lesson plan community for Kindergarten

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Lesson Plan: Community

Grade Level: Kindergarten

Duration: 50 minutes


- Students will be able to identify and describe different community helpers and their roles.
- Students will understand the concept of community and the importance of working together.
- Students will be able to identify and describe different places in their community.
- Students will be able to discuss and share their experiences of being part of a community.

- Picture books about community helpers and places in the community.
- Chart paper and markers.
- Community helper flashcards
- Drawing materials (crayons, markers, pencils).


Introduction (5 minutes):
1. Greet the students and introduce the topic of the lesson: community.
2. Show the students a picture of a community and ask them what they see in the picture.
3. Engage the students in a brief discussion about what a community is and why it is important.

Community Helpers (15 minutes):

1. Show the students pictures of different community helpers (e.g., firefighter, doctor, police officer).
2. Discuss each community helper, their role, and how they help the community.
3. Use ppt presentation of different community helpers and ask the students to guess who’s being

Places in the Community (10 minutes):

1. Show the students pictures of different places in the community (e.g., school, park, library).
2. Discuss each place, its purpose, and how it contributes to the community.
3. Ask the students if they have been to any of these places and encourage them to share their

Activity: My Community Drawing (15 minutes):

1. Give each student a piece of drawing paper and drawing materials.
2. Ask the students to draw a picture of their community, including some community helpers and
places they have discussed.
3. Circulate around the classroom, providing support and encouragement as needed.
4. After the students finish their drawings, ask a few volunteers to share their artwork with the class.

Conclusion (5 minutes):
1. Gather the students together and review what they have learned about community and community
2. Ask the students to share one thing they enjoyed or learned during the lesson.
3. Summarize the importance of community and working together.
4. Thank the students for their participation and conclude the lesson.

- Formative assessment will be conducted throughout the lesson through class discussions, student
participation, and observation of student drawings.
- Summative assessment can be done by reviewing the students' drawings and their ability to identify
and describe community helpers and places in their community.

- For students who need extra support, provide visual aids such as community helper flashcards or
simplified text about community helpers and places.
- For more advanced students, encourage them to write a short sentence or paragraph describing their
community and the role of community helpers.

- Invite a guest speaker from the community, such as a police officer or firefighter, to talk to the
students about their role in the community.
- Plan a field trip to a local community place, such as a fire station or library, to give students a
firsthand experience of their community.

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