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Ten ways to be happy alone

1. Learn something new

Most people hate being alone because they do not know what to do in their free time. The
best way to spend your time is by engaging in some new activity or practising some hobby.
Whether it is reading, painting or dancing. Make time for things that you love and enjoy.
This will help you to connect with yourself in a better way.
2. Avoid comparing yourself
One of the reasons for unhappiness is comparison. Stalking your friends and family
members on social media and comparing your life with theirs will only lead to
disappointment. You need to remember that every individual is different and they have
different battles to fight. Posting happy pictures on social media does not mean that they
are really happy. Try not to measure your happiness with them.
3. Acknowledge things you are grateful for. Practice gratitude
Studies suggest that expressing gratitude can boost happiness and hopefulness. Dedicate
some time to prepare a list of things that you truly appreciate and are thankful for in your
life. Whenever you feel low, have a look at the list and remind yourself of everything you
have. It's all too easy to get caught up focusing on what you don't have. thankful for physically,
emotionally, and spiritually every morning and evening, especially when lonely.
4. Exercise Take care of your health
We often underestimate the importance of regular exercise, but it is one of the important
activities that help you stay happy as well as healthy. Exercising helps to release
endorphins, neurotransmitters in your brain that can make you feel happier. Even if you do
not engage in a formal exercising routine, staying physically active throughout the day can
help you gain confidence. Being active can go a long way towards happiness. Partaking in a
daily, mindful walk, or engaging in some form of physical activity could alleviate anxiety.

5. Foster or adopt a pet

Yes, technically, this would give you a companion, but a pet can't talk back, so it counts. "Having
an animal at home with you creates a relationship that can bring joy, laughter, and unexpected
challenges that will keep you on your toes," says Woodfin. "Animals give us a reason to get out of
bed. If you're struggling to find the motivation to keep moving, having a pet that needs to go for a
walk is a win-win situation."
6. Meditate, Find peace and happiness in spirituality
Do not underestimate the role spirituality can play as you learn how to be happy alone. Spirituality
involves connecting to something larger than yourself. Some people believe that “something” is a
God, the universe, an object, or an idea. Spirituality can be practiced through prayer, meditation,
affirmations, chanting, journaling, or helping others. Those who practice this way of life express
feeling awakened, happier, and more alive. Life appears to have more meaning than just a day-to-
day existence. According to an article by Chopra on The Correlation Between Spirituality and
Happiness, “Spirituality…encourages optimism and the pursuit of a joyful life.” In addition,
spiritual people tend to process challenges more gracefully and cope better with stress.

7. Spend some time with nature.

spending some time with nature is one of the best ways to stay happy. Whether you prefer
to take a walk in the park or take a long ride on your cycle, any activity that brings you
close to nature is good for you. Spending some time with nature helps to improve symptoms
of depression and lower blood pressure.
8. Take a break from social media and phone

While social media may seem like a chance to connect with others, it can actually cause stronger
feelings of loneliness. Social media isn’t inherently bad or problematic, but if scrolling through
your feeds makes you feel left out and stressed, take a few steps back. That feed doesn’t tell the
whole story. Not by a long shot. You have no idea if those people are truly happy or just giving
the impression that they are. Either way, it’s no reflection on you. So, take a deep breath and put
it in perspective. Perform a test run and ban yourself from social media for 48 hours. If that
makes a difference, try giving yourself a daily limit of 10 to 15 minutes and stick to it. Noticing a
theme here? Cellphones and social media have undoubtedly changed the concept of being alone.

Is anybody really alone when they can pick up their phone and text or call just about anyone? Or
check in on what that high school acquaintance is up to without even having to talk to them?
That’s not to say that technology isn’t an incredibly helpful tool for building community and
feeling close to loved ones who might be far away. But it’s easy to rely on devices as a way to
avoid being alone with your own thoughts.

9. Lean into the perks of being alone

Some people find it especially difficult to be happy while living alone. Sure, it might be a little
quiet, and there’s no one there to listen to you vent after work or remind you to turn off the stove.

But living solo also has its perks (naked vacuuming, anyone?). Try to take advantage of the
physical and mental space that comes with living alone:

Take up all the space. Spend the day taking up the entire kitchen to cook a tasty meal you can
munch on for the next week.

Spread out. Trying to get back into an old hobby? Get all your materials and spread them out
across the floor and decide what you want to use for your next project. Not done deciding in a
single day? No problem. Leave it out until you’re done, even if it’s a week from now.

Have a dance party. This one’s pretty self-explanatory. Put on your favorite music, and,
neighbors permitting, crank it up. Dance like no one’s watching, because, well… they aren’t.

10. Practice forgiveness: Volunteer

There are so many ways to volunteer your time in service of others. You can volunteer in person
or help out remotely from home. Either way, helping others can make you feel good. Plus, it can
help you feel connected to others while still getting in some quality alone time.

Research volunteer opportunities in your neighborhood. It’s important to find something that
feels right to you. Make sure their needs are a good fit with what you’re willing and able to do.

If the first thing you try doesn’t work out, it’s perfectly reasonable to move on and look for
something else.
Perform a random act of kindness whenever the opportunity presents itself. True happiness
comes from within.

Be grateful for your single status. Embrace it as an opportunity to get to know yourself on a
deeper level, flirt freely, or enjoy a platonic relationship.

You have the independence to live life on your own terms, set and chase new goals, or finish
projects that were placed on the backburner.

A. Fall in love with YOU

Plenty of advice is out there on how to be happy alone, but much of it omits this crucial tip. People
confess that they're happy when there's someone in their life romantically. For that reason, some
chase relationships in search of someone to love them and fill their inner “void.” They find it
difficult to remain single even if it means being in a toxic relationship. Otherwise, they're
overtaken by a sense of emptiness and worthlessness. Falling in love with yourself or increasing
self-love helps to satisfy that longingness. You become the source of love and author of your own
happiness. You can begin this journey using self-love affirmations, such as “I know that I am
complete without another person” and “I have everything I need in life to be happy.”

B. Pursue your passion

Filling your life with the things you're passionate about is another way to enhance happiness and
overall well-being. It could be charitable work, podcast streaming, collecting art, or other
hobbies. Your passion can also be that new career that was put on pause because of other
commitments. Not only that, but chasing after things you're passionate about can be emotionally
rewarding in multiple ways. You might derive a sense of purpose—even euphoria, especially if
your work helps improve the lives of others.

Final Thoughts on How to be Happy Alone and Single

Single and happy go together, and it has nothing to do with social isolation or being cynical.
The naysayers will try to convince you otherwise… but don't allow anyone to make you rethink
your choice, based on their opinions and belief system. Instead, turn your attention to the many
ways you can accomplish your happiness goal and live a rewarding life just the way you are.
For further inspiration, try reading our article on 5 Reasons to Stop Chasing People (and
Relationships) and become your own best friend.

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