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College Life in the United States

Instructors at American colleges and universities have many different teaching methods.
Some instructors give assignments every day. They grade homework. Students in their classes have
to take many quizzes, a midterm exam, and a final exam. Other instructors give only assignments.
Some teachers always follow a course outline and usually use textbook. Others send students to the
library for assignments.

The atmosphere in some classrooms is very formal. Students call their instructor “ Professor
Smith,” “Mrs. Jones,” and so on. Some teachers wear business clothes and give lectures. Other
classrooms have an informal atmosphere. Students and lectures discuss their ideas. Instructors dress
informally, and students call them by they first name. American teachers are not alike in their
teaching styles.

At American colleges and universities, libraries and learning centers are available to the
students. They can often use typewriter, tape recorders, video machines, and computers. They can
buy books, notebooks, and other thing at campus stores. There are also services available to the
students. They can get advice on their problems from counselors and individual help with their
classes from tutors. In addition to facilities and services for study, colleges and universities usually
offer facilities for recreation. Some schools have swimming pools and tennis courts. Most have snack
bars or cafeterias. (Taken from INTERACTIONS, Kirn, 1985)

A. Accuracy

Types of Miscues Number of Miscues

(Uri ng Mali) (Bilang ng Salitang mali ang basa)
1 Mispronunciation (Maling Bigkas)
2 Omission (Pagkakaltas)
3 Substitution (Pagpapalit)
4 Insertion (Pagsisingit)
5 Repetition (Pag-uulit)
6 Transposition (Pagpapalit ng lugar)
7 Reversal (Paglilipat)
Total Miscues (Kabuuan)
Number of Words in the Passage
Oral Reading Score
Reading Level (Antas ng Pagbasa)

B. Speed

No. of words in the passage:

No. of words read:
No. of minutes it took to read it:

C. Prosody

Dimensions Score
1 Expression and Volume
2 Phrasing
3 Smoothness
4 Pace
5 Pitch
Women in the Nuclear Family

The family is changing. In the past, grandparents, parents, and children used to live together;
in other words, they had an “extended family.” Sometimes two or more brothers with their wives and
children were part of this large family group. But family structure is changing throughout the world.
The “nuclear family” consists of only one father, one mother and children; it is becoming the main
family structure everywhere.

The nuclear family offers married women some advantages: they have freedom from their
relatives, and husband does not have all the power of the family. Family structure in most part of the
world is still “patriarchal”; that is the father is the head of the family and makes most of the
important decisions. Studies show, however, that in nuclear families, men and women usually make
an equal number of decisions about family life. Also, well-educated husbands and wives often prefer
to share the power.

But wives usually have to “pay” for the benefits of freedom and power. When women lived
in extended families, sisters, grandmothers, and aunts helped one another with housework and
childcare. In addition, older women in a large family group had important positions. Wives in
nuclear families do not often enjoy this benefit, and they have another disadvantage, too; women
generally live longer than their husbands, so older women from nuclear families often have to live

A. Accuracy

Types of Miscues Number of Miscues

(Uri ng Mali) (Bilang ng Salitang mali ang basa)
1 Mispronunciation (Maling Bigkas)
2 Omission (Pagkakaltas)
3 Substitution (Pagpapalit)
4 Insertion (Pagsisingit)
5 Repetition (Pag-uulit)
6 Transposition (Pagpapalit ng lugar)
7 Reversal (Paglilipat)
Total Miscues (Kabuuan)
Number of Words in the Passage
Oral Reading Score
Reading Level (Antas ng Pagbasa)

B. Speed

No. of words in the passage:

No. of words read:
No. of minutes it took to read it:

C. Prosody

Dimensions Score
1 Expression and Volume
2 Phrasing
3 Smoothness
4 Pace
5 Pitch
Rubrics for Prosody

Dimensions 1 2 3 4
Volume is barely Volume is Volume is The reader
audible typically too loud generally speaks with good
Expression and (conversely) very or too soft to be acceptable, but is expression and
Volume loud; or has flat appropriate for sometimes too affect; uses
affect and lacks the situation, and loud or soft. appropriate
expression. affects low. Effect is volume for
sometimes low or different
absent. situations
Phrasing is Phrasing is Phrasing is Phrasing and
monotone or choppy or is generally pattern sound
overly melodic, sometimes acceptable, typical and
Phrasing or repeats a monotone or too although appropriate for
pattern melodic or occasionally language spoken.
inappropriate for repetitive for sounds atypical
language spoken. language spoken. in.
The reader has The reader has The reader The reader uses
frequent pauses, pauses and is occasionally pauses as
repetitions, or difficult to listen breaks up phrases expected and
false starts; to; as difficulty unnaturally or connects
Smoothness alternatively runs connecting more connects phrases sentences as
sentences than 2-3 words or unnaturally. expected. If
together and/or connects word errors are made,
often pauses in more than they are self-
usual places. expected without corrected.
taking natural
The reader The reader The reader often The reader uses a
speaks very speaks uses a reasonable typical pace and
slowly or moderately pace, but matches the pace
Pace laboriously, or slowly or quickly occasionally of the
speaks very in a manner that speaks more conversation or
quickly. makes the quickly or more situation.
listener slowly than
uncomfortable. expected.
Pitch is unusually Pitch is The reader The reader uses
high or low somewhat higher usually uses appropriate pitch
compared to or lower than appropriate pitch, and range of
peers and/or peers and/or but sometimes pitch for different
individual’s individual’s (<30% of the social situations.
Pitch voice level when voice level when time)speaks
coughing or coughing or higher or lower
clearing throat, clearing throat or than is warranted
or varies greatly varies for the social
between highest uncomfortably situation.
and lowest between highest
speaking pitch. and lowest
speaking pitch.

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