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My Best Friend
"Having a best friend is like having a blessing in life"

Friendship is a priceless relation that fills our life with happiness, strength and
compassion. A best friend is always there for you through all the ups and downs of

"Friendship is one of the greatest blessings that not everyone is lucky to have"

I have many friends but Ayesha is my best friend. She is like my backbone.
Ayesha is the one to whom I can talk when I am happy, sad or confused. I am so
blessed to have a helpful and supportive friend like her. I can tell her anything and
do not worry about being judged or having my secrets told to other people.

She has the ability to listen without making judgments is one of the qualities
that makes her so unique. She is always there when I have a problem and she helps
me without making me feel bad

"We meet a lot of people in the journey of life but there are only a few who leave a
mark on us"

There are many things that are similar in us such as hobbies, likes and
dislikes. Her positive qualities make her a good person. There is no doubt that the
best gift of God is the best friend.

"I always pray to Allah that our friendship may last a long time"
My School
"A school is a place where the concrete foundation of a nation is laid down"

A school is a place where we get education and learn manners. Good citizens
are also created here. The best school is that which concentrates on personality and
character. Parents send their children to school to be trained as good citizens.

"A child is educated only at school"

I study in Nishat High School. It is one of the best schools in my city. It has many
branches in Multan. The building of my school is very big and grand. It has more than
80 classrooms besides the staff room, the office, the library, the laboratory and the
principal's office. All the rooms are clean, airy and well-furnished.

"An institution is a place of light, learning and liberty"

More than 3000 students are learning in my school. My school has the most
talented staff who bring out the best from students. They are highly qualified and
hard working. They are very co-operative and kind to the students. They take pain in
teaching us. The principal of my school is Madam Nishat. She is very kind and a
learned lady. She takes great interest in her work. She follows rules and regulations

"Intelligence plus character that is the goal of true education"

My school has a big playground. We play here badminton and football. There is
also a grassy plot and many green trees in my school. The atmosphere of my school
is peaceful and suitable for studies.

My school always shows good result. In short, my school is a wonderful place

where my personality gets shaped and my intellect gets improved. I am proud of my
school and I love my school very much.

“May it prosper and progress by leaps and bounds"

My Hobby
"Hobby is an activity which we do in our free time"

Hobbies play a very important role in our lives. They relax over minds and
make us happy. They bring us away from stress for some time and we just forget all
the worries. They make our lives interesting and enjoyable.

Different people have different hobbies according to their taste,

temperament and interest. Some of the hobbies are reading, gardening, stamp
collecting, painting, cooking, photography, travelling etc.

My favourite hobby is drawing. I always enjoy drawing when I have free

time. It has been with me since my childhood when I used to make random pictures
and portraits with colours. I have painted over 50 portraits till now. Painting and
drawing are something that makes me feel calm and creative.

I also participate in various drawing competitions that are held in my school

from time to time. I am extremely thankful for this skill that I always win rewards
and applause from my teachers

"Having a hobby that we enjoy brings us peace and joy"

I wish to pursue drawing for the rest of my life. It is my dream to become a

true artist one day.

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