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Helicobacter pylori stool Antigen ELISA KIT

using a special formulated buffer for extraction

Helicobacter pylori process in specific ELISA method. This H. pylori

ELISA Test Kit is based on the principle of

Stool Antigen ELISA sandwich enzyme-linked immune sorbent assay.

In this method, the extracted samples and controls
Kit are allowed to react with the solid phase
monoclonal antibodies against anti-H.pylori stool
antigen coated on the microtiter wells.
Enzyme Immunoassay for Detection of
H. pylori antigen in Human stool Simultaneously, second anti-H.pylori conjugated
(For in Vitro Diagnostic Use Only) with HRP will be added, resulting in the sandwich
Catalogue No.PT-H.pylori.S.Ag form Immune complex which proportional to the
stool antigen concentration of Helicobacter pylori
in each well. After incubation and following wash
PISHTAZTEB DIAGNOSTIC step, chromogen solution containing Hydrogen
peroxide (H2O2) and chromogenic substrate is
added and incubated for 15 minutes, resulting in
Introduction the development of a blue color. The color
development is stopped with addition of stop
Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) is a gram-negative
spiral bacterium found in the gastric mucosa layer. solution, and the color is changed to yellow and
Many studies have shown the relationship between measured by ELISA Reader at 450 nm.
presence of Helicobacter pylori and various
gastrointestinal diseases including chronic gastritis, Materials provided with the kit
peptic ulcer, duodenal ulcer and gastric
adenocarcinoma. H. pylori is present in 95-98% of 1. Antibody coated wells: microtiter wells
patients with duodenal ulcer and 60-90% of gastric coated with monoclonal anti-H. Pylori
ulcer patients. The prevalence of the infection antigen.(Anti-H. pylori Antigen Coated
identified by the bacteriologic, histologic and Plate)
serologic methods in individuals with clinical 2. Extraction Buffer, ready to use.
symptoms is about 90%. However, many patients 3. Enzyme conjugate: Anti-H.pylori Antigen
(more than 50% over the age of 50) are only labeled with HRP in buffer, ready to use.
colonized by the bacteria and do not show clinical 4. Positive control solution: Contains certain
symptoms for the rest of their lives. It should be amount of H.pylori whole cell lysate diluted
noted that evidences such as the diagnosis of in buffer containing 0.05% Kathon as
specific antibodies against H. pylori antigens, preservative, ready to use.
positive urea test, and positive culture or biopsy 5. Negative control solution: diluted buffer
without clinical symptoms can only indicate the without H.pylori whole cell lysate and 0.05%
bacterial colonization and the infection is only Kathon as preservative, ready to use.
confirmed when clinical sign and symptoms are also 6. Chromogen substrate reagent contains tetra
present. There are invasive and non-invasive methyl benzidine (TMB) and hydrogen
techniques for the diagnosis of Helicobacter pylori. peroxide, ready to use solution.
The invasive procedure is performed using 7. Wash solution (concentrated 20x): contains
endoscopy and biopsy, histopathology and rapid phosphate buffer solution with 0.05%
urease testing which are not only expensive, but Tween 20. Note: for preparing of the wash
also unpleasant for the patients. Non-invasive solution dilute the concentrated wash
techniques Includes urea breath test (UBT), solution 1:20 with distilled water.
serologic tests, and detection of Helicobacter pylori 8. Stop solution: contains hydrochloric acid
antigen in the stool specimen. Presence of H.pylori (1M) Ready to use
antigen in the stool is a definite indicator of bacterial 9. Cardboard sealer.
colonization in the gastrointestinal tract, and ELISA
is the technique of choice for this antigen.

Test Principle
To perform this test, the amount of H. pylori
antigen present in the stool sample is measured

PishtazTeb Diagnostics European authorized representative MA_H. pylori.S.Ag
JTC Diagnosemittel UG Schulweg 8 Edition-No. 1
D-34516 Voehl/GERMANY 160220
Helicobacter pylori stool Antigen ELISA KIT

Materials required but not If extra time is required, it can be stored in

a freezer at -20°C and again reached to
Provided with the kit the room temperature prior to use.
5. Before extraction, it is necessary to
 Precise micro pipettes:25,100 and 1000 µl. homogenize the specimen using an
 Microtiter plate ELISA reader with 450 nm applicator stick.
filter and 630 nm filter as a reference.
 Distilled water
 Timer Sample extraction process by weighing
 37°C incubator method
 Digital scale 1. Reset the digital scale to zero by placing
 Centrifuge (minimum RCF=3000xg) an empty screw cap tube together with a
 Fecal sample extraction tube disposable fecal sampling applicator stick
 Disposable applicator stick inside it on the weighing platform.(Tare
Important points for Users 2. Take between 50 and 100 mg of
homogenized stool samples using the
sampling applicator stick and place it in the
1. Do not mix kit reagents from different
provided tube. Avoid picking hard particles
batch/lot numbers.
and undigested food fragments.
2. All kit components must be used only in
3. Place the used applicator stick into the
their original kit.
tube and record the sample weight.
3. Patient stool samples, controls and wells
4. Break the unwanted top part of the
used for test should be regarded as
applicator stick to close tube cap.
infectious waste. All reagents and
5. Add the extraction buffer to a stool sample
solutions should be disposed in
at the ratio of approximately 1 to 10. For
accordance with national regulations on
example, if the stool sample weight in the
disposal of infectious waste.
tube is 100 mg, it is necessary to add 10
times (1000 = 10 x 100)1000µl extraction
buffer to the tube.
Storage Conditions 6. Close the tube cap and vortex the contents
strongly for 1 to 2 minutes until the
1. Kit should be stored at 2-8 C upon receipt specimen is completely dissolved in the
and when it is not in use. extraction buffer.
2. Keep Un-used wells in their sealed bag 7. Centrifuge the tubes for 3 minutes at
with desiccants. 3000x g.
3. Do not use expired date reagents. 8. Transfer the supernatant to a new tube
4. Once the wash solution 20X is diluted with and discard the sediment. The extracted
distilled water, it is stable 1 week at 2-8 C. sample can be stored for a maximum of 2
days at 2 to 8ºC and maintained at -20ºC
Specimen Collection and Preparation or below for a longer time.

1. The kit is just for use with human stool Sample extraction process by use of
specimen. After collection, the stool fecal sample extraction tubes
specimen should be kept in the refrigerator
and in the first possible time, the extraction 1. When the samples and the extraction
process should be performed. (Maximum 2 buffer in the kit reach at room temperature
days) add 1 ml of extraction buffer into each
2. Avoid keeping the specimens exposed to tube.
temperatures above 30°C. 2. Use the grooved part of the sampling stick
3. If extraction is not possible for less than 2 attached to the screw cap to dip into stool
days, it is necessary that the specimen is at five different spots(up to a depth of 5
kept at -20°C freezer and again reached to mm) and collect about 100 mg of the
the room temperature prior to extraction. homogenous stool approximately the size
4. The extracted sample can be stored for of a large lentil seed (Fig. 1).Insert the
maximum up to 2 days in the refrigerator. sampling stick back into the tube and close
the screw cap tightly. Shake or vortex the

PishtazTeb Diagnostics European authorized representative MA_H. pylori.S.Ag
JTC Diagnosemittel UG Schulweg 8 Edition-No. 1
D-34516 Voehl/GERMANY 160220
Helicobacter pylori stool Antigen ELISA KIT

tube to suspend the specimen in the buffer absorbance of both wells for final result).
and get completely dissolved. 3. Add 25 µl of Anti-H.pylori antigen-
conjugated with enzyme (Conjugate
solution) into the wells and Mix the
contents by gently shaking the wells for
30-60 seconds.
4. Cover the plate with cardboard sealer
firmly and incubate the wells for 60
minutes at 37ºC temperature.
Fig. 1: sample collection by collecting tube 5. Discard the microplate well contents into a
waste container. Rinse and dispense the
Note: Avoid picking up hard particles and wash solution in the microtiter wells 5
undigested food fragments times (each time with 300 µl of working
3. The approximate ratio of sample weight to wash solution). Tap the wells sharply onto
extraction buffer is about 1 to 10. For absorbent paper or paper towels to remove
example, 100 mg of stool should be mixed all residual water droplets.
with about 1000 µl (1 ml) of extraction 6. Dispense 100 µl of chromogen-substrate
buffer. If the fecal sample is liquid, use an solution into the microplate wells.
adjustable sampler at about 100 µl volume 7. Incubate the microplate wells at room
to pick up the sample and mix it with 10 temperature in darkness for 15 minutes, to
times of extraction buffer. develop blue color.
4. Break the top part of the tube cap (A 8. Stop the reaction by adding 100 µl of stop
breakable small part at upper end of the solution to the microplate wells.
cap) in order to use the tube as a dropper;
9. Measure absorbance at 450 nm by ELISA
and then add 3 drops of the contents into
reader. Use 630 nm filter as a reference
each sample well.
filter if it’s available.
General information
Validity of the Assay
1. All reagents should be allowed to reach
room temperature (22-28 C) before use. The assay is to be considered valid if:
2. All test steps should be done sequentially
without delay. 1. The OD value for the negative control is
3. Use disposable pipette tips. lower than 0.1. Higher values indicate an
4. After adding of stop solution, read incorrect washing procedure. In such a
absorbance at 450 nm within 30 minutes. case, check the efficiency of the washing
5. In order to obtain best result, washing device.
step should be done completely and tap 2. The mean OD value of positive control is
all residual droplets onto absorbent higher than the 1.0. Lower values indicate
paper. kit reagents decay. In such a case, check
6. One of the major factors in obtaining best expiry date of the kit before repeating the
result is incubation time. It is assay.
recommended to prepare all reagents
before starting the test to reduce delay
time and achieve accurate results. Calculation of results
7. The run time of adding samples, and
controls into the wells should not exceed Use any ELISA readers with 450 nm
more than 5 minutes. reading OD capability
Assay Procedure 1. Read absorbance value of controls and
samples at 450 nm (Use 630 nm filter as
reference filter if it’s available).
1. Secure the desired number of coated wells
in the holder and keep the remaining with
2. Calculate Cut off value using following
desiccants in tightly closed special bag.
Cut off value =Mean OD of negative
2. Dispense 100 µl of controls and extracted
control solution + 0.25
sample or (3 droplets of extracted
samples) in appropriate wells (duplicate 3. To determine positive and negative results
calculate cut off index by dividing sample
recommended, run each sample in two
OD to cut off value:
wells and use the mean optical
PishtazTeb Diagnostics European authorized representative MA_H. pylori.S.Ag
JTC Diagnosemittel UG Schulweg 8 Edition-No. 1
D-34516 Voehl/GERMANY 160220
Helicobacter pylori stool Antigen ELISA KIT

Cut off index (COI) = OD of sample/Cut-

off value.
3. Precision: To assess test precision, both intra-
Test Interpretation assay (within the same working run) and inter-
assay (between several working runs) were
Based on above formula, those results tested by two positive, one negative and two
greater than 1.1 are considered as weakly positive samples.
positive and those lower than 0.9 are
considered as negative. Test Results are shown in table 1 and 2:
Samples with COI between 0.9-1.1 are
considered as suspicious and should be Table no. 1 (Intra-assay)
repeated with fresh stool sample after a
while. In order to report the results
quantitatively, refer to the conversion table Sample No. of tests Mean CV
provided with the brochure inside the kit. SD
No. performed OD (%)
According to this table, the results of the
samples in Sample/Cut-off can be 20 1.35 0.064 4.7
sample 1
converted to ng/ml unit.
- A single negative result for untreated Negative
20 0.032 0.0022 6.87
patient does not rule out H. pylori infection sample
and may be due to undetectable Weakly
Helicobacter pylori antigen. Positive 20 0.297 0.025 8.42
- Positive results should be repeated again sample 1
to be confirmed. Weakly
- Positive samples that become negative in Positive 20 0.372 0.028 7.52
second repeated test must be reported as sample2
negative result. False positive results in Positive
20 2.43 0.16 6.58
first run of the test can be due to a random sample 2
error during wash step or sampling.
- As with all diagnostic tests, a definitive Table no. 2 (Inter-assay)
clinical diagnosis should not be based on
the results of a single test, but should only
be made by the physician after all clinical Sample No. of tests Mean CV
and laboratory findings have been SD
No. performed OD (%)
- Taking some drugs such as antibiotics and 10 1.39 0.073 5.25
sample 1
proton pump inhibitors (antacids) can
cause false-negative results, so it is Negative
10 0.038 0.003 7.89
recommended that at least one to four sample
weeks before testing, depending on the Weakly
drug type, avoid taking these drugs (four Positive 10 0.311 0.027 8.68
weeks for antibiotics and one week for sample 1
antacids) Weakly
Positive 10 0.398 0.031 7.79
Performance Characteristics sample2
10 2.48 0.17 6.85
1. Sensitivity:105 positive samples which were sample 2
confirmed by reference methods were tested Each test has been run in duplicate
by our developed ELISA kit and 104 samples
were detected as positive. Therefore, based on 4. Cross reactivity
obtained results, our test sensitivity was
99.04% which is comparable to other available To investigate the cross-reactivity in negative stool
commercial kits. samples, we added 10 CFU of the different
bacteria to the extraction buffer solution and
2. Specificity: 285 negative samples were tested calculated the S/C for each test, all of which were
simultaneously by our ELISA kit and reference observed negative and showed no cross reactivity
methods. Results showed that our developed
(table No. 3).
ELISA kit can correctly detect 283 of negative
sample. These findings represent 99.29%
PishtazTeb Diagnostics European authorized representative MA_H. pylori.S.Ag
JTC Diagnosemittel UG Schulweg 8 Edition-No. 1
D-34516 Voehl/GERMANY 160220
Helicobacter pylori stool Antigen ELISA KIT

Table no. 3 (Cross reactivity) References:

Name Strain S/C Result 1. Andy Darma, BagusSamsu, Tri Nugroho,

VinnyYoanna, Indah Sulistyani, Alpha
ATCC FardahAthiyyah, Reza Gunadi, RanuhSubijanto,
Escherichia coli 0.68 Negative
25922 MartoSudarmo.Comparison of Helicobacter pylori
Staphylococcus ATCC stool antigen, salivary IgG, serum IgG, and serum
0.79 Negative IgM as diagnostic markers of H. pylori infectionin
aureus 25923
Pseudomonas ATCC 2019-08-06
0.84 Negative
aeruginosa 27853 2. Mei‐Jyh, Chen Yu‐Jen, Fang Ming‐Shiang, Wu
Enterococcus ATCC Chieh‐Chang, Chen Yen‐Nien, Chen Chien‐Chun,
0.81 Negative
faecalis 29212 Yu Chia‐Chi, Kuo Min‐Chin, Chiu Wen‐Hao, Hu
ATCC Min‐Horn, Tsai Cheng‐Lin, Hsieh Hsin‐Hung, Chen
Proteus vulgaris 0.76 Negative Ming‐Jong, Bair Jyh‐Ming Liou. Application of
Helicobacter pylori stool antigen test to survey the
updated prevalence of Helicobacter pylori infection
5. Interference in Taiwan for the Taiwan Gastrointestinal Disease
and Helicobacter Consortium First published: 13
To evaluate the effect of interfering substances on August 2019
sample results, potential interfering agents 3. Moon HW, Lee SY, Hur M, Yun YM.
Characteristics of Helicobacter pylori-seropositive
(hemoglobin, Human Albumin and hCG) were
subjects according to the stool antigen test findings: a
added to the sample matrix at following prospective study. Korean J Intern Med.
concentration. The H.pylori Stool Antigen S/C was 2018;33(5):893–901. doi:10.3904/kjim.2016.353
compared in both forms before and after the adding 4. Kakiuchi T, Okuda M, Hashiguchi K, Imamura I,
interfering substances (table No. 4). Nakayama A, Matsuo M. Evaluation of a Novel
Stool Antigen Rapid Test Kit for Detection of
Helicobacter pylori Infection. J ClinMicrobiol. 2019
Table no. 4 (Interference) Mar;57(3) . doi:10.1128/JCM.01825-18. PMID:
30567746; PMCID: PMC6425190.
Result difference
After adding (S/C)

Before adding



1.5 1.47 -2.0

Hemoglobin 1 mg/ml 0.6 0.62 3.34
8.2 8.3 1.21
1.5 1.54 2.67
1 mg/ml 0.6 0.58 -3.34
8.2 8.0 -2.44
1.5 1.55 3.34
hCG 1000 IU/ml 0.6 0.62 3.34
8.2 7.9 -3.66

6. Hook Effect

No hook effect was observed with this kit at

Helicobacter pylori Antigen concentrations up to
1000 µg/ml.

PishtazTeb Diagnostics European authorized representative MA_H. pylori.S.Ag
JTC Diagnosemittel UG Schulweg 8 Edition-No. 1
D-34516 Voehl/GERMANY 160220
Helicobacter pylori stool Antigen ELISA KIT

Helicobacter pylori stool Antigen

Kit Contents table
Kit Content 48 Test Format 96 Test Format
Step 1 Plate 1 × 48 Wells 1 × 96 Wells

Extracted Extraction Buffer 1× 50 ml 2×50 ml

Conjugate 1×2 ml 1×3.5 ml
Negative and Positive
2×1.0 ml 2×2.0 ml
Control Solutions
Stop Solution 1×6 ml 1×12 ml
Control 100 µl None
Extracted Wash Solution 1× 25 ml 1× 50 ml
None 100 µl
Anti H.pylori Chromogen - Substrate 1×6 ml 1×12 ml
25 µl 25 µl Cardboard Sealer 1 1

Mix by gently tapping for 30 seconds and cover the

microplate wells with cardboard sealer. Incubate
them for 60 minutes at 37ºC temperature.

Step 2

Remove contents of the wells. Rinse and flick the

microtiter wells 5 times with working wash solution.

Step 3

Chromogen 100 µl 100 µl


Incubate the micro plate wells for 15 minutes at room

temperature and dark.

Step 4

100 µl 100 µl
Stop Solution

Read the absorbance of the wells at 450 nm

(Use a 630 nm filter as reference filter if it’s available).

PishtazTeb Diagnostics European authorized representative MA_H. pylori.S.Ag
JTC Diagnosemittel UG Schulweg 8 Edition-No. 1
D-34516 Voehl/GERMANY 160220

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