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Thời gian làm bài: 120 phút
(Đề thi gồm 8 trang)

* Thí sinh không được sử dụng tài liệu kể cả từ điển.

* Giám thị không giải thích gì thêm.

Part 1: Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from that of the others.
1. A. locksmith B. representative C. episode D. release
2. A. frostbite B. atomic C. observant D. operator
3. A. legible B. genre C. Mediterranean D. paramedic

Part 2: Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from that of the others.
4. A. entrepreneur B. launderette C. atmospheric D. undervalue
5. A. supervillain B. meteor C. phenomenon D. stereotype

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


Part 1: Choose the best answer from the four options (A, B, C, or D) to complete each sentence below.
1. The singer never really ______ his potential and stopped making music when he was only twenty.
A. completed B. gained C. managed D. fulfilled
2. It’s ______ likely that the next film in the series will make lots of money, just like the last one.
A. highly B. relatively C. virtually D. generally
3. I’d like to ______ the record straight and say that I don’t agree to the changes.
A. make B. turn C. take D. set
4. Appearances can be ______ – she looks about seventeen, but I know she’s in her mid-twenties.
A. transparent B. deceptive C. sensational D. disbelieving
5. Running a marathon in the rain ______ a big challenge, but I’m sure I can do it.
A. allows B. presents C. introduces D. opens
6. Media coverage of the debate wasn’t one-sided, it was very ______, I thought.
A. objective B. deceptive C. exclusive D. legitimate
7. I suggest he ______ money to buy a new car.
A. save B. saves C. saved D. saving
8. There are a lot of people at my friend’s wedding party, only a few of ______ I had met before.
A. who B. whose C. whom D. which
9. You should have known that Anne could not keep a secret. Never again ______ her anything.
A. will tell B. I tell C. will I tell D. I will tell
10. That restaurant is ______ dirty that few people eat in it.
A. so B. such C. very D. too
11. You dislike playing basketball and table tennis, ______?
A. don’t you B. do you C. won’t you D. will you
12 Reading books written in the last century gives you ______ insight into society of the period.
A. worthy B. invaluable C. costly D. thankful
13. I was encouraged by my parents to ______ my interest in history.
A. occupy B. present C. pursue D. allow
14. During the day the city centre is ______, but at night it’s empty.
A. suburban B. upmarket C. civic D. bustling
15. It would be a great idea to have a ______ zone in the city centre.
A. communal B. pedestrian C. metropolitan D. suburban

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

Part 2: There are FIVE mistakes in the following paragraph. Underline the mistakes and write the
corrections in the given space.
Do you write letters any more? In this age of advanced telephone networks and electronic ……….………..
mail, it seems that fewer and fewer people are taking the time to sit down and write letters ……….………..
to friends and relatives. For hundreds of years, letters were the only way to keep in touch ……….………..
with people who were some distance away, and letter-writing was seen as an important ……….………..
skill for all educational people to master. Gradually, however, the importance of letter- ……….………..
writing has decreased up to a point where the majority of us have to make a special effort ……….………..
to turn out something worthwhile when we apply for a job or make a complaint. Personal ……….………..
letters, which we bother to write them at all, are often not much more than a stream of ……….………..
unconnected thoughts. In business circles, the tendency is for routine communications to ……….………..
become shorter and, because clients may appreciate a detailed letter, an employee who ……….………..
sends out long letters is often regarded as inefficient. Many people prefer the telephone in ……….………..
all circumstances and, naturally, their speed is vital in many situations but how often have ……….………..
you put the phone down, dissatisfied with what you have managed to say? I don't think I'll ……….………..
throw my pen away yet. ……….………..

Part 3: Use the correct form of the given words to complete each of the following sentences.
1. In many developing countries, pollution control regulations are formulated at the ……….………..
national level, but their enforcement is the (RESPONSIBLE) of local environmental
protection bureaus.
2. The envelop was (CORRECT) addressed, so the letter could not be delivered to Jim. ……….………..
3. This can best be done in clearly situated case studies, which yield qualitative findings ……….………..
that can then be examined for (FAR) explanations and enquiry.
4. After collecting the information, it was summarized into tables to compare the ……….………..
(SIMILAR) and differences among the reports, but global conclusions are not drawn.
5. A (BREATH) view awaits you when moving towards the little headland dividing the ……….………..
beach into north and south.
6. When it occurs, it is the artist's reward for inventive and (ENCOURAGE) handling of ……….………..
discrete environmental conditions.
7. Among the many efficiencies gained in intensive rotationally grazed systems, 60-99% ……….………..
of minerals and (NUTRITION) are recoverable.
8. Towards the end of the nineteenth century the city was (INDUSTRY)and the
population increased. ……….………..

Part 4: Find ONE word which can be used to fill in all the blanks in each set of sentences.
1. _______
o Take good _______of my daughter; she’s the only one I’ve got.
o There are over 600 children in ______ in our town, of whom ten per cent are in the local children’s home.
o I don’t ______ what you say; I believe I’m old enough to make my own decisions.

2. _______
o The worst thing you could have done was to make him lose _______in front of his colleagues.
o The jury’s decision flies in the ______ of all the evidence.
o She laid the tarot cards ______ up on the table in the shape of a cross.

3. _______
o The annoying thing about Tom is that he always has to have the _______word in every discussion.
o The ______ person I expected, or wanted to meet at the reception was my former boss.
o The trial is expected to ______ until the end of the week.

4. _______
o I’ve known Sheila for years, but I still find her _______and rather unfriendly.
o I’ve discovered that a ______ ancestor of mine was related to Napoleon.
o Could you pass me the ______ control so that I can change the channel, please?

Part 5: Complete each of the following sentences with (a) suitable preposition(s) or particle(s). Write your
answer in the space provided.
1. You can't let an opportunity like that go ______ - it's too good to miss. ……….………..
2. My uncle took ______ golf when he retired from work. ……….………..
3. Quite soon, the world is going to run ______ energy resources. ……….………..
4. Poverty and poor health often go hand ______ hand. ……….………..
5. My parents saw me ______ at the railway station. ……….………..
6. Does this jacket go ______ my trousers ……….………..
7. I don’t really know this city. Could you show me ______ a bit? ……….………..
8. Half of John’s class has gone ______ influenza. ……….………..

Part 1: Choose the appropriate option (A, B, C, or D) to fill in each blank of the following passage.
That old saying, "It's not what you know, it's who you know" sums up what may well be the most important (1)
______ of climbing the business ladder. Diligence, competence and experience are fine (2) ______, but they are
not enough.
While this is no great secret, the fact (3) ______ that skilled workers are few and (4) ______ between - yet
business success depends on informal networking and sociologists have (5) ______ that the majority of top jobs
in the US are obtained through it. A vast (6) ______ of jobs are never advertised and of those that are, many
have already been (7) ______ to someone known to the company. These processes (8) ______ not just to
industry but to the government and public sector as well.
Potentially, colleagues, superiors, business friends, customers, suppliers can provide a networker with
information, addresses and open doors that make the difference between stagnation and a rapid rise.
Nonetheless, as a communications trainer in Germany put it: "Many people just do not know how to (9)
______, develop and foster promising relationships." For some, networking (10) ______ just too time-
consuming or stressful. Such individuals shut themselves in their office and minimize contact with the outside
world. They may do a great job of work, but they are unlikely to make great career strides.

1. A. measures B. resources C. means D. actions

2. A. marks B. qualities C. types D. distinctions
3. A. remains B. lasts C. continues D. keeps
4. A. long B. far C. wide D. broad
5. A. distinguished B. located C. viewed D. found
6. A. ratio B. division C. proportion D. section
7. A. promised B. assured C. declared D. warranted
8. A. carry B. engage C. suit D. apply
9. A. induct B. install C. invest D. initiate
10. A. shows B. proves C. turns D. results

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Part 2: Fill each of the numbered blanks in the passage with ONE suitable word.
Artificial intelligence (AI) is the ability of a computer program or a machine to think and learn. It is also a field
of study (1) ______ tries to make computers "smart". John McCarthy (2) ______ up with the name "artificial
intelligence" in 1955.
In general use, the term "artificial intelligence" (3) ______ a machine which mimics human cognition. At least
some of the things we associate with other minds, such as learning and problem (4) ______ can be done by
computers, though not in the same way as we do.
An ideal intelligent machine is a flexible agent which perceives its environment and takes actions to maximize
its chance of success (5) ______ some goal. As machines become increasingly capable, mental facilities once
thought to require intelligence are removed from the definition. For example, optical character recognition is no
(6) ______ perceived as an exemplar of "artificial intelligence": it is just a routine technology.
At present we use the (7) ______ AI for successfully understanding human speech, competing at a high level in
strategic game systems, self-driving cars, and interpreting complex data. Some people also (8) ______ AI a
danger to humanity if it progresses unabatedly.
AI involves many different fields (9) ______ computer science, mathematics, linguistics, psychology,
neuroscience, and philosophy. Eventually researchers hope to create a "general artificial intelligence" which can
solve many problems instead of (10) ______ on just one. Researchers are also trying to create creative and
emotional AI which can possibly empathize or create art. Many approaches and tools have been tried.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Part 3: Read the passage and choose the best option A, B, C, or D to answer the questions.
The human criterion for perfect vision is 20/20 for reading the standard lines on a Snellen eye chart
without a hitch. The score is determined by how well you read lines of letters of different sizes from 20 feet
away. But being able to read the bottom line on the eye chart does not approximate perfection as far as other
species are concerned. Most birds would consider us very visually handicapped. The hawk, for instance, has
such sharp eyes that it can spot a dime on the sidewalk while perched on top of the Empire State Building. It
can make fine visual distinctions because it is blessed with one million cones per square millimeter in its retina.
And in water, humans are farsighted, while the kingfisher, swooping down to spear fish, can see well in both the
air and water because it is endowed with two foveae – areas of the eye, consisting mostly of cones, that provide
visual distinctions. One foveae permits the bird, while in the air, to scan the water below with one eye at a time.
This is called monocular vision. Once it hits the water, the other fovea joins in, allowing the kingfisher to focus
both eyes, like binoculars, on its prey at the same time. A frog’s vision is distinguished by its ability to perceive
things as a constant motion picture. Known as “bug detectors”, a highly developed set of cells in a frog’s eyes
responds mainly to moving objects. So, it is said that a frog sitting in a field of dead bugs wouldn’t see them as
food and would starve.
The bee has a “compound” eye, which is used for navigation. It has 15,000 facets that divide what it sees
into a pattern of dots, or mosaic. With this kind of vision, the bee sees the sun only as a single dot, a constant
point of reference. Thus, the eye is a superb navigational instrument that constantly measures the angle of its
line of flight in relation to the sun. A bee’s eye also gauges flight speed. And if that is not enough to leave our
20/20 “perfect vision” paling into insignificance, the bee is capable of seeing something we can’t – ultraviolet
light. Thus, what humans consider to be “perfect vision” is in fact rather limited when we look at other species.
However, there is still much to be said for the human eye. Of all the mammals, only humans and some primates
can enjoy the pleasures of color vision.

Question 1. What does the passage mainly discuss?

A. limits of the human eye C. different eyes for different uses
B. perfect vision D. eye variation among different species
Question 2. According to the passage, why might birds and animals consider humans very visually
A. humans can’t see very well in either air or water
B. human eyes are not as well suited to our needs
C. the main outstanding feature of human eyes is color vision
D. human eyes can’t do what their eyes can do
Question 3. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true
A. kingfishers have monocular vision
B. bees see patterns of dots
C. hawks eyes consist mostly of cones that can allow it to scan with one eye at a time
D. humans are farsighted in water
Question 4. The phrase “paling into insignificance” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to
A. fading away C. without colored light
B. of great importance D. being reduced to little importance
Question 5. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?
A. eyes have developed differently in each species
B. humans should not envy what they don’t need
C. bees have the most complex eye
D. perfect vision is perfect

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Part 4: Read the passage and choose the best option A, B, C, or D to answer the questions.
Archaeological records-paintings, drawings, and carvings of humans engaged in activities involving the use of
hands - indicate that humans have been predominantly right-handed for more than 5,000 years. In ancient
Egyptian artwork, for example, the right hand is depicted as the dominant one in about 90 percent of the
examples. Fracture or wear patterns on tools also indicate that a majority of ancient people were right-handed.
Cro-Magnon cave paintings some 27,000 years old commonly show outlines of human hands made by placing
one hand against the cave wall and applying paint with the other. Children today make similar outlines of their
hands with crayons on paper. With few exceptions, left hands of Cro-Magnons are displayed on cave walls,
indicating that the paintings were usually done by right-handers. Anthropological evidence pushes the record of
handedness in early human ancestors back to at least 1.4 million years ago. One important line of evidence
comes from flaking patterns of stone cores used in toolmaking: implements flaked with a clockwise motion
(indicating a right-handed toolmaker) can be distinguished from those flaked with a counter-clockwise rotation
(indicating a left-handed toolmaker).
Even scratches found on fossil human teeth offer clues. Ancient humans are thought to have cut meat into strips
by holding it between their teeth and slicing it with stone knives, as do the present-day Inuit. Occasionally the
knives slip and leave scratches on the users' teeth. Scratches made with a left-to-right stroke direction (by right-
handers) are more common than scratches in the opposite direction (made by left-handers).
Still other evidence comes from cranial morphology: scientists think that physical differences between the
right and left sides of the interior of the skull indicate subtle physical differences between the two sides of the
brain. The variation between the hemispheres corresponds to which side of the body is used to perform specific
activities. Such studies, as well as studies of tool use, indicate that right- or left-sided dominance is not
exclusive to modern Homo sapiens. Populations of Neanderthals, such as Homo erectus and Homo habilis,
seem to have been predominantly right-handed, as we are.
Question 1. What is the main idea of the passage?
A. Human ancestors became predominantly right-handed when they began to use tools.
B. It is difficult to interpret the significance of anthropological evidence concerning tool use.
C. Humans and their ancestors have been predominantly right-handed for over a million years.
D. Human ancestors were more skilled at using both hands than modern humans.
Question 2. What does the author say about Cro-Magnon paintings of hands?
A. Some are not very old. B. It is unusual to see such paintings.
C. Many were made by children. D. The artists were mostly right-handed.
Question 3. The word "depicted" in the first paragraph refers to ________.
A. written B. portrayed C. referred D. mentioned
Question 4. When compared with implements "flaked with a counter-clockwise rotation”, it can be inferred
that "implements flaked with a clockwise motion" are ______.
A. more common B. larger C. more sophisticated D. older
Question 5. The word "cranial morphology" in the last paragraph is closest in meaning to ______.
A. the form of crane B. the form of study
C. the study of physical bodies D. the study of skulls
Question 6. The fact that the Inuit cut meat by holding it between their teeth is significant because ______.
A. the relationship between handedness and scratches on fossil human teeth can be verified
B. it emphasizes the differences between contemporary humans and their ancestors
C. the scratch patterns produced by stone knives vary significantly from patterns produced by modern knives
D. it demonstrates that ancient humans were not skilled at using tools
Question 7. The word "hemispheres" in the last paragraph is closest in meaning to _______.
A. differences B. sides C. activities D. studies
Question 8. Why does the author mention Homo erectus and Habilis in the last paragraph?
A. To contrast them with modern humans
B. To explain when human ancestors began to make tools
C. To show that early humans were also predominantly right-handed
D. To prove that the population of Neanderthals was very large
Question 9. All of the following are mentioned as types of evidence concerning handedness EXCEPT _______.
A. ancient artwork B. asymmetrical skulls
C. studies of tool use D. fossilized hand bones
Question 10. Which of the following conclusions is suggested by the evidence from cranial morphology?
A. Differences in the hemispheres of the brain probably came about relatively recently
B. There may be a link between handedness and differences in the brain's hemispheres.
C. Left-handedness was somewhat more common among Neanderthals.
D. Variation between the brain's hemispheres was not evident in the skulls of Homo erectus and Homo habilis.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Part 1: Rewrite each of the following sentences beginning with the word(s) given in such a way that it
means the same as the original one.
1. It was wrong of you to scare your little brother like that.
→ You oughtn’t.......................................................................................................................................................
2. I dislike it when my parents accuse me of something I didn’t do.
→ I object................................................................................................................................................................
3. The fund-raisers haven’t officially decided where to send the proceeds of the concert.
→ No official..........................................................................................................................................................
4. He delayed writing the book until he had a lot of research.
→ Only....................................................................................................................................................................
5. It would have been a superb weekend if the weather had been better.
→ But......................................................................................................................................................................
6. Scientists have tried very hard to find a cure for this disease.
→ Enormous effort.................................................................................................................................................
7. Maria didn’t apply for the job in the library and regrets it now.
→ Maria wishes......................................................................................................................................................
8. “Why don’t you meet your manager to discuss the pay offer?”, I said to Jim.
→ I suggested..........................................................................................................................................................
9. Without this treatment, the patient couldn’t be better now.
→ If the patient.......................................................................................................................................................
10. Although he didn’t speak Dutch, Bob decided to settle in Amsterdam.
→ In spite................................................................................................................................................................

Part 2: Rewrite each of the following sentences using the word given in bold so that it has the same
meaning as the original one. You are not allowed to change the word in bold.
1. The teenagers nowadays are crazy about Korean singers. HEAD
2. Were you at all worried about telling the truth? MISGIVINGS
3. He was shouting as loud as he could. TOP
4. The company have been reviewing their recruitment policy for the last three months. REVIEW
5. The prisoner was recaptured as he rushed towards the gate. DASH
6. The mistake in the accounts was not noticed until the figures were re-checked. LIGHT
7. I'm so sorry, I didn't realize it was so late. TRACK
8. I feel completely exhausted when I've listened to Marion for half-an-hour. LEAVES
9. However unfavorable our position is, we mustn’t surrender. FACE
10. Stanley is rather fearful of the new teacher. AWE


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