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Advanced Available-to-Promise (aATP)


Advanced Available-to-Promise (aATP)

Advanced Available-to-Promise (ATP) is a business function in SAP S/4HANA that provides a response to order ful llment
enquiries in Sales and Distribution (SD) and Production Planning (PP). The order ful llment enquiries consist of required
materials and plants, as well as their respective requested quantities and dates. The result of the ATP check is based on the
current stock situation and any future, anticipated or planned stock receipts and takes concurrent orders into account.
Furthermore, additional restrictions based on any other order attributes (like region or customers) can be applied. The ATP
function generates con rmation proposals for the requested material and plant, including con rmed quantities and dates.

For more information about advanced Available-to-Promise (aATP) in SAP S/4HANA, see:

Product Availability Check (PAC)

Product Allocation (PAL)

Backorder Processing (BOP)

Supply Assignment (ARun)

Product Availability Check (PAC)

You can use the product availability check to determine on which date and in which quantity a particular requirement (for
example, a sales order item) can be ful lled. The result of the product availability check is a con rmation.

Scope of check

You can control which document types and stocks (for example, sales orders and stock in transfer) are considered by the
product availability check to calculate the available quantity for the requirement (for more information, see Calculation
of Available Quantities). If a requested quantity cannot be con rmed on the requested delivery date, the system
calculates following Delivery Options. For more information on the scope of check, see Availability Check Control.


To determine the earliest con rmed date on which the requirement can be ful lled, the system performs backward and
forward scheduling, starting from the delivery date originally requested by the customer. When doing so, scheduling
considers the lead times for picking and packing, loading, and transportation that you have maintained in Customizing.
For more information, see Scheduling.

Check levels

When calculating a con rmation, the product availability check veri es if a requirement already exists and to which level
(plant, storage location and batch) it is assigned. In addition, the product availability check considers other existing
document types and stocks. For more information, see Check at Storage Location and Batch Level.

Replenishment lead time

If the requested quantity is not available yet, the product availability check uses data from in-house production or
external procurement and creates a con rmation for a date after the replenishment lead time. For more information,
see Replenishment Lead Times.

Temporary quantity assignments

During the check, the system creates temporary quantity assignments that immediately reserve the con rmed quantity.
The temporary quantity assignment prevents other product availability checks from using this quantity for competing

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requirements. For more information, see Temporary Quantity Assignments.

Delivery groups

If you are working with a delivery group (multiple items that require a single delivery date), the product availability check
calculates one common date for all requirements in the delivery group.

The following table shows the availability of individual features per application:

Features Sales and Production Logistics Execution Purchasing Goods Movements

Distribution Planning

Scope of check X X X X X

Delivery options X - - X -

Scheduling X - - X -

Check levels X X X X X

Temporary quantity X X X X X

Delivery groups X - - - -

Availability Check Control

The availability check control de nes which document types and stocks are taken into account by the product availability check,
as detailed in the following list:

The product availability check can be con gured to consider the following document types:

Purchase orders

Purchase requisitions

Dependent requirements


Sales requirements


Shipping noti cations

Dependent reservations

Release order requirements

Planned orders

Production orders

Unrestricted-use stock is always considered in the product availability check. The product availability check can be
con gured to include or exclude the following stock types:

Safety stock

Stock in transfer

Quality inspection stock

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Blocked stock

Restricted-use stock

Subcontractor stock

In addition, the availability check control is used for the following:

De ning the number of days in the future for which the system checks for missing parts during goods receipt posting in
Inventory Management

Receipts in past

Deactivating checks at storage location level

Replenishment lead times (for more information, see Replenishment Lead Times)

The product availability check supports the following two scheduling scenarios:

1. Backward scheduling

2. Forward scheduling

Backward scheduling is executed to calculate the date on which a material must be in stock to enable an on-time delivery for
the requirement. This date is calculated backwards from the requested delivery date and takes factory calendars into
consideration. First the transport time is subtracted to determine the goods issue date (the date on which the transport has to
start). The loading time is then subtracted from the goods issue date to determine the loading date (the date on which the
goods have to be ready for loading). Based on the loading date, the following two dates are calculated:

Material availability date

The material availability date is calculated by subtracting the picking and packaging time from the loading date.

Transportation planning date

The transportation planning date is calculated by subtracting the transportation planning time from the loading date.

If the material availability date or transportation planning date is in the past, the system does not con rm the requirement for
the requested delivery date. Instead, the system runs forward scheduling and determines the earliest date for which the
requirement can be con rmed. The latest material availability date and transportation planning date are calculated to keep the
material availability date as close as possible to the con rmed delivery date, as illustrated in the following gure:

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Figure 1: Backward and forward scheduling

If, for example, the transportation planning date is signi cantly earlier than the material availability date, and it is also in the
past, the system performs a new forward calculation. The system sets the earliest date to today and calculates the earliest
delivery date for the con rmation. In addition, the latest material availability date is calculated.

When you run an availability check at the time of order entry, the system checks whether a requirement (a speci c material or
product) can be ful lled by the requested delivery date. Segmentation can be used to order certain materials or products by
logically categorizing them based on speci c criteria or characteristics (for example, color or size.) If the requirement is
relevant for segmentation, you can use segmentation to assign the supply to the requirement. The assignment of the
requirements to the supply (or the supply to the requirement) is determined according to the mappings de ned for the
requirement or stock segments in Customizing. Multiple requirement segments can be assigned to a single stock segment.

See Also
For more information, see Demand and Supply Segmentation.

Temporary Quantity Assignments

During the product availability check, the system creates temporary quantity assignments that immediately reserve the
quantity for the current document. Temporary quantity assignments prevent other product availability checks from using this

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quantity for competing requirements. Temporary quantity assignments created during online processes (for example, sales
order creation) are valid for eight hours and are removed automatically by the system in the following situations:

A document is saved.

An unsaved change in a document is discarded.

A newly created document is canceled.

Temporary quantity assignments are invalidated by time-outs when technical problems prevent the process from ending as

Automatic Deletion of Temporary Quantity Assignments

If an online availability check ends unexpectedly (for example, due to a system dump), temporary quantity assignments
generated during the availability check remain in the system for the duration of their lifetime and block the material quantity in
the temporary quantity assignments from being used by other availability checks. When the next online availability check is run,
a clean up routine is called and locates all invalid temporary quantity assignments. The invalid temporary quantity assignments
are subesequently deleted.

Note that temporary quantity assignments created during availability checks involving the Release for Delivery app are not
deleted automatically and require manual deletion with report ATP_TQA_PAC_DEL_DISPLAY Deletion of TQAs from ATP
Check. If the temporary quantity assignments are not deleted manually, they will expire after the validity time frame.

Manual Deletion of Temporary Quantity Assignments

When a process after an availability check is terminated unintentionally and unexpectedly, temporary quantity assignments
generated during the availability check remain in the system for the duration of their lifetime and block the material quantity in
the temporary quantity assignments from being used by other availability checks. After their lifetime has been exceeded, the
temporary quantity assignments are deleted automatically when the next availability check is executed.

Report ATP_TQA_PAC_DEL_DISPLAY Deletion of TQAs from ATP Check can be used to delete temporary quantity
assignments. When the report is executed, all temporary quantity assignments that ful ll the selection lters will be deleted.
The following selection lters and settings can be speci ed before the report is executed:

The Check ID is the transaction ID of the terminated processes.

A user and/or a date range for the creation date of the temporary quantity assignments

A material and/or plant

A minimum and maximum validity date for the temporary quantity assignments

If the Display List ag is set before the report is executed, the system displays the temporary quantity assignments to
be deleted. They can be selected and deleted individually.

If the Display List ag is not set before the report is executed, the system only con rms the number of temporary
quantity assignments that have been deleted.

Proceed as follows to use report ATP_TQA_PAC_DEL_DISPLAY:

1. Enter the user name for the user that triggered the generation of the invalid TQAs.

2. Set the Display List ag.

3. Execute the report to display all temporary quantity assignments for the selected user.

4. Select the temporary quantity assignments which are invalid and delete them manually.
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Report ATP_TQA_PAC_DEL_DISPLAY deletes invalid temporary quantity assignments generated during availability
checks executed against product allocation as well as those invalid temporary quantity assignments generated during
availability checks without product allocation.

Using report ATP_TQA_PAC_DEL_DISPLAY may lead to the deletion of valid temporary quantity assignments. The
deletion of valid temporary quantity assignments could cause inconsistencies as the deleted temporary quantity
assignments will not reserve quantity thereby leading to an overcon rmation.

No dedicated authorization checks are executed when report ATP_TQA_PAC_DEL_DISPLAY is run. We recommend,
therefore, that the report be executed by administrators only and that access to the report is not provided to all end

Check at Storage Location and Batch Level

Materials can be stored in different storage locations of a particular plant and/or produced in batches. A requirement can be
assigned to a speci c storage location and/or batch.

The system always checks availability for a requirement at plant level. If the requirement is assigned to a storage location
and/or batch, the requirement is checked on these levels also.

Storage location checks can be disabled in customizing. For more information, see Availability Check Control.

Replenishment Lead Times

The replenishment lead time is the duration in working days sufficient to procure or produce any (reasonable) quantity of a
material. Any requirement with a material availability date after the replenishment lead time can be con rmed as there is
enough time to produce or procure it, even if it is not currently available. The replenishment lead time is considered in the
product availability check and can be disabled in the availability check control.

The replenishment lead time depends on data maintained in the material master, as follows:

For materials procured externally, the replenishment lead time equals the processing time required by the purchasing
department plus the planned delivery time and goods receipt processing time, as de ned in the material master.

For materials produced in-house, there are different ways to determine the replenishment lead time, depending on
settings in the material master, as detailed as follows:

1. If the total replenishment lead time is maintained in the material master, it is used as the replenishment lead
time in the product availability check.

2. If the total replenishment lead time is not maintained in the material master, the in-house production time plus
the goods receipt processing time is used as replenishment lead time in the availability check.

3. If the total replenishment lead time is not maintained for certain material types (for example, nished goods), the
lot-size-dependent in-house production time is used. When this happens, the replenishment lead time equals the
setup time plus interoperation time and processing time.

Calculation of Available Quantities

To determine which quantities are available for a requirement, the system calculates the cumulated available quantity by
adding stocks and receipts and subtracting requirements on their respective dates, as follows:

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If the cumulated available quantity up to the material availability date is greater than or equal to the requested quantity,
the requirement is con rmed on time.

If the cumulated available quantity up to the material availability date is less than the requested quantity, available
quantities from later dates are consumed as well. The requirement is con rmed on multiples dates as soon as the
required quantities become available, for example:


Con rmation on multiple dates

Requested quantity: 50

Requested material availability date: Monday

Day: Cumulated available


Monday 0

Tuesday 36 (+36)

Wednesday 48 (+12)

Thursday 72 (+24)

Con rmed quantities:

Day: Con rmed


Monday 0

Tuesday 36

Wednesday 12

Thursday 2

High-Running Materials in the Product

Availability Check
When product availability checks are executed for orders containing more than twenty schedule lines, high-running materials
are separated from the group product availability check. This means that a group product availability check is executed for all
materials other than the high-running materials. While the group check is running, the system does not lock the high-running
materials. When the group check has completed, high-running materials are locked and checked in a separate product availbility

This approach ensures that the lock durations for high-running materials are reduced. The approach means, however, that
exclusive locks are still required for high-running materials and the overall time required for a product availability may be
slightly longer.

Related Information
Handling High-Running Materials

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Handling High-Running Materials

During an availability check, materials are blocked by an exclusive lock to ensure the consistency of the availability situation.
Parallel checks cannot process the same material simultaneously. In normal scenarios, these lock times are short enough to
prevent parallel orders being negatively impacted by locking issues. In some scenarios, however, longer lock times may lead to
serious problems: this is often the case with products that are ordered frequently and which are part of almost every incoming
sales order. If, in addition, the sales orders consist of many items for which an availability group check is performed, materials
are locked exclusively for a relatively long time, meaning that for the high-running products, parallel orders frequently block one

To alleviate this situation, the system identi es high-running materials automatically when locking issues occur frequently. The
identi cation is handled as follows:

1. Instances of failed locks (when an availability check cannot be executed due to material locks) are detected and logged in
the background.

2. If the number of failed locks for a single material-plant combination exceeds a threshold value of ten, the material is
identi ed and agged as a high-running material for a de ned period of time. After that period, the high-running material
expires and is no longer handled as a high-running material.

3. The expiry date for high-running materials is determined based on the number of times a material has been identi ed as
a high-running material previously:

Occurrence: Duration:

First 7 days

Second, third, fourth 28 days

Fifth 180 days

Related Information

Delivery Options
If the quantity ordered by the customer is only partly available on the requested date, the product availability check can create
different options for con rming the requirement:

One-time delivery on the requested delivery date

The product availability check determines how much required quantity can be delivered on the requested material
availability date. All possible deliveries with a later delivery date are ignored.

Complete delivery

The product availability check determines the earliest date on which the entire requirement can be delivered in one
single delivery.

Delivery proposal

The product availability check determines multiple partial deliveries until the requested quantity is reached.

For more information on default settings for selecting delivery options, see Customizing under Sales and Distribution Basic
Functions Availability Check and Transfer of Requirements Availability Check Availability Check with ATP Logic or Against

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Planning De ne Default Settings .

Performance Buffers for aATP in SAP

aATP aggregates data on-the- y during the product availability check. For customers with extremely high data volume in
database tables VBBE and RESB, pre-aggregating the content of the two database tables may shorten the run-time and
database load during product availability checks.

aATP offers four administrative reports for enabling your system to interact with SAP liveCache. SAP liveCache must be active
in your system before any of the reports can be used. For information about activating SAP liveCache, see 2407589 .

Report Report Purpose:

ATP_SET_LIVE_CACHE_STATUS You can use this report to activate performance buffers for aATP in
SAP liveCache. The reports detailed below do not trigger any action
if SAP liveCache is set to manually inactive.

ATP_FIND_MATERIALS_4_LIVECACHE You can use this report to calculate the total and average amount of
data for each material-plant combination in tables VBBE and RESB
during a de ned time interval. If the number of entries exceeds a
de ned threshold, the relevant material-plant combination is
agged as relevant for buffering in SAP liveCache.

ATP_UPDATE_LIVECACHE_CONTENT You can use this report for multiple purposes:

The report checks if the time series in SAP liveCache

matches the time series as computed from the data in the
database tables. If the data does not match, the report
ags the material-plant combination as inconsistent and
creates a log entry for tracking purposes.

The report synchronizes SAP liveCache with the database

tables, thereby ensuring that all material-plant
combinations are consistent.

The report adds material-plant combinations to SAP


ATP_DELETE_LIVECACHE_CONTENT You can use this report to exclude material-plant combinations

from being being buffered in SAP liveCache. Furthermore, you can
use the report to clear any existing data entries (logs, internal
mapping tables, time series).

Advanced Product Availability Check

For documents containing large volumes of data (for example, sales orders containing many items, production orders consisting
of multiple components), you can use the advanced product availability check that is optimized for mass processing.

You have activated the advanced product availability check for the checking group to which your materials are assigned in
Customizing under Cross-Application Components Advanced Available-to-Promise (aATP) Product Availability Check (PAC)
De ne Availability Check Group .

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The features activated by the Use Advanced ATP Functions switch are not part of the standard SAP S/4HANA Enterprise
license. A dedicated license for advanced ATP is required if this switch is set to Active.

You cannot use the advanced product availability check for the following scenarios and functions:

You cannot combine the advanced product availability check with the check against planning. If you activate the
advanced product availability check and then check availability for an item when another check type is active, your
system does not check the item and creates an error message.

You cannot use the advanced product availability check if checks are run on a dedicated ATP server. If you activate the
advanced product availability check, the system does not check the item and creates an error message.

If you check availability when using catch weight management or active ingredient management, the system ignores the
inventory correction factor and does not display a message.

Product Allocation (PAL)

Being able to deliver the required quantity of a material to the customer at the requested time demands precise planning and
control mechanisms. Unpredictable problems, such as breakdowns in production or increased demand, can lead to critical
situations in order processing and must be avoided wherever possible. In advanced Available-to-Promise (aATP) inSAP
S/4HANA, product allocations enable you to avoid critical situations in demand and procurement by allocating materials in
short supply to, for example, speci c regions and customers for a speci c time period. This can help avoid the situation whereby,
for example, the entire available quantity of a material in short supply is allocated to a single customer and makes it impossible
for you to con rm subsequent sales orders for the same material from other customers.

Advanced Available-to-Promise in SAP S/4HANA offers four apps for setting up, con guring and displaying data for product
availability checks against product allocation for sales orders and stock transport orders:

App name Con gure Product Manage Product Assign Product to Manage Product
Allocation Allocation Sequences Product Allocation Allocation Planning Data

Key features
Create, edit and Create, display Assign materials Maintain
display product and edit product or material-plant characteristic
allocation allocation combinations to values and
objects. sequences. product planning
allocation allocation
De ne the period Combine product
objects. quantities for
types for product allocation
time periods.
allocation objects as De ne validity
objects. constraints for periods for any Change the
product assignments. activation status
De ne and order allocation. and constraint
the status of product
characteristics De ne allocation
for product alternative objects.
sources of

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allocation product Display the
objects. allocation by availability
creating product situation of the
Deactivate and
allocation materials in the
delete product
sequence groups product
and assigning allocation
objects and their
product objects.
Release product
objects to a
objects and their
planning data for
active usage.
Maintain the
strategy (number
of backward and
consumption unit
and allocation
factor) for
checks against

Each app contains Web Assistant documentation for key elds and concepts. To display the documentation, con gure the
settings as detailed in the User Assistance Settings section of the UI Technology Guide for SAP S/4HANA speci c to the SAP
S/4HANA product and version you are using. The UI Technology Guide is available on the SAP Help Portal. After con guration,
press F1 or the question mark symbol displayed in the app header to display the documentation while working in the app.

You have made the required Customizing settings as detailed in Customizing for Product Allocation.

Key Concepts in Product Allocation

The following concepts are of key importance for Product Allocation (PAL) in advanced Available-to-Promise (aATP):

Concept: De nition:

Characteristic catalog The characteristic catalog represents a selection of elds which are
part of the data model for sales and stock transport orders. The
characteristic catalog provides the characteristics that can be
chosen when con guring a product allocation object (for example,
sales organization, division, sold-to party).

Product allocation object The product allocation object is the main business object in the
product allocation functionality and describes the business reason
(for example, fair share, prioritized share or ranked share of a
resource in limited supply, such as stock) for using product
allocation. The product allocation object is used to specify the
product allocation schema and contains data relating to:


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Characteristic combinations and their hierarchy

Unit of measure of the planned allocation quantity

Requested date type used for availability checks against

the product allocation object

Can a collective allocation be set up manually or

automatically if it is not required to explicitly maintain
characteristic values during the maintenance of the
planning data

The product allocation object also contains planning data

consisting of the following:

The characteristic value combinations (CVCs), which are

either made up of explicitly speci ed characteristic values
or, if collective CVCs are being used, a combination of
explicit characteristic values and collective values
represented by #.

The time series which is made up of time periods with

planned allocation quantity. Each time series is assigned to
a CVC.

Product allocation sequence A product allocation sequence represents the complete set of
supply chain constraints and sales restrictions that need to be
considered during an availability check against product allocations
for a material or material-plant combination. This supply chain
constraints and sales restrictions are the minimum set of boundary
conditions that an availability check against product allocation
needs to consider in order to generate a reliable con rmation.

A product allocation sequence comprises the planning data and the

check instructions needed to execute an availability check against
product allocation. A product allocation sequence is assigned to
one or more materials or material-plant combinations whose
requirements are to undergo an availability check against ptoduct
allocation. The assignment of a sequence to a material or material-
plant combination is valid within a time interval speci ed by the
user. This makes it possible to seasonally activate, deactivate,
phase out or phase in an availability check against product
allocatio for selected materials or material-plant combinations.

A product allocation sequence is composed of one or more

sequence groups, which can be of the following types:




Product allocation sequence group A product allocation sequence is composed of one or more
sequence groups, which can be of the following types:


A sequence group of the type sales contains allocation data

related to sales restrictions. Sales restrictions specify the
amount of a product a supplier (vendor) wants to deliver to
his customers in a given period of time.


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A sequence groups of the type production contains
constraints related to bottleneck resources (materials and
capacity) in the internal production and external
procurement processes. Production sequence groups
re ect the supplier’s capability to procure or produce a
certain amount of a product in a given time period.


A sequence group of the type transport speci es the

supplier’s capability to store, handle and transport a
certain amount of a material in a given period of time.

If a sequence contains more than one sequence groups of the same

type, the sequence groups are treated as supplementary
alternatives. Depending on their consumption sequence number,
product allocation will rst try to con rm the requested quantity
from the sequence group that is rst in order. If the complete
requested quantity cannot be covered by the free allocation
quantity of the rst sequence group, product allocation will try to
con rm the rest of the requested quantity from the sequence group
that is second in the consumption sequence order. Product
allocation will repeat this until the complete requested quantity is
con rmed or all alternative sequence groups of a sequence are
checked by product allocation.

Allocation quantity unit When a product allocation object is created or maintained, an

allocation quantity unit is de ned and respresents the unit of
Consumption unit of measure
measure for all planned allocation quantities. When the product
Allocation rate allocation object is subsequently assigned to a material or
material-plant combination, a consumption unit of measure is
entered. The consumption unit of measure corresponds to (or can
be converted into) the unit of measure maintained in the material
master for the material assigned to the product allocation object. If
the allocation quantity unit and the consumption unit of measure
cannot be converted by the conversion rules maintained in the
material master or the standard conversion rules (for example, US
standard <> metric standard), the allocation rate has to be
maintained to enable the conversion from the requested quantity
unit of measure to the planned quantity unit of measure.

Con rmation Strategies Product allocation currently supports the Redistribute con rmation
strategy only.

Consumption Direction Backward and forward consumption periods can be maintained per
material-plant assignment and de ne the time periods in which the
system searches for available allocation quantity when a product
availability check against product allocation is executed.

De ning Validity An availability check against product allocation is executed if the

requested delivery date of a requirement item for a material or
material-plant combination in a sales or stock transport order falls
within the validity start and validity end data for the material or
material-plant combination.

Collective Allocations Collective allocation refers to CVCs for collective allocation and
their time series. A collective allocation allows you to allocate
collective quantities to a set of characteristic values to which
allocation quantities need not be assigned explicitly. For example,
all customers with a yearly purchase volume of less than 1000 EA
need not have their own allocations. Consequently, a collective
allocation CVC is setup, against which all orders from customers
with a purchase volume less than 1000 EA are checked. Collective

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allocation CVCs can be maintained automatically by the system or
manually by the user. If collective allocation CVCs are maintained
by the system, the collective allocation CVCs could be quite large,
depending on the number of characteristics and related CVCs.

Check date time type Speci es the requested date type used for an availability check
against product allocation. If, for example, the check date type
Material Availability Date is speci ed, the check will rst
determine the requested material availability check date by
executing scheduling for the requested delivery date. The
requested material availability date will then be used to determine
the consumption range for the availability check against product
allocation. When con guring a product allocation object, one of the
following check date types can be speci ed:

Requested Delivery Date

Goods Issue Date

Material Availability Date

Period time zone De nes the local time zone for the planning periods for the product
allocation object and for which allocation quantities are maintained.

Factory calendar De nes the start date for a planning period according to the local
calendar. If no speci c factory calendar is de ned, the start date
for all planning periods is calculated based on the Gregorian
calendar, meaning that the planning period starts on a Monday for
seven days. To de ne or maintain a factory calendar, call
transaction SCAL, choose subobject Factory calendar, select the
required factory calendar from the displayed list, press De nition
followed by Edit Change .

Release A product allocation object and any related data is only included in
availability checks against production allocation if the object is

Characteristics correspond to the elds in the data model for sales and stock transport orders and are populated by values
from the corresponding elds in the relevant business document. They are used to determine the matching characteristic value
combination and its time series when an availability check against product allocation is run, against which the requirement item
is then checked.

When you create a new product allocation object, you can de ne characteristics for the product allocation object (chosen on the
Select Characteristics dialog) and can change the hierarchy of the characteristics: the sequence of the hierarchiy is
represented by an ordinal number. The resulting combination of characteristics, their values and sequence, as well as the use of
collective allocation, enable the system to identify the characteristic value combination which is used to check availability for a
sales or stock transport order against product allocation. After having de ned a characteristic value combination for a product
allocation object, you save the object, thus making it available for productive use.

In your company, you have a sales organization for Europe that consists of two distribution channels Northern Europe and
Southern Europe , the former comprising high-priority Customer 1 and Customer 2, the latter Customer 3. You decide to

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structure your product allocation objects by creating a characteristic combination on the basis of the sales order data Sales
Organization , Distribution Channel and Sold-to party - Customer Number (or Ship-to party - Customer Number in the case of
the document type stock transport order). As collective allocations are managed by your system, your characteristic value
combination data is as follows:

Characteristics: Allocation Quantity:

Sales Organization: Distribution Sold-to party - Period 1 Period 2 ...

Channel: Customer Number:

# # # 40 EA ...

Europe # # 60 EA ...

Europe Northern Europe # 80 EA ...

Europe Southern Europe # 80 EA ...

Europe Northern Europe Customer 1 100 EA ...

Europe Northern Europe Customer 2 50 EA ...

Europe Southern Europe Customer 3 40 EA ...

The ordinal number de nes the sequence in which characteristics are checked to identify the correct product allocation object
to be checked for available quantity: the higher the ordinal number, the higher the level of granularity for the check. In the
example above, the characteristic values used have the following ordinal numbers:

Characteristic Value: Ordinal Number:

Sales Organization 1

Distribution Channel 2

Sold-to party - Customer Number 3

This means that if you receive a sales order for forty items of a material from your Northern European customer Customer 4,
your system identi es the following product allocation object as containing available quantity:

Characteristics: Allocation Quantity

Sales Organization: Distribution Channel: Sold-to party - Customer Period 1


Europe Northern Europe # 80 EA

De ning Consumption Direction and Periods

Backward and forward consumption periods can be maintained per material-plant assignment and de ne the time periods in
which the system searches for available allocation quantity when a product availability check against product allocation is
executed. Note that:

If no value is entered for Backward Consumption or Forward Consumption, an availability check against product
allocation will only be executed in the time period containing the check date for the requirement, as de ned in the Check
Date Time Type eld for the product allocation object.

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If a value for both Backward Consumption and Forward Consumption is entered, an availability check against product
allocation will be executed as follows:

1. The system searches for the available allocation quantity in the time period containing the check date for the

2. If the available allocation quantity in the time period containing the check date is insufficient to ful ll the
requirement, the system continues to search for available allocation quantity in previous time periods starting
with the time period left to the time period in which the check date falls as de ned by the Backward Consumption
eld in the consumption strategy for the product allocation sequence.

3. If the earliest possible time period does not provide sufficient available allocation quantity to ful ll the
requirement, the system continues to search for available allocation quantity in subsequent time periods up to
the last possible time period as de ned in the Forward Consumption eld.

Consumptions from all time periods maintained for backward consumption and the time period containing the check
date will result in a single con rmation schedule line for the requested delivery date.

Consumptions from the time periods maintained for forward consumption will result in the creation of a con rmation
schedule line for each time period, out of which quantity is consumed, with the con rmation date being the start of the
time period.

Two backward consumption periods and one forward consumption period are entered for a material-plant assignment. This
results in the following check sequence when an availability check against product allocation is executed:

June July August September

(Time period containing

the check date)

Searched third Searched second Searched rst Searched last

Past Periods
In addition to maintaining backward and forward consumption periods, you can also include choose to include past periods by
selecting the Past Period Allowed indicator in the consumption strategy for the product allocation sequence. If this indicator is
agged, all time series in the past and the time series bisected by the current date will be considered during the availability
check against product allocation.

If the underlying time series represents constraints such as a resource, warehouse or transportation capacity, setting the Past
Period Allowed indicator makes little sense: in these cases, past free allocation quantities cannot be consumed for obvious

De ning Validity
If the validity time period for a material or material-plant combination is to be restricted, values can be de ned for the Validity
Start and Validity End elds. If the requested delivery date of a sales order requirement items for a material or material-plant
combination falls within the validity time period of the assignment, the system executes an availability check against product

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A material or material-plant combination can be assigned to one or more product allocation objects. There should, however,
only be one valid assignments for a material or material-plant combination at any given time, meaning that any validity time
periods de ned must not overlap.

Number Ranges
Number ranges are an optional method for controlling how identi ers for product allocation objects are de ned. De ning
number range intervals is not a prerequisite to using the product allocation function: you can always use freely-de nable
combinations of alphanumerical characters for product allocation object identi ers, even if you decide to use number ranges. If
you do not de ne an identi er when creating a product allocation object, your system will assign an identi er from the number

If you choose to use number ranges, the following three options are available:

1. You can create an internal number range with a From number and a To number. Doing this means that if, for example,
you are working in the Con gure Product Allocation app and you do not enter an identi er for a product allocation object
manually, the next possible number up to a maximum of twenty characters in your internal number range internal is
determined automatically by the system when you save the product allocation object.

If you choose to use an internal number range interval but want to override the internal number range and de ne an
identi er for a product allocation object manually, you can do so and use any combination of alphanumeric characters,
also in excess of twenty characters.

2. You can create an external number range with a From number and a To number. Doing this means that if, for example,
you are working in the Con gure Product Allocation app and you enter an identi er for a product allocation object
manually, your system checks if the identi er entered manually is inside the external number range interval. If the
identi er is outside the external number range interval, your system issues a warning message.

If you choose to use an external number range interval but want to override the external number range and de ne an
identi er for a product allocation object manually, you can do so and use any combination of alphanumeric characters,
also in excess of twenty characters.

3. You can create internal and external number ranges, for which the scenarios described for option 1 and option 2 are also

For more information on number ranges in product allocation, see the Customizing activity Cross-Application Components
Advanced Available-to-Promise (ATP) Product Allocation De ne Number Ranges for Product Allocation .

Converting Units of Measure

When product allocation objects are created or maintained, an allocation quantity unit is entered. The unit of measure entered
for the product allocation object is the unit of measure for all planned allocation quantities. When the product allocation object

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 18
is subsequently assigned to a material or material-location combination, a consumption unit of measure is entered. The
consumption unit of measure corresponds to, or can be converted into, the units of measure maintained in the material master
for the material assigned to the product allocation object. If these two units of measure (planning and consumption) cannot be
converted either by the conversion rules maintained in the material master or the standard conversion rules (for example, US
standard <> metric standard), the allocation rate has to be maintained to enable the conversion from the requested quantity
unit of measure to the planned quantity unit of measure.

You sell dairy products and have created a product allocation object for fresh milk. Your customer uses a different unit of
measure in sales orders. This results in the following:

Allocation Quantity Unit for milk in the Consumption Unit in the product location Allocation Rate in the product location
product allocation object: assignment (and sales order): assignment:

EA LTR 1,000000

You produce windscreens for an automobile manufacturer. You produce the windscreens on a machine that runs twenty-four
hours per day and you have created a product allocation object based on machine capacity: it takes two hours to produce each
windscreen. Your customer orders windscreens in a different unit of measure in sales orders. This results in the following:

Allocation Quantity Unit for windscreens in Consumption Unit in the product location Allocation Rate in the product location
the product allocation object: assignment (and sales order): assignment:

HOUR EA 2,000000

You produce paint for an automobile manufacturer who produces two models, a compact vehicle and a larger sports utility
vehicle. Each model requires different quantities of the same paint: thirty liters for the compact vehicle, forty- ve liters for the
sports utility vehicle. As a result your customer creates sales orders with different paint quantities:

Allocation Quantity Unit for Consumption Unit in the Allocation Rate for the compact Allocation Rate for the sports
paint in the product allocation product location assignment vehicle in the product location utility vehicle in the product
object: (and sales order): assignment: location assignment:

LTR EA 30,000000 45,000000

Using Collective Allocations

Collective allocations can be used to check the availability of requirements with characteristic values that are not already part
of a characteristic value combination. If, for example, you have de ned characteristic value combinations for the sales order-
related characteristics Sales organization, Distribution Channel and Sold-to party - Customer Number and sold-to parties who
are not covered by the de ned characteristic value combinations have requirements, the allocation quantity from a collective
allocation can be used to con rm those requirements. This enables you to distribute limited availability (of, for example,
materials) across sales orders with speci c characteristic value combinations for their characteristics and all those without.

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 19
When you create a product allocation object, you can choose to use collective allocations and de ne if they are to be created
manually or automatically:

Option: De nition:

Collective Allocation Managed Manually You create the required collective allocations manually for each
characteristic value combination.

Collective Allocation Managed by System Your system generates all collective allocations automatically for
each characteristic value combination. Note that if you choose to
use this option and decide at a later date that you no longer want to
use collective allocations or want to manage allocations manually,
all automatically created collective allocations are deleted.

No Collective Allocation Collective allocations are not created.

In your company, you have a sales organization for Europe that consists of two distribution channels, Northern Europe and
Southern Europe , the former comprising high-priority Customer 1 and Customer 2, the latter Customer 3. To distribute limited
supply among these high-priority sold-to parties, you have to create speci c characteristic value combinations as follows:

Characteristics: Allocation Quantity:

Sales Organization: Distribution Sold-to party - Period 1 Period 2 ...

Channel: Customer Number:

Europe Northern Europe Customer 1 100 EA ...

Europe Northern Europe Customer 2 50 EA ...

Europe Southern Europe Customer 3 40 EA ...

You want to reserve part of the limited material availability in period 1 for all low-priority sold-to parties in distribution channel
Northern Europe as well. To do this, you use the Collective Allocation Managed Manually option and create a new characteristic
value combination where all potential low-priority sold-to parties are represented by the placeholder # in the characteristic
Sold-to party - Customer Number. This results in the following change:

Characteristics: Allocation Quantity:

Sales Organization: Distribution Sold-to party - Period 1 Period 2 ...

Channel: Customer Number:

Europe Northern Europe # 80 EA ...

Europe Northern Europe Customer 1 100 EA ...

Europe Northern Europe Customer 2 50 EA ...

Europe Southern Europe Customer 3 40 EA ...

If, however, you use the Collective Allocation Managed Manually option to create collective allocations for all characteristics,
this results in the following:

Characteristics: Allocation Quantity:

Sales Organization: Distribution Sold-to party - Period 1 Period 2 ...

Channel: Customer Number:

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 20
# # # 40 EA ...

Europe # # 60 EA ...

Europe Northern Europe # 80 EA ...

Europe Northern Europe Customer 1 100 EA ...

Europe Northern Europe Customer 2 50 EA ...

Europe Southern Europe Customer 3 40 EA ...

To create characteristic value combinations for all characteristics simultaneously and efficiently, choose Collective Allocation
Managed by System.

Creating Planning Data for Product

Product allocation in advanced Available-to-Promise allows you to download and upload data for a product allocation object
(characteristic value combination data and time periods) from and to CSV les:

The Download and Upload functions are particularly useful for the mass creation or updates of characteristic value
combinations and planned allocation quantities.

If you want to upload planning data for product allocation objects from a CSV le, you can rst use the Download function
to download a CSV le that contains the correct formatting and any existing product allocation planning data. Having
adapted the downloaded le to re ect your required characteristic value combinations and planned allocation quantities,
you can upload the CSV le and subsequently review the uploaded data in the Product Allocation Planning Data table.
Note that you may be required to perform additional con guration in Microsoft Excel to ensure that downloaded product
allocation data is formatted and displayed correctly. For more information, see SAP Note 2578972.

The Upload function is the method that is currently available for importing product allocation planning data from
external data sources.

Related Information
SAP Note 2578972

Con guring and Executing a Check Against

Product Allocation
Customizing for Product Allocation
Before you can use product allocation to run an availability check for a sales or stock transport order in advanced Available-to-
Promise (aATP), you are required to activate product allocation in Customizing in the activity Cross-Application Components
Advanced Available-to-Promise (aATP) Product Allocation (PAL) Activate Product Allocation .

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 21
Before activating product allocation, note that:

The availability check against product allocation is activated per client in your system.

Product allocation is available for sales orders and strock transport orders and can only used if the aATP functions are

If you activate the product allocation function, no existing allocation data or con rmations are transferred automatically.

After activation, every availability check will be executed with product allocation in aATP. If you activate the product
allocation function in aATP, you cannot revert to the previously used product allocation function in Sales and Distribution.

The following Customizing settings must be con gured before you can run an availability check against product allocation for
sales or stock transport orders:

In the Customizing activity Cross-Application Components Advanced Available-to-Promise (aATP) Product Availability
Check (PAC) De ne Checking Groups , set Advanced ATP for the required checking group to Active .

In the Customizing activity Cross-Application Components Advanced Available-to-Promise (aATP) Product Allocation
(PAL) Activate Product Allocation , set Activate to Yes.

In the Customizing activity Sales and Distribution Basic Functions Availability Check and Transfer of Requirements
Transfer of Requirements De ne Requirements Classes , set checkbox PdA for the required requirement class.

In the Customizing activity Cross-Application Components Advanced Available-to-Promise (aATP) Con guration
Activities for Speci c Document Types Sales Orders and Deliveries De ne Availability Check Procedure for each
Schedule Line Category , set checkbox All. for the required schedule line category.

How to Con gure Product Allocation

Con gure product allocation in aATP.

In this procedure, you want to de ne a schema for a product allocation object. The schema of a product allocation object
comprises, among others, the ID and description of the product allocation object, its periodicity, characteristics structure and
their hierarchy, the unit of measure for the planned allocation quantity and the date time type (material availability date, good
issue date or requested delivery date) used for the check against product allocation.

Step Action Instructions Expected Result


1 Log onto SAP Fiori Log onto the SAP Fiori launchpad using the The SAP Fiori launchpad displays.
launchpad. Internal Sales Representative role.

2 Access the list report for Open the Con gure Product Allocation tile. The list report for product allocation objects in the
product allocation objects. Con gure Product Allocation app displays.

3 Create a new product Press the + (Create Object) button. The object page displays and contains some
allocation object. default values.

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Step Action Instructions Expected Result


4 Enter product allocaton On the New Object screen make the following
object data. entries (leave other elds with their default

Allocation Object: Product

allocation object name

Object Description: Product

allocation object

Allocation Quantity Unit: UoM (for

example, EA or PC)

Period Type: Week

Purpose:Sales Order or Stock

Transport or both.

5 Add characteristics. Press the Add button above the The selected characteristics appear in the
Characteristics table. Select the Characteristics table.
characteristics you would like to use and
select OK. For example:

Sales Order Sales

Organization Sales Organization

Sales Order Distribution Channel

Sales Order Sales Order

Item Business partners Ship-To
Party Customer Number

6 Place characteristics into a Use the Move Up and Move Down buttons The selected characteristics are in the required
hierarchical order that suits to place the characteristics you chose into order.
the business requirement. the required order. For example:

Sales Organization

Distribution Channel

Ship-To Party – Customer Number

7 Save product allocation Press the Save button. The product allocation object you just created is
object. now in display mode and contains the
characteristics you chose. To make more changes,
select Edit.

How to Maintain Planning Data for Product

Maintain planning data for product allocation in aATP.


This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 23
In this procedure, you want to maintain characteristic value combinations and planned allocation quantities for the time periods
of the characteristic value combinations. Characteristic value combinations and the corresponding time series can be
maintained by uploading CSV les. The Manage Product Allocation Planning Data app also enables you to change the activation
status, the constraint status of the characteristic value combinations of the product allocation object.

Proceed as follows:

Step Action Instructions Expected Result


1 Log onto SAP Log onto the SAP Fiori launchpad using the Internal Sales The SAP Fiori launchpad displays.
Fiori Representative role.

2 Access the Open the Manage Product Allocation Planning Data tile. The list report for product allocation objects in
list report for the Manage Product Allocation Planning Data
product app displays.

3 Search Enter the name of the product allocation object you created in The product allocation object appears in the
product the previous step in the Allocation Object search eld and table of the list report.
allocation select Go.

4 Select Select the entry for the product allocation object created in the The Product Allocation Object object page
product previous step. appears in display mode. The Product
allocation Allocation Planning Data table is empty.

5 Edit product Press the Edit button. The Add, Change Status Change Constraint
allocation Status, Delete Download and Upload buttons
object appear above the Product Allocation Planning
planning Data table.

6 Maintain Characteristic values can be maintained manually by pressing

characteristic the Add button or by rst downloading the product allocation
values and planning data schema, maintaining the planning data in the
allocation CSV le using Microsoft Excel or Notepad and uploading the
quantities. CSV again.

Ensure you maintain at least one characteristic value

combination for the characteristics you have chosen and based
on your selected master data for which you can create sales

Ensure that the allocation quantity you maintain per period is

not too large. If you do not, the restricting effect of product
allocation on the overall ATP result will not be visible.

7 Save product Press the Save button. The planning data you just created appears in
allocation display mode. To make more changes, select
objec.t Edit.

8 Display Select one of the product allocation data records you created A bar chart appears: the displayed periods
product and press the Show Consumption button. show Planned and Available Quantity entries
allocation equal to the quantities you maintained
consumption previously. There are no quantity entries for
situation. Consumed Quantity.

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How to Maintain Product Allocation

Maintain product allocation sequences in aATP.

In this procedure, you want to de ne product allocation sequences with which to organize the consumption strategy of product
allocations. The product allocation sequence comprises, among others, the ID and description of the product allocation
sequence, the settings for backward and forward consumption, sequence groups which allow you to efficiently combine product
allocation objects as constraints or alternative allocations and set a lead time duration at sequence group constraint level.

Proceed as follows:

Step Action Instructions Expected Result


1 Log onto SAP Log onto the SAP Fiori launchpad using the Internal Sales The SAP Fiori launchpad displays.
Fiori Representative role.

2 Access the Open the Manage Product Allocation Sequences tile. The list report for product allocation
list report for sequences in the Manage Product
product Allocation Sequences app displays.

3 Create a new Press the + Create Object button. The object page displays an entry for
product a sales sequence group as a default.

4 Maintain On the New Object screen make the following entries:

header data
for a product Allocation Sequence: <product allocation sequence
allocation name>
Description: <product allocation sequence

Backward Consumption and Forward Consumption: at least 1

for both elds: otherwise only the allocation quantity of the
period within which the requested delivery date falls will be
considered for the availability check again product allocation.

Past Period Allowed: agged as default, this indicator ensures

that all time series in the past and the time series bisected by
the current date will be considered during the availability check
against product allocation

Consumption Unit: the base unit of measure of the material you

chose or any other unit of measure that is convertible into the
base unit of measure of that material.

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Step Action Instructions Expected Result


5 Select Press the entry for Sequence Group <10> in the Sales Sequence The details of the sales sequence
product Groups section. group are displayed, an entry for a
allocation constraint is defaulted.

6 Maintain On the General Information for Group screen, make the following entry
allocation Description: <product allocation sequence group
sequence description>

7 Select Press the entry in the Constraints table. The details of the sales sequence
product group constraint are displayed. Some
allocation elds from the product allocation
sequence sequence group are displayed.

8 Maintain On the General Information for Constraint screen, make the following The value for Check Data Time Type
product entries: is taken over from the allocation
allocation object.
sequence Description: <product allocation sequence group
group constraint description>
Allocation Object: Select the allocation object you created in
step Con gure Product Allocation from the dropdown list.

9 Save product Press the Apply button for the product allocation sequence group The product allocation sequence data
allocation constraint. you just created appears in display
sequence mode. To make further changes, press
Press the Apply button for the product allocation sequence group. the Edit button.

Press the Save button for the product allocation sequence.

How to Assign Products to Product

Assign products for product allocation in aATP.

In this procedure, you want to assign materials and material-plant combinations to the product allocation sequence you created
in procedure How to Maintain Product Allocation Sequences. The assignment activates availability checks against product
allocation for requirements (from sales orders and stock transport orders) for the assigned materials and material-plant
combinations. The assignment of materials and material-plant combinations is time-dependent and enables you, for example,
to react easily to temporary or seasonal uctuations of supply and demand.

Proceed as follows:

Step Action Instructions Expected Result


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Step Action Instructions Expected Result


1 Log onto SAP Fiori Log onto the SAP Fiori launchpad using the Internal Sales The SAP Fiori launchpad displays.
launchpad. Representative role.

2 Access the list report Open the Assign Product to Product Allocation tile. The list report for product allocation
for product allocation objects in the Assign Product to
objects. Product Allocation app displays.

3 Search for a product Enter the name of the product allocation sequence you The product allocation sequences
allocation sequence. created in process step Manage Product Allocation appears in the table of the list report.
Sequences in the Allocation Sequence search eld and
select Go.

4 Select a product Select the entry for the product allocation sequence you The Product Allocation Sequence
allocation object. created in process step Manage Product Allocation object page appears in display mode.
Sequence. The Material-Plant Assignments table is

5 Edit material-plant Press the Edit button. The Add and Delete buttons appear
assignment data for a above the Material-Plant Assignments
product allocation table.

6 Maintain material-plant Press the Add button and create an assignment by

assignments for the maintaining the following entries:
product allocation

Validity Start and Validity End

7 Save the material-plant Press the Save button. The material-plant assignment you just
assignment for the created is now in display mode. To make
product allocation more changes, select Edit.

Apps for Product Allocation (PAL)

The following Fiori apps are available for running availability checks against product allocation in aATP for the business
documents sales order and stock transport order. Note that each app contains Web Assistant documentation for key elds and
concepts. To display the documentation, con gure the settings as detailed in the User Assistance Settings section of the UI
Technology Guide for SAP S/4HANA speci c to the SAP S/4HANA product and version you are using. The UI Technology Guide is
available on the SAP Help Portal. After con guration, press F1 or the question mark symbol displayed in the app header to
display the documentation while working in the app.

Con gure Product Allocation

With this app, you can create, nd, display and change the schema for a product allocation object. The schema of a product
allocation object comprises, among others, the ID and description of the product allocation object, periodicity, characteristics
structure and their hierarchy, the unit of measure for the planned allocation quantity and the date time type (material
availability date, goods issue date and requested delivery date) used for the product allocation check for sales and stock
transport orders.

You can use this app if you have the business role Internal Sales Representative (R0080).

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 27

Key Features
You can use this app to:

Create product allocation objects for the document types sales order and stock transport order.

Search for, display and edit product allocation objects.

De ne the period types for product allocation objects.

De ne and order the characteristics for product allocation objects.

Deactivate and delete product allocation objects and their characteristics.

Supported Device Types



Related Apps
This app is one of four apps that you can use to set up and con gure availability checks against product allocation in advanced
Available-to-Promise (aATP). For more information on related apps, see:

Manage Product Allocation Planning Data

Manage Product Allocation Sequences

Assign Product to Product Allocation

Manage Product Allocation Planning Data

With this app, you can maintain characteristic value combinations and planned allocation quantities for the time periods of the
characteristic value combinations. Characteristic value combinations and the corresponding time series can be maintained by
uploading CSV les. This app also enables you to change the activation status, the constraint status of the characteristic value
combinations as well as the lifecycle status of the product allocation object.

You can use this app if you have the business role Internal Sales Representative (R0080).

Key Features
You can use this app to:

Maintain characteristic value combinations and planned allocation quantities for their time periods.

Use CSV les to maintain characteristic value combinations and their time series.

Change the activation and constraint status of product allocation objects.

Display the availability situation (planned, available and consumed quantity) for the materials in product allocation

Release product allocation objects and their planning data for productive usage.

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 28
You have already created product allocation objects in the Con gure Product Allocation app.

Supported Device Types



Related Apps
This app is one of four apps that you can use to set up, con gure and execute availability checks against product allocation in
advanced Available-to-Promise (aATP). For more information on related apps, see:

Con gure Product Allocation

Manage Product Allocation Sequences

Assign Product to Product Allocation

Manage Product Allocation Sequences

With this app, you can combine product allocation objects as constraints or alternative sources of product allocation which can
be used to con rm requested quantities during availability checks against product allocation for sales orders and stock
transport orders.

You can use this app if you have the business role Internal Sales Representative (R0080).

Key Features
You can use this app to:

Create, display and edit product allocation sequences.

Combine product allocation objects as constraints for product allocation.

De ne alternative sources of product allocation by creating product allocation sequence groups and assigning product
allocation objects to a product allocation constraint.

Maintain the consumption strategy (number of backward and forward consumption periods, consumption unit and
allocation factor) for availability checks against product allocation.

You have already created product allocation objects in the Con gure Product Allocation app.

Supported Device Types



Related Apps

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 29
This app is one of four apps that you can use to set up and con gure availability checks against product allocation in Available-
to-Promise (ATP). For more information on related apps, see:

Con gure Product Allocation

Manage Product Allocation Planning Data

Assign Product to Product Allocation

Each app contains Web Assistant documentation for key elds and concepts. To display the documentation, con gure the
settings as detailed in the User Assistance Settings section of the UI Technology Guide for SAP S/4HANA speci c to the SAP
S/4HANA product and version you are using. The UI Technology Guide is available on the SAP Help Portal. After
con guration, press F1 or the question mark symbol displayed in the app header to display the documentation while working
in the app.

Assign Product to Product Allocation

With this app, you can assign materials and material-plant combinations to product allocation sequences which you have
created in the Manage Product Allocation Sequences app and which contain product allocation objects created in the Con gure
Product Allocation app. The assignment activates availability checks against product allocation for sales and stock transport
order requirements for the assigned materials and material-plant combinations. The assignment of materials and material-
plant combinations is time-dependent and enables you, for example, to react easily to temporary or seasonal uctuations of
supply and demand.

You can use this app if you have the business role Internal Sales Representative (R0080).

Key Features
You can use this app to:

Assign materials or material-plant combinations to product allocation sequences.

De ne validity periods for any assignments.

You have already created product allocation objects in the Con gure Product Allocation app, de ned planning data in the
Manage Product Allocation Planning Data app and de ned product allocation sequences in the Manage Product Allocation
Sequences app.

Supported Device Types



Related Apps
This app is one of four apps that you can use to set up and con gure availability checks against product allocation in advanced
Available-to-Promise (aATP). For more information on related apps, see:

Con gure Product Allocation

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 30
Manage Product Allocation Planning Data

Manage Product Allocation Sequences

Backorder Processing (BOP)

Backorder processing can be used to check material availability when the demand or supply situation in your order ful llment
process has changed and you want to check if previously calculated con rmations for sales orders or strock transport orders
are still realistic. For example:

A sales order is canceled, thereby freeing up stock quantities.

An important customer increases the requested quantity for a material and would therefore like to consume stock which
is currently con rmed for other sales orders.

A production order providing planned supply is running late.

Not reacting to the changed availability situation can result in con rmed quantities exceeding available quantities. This can
result in availability checks for over-con rmed materials failing, leaving you unable to release materials for delivery creation.

Advanced Available-to-Promise in SAP S/4HANA offers three apps for setting up automated backorder processing for
requirements items in sales orders and stock transport orders. Each app contains Web Assistant documentation that provides
additional information on key on-screen elements and concepts used:

App name Con gure BOP Segment Con gure BOP Variant Monitor BOP Run

In addition, the Schedule BOP Run app can be used for scheduling backorder processing runs to execute interactively or as a
background job.

Items are excluded from backorder processing in advanced Available-to-Promise if:

The item does not belong to a checking group or if the checking group is not con gured for advanced product availability

The requirements class to which an item belongs is empty or is not con gured for product availability checks, including
product availability checks against product allocation.

The schedule line category to which an item belongs is empty or is not con gured for product availability checks,
including product availability checks against product allocation.

The Fixed Date and Quantity ag is set in the sales order document.

The Advanced ATP functions have not been activated in Customizing.

The functions for backorder processing in advanced Available-to-Promise are dependent on the SAP HANA Rules
Framework being installed. For more information, see Con guring SAP HANA Rules Framework.

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 31

Con guring SAP HANA Rules Framework

Con gure SAP HANA Rules Framework (HRF).

Some of the apps for backorder procssing (BOP) in advanced Available-to-Promise (aATP) are reliant on lter rules being
con gured so that, for example, requirements can be identi ed and responsibilities de ned. SAP HANA Rules Framework (HRF)
must be set up in your system to enable you to create the lters required by the apps. For more information on HRF, see SAP
HANA Rules Framework - Installation & Upgrade Guide . SAP Note 2400537 describes the activities required to con gure HRF
for aATP.


Report ATP_BOP_SYSTEM_CONFIG can be used to set up HRF. The report automates:

The creation of the SAP HANA database (HANA DB) user for accessing the HRF compilation service.

The assignment of the appropriate role to the HANA DB user with authorization to access the HRF compilation service.

The setup of an RFC destination on the ABAP server to enable access to SAP HANA Extended Application Services

The following prerequisites must be ful lled before you can use report ATP_BOP_SYSTEM_CONFIG:

SAP HANA Rules Framework 1.0 SP09 (or higher) must be installed in your system.

To con gure the setup of HRF, a HANA DB user with administrator authorization is required, the logon credentials of
which must be entered while executing the report.

The user executing the report must have authorization to create an RFC destination

The HANA DB user with administrator authorization must have, at least, user administrator privileges (system privilege:
USER ADMIN) and role assignment privileges (object privilege: EXECUTE for GRANT_ACTIVATED_ROLE)

The above prerequisites are checked upfront and the setup run is only started if the prerequisites are met.

Report ATP_BOP_SYSTEM_CONFIG can be executed in three ways:

Execution Mode: Purpose: Note:

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Execution Mode: Purpose: Note:

Check HRF Con guration You are not required to provide HANA DB
Checks the con guration settings
administrator user credentials before using
for HRF but does not actually set up
this execution mode.
the HRF con guration.

Checks if, for example, the RFC

destination exists and can be
reached and if SAP HANA XS and
the compilation service in SAP
HANA XS can be accessed and

Set Up HRF Con guration You are required to provide HANA DB

Con gures HRF for active use.
administrator user credentials before using
Creates the SAP HANA database this execution mode.

Assigns the required role

Con gures the RFC destination.

Renew HRF Role Assignment Checks if the appropriate role is assigned You are required to provide HANA DB
to the HANA DB user administrator user credentials before using
this execution mode.

When the report is executed, a log displays upon completion and provides information about the processes triggered by the
selected execution mode. In addition, the log lists any issues detected when the report is executed.

Related Information
SAP Note 2400537

Key Concepts in Backorder Processing

The following concepts are used extensively in backorder processing in advanced Available-to-Promise:

Term: De nition:

BOP Abbreviated form of backorder processing

Requirement A requested quantity of a certain material on a certain date, for

example, a line item in a sales order

Con rmation Promised delivery date and quantity, resulting from an availability
check being executed for a requirement

Availability check An SAP functionality that calculates a possible con rmation for a
requirement, for example, from a sales order line item, depending
on the scope of check de ned in Customizing at Cross-
Application Components Advanced Available-to-Promise
(aATP) Product Availability Check (PAC) Con gure Scope of
Availability Check .

BOP segment A saved selection of settings that determines which requirements

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are selected and the sequence in which the requirements are
prioritized. BOP segments are maintained in the Con gure BOP
Segment app.

Prioritizer De nes the priority with which the requirements in a BOP segment
are handled. Prioritizers are con gured in the Con gure BOP
Segment app.

BOP variant A saved selection of settings that determines which requirements

are included in a BOP run and how they are checked. A BOP variant
is used to schedule a BOP run. BOP variants are maintained in the
Con gure BOP Variant app.

Con rmation strategy De nes how a requirement is handled in a BOP run. Each
requirement in a BOP run is assigned to one of ve potential
con rmation strategies. The assigned con rmation strategy
determines who receives availably quantity rst. Con rmation
strategies are assigned in the Con gure BOP Variant app.

Global segment A BOP variant can have an optional lter which de nes the overall
set of requirements to be processed. Global segments are
maintained in the Con gure BOP Segment app and assigned in the
Con gure BOP Variant app.

Exclusive global segment Unlike an inclusive global segment, the remaining subset of
requirements is ignored. The global segment is applied to each
BOP segment de nition of the applicable BOP variant and restricts
their selection of requirements even further.

Remainder requirement group A set of requirements selected by a global segment but which are
not selected by any other lter/part of any other BOP segment.

BOP run An executed instance of the background functionality that checks

the availability of multiple requirements at the same time, in a
de ned sequence and taking any lters into consideration, as
de ned in the BOP variant. A BOP run can be simulated or
scheduled for immediate execution in the Con gure BOP Variant
app or scheduled as a one-time or regular background job in batch
mode in the Schedule BOP Run app.

Business scenario A rule that de nes how the availability check with BOP is executed.

Con rmation Strategies

Con rmation strategies are used in backorder processing to de ne and prioritize how individual requirements are handled in
BOP runs when availability is limited. They can lead to requirement quantities being con rmed earlier, later, partially or not at

In the Con gure BOP Variant app, you can:

Assign con rmation strategies to BOP segments.

Assign multiple BOP segments to a single con rmation strategy in a BOP variant.

Con rmation Processing De nition: System Behavior:

Strategy: Priority:

Win 2 Assigned requirements are fully con rmed on If requirements cannot be fully con rmed on
the requested date (or immediately, if their time, the BOP run stops immediately, an alert is
raised and the corresponding sales document is

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requested material available date is in the not updated. All other sales order documents for
past). the same material-plant combination are also not

Gain 3 Assigned requirements retain, at least, their If current con rmations cannot be retained, the
con rmation or, if possible, improve. BOP run stops immediately and an alert is
raised. When this happens, all requirements for
the same material-plant combination are
excluded from the BOP run.

Redistribute 4 Assigned requirements can get a better, equal BOP may release quantities of requirements so
or worse con rmation. that they can be used to ful ll requirements with
higher priorities. BOP may produce a worse
con rmation when requirements with a higher
priority have reduced the available quantity.

Note that the Restribute con rmation strategy is

the only strategy currently supported by product
allocation (PAL).

Fill 5 Assigned requirements do not gain additional To con rm requirements from Win and Gain ,
quantity or get an earlier con rmation date. BOP releases quantities of requirements
They get an equal or worse con rmation. assigned to Fill. This can results in a later
con rmation or a loss in con rmed quantity.

Lose 1 Assigned requirements lose their current The released quantity of the Lose requirements
con rmation and are not con rmed. can be used to con rm more important
requirements or left as quantity available to
con rm future requirements.

Related Information
Multiple Requested Schedule Lines for Single Order Items

Con guring and Executing a Backorder

Processing Run
Backorder processing runs are scoped on the basis of de ned BOP variants to meet your business requirements and processes.
The requirements included in a BOP run are ltered and prioritized on the basis of the de ned BOP segments which are part of
the BOP variant. The lters used in backorder processing are de ned on the basis of sales order characteristics that can be
found in the system, for example, sales organization, sold-to party, material, plant or any combination therefore.

To con gure, execute and monitor a BOP processing run, proceed as follows:

1. In the Con gure BOP Segment app you create a new BOP segment and de ne lters (referred to in the app as Selection
Critieria) and the desired sequence of the requirements by assigning sort attributes. The resulting BOP segment can be
used in your BOP variants.

2. In the Con gure BOP Variant app you create a BOP variant by picking the BOP segment created previously in step 1. You
de ne how the requirements in the BOP segment are handled by assigning the BOP segment to a con rmation strategy.
For example: Your BOP segment lters requirements that belong a high-priority customer. You want their requirements
to be con rmed on the requested date: you assign this BOP segment to the con rmation strategy Win. Furthermore, you
can decide if you want to execute the subsequent BOP run using Available-to-Promise and/or Supply Assignment

3. In the Schedule BOP Run app you trigger a BOP run on the basis of the BOP variant, either in simulation mode or in batch
mode as a background job. If you execute the BOP run as a background job, the respective sales and/or stock transport

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orders are updated to include the con rmation resulting from the BOP run.

4. You can check the results of the BOP run, irrespective of the execution mode, in the Monitor BOP Run app.

The following two examples detail BOP use cases and con gurations, one example for a simple BOP scenario, the second for a
more complex scenario:

Example 1: First-Come, First-Served

Example 2: Reacting to Different Customer Requirements

For a brief step-by-step description of how to proceed in the apps for Backorder Processing (BOP) in advanced Available-to-
Promise (aATP), see:

How to Con gure a Segment for Backorder Processing

How to Con gure a Variant for Backorder Processing

How to Schedule a Backorder Processing Run

How to Monitor the Results of a Backorder Processing Run

How to Con gure a Segment for Backorder

Con gure a segment for backorder processing (BOP).

In this procedure, you want to create a backorder processing (BOP) segment in which you de ne criteria for ltering and
prioritizing requirements. Proceed as follows:

Step Action Instructions Expected Result


1 Log onto Log onto the SAP Fiori launchpad using the role Order Ful llment Manager. The SAP Fiori launchpad displays.
SAP Fiori

2 Access Open the Con gure BOP Segment tile. The BOP Segment List displays.
SAP Fiori

3 Create a To create a new segment, press the Create button in the table toolbar. Enter The BOP Segment De nition
new <your segment name> as Segment Name. screen displays.The Prioritizer
segment. table is pre lled with the Sort

4 Navigate Press the Navigate Back button on the top left corner of the screen. The BOP Segment List screen
back to displays and shows the list of
the list of segments. The segment you just
segments. created is listed as a Draft, as it
has not been activated yet.

5 Search Enter <your segment name> in the Search eld in the upper right area of The list of segments is restricted
segment. the screen and choose the search icon or use the Enter key on your keyboard. to those segments that ful ll the
search criteria.

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Step Action Instructions Expected Result


6 Display Choose the segment with the name <your segment name>. The BOP Segment De nition
segment. screen displays.

7 Enter Enter a valid lter in the Selection Criteria eld. The selection criterion has no error
selection indicator and the draft is saved.
criteria. Note: Suggested values appear while you type. The draft saving indicator
appears when your cursor leaves the text eld.

Example of lter:

MATERIAL of the ATPDOCUMENT is equal to '<material

number>' and PLANT of the ATPDOCUMENT is equal to
'<plant number>'.

 Note
Ensure that you use '' to encapsulate data values when creating the lter.

8 De ne a Use the + Add New Sort Attribute button to create two new sort attributes. The Prioritizer consists of three
prioritizer. Set the Sort Attribute to, for example, ATPRELEVANTDOCSCHEDULELINE, sort attributes.
ORDERCREATIONDATE will remain until it is deteted explicitly. You can type
text in the Sort Attribute eld.

9 Reorder Use the Move to Top, Move Up, Move Down and Move to Bottom buttons to The sort attributes are listed in the
sort re-order the sort attributes as follows: intended order.


10 Change Press the Descending Sort Order button for sort attribute The Descending button is
sort order ATPRELEVANTDOCUMENT. highlighted in blue.
of sort

11 Activate Press the Activate button on the lower right corner of the screen. The Activate button is replaced by
segment. the Edit, Delete, and Copy

Related Information
Filtering Requirements

Filtering Requirements
When de ning segments for backorder processing, you can use attributes to con gure how requirements are to be selected.
The following attributes are available in the Con gure BOP Segment app and appear automatically when the user enters text in
the Selection Criteria eld:

Attribute: Explanation:



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ATPRELEVANTDOCUMENTCATEGORY ATP: Category of Stock / Receipts / Issues


BATCH Batch Number

COMPLETEDELIVERYISDEFINED Complete Delivery De ned for Each Sales Order

CREATEDBYUSER Name of Person Who Created Object




MATERIAL Material Number


ORDERCREATIONDATE Date on Which Record Was Created


PRODAVAILABILITYCHECKGROUP Checking Group for Availability Check

PRODUCTAVAILABILITYDATE Material Staging/Availability Date





SHIPPINGPOINT Shipping Point/Receiving Point

SOLDTOPARTY Customer Number




In order to be able to use the technical attributes, you require the operations described in the SAP HANA Rules
Framework - Installation & Upgrade Guide available on the SAP Service Marketplace.

The technical selection attributes are not localized but their explanations are.

The vocabulary service <ZVOCABULARY_SRV> must be active to ensure that the attributes appear when the user
enters text.

How to Con gure a Custom Sorting

Con gure a custom sorting sequence for backorder processing (BOP)

In this procedure, you create a custom sort sequence with which you de ne the sort order of the requirements in a backorder
processing run.

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To create a custom sorting, proceed as follows:

Step Action Instructions Expected Result


1 Log onto Log onto the SAP Fiori launchpad using the Order Ful llment Manager role. The SAP Fiori launchpad
SAP Fiori displays.

2 Access Open the Con gure Custom BOP Sorting tile. The Con gure Custom BOP
SAP Fiori Sorting screen displays.

3 Create Press the Create Sequence button On the Sequence screen, make the following A draft of the sequence is
new entries: created.
Sequence Name: your sequence name

Sequence Description: your sequence description

Sort Attribute: your sort attribute, for example, SOLDTOPARTY

4 Add Enter a value, for example, Walmart, in the rst empty Value eld above All The added values are displayed
values to others. Enter another value, for example, CostCo, in the last empty Value eld above and below the All others
sequence below All others. value respectively.

5 Add new Press the Add button and enter a value, for example Easy Buy, in the new empty A new empty value is added at
value Value eld. position 4 and the entered value
is saved.
Note that the Add to... button at the top of the screen simply adds an empty
segment line below the chosen con rmation strategy. You cannot use this button
to re-assign a segment from one con rmation strategy to another.

6 Set Highlight the newly-created value, press Set Position in the table toolbar and The created value position is set
position enter position 1 as a New Postion. Press OK. to 1 and the value is moved up
for value in the Sequence Value List.

7 Save Press the Save button. The sequence is saved.


How to Con gure a Variant for Backorder

Con gure a variant for backorder processing (BOP).

In this procedure, you want to create a backorder processing (BOP) variant in which you de ne the scope of a backorder
processing run. Each variant must contain at least one segment. The procedure for creating a BOP segment, How to Con gure
a Segment for Backorder Processing, is a prerequisite for this procedure.

You can choose to con gure BOP variants for sales documents and/or stock transport orders and the business scenarios/check
rules listed in Checking As change dynamically according to your selection:

New BOP variants are created by default for the document type Sales Documents and execution method Available-to-
Promise and are assigned to business scenario Sales Order (Business Scenario: A). If you select Stock Transport Orders
only, the Checking As option is determined according to the Customizing entries for the order type and plant.

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You can also choose to run a check against supply assignment if supply assignment has been customized for your
system. If you choose Supply Assignment as one of the Execution Methods for the BOP variant, the Supply Assignment
Con guration section is displayed. You can choose to con gure supply assignment based on a pre-de ned supply sort
that that has been maintained previously in transaction ARUN_STKSORT. The supply sort rule de nes how supply is
sorted. The Release Check Required button is a standard function especially for Retail (Fashion). If the button is pressed,
the system checks if a separate release check is required before deliveries can be created.

You can use the Global Segment section to assign an additional BOP segment to restrict the list of requirements in a
BOP variant on the basis of a speci c condition (for example, a speci c material in a speci c region). Doing this means
you can implement a common condition to a BOP variant in one step, rather than including it in each BOP segment
individually. This ensures that BOP segments remain simple and can be reused in other BOP variants. You can de ne how
to handle remaining items of the global segment that are not part of any assigned BOP segments by assigning them to a
con rmation strategy or choosing Ignore Remaining Items (if chosen, this setting is displayed on the Related Variants
screen in the Con gure BOP Segment app.)

The business scenarios you can use depend on the selected document type and execution method:

Selected Execution Selected Document Possible Business Scenarios

Method Type

Available-to- Sales Documents A (checks as if a B (checks as if a

Promise sales order) delivery)
Stock Transport

Sales Documents
and Stock Transport

Supply Assignment Sales Documents A (checks as if a B (checks as if a PRE (preview mode, AR (see below for
sales order) delivery) checks which sales additional
Stock Transport orders would be information)
Orders impacted by a
supply shortage)
Sales Documents
and Stock Transport

Available-to- Sales Documents A (checks as if a B (checks as if a PRE (preview mode,

Promise and Supply sales order) delivery) checks which sales
Assignment Stock Transport orders would be
Orders impacted by a
supply shortage)
Sales Documents
and Stock Transport

Note that:

If Available-to-Promise is the only Execution Method selected, this does not have any impact on the con rmation

If Supply Assignment is the only Execution Method seleted, this does impact the con rmation strategies.

Business scenario AR is speci cally for triggering supply assignment with a special scope of check for normal ATP

If business scenario B is selected (in preparation for a delivery run), you can re-run backorder processing with business
scenario A.

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Use business scenario A for all purchase order types if stock transport orders and purchase orders need to be processed
in the same BOP run.

To create a variant, proceed as follows:

Step Action Instructions Expected Result


1 Log onto Log onto the SAP Fiori launchpad using the role Order Ful llment Manager. The SAP Fiori
SAP Fiori launchpad
launchpad. displays.

2 Access SAP Open the Con gure BOP Variant tile. The BOP Variant
Fiori app. List screen

3 Create a Press the Create button. On the BOP Variant De nition screen, make the following entries: A draft of the
new variant. variant is created.
Variant Name: <your variant name>

Variant Description: <your variant description>

4 Choose the Choose the Document Type for which you want to create the variant. Furthermore, select how Variant Settings
Variant the requirements are to be checked, either using execution method Availabile-to-Promise are maintained
Settings and/or Supply Assignment. The available business scenarios/check rules vary dynamically, and displayed in
icon. depending on your selection and how your system has been con gured. the header data.
Con rmation
You can use the Global Segment button to assign an additional BOP segment to restrict the
list of requirements in a BOP variant on the basis of a speci c condition (for example, a
Redistribute is
speci c material in a speci c region). Doing this means you can implement a common
assigned as a
condition to a BOP variant in one step, rather than including it in each BOP segment
individually. This ensures that BOP segments remain simple and can be reused in other BOP
variants. You can de ne how to handle remaining items of the global segment that are not part
of any assigned BOP segments by assigning them to a con rmation strategy or choosing
Ignore Remaining Items

Press the Close button to nish editing the Variant Settings. Note that you can adjust the
variant settings subsequently, if required.

5 Add Start to type <your segment01 name> in the empty Segment Name eld below The segment and
segment to REDISTRIBUTE. its de ned
variant. selection criteria
are displayed. The
segment is
assigned to the
con rmation

6 Add Press the Add New Segment button. Con rmation

segment to strategy Win is
Start to type <your segment02 name> in the new, empty Segment Name eld.
con rmation added and the
strategy. When the segment and its de ned selection criteria are displayed, highlight the segment, chosen segment
press the Move to a Different Strategy button and choose con rmation strategy Win from and selection
the dropdown list (note that the currently assigned con rmation strategy cannot be chosen). criteria are listed.

Note that the Add to... button at the top of the screen simply adds an empty segment line
below the chose con rmation strategy. You cannot use this button to re-assign a segment
from one con rmation strategy to another.

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Step Action Instructions Expected Result


7 Save Press the Activate button. The variant is

variant. saved. If you
return to the BOP
Variant List
screen, the draft
indicator below
the variant name

8 Start If you are on the BOP Variant List screen, select variant <your variant name>. The app con rms
backorder Alternatively, on the BOP Variant De nition screen, choose Run from the dropdown next to that a backorder
processing the Schedule button. processing run
run. was scheduled for
your variant.

9 Display From the BOP Variant List screen, press the Show Last Runs button. The BOP Run List
BOP run screen in the
results. Monitor BOP Run
displays and lists
runs for your

How to Schedule a Backorder Processing

Schedule a run for backorder processing (BOP).

In this procedure, you want to trigger and schedule a backorder processing (BOP) run. The prerequisite for triggering and
scheduling a backorder processing run is the availability of at least one variant, created in the procedure How to Con gure a
Variant for Backorder Processing. Proceed as follows:

Step Action Instructions Expected Result


1 Log onto SAP Log onto the SAP Fiori launchpad using the role Order Ful llment Manager.
Fiori launchpad.

2 Access SAP Fiori Open the Schedule BOP Run tile. The Application Job screen
app. displays.

3 Create a new job. Press the New button. A new job is created and will
run immediately.
On the New Job screen, de ne a name for your BOP run in the Job Name eld.

In the Scheduling Options section, select the Start Immediately checkbox.

In the BOP Variant section of the Parameters Section subscreen, enter

<your variant name> in the Variant Name eld.

Choose Schedule.

4 Open log. A log is available when the job nishes. In the list of all scheduled BOP runs, The log created during the
navigate to the Log. BOP run displays.

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Step Action Instructions Expected Result


5 Schedule a new Press the New button. A new, recurring job is

recurring job. created and scheduled.
Choose Add More Scheduling Options.

Make the following entries:

Start Date: <today>

Start Time: 01:00:00

Recurrence: Flag checkbox

End: After <number> Occurrence(s)

Choose OK.

For Variant Name, enter <your variant name>.

Choose Schedule.

How to Monitor the Results of a Backorder

Processing Run
Monitor the results of a backorder processing (BOP) run.

In this procedure, you want to display the results of a backorder processing (BOP) run. The prerequisite for this procedure is the
execution of at least one run, as processed in the procedure How to Con gure a Variant for Backorder Processing or How to
Schedule a Backorder Processing Run. Proceed as follows:

Step Action Instructions Expected Result


1 Log onto SAP Fiori Log onto the SAP Fiori launchpad The SAP Fiori launchpad displays.
launchpad. using the role Order Ful llment

2 Access SAP Fiori Open the Monitor BOP Run tile. The BOP Run List screen displays and lists BOP variants for which BOP
app. runs have been processed or are running.

3 BOP run overview. Navigate to the Run Overview by The information in the Run Overview is as intended and a list of
choosing one of the listed runs. material-plant combinations is displayed.

Check the BOP run information,

for example, the variant name or
user name.

4 Quick lter for In the Filter Bar, press the The list of all material-plant combinations contains only those
con rmation Con rmation Issues button. combinations where a con rmation issue exists.

5 Quick lter for In the Filter Bar, press the The list of all material-plant combinations contains only those
processing issues. Processing Issues button. combinations where a processing issue exists.

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Step Action Instructions Expected Result


6 Select a material- Choose one of the displayed The Requirement List screen displays.
plant combination material-plant combinations and
Detailed information is displayed for each requirement, for example, the
and check its check the con rmation key
con rmation strategy and the name of the BOP segment from which it
details. gures.
was selected. The con rmation key gures are also displayed.

The Status indicator displays the correct status of each requirement.

7 Check Choose one of the listed A dialog screen displays the Con rmation Details of the selected
requirement requirements. requirement. Date, request and con rmation data is correct.

8 Navigate to the Click on the name of the BOP The Run Overview screen is displayed.
BOP run overview. variant in the path above the

9 Select a material- Choose the CONFIRM. The con rmation strategies used in the BOP variant are listed and the
plant combination STRATEGY tab in the header. key gures are correct.
and check details.
Choose one of the displayed
con rmation strategies and
examine the con rmation key

10 Navigate to the Click on the name of the BOP The Run Overview screen is displayed.
BOP run overview. variant in the path above the

11 Select a material- Choose the SOLD-TO PARTY tab The Requirement List screen is displayed. The requirements for the
plant combination in the header. sold-to parties from the processed business documents are listed and
and check details. the key gures are correct.
Choose one of the displayed
sold-to parties and examine the
con rmation key gures.

Example 1: First-Come, First-Served

Your company con rms sales orders as they are received and only one supplying plant is used. To re ect this approach when
running backorder processing, you de ne a BOP segment that sorts document numbers in a descending order and using the
following parameters:

1. In the Con gure BOP Segment app, create a new BOP segment called FirstComeFirstServed.

2. Set the selection criterion for the new BOP segment to SUPPLYINGPLANT of the ATPDOCUMENT is equal to

3. Set the prioritizer to ATPRELEVANTDOCUMENT and Ascending sort order.

4. In the Con gure BOP Variant app, con gure a new BOP variant called MyNightlyBOPRun with the con rmation
strategy Redistribute and assigned the BOP segment FirstComeFirstServed.

5. Execute backorder processing.

The total available quantity is the same before and after the BOP run.

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Before the BOP run:

Sales Order: Requested Qty: Requested Date: Con rmed Qty: Con rmed Date:

954 12 05.08. 8 10.08.

960 8 20.08. 8 20.08.

961 10 09.09. 2 09.09.

972 18 15.09. 18 15.09.


After the BOP run:

Sales Order: Requested Qty: Requested Date: Con rmed Qty: Con rmed Date:

954 12 05.08. 12 (=8+4) 10.08.

960 8 20.08. 8 20.08.

961 10 09.09. 10 (=2+8) 09.09.

972 18 15.09. 6 (=18-12) 15.09.


Note that the stock and receipts situation is the same before and after the BOP run.

Example 2: Reacting to Different Customer

Your company uses backorder processing to react to the current situation in sales, including sales promotion events for various
customers simultaneously, as well as special customer agreements or credit blocks. To run backorder processing to satisfy your
customers' requirements as much as possible, you need to create multiple BOP segments that are processed using a single
BOP variant which is con gured for multiple con rmation strategies, as required and detailed below.

Step 1: Create Multiple BOP Segments

In the Con gure BOP Segment app create the following BOP segments:

BOP segment CustomerHasPromotionEvent

Customer General Retail Inc. has a sales promotion event approaching and requires maximum quantities of certain products. It
is, therefore, crucial that the customers receives what is ordered. To achieve this:

1. Con gure a new BOP segment called CustomerHasPromotionEvent.

2. Set the selection criterion for the new BOP segment to SOLDTOPARTY of the ATPDOCUMENT is equal to 'General
Retail Inc.'.

3. When you con gure the BOP variant, assign this segment to con rmation strategy Win.

BOP segment PremiumCustomer

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Summer is approaching and your customer Premium AG knows that Bike2000 will sell well. Premium AG wants to secure as
much quantity of the product as possible, at the very least what was promised when orders were placed. To achieve this:

1. Con gure a new BOP segment called PremiumCustomer.

2. Set the selection criteria for the new BOP segment to SOLDTOPARTY of the ATPDOCUMENT is equal to 'Premium AG'
and ATPMATERIAL of the ATPDOCUMENT is equal to ʻBike2000’

3. When you con gure the BOP variant, assign this segment to con rmation strategy Gain.

BOP segment DoNotWantToGetMore

You have a sales agreement with customer MouseUnited Inc. that aims to deliver as much quantity as possible when a sales
order is placed. To achieve this:

1. Con gure a new BOP segment called MouseUnited Inc..

2. Set the selection criterion for the new BOP segment to SOLDTOPARTY of the ATPDOCUMENT is equal to 'MouseUnited

3. When you con gure the BOP variant, assign this segment to con rmation strategy Fill.

BOP segment CustomerOnCreditBlock

Your customer ChewingGum Ltd has open invoices for several orders and you rejected their latest delivery. The company should
not, therefore, received any quantity at the moment. To achieve this:

1. Con gure a new BOP segment called ChewingGum Ltd.

2. Set the selection criterion for the new BOP segment to SOLDTOPARTY of the ATPDOCUMENT is equal to 'Chewing
Gum Ltd'.

3. When you con gure the BOP variant, assign this segment to con rmation strategy Lose.

BOP segment AllOtherCustomers

To achieve a high con rmation rate for sales orders, all available quantity should be used and redistributed to those customers
not included in the BOP segments detailed above. To achieve this:

1. Create a BOP segment called AllOtherCustomers.

2. Set the selection criterion for the new BOP segment to SUPPLYINGPLANT of the ATPDOCUMENT is equal to '0001'.

3. Set the prioritizer to ATPRELEVANTDOCUMENT and Ascending sort order.

4. When you con gure the BOP segment, assign this segment as a global lter and assign the remaining requirements to
con rmation strategy Redistribute.

Step 2: Con gure BOP Variant and Execute a BOP Run

You have con gured the required BOP segments and you now want to con gure a BOP variant. In the Con gure BOP Variant

1. Create a new BIO variant called MyBOPRun.

2. Add con rmation strategies Win, Gain, Fill and Lose.

3. Choose the required BOP segment for each of the added con rmation strategies:

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Con rmation Strategy: BOP Segment:

Win CustomerHasPromotionEvent

Gain PremiumCustomer

Fill DoNotWantToGetMore

Lose CustomerOnCreditBlock

4. Add AllOtherCustomers as a global lter and assign any remaining requirements to con rmation strategy

5. Execute backorder processing.

Before the BOP run:

Sales Order: Customer Material Req. Qty: Req. Date: Conf. Qty: Conf. Date:

760 General Reatil Pedal 26 01.09. 16 10.09.


761 Retailer AG Pedal 20 01.09. 20 01.09.

768 Premium AG Pedal 6 01.09. 6 01.09.

773 Premium AG Bike2000 13 04.09. 12 04.09.

787 Chewing Gum Bike1000 20 06.09. 20 06.09.


788 Mouse United Bike1000 10 08.09. 8 08.09.



After the BOP run:

Sales Order: Customer Material Req. Qty: Req. Date: Conf. Qty: Conf. Date: Conf. Strat.

760 General Retail Pedal 26 01.09. 26 (+10) 10.09. Win


761 Retailer AG Pedal 20 01.09. 16 (-4) 01.09. Redistribute

768 Premium AG Pedal 6 01.09. 0 (-6) 01.09. Redistribute

773 Premium AG Bike2000 13 04.09. 12 04.09. Gain

787 Chewing Gum Bike1000 20 06.09. 0 (-20) 06.09. Lose


788 Mouse United Bike1000 10 08.09. 8 08.09. Fill




This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 47
If a global lter is applied to a BOP variant, all requirements not included in the global lter are excluded from the
BOP run, even when they are part of one of the BOP segments used in the BOP run.

All schedule lines from a particular sales items are included in backorder processing if they are covered by the lter
de nition.

Requirements Assigned to Multiple

The requirements processed in a backorder processing (BOP) run are assigned to con rmation strategies which de ne how the
requirements are handled and prioritized. Filters are used to assign requirements to con rmation strategies and they can also
be used to de ne subsets of requirements. As more than one lter can be used in a BOP run, lters may overlap, thereby
resulting in a requirement being selected by more than one lter: if a requirement is in two BOP segments assigned to the
same BOP variant, the requirement is automatically assigned to the BOP segment assigned to a con rmation strategy with a
higher priority.

Multiple Requested Schedule Lines for Single

Order Items
In an online availability check, multiple requested schedule lines for a single order item are always checked together and
prioritized according to their requested date. Con rmations are not explicitly mapped to the requested schedule lines but it is
implicitly assumed that they are distributed starting from the earliest date, to ensure that where possible, any schedule lines
with an earlier requested date are con rmed before schedule lines with later requested dates: schedule lines with later
requested dates cannot be con rmed before schedule lines with earlier requested dates.

In backorder processing (BOP) in advanced Available-to-Promise (aATP), you can, however, set up lters that do not select all
the schedule lines belonging to an order item. This can happen if the selection criterion is a date (for example, Requested
delivery date is before... or Product availability date is after…). This can lead to a BOP run in which either not all schedule lines of
an item are selected or they are selected but prioritized incorrectly (for example, a schedule line with an earlier date is assigned
to con rmation strategy Lose while a schedule line with a later date is assigned to con rmation strategy Gain), leading to
incorrect results.

A BOP run automatically selects all schedule lines for a selected item, prioritizes them according to their requested date and
moves them to the appropriate con rmation strategy as required. The following rules are applied:

Rule 1

If only schedule lines with earlier requested dates are selected for con rmation strategy Win, Gain, Redistribute or Fill,
schedule lines with later requested dates are assigned to con rmation strategy Fill.

Example for rule 1:

Schedule line: Selected for: BOP moves to:

1 Redistribute Redistribute

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 48

Schedule line: Selected for: BOP moves to:

2 No selection Fill

Rule 2

If only schedule lines with earlier requested dates are selected for con rmation strategy Lose , schedule lines with later
requested dates are also assigned to con rmation strategy Lose .

Example for rule 2:

Schedule line: Selected for: BOP moves to:

1 Lose Lose

2 No selection Lose

Rule 3

If only schedule lines with later requested dates are selected for con rmation strategy Win, Gain, Redistribute or Fill,
schedule lines with later requested dates are assigned to the same con rmation strategy.

Example for rule 3:

Schedule line: Selected for: BOP moves to:

1 No selection Redistribute

2 Redistribute Redistribute

Rule 4

If only schedule lines with later requested dates are selected for con rmation strategy Lose, schedule lines with earlier
requested dates are assigned to con rmation strategy Fill.

Example for rule 4:

Schedule line: Selected for: BOP moves to:

1 No selection Fill

2 Lose Lose

Rule 5

If schedule lines with earlier requested dates are selected for a lower con rmation strategy than for schedule lines with
later requested dates, the schedule lines with earlier requested dates are assigned to the same con rmation strategy
as the schedule lines with later requested dates.

Example for rule 5:

Schedule line: Selected for: BOP moves to:

1 Redistribute Redistribute

2 Win Redistribute

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 49

Rules Applied During BOP Run

The following example shows which of the rules above were applied during the BOP run:

Schedule line: Selected for: BOP moves to: Rule applied:

1 No selection Grain 5

2 Gain Gain

3 No selection Redistribute 5

4 Redistribute Redistribute

5 No selection Fill 1

6 Fill Fill

7 No selection Fill 1

8 Redistribute Fill 5

9 No selection Fill 1

10 Lose Lose

11 No selection Lose 2

12 Win Lose 2

13 No selection Lose 2

If you do not trigger measures to ensure that the conditions used by the different BOP segments in the BOP variant have been
con gured so that the schedule lines for an item with earlier requested dates (for example, in January) are con rmed before
those schedule lines for the same item but with later requested dates (for example, in February), your system will react
accordingly and force the con rmation of those schedule lines for items with earlier requested dates before the schedule lines
for items with a later requested date.

Release for Delivery

Release sales order materials for delivery.

You can use the Release for Delivery app to prioritize due sales orders containing materials with limited availability. The app
allows users to view the material availability situation of materials for which they are responsible (as de ned in the Con gure
Order Ful llment Responsibilities app) as well as assess the potential nancial impact of being unable to ful ll sales orders. This,
in combination with other factors, helps users decide how to distribute material quantities between sales orders, before
releasing the sales orders for subsequent logistics processes (for example, picking or packing). This manual processing step
prevents expensive cancellation and rollback activities that may occur if last minute, high priority sales orders come in, causing
con icts for materials for which quantities are limited.

This documentation contains example procedures for working with the Con gure Order Ful llment Responsibilities and Release
for Delivery apps. For more information, see:

How to Con gure Areas of Responsibility

How to Prepare Sales Order Line Items for Delivery

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 50
How to Schedule the Deletion of ATP Results Logs

How to Con gure Areas of Responsibility

Con gure areas of responsibility for processing sales orders that are due for delivery.

In this procedure, you want to con gure order ful llment responsibilities to enable your order ful llment specialists to process
all the materials for which they are responsible in the Release for Delivery app. This enables you to scope and personalize the
work of your order ful llment specialists and ensures that they only see sales documents and materials for which they are
responsible within a speci c time period.

Before you can use the Con gure Order Ful llment Responsibilities app, you must enable rule creation in SAP HANA Rules
Framework. For more information, see Con guring SAP HANA Rules Framework.

Proceed as follows to create a single area of responsibility or to create multiple areas of responsibility simultaneously with the
Mass Create function:

Step # Action Instructions Expected Result

1 Log onto SAP Fiori launchpad. Log onto the SAP Fiori launchpad The SAP Fiori launchpad displays.
using the role Order Ful llment

2 Access SAP Fiori app. Open the Con gure Order Ful llment The Order Ful llment
Responsibilities tile. Responsibilities screen displays.

3 Check existing responsibilities. On the List Report screen, choose All A list of existing responsibilities
in eld Editing Status and then press displays.

4 Create responsibilities for each plant. Choose Mass Create. In the dialog A responsibility has been created for
screen Create Multiple Order each plant.
Ful llment Responsibilities, enter the
following values and choose Create

Split Criterion: Plant

Default Horizon: 3

5 Create a single responsibility. Press the button + (Create Object).

On the New Object screen, enter the
following values:

Responsibility Name: define as


Responsibility Description: for

example, define as required

Responsibility De nition: Material

number is equal to
[<material number>]

Default Horizon: 3

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 51

Step # Action Instructions Expected Result

6 Add user assignment. On the User Assignment subscreen,

press the + (Add) button. On the
General Information screen that
appears, enter the following values
(leaving other elds with their default
values) and press Apply:

Assigned User: define as


7 Save responsibility. Press the Save button. The responsibility you just created
displays with the entries you chose.
To make more changes, select Edit.

How to Prepare Sales Order Line Items for

Process a worklist to prepare sales order line items for delivery.

How to Prepare/Release Sales Orders for Materials Without Availability Issues

In this procedure, you want to prepare sales order line items for delivery. The line items for the material-plant combinations do
not have availability issues, meaning all requirements can be ful lled and can be released directly without additional processing.
Proceed as follows:

Step Action Instructions Expected Result


1 Log on to the Log on to the SAP Fiori launchpad using the Order Ful llment Specialist. The SAP Fiori launchpad
SAP Fiori displays.

2 Access SAP Open the Release for Delivery tile. The Release for Delivery screen
Fiori app. displays.

3 Check The process status is displayed on the entry screen of the Release for Delivery Several materials have status
prepared app. There are three process statuses: Unprepared, Prepared, Released. Prepared. All materials in the
materials. Navigate to the list of prepared materials. list should be fully con rmed.

4 Release All material-plant combinations for which you are responsible and which have The released materials vanish
prepared no availability issues should be displayed in the Prepared material list. Mark from the Prepared list; the
materials. all the combinations and press the Release for Delivery button. corresponding counter displays

5 Check Navigate to the list of Released materials. The released materials appear
released in the Released list.

6 Navigate Navigate back to the list of Unprepared materials. The overview screen lists all
back to unprepared items which still
unprepared have availability issues.

How to Identify Important Sales Orders for Material Without Availability Issues
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 52
Your worklist may also contain materials-plant combinations with availibility issues. Proceed as follows:

Step # Action Instructions Expected Result Additional


1 Check unprepared materials The process status is Several materials have the
displayed on the entry screen status Unprepared. All
of the Release for Delivery unprepared materials in the
app. There are three process list contains at least one sales
statuses: Unprepared, order requirement with
Prepared, Released. Navigate availability issues and are not,
to the list of unprepared items. therefore, fully con rmed.

2 Navigate to the detail screen All material-plant The list of Unprepared The impact is, by
combinations in the list of materials no longer displays. default, based on the
Unprepared materials have an All sales order items for this relative net value of
Impact bar. The Unprepared material-plant combination the material,
material list is sorted display instead. multiplied by the
according to the Impact. uncon rmed
Navigate to the rst material- quantity.
plant combination as it has the
greatest impact.

3 Sort and lter sales order The header of the sales order A list of sales order line items Undo the ltering by
items item table contains search and displays, ltered according to deleting the search
sort functions. Use the the selected search criteria. criteria.
functions to identify the sales The sorting changes the
orders with, for example, the sequence of the sales order
highest Delivery Priority. line items according to the
chosen sort attribute.

How to Solve Issues by Redistributing Quantities

In this procedure, you want to solve issues by redistributing con rmed quantities according to, for example, delivery priority,
order type or sold-to party. Proceed as follows:

Step Action Instructions Expected Result Comment


1 Uncon rm Each line of the sales order line item table The con rmed quantity changes
a single contains multiple buttons. You can uncon rm to 0. The bar chart in the page
sales order a single sales order line item by pressing the header displays the same
line item Uncon rm button in the appropriate line. quantity as Available Quantity.
Press the Uncon rm button for a line item
with a low Delivery Priority.

2 Uncon rm Filter the sales order line item table to The con rmed quantity is 0 for Undo the ltering by emptying
multiple display all items with the lowest Delivery all ltered sales order line items. the corresponding input eld.
sales order Priority. To do this, press the Uncon rm
line items button in the table header line.

3 Fully Con rm a single sales order line item by If there is sufficient Available The Con rm button is inactive
con rm a pressing the Con rm button in the Quantity, the line item shows a if there is insufficient quantity
single appropriate line. Press the Con rm button full con rmation. to fully con rm a line item.
sales order for a line item with a high Delivery Priority.

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 53

Step Action Instructions Expected Result Comment


4 Con rm a The maximum possible con rmation of sales The con rmation of sales order The Con rm button is inactive
single sales order line items can be constrained by the line item is changed and the if there is insufficient quantity
order item availability at storage location or batch. The color of the constraining to fully con rm a line item. The
which is constraining elements are displayed in the elements in the Constrained By Publish and Back button is
constrained Constrained By column. Identify a sales column changes accordingly: inactive when there is more
order line item with constraints and quantity used for a constraining
Gray indicates that the
increase/decrease the con rmation. element than available.
item can be con rmed

Blue indicates that,

although additional
quantity is available and
can be distributed, the
item cannot be
con rmed fully.

Yellow indicates that the

maximum quantity for
the constraining element
has been distributed.

Red indicates that more

quantity has been used
than is available.

5 Protect a Protect a single sales order line item from The Protect button is active. Leave the protected line item in
single mass changes by pressing the Protect this status for the next step.
sales order button in the appropriate line. Press the
line item Protect button for a line item with the highest
Delivery Priority.

6 Fully Filter the sales order line item table to The con rmed quantity is set, The protected line item does
con rm display all items with the highest Delivery starting at the top to bottom of not change.
multiple Priority. Press the Con rm button in the the list. If the Available Quantity
sales order table header line. is insufficient to fully con rm all
items ltered line items, the line items
near the end of the list will not
have full con rmations.

7 Repeat Repeat the previous steps untill you are

satis ed with the con rmation situation.

8 Publish If you are satis ed with the current The sales order line item list When the last material-plant-
changes con rmation situation of all sales order line displays the next material-plant combination is reached, press
items for the current material-plant combination from the Publish and Back.
combination, you can update the underlying Unprepared list.
sales order documents and proceed with the
Repeat this test step.
next material-plant combination. To do this,
press the Publish and Next button.

How to Release Processed Sales Orders

In this procedure, you want to trigger the creation of delivery documents. This is the nal procedure step in the Release for
Delivery app. Proceed as follows:

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 54

Step Action Instructions Expected Result Comment


1 Check The processing status is displayed on the entry The Prepared list displays
prepared screen of the Release for Delivery app. There are published materials.
materials three statuses: Unprepared, Prepared, Released.

2 Release Navigate to the Prepared material list. Choose all The released materials vanish To select all items
prepared materials and press the Release for Delivery from the Prepared list. The simultaneously, use the
materials button corresponding counter displays checkbox in the header line
0. of the table

3 Check Navigate to the list of Released materials. The Released list displays
released released materials.

How to Schedule the Deletion of ATP Results

Schedule the deletion of result logs in aATP.

When backorder processing is run in advanced Available-to-Promise (aATP), your system creates results logs. These can and
should be deleted at regular intervals. Before you can use this procedure, at least one backorder processing run must have
been processed in your system. Use procedure How to Monitor the Results of a Backorder Processing Run to check if a run is

To schedule the deletion of results you no longer require, proceed as follows:

Step # Action Instructions Expected Result

1 Log onto SAP Fiori launchpad. Log onto the SAP Fiori launchpad
using the Order Ful llment Manager

2 Access SAP Fiori app. Open the Schedule Deletion of ATP The Application Log screen displays.
Results Log tile.

3 Create new job. Press the New button. A new job is created and will be
executed immediately. Any entries for
Set the Start Immediately checkbox.
ATP result logs that are older than the
For User Name, enter <your user entered number of days are deleted.

For Older than (Days), enter 1 to

delete all log entries which are older
than one day.

Press Schedule.

4 Open log (optional) A log is available when the job The log created during deletion is
nishes. In the list of all scheduled displayed.
deletion runs, navigate to the log.

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 55

Apps for Backorder Processing (BOP)

The following Fiori apps are available for processing backorders and releasing sales orders for delivery in aATP. The business
document sales order is supported by all apps. The business document stock transport order is, in addition, supported by the
Con gure BOP Segment , Con gure BOP Variant , and Monitor BOP Run apps.

Note that each app contains Web Assistant documentation for key elds and concepts. To display the documentation, con gure
the settings as detailed in the User Assistance Settings section of the UI Technology Guide for SAP S/4HANA speci c to the
SAP S/4HANA product and version you are using. The UI Technology Guide is available on the SAP Help Portal. After
con guration, press F1 or the question mark symbol displayed in the app header to display the documentation while working in
the app.

Con gure BOP Segment

With this app, you can de ne a set of rules with which to prioritize the distribution of supply when the demand for the materials
in sales and stock transport orders exceeds the available inventory or capacity. Using a combination of lters and prioritizers,
you can automate rescheduling and redistribution in line with your company strategy.

You can use the Con gure BOP Variant app subsequently to create a BOP variant and execute the corresponding backorder
processing run directly in the app or in the Schedule BOP Run app.

You can use this app if you have the business role Order Ful llment Manager (R0226).

Key Features
You can use this app to:

De ne new BOP segments to prioritize requirements.

Display and change existing BOP segments.

Display the BOP variants in which BOP segments are used.

Supported Device Types



Related Apps
This app is one of four apps that you can use to set up, con gure and execute backorder processing (BOP) in advanced
Available-to-Promise (aATP). For more information on related apps, see:

Con gure BOP Variant

Schedule BOP Run

Monitor BOP Run

Con gure BOP Variant

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 56
With this app, you can de ne a variant for backorder processing (BOP), including an optional combination of lters and
prioritizers, with which you can automate rescheduling and redistribution of materials in limited supply. You can display the
results of subsequent backorder processing runs in the Monitor BOP Run app.

You can use this app if you have the business role Order Ful llment Manager (R0226).

Key Features
You can use this app to:

Display, change and re-use existing BOP variants.

De ne new BOP variants.

Con gure BOP variants so that availability checks can be run for sales docments and stock transport orders, also against
supply assignment. Con guration options include:

The document type (sales order and/or stock transport order) for which the BOP variant is valid and the
availability check is to be executed.

The execution method (Available-to-Promise or Supply Assignment (ARun)) and business scenario/check rule to
be used for the availability check.

If release checks or global segments are to be considered.

Assign con rmation strategies.

De ne new requirement categories.

Enable and de ne global lters.

Simulate and schedule backorder processing runs in one step.

Supported Device Types



Related Apps
This app is one of four apps that you can use to set up, con gure and execute backorder processing (BOP) in advanced
Available-to-Promise (aATP). For more information on related apps, see:

Con gure BOP Segment

Schedule BOP Run

Monitor BOP Run

Con gure Custom BOP Sorting

With this app, you can create sequences for prioritizing requirements from sales and stock transport documents according to
attributes that do not allow simple alphanumeric sorting (for example, customer/sold-to party). In doing so, you de ne a logic by
which requirements are prioritized accordingly in the Con gure BOP Segment app and in subsequent backorder processing runs
triggered from the Con gure BOP Variant or Schedule BOP Run apps. You can use this app if you have the business role Order
Ful llment Manager (R0226).

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 57

Key Features
You can use this app to:

Create prioritized sequences of values based on a speci c attribute (for example, sold-to party) in sales and stock
transport documents.

Display, edit and copy existing sequences and their values.

Supported Device Types



Related Apps
This app is one of ve apps that you can use to set up, con gure and execute backorder processing (BOP) in advanced Available-
to-Promise (aATP). For more information on related apps, see:

Con gure BOP Segment

Con gure BOP Variant

Monitor BOP Run

Schedule BOP Run

Each app contains Web Assistant documentation for key elds and concepts. To display the documentation while working in
the app, press F1 or the question mark symbol displayed in the app header.

Schedule BOP Run

With this app, you can con gure and schedule jobs for executing backorder processing (BOP) runs. To do so, you de ne the
technical parameters for the selection and behavior of the BOP run as well as, if required, simulative and recurring runs,
subsequent update processes, and logging. The results of any BOP run scheduled in this app are visible in the Monitor BOP Run

You can use this app if you have the business role Order Ful llment Manager (R0226).

Key Features
You can use this app to:

Schedule jobs which execute BOP runs for a speci ed BOP variant, either using the pre-de ned ATP: Backorder
Processing Default template or a personalized job template you have created.

Arrange job series that take different time zones and calendars into account.

Schedule recurring jobs.

Copy and cancel jobs.

Monitor jobs selected on the basis of their status.

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 58
Display results of jobs selected on the basis of their status.

For a more detailed overview of the standard key features offered by this app, see Application Jobs.

You have already con gured at least one BOP variant (containing at least one BOP segment) in the BOP apps for advanced
Available-to-Promise (aATP), Con gure BOP Segment and Con gure BOP Variant.

Supported Device Types



Related Apps
This standard app is offered as one of four apps that you can use to set up, con gure and execute backorder processing (BOP)
in advanced Available-to-Promise (aATP). For more information on related apps, see:

Con gure BOP Segment

Con gure BOP Variant

Monitor BOP Run

Monitor BOP Run

With this app, you can display the results of backorder processing (BOP) runs that have been setup in the Con gure BOP
Variant app. The app shows the con rmation status of requirements at different levels of granularity, helping you to con rm
that the backorder processing runs complies with your company's strategy.

If the results of the backorder processing run are not as required, you can change the setup of the corresponding BOP variant
and execute the run again. Alternatively, you can use the Release for Delivery app to adjust the con rmation data manually.

You can use this app if you have the business role Order Ful llment Manager (R0226).

Key Features
You can use this app to:

Display overall results of backorder processing runs executed in simulation mode, with document updates or with supply

Display data about backorder processing and con rmations at prede ned aggregation levels by material-plant
combination, con rmation strategy and sold-to party

Drill down to the requirement level to display the con rmation details

This app uses the following CDS views:

CDS View: Description:

C_ABOPRun Run in Backorder Processing (BOP)

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 59
C_ABOPRunMaterialPlant Run Con rmation Details by Material-Plant

C_ABOPRunStrategy Run Con rmation Details by Strategy

C_ABOPRunSoldToParty Run Con rmation Details by Sold-to Party

C_ABOPRunRequirement Requested Schedule Line in BOP

C_ABOPRunConfirmation Con rmation of a Requirement in BOP

This displays data only after a BOP run has been executed, either in simulation mode or with document updates.

Supported Device Types




Related Apps
This app is one of four apps that you can use to set up, con gure and execute backorder processing (BOP) in advanced
Available-to-Promise (aATP). For more information on related apps and the app for manually adjusting con rmation data after
backorder processing, see:

Con gure BOP Segment

Con gure BOP Variant

Schedule BOP Run

Release for Delivery

Con gure Order Ful llment Responsibilities

With this app, you can con gure order ful llment responsibilities to enable your order ful llment specialists to process all the
materials for which they are responsible in the Release for Delivery app. This app enables you to scope and personalize the work
of your order ful llment specialists and ensures that they only see sales documents and materials for which they are
responsible within a speci c time period. Furthermore, the app helps you to react exibly to changing situations by offering
methods with which to reassign responsibilities from one order ful llment specialist to another.

You can use this app if you have the business role Order Ful llment Manager (R0226).

Key Features
You can use this app to:

Display and change existing order ful llment responsibilities, their periods of validity and any existing assignments to
order ful llment specialists.

Create a single order ful llment responsibility for a speci c split criterion (for example, plant or material group) or a
combination of multiple split criteria, de ne its period of validity and assign the order ful llment responsibility to an

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 60
order ful llment specialist.

Create multiple order ful llment responsibilities in one step for a speci c split criterion (for example, plant or material
group), de ne their periods of validity and assign the order ful llment responsibilities to order ful llment specialists.

Before creating an order ful llment responsibility, ensure that:

Your system administrator has created the required user data for your order ful llment specialists in your system.

Your system administrator has assigned business role Order Ful llment Specialist (R0176) to the required ful llment
specialists in your system.

Supported Device Types



Related App
Release for Delivery

Release for Delivery

With this app, you can prioritize due sales orders containing materials with limited availability in the order ful llment
responsibility to which you are assigned. The app allows you to view the material availability situation of materials for which you
are responsible as well as assess the potential nancial impact of being unable to ful ll sales orders. This, in combination with
other factors, helps you decide how to distribute material quantities between sales orders, before you release the sales orders
for subsequent logistics processes.

Key Features
You can use this app to:

Display sales orders containing materials for which you are responsible during a speci c time period, including sales
order items for materials with limited availability.

Display the availability situation for the materials for which you are responsible.

Display the con rmation and delivery status for the materials in a sales order item.

Display the potential nancial impact for your organization if materials are not available and material redistribution is
not optimized.

Display any constraining elements (for example, reduced available quantity at a storage location) that may prevent a
sales order being ful lled partially or completely.

Manually redistribute material quantities between sales order items, as required, to ful ll a sales order partially or

Apply con rmation strategies such as Con rm from Top to enable efficient, semi-automatic processing of mass data.

Protect quantities of sales order items from further processing.

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 61
Postpone further processing of sales order items.

Release materials for delivery, thus triggering subsequent logistics processes (for example, picking).

Minimize the number of delivery documents created interactively when sales order documents are processed: where
possible, only one delivery document is created per sales order document processed.

You can use this app if you have the business role Order Ful llment Specialist (R0176) and if at least one order ful llment
responsibility has been assigned to you in the Con gure Order Ful llment Responsibilities app.

You can use this app to process materials for which advanced Available-to-Promise (aATP) functions have been activated.

Supported Device Types



Related App
Con gure Order Ful llment Responsibilities

Schedule Deletion of ATP Results Log

With this app, you can create and schedule jobs for deleting backorder processing (BOP) run results that are displayed in the
Monitor BOP Run and Schedule BOP Run apps as well as ATP check results displayed in the Release for Delivery app and written
to the ATP Results Log. To do so, you con gure the technical parameters for the deletion job as well as, if required, a recurrence
pattern. You can also con gure the deletion job settings to delete the results of older BOP runs or BOP runs scheduled by a
speci c user.

You can use this app if you have the business role Order Ful llment Manager (R0226).

Key Features
You can use this app to:

Schedule jobs which execute the deletion of ATP results logs for speci ed BOP runs, either using the pre-de ned ATP:
Backorder Processing Result Deletion Default template or a personalized job template you have created.

Arrange job series that take different time zones and calendars into account.

Schedule recurring deletion jobs.

Copy and cancel deletion jobs.

Monitor deletion jobs.

Display the results of deletion jobs.

For a more detailed overview of the standard key features offered by this app, see Application Jobs.

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You have already executed at least one BOP run, either from the Con gure BOP Variant app, as scheduled in the Schedule BOP
Run app or as a result of manual re-prioritization activities in the Release for Delivery app.

Supported Device Types



Related Apps
This standard app is offered as one of six apps that you can use to set up, con gure and execute backorder processing
automatically and manually in advanced Available-to-Promise (aATP). For more information on related apps, see:

Con gure BOP Segment

Con gure BOP Variant

Schedule BOP Run

Monitor BOP Run

Release for Delivery

Supply Assignment (ARun)

Supply Assignment (ARun) can be used to ensure that the most appropriate supply is assigned to order requirements in a
supply shortage situation. Supply assignment ensures that supply is distributed to open requirements in sales orders and stock
transport orders in accordance with the business scenario valid at that time.

If you want to use Supply Assignment (ARun), you must activate business function SUPPLY_ASSIGNMENT_01.

Related Information
Supply Assignment (ARun)

Supply Assignment (ARun)

Supply Assignment (ARun)
Supply Assignment (ARun) ensures that supply is assigned to orders according to the changing requirements. In a supply
shortage situation, supply assignment ensures an optimal assignment of supply to the open requirements and distributes
available supply to the respective sales orders or stock transport orders (STO). Supply assignment offers you options for
minimizing losses due to inventory stock-outs by utilizing the visibility on the demand and supply situation and offers an
automated release process for assigned items to which supply has been assigned and are ready for delivery.

You can choose to execute a supply assignment run before delivery of stock by setting the ARun relevancy in material master
data. For more information, see Enhancements to Article Master, Material Master, and Site Master.

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The assignment process can be executed from Backorder Processing (BOP), the Insight to Action tool, or during the immediate
assignment process:

For more information about Backorder Processing in aATP, see Backorder Processing (BOP).

For more information about Insight to Action, see Insight to Action Tool.

For more information about immediate assignment, see Changing Sales Orders and Changing Stock Transport Orders.

If you want to use Supply Assignment (ARun), you must activate business function SUPPLY_ASSIGNMENT_01.

The following explains the ARun process:

Requirement Selection

Only sales orders and stock transport orders (STO) are considered as requirements for the supply assignment process. In the
backorder processing run, requirements are selected based on the BOP variant.

Stock Selection

Stock selection is based on the scope of availability check as determined by the checking group maintained in the material
master. For more information, see Scope of the Availability Check.

Physical stock (batch stock, storage location stock) and future receipts (purchase orders, shipping noti cations) are relevant
for supply assignment.


In this step, supply is assigned to requirements and the assignments are stored in table ARUN_BDBS. The assignment of supply
to requirements takes place as per the ATP quantity calculation logic. For more information, see Availability Check According to
ATP Logic. While executing the assignment with the ATP quantity calculation logic, the order to which supply is assigned is based
on the supply sort rule speci ed during BOP variant con guration if there are multiple receipt or supply elements on one date.
The supply sort rule is de ned in transaction ARUN_STKSRT. If, for example, physical inventory stock is available in multiple
storage locations, you can use the sort rule to give a higher priority to supply in a speci c storage location during assignment.

If no supply sort rule is speci ed in the BOP variant, the system assigns supply elements to physical inventory, shipping
noti cation and then purchase orders.

The assignment of supply can be executed as normal or in preview mode, depending on the con guration of the BOP variant. In
preview mode, you can, for example, select existing orders against future supply (for example, purchase orders and shipping
noti cations) to estimate the possible uctuations in future warehouse inventory. This allows you to simulate issues and react
proactively: assignment in preview mode considers, for example, delayed goods receipts for purchase orders and possible
quantity deviations, and displays the effects on any existing sales orders. Assignment against future stock can take place with
either status R (reserved) or F ( xed). During preview mode, neither the inventory nor the requirements are locked.

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If a requirement document is not processed by supply assignment then the reason for this behaviour is displayed in the status
eld of the BOP monitor Requirement List screen .

The document will not be processed by supply assignment for one of the following reasons:

Order has no con rmation quantity

Order item is incomplete for delivery

Order is a third-party order

Order is of type MTO or PTO

Order is a main MSO

Order item cancellation date is in the past

Shipping data is missing for the receiving plant

Shipment scheduling is not set for the STO document type

If some requirements are not completely assigned then the the status is displayed as Incomplete Assignment and the
appropriate reason is displayed.

Not enough stock for assignment on batch, segment, storage location, or plant level.

Not enough stock before cancellation date of the requirements.

Con rmation after cancellation date for the requirements.

Release Check

The release check is only applicable for Retail and is mandatory when the Release Check Required indicator is selected during
BOP variant con guration. If the Release Check Required indicator is set, the supply assignment status is set to O (Ready for
Release). In Insight to Action, transaction ARUNITA is used to execute the release check - for more information, see Insight to
Action Tool. If Release Check Required is not selected, all assignments with physical stock have status F (Fix) and all
assignments with future receipts have status R (Reserved) for future receipts.

Activating business function SUPPLY_ASSIGNMENT_RETAIL_01 is a prerequisite for using the release check.

Enhancements to Article Master, Material

Master, and Site Master
The following enhancements have been made to Article Master, Material Master and Site Master:

Enhancement to the article master

The article master has been enhanced with two Supply Assignment (ARun) relevant elds.

Supply Assignment relevant: You can set either ARun Relevant or ARun Non-Relevant. You can choose to make a variant
of a generic article relevant in the Supply Assignment (ARun) eld. This setting will also apply to all the other variants of
the generic article in that DC. This setting can be made only for variants of an article in a non-referenced DC. You cannot
change the relevancy of an item if assignments already exist for an article.

Assign Batches in ARun – If the variant is marked as ARun relevant for a non-reference DC and if it is batch managed,
then you can choose to set either Assign Batches or Do not Assign Batches. You can change the value from "1" (Assign

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 65
Batches) to " " (Do not Assign Batches) only if no assignments exist for this material. You can change the value from " "
(Do not Assign Batches) to "1" (Assign Batches) only if:

1. There are no assignments for this article.

2. There are no open deliveries with assigned batch numbers.

3. The article is managed in batches.

If Do not Assign Batches is set for an article that is managed in batches in a non-referenced DC, then maintaining batch
numbers in the sales orders or stock transport orders might lead to under con rmation and subsequently, under

ARun can be maintained only for variants of non-referenced DCs. If you have maintained the ARun setting for a variant of a
generic article, the same is copied to all the variants of the article in the non-referenced DC.

Enhancement to material master

The material master is enhanced with two elds relevant to supply assignment (ARun).

Supply Assignment relevant – you can set either ARun Relevant or ARun Non-Relevant. You can choose to make a material
ARun relevant in the Supply Assignment (ARun) eld. You cannot change the relevancy of an item if assignments already exist
for a material.

Assign Batches in ARun – If the variant is marked as ARun relevant for a non-referenced DC and if it is batch managed, then you
can choose set either Assign Batches or Do not Assign Batches. You can change the value from "1" (Assign Batches) to " " (Do
not Assign Batches) only if no assignments exist for this material. You can change the value from " " (Do not Assign Batches) to
"1" (Assign Batches) only if:

There are no assignments for this material.

There are no open deliveries with assigned batch numbers.

The material is managed in batches.

If Do not Assign Batches is set for a material that is managed in batches in a plant, then maintaining batch numbers in the sales
orders or stock transport orders might lead to under con rmation and subsequently under assignments.

Enhancement to site master

The site master is enhanced with two elds relevant to Supply Assignment (ARun) on the Listing/Materials Planning tab.

Supply Assignment relevant

Assign Batches in ARun

The values set in the site master are copied to the variants of the generic article when listed to a non-referenced DC by default.
These values can be overwritten in the article master manually.

Insight to Action Tool

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Insight to Action is a detailed reporting tool used to monitor and analyze assignment results, check for exceptions and perform
appropriate actions. This tool provides an insight of the stock and requirement assignment, and enables you to perform
appropriate action (such as assign, unassign, release, delivery creation and so on).

You can use the Insight to Action tool to perform the following operation/functions:

Assess the assignment situation in the system: The system considers the existing assignment as well as the unassigned
requirement to analyze the assignment situation and provide an overview after the tool is executed.

Exceptions: Exceptions can be deviation between delivery dates and/or quantities of orders (such as sales orders, stock
transport orders, purchase orders, and so on). You can maintain exceptions using the ARUN_ITAE transaction (see
Maintain Exceptions for Insight to Action Tool for more information).

E-mail the person responsible for exceptions: The system sends an automated e-mail to the person responsible for the
exception rule.

Adjust assignment results using the actions such as assign, unassign, release, block, delivery creation, and so on.

Provide drill-down levels for Demand and Supply hierarchy con guration in the report output. The drill-down levels can
be de ned using the ARUN_ITAH transaction (see Maintain Hierarchy Levels for Insight to Action Tool for more

1. You have activated the business function SUPPLY_ASSIGNMENT_01. You can also additionally activate business function

2. Use the authorization object ARUN_ITA (Insight to Action Authorization) to execute the Insight to Action tool.

The following set up steps are optional:

1. You have created an exception rule using the Maintain Exceptions for Insight to Action (ARUN_ITAE) transaction. If
you do not maintain an exception rule, the orders/requirements will not be checked for any exceptions.

2. You have maintained hierarchy or drill-down levels for Demand and Supply con guration using the Maintain Hierarchy
Levels for Insight to Action (ARUN_ITAH) transaction. If you do not maintain drill-down levels, the output of the
Insight to Action tool is displayed in a at view. That means, the output is displayed as a normal ALV output.

On the initial screen of the Insight to Action tool, you can execute the Insight to Action tool based on the following search

Execution Modes

Choose one of the following execution modes:

Online: The assignments between the requirement and stock are posted. You can perform an action (such as assign,
unassign, release, delivery creation and so on) on an order. You can also save the changes after the actions are
performed. You can choose the orders that need to be saved.

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Background: You can perform actions such as Unassign, Release, Block and Release Check on a group of orders. The
messages generated during background execution can be seen in the spool.

Selection Modes

Choose from one of the two selection modes:

In preview mode, for example, you can assign existing orders against future stock (for example, purchase orders and shipping
noti cations) to estimate the possible uctuations of future warehouse stock. This is an early warning system with which you
can simulate problems. That means that you can react proactively and in time.

Assignment in preview mode considers, for example, delayed goods receipts for purchase orders and possible quantity
deviations and shows the effects on the existing sales orders. Assignment against future stock can take place with either status
R (reserved) or F ( xed). During preview mode, neither the stock nor the requirements are locked.

The results of the assignments in the preview mode are saved in ARUN_BDBS table too. There is no update of the “real”
requirements and stock. That means you cannot create deliveries, for example, based on an assignment in the preview mode.

The results of the assignments in the normal mode are saved in ARUN_BDBS table. If at all there exists any assignment done in
preview mode for this material plant combination, the same would be deleted from database table and the assignments done in
Normal mode are saved in the database table.

Drill Down/Hierarchy

You can specify how the hierarchy or drill-down level should be displayed in the report output. This helps you analyze and
con gure the output according to business requirements. The drill-down levels can be con gured using the Maintain Hierarchy
Levels for Insight to Action Tool (ARUN_ITAH) transaction.

Exception Rules

You can specify the exception rule de ned for a speci c order using the Maintain Exceptions for Insight to Action (ARUN_ITAE)
transaction. If you have maintained this rule, the system calculates the exceptions for the selected orders and displays in the
respective columns in the output. You can assign one or more persons responsible to for the exception to each exception rule.
You can choose to send an automated e-mail to the person who is responsible for exceptions.

For more information about de ning exception rules, see Maintain Exceptions for Insight to Action (ARUN_ITAE).

Requirements/Stock selection

You can specify which requirements and stock should be included in the Insight to Action tool. Based on the selected
requirement or stock type, a corresponding tab with the relevant selection criteria is displayed on the initial screen of the
Insight to Action tool.

Requirement Selection

You can choose from the following order types that should be included in the Insight to Action tool:

Sales order: Sales orders are included as requirements in the Insight to Action tool if this checkbox is selected. The Sales
Order tab with the sales order selection criteria is displayed on the initial screen of the tool.

Stock transport order: Stock transport orders are included as requirements in the Insight to Action tool. The tab with
the stock transport order selection criteria is displayed on the initial screen of the tool.

STO are selected in the ARUN_ITAE transaction for the order types if you have set the Sh. Schd. checkbox in the
Customizing activity Con gure Delivery Type & Availability Check Procedure by Plant under Materials
Management Purchasing Purchase Order Set up Stock Transport Order .

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Stock Selection

This stock selection will be used in the assignment also. If the user selects the stock type at initial screen, only those stock types
will be used in the assignment action. If user has selected the batch stock and purchase order stock then in the assignment pop-
up screen, these stock types are visible and the assignment will be carried out with these stock elements. The user has the
exibility to provide a particular stock number in assignment pop-up screen.

You can choose from the following stock segments that should be included in the Insight to Action tool:Con gure Delivery Type &
Availability Check Procedure by Plant

Batch stock : Batch stock is included as a stock type in the Insight to Action tool if this checkbox is selected. The Stock
tab is displayed on the initial screen of the Insight to Action tool with physical stock selection criteria.

Storage location : The stock available at the storage location is included as a stock type in the Insight to Action tool if
this checkbox is selected. The Stock tab is displayed on the initial screen of the Insight to Action tool with physical stock
selection criteria.

Purchase orders : Purchase orders are included as a stock type in the Insight to Action tool if this checkbox is selected.
The Stock tab with the purchase order selection criteria is displayed on the initial screen.

Shipping noti cations: Shipping noti cations are included as a stock type in the Insight to Action tool if this checkbox is
selected. The Stock tab with the con rmation selection criteria is displayed on the initial screen.

Choose Action

This push button appears on the initial screen of Insight To Action tool only when Background mode is selected in Execution

You can choose from the following actions:

Unassign: You can unassign a group of orders that were already assigned. Once the assigned orders are unassigned,
those orders will be deleted from ARUN_BDBS table.

Release: You can manually change the status of assigned orders from R (Reserved) to H (Fix and Hold) or F (Fixed), or H
(Fix and Hold) to F (Fixed).

Block: You can block an order by changing the status F (Fixed) to the status H (Fix and Hold) or R (Reserved), or H (Fix
and Hold) to R (Reserved).

Email: In the Insight to Action report, for each exception rule, you can send an automated e-mail to the person
responsible for the exception rule. You can enter the relevant e-mail address in the Email To eld.

Release Check: This action is used to perform the release check on the order and set the status as per the release rule.
The ARun status of the order changes based on the release rule conditions speci ed in the release rule. Note that the
orders would be in status O (Ready for Release) if release check required indicator was selected during the supply
assignment process in Supply Assignment (ARun).

Release Rule: The default release rule for the release check is maintained here.

Determination Logic: Depending on the option selected here, the release rule is picked up for the release check. It
speci es the order in which it searches for the release rule till it nds one. The following options are available:

Always Use Default

1ST from Sales Order, 2nd Default

1st Determination, 2nd Default

1st from Sales Order, 2nd Determination, 3rd Default.

For information on Release Rule Determination Transaction refer toRelease Rule Determination Transaction

Con gure Delivery Type Calculation Method: Here the selection is made whether to include all the quantities for
calculating the status during the release rule check, or whether to exclude the already failed quantities from the
calculation. The following options are available for selection:

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Include All Quantities

Exclude Already Failed Quantities


Flat and Tree Views

The output of the Insight to Action tool is displayed in the following ways:

1. Flat View: If you have not maintained hierarchy or drill-down levels for demand and supply con guration ARUN_ITAH
transaction (see Maintain Hierarchy Levels for Insight to Action Tool)), the output of the Insight to Action tool appears in
a at view. You can navigate to the tree view using the icon.

2. Tree View: Based on the drill-down/hierarchy levels de ned using the ARUN_ITAH transaction (see Maintain Hierarchy
Levels for Insight to Action Tool ), the output is displayed in a tree view.

If you have maintained hierarchy con guration for demand, then the DEMAND node is displayed with the requirement
and assignment results. The levels of this node are same as the levels maintained in the Demand Hierarchy
Con guration in Maintain Hierarchy Levels for Insight to Action (ARUN_ITAH) transaction.

If you have maintained hierarchy con guration for supply, then the SUPPLY node is displayed with the available stock. If
Supply hierarchy is maintained, it displays the stock situation of material plant for the demand/requirements selected.
The levels of this node are same as the levels maintained in the Supply Hierarchy Con guration in Maintain Hierarchy
Levels for Insight to Action ARUN_ITAH transaction.

You can also navigate to at view using the icon.


You can perform the following actions on the orders in the Edit mode:

Toggle between Display and Change Mode: By default, the data is in display mode. Click the icon to go to the edit
mode. When you go to the edit, the selected orders are locked and the existing data is refreshed/updated.

Note: If one or more orders are already locked by other users, such orders are not shown in the output and an error
message appears with the details of the locked orders.

Assign: You can specify the quantity that needs to be assigned. The system assigns stock using the ATP scheduling logic.

Stock selection is implemented as manual stock selection in the assignment pop-up screen. The different types of stock
sources are displayed that and the user can choose which stock source should be considered for the assignment. The
user also has the option of providing the stock number if it has to be assigned.

It is mandatory to select the stock type in the initial screen of the ARUNITA (Insight to Action Tool) transaction.

In case of multiple orders, the summation of the quantities of all orders will be displayed at the top node.

Insight to Action Tool assignment action is enhanced with the reason codes. The following are the possible reasons for
incomplete assignment:

Not enough stock for assignment in batch, segment, storage location, or plant level.

Not enough stock before cancellation date of the requirement.

Con rmation after cancellation date for the requirement.

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Unassign: You can specify the quantity or percentage that needs to be unassigned from an already assigned order, and
perform unassignment.

Release: You can manually change the status of assigned orders from R (Reserved) to H (Fix and Hold) or F (Fixed), or H
(Fix and Hold) to F (Fixed). You can also specify the quantity or the percentage of quantity that needs to be released for
these orders.

Block: You can block an order by changing the status F (Fixed) to the status H (Fix and Hold) or R (Reserved), or H (Fix
and Hold) to R (Reserved). You can also specify the quantity or the percentage of quantity that needs to be blocked for
these orders.

Create Deliveries: You can create an outbound delivery for an orders or line items with the status F (Fixed). After the
delivery is created, the delivery number is updated in the message log. You can also create multiple deliveries of different
orders at a time for different sales area or plant combination.

You must save the assignment results before creating a delivery. The delivery document is posted when you click the
Create Delivery button.

Release Check: After you have assigned a required quantity from an order, you can view or modify the release rule
conditions maintained for an order or line item. Based on the release rule conditions, the ARun status of the order
changes accordingly. You can also de ne new release rule conditions if not maintained previously in Release Rule
Transaction. The release values maintained in the release rule will be populated to the individual levels. The user has the
option to make changes to the existing conditions. The changes made are not saved in the rule de nition, but will be
applicable only for the current execution.

You can de ne release rules for:

PSST (Sales Order Only)

Document Header

Delivery Group (Sales Order Only)

Generic Articles

Articles (Items)

Items Material Availability date(s)

Characteristic value Conversion: Performs conversions at the item level. For more information about Characteristic
Conversion, see Characteristic Value Conversion

Export to Excel: You can export the results of the tool to a Microsoft Excel le using the option.

Navigation to Stock Requirement List: You can view the stock/requirement list by clicking the icon (MD04P

Toggle between Views: You can toggle between the at view and tree view using the icons and .

Follow these steps to execute Insight to Action tool:

1. Go to transaction ARUNITA.

2. Choose the Execution and Selection modes. These are mandatory elds.

3. Choose a Drill-Down/Hierarchy to specify how the hierarchy or drill-down level should be displayed in the tool output.
This is an optional eld. If you do not specify a drill-down levels, the output is displayed in a Flat view.

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4. Choose an exception rule that you have de ned (using the Maintain Exceptions for Insight to Action Tool( ARUN_ITAE))
transaction. This is an optional eld. If you do not specify an exception rule, then the order/requirements will not be
checked for exceptions.

5. Select the following optional checkboxes:

Orders with Exceptions Only: When selected, the tool displays only those orders for which exceptions exist, in the
output of the Insight to Action tool.

Show Unassigned Orders only: When selected, only the orders that are not yet assigned are included in the
output of the Insight to Action tool.

Show Demand Speci c Stock : When selected, it displays the stock situation of material plant for the
requirements selected.

6. Click Requirement/Stock Selection to specify which requirements and stock should be included in the Insight to Action
tool. Based on the requirement and stock type selected, the corresponding tabs with relevant selection criteria are

7. Click Choose Action to specify the action to perform on orders. This is applicable only in Background Mode of ARUNITA.

8. Enter the relevant selection criteria and execute the tool. The requirement and stock assignment results are displayed
either in a at view or tree view (based on the settings de ned in Maintain Hierarchy Levels for Insight to Action Tool(
ARUN_ITAH) transaction).

More Information
Maintain Exceptions for Insight to Action Tool

Maintain Hierarchy Levels for Insight to Action Tool

Authorizations for Insight to Action Tool

Maintain Exceptions for Insight to Action Tool

You can de ne an exception rule using the Maintain Exceptions for Insight to Action (ARUN_ITAE) transaction.

Exceptions can be deviation between delivery dates and/or quantities of orders (such as sales orders, stock transport orders,
purchase orders, and so on).

 Example
A sales order needs to be delivered on March 5, 2015 but is assigned to a purchase order which has a goods receipt on March
10, 2015. In this case, the following exceptions are possible:

Delayed delivery exception: Goods Receipt date of the purchase order exceeds the sales order delivery date.

You can maintain exception rules for delivery dates and quantity checks based on the requirement. You can specify the SAP
system user you want to send the e-mail to.

Date Deviation Checks

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You can de ne an exception rule for deviations that occur in dates using the comparison operators. For example, an exception
can be created if the delivery date of the purchase order is beyond the delivery date of a sales order.

A sales order is assigned using a purchase order. If you want an exception to occur when the requested delivery date of a
purchase order is greater than the con rmed delivery date of the sales order, then you should de ne an exception rule for this

Quantity Deviation Checks

You can de ne an exception rule for deviations that occur in quantities using the comparison operators. For example, an
exception can be created if assigned quantity is less than the requirement quantity or the assigned quantity is less than
con rmed quantity.

1. Go to ARUN_ITAE.

2. Click New Entries to de ne a new exception rule.

3. Enter an exception rule and a brief description about the rule.

4. Create exceptions for date and quantity checks using the comparison operators. Enter a brief description of the

5. For each exception rule, the system sends an automated e-mail to the person responsible for the exception rule. You can
enter the relevant SAP User IDs the Email To eld.

You have to select the Email Exceptions in the Choose Action option in the Background mode of the Insight to
Action Tool.

Before you enter the SAP User IDs of the person responsible for the exception rule, you must ensure that SAP
User ID has a valid e-mail address in the user master data.

You can specify SAP system user to whom the mail would be sent.

6. Save the entries.

More Information
Insight to Action Tool

Maintain Hierarchy Levels for Insight to Action Tool

Authorizations for Insight to Action Tool

Maintain Hierarchy Levels for Insight to

Action Tool
You can maintain the hierarchy or drill-down levels using the Maintain Hierarchy for Drill-Down Levels (ARUN_ITAH)
transaction. The system displays the similar hierarchy levels in the output. You can maintain the hierarchy for both Demand and
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 73

Demand Hierarchy Con guration

At the demand hierarchy con guration level, you can maintain a maximum of six drill-down levels and for each level, you can
maintain four different combinations of values. For example, for level 1, you can maintain the combination as Plant/Storage
location and for level 2, you can maintain the combination as Sales organization/Distribution channel/Division.

Supply Hierarchy Con guration

At the supply level, you can maintain a maximum of six drill-down levels.

Few levels are not applicable for a particular requirement or stock (for example, in stock drill-down, the level
FSH_STOCK_SOURCE (stock number) is not applicable for storage location stock but applied to batch stock (batch number).
In this case, for storage location stock, this level appears as n.a in the output screen.

While con guring hierarchy at Demand Level, SAP recommends that nodes such as Stock Source and ARun Status should be
con gured in the lowest level in order to avoid splitting of one node into two.


1. Go to transaction ARUN_ITAH.

2. Click on Edit and click New Entries to de ne a new hierarchy level.

3. Enter a name for the hierarchy and a brief description.

4. Maintain levels for Demand and Supply based on your requirement.

5. Save the changes.

More Information
Insight to Action Tool

Maintain Exceptions for Insight to Action Tool

Authorizations for Insight to Action Tool

Authorizations for Insight to Action Tool

The system carries out an authorization check at the start of the transaction. You can authorize a user to execute the Insight to
Action tool.

The following authorization object is available:

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 74


This object controls the settings used to execute Insight to Action tool. There are authorization checks at different levels.
The following authorization eld checks are available for this object:

ARUN_ITA: Allows you to execute Insight to Action report. Set the value as 1 to get the authorization to execute
the transaction ARUNITA.

REL_CHECK: Allows you to perform the release rule check in the Insight to Action report.

ITA_ACTIVT: Allows you to choose an action to perform in the Insight to Action report.

The following function codes are available:

MODE: Lock an order

ALLOCATE: Assign an order

DEALLOC: Unassign an order

REL: Release

BLK: Block

RCHK: Relase rule check

DELIVER: Create Delivery

FLAT: Flat view

STKO: Navigate to MD04P

SIZE_CONV: Perform characteristic value conversion

More Information
Insight to Action Tool

Maintain Exceptions for Insight to Action Tool

Maintain Hierarchy Levels for Insight to Action Tool

Release Rule
You use release check rules to determine which quantities are acceptable for your customers. You can specify the minimum
percentage of quantities that must be ful lled at the different release levels so that an order can be released for delivery.

Release check can be performed both in Online and Background mode using ARun Insight to Action (ARUNITA).

Online mode: In the Online mode, you can specify only one release rule for all the selected orders.

Background mode: In the Background mode, the release rule is determined based on determination logic.

You can specify these parameters for the background mode:

Release Rule: The speci ed default release rule to be used.

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Determination Logic: Speci es how the system determines the release rule to be used for release checks. You can
choose from one of these options:

Always Use Default: The release rule speci ed in the parameter for release check action is applicable.

First from Sales Order; 2nd Default: The release rule de ned in a sales order is given priority. If the release rule is
not found, the system applies the release rule speci ed in the parameter for release check action.

1st Determination; 2nd Default: If the release rule is not found, the system applies the release rule speci ed in the
parameter for release check action.

1st from Sales Order; 2nd Determination, 3rd Default: The release rule maintained in a sales order is given
priority. If both release rules are not found, the system applies the release rule speci ed in the parameter for
release check action. For more information refer to Release Rule Determination Transaction

Calculation Method of Release Rule: Determines the scope of the ARun release check. You can choose the following

Include All Quantities

Exclude Already Failed Quantities

Calculation Base

Con rmed Quantity

Exclude Delivery or GI Quantity

The release rule check functionality is available only for retail. The prerequisite business function should be activated

The following example explains how release rules are implemented using the following calculation methods:

Include All Quantities

Exclude Already Failed Quantities

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Case 1: Include All Quantities

For Item Material availability date level, only 30 pieces of the 50 ordered quantity are available and the release check is not
ful lled with a minimum quota of 70%. As a result, the Item Material availability date levels are assigned the ARun status
Reserved (R). The system then checks at the item level whether a minimum quota of 70% can be achieved. The available
quantities for Item 1 are 75 (45 + 30) and for Item 2 are 60 (35+30). Here, Item 2 fails to achieve the release percentage of
70% (achieved is 65%), and therefore, the ARun status of Item Material availability dates level changes to Reserved (R). The
system then checks at the order level whether a minimum quota of 70% can be reached. At order level, the total quantity is 140
(that is, 70%) and the ARun status of the schedule lines are not changed

Case 2: Exclude Already Failed Quantities

For Item Material availability date levels, only 30 pieces of the 50 ordered quantity are available and the release check is not
ful lled with a minimum quota of 70%. As a result, the Item Material availability date levels are assigned the ARun status
Reserved (R). The system then checks at the item level whether a minimum quota of 70% can be achieved. The available
quantity for Item 1 is 45 (45%) and Item 2 is 35 (35%). Item 1 and Item 2 fail to achieve the minimum release percentage of
70%. Now, the system checks at the order level whether a minimum quota of 70% can be reached. At order level, since no
quantities are carried forward, the total quantity is 0.

If a release rule check fails at a certain level, the schedule lines are never assigned the status Fixed (F) or Fix and Hold (H)
even though the release rule passes at the higher release check levels. The status of the MBDAT level will be set as Reserve
(R) or blank (with no entries) whichever is maintained in the customization. If release rule fails, fail status will be populated in
the the MBDAT level.

Calculation Base

For a requirement in which:

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100 units are con rmed

70 units are delievered and

20 units are assigned

The calculation for release rule is as below:

" " Con rmed Quantity: ((Assigned quantity + Delivered or GI quantity) / Con rmed quantity) that is 90/100 = 90 %

"1" (Exclude Delivery or GI Quantity): (Assigned quantity / (Con rmed quantity – Delivered or GI quantity)) that is 20/30
= 66 %

You can de ne release rules for:

PSST (Sales Order Only)

Document Header

Delivery Group (Sales Order Only)

Generic Articles

Articles (Items)

Items Material Availability date(s)

The system uses a bottom-up strategy, which means that the check starts at the lowest level and then goes to the next higher

The system sets the following statuses according to whether the result of a release rule check for a requirement is successful or

Result Status Description

Release rule is successful Fixed (F) Outbound deliveries are possible

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Result Status Description

Fix and Hold (H) Outbound deliveries are not possible

Release rule is not successful Reserve (R) Reserve the quantities that are assigned to requirements

Blank Do not assign any quantity to the requirement

The ARun status Reserved (R) is used for the following scenarios:

When a release check fails and the status is maintained as Reserved (R).

When you assign requirement with future receipt stock, the nal status will be maintained as Reserved (R) ) and the
release check will not be applied in Normal mode. In preview mode, the status can be Fixed (F), Fix and Hold (H) or
Reserved (R) based on the release rules de ned in transaction ARUN_ITAR.

Release Rule Determination Transaction

You can determine which release rule the system uses for a release check. You can go to transaction ARUN_ITAR to create or
edit release rules.

Transaction ARUN_ITARD is used to assign a release rule to a sales area, customer, or order type for further processing when
the release rule check box is checked. All assignments with physical stock are in status based on the release rule maintained in
ARUN_ITARD transaction and all assignments with future receipts will be in the R (Reserved) status.

You can maintain a release rule for a particular sales area or for a combination such as sales area-customer, sales area-
document type, sales area-customer-document type in following manner:

1. Go to transaction ARUN_ITARD.

2. Toggle from display mode to edit mode and click on create button.

3. Enter sales area (sales org/distribution channel/division) or customer or document type and release rule and save.

4. Or alternatively you can choose Create fast entry to Create release rule for a group of sale area in one step. Click on
Create fast entry, enter the selection criteria where sales area and release rule is mandatory and click the Assign

Stock Sorting Transaction

During the assign action, ATP scheduling logic is used to assign the stock. However, if there are multiple stock elements on one
date then it is possible to specify the sort order in this transaction. For example if stock is available in multiple storage location
then you can use the stock sorting rule to give a higher priority for stock in one storage location than the other during

Refer to Availability Check According to ATP Logic

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Stock Sort Rule

Use the transaction ARUN_STKSORT

You select the Stock Type (ARUN_BSKZ) as a stock sort eld, but you want to assign individual priorities to each stock type as

Constants Priority Field Text

B 1 Purchase Order

C 2 Batch Stock

L 3 Shipping Noti cations

This kind of sorting would not be possible with a normal ascending or descending sort method. However, by assigning individual
priorities to each stock type, you can adjust the sort order to meet your needs.

Cross-Applications in Supply Assignment

The cross-application settings include all the supply assignment (ARun) settings pertaining to the different application areas
and how they interact with ARun. For more information about each application area, see:

Changing Sales Orders

Changing Stock Transport Orders

Changing Purchase Orders

Changes During Goods Receipt

Changes During Goods Issue and Transfer Posting

Quantities Reserved by Supply Assignment (ARun) in MRP

Quantities Reserved by Supply Assignment (ARun) in aATP

Changing Sales Orders

You control how the system reacts to changes in the assigned sales order by making settings in Customizing under Cross-
Application Components Advanced Available-to-Promise (aATP) Supply Assignment (ARun) Cross-Applications Sales
Document Handling

Assignment and unassignment processes are the same for all types of stock, including future receipts. Therefore, if the
con rmed quantity is decreased, the system adjusts the corresponding assignments.


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When you unassign a sales order, the system locks the corresponding assigned stock (physical or future stock). If the stock
cannot be locked, the system generates an error message. The sales order can only be processed after the stock is unlocked.

You have selected the update document ow option in the following Customizing activities for sales documents and delivery
documents to enable the system to create document ow records when you create a sales document item with reference to
another document:

Sales and Distribution Sales Maintain Copy Control for Sales Documents

Logistics Execution Shipping Copying Control Specify Copy Control for Deliveries

Rules for Unassigning Orders

You can use the Rules for Unassigning Orders to specify exactly how the system reacts when the sales order is modi ed. You can
de ne a unassignment rule to unassign or remove the previously assigned quantities. If no rule is maintained for unassigning
orders, then any change in the supply assignment elds (such as plant, storage location, quantity) will unassign the orders. An
unassignment rule contains the following elds:

Physical Stock Reference Dates: the Batch Horizon and Storage Location Horizon elds specify the number of days after
which the unassignment can occur for an order.

When you edit an existing assigned order and if the difference between the old requirement date and the new
requirement date is less than the number of days speci ed in the reference elds, then the unassignment does not
occur. However, if this difference is more than the number of days speci ed in the reference elds, system behavior is
based on the values speci ed in the Date Reaction check eld.

Future Stock Reference Dates: The From and To elds specify the range of days during which the unassignment should
not occur.

When you change an existing assigned order and if the difference between the requirement date of a sales order and the
goods receipt date for a purchase order or con rmation is within the From and To eld ranges, then the unassignment
does not occur. If this difference does not fall within these eld ranges, then the system behaves based on the values
speci ed in the Date Reaction check eld.

Field Checks: For example storage location, plant, requirement segment or season. The system decides how and when
the unassignment process should be triggered based on the following values speci ed in the eld checks:

N No Action: Order assignment will not be changed

W Warnings Before Unassigning Orders: A warning message is displayed and the order is unassigned completely.

E Change Not Permitted: You cannot change the plant in the order and the order cannot be unassigned.

Sort Rule

In Customizing for sales documents in Supply Assignment (ARun), you can de ne the sequence in which the assigned stock is
unassigned. In this way, you can specify which stock has to be unassigned rst. For example, if you want to sort rst by stock
type, then by batch number, then by purchase order number, you would make the following entries:

Sort Field Priority Sort Descending



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Sort Field Priority Sort Descending


By selecting the Sort Descending indicator, you can reverse the sort order for a given eld. For example, if select the Sort
Descending indicator for purchase orders (EBELN), the system unassigns the most recent purchase orders rst.

Immediate Assignment of Sales Orders

You can also assign various ARun-speci c functions to the sales documents. If you activate immediate assignment for the sales
document, the system tries to assign a requirement immediately when a sales document is created or modi ed. A requirement
can only be successfully assigned if there is sufficient stock (for example, physical stock or stock against future receipts). Note
that the document must contain all delivery-related data when it is saved. If it does not, the requirement cannot be delivered

Set Release Rule Check for Orders

If you deselect this checkbox, all assignments with physical stock are in the F (Fix) status and all assignments with future
receipts will be in the R (Reserved) status.

If you select this checkbox and do not set immediate delivery for the document type, all assignments with physical stock are in O
(Open for Release Check) status and all assignments with future receipts will be in R (Reserved) status.

If you select this checkbox and immediate delivery is set for the document type, all assignments with physical stock are in status
based on the release rule maintained in ARUN_ITARD transaction (If you have not maintained any release rule, then status will
be set to O) and all assignments with future receipts will be in the R (Reserved) status.

If you have not maintained any release rule, then status will be set to O (Open for Release Check) for all assignments with
physical stock and all assignments with future receipts will be in the R (Reserved) status.

You can activate immediate assignment to a sales document type in Customizing underCross-Application
Components Advanced Available-to-Promise (aATP) Supply Assignment (ARun) Cross-Applications Sales Document
Handling Assign Sales Documents Rules to Order Types .

Assign Rules to Order Types

You can activate immediate assignment and assign stock sorting rule for assignment. You can also assign an unassignment rule
and stock sorting rule for unassignment to the SD document type and the sales area. This customizing is available under Cross-
Application Components Advanced Available-to-Promise (aATP) Supply Assignment (ARun) Cross-Applications Sales
Document Handling Assign Sales Documents Rules to Order Types

More Information
Cross-Applications in Supply Assignment (ARun)

Changing Stock Transport Orders

You control how the system reacts when an assigned stock transport order (STO) is changed by making settings in Customizing
under Cross-Application Components Advanced Available-to-Promise (aATP) Cross-Applications Stock Transport Order
Handling .

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Rules for Unassigning Orders

You use the unassignment rule to specify exactly how the system reacts when an STO is modi ed. You can de ne a
unassignment rule to unassigne or remove the previously assigned quantities. If no rule is maintained for unassigning orders,
then any change in the supply assignment elds (such as plant, storage location, quantity) will unassign the orders. An
unassignment rule contains the following elds:

Physical Stock Reference Dates: The Batch Horizon and Storage Location Horizon elds specify the number of days
after which the order can be unassigned.

When you edit an existing assigned order, and if the difference between the old requirement date and the new
requirement date is less than the number of days speci ed in the reference elds, then the unassignment does not
occur. However, if this difference is more than the number of days speci ed in the reference elds, the system behavior is
based on the values speci ed in the Date Reaction eld check.

Future Stock Reference Dates: These dates specify the range of days for the validity of the stock type.

When you change an existing assigned order and if difference between the requirement date of a STO and the goods
receipt date for a purchase order or con rmation is within the From and To eld ranges, then the unassignment does not
occur. If this difference does not fall within these eld ranges, then the system behaves based on the values speci ed in
the Date Reaction eld check.

Field Checks: For example storage location, plant, requirement segment, or season. The system decides how and when
the unassignment process is triggered based on the following values speci ed in the eld check:

N No Action: Order assignment will not be changed

W Warnings Before Unassigning Orders: A warning message is displayed and the order is unassigned completely.

E Change Not Permitted: You cannot change the plant in the order and the order cannot be unassigned.

Sort Rule

Requirement Sorting Rule

In Customizing for STO Handling, you can de ne a sort rule that the system uses to sort requirement elements during
unassignment. You can use this sort rule to specify the order in which requirements (sales orders and stock transport
orders) are unassigned. You can do this in Customizing under Cross-Application Components Advanced Available-to-
Promise (aATP) Supply Assignment (ARun) Cross-Applications Stock Transport Order Handling De ne Requirement
Sorting Rules .

Stock Sorting Rule

Stock sorting is applicable when the STO is assigned from the supplying plant, while requirement sorting is applicable
when the STO is assigned at the receiving plant. In Customizing for Stock Transport Order Handling, you can de ne a
sort rule that the system uses to sort stock elements during unassignment. You can use the unassignment sort rule to
specify the order in which stock types (physical stock, purchase orders, shipping noti cations, and con rmations) are
unassigned. You can do this in Customizing under Cross-Application Components Advanced Available-to-Promise
(aATP) Supply Assignment (ARun) Cross-Applications Stock Transport Order Handling De ne Supply Sorting Rules
for Unassigning Orders .

Immediate assignment of STO

You can activate immediate assignment for an STO in Customizing under Cross Application Components Advanced Available-
to-Promise Supply Assignment ARun) Cross Applications Stock Transport Order Handling De ne Immediate Assignment
for Stock Transport Orders . When you activate immediate assignment for an STO, the system tries to assign a requirement
immediately whenever the STO is created or modi ed for the supplying plant.

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Set Release Rule Check for Orders

If you select this checkbox, all assignments with physical stock are in the F (Fix) status and all assignments with future receipts
will be in the R (Reserved) status. If you select this checkbox and do not set immediate delivery for the document type, all
assignments with physical stock have status O (Open for Release Check) and all assignments with future receipts will have
status R (Reserved). If you select this checkbox and immediate delivery is set for the document type, all assignments with
physical stock are in status based on the release rule maintained in the ARUN_ITARD transaction. If you have not maintained
any release rule, the status will be set to O (Open for Release Check) for all assignments with physical stock. All assignments
with future receipts will have status R (Reserved). A requirement can only be successfully assigned if there is sufficient stock
(for example, physical stock or stock against future receipts). Note that the document must contain all shipping-related data
when it is saved. If it does not, the assignment is cancelled and the requirement cannot be delivered immediately.

If you want to create a delivery immediately after creation of the stock transport order, set the Auto Delv. option. You can do
this in Customizing under Materials Management Purchasing Purchase Order Set Up Stock Transport Order .

Assign Stock Transport Order Rules to Plants

You can assign rules to unassign orders, requirement sorting, and stock sorting rules to each supplying plant. If the stock
transport orders are considered as requirements, then use the stock sorting rule. You can assign these rules in Customizing
under Cross-Application Components Advanced Available-to-Promise (aATP) Supply Assignment (ARun) Cross-
Applications Stock Transport Order Handling Assign Rules to Unassign Stock Transport Orders to Plants

More Information
Cross-Applications in Supply Assignment (ARun)

Changing Purchase Orders

You control how the system reacts to changes when an assigned purchase order is changed by making settings in Customizing
under Cross-Application Components Advanced Available-to-Promise (aATP) Supply Assignment (ARun) Cross-Applications
Purchase Order Handling . When you unassign a purchase order, all assigned sales orders and stock transport orders are
locked. If an order cannot be locked, the system generates an error message. The purchase order can only be processed when
the locked order is unlocked.

Rules for Unassigning Orders

In Customizing for Purchase Order Handling in Supply Assignment (ARun), you can de ne rules for unassignment when the
purchase orders are changed. You can de ne an unassignment rule to unassign or remove the previously assigned quantities. If
no rule is maintained for unassigning orders, any change in the supply assignment elds (such as plant, storage location,
quantity) will unassign the orders:

Future Stock Reference Dates: The From and To elds specify the range of days during which the unassignment should
not occur.

When you change an existing assigned order and if the difference between the requirement date of a sales order or STO
and the goods receipt date for a purchase order or con rmation is within the From and To eld ranges, then the
unassignment does not occur. If this difference does not fall within these eld ranges, then the system behaves based on
the values speci ed in the Date Reaction eld check.

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Field Checks: For example storage location, plant, stock segment, or season. The system decides how and when the
unassignment process should be triggered based on the following values speci ed in the eld check:

N No Action: Order assignment will not be changed

W Warnings Before Unassigning Orders: A warning message is displayed and the order is unassigned completely.

Change Not Permitted: You cannot change the plant in the order and the order cannot be unassigned.

For con rmations, the Restore checkbox determines whether assignments for a shipping noti cation are returned to the
purchase order or unassigned. If the checkbox is selected, then the assignments from the shipping noti cation are returned to
the purchase order. If the checkbox is not selected, then the assignments are unassigned.

Requirement Sort Rule

In Customizing for purchase order handling in Supply Assignment (ARun), you can de ne how the system sorts requirements
when it performs unassignment. You can use this sort rule to specify the order in which requirements are unassigned.

Assign Purchase Order Rules to Plants

You can also assign rules for unassigning orders and requirement sorting rule to a plant. You can do this in Customizing under
Cross-Application Components Advanced Available-to-Promise (aATP) Supply Assignment (ARun) Cross-
Applications Purchase Order Handling Assign Purchase Order Rules to Plants .

More Information
Cross-Applications in Supply Assignment (ARun)

Changes During Goods Receipt

You control how the system reacts to changes during goods receipt processing by making settings in Customizing under Cross-
Application Components Advanced Available-to-Promise (aATP) Supply Assignment (ARun) Cross-Applications Goods
Receipt Handling .

During goods receipt processing, one of the following scenarios may occur:

Complete delivery

Partial delivery

Partial delivery with delivery complete indicator (DCI)

Complete delivery, but goods are different from the originally ordered (for example, change of segment)

Rules for Unassigning Orders

In Customizing for Goods Receipt Handling in Supply Assignment (ARun), you can de ne rules for unassigning orders to be used
during goods receipts. You can de ne a rule for unassignment or remove the previously assigned quantities by entering values
in the following elds:


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If no rule is maintained for unassigning orders, then any change in the supply assignment elds (such as plant, storage
location, quantity) will unassign the orders.

Physical Stock Reference Dates: The Batch Horizonand Storage Location Horizon elds specify the number of days after
which the unassignment can occur for an order.

When you edit an existing assigned order and if the difference between the requirement date and the posting date is
less than the number of days speci ed in the reference elds, then the unassignment does not occur. However, if this
difference is more than the number of days speci ed in the reference elds, system behavior is based on values speci ed
in the Date Reaction eld check.

Field Checks: The system decides how and when the unassignment process should be triggered based on the following
values speci ed in the eld check:

N No Action: Order assignment will not be changed.

Warnings Before Unassigning Orders: A warning message is displayed and the order is unassigned completely.

E Change Not Permitted: You cannot change the plant in the order and the order cannot be unassigned.

Requirement Sort Rule

In Customizing for Goods Receipt Handling, you can de ne how the system sorts requirements during unassignment. You can
use the sort rule to specify the order in which requirements are unassigned. For example, the requirements with the latest
material availability date is unassigned rst.

Assign Goods Receipt Rules to Plants

You can assign a rule to unassign and requirement sorting rule to a plant. You can do this in Customizing under Cross-
Application Components Advanced Available-to-Promise (aATP) Supply Assignment (ARun) Cross-Applications Goods
Receipt Handling Assign Goods Receipt Rules to Plants .

More Information
Cross-Applications in Supply Assignment (ARun)

Changes During Goods Issue and Transfer

You control how the system reacts to changes during goods issue posting by making settings in Customizing under Cross-
Application Components Advanced Available-to-Promise (aATP) Supply Assignment (ARun) Cross-Applications Goods Issue
Handling .

You have assigned a rule to unassign orders and requirement sorting rules in Customizing under Cross-Application
Components Advanced Available-to-Promise (aATP) Supply Assignment (ARun) Cross-Applications Good Issue
Handling Assign Goods Issue Rules to Plants .

You have activated unassign orders automatically for the goods issue at movement type level in Customizing under
Cross-Application Components Advanced Available-to-Promise (aATP) Supply Assignment (ARun) Cross-
Applications Goods Issue Handling Activate Movement Types for Unassigning Orders Automatically .
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 86
For transfer posting, you have activated unassign orders automatically for the transfer posting at movement type level
in Customizing under Cross-Application Components Advanced Available-to-Promise (aATP) Supply Assignment
(ARun) Cross-Applications Goods Issue Handling Activate Transfer Posting Movement Types for Unassigning Orders .

Rules for Unassigning Orders

For an ARun-relevant article assigned by ARun, if the quantity to be issued exceeds the total assigned quantity, then the
unassignment is triggered based on the following conditions:

Rule to unassign orders will be maintained and assigned at the plant level. If it is not maintained at the plant level, orders
are unassigned by default.

Unassignment is triggered only if the movement type that is used is marked for auto unassignment in Customizing under
Cross-Application Components Advanced Available-to-Promise (aATP) Supply Assignment (ARun) Cross-
Applications Goods Issue Handling Activate Transfer Posting Movement Types for Unassigning Orders .

If unassignment is triggered and multiple assignments exist for that article, the order in which the requirements are
unassigned is determined by the requirement sorting rule in Customizing under Cross-Application
Components Advanced Available-to-Promise (aATP) Supply Assignment (ARun) Cross-Applications Goods Issue
Handling De ne Requirement Sorting Rules .

When you de ne a rule to unassign, you can choose one of the following actions for the quantity eld check:

W Warnings Before Unassigning Orders: A warning message is displayed and the order is unassigned completely.

E Change Not Permitted: You cannot change the plant in the order and the order cannot be unassigned.

If no rule is maintained for unassigning orders, then any change in the supply assignment elds (such as plant, storage
location, quantity) will unassign the orders.

Requirement Sort Rule

In Customizing for Supply Assignment (ARun) in Goods Issue Handling, you can de ne how the system sorts requirements
during unassignment. You can use this sort rule to specify the order in which requirements are unassigned. For example, the
requirement with the latest material availability date is unassigned rst.

Assign Goods Issue Rules to Plants

You can assign a rule to unassign and requirement sorting rule to a plant. You can do this in Customizing under Cross-
Application Components Advanced Available-to-Promise (aATP) Supply Assignment (ARun) Cross-Applications Goods Issue
Handling Assign Goods Issue Rules to Plants

Activate Movement Types for Unassigning Orders Automatically

You can activate the unassignment function for each individual movement type. In this case, the system automatically unassigns
stock during goods issue when you assign the goods issue rules to a plant.

Activate Transfer Posting Movement Types for Unassigning Orders (for Transfer Posting)

You can activate the unassignment function for each individual transfer posting movement type. In this case, the system
automatically unassigns stock during transfer posting when you assign the goods issue unassignment rules to a plant.

De ne Stock Type Selection for Supply Assignment (ARun) Use

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You can specify how the system selects supply segments for physical stock during Supply Assignment (ARun). Supply segments
can be of the following types:

Stock in transfer (from one storage location to another)

Stock in Quality Inspection

Restricted-Use Stock

Blocked Stock


1. Select a plant for which the supply segments must be de ned.

2. Select the supply segments that should be included in ARun.

3. Save the entry.

Unassignment during transfer posting

For transfer posting between stock segments:

If you move goods between the segments which are considered during assignment, orders will not be unassigned.

If you move goods from a segment which was ARun-relevant to another segment which is not, unassignment will occur
based on the rules to unassign orders maintained.

If you move goods from a segment which is not Arun-relevant to another non-ARun relevant segment, there is no

A segment is de ned as ARun-relevant or non-ARun relevant in De ne Stock Type Selection for Supply Assignment

For transfer posting between plants: When you do transfer posting from one plant to another plant, orders will be unassigned
based on the rules to unassign orders maintained.

For Transfer Posting between Storage locations:

When you do transfer posting from one storage location to another storage location, you should call the deallocation
logic if the supply is ARun-relevant.

If you are moving to one storage location which is not ARun-relevant, orders will be unassigned based on the mainatined
rules for unassigning orders.

More Information
Cross-Applications in Supply Assignment (ARun)

Quantities Reserved by Supply Assignment

(ARun) in MRP

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The results from Supply Assignment (ARun) impact the net-requirement calculation during the material requirements planning
(MRP) run. MRP therefore considers the quantities reserved by supply assignment for requirements and stock or receipts.

You have created an article that is relevant for Supply Assignment (ARun).

You have executed the order Supply Assignment (ARun) for the order.

During the planning run, the system checks for the stock or future receipts that are already assigned to the requirements
during the supply assignment (ARun). Since the available stock or future receipts and requirements are already assigned, the
system cannot consume them during the MRP run. Therefore, the system proposes a new procurement proposal for the

Assume the following:

Oct 9, 2013: Batch stock of 50 pieces

Oct 16, 2013: Purchase order for 50 pieces

Nov. 3, 2013: Sales order (4711) for 100 pieces

Nov. 10, 2013: Sales order (4712) for 100 pieces

1. Supply Assignment (ARun) assigns the available batch stock and the purchase order to sales order #4712.

2. During the MRP run, the system proposes a new proposal, for example purchase requisition, for sales order #4711 dated
Nov. 3, 2013.

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For an article that is not relevant for supply assignment (ARun) or if supply assignment (ARun) is not executed, MRP always
procures at the latest date, and may even fail to ful ll the requirements in certain cases.

Quantities Reserved by Supply Assignment

(ARun) in aATP
The results from the Supply Assignment (ARun) impact the availability of stock during the availability check. Hence, the
availability check considers the quantities that are already reserved by Supply Assignment (ARun) for requirements and

You have created an article that is relevant for Supply Assignment (ARun).

You have executed the Supply Assignment (ARun) for the article.

During the availability check, the system checks for supply or future receipts that are already assigned to the requirements
during the supply assignment (ARun). Since the available supply or future receipts and requirements are already assigned, the
system does not consider them as available quantity during the availability check. Therefore, availability check can promise only
the remaining supply for any future requirements.

Assume the following:

Oct. 9, 2013: Batch stock of 100 pieces

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Oct. 16, 2013: Purchase order for 100 pieces

Nov. 3, 2013: Sales order (4711) for 150 pieces

Nov. 10, 2013: Sales order (4712) for 100 pieces

1. Supply Assignment assigns the available batch stock to sales order #4712.

2. During the availability check for a new requirement (sales order #4711 requires 150 pieces), as the batch stock is already
assigned to a requirement, the system only proposes the remaining quantity of supply or future receipts and
requirement as the ATP quantity. That is, the availability check promises the purchase order of quantity 100 pieces and
the remaining 50 pieces will be delivered later.

Insight to Action Tool

Insight to Action is a detailed reporting tool used to monitor and analyze assignment results, check for exceptions and perform
appropriate actions. This tool provides an insight of the stock and requirement assignment, and enables you to perform
appropriate action (such as assign, unassign, release, delivery creation and so on).

You can use the Insight to Action tool to perform the following operation/functions:

Assess the assignment situation in the system: The system considers the existing assignment as well as the unassigned
requirement to analyze the assignment situation and provide an overview after the tool is executed.

Exceptions: Exceptions can be deviation between delivery dates and/or quantities of orders (such as sales orders, stock
transport orders, purchase orders, and so on). You can maintain exceptions using the ARUN_ITAE transaction (see
Maintain Exceptions for Insight to Action Tool for more information).

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E-mail the person responsible for exceptions: The system sends an automated e-mail to the person responsible for the
exception rule.

Adjust assignment results using the actions such as assign, unassign, release, block, delivery creation, and so on.

Provide drill-down levels for Demand and Supply hierarchy con guration in the report output. The drill-down levels can
be de ned using the ARUN_ITAH transaction (see Maintain Hierarchy Levels for Insight to Action Tool for more


1. You have activated the business function SUPPLY_ASSIGNMENT_01. You can also additionally activate business function

2. Use the authorization object ARUN_ITA (Insight to Action Authorization) to execute the Insight to Action tool.

The following set up steps are optional:

1. You have created an exception rule using the Maintain Exceptions for Insight to Action (ARUN_ITAE) transaction. If
you do not maintain an exception rule, the orders/requirements will not be checked for any exceptions.

2. You have maintained hierarchy or drill-down levels for Demand and Supply con guration using the Maintain Hierarchy
Levels for Insight to Action (ARUN_ITAH) transaction. If you do not maintain drill-down levels, the output of the
Insight to Action tool is displayed in a at view. That means, the output is displayed as a normal ALV output.

On the initial screen of the Insight to Action tool, you can execute the Insight to Action tool based on the following search

Execution Modes

Choose one of the following execution modes:

Online: The assignments between the requirement and stock are posted. You can perform an action (such as assign,
unassign, release, delivery creation and so on) on an order. You can also save the changes after the actions are
performed. You can choose the orders that need to be saved.

Background: You can perform actions such as Unassign, Release, Block and Release Check on a group of orders. The
messages generated during background execution can be seen in the spool.

Selection Modes

Choose from one of the two selection modes:

In preview mode, for example, you can assign existing orders against future stock (for example, purchase orders and shipping
noti cations) to estimate the possible uctuations of future warehouse stock. This is an early warning system with which you
can simulate problems. That means that you can react proactively and in time.

Assignment in preview mode considers, for example, delayed goods receipts for purchase orders and possible quantity
deviations and shows the effects on the existing sales orders. Assignment against future stock can take place with either status
R (reserved) or F ( xed). During preview mode, neither the stock nor the requirements are locked.

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The results of the assignments in the preview mode are saved in ARUN_BDBS table too. There is no update of the “real”
requirements and stock. That means you cannot create deliveries, for example, based on an assignment in the preview mode.

The results of the assignments in the normal mode are saved in ARUN_BDBS table. If at all there exists any assignment done in
preview mode for this material plant combination, the same would be deleted from database table and the assignments done in
Normal mode are saved in the database table.

Drill Down/Hierarchy

You can specify how the hierarchy or drill-down level should be displayed in the report output. This helps you analyze and
con gure the output according to business requirements. The drill-down levels can be con gured using the Maintain Hierarchy
Levels for Insight to Action Tool (ARUN_ITAH) transaction.

Exception Rules

You can specify the exception rule de ned for a speci c order using the Maintain Exceptions for Insight to Action (ARUN_ITAE)
transaction. If you have maintained this rule, the system calculates the exceptions for the selected orders and displays in the
respective columns in the output. You can assign one or more persons responsible to for the exception to each exception rule.
You can choose to send an automated e-mail to the person who is responsible for exceptions.

For more information about de ning exception rules, see Maintain Exceptions for Insight to Action (ARUN_ITAE).

Requirements/Stock selection

You can specify which requirements and stock should be included in the Insight to Action tool. Based on the selected
requirement or stock type, a corresponding tab with the relevant selection criteria is displayed on the initial screen of the
Insight to Action tool.

Requirement Selection

You can choose from the following order types that should be included in the Insight to Action tool:

Sales order: Sales orders are included as requirements in the Insight to Action tool if this checkbox is selected. The Sales
Order tab with the sales order selection criteria is displayed on the initial screen of the tool.

Stock transport order: Stock transport orders are included as requirements in the Insight to Action tool. The tab with
the stock transport order selection criteria is displayed on the initial screen of the tool.

STO are selected in the ARUN_ITAE transaction for the order types if you have set the Sh. Schd. checkbox in the
Customizing activity Con gure Delivery Type & Availability Check Procedure by Plant under Materials
Management Purchasing Purchase Order Set up Stock Transport Order .

Stock Selection

This stock selection will be used in the assignment also. If the user selects the stock type at initial screen, only those stock types
will be used in the assignment action. If user has selected the batch stock and purchase order stock then in the assignment pop-
up screen, these stock types are visible and the assignment will be carried out with these stock elements. The user has the
exibility to provide a particular stock number in assignment pop-up screen.

You can choose from the following stock segments that should be included in the Insight to Action tool:Con gure Delivery Type &
Availability Check Procedure by Plant

Batch stock : Batch stock is included as a stock type in the Insight to Action tool if this checkbox is selected. The Stock
tab is displayed on the initial screen of the Insight to Action tool with physical stock selection criteria.

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 93
Storage location : The stock available at the storage location is included as a stock type in the Insight to Action tool if
this checkbox is selected. The Stock tab is displayed on the initial screen of the Insight to Action tool with physical stock
selection criteria.

Purchase orders : Purchase orders are included as a stock type in the Insight to Action tool if this checkbox is selected.
The Stock tab with the purchase order selection criteria is displayed on the initial screen.

Shipping noti cations: Shipping noti cations are included as a stock type in the Insight to Action tool if this checkbox is
selected. The Stock tab with the con rmation selection criteria is displayed on the initial screen.

Choose Action

This push button appears on the initial screen of Insight To Action tool only when Background mode is selected in Execution

You can choose from the following actions:

Unassign: You can unassign a group of orders that were already assigned. Once the assigned orders are unassigned,
those orders will be deleted from ARUN_BDBS table.

Release: You can manually change the status of assigned orders from R (Reserved) to H (Fix and Hold) or F (Fixed), or H
(Fix and Hold) to F (Fixed).

Block: You can block an order by changing the status F (Fixed) to the status H (Fix and Hold) or R (Reserved), or H (Fix
and Hold) to R (Reserved).

Email: In the Insight to Action report, for each exception rule, you can send an automated e-mail to the person
responsible for the exception rule. You can enter the relevant e-mail address in the Email To eld.

Release Check: This action is used to perform the release check on the order and set the status as per the release rule.
The ARun status of the order changes based on the release rule conditions speci ed in the release rule. Note that the
orders would be in status O (Ready for Release) if release check required indicator was selected during the supply
assignment process in Supply Assignment (ARun).

Release Rule: The default release rule for the release check is maintained here.

Determination Logic: Depending on the option selected here, the release rule is picked up for the release check. It
speci es the order in which it searches for the release rule till it nds one. The following options are available:

Always Use Default

1ST from Sales Order, 2nd Default

1st Determination, 2nd Default

1st from Sales Order, 2nd Determination, 3rd Default.

For information on Release Rule Determination Transaction refer toRelease Rule Determination Transaction

Con gure Delivery Type Calculation Method: Here the selection is made whether to include all the quantities for
calculating the status during the release rule check, or whether to exclude the already failed quantities from the
calculation. The following options are available for selection:

Include All Quantities

Exclude Already Failed Quantities


Flat and Tree Views

The output of the Insight to Action tool is displayed in the following ways:

1. Flat View: If you have not maintained hierarchy or drill-down levels for demand and supply con guration ARUN_ITAH
transaction (see Maintain Hierarchy Levels for Insight to Action Tool)), the output of the Insight to Action tool appears in
a at view. You can navigate to the tree view using the icon.

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2. Tree View: Based on the drill-down/hierarchy levels de ned using the ARUN_ITAH transaction (see Maintain Hierarchy
Levels for Insight to Action Tool ), the output is displayed in a tree view.

If you have maintained hierarchy con guration for demand, then the DEMAND node is displayed with the requirement
and assignment results. The levels of this node are same as the levels maintained in the Demand Hierarchy
Con guration in Maintain Hierarchy Levels for Insight to Action (ARUN_ITAH) transaction.

If you have maintained hierarchy con guration for supply, then the SUPPLY node is displayed with the available stock. If
Supply hierarchy is maintained, it displays the stock situation of material plant for the demand/requirements selected.
The levels of this node are same as the levels maintained in the Supply Hierarchy Con guration in Maintain Hierarchy
Levels for Insight to Action ARUN_ITAH transaction.

You can also navigate to at view using the icon.


You can perform the following actions on the orders in the Edit mode:

Toggle between Display and Change Mode: By default, the data is in display mode. Click the icon to go to the edit
mode. When you go to the edit, the selected orders are locked and the existing data is refreshed/updated.

Note: If one or more orders are already locked by other users, such orders are not shown in the output and an error
message appears with the details of the locked orders.

Assign: You can specify the quantity that needs to be assigned. The system assigns stock using the ATP scheduling logic.

Stock selection is implemented as manual stock selection in the assignment pop-up screen. The different types of stock
sources are displayed that and the user can choose which stock source should be considered for the assignment. The
user also has the option of providing the stock number if it has to be assigned.

It is mandatory to select the stock type in the initial screen of the ARUNITA (Insight to Action Tool) transaction.

In case of multiple orders, the summation of the quantities of all orders will be displayed at the top node.

Insight to Action Tool assignment action is enhanced with the reason codes. The following are the possible reasons for
incomplete assignment:

Not enough stock for assignment in batch, segment, storage location, or plant level.

Not enough stock before cancellation date of the requirement.

Con rmation after cancellation date for the requirement.

Unassign: You can specify the quantity or percentage that needs to be unassigned from an already assigned order, and
perform unassignment.

Release: You can manually change the status of assigned orders from R (Reserved) to H (Fix and Hold) or F (Fixed), or H
(Fix and Hold) to F (Fixed). You can also specify the quantity or the percentage of quantity that needs to be released for
these orders.

Block: You can block an order by changing the status F (Fixed) to the status H (Fix and Hold) or R (Reserved), or H (Fix
and Hold) to R (Reserved). You can also specify the quantity or the percentage of quantity that needs to be blocked for
these orders.

Create Deliveries: You can create an outbound delivery for an orders or line items with the status F (Fixed). After the
delivery is created, the delivery number is updated in the message log. You can also create multiple deliveries of different
orders at a time for different sales area or plant combination.

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You must save the assignment results before creating a delivery. The delivery document is posted when you click the
Create Delivery button.

Release Check: After you have assigned a required quantity from an order, you can view or modify the release rule
conditions maintained for an order or line item. Based on the release rule conditions, the ARun status of the order
changes accordingly. You can also de ne new release rule conditions if not maintained previously in Release Rule
Transaction. The release values maintained in the release rule will be populated to the individual levels. The user has the
option to make changes to the existing conditions. The changes made are not saved in the rule de nition, but will be
applicable only for the current execution.

You can de ne release rules for:

PSST (Sales Order Only)

Document Header

Delivery Group (Sales Order Only)

Generic Articles

Articles (Items)

Items Material Availability date(s)

Characteristic value Conversion: Performs conversions at the item level. For more information about Characteristic
Conversion, see Characteristic Value Conversion

Export to Excel: You can export the results of the tool to a Microsoft Excel le using the option.

Navigation to Stock Requirement List: You can view the stock/requirement list by clicking the icon (MD04P

Toggle between Views: You can toggle between the at view and tree view using the icons and .

Follow these steps to execute Insight to Action tool:

1. Go to transaction ARUNITA.

2. Choose the Execution and Selection modes. These are mandatory elds.

3. Choose a Drill-Down/Hierarchy to specify how the hierarchy or drill-down level should be displayed in the tool output.
This is an optional eld. If you do not specify a drill-down levels, the output is displayed in a Flat view.

4. Choose an exception rule that you have de ned (using the Maintain Exceptions for Insight to Action Tool( ARUN_ITAE))
transaction. This is an optional eld. If you do not specify an exception rule, then the order/requirements will not be
checked for exceptions.

5. Select the following optional checkboxes:

Orders with Exceptions Only: When selected, the tool displays only those orders for which exceptions exist, in the
output of the Insight to Action tool.

Show Unassigned Orders only: When selected, only the orders that are not yet assigned are included in the
output of the Insight to Action tool.

Show Demand Speci c Stock : When selected, it displays the stock situation of material plant for the
requirements selected.

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6. Click Requirement/Stock Selection to specify which requirements and stock should be included in the Insight to Action
tool. Based on the requirement and stock type selected, the corresponding tabs with relevant selection criteria are

7. Click Choose Action to specify the action to perform on orders. This is applicable only in Background Mode of ARUNITA.

8. Enter the relevant selection criteria and execute the tool. The requirement and stock assignment results are displayed
either in a at view or tree view (based on the settings de ned in Maintain Hierarchy Levels for Insight to Action Tool(
ARUN_ITAH) transaction).

More Information
Maintain Exceptions for Insight to Action Tool

Maintain Hierarchy Levels for Insight to Action Tool

Authorizations for Insight to Action Tool

Maintain Exceptions for Insight to Action Tool


You can de ne an exception rule using the Maintain Exceptions for Insight to Action (ARUN_ITAE) transaction.

Exceptions can be deviation between delivery dates and/or quantities of orders (such as sales orders, stock transport orders,
purchase orders, and so on).

 Example
A sales order needs to be delivered on March 5, 2015 but is assigned to a purchase order which has a goods receipt on March
10, 2015. In this case, the following exceptions are possible:

Delayed delivery exception: Goods Receipt date of the purchase order exceeds the sales order delivery date.

You can maintain exception rules for delivery dates and quantity checks based on the requirement. You can specify the SAP
system user you want to send the e-mail to.

Date Deviation Checks

You can de ne an exception rule for deviations that occur in dates using the comparison operators. For example, an exception
can be created if the delivery date of the purchase order is beyond the delivery date of a sales order.

A sales order is assigned using a purchase order. If you want an exception to occur when the requested delivery date of a
purchase order is greater than the con rmed delivery date of the sales order, then you should de ne an exception rule for this

Quantity Deviation Checks

You can de ne an exception rule for deviations that occur in quantities using the comparison operators. For example, an
exception can be created if assigned quantity is less than the requirement quantity or the assigned quantity is less than
con rmed quantity.

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1. Go to ARUN_ITAE.

2. Click New Entries to de ne a new exception rule.

3. Enter an exception rule and a brief description about the rule.

4. Create exceptions for date and quantity checks using the comparison operators. Enter a brief description of the

5. For each exception rule, the system sends an automated e-mail to the person responsible for the exception rule. You can
enter the relevant SAP User IDs the Email To eld.

You have to select the Email Exceptions in the Choose Action option in the Background mode of the Insight to
Action Tool.

Before you enter the SAP User IDs of the person responsible for the exception rule, you must ensure that SAP
User ID has a valid e-mail address in the user master data.

You can specify SAP system user to whom the mail would be sent.

6. Save the entries.

More Information
Insight to Action Tool

Maintain Hierarchy Levels for Insight to Action Tool

Authorizations for Insight to Action Tool

Maintain Hierarchy Levels for Insight to

Action Tool
You can maintain the hierarchy or drill-down levels using the Maintain Hierarchy for Drill-Down Levels (ARUN_ITAH)
transaction. The system displays the similar hierarchy levels in the output. You can maintain the hierarchy for both Demand and

Demand Hierarchy Con guration

At the demand hierarchy con guration level, you can maintain a maximum of six drill-down levels and for each level, you can
maintain four different combinations of values. For example, for level 1, you can maintain the combination as Plant/Storage
location and for level 2, you can maintain the combination as Sales organization/Distribution channel/Division.

Supply Hierarchy Con guration

At the supply level, you can maintain a maximum of six drill-down levels.

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Few levels are not applicable for a particular requirement or stock (for example, in stock drill-down, the level
FSH_STOCK_SOURCE (stock number) is not applicable for storage location stock but applied to batch stock (batch number).
In this case, for storage location stock, this level appears as n.a in the output screen.

While con guring hierarchy at Demand Level, SAP recommends that nodes such as Stock Source and ARun Status should be
con gured in the lowest level in order to avoid splitting of one node into two.


1. Go to transaction ARUN_ITAH.

2. Click on Edit and click New Entries to de ne a new hierarchy level.

3. Enter a name for the hierarchy and a brief description.

4. Maintain levels for Demand and Supply based on your requirement.

5. Save the changes.

More Information
Insight to Action Tool

Maintain Exceptions for Insight to Action Tool

Authorizations for Insight to Action Tool

Authorizations for Insight to Action Tool

The system carries out an authorization check at the start of the transaction. You can authorize a user to execute the Insight to
Action tool.

The following authorization object is available:


This object controls the settings used to execute Insight to Action tool. There are authorization checks at different levels.
The following authorization eld checks are available for this object:

ARUN_ITA: Allows you to execute Insight to Action report. Set the value as 1 to get the authorization to execute
the transaction ARUNITA.

REL_CHECK: Allows you to perform the release rule check in the Insight to Action report.

ITA_ACTIVT: Allows you to choose an action to perform in the Insight to Action report.

The following function codes are available:

MODE: Lock an order

ALLOCATE: Assign an order

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DEALLOC: Unassign an order

REL: Release

BLK: Block

RCHK: Relase rule check

DELIVER: Create Delivery

FLAT: Flat view

STKO: Navigate to MD04P

SIZE_CONV: Perform characteristic value conversion

More Information
Insight to Action Tool

Maintain Exceptions for Insight to Action Tool

Maintain Hierarchy Levels for Insight to Action Tool

Release Rule
You use release check rules to determine which quantities are acceptable for your customers. You can specify the minimum
percentage of quantities that must be ful lled at the different release levels so that an order can be released for delivery.

Release check can be performed both in Online and Background mode using ARun Insight to Action (ARUNITA).

Online mode: In the Online mode, you can specify only one release rule for all the selected orders.

Background mode: In the Background mode, the release rule is determined based on determination logic.

You can specify these parameters for the background mode:

Release Rule: The speci ed default release rule to be used.

Determination Logic: Speci es how the system determines the release rule to be used for release checks. You can
choose from one of these options:

Always Use Default: The release rule speci ed in the parameter for release check action is applicable.

First from Sales Order; 2nd Default: The release rule de ned in a sales order is given priority. If the release rule is
not found, the system applies the release rule speci ed in the parameter for release check action.

1st Determination; 2nd Default: If the release rule is not found, the system applies the release rule speci ed in the
parameter for release check action.

1st from Sales Order; 2nd Determination, 3rd Default: The release rule maintained in a sales order is given
priority. If both release rules are not found, the system applies the release rule speci ed in the parameter for
release check action. For more information refer to Release Rule Determination Transaction

Calculation Method of Release Rule: Determines the scope of the ARun release check. You can choose the following

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 100
Include All Quantities

Exclude Already Failed Quantities

Calculation Base

Con rmed Quantity

Exclude Delivery or GI Quantity

The release rule check functionality is available only for retail. The prerequisite business function should be activated

The following example explains how release rules are implemented using the following calculation methods:

Include All Quantities

Exclude Already Failed Quantities

Case 1: Include All Quantities

For Item Material availability date level, only 30 pieces of the 50 ordered quantity are available and the release check is not
ful lled with a minimum quota of 70%. As a result, the Item Material availability date levels are assigned the ARun status
Reserved (R). The system then checks at the item level whether a minimum quota of 70% can be achieved. The available
quantities for Item 1 are 75 (45 + 30) and for Item 2 are 60 (35+30). Here, Item 2 fails to achieve the release percentage of

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 101
70% (achieved is 65%), and therefore, the ARun status of Item Material availability dates level changes to Reserved (R). The
system then checks at the order level whether a minimum quota of 70% can be reached. At order level, the total quantity is 140
(that is, 70%) and the ARun status of the schedule lines are not changed

Case 2: Exclude Already Failed Quantities

For Item Material availability date levels, only 30 pieces of the 50 ordered quantity are available and the release check is not
ful lled with a minimum quota of 70%. As a result, the Item Material availability date levels are assigned the ARun status
Reserved (R). The system then checks at the item level whether a minimum quota of 70% can be achieved. The available
quantity for Item 1 is 45 (45%) and Item 2 is 35 (35%). Item 1 and Item 2 fail to achieve the minimum release percentage of
70%. Now, the system checks at the order level whether a minimum quota of 70% can be reached. At order level, since no
quantities are carried forward, the total quantity is 0.

If a release rule check fails at a certain level, the schedule lines are never assigned the status Fixed (F) or Fix and Hold (H)
even though the release rule passes at the higher release check levels. The status of the MBDAT level will be set as Reserve
(R) or blank (with no entries) whichever is maintained in the customization. If release rule fails, fail status will be populated in
the the MBDAT level.

Calculation Base

For a requirement in which:

100 units are con rmed

70 units are delievered and

20 units are assigned

The calculation for release rule is as below:

" " Con rmed Quantity: ((Assigned quantity + Delivered or GI quantity) / Con rmed quantity) that is 90/100 = 90 %

"1" (Exclude Delivery or GI Quantity): (Assigned quantity / (Con rmed quantity – Delivered or GI quantity)) that is 20/30
= 66 %

You can de ne release rules for:

PSST (Sales Order Only)

Document Header

Delivery Group (Sales Order Only)

Generic Articles

Articles (Items)

Items Material Availability date(s)

The system uses a bottom-up strategy, which means that the check starts at the lowest level and then goes to the next higher

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The system sets the following statuses according to whether the result of a release rule check for a requirement is successful or

Result Status Description

Release rule is successful Fixed (F) Outbound deliveries are possible

Fix and Hold (H) Outbound deliveries are not possible

Release rule is not successful Reserve (R) Reserve the quantities that are assigned to requirements

Blank Do not assign any quantity to the requirement

The ARun status Reserved (R) is used for the following scenarios:

When a release check fails and the status is maintained as Reserved (R).

When you assign requirement with future receipt stock, the nal status will be maintained as Reserved (R) ) and the
release check will not be applied in Normal mode. In preview mode, the status can be Fixed (F), Fix and Hold (H) or
Reserved (R) based on the release rules de ned in transaction ARUN_ITAR.

Release Rule Determination Transaction

You can determine which release rule the system uses for a release check. You can go to transaction ARUN_ITAR to create or
edit release rules.

Transaction ARUN_ITARD is used to assign a release rule to a sales area, customer, or order type for further processing when
the release rule check box is checked. All assignments with physical stock are in status based on the release rule maintained in
ARUN_ITARD transaction and all assignments with future receipts will be in the R (Reserved) status.
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You can maintain a release rule for a particular sales area or for a combination such as sales area-customer, sales area-
document type, sales area-customer-document type in following manner:

1. Go to transaction ARUN_ITARD.

2. Toggle from display mode to edit mode and click on create button.

3. Enter sales area (sales org/distribution channel/division) or customer or document type and release rule and save.

4. Or alternatively you can choose Create fast entry to Create release rule for a group of sale area in one step. Click on
Create fast entry, enter the selection criteria where sales area and release rule is mandatory and click the Assign

Stock Sorting Transaction

During the assign action, ATP scheduling logic is used to assign the stock. However, if there are multiple stock elements on one
date then it is possible to specify the sort order in this transaction. For example if stock is available in multiple storage location
then you can use the stock sorting rule to give a higher priority for stock in one storage location than the other during

Refer to Availability Check According to ATP Logic

Stock Sort Rule

Use the transaction ARUN_STKSORT

You select the Stock Type (ARUN_BSKZ) as a stock sort eld, but you want to assign individual priorities to each stock type as

Constants Priority Field Text

B 1 Purchase Order

C 2 Batch Stock

L 3 Shipping Noti cations

This kind of sorting would not be possible with a normal ascending or descending sort method. However, by assigning individual
priorities to each stock type, you can adjust the sort order to meet your needs.

Cross-Applications in Supply Assignment

The cross-application settings include all the supply assignment (ARun) settings pertaining to the different application areas
and how they interact with ARun. For more information about each application area, see:

Changing Sales Orders

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Changing Stock Transport Orders

Changing Purchase Orders

Changes During Goods Receipt

Changes During Goods Issue and Transfer Posting

Quantities Reserved by Supply Assignment (ARun) in MRP

Quantities Reserved by Supply Assignment (ARun) in aATP

Changing Sales Orders

You control how the system reacts to changes in the assigned sales order by making settings in Customizing under Cross-
Application Components Advanced Available-to-Promise (aATP) Supply Assignment (ARun) Cross-Applications Sales
Document Handling

Assignment and unassignment processes are the same for all types of stock, including future receipts. Therefore, if the
con rmed quantity is decreased, the system adjusts the corresponding assignments.

When you unassign a sales order, the system locks the corresponding assigned stock (physical or future stock). If the stock
cannot be locked, the system generates an error message. The sales order can only be processed after the stock is unlocked.

You have selected the update document ow option in the following Customizing activities for sales documents and delivery
documents to enable the system to create document ow records when you create a sales document item with reference to
another document:

Sales and Distribution Sales Maintain Copy Control for Sales Documents

Logistics Execution Shipping Copying Control Specify Copy Control for Deliveries

Rules for Unassigning Orders

You can use the Rules for Unassigning Orders to specify exactly how the system reacts when the sales order is modi ed. You can
de ne a unassignment rule to unassign or remove the previously assigned quantities. If no rule is maintained for unassigning
orders, then any change in the supply assignment elds (such as plant, storage location, quantity) will unassign the orders. An
unassignment rule contains the following elds:

Physical Stock Reference Dates: the Batch Horizon and Storage Location Horizon elds specify the number of days after
which the unassignment can occur for an order.

When you edit an existing assigned order and if the difference between the old requirement date and the new
requirement date is less than the number of days speci ed in the reference elds, then the unassignment does not
occur. However, if this difference is more than the number of days speci ed in the reference elds, system behavior is
based on the values speci ed in the Date Reaction check eld.

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Future Stock Reference Dates: The From and To elds specify the range of days during which the unassignment should
not occur.

When you change an existing assigned order and if the difference between the requirement date of a sales order and the
goods receipt date for a purchase order or con rmation is within the From and To eld ranges, then the unassignment
does not occur. If this difference does not fall within these eld ranges, then the system behaves based on the values
speci ed in the Date Reaction check eld.

Field Checks: For example storage location, plant, requirement segment or season. The system decides how and when
the unassignment process should be triggered based on the following values speci ed in the eld checks:

N No Action: Order assignment will not be changed

W Warnings Before Unassigning Orders: A warning message is displayed and the order is unassigned completely.

E Change Not Permitted: You cannot change the plant in the order and the order cannot be unassigned.

Sort Rule

In Customizing for sales documents in Supply Assignment (ARun), you can de ne the sequence in which the assigned stock is
unassigned. In this way, you can specify which stock has to be unassigned rst. For example, if you want to sort rst by stock
type, then by batch number, then by purchase order number, you would make the following entries:

Sort Field Priority Sort Descending




By selecting the Sort Descending indicator, you can reverse the sort order for a given eld. For example, if select the Sort
Descending indicator for purchase orders (EBELN), the system unassigns the most recent purchase orders rst.

Immediate Assignment of Sales Orders

You can also assign various ARun-speci c functions to the sales documents. If you activate immediate assignment for the sales
document, the system tries to assign a requirement immediately when a sales document is created or modi ed. A requirement
can only be successfully assigned if there is sufficient stock (for example, physical stock or stock against future receipts). Note
that the document must contain all delivery-related data when it is saved. If it does not, the requirement cannot be delivered

Set Release Rule Check for Orders

If you deselect this checkbox, all assignments with physical stock are in the F (Fix) status and all assignments with future
receipts will be in the R (Reserved) status.

If you select this checkbox and do not set immediate delivery for the document type, all assignments with physical stock are in O
(Open for Release Check) status and all assignments with future receipts will be in R (Reserved) status.

If you select this checkbox and immediate delivery is set for the document type, all assignments with physical stock are in status
based on the release rule maintained in ARUN_ITARD transaction (If you have not maintained any release rule, then status will
be set to O) and all assignments with future receipts will be in the R (Reserved) status.

If you have not maintained any release rule, then status will be set to O (Open for Release Check) for all assignments with
physical stock and all assignments with future receipts will be in the R (Reserved) status.

You can activate immediate assignment to a sales document type in Customizing underCross-Application
Components Advanced Available-to-Promise (aATP) Supply Assignment (ARun) Cross-Applications Sales Document
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 106
Handling Assign Sales Documents Rules to Order Types .

Assign Rules to Order Types

You can activate immediate assignment and assign stock sorting rule for assignment. You can also assign an unassignment rule
and stock sorting rule for unassignment to the SD document type and the sales area. This customizing is available under Cross-
Application Components Advanced Available-to-Promise (aATP) Supply Assignment (ARun) Cross-Applications Sales
Document Handling Assign Sales Documents Rules to Order Types

More Information
Cross-Applications in Supply Assignment (ARun)

Changing Stock Transport Orders

You control how the system reacts when an assigned stock transport order (STO) is changed by making settings in Customizing
under Cross-Application Components Advanced Available-to-Promise (aATP) Cross-Applications Stock Transport Order
Handling .

Rules for Unassigning Orders

You use the unassignment rule to specify exactly how the system reacts when an STO is modi ed. You can de ne a
unassignment rule to unassigne or remove the previously assigned quantities. If no rule is maintained for unassigning orders,
then any change in the supply assignment elds (such as plant, storage location, quantity) will unassign the orders. An
unassignment rule contains the following elds:

Physical Stock Reference Dates: The Batch Horizon and Storage Location Horizon elds specify the number of days
after which the order can be unassigned.

When you edit an existing assigned order, and if the difference between the old requirement date and the new
requirement date is less than the number of days speci ed in the reference elds, then the unassignment does not
occur. However, if this difference is more than the number of days speci ed in the reference elds, the system behavior is
based on the values speci ed in the Date Reaction eld check.

Future Stock Reference Dates: These dates specify the range of days for the validity of the stock type.

When you change an existing assigned order and if difference between the requirement date of a STO and the goods
receipt date for a purchase order or con rmation is within the From and To eld ranges, then the unassignment does not
occur. If this difference does not fall within these eld ranges, then the system behaves based on the values speci ed in
the Date Reaction eld check.

Field Checks: For example storage location, plant, requirement segment, or season. The system decides how and when
the unassignment process is triggered based on the following values speci ed in the eld check:

N No Action: Order assignment will not be changed

W Warnings Before Unassigning Orders: A warning message is displayed and the order is unassigned completely.

E Change Not Permitted: You cannot change the plant in the order and the order cannot be unassigned.

Sort Rule

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Requirement Sorting Rule

In Customizing for STO Handling, you can de ne a sort rule that the system uses to sort requirement elements during
unassignment. You can use this sort rule to specify the order in which requirements (sales orders and stock transport
orders) are unassigned. You can do this in Customizing under Cross-Application Components Advanced Available-to-
Promise (aATP) Supply Assignment (ARun) Cross-Applications Stock Transport Order Handling De ne Requirement
Sorting Rules .

Stock Sorting Rule

Stock sorting is applicable when the STO is assigned from the supplying plant, while requirement sorting is applicable
when the STO is assigned at the receiving plant. In Customizing for Stock Transport Order Handling, you can de ne a
sort rule that the system uses to sort stock elements during unassignment. You can use the unassignment sort rule to
specify the order in which stock types (physical stock, purchase orders, shipping noti cations, and con rmations) are
unassigned. You can do this in Customizing under Cross-Application Components Advanced Available-to-Promise
(aATP) Supply Assignment (ARun) Cross-Applications Stock Transport Order Handling De ne Supply Sorting Rules
for Unassigning Orders .

Immediate assignment of STO

You can activate immediate assignment for an STO in Customizing under Cross Application Components Advanced Available-
to-Promise Supply Assignment ARun) Cross Applications Stock Transport Order Handling De ne Immediate Assignment
for Stock Transport Orders . When you activate immediate assignment for an STO, the system tries to assign a requirement
immediately whenever the STO is created or modi ed for the supplying plant.

Set Release Rule Check for Orders

If you select this checkbox, all assignments with physical stock are in the F (Fix) status and all assignments with future receipts
will be in the R (Reserved) status. If you select this checkbox and do not set immediate delivery for the document type, all
assignments with physical stock have status O (Open for Release Check) and all assignments with future receipts will have
status R (Reserved). If you select this checkbox and immediate delivery is set for the document type, all assignments with
physical stock are in status based on the release rule maintained in the ARUN_ITARD transaction. If you have not maintained
any release rule, the status will be set to O (Open for Release Check) for all assignments with physical stock. All assignments
with future receipts will have status R (Reserved). A requirement can only be successfully assigned if there is sufficient stock
(for example, physical stock or stock against future receipts). Note that the document must contain all shipping-related data
when it is saved. If it does not, the assignment is cancelled and the requirement cannot be delivered immediately.

If you want to create a delivery immediately after creation of the stock transport order, set the Auto Delv. option. You can do
this in Customizing under Materials Management Purchasing Purchase Order Set Up Stock Transport Order .

Assign Stock Transport Order Rules to Plants

You can assign rules to unassign orders, requirement sorting, and stock sorting rules to each supplying plant. If the stock
transport orders are considered as requirements, then use the stock sorting rule. You can assign these rules in Customizing
under Cross-Application Components Advanced Available-to-Promise (aATP) Supply Assignment (ARun) Cross-
Applications Stock Transport Order Handling Assign Rules to Unassign Stock Transport Orders to Plants

More Information
Cross-Applications in Supply Assignment (ARun)

Changing Purchase Orders

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You control how the system reacts to changes when an assigned purchase order is changed by making settings in Customizing
under Cross-Application Components Advanced Available-to-Promise (aATP) Supply Assignment (ARun) Cross-Applications
Purchase Order Handling . When you unassign a purchase order, all assigned sales orders and stock transport orders are
locked. If an order cannot be locked, the system generates an error message. The purchase order can only be processed when
the locked order is unlocked.

Rules for Unassigning Orders

In Customizing for Purchase Order Handling in Supply Assignment (ARun), you can de ne rules for unassignment when the
purchase orders are changed. You can de ne an unassignment rule to unassign or remove the previously assigned quantities. If
no rule is maintained for unassigning orders, any change in the supply assignment elds (such as plant, storage location,
quantity) will unassign the orders:

Future Stock Reference Dates: The From and To elds specify the range of days during which the unassignment should
not occur.

When you change an existing assigned order and if the difference between the requirement date of a sales order or STO
and the goods receipt date for a purchase order or con rmation is within the From and To eld ranges, then the
unassignment does not occur. If this difference does not fall within these eld ranges, then the system behaves based on
the values speci ed in the Date Reaction eld check.

Field Checks: For example storage location, plant, stock segment, or season. The system decides how and when the
unassignment process should be triggered based on the following values speci ed in the eld check:

N No Action: Order assignment will not be changed

W Warnings Before Unassigning Orders: A warning message is displayed and the order is unassigned completely.

Change Not Permitted: You cannot change the plant in the order and the order cannot be unassigned.

For con rmations, the Restore checkbox determines whether assignments for a shipping noti cation are returned to the
purchase order or unassigned. If the checkbox is selected, then the assignments from the shipping noti cation are returned to
the purchase order. If the checkbox is not selected, then the assignments are unassigned.

Requirement Sort Rule

In Customizing for purchase order handling in Supply Assignment (ARun), you can de ne how the system sorts requirements
when it performs unassignment. You can use this sort rule to specify the order in which requirements are unassigned.

Assign Purchase Order Rules to Plants

You can also assign rules for unassigning orders and requirement sorting rule to a plant. You can do this in Customizing under
Cross-Application Components Advanced Available-to-Promise (aATP) Supply Assignment (ARun) Cross-
Applications Purchase Order Handling Assign Purchase Order Rules to Plants .

More Information
Cross-Applications in Supply Assignment (ARun)

Changes During Goods Receipt


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You control how the system reacts to changes during goods receipt processing by making settings in Customizing under Cross-
Application Components Advanced Available-to-Promise (aATP) Supply Assignment (ARun) Cross-Applications Goods
Receipt Handling .

During goods receipt processing, one of the following scenarios may occur:

Complete delivery

Partial delivery

Partial delivery with delivery complete indicator (DCI)

Complete delivery, but goods are different from the originally ordered (for example, change of segment)

Rules for Unassigning Orders

In Customizing for Goods Receipt Handling in Supply Assignment (ARun), you can de ne rules for unassigning orders to be used
during goods receipts. You can de ne a rule for unassignment or remove the previously assigned quantities by entering values
in the following elds:

If no rule is maintained for unassigning orders, then any change in the supply assignment elds (such as plant, storage
location, quantity) will unassign the orders.

Physical Stock Reference Dates: The Batch Horizonand Storage Location Horizon elds specify the number of days after
which the unassignment can occur for an order.

When you edit an existing assigned order and if the difference between the requirement date and the posting date is
less than the number of days speci ed in the reference elds, then the unassignment does not occur. However, if this
difference is more than the number of days speci ed in the reference elds, system behavior is based on values speci ed
in the Date Reaction eld check.

Field Checks: The system decides how and when the unassignment process should be triggered based on the following
values speci ed in the eld check:

N No Action: Order assignment will not be changed.

Warnings Before Unassigning Orders: A warning message is displayed and the order is unassigned completely.

E Change Not Permitted: You cannot change the plant in the order and the order cannot be unassigned.

Requirement Sort Rule

In Customizing for Goods Receipt Handling, you can de ne how the system sorts requirements during unassignment. You can
use the sort rule to specify the order in which requirements are unassigned. For example, the requirements with the latest
material availability date is unassigned rst.

Assign Goods Receipt Rules to Plants

You can assign a rule to unassign and requirement sorting rule to a plant. You can do this in Customizing under Cross-
Application Components Advanced Available-to-Promise (aATP) Supply Assignment (ARun) Cross-Applications Goods
Receipt Handling Assign Goods Receipt Rules to Plants .

More Information
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Cross-Applications in Supply Assignment (ARun)

Changes During Goods Issue and Transfer

You control how the system reacts to changes during goods issue posting by making settings in Customizing under Cross-
Application Components Advanced Available-to-Promise (aATP) Supply Assignment (ARun) Cross-Applications Goods Issue
Handling .

You have assigned a rule to unassign orders and requirement sorting rules in Customizing under Cross-Application
Components Advanced Available-to-Promise (aATP) Supply Assignment (ARun) Cross-Applications Good Issue
Handling Assign Goods Issue Rules to Plants .

You have activated unassign orders automatically for the goods issue at movement type level in Customizing under
Cross-Application Components Advanced Available-to-Promise (aATP) Supply Assignment (ARun) Cross-
Applications Goods Issue Handling Activate Movement Types for Unassigning Orders Automatically .

For transfer posting, you have activated unassign orders automatically for the transfer posting at movement type level
in Customizing under Cross-Application Components Advanced Available-to-Promise (aATP) Supply Assignment
(ARun) Cross-Applications Goods Issue Handling Activate Transfer Posting Movement Types for Unassigning Orders .

Rules for Unassigning Orders

For an ARun-relevant article assigned by ARun, if the quantity to be issued exceeds the total assigned quantity, then the
unassignment is triggered based on the following conditions:

Rule to unassign orders will be maintained and assigned at the plant level. If it is not maintained at the plant level, orders
are unassigned by default.

Unassignment is triggered only if the movement type that is used is marked for auto unassignment in Customizing under
Cross-Application Components Advanced Available-to-Promise (aATP) Supply Assignment (ARun) Cross-
Applications Goods Issue Handling Activate Transfer Posting Movement Types for Unassigning Orders .

If unassignment is triggered and multiple assignments exist for that article, the order in which the requirements are
unassigned is determined by the requirement sorting rule in Customizing under Cross-Application
Components Advanced Available-to-Promise (aATP) Supply Assignment (ARun) Cross-Applications Goods Issue
Handling De ne Requirement Sorting Rules .

When you de ne a rule to unassign, you can choose one of the following actions for the quantity eld check:

W Warnings Before Unassigning Orders: A warning message is displayed and the order is unassigned completely.

E Change Not Permitted: You cannot change the plant in the order and the order cannot be unassigned.

If no rule is maintained for unassigning orders, then any change in the supply assignment elds (such as plant, storage
location, quantity) will unassign the orders.

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 111
Requirement Sort Rule

In Customizing for Supply Assignment (ARun) in Goods Issue Handling, you can de ne how the system sorts requirements
during unassignment. You can use this sort rule to specify the order in which requirements are unassigned. For example, the
requirement with the latest material availability date is unassigned rst.

Assign Goods Issue Rules to Plants

You can assign a rule to unassign and requirement sorting rule to a plant. You can do this in Customizing under Cross-
Application Components Advanced Available-to-Promise (aATP) Supply Assignment (ARun) Cross-Applications Goods Issue
Handling Assign Goods Issue Rules to Plants

Activate Movement Types for Unassigning Orders Automatically

You can activate the unassignment function for each individual movement type. In this case, the system automatically unassigns
stock during goods issue when you assign the goods issue rules to a plant.

Activate Transfer Posting Movement Types for Unassigning Orders (for Transfer Posting)

You can activate the unassignment function for each individual transfer posting movement type. In this case, the system
automatically unassigns stock during transfer posting when you assign the goods issue unassignment rules to a plant.

De ne Stock Type Selection for Supply Assignment (ARun) Use

You can specify how the system selects supply segments for physical stock during Supply Assignment (ARun). Supply segments
can be of the following types:

Stock in transfer (from one storage location to another)

Stock in Quality Inspection

Restricted-Use Stock

Blocked Stock


1. Select a plant for which the supply segments must be de ned.

2. Select the supply segments that should be included in ARun.

3. Save the entry.

Unassignment during transfer posting

For transfer posting between stock segments:

If you move goods between the segments which are considered during assignment, orders will not be unassigned.

If you move goods from a segment which was ARun-relevant to another segment which is not, unassignment will occur
based on the rules to unassign orders maintained.

If you move goods from a segment which is not Arun-relevant to another non-ARun relevant segment, there is no

A segment is de ned as ARun-relevant or non-ARun relevant in De ne Stock Type Selection for Supply Assignment

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 112
For transfer posting between plants: When you do transfer posting from one plant to another plant, orders will be unassigned
based on the rules to unassign orders maintained.

For Transfer Posting between Storage locations:

When you do transfer posting from one storage location to another storage location, you should call the deallocation
logic if the supply is ARun-relevant.

If you are moving to one storage location which is not ARun-relevant, orders will be unassigned based on the mainatined
rules for unassigning orders.

More Information
Cross-Applications in Supply Assignment (ARun)

Quantities Reserved by Supply Assignment

(ARun) in MRP
The results from Supply Assignment (ARun) impact the net-requirement calculation during the material requirements planning
(MRP) run. MRP therefore considers the quantities reserved by supply assignment for requirements and stock or receipts.

You have created an article that is relevant for Supply Assignment (ARun).

You have executed the order Supply Assignment (ARun) for the order.

During the planning run, the system checks for the stock or future receipts that are already assigned to the requirements
during the supply assignment (ARun). Since the available stock or future receipts and requirements are already assigned, the
system cannot consume them during the MRP run. Therefore, the system proposes a new procurement proposal for the

Assume the following:

Oct 9, 2013: Batch stock of 50 pieces

Oct 16, 2013: Purchase order for 50 pieces

Nov. 3, 2013: Sales order (4711) for 100 pieces

Nov. 10, 2013: Sales order (4712) for 100 pieces

1. Supply Assignment (ARun) assigns the available batch stock and the purchase order to sales order #4712.

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2. During the MRP run, the system proposes a new proposal, for example purchase requisition, for sales order #4711 dated
Nov. 3, 2013.

For an article that is not relevant for supply assignment (ARun) or if supply assignment (ARun) is not executed, MRP always
procures at the latest date, and may even fail to ful ll the requirements in certain cases.

Quantities Reserved by Supply Assignment

(ARun) in aATP
The results from the Supply Assignment (ARun) impact the availability of stock during the availability check. Hence, the
availability check considers the quantities that are already reserved by Supply Assignment (ARun) for requirements and

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You have created an article that is relevant for Supply Assignment (ARun).

You have executed the Supply Assignment (ARun) for the article.

During the availability check, the system checks for supply or future receipts that are already assigned to the requirements
during the supply assignment (ARun). Since the available supply or future receipts and requirements are already assigned, the
system does not consider them as available quantity during the availability check. Therefore, availability check can promise only
the remaining supply for any future requirements.

Assume the following:

Oct. 9, 2013: Batch stock of 100 pieces

Oct. 16, 2013: Purchase order for 100 pieces

Nov. 3, 2013: Sales order (4711) for 150 pieces

Nov. 10, 2013: Sales order (4712) for 100 pieces

1. Supply Assignment assigns the available batch stock to sales order #4712.

2. During the availability check for a new requirement (sales order #4711 requires 150 pieces), as the batch stock is already
assigned to a requirement, the system only proposes the remaining quantity of supply or future receipts and
requirement as the ATP quantity. That is, the availability check promises the purchase order of quantity 100 pieces and
the remaining 50 pieces will be delivered later.

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Application Programming Interfaces (APIs)

for advanced Available-to-Promise (aATP)
An application programming interface (API) is an interface provided by an application for interacting with other applications. An
API comprises, in essence, functions that other applications can call and data they can access.

The following APIs may be useful for interacting with aATP:

OData Service for Basic Product Availability Information API

OData Service for Product Allocation Object API

OData Service for Product Allocation Sequence API

Data Protection & Privacy in advanced

Available-to-Promise (aATP)
For information about Data Protection & Privacy in the context of advanced Available-to-Promise (aATP), seeBusiness Partner
End of Purpose (EoP) Check Class for aATP.

For more information about Data Protection & Privacy, see the security guide for SAP S/4HANA 1709 FPS01 available at SAP S/4HANA Product Documentation Security Guide Data Protection & Privacy .

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