycarp an Epistles; 3rd Polycarp an Epistle (Letters of Philippians 3rd)

Trust in the Lord leads to joy in all planes of life


Chapter Dispositional Annotations Thus the patriarchal (pa tre ar kel) of or having to do with a patriarch or patriarchy: now often used with reference to a society, institution, etc. regarded as being under the repressive domination of men with its root of patriarch (pa tre ark) {ME patriarche < OFr < LL (Ec) patriarcha < Greek (Ec) patriarchcs (translate of Hebrew roshe-avot) < Greek patria, family < patcr, FATHER + -archcs < archein, to rule} (A) the father and ruler of a family or tribe, as one of the founders of the ancient Hebrew families: in the Bible, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Jacob's twelve sons were patriarchs (B) a person regarded as the founder or father of a colony, religion, business, etc. (C) a man of great age and dignity (D) the oldest individual of a class or group [often P-] a) a bishop in the early Christian Church, esp. a bishop of Rome, Constantinople, Alexandria, Antioch, or Jerusalem b) R.C.Ch. the pope (Patriarch of the West), or any of certain bishops ranking immediately after him, as the bishops of Constantinople, Alexandria, Antioch, and Jerusalem c) Eastern Orthodox Ch. the highest-ranking bishop at Constantinople, Alexandria, Antioch, Jerusalem, Moscow, Bucharest, etc. d) the jurisdictional head of any of certain other churches, as the Coptic, Nestorian, Armenian, etc. e) Mormon Ch. a high-ranking member of the Melchizedek priesthood} foundation of this faith is secured firmly on the Message, Hope and writings of Peter. Thus we look at the factual meaning of Apostle (e pas el) {ME < OE apostol < LL (Ec) apostolus < Greek apostolos, person sent forth < apostellein < apo-, from + stellein, to send} (A) a person sent out on a special mission (B) [usually A-] any of the twelve disciples sent out by Christ to teach the gospel: originally, Andrew, Bartholomew, James (the younger, son of Alphaeus), James (the elder) and John


(sons of Zebedee), Jude (or Lebbaeus or Thaddaeus), Judas Iscariot, Matthew (or Levi), Philip, Simon the Canaanite, Simon (called Peter), and Thomas (or Didymus); Paul, the Apostle to the Gentiles, was not among the original twelve; Judas was replaced by Matthias (C) the first Christian missionary in a place (D) any of a group of early Christian missionaries (E) an early advocate or leader of a new principle or movement, esp. one aimed at reform (F) any of the twelve administrative officials of the Mormon Church. The title of Bishop (bish ep) {ME < OE bisceop < LL episcopus, an overseer (in LL (Ec), bishop) < Greek episkopos, overseer (in N.T., bishop) < epi-, upon + skopos < skopein, to look} (A) a high-ranking member of the Christian clergy having authority, variously, over other clergy and usually supervising a diocese or church district (B) Mormon Ch. a lay church officer who presides over a ward} for Peter is the correct and proper form for his station and power on this small out of the way world. However, be careful that you do not read more into his Love, Position and Power he is just a man in whom the Lord placed a burden. Understanding this will lead you to the course of truth in your own heart and the factual knowledge of the love of the Lord thy God. The miracle (mir e kel) {OFr < Latin miraculum, a strange thing, in LL (Ec), miracle < mirari, to wonder at < mirus, wonderful < IE base *(s) mei-} (A) an event or action that apparently contradicts known scientific laws and is hence thought to be due to supernatural causes, esp. to an act of God (B) a remarkable event or thing; marvel (C) a wonderful example} worker of the person by the Will of God is known. He understood the limits of the touch and used it wisely.


Apostles and posts

Name Post

Phillip Bartholomew Matthew Thomas James (Lesser) John the Baptist Peter (Rock) Andrew James (Greater) John (Beloved) Simon Jude Judas Matthias Saul / Paul James (Jesus Brother)

Archbishop of Basra Archbishop of Armenia Deputy Desposynoi of Jerusalem Archbishop of Syria Deputy Desposynoi of Jerusalem Bishop of the Jordan Archbishop of Antioch Archbishop of Scythia Deputy Desposynoi of Judea Archbishop of Ephesus Archbishop of Persia Archbishop of Qum Bishop of Kerioth Deputy Desposynoi of Galilee Bishop of Rome Senior Desposynoi of Jerusalem

Senior Desposynoi of Jerusalem Mother Church after James Simeon (Jesus Cousin) -> Justus 1st -> Zaccheus -> Tobias -> Benjamin -> John 3rd -> Mathias 2nd -> Philip 2nd -> Seneca -> Justus 2nd -> Levi -> Ephrem -> Joseph -> Jude 2nd (the end of the Hebrew line of the Church) -> Mark (the first Priest of the Gentile Church of Jerusalem)


Thus we must look at the form of word Church (church) {ME chirche, kirke < OE cirice (& ON kirkja < OE) < Gmc kirika < Latin Greek (Ec) kyrikc < Greek kyriakc (oikia), Lord's (house) < kyriakos, belonging to the Lord < kyrios, ruler < kyros, supreme power < IE base aeu-, a swelling, to be strong, hero} (A) a building set apart or consecrated for public worship, esp. one for Christian worship (B) religious service or public worship, esp. among Christians (C) [usually C-] a) all Christians considered as a single body b) a particular sect or denomination of Christians (D) the ecclesiastical government of a particular religious group, or its power, as opposed to secular government (E) the profession of the clergy; clerical profession (F) a group of worshipers; congregation (G) having to do with organized Christian worship} means the people of the faith. Thus we look at the words of savior (sav yer) {ME sauveour < OFr < LL salvator, one who saves (< Latin salvare, to save), in LL (Ec), the Savior, Jesus, translate of Greek (Ec) sbtcr}(A) a person who saves: (vi. 2 & 5) (B) [S-] God (C) [S-] Jesus Christ (D) saved, saving 1. to rescue or preserve from harm, danger, injury, etc.; make or keep safe 2. to keep in health and well being: now only in certain formulas 3. to preserve for future use; lay by: often with up 4. to prevent or guard against loss or waste of 5. to avoid, prevent, lessen, or guard against 6. to treat or use carefully in order to preserve, lessen wear, etc. 7. Computer. To copy (data, a file, etc.) from random-access memory to a disk, tape, etc. for storage 8.Theoogically to deliver from sin and its penalties 9. To avoid expense, loss, waste, etc.; be economical 10. To keep something or someone from danger, harm, etc. 11. To put by money or goods; hoard: often with up 12. To keep; last} which is to mean the Lord thy God Christ, Jesus.


The current spelling of Messiah (me si e) {used by the Geneva translators (1560) for LL (Ec) Messias & ME Messie, both (ME via OFr < LL) < Greek (Ec) Messias < Aram myshjSa, Hebrew mashjaS, lit. anointed} (A) Judaism the promised and expected deliverer of the Jews, who will bring an era of peace and justice (B) Christianity Jesus, regarded as the realization of the prophecy that the Messiah would come, and hence called the Christ(C) [m-] any expected savior or liberator of a people or country Also, for senses 1 & 2, Messiah in this term is explained as the New Crafter of the Truth of the Lord thy God. The word of zeal (zel) {ME zele < LL (Ec) zelus, zeal, emulation < Greek zclos, zeal, ardor < IE base *ya-, to be excited, praise > OSlav jaru, furious} (A) intense enthusiasm, as in working for a cause; ardent endeavor or devotion; ardor; fervor (B) a strong passion (pash en) {OFr < LL (Ec) passio, a suffering, esp. that of Christ (< Latin passus, pp. of pati, to endure < IE base *pc-, to harm > Greek pcma, destruction, Latin paene, scarcely): translate of Greek pathos:} (C) [Archaic] suffering or agony, as of a martyr b) [Now Rare] an account of this (D) [P-] a) the sufferings of Jesus, beginning with his agony in the garden of Gethsemane and continuing to his death on the Cross b) any of the Gospel narratives of Jesus' Passion and of accompanying events c) an artistic work, as an oratorio or a play, based on these narratives (E) a) any one of the emotions, as hate, grief, love, fear, joy, etc. b) [pl.] all such emotions collectively (F) extreme, compelling emotion; intense emotional drive or excitement; specific, a) great anger; rage; fury b) enthusiasm or fondness a passion for music" c) strong love or affection d) sexual drive or desire; lust (G) the object of any strong desire or fondness (H) passion usually implies a strong emotion that has an overpowering or compelling effect [his passions overcame his reason]; fervor and ardor both imply emotion of burning intensity, fervor suggesting a constant glow of feeling [religious fervor], and ardor, a restless, flame like emotion [the ardors

of youth]; enthusiasm implies strongly favorable feelings for an object or cause and usually suggests eagerness in the pursuit of something [her enthusiasm for golf]; zeal implies intense enthusiasm for an object or cause, usually as displayed in vigorous and untiring activity in its support [a zeal for reform]} is used to show is overwhelming love for the Lord and that it sometimes took control of his better judgment. The term juridical (joo rid I kel) {Latin juridicus < jus (gen. juris), law) + dicere, to point out, declare (see DICTION) + -AL} of judicial proceedings, jurisprudence, law or court (kort) {OFr < VL curtis < Latin cohors (gen. cohortis), enclosed place} (A) a) an uncovered space wholly or partly surrounded by buildings or walls; courtyard b) a special section or area of a building, as a museum, somewhat like such a space but roofed, as with a skylight (B) a short street, often closed at one end (C) a) a specially prepared space, usually quadrangular and often enclosed and roofed, for playing any of several games, as basketball, handball, tennis, or squash b) any of the divisions of such a space (D) a mansion or manor with a large, uncovered entrance area: now used only in proper names (E) a motel: in full motor court (F) a) the palace of a sovereign b) the family, advisors, and attendants of a sovereign, considered as a group c) a sovereign together with councilors, ministers, etc. as a governing body d) any formal gathering, reception, etc. held by a sovereign (G) respectful or flattering attention paid to someone in order to get something (H) a) a person or persons appointed to try law cases, make investigations, etc.; judge or judges; law court b) a building or hall where trials are held, official investigations made, etc. c) a judicial assembly, whether civil, ecclesiastical, or military; also, a regular session of such an assembly} must be considered in this phrase as important. Since we know that Christ, Jesus was a Pharisee and a Senior Professor of the Faith in all of Israel. Thus the use of this term is case specific and located for the knowledge of the truth

we must all face. Christ, Jesus was a Mentor and Lord for all the Apostles and especial for the crafting of Peters future position as Senior of the Call. Thus primacy (pri me se) {ME primacie < MFr < ML primatia < LL primas} (A) The state of being first in time, order, rank, etc. (B) the rank, office, or authority of a primate.


The Omega Dawn

The Foundations of Traditionalist Theology One

Chapter Fourteen



Appendixes References A. Theological Research of Christian References

American Bible Society Good News Bible NIV With the Deuterocanonicals and Apocrypha Publisher: American Bible Society No ISBN or LOCCCN Anderson, Kenneth Where to Find it in the Bible Publisher: Nelson ISBN: 0785250034 Arnold, Bill T.; Beyer Bryan E. Encountering the Old Testament Publisher: Baker Book House ISBN: 0801021766 Arrington, Leonard J Adventures of a Church Historian Publisher: University of Illinois Press ISBN: 0252023811 Bettenson, Henry Documents of the Christian Church 3rd Edition Publisher: Oxford University Press ISBN: 0192880713


Bingham, D Jeffrey Pocket History of the Church Publisher: Inter Varsity Press ISBN: 0830827013 Blakely, Colin Great Christian Thinkers: A Beginner's Guide to Over 70 Leading Theologians Through the Ages Publisher: Hendrickson ISBN: 1565635817 Boice, James Montgomery The Minor Prophets Volume One Hosea Jonah Publisher: Baker Book House ISBN: 0801012325 Boice, James Montgomery The Minor Prophets Volume Two Micah Malachi Publisher: Baker Book House ISBN: 0801012333 Boys, Mary C Has God Only One Blessing? Judaism as a Source of Christian Self-Understanding Publisher: Paulist Press ISBN: 0809139316


Bradley, James E; R Muller Church History: An Introduction to Research, Reference Works and Method Publisher: Wm B Eerdmans Publishing Co ISBN: 0802808263 Bradshaw, Paul F; L A Hoffman Making of Jewish and Christian Worship Publisher: University of Notre Dame Press ISBN: 0268012083 Bradshaw, Paul F Ordination Rites of the Ancient Churches of East and West Publisher: Liturgical Press ISBN: 0814660088 Bray, Gerald Biblical Interpretation: Past and Present Publisher: Inter Varsity Press ISBN: 0830815651 Brown, Colin Christianity and Western Thought Volume 1 Publisher: Inter Varsity Press ISBN: 0830817522 Brown, Harold O J Heresies: Heresy and Orthodoxy in the History of the Church Publisher: Hendrickson ISBN: 1565633652


Bruce, F. F. Spreading Flame: The Rise and Progress of Christianity from Its First Beginnings to the Conversion of the English Publisher: Wipf and Stock ISBN: 1592446221 Brunsden, Denys World Reference Atlas Publisher: Covent Garden Books ISBN: 0756604818 Bucher, Richard The Ecumenical Luther Publisher: Concordia Academic Press ISBN: 0758603258 Cairns, Earle E Christianity Through the Centuries Publisher: Zondervan ISBN: 0310208122 Chidester, David Christianity: A Global History Publisher: Harper Collins Publishers ISBN: 0062517082 Comby, Jean How to Read Church History, Volume 1: From the Beginnings to the 15th Century Publisher: Crossroad Publishing


ISBN: 0824507223 Comby, Jean How to Read Church History, Volume 2: From the Reformation to the Present Publisher: Crossroad Publishing ISBN: 0824509080 Cozens, M L Handbook of Heresies Publisher: Continuum International ISBN: 0722074271 Crook, John Architectural Setting of the Cult of Saints in the Early Christian West c 300-1200 Publisher: Oxford University Press ISBN: 0198207948 Cross, F L; E A Livingstone Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church, 3rd Rev Edition Publisher: Oxford University Press ISBN: 019211655X Davies, J G New Westminster Dictionary of Liturgy and Worship Publisher: Westminster John Knox ISBN: 0664212700 Douglas, J D


New International Dictionary of the Christian Church Publisher: Zondervan ISBN: 0310238307 Dulles SJ, Avery Catholicity of the Church Publisher: Oxford University Press ISBN: 0198266952 Dwyer, John Church History: Twenty Centuries of Catholic Christianity, Rev and Updated Publisher: Paulist Press ISBN: 0809138301 Edwards, David L Christianity: The First Two Thousand Years Publisher: Orbis Books ISBN: 1570752842 Erickson, Millard J. Christian Theology 2nd Edition Publisher: Baker Book House Company ISBN: 0801021820 Erickson, Millard J. Introducing Christian Doctrine Publisher: Baker Academic ISBN: 0801022509 Fahlbusch, Erwin; J M Lochman, J Mbiti, J Pelikan, L Vischer, G W Bromiley


Encyclopedia of Christianity, Volume 1 (A-D) Publisher: Wm B Eerdmans Publishing Co ISBN: 0802824137 Fahlbusch, Erwin; J M Lochman, J Mbiti, J Pelikan, L Vischer, G W Bromiley Encyclopedia of Christianity, Volume 2 (E-I) Publisher: Wm B Eerdmans Publishing Co ISBN: 0802824145

Fortescue, Adrian Eastern Churches Trilogy (3 Volumes) Publisher: Gorgias Press ISBN: 0971598622 Geisler, Norman L. A Popular Survey of the Old Testament Publisher: Baker Book House ISBN: 0801036844 Gonzalez, Justo L History Christian Thought, Volume 1: From the Beginnings to the Council of Chalcedon Publisher: Abingdon Press ISBN: 0687171822 Gonzalez, Justo L History Christian Thought, Volume 2: From Augustine to the Eve of the Reformation Publisher: Abingdon Press


ISBN: 0687171830 Gonzalez, Justo L History of Christian Thought, 3 Volume Set Publisher: Abingdon Press ISBN: 0687171857 Gonzalez, Justo L History of Christian Thought, Volume 3: From the Protestant Reformation to the 20th Century Publisher: Abingdon Press ISBN: 0687171849 Gonzalez, Justo L Story of Christianity, Volume 1: The Early Church to the Reformation Publisher: Harper Collins Publishers ISBN: 0060633158 Gonzalez, Justo L Story of Christianity, Volume 2: The Reformation to the Present Day Publisher: Harper Collins Publishers ISBN: 0060633166 Gramercy Lost Books of the Bible Publisher: Crown ISBN: 0517277956 Grudem, Wayne Systematic Theology


Publisher: Zondervan ISBN: 0310286700 Gundry, Robert H. A survey of the New Testament 4th Edition Publisher: Zondervan ISBN: 0310238250 Guthrie, Donald New Testament Introduction Publisher: Inter Varsity Press ISBN: 0877849536 Hanson, R P C Allegory and Event: A Study of the Sources and Significance of Origen's Interpretation of Scripture Publisher: Westminster John Knox ISBN: 066422444X Hastings, Adrian; A Mason, H Pyper Christian Thought: A Brief History Publisher: Oxford University Press ISBN: 0192802801 Hayford, Jack Pursuing The Will of God Publisher: Multnomah Publishers, Inc. ISBN: 1576730794 Hayford, Jack Living The Spirit-filled Life: Personal Discovery


for Spirit-Changed Living Publisher: Thomas Nelson ISBN: 0785249389 International Bible Society The Bible KJV Publisher: International Bible Society LOCCCN: 9540000 International Bible Society The Bible KJV Publisher: International Bible Society LOCCCN: 9570000 Johnstone, Ron Religion in Society Publisher: Prentice Hall ISBN: 0137730772 Kamil, Jill Christianity in the Land of the Pharaohs: The Coptic Orthodox Church Publisher: Routledge/Taylor & Francis ISBN: 0415242533 Kung, Hans Catholic Church: A Short History Publisher: Random House, Inc ISBN: 0679640924 Lang, Bernhard


Sacred Games: A History of Christian Worship Publisher: Yale University Press ISBN: 0300069324 Livingstone, E A; (ed) Concise Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church (2nd ed) Publisher: Oxford University Press ISBN: 0192800574 Lundin, Roger; Walhout, Clarence; Thiselton, Anthony The Promise of Hermeneutics Publisher: William B. Eerbmans ISBN: 0853649006 Maier, Gerhard Biblical Hermeneutics Publisher: Crossway Books ISBN: 0891077677 Maston, T.B. Biblical Ethics Publisher: Mercer University Press ISBN: 0865543127 Mazza, Enrico Celebration of the Eucharist: The Origin of the Rite and the Development of Its Interpretation Publisher: Liturgical Press ISBN: 081466170X


McGonigle, Thomas D; J F Quigley History of the Christian Tradition, Volume 1: From Its Jewish Origins to the Reformation Publisher: Paulist Press ISBN: 0809129647 McGrath, Alister E Introduction to Christianity Publisher: Blackwell ISBN: 0631201963 Nichols, Aidan Grammar of Consent: The Existence of God in Christian Tradition Publisher: University of Notre Dame Press ISBN: 0268010269 Nock, Arthur Darby Conversion: The Old and the New in Religion from Alexander the Great to Augustine of Hippo Publisher: Johns Hopkins University Press ISBN: 0801859107 O'Collins S.J., Gerald; M Farrugia Catholicism: The Story of Catholic Christianity Publisher: Oxford University Press ISBN: 019925995X O'Grady, John F Roman Catholic Church: Its Origin and Nature Publisher: Paulist Press


ISBN: 0809137402 Peterson, Susan Lynn Timeline Charts of the Western Church Publisher: Zondervan ISBN: 0310223539 Porter, JR The Illustrated Guide to the Bible Publisher: Oxford ISBN: 0195211596 Prince The CBD Parallel Bible Publisher: Prince Press ISBN: 1565638530 Rasmussen, Carl G. NIV Atlas of the Bible Publisher: Zondervan ISBN: 0310251605 Sawyer, John F A Fifth Gospel: Isaiah in the History of Christianity Publisher: Cambridge University Press ISBN: 0521440076 Schuller, David; Strommen, Merton; Brekke, Milo Ministry in America Publisher: Harper and Row ISBN: 006068821X


Sheldon, Henry C History of the Christian Church 5 Vols Publisher: Hendrickson ISBN: 0943575001 Smith, James S. The Major Prophets Publisher: College Press ISBN: 0899004172 Steimer, Bruno; M Parker Dictionary of Popes and the Papacy: A Concise Encyclopedia of Theology and Church Publisher: Crossroad Publishing ISBN: 0824519183 Strong, James Strongs Concise Concordance of the Bible Publisher: Thomas Nelson ISBN: 078526003X Strong, James Strongs Concise Dictionary of the Bible Publisher: Thomas Nelson ISBN: 0785245383 US News and World Report The Religious Reawakening in America Publisher: US News LOCCCN: 7288685


Vos, Howard F Exploring Church History Publisher: Thomas Nelson, Inc ISBN: 0785211446 Walsh, Michael Warriors of the Lord: The Military Orders of Christendom Publisher: Wm B Eerdmans Publishing Co ISBN: 080282109X Warren, Rick The Purpose Driven Life* (Para-Phrased and set) Publisher: Zondervan ISBN: 0310264138 White, James F Brief History of Christian Worship Publisher: Abingdon Press ISBN: 0687034140 Wright, J Edward Early History of Heaven Publisher: Oxford University Press ISBN: 019513009X


B. Appendix Fundamental Research of Hebrew Concepts of Faith

Agus, Jacob Bernard Jewish Quest: Essays on Basic Concepts of Jewish Theology Publisher: Ktav Publishing House ISBN: 0881250120 Ben-Sasson, H; (ed) History of the Jewish People Publisher: Harvard University Press ISBN: 0674397312 Buber, Martin Tales of the Hasidim Publisher: Schocken ISBN: 0805209956 Charlesworth, James H; Michael A Daise Light in a Spotless Mirror: Reflections on Wisdom Traditions in Judaism and Early Christianity Publisher: Trinity Press International ISBN: 1563383993 Cohen, Hermann Religion of Reason: Out of the Sources of Judaism Publisher: Oxford University Press ISBN: 078850102X Epstein, Isidore


Faith of Judaism Publisher: Soncino Press ISBN: 0900689137 Goodman, Martin; Jeremy Cohen, David Sorkin Oxford Handbook of Jewish Studies Publisher: Oxford University Press ISBN: 0198299966 Hecht, N S; B S Jackson, S M Passamaneck, D Piattelli Introduction to the History and Sources of Jewish Law Publisher: Oxford University Press ISBN: 0198262620 Neusner, Jacob Way of the Torah Publisher: Wadsworth ISBN: 0534169384 Stuckenbruck, Loren T Angel Veneration and Christology: A Study in Early Judaism and in the Christology of the Apocalypse of John Publisher: J C B Mohr (Paul Siebeck) ISBN: 316146303X


C. Appendix General Concepts of Spirituality

Armstrong, Karen History of God: The 4,000-Year Quest of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam Publisher: Random House, Inc ISBN: 0345384563 Bertholet, Alfred Transmigration of Souls Publisher: Wipf and Stock ISBN: 159244491X Lewis, James R; (ed) Oxford Handbook of New Religious Movements Publisher: Oxford University Press ISBN: 0195149866 Lincoln, Bruce Discourse and the Construction of Society: Comparative Studies of Myth, Ritual, and Classification Publisher: Oxford University Press ISBN: 0195079094 Moore, George Foote History of Religions Volume 1: China, Japan, Egypt, Babylonia, Assyria, India, Persia, Rome, and Greece Publisher: T & T Clark


ISBN: 0567072029 Moore, George Foote History of Religions Volume 2: Judaism, Christianity, Mohammedanism Publisher: T & T Clark ISBN: 0567072037 Nasr, Seyyed Hossein Religion and the Order of Nature Publisher: Oxford University Press ISBN: 019510823X Pals, Daniel L Seven Theories of Religion Publisher: Oxford University Press ISBN: 0195087259 Reynolds, Vernon; Ralph Tanner Social Ecology of Religion Publisher: Oxford University Press ISBN: 0195069749 Turner, Patricia; Charles Russell Coulter Dictionary of Ancient Deities Publisher: Oxford University Press ISBN: 0195145046 Wainwright, William J God, Philosophy and Academic Culture:


A Discussion between Scholars in the AAR and APA Publisher: Oxford University Press ISBN: 0788503022 Ward, Keith Religion and Community Publisher: Oxford University Press ISBN: 019875258X Wilson, Bryan Religion in Sociological Perspective Publisher: Oxford University Press ISBN: 0198266642


D. Appendix Wisdom of Science and Knowledge via Interfaith Reasoning

Americana Encyclopedia Americana US Constitution Bicentennial Commemorative Edition 30 Volume Set Publisher: Grolier ISBN: 0717201198 Bell, Catherine Ritual: Perspectives and Dimensions Publisher: Oxford University Press ISBN: 0195110528 Boslough, John Stephen Hawkins Universe Publisher: Avon Books ISBN: 0380707632 Davies, Jon; I Wollaston Sociology of Sacred Texts Publisher: Sheffield Academic Press ISBN: 1850754047 Dawkins, Richard; Wong, Yan The Ancestor's Tale: A Pilgrimage to the Dawn of Evolution Publisher: Houghton Mifflin Company ISBN: 0618005838


Earhart, H Byron Religious Traditions of the World Publisher: Harper Collins Publishers ISBN: 006062115X Eddington, Sir Authur Space, Time and Gravitation Publisher: Harper Torchbooks LOCCCN: 5913846 Eliade, Mircea; I P Couliano, H S Wiesner (eds) Essential Sacred Writings from around the World Publisher: Harper Collins Publishers ISBN: 0062503049 Gould, Stephen Jay Rocks of Ages: Science and Religion in the Fullness of Life Publisher: Random House Publishing Group ISBN: 034545040X Goldstein, Larry J.; Lay, David; Schneider, David Calculus and its applications Publisher: Prentice Hall ISBN: 0131121774 Insoll, Timothy Archaeology and World Religion Publisher: Routledge/Taylor & Francis ISBN: 0415221544


Johnston, Sarah Iles; (ed) Religions of the Ancient World: A Guide Publisher: Harvard University Press ISBN: 0674015177 Remer, Gary Humanism and the Rhetoric of Toleration Publisher: Penn State University Press ISBN: 0271014806 Ross, Hugh The Finger Print of God Publisher: Whitaker House ISBN: 0883686279 Ross, Hugh Beyond the Cosmos: The Extra-Dimensionality of God: What Recent Discoveries in Astrophysics Reveal about the Glory and Love of God Publisher: Nav Press Publishing Group ISBN: 1576831124 Ross, Hugh Origins of Life: Biblical and Evolutionary Models Face Off Publisher: Nav Press Publishing Group ISBN: 1576833445 Ross, Hugh Genesis Question: Scientific Advances and the Accuracy of Genesis Publisher: Nav Press Publishing Group


ISBN: 1576832309 Ross, Hugh Matter of Days: Resolving a Creation Controversy Publisher: Nav Press Publishing Group ISBN: 1576833755 Ross, Hugh Creator and the Cosmos: How the Greatest Scientific Discoveries of the Century Reveal God Publisher: Nav Press Publishing Group ISBN: 1576832880 Ross, Hugh Refuting Compromise: A Biblical and Scientific Refutation of Progressive Creationism (Billions of Years) Publisher: Master Books ISBN: 0890514119 Sengoopta, Chandak Evolution and Its Discontents: Darwin, Darwinism, and the Modern World (Portable Professor Series) Publisher: Barnes & Noble Books ISBN: 0760770352 Stark, Rodney One True God: Historical Consequences of Monotheism Publisher: Princeton University Press ISBN: 0691115001 Taylor, Mark C


Critical Terms for Religious Studies Publisher: University of Chicago Press ISBN: 0226791572 Ward, Peter; Brownlee. Donald Rare Earth: Why Complex Life Is Uncommon in the Universe Publisher: Springer-Verlag New York, LLC ISBN: 0387987010

Omega Dawn the final beginning


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