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Name of Work: Construction of Concrete Dam and Spillway Component Structure of Chheligada Irrigation Project

Slno Description Unit Qty Rate Amount Working Rate Working Amount Quoted Rate
1 Clearing and grubbing road land Ha 60.70 110,011.60 6,677,704 89,109.40 5,408,940 110,012
2 Cutting of trees Each 300.00 1,257.90 377,370 1,018.90 305,670 1,258
3 Excavation of foundation in all kinds of soil Cum 46,333.68 83.70 3,878,129 125.46 5,813,023 155
4 Excavation of foundation in all types of D.I. rocks Cum 47,341.12 104.80 4,961,349 219.10 10,372,438 270
5 Excavation in foundation in hard rock Cum 45,571.77 545.70 24,868,514 359.10 16,364,822 443
6 Excavation of Hard rock with rock breaker Cum 5,063.53 928.00 4,698,956 500.00 2,531,765 617
7 Preparation of foundation bed of spillway Cum 2,381.48 2,264.90 5,393,810 10.00 23,815 12
8 hard rock requiring chiselling Sqm 7,938.26 292.41 2,321,227 236.85 1,880,194 292
9 Clearance of slush and muck from foundation Cum 23,814.78 345.00 8,216,099 279.45 6,655,040 345
10 Embankment Filing Cum 132,909.95 172.10 22,873,802 139.40 18,527,780 172
11 Compaction earth Cum 132,909.95 47.20 6,273,350 38.23 5,081,413 47
12 (PCC) M-15-80 MSA Cum 46,693.67 6,945.67 324,318,823 4,983.00 232,674,558 6,151.85
13 M-25 -20 MSA Cum 1,325.55 7,323.81 9,708,076 5,258.00 6,969,742 6,491.36
14 M-25-40 MSA Cum 63,451.02 7,867.91 499,226,875 5,258.00 333,625,437 6,491.36
15 M-20-40 MSA Cum 4,918.23 6,431.38 31,631,006 5,258.00 25,860,053 6,491.36
16 M-30-20 MSA Cum 178.09 7,332.30 1,305,809 5,533.00 985,372 6,830.86
17 M-40-20 MSA Cum 5.04 7,527.90 37,941 5,808.00 29,272 7,170.37
18 M-50-20 MSA Cum 2,625.00 7,923.00 20,797,875 6,083.00 15,967,875 7,509.88
19 Reinforcement Qntl 23,225.69 10,988.20 255,208,527 6,578.00 152,778,589 8,120.99
20 Z' type copper sealing strips-contraction joint Rmt 463.22 12,404.70 5,746,105 10,047.81 4,654,345 12,405
21 Rough stone dry packing Cum 1,332.00 2,148.72 2,862,095 1,740.46 2,318,297 2,149
22 Fixing 32mm dia anchor bars Rmt 16,530.00 532.10 8,795,613 431.00 7,124,447 532
23 Providing weep holes Rmt 882.00 127.85 112,764 103.56 91,339 128
24 Back filling with sand behind abutment, Cum 5,040.17 2,501.90 12,610,001 1,500.00 7,560,255 1,852
25 Providing block out in concrete Cum 615.23 2,134.50 1,313,208 1,728.95 1,063,699 2,135
26 Supplying, Manufacturing and fixing embedded parts Qntl 166.25 13,460.30 2,237,775 10,902.84 1,812,598 13,460
27 form work for concrete with F1 finish Sqm 11,593.00 1,137.50 13,187,038 400.00 4,637,200 494
28 form work for concrete with F2 finish Sqm 40,912.77 1,233.70 50,474,084 400.00 16,365,108 494
29 form work for concrete with F2 finish-Ogee Sqm 1,413.68 1,260.30 1,781,661 400.00 565,472 494
30 expansion joints Rmt 92.80 3,114.50 289,026 2,522.75 234,111 3,115
31 Providing & fixing 25mm Bitumenous board in contracti Sqm 17.65 1,604.90 28,326 1,299.97 22,944 1,605
32 Neoprene bearing Each 42.00 11,596.50 487,053 9,393.17 394,513 11,597
33 PVC water stop Rmt 1,516.01 1,223.90 1,855,445 991.36 1,502,910 1,224
34 NX/BX size drill holes Rmt 13,581.33 12,201.56 165,713,413 9,883.26 134,227,864 12,202
35 Conslodiation Grouting Rmt 5,521.90 5,014.80 27,691,224 4,061.99 22,429,892 5,015
36 Pre and post water loss test Rmt 2,936.00 3,707.60 10,885,514 3,003.16 8,817,266 3,708
37 Supply of PSC/OPC cement grade Bag 11,044.00 405.78 4,481,434 328.68 3,629,962 406
38 Providing RCC railings in bridges Rmt 200.00 2,201.10 440,220 1,782.89 356,578 2,201
39 porus cement concrete blocks of size 0.69x0.69 M Rmt 1,451.20 2,894.00 4,199,773 2,344.14 3,401,816 2,894
40 Other Misc 22,707,198 18,392,830
Total 1,570,674,212 1,081,459,244
Total Working Cost 1,081,459,244
Taxes Total Cost with taxes and Over Heads 1,335,134,869
IT 2.00% % of Excess or Less -15.00%
cess 1.00%
Overheads 5.00%
Profit 10.00% 8+2
Insurance charges 0.50%
BG Charges 0.50%
Total 19.00%
Loading Factor 1.23

% Quoted Value APS % of BG

-4.99% 149.22 - 0.0%
-9.99% 141.37 7.85 5.5%
-14.99% 133.52 35.31 26.4%

Performance Security Deposit: OCCL shall retain from each payment due to the contractor, 5% of gross bill amount until completion of the whole of the Works
Rate below - Amount below -
Quoted Amount 14.99% 14.99% Remarks
6,677,704 93,520.86 5,676,716
377,370 1,069.34 320,802
7,176,572 71.15 3,296,797
12,805,479 89.09 4,217,643
20,203,484 463.90 21,140,724
3,125,636 788.89 3,994,582
29,401 1,925.39 4,585,277
2,321,227 248.58 1,973,275
8,216,099 293.28 6,984,506
22,873,802 146.30 19,445,019
6,273,350 40.12 5,332,975
287,252,540 5,904.51 275,703,431
8,604,620 6,225.97 8,252,836
411,883,255 6,688.51 424,392,767
31,925,992 5,467.32 26,889,518
1,216,509 6,233.19 1,110,068
36,139 6,399.47 32,253
19,713,426 6,735.34 17,680,274
188,615,542 9,341.07 216,952,769
5,746,105 10,545.24 4,884,764
2,862,095 1,826.63 2,433,067
8,795,613 452.34 7,477,151
112,764 108.69 95,860
9,333,648 2,126.87 10,719,762
1,313,208 1,814.54 1,116,358
2,237,775 11,442.60 1,902,332
5,724,938 966.99 11,210,301
20,203,837 1,048.77 42,908,019
698,114 1,071.38 1,514,590
289,026 2,647.64 245,701
28,326 1,364.33 24,080
487,053 9,858.18 414,044
1,855,445 1,040.44 1,577,313
165,713,413 10,372.55 140,872,972
27,691,224 4,263.08 23,540,310
10,885,514 3,151.83 9,253,775
4,481,434 344.95 3,809,667
440,220 1,871.16 374,231
4,199,773 2,460.19 3,570,227
22,707,198 - -
1,335,134,869 1,315,926,758
Material Cost
Slno Description Unit Rate Lead in Km
1 Aggregate for concrete MT 1000 40 160
2 Sand MT 500 40 160
3 Soil Barrow Area Cum 10 30 285
4 Cement Bag 275
5 Reinforcement Steel (Mild Steel) MT 55000 2,000
6 Structural Steel MT 65000 2,000

M-15 M-25
1 Concrete Rate Analysis Unit
Qty Amt Qty
Aggregate MT 1.50 2,340.00 1.50
Sand MT 0.80 848.00 0.80
Cement Bags 5.00 1,375.00 6.00
admixture Kgs
Microsilica Kgs
Mixing & Transportation to site LS 300.00
foundation dressing LS 20.00
Palcing LS 100.00
Total 4,983.00

2 TMT FE 500 Reinforcement MS

Steel Cost MT 57,000
Bemding, placeing and Binding wire MT 6,500
Wastage 4% 2,280
Total MT 65,780

2 TMT FE 500 Reinforcement MS

Steel Cost MT 67,000
Fabrication Erection MT 30,000
Wastage 4% 2,680
Total MT 99,680

4 Providing and laying Pitching on slopes

Boulder Cost 1 Cum 1,755.00
Stone Spalls 0.2 Cum 468.00
Laying and Labour charges Cum 400.00
Total Cum 2,623.00

5 Earthwork Excavation of All soils

Cutting and Loading & Unloading Charges-1 km Lead Cum 100.00
Formation of Approaches Cum 2.00
additional Lead 3 km Cum 21.00
Labour charges 2% 2.46
Total Cum 125.46

6 Earthwork Excavation of Soft Rock

Out Put 60 % @ EWE of Soils Cum 209.10
Breaking Charges Cum 10.00
Total Cum 219.10

7 Earthwork Excavation of hard Rock

Out Put 60 % @ EWE of Soils Cum 209.10
Blasting Charges Cum 150.00
Total Cum 359.10

8 Construction of embankment with approved material

Material cost Cum 355.00
Loading and Un Loading Charges Cum 90.00
dozing,grading,watering& compaction Cum 50.00
Total Cum 495.00

9 Blanketing
Material cost Cum 1,560.00
Labour Charges Cum 100.00
Grading & Compaction Cum 100.00
Total Cum 1,760.00
Total Amount Royality Total Cost
1160 400 1,560.00
660 400 1,060.00
295 60 355.00
275 275.00
57000 57,000.00
67000 67,000.00

M-25 M-30 M-40 RCC M-50

Amt Qty Amt Qty Amt Qty Amt
2,340.00 1.50 2,340.00 1.50 2,340.00 1.50 2,340.00
848.00 0.80 848.00 0.80 848.00 0.80 848.00
1,650.00 7.00 1,925.00 8.00 2,200.00 9.00 2,475.00

300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00

20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00
100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00
5,258.00 5,533.00 5,808.00 6,083.00

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