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Parametric Study of Motor/Shroud

Jesus R. Rodriguez
Department of Geological
Heat Transfer Performance in an
and Petroleum Engineering,
University of Missouri-Rolla,
Electrical Submersible Pump
Rolla, MO 65409
e-mail: (ESP)
Fathi Finaish A shroud is commonly used around the motor of an electrical submersible pump (ESP) to
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace
Engineering and Engineering Mechanics,
accelerate reservoir fluids past the motor for cooling. Standard practice has been to
University of Missouri-Rolla,
design the shroud/motor configuration relative to the casing using a minimum fluid ve-
Rolla, MO 65409
locity of 0.3048 m/s (1 ft/s) rule of thumb as a production strategy. The increase in the use
of ESPs to exploit heavy oil reservoirs has brought up the necessity of revising this rule
in order to prevent motor burnouts. A parametric study has been conducted using the
computational fluid dynamics software CFX4.2 to examine the heat transfer behavior of
Shari Dunn-Norman the shroud motor configuration as a function of motor/shroud standoff. The objective of
Department of Geological
this effort is to examine the validity of the historical rule of thumb for heavy oils. Results
and Petroleum Engineering,
for a case study on an oil with a viscosity of 78 cp @ 320 K are presented. Further, to
University of Missouri-Rolla,
explore the possibility of enhancing the heat transfer characteristics, the flow configura-
Rolla, MO 65409
tion was modified by incorporating several openings on the shroud. Based on the obtained
results, it can be concluded that fluid velocity should be kept around 0.85 m/s (2.8 ft/s) as
opposed to 1 ft/s to assure proper cooling of the motor. Also, flow redistribution by proper
placement of the slots on the shroud may produce better heat transfer between the oil and
the motor wall. 关S0195-0738共00兲00703-2兴

Introduction merged in reservoir fluid within the well’s casing, and the intake
of the pump is located above the well’s perforations. Reservoir
An ESP is a centrifugal pump designed to add pressure head to
fluids. In oilfield applications, an ESP is placed inside a wellbore fluids are produced from the formation into the annular space
to provide the necessary energy to lift reservoir fluids from the between tubing and casing. The reservoir fluids flow past the mo-
producing formation to surface facilities, when there is insuffi- tor to provide motor cooling before entering the ESP through an
cient reservoir pressure for natural production and high production intake head, normally located above the seal section which sepa-
rates are required. rates the motor and the intake head.
Standard ESPs are currently limited to applications where the In low-pressure and low-productivity reservoirs, the pump is
bottom-hole temperature is approximately 300°F. This tempera- located either at or below the perforations due to the lack of fluid
ture limitation restricts the setting depth of the pump. One ex- in the well. In this case, a shroud or jacket is installed around the
ample of high-temperature reservoirs is the Central Graben of the motor to redirect produced fluids through the lower end of the
North Sea, where bottom-hole temperatures range up to 450°F. string, ensuring that the fluid passes by the motor for cooling 共Fig.
The enhancement of heat dissipation from the motor of an ESP 1兲.
will also improve motor efficiency and extend the run life of the Historically, a rule of thumb suggesting that the system design
pumping system. This has a significant impact for ESP applica- maintains a fluid velocity of 0.3048 m/s 共1 ft/s兲 past the motor has
tions in satellite subsea wells, i.e., wells which are completed with been recommended by Brown 关1兴. This rule is based on the equa-
their trees at the seabed and are tied back to platform many miles tion Q⫽mc p ⌬T that implies that the whole mass of fluid flowing
away via flow lines. ESPs are rapidly evolving as the principal past the motor at any given instant absorbs all the heat generated
means of artificial lift in these types of wells, and the cost of inside the motor. In reality, a boundary layer develops and limits
replacing a failed ESP in a subsea well is more than $1MM. the amount of fluid that absorbs the generated heat.
Hence, any ESP system enhancements which can extend pump Only a limited number of studies, among them Manzanilla
run life 共currently 1–3 yr兲 will provide tremendous cost savings. et al. 关2兴 and Skoczylas and Alhanati 关3兴, have examined the fluid
Heat transfer from ESPs has also become a concern when pro- flow and heat transfer phenomena between and ESP motor and
ducing heavy oils, since they do not flow as readily to provide shroud. These studies demonstrate limitations of the 1 ft/s design
natural cooling to the motor. Many heavy oil fields are now being rule for heavy oil production and other situations, but do not ad-
developed, for example, in Venezuela and Western Canada by dress the issues regarding fluid velocity as a function of shroud
using ESPs. Heat accumulation and motor burnout are the main standoff.
problems oil companies face in those areas. The heat dissipated Typically, the diameter of a shroud is chosen by selecting a
from an ESP could also be used to decrease the viscosity of heavy pipe that can be run inside the casing inside diameter with suffi-
oils inside the wellbore in order to facilitate its pumping from cient clearance. Given the size of this shroud, the motor is then
shallow reservoirs. sized to fit inside this pipe.
In a standard application, the downhole equipment is sub- This study investigates the effect of shroud standoff, in a given
configuration, by both increasing and decreasing standoff, to de-
Contributed by the Petroleum Division and presented at the ETCE/OMAE2000, termine the effect on heat transfer rate and system pressure drop
New Orleans, Louisiana, February 14–17, 2000, of THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF
MECHANICAL ENGINEERS. Manuscript received by the Petroleum Division, October
when using a viscous fluid. A graphical method to design shroud
26, 1999; revised manuscript received June 12, 2000. Associate Technical Editor: S. size for both temperature and pressure drop is presented. Addi-
A. Shirazi. tionally, a new method still under investigation is introduced as an

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Table 1 Parametric values generated based on standoff

In the configuration, both motor and casing wall dimensions

were kept constant, while the shroud wall inner diameter was
varied. This is consistent with the choices available in the field for
0.1542-m 共6-5/8-in.兲 o.d. pipe. The parametric study was carried
out by modifying the shroud wall thickness, keeping the outside
Fig. 1 Standard ESP shrouded application
diameter of the shroud constant. This assures that U in is constant
for all the different shroud standoffs considered in this study.
Other assumptions made in the study include a two-dimensional
alternative for increasing the heat transfer inside the heated annu- representation of the flow system in cylindrical coordinates; con-
lus. This approach does not require the use of additional energy. stant heat source at the motor wall of 12340 W/m2; non-
Newtonian, steady-state laminar flow; and an annulus with the
Computational Approach inner wall 共motor wall兲 uniformly heated and the outer wall
This parametric study was conducted using the computational 共shroud兲 insulated.
fluid dynamics software CFX 共4.2兲. This software provides finite The model was calibrated using water as the base fluid obtain-
element simulation of system flow geometry and solves the ing the classical behavior of fluid velocity and temperature
Navier Stokes equations with allowance for viscosity changes as a distributions.
function of temperature and fluid rheology. The main evaluation was conducted using a light oil. Data for
Figure 2 shows a schematic of a two-dimensional cross section SAE-50 motor oil was used and physical experiments were per-
of the axisymmetric flow configuration considered in this study. formed prior to the simulation, to obtain information about the
As seen, the flow enters the region formed by the motor casing rheological behavior of the oil at different temperatures. These
and the motor shroud with a fluid velocity U in to turn 180 deg and data were later extrapolated to field values. The power law model
enter the region created by the hot motor wall and the motor was used to obtain the following temperature-viscosity
shroud 共shroud standoff兲. To allow cooler fluid into this region, correlation:
several openings are incorporated on the motor shroud. The case ␮ ⫽4.0* 1023* T ⫺9.8637
study considered in this paper corresponds to a well with a
0.2191-m 共8-5/8-in.兲 casing with a 0.2012-m 共7.921-in.兲 i.d. A 544 where ␮ is dynamic viscosity 共kg/m*s兲, and T is temperature 共de-
series electric motor (L⫽5.6 m– 18.4 ft) having an outer diameter grees K兲. This equation was included in the CFX code to adjust
of 0.1382 m 共5.440 in.兲 is used. The typical shroud for this system the viscosity of the fluid relative to ambient temperature.
is given as a 0.1542-m 共6-5/8-in.兲 o.d. seamless pipe with an inner
diameter of 0.1541 m 共6.065 in.兲. This configuration has a stand- Results and Discussion
off of 8 mm, 共0.315 in.兲. Two parameters are of interest in the study results: motor
The 8-mm standoff and the recommended ‘‘rule of thumb’’ shroud standoff and the effect of fluid velocity on wall tempera-
fluid velocity of 1 ft/s are considered to be standard values in this ture and pressure drop.
study, and all other values of standoff and velocity are normalized Standoff influences both the velocity and temperature profile in
to 8 mm or 1 ft/s, respectively. The parameters used in the study the annulus. Figure 3 shows the influence of the shroud standoff
were based on 20 percent increments and decrements of the stan- on velocity profile, for a constant inlet velocity (U in
dard standoff and the velocity. Table 1 summarizes these values. ⫽0.3048 m/s). As the shroud standoff increases, the maximum

Fig. 3 Influence of dimensionless shroud standoff on velocity

Fig. 2 Configuration used in CFX4.2 modeling profile

Journal of Energy Resources Technology SEPTEMBER 2000, Vol. 122 Õ 137

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velocity (U max) in the heated annulus decreases and the velocity
profile shifts slightly with the maximum velocity closer to the
heated wall. This effect causes higher temperatures at the wall
and, in consequence, a larger decrease of the viscosity of the fluid
in the vicinity of the wall.
Average velocities inside the heated annulus ranged between
0.516 m/s共1.693 ft/s兲 to 1.211 m/s共3.973 ft/s兲. These values were
obtained by integrating the velocity profiles.
The thermal behavior of the fluid inside the annulus can be
analyzed by examining the effect of the shroud standoff on the
motor wall temperature and on the Nusselt number. Figure 4
shows the increase in wall temperature due to the lower fluid
velocities attained when the shroud standoff increases. The varia-
tion of the local Nusselt number with dimensionless distance is
seen in Fig. 5 for several shroud standoffs taking the inlet velocity
of 0.3048 m/s as a fixed parameter. The change of the standoff
affects fluid velocity inside the heated annulus, causing changes in
Fig. 4 Influence of dimensionless shroud standoff on motor the temperature profile, which in turn affect the local heat transfer
wall temperature coefficient.
Pressure drop across the system is presented in Table 2. Com-
parisons were made with the exact solution for laminar flow and
pressure drop formula given by Lundgren et al., which uses a
fully developed Fanning friction factor. For further details, the
reader may refer to Lundgren et al. 关4兴. The values obtained show
a good match for inlet velocities greater than 0.4. It is not clear
why the computational results for low flow velocities did not
match the theoretical results available in the open literature.
To examine the best shroud configuration, surface plots were
developed for both the temperature and the pressure drop response
共Figs. 6 and 7, respectively兲. Both surfaces were combined on a
single graph 共Fig. 8兲 as a function of dimensionless shroud stand-
off. Figure 8 shows that, as shroud standoff increases, pressure
drop decreases, but wall temperature increases drastically. On the
Fig. 5 Variation of local Nusselt number with dimensionless other hand, this effect reverses when the shroud standoff is de-
axial distance for different shroud standoffs and U inÄ0.3048 creased. This graph shows an optimum area between 0.8 and 1.0
mÕs„1 ftÕs… shroud standoff with a possible best choice of rh/r std⫽0.9. This
conclusion agrees with additional runs made with CFX4.2
Table 2 Total pressure drop across the system using the different pipes available for the configuration under
To further explore the heat transfer characteristic of the shroud-
motor annulus, a set of openings or slots were incorporated in the
shroud wall to disturb the boundary layer by allowing a stream of
cooler fluid to enter the heated annulus in different places along
the length of the shroud. This incoming fluid will act in two dif-
ferent ways: first, it disturbs the thermal boundary layer, causing a
small turbulence which improves the heat distribution inside the

Fig. 6 Surface plot of the temperature response as a function of dimensionless fluid velocity
and dimensionless shroud standoff

138 Õ Vol. 122, SEPTEMBER 2000 Transactions of the ASME

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Fig. 7 Surface plot of the pressure response as a function of dimensionless fluid velocity and
dimensionless shroud standoff

Fig. 8 Effect of shroud standoff on motor wall temperature and pressure drop
response for U Õ U in between 0.6 and 1.4

Fig. 9 Motor wall temperature variation for a shroud with one Fig. 10 Motor wall temperature variation for a shroud with
opening three openings

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all cases, the bulk temperature of the fluid in the heated annulus of
the perforated shroud is higher than the one obtained using a
regular shroud. The temperature increase ranges between 11 and
18 percent.

Conclusions and Recommendations

Several numerical experiments were conducted to investigate
the influence of fluid speed on the cooling effect inside the heated
annulus. Based on the produced results, it was observed that for
average fluid velocities ranging between 0.516 m/s 共1.693 ft/s兲
and 1.211 m/s 共3.973 ft/s兲, computed motor wall temperatures
varied from 414°K 共286°F兲 to 392°K 共246°F兲. Further, the thick-
ness of the boundary layer produced ranges between 30 and 40
percent of the shroud standoff 共rh兲 at the exit of the annulus. This
data suggests that proper fluid velocity, which may be controlled
Fig. 11 Effect of fluid velocity on motor wall temperature by shroud standoff, may produce lower motor temperatures, while
profile pressure drop can be kept within reasonable limits. Based on the
obtained results, it can be concluded that fluid velocity should be
Table 3 Slot dimensions and axial location kept around 0.85 m/s 共2.8 ft/s兲 as opposed to 1 ft/s to assure
proper cooling of the motor.
Flow redistribution by proper placement of slots seems to be a
good alternative to increase heat transfer rate between the motor
wall and the cooling fluid. Bulk temperature increases obtained
with this method range between 11 and 18 percent. It is recom-
mended that a three-dimensional model and physical experimen-
heated fluid; and second, it brings cooler fluid at that specific tation that focus on velocity and temperature measurements
location, lowering the temperature profile in the forthcoming sec- should be pursued to validate the results of this two-dimensional
tion. The final result is the increase of the bulk temperature of the model.
fluid and a lower wall temperature at the exit of the annulus.
Figure 9 shows the effect of having one slot of 3 or 5-mm Acknowledgments
length placed at a dimensionless distance of 0.55. The cooler fluid
passing through the slot lowers the wall temperature downstream The authors would like to acknowledge the University of Mis-
of the slot; but the lack of fluid at the bottom of the configuration souri Research Board for the financial support of this work.
causes a sharp increase in temperature in that area.
Opening three slots of different size changes the temperature Nomenclature
profile in a manner that depends on the size of the slots. Figure 10
shows the temperature profiles obtained with three different sets dh ⫽ hydraulic diameter
of sizes as they compare with the normal shroud. Dp ⫽ pressure drop
Figure 11 shows the reduction of the temperature as a function Dp max ⫽ max. pressure drop
of fluid velocity, attained after optimizing the slot sizes 共Table 3兲. Dp min ⫽ min. pressure drop
An analysis of Fig. 11 indicates that the decrease in temperature L ⫽ motor length
profile introduced by the slots, diminishes as fluid velocity Cp ⫽ specific heat at constant pressure
increases. K ⫽ thermal conductivity
Figure 12 shows the increase in bulk temperature sustained by ␮ ⫽ flow viscosity
the fluid as a function of fluid velocity when the shroud is perfo- ␳ ⫽ flow density
rated, in comparison with a normal shroud. These results are com- Nu ⫽ Nusselt no., (h * dh)/k
pared with the values obtained using a manufacturer method. In Pr ⫽ Prandtl no., (cp * ␮ )/k

Fig. 12 Effect of inlet fluid velocity on fluid bulk temperature for a normal and a
perforated shroud as they compare with the manufacturer’s method

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Re ⫽ Reynolds no., ( ␳ udh)/ ␮ References
rh ⫽ hydraulic radius 关1兴 Brown, K. E., 1980, The Technology of Artificial Lift Methods, Penwell Pub-
rh * ⫽ rh/rh std ratio lishing, Box 1260, Tulsa, OK.
rh std ⫽ standard shroud standoff 共8 mm, 0.315 in.兲 关2兴 Manzanilla, R., et al., 1997, ‘‘Heat Transfer Between Heavy Oil Flow and
Electrical Submersible Pump’s Motor,’’ presented at the 1997 Society of Pe-
T ⫽ temperature troleum Engineers Gulf Coast Section, Electrical Submersible Pumps Work-
T max ⫽ max. temperature shop, Houston, TX, May 1–3.
T min ⫽ min. temperature 关3兴 Skoczylas P., and Alhanati, F., 1998, ‘‘Flow Regime Effects on Downhole
U ⫽ fluid velocity Motor Cooling,’’ Society of Petroleum Engineers paper prepared for presented
at Gulf Coast Section Electrical Submersible Pumps Workshop Houston. TX,
U in ⫽ inlet velocity April 29–May 1.
U std ⫽ standard fluid velocity 共0.305 m/s, 1.0 ft/s兲 关4兴 Lundgren, T. S., et al., 1964, ‘‘Pressure Drop Due to the Entrance Region in
x ⫽ distance from leading edge Ducts of Arbitrary Cross Section,’’ J. Basic Eng., 86, pp. 620–626.

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