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Show Context Actions ⌥⏎ Find Action... ⇧⌘A Build ⌘F9

Basic Code Completion ⌃Space Open Solution or Project ⌃⇧O Cancel Build ⌘F9
Smart Code Completion ⌃⇧Space Project/Explorer Tool Window ⌘1 Run Anything Double ^
Type Name Completion ⌃⌥Space Add New File ⌘N Run context configuration ⌃⇧R
Complete Statement ⇧⌘⏎ Reload All from Disk ⌥⌘Y Run/Debug Selected Configuration ⌃⌥R / ⌃⌥D
Parameter Information ⌘P Toggle Full Screen mode ⌃⌘F Run/Debug Current Configuration ⌃R / ⌃D
Quick Definition ⌥Space Quick Switch Scheme... ⌃` Step Over F8
Quick/External Documentation F1 / ⇧F1 Preferences... ⌘, Step Into F7
Generate... ⌘N Jump to Source ⌘↓ Smart Step Into ⇧F7
Override/Implement Members ⌃O / ⌃I Jump to Last Tool Window F12 Step Out ⇧F8
Surround With... ⌥⌘T Hide Active/All Tool Windows ⇧ / ⇧⌘F12 Run to Cursor ⌥F9
Unwrap/Remove... ⇧⌘⌦ Go to Next/Previous Editor Tab ⇧⌘] / ⇧⌘[ Force Run to Cursor ⌥⌘F9
Comment with Line/Block Comment ⌘/ / ⌥⌘/ Go to Editor (from a Tool Window) Show Execution Point ⌥F10
Extend/Shrink Selection ⌥↑ / ⌥↓ Close Active Editor Tab ⌘W Evaluate Expression... ⌥F8
Context Info ⌃⇧Q FIND EVERYTHING Stop ⌘F2
Optimize Imports ⌃⌥O Search Everywhere Double ⇧ Resume Program ⌥⌘R
Auto-Indent Lines ⌃⌥I Find/Replace in File ⌘F / ⌘R Toggle Line Breakpoint ⌘F8
Cut/Copy/Paste ⌘X / ⌘C / ⌘V Find/Replace in Project ⇧⌘F / ⇧⌘R Toggle Temporary Line Breakpoint ⌥⇧⌘F8
Copy Document Path ⇧⌘C Go to Class ⌘O Edit breakpoint ⇧⌘F8
Paste from Clipboard History ⇧⌘V Go to File Member ⌘F12 View Breakpoints... ⇧⌘F8
Duplicate Current Line or Selection ⌘D Go to File ⇧⌘O Run/Debug Tool Window ⌘4 / ⌘5
Move Line Up/Down ⌥⇧↑ / ⌥⇧↓ Go to Symbol ⌥⌘O Services Tool Window ⌘8
Move Statement Up/Down ⇧⌘↑ / ⇧⌘↓ Go to Text ⌥⇧⌘E UNIT TESTS
Move Element Right/Left ⌥⇧⌘→ / ⌥⇧⌘← NAVIGATE FROM SYMBOLS Unit Testing Quick List… ⌥⇧U
Delete Line at Caret ⌘⌫ Navigate To… ⌃⇧N Run/Debug Unit Tests ⌘;, R / ⌘;, D
Join/Split Line ⌃⇧J / ⌘⏎ Go to Declaration or Usages ⌘B Stop Execution ⌘;, S
New Line Above/Below ⌥⌘⏎ / ⇧⏎ Go to Type Declaration ⇧⌘B Repeat Previous Run ⌘;, T
Toggle Case ⇧⌘U Go to Base/Derived Symbols ⌘U / ⌥⌘B Rerun Failed Tests ⌘;, F
Expand/Collapse Code Block ⌘ / ⌘- Find Usages ⌥F7 Run All Tests from Solution ⌘;, L
Save All ⌘S Highlight Usages in File ⇧⌘F7 Create New Session ⌘;, N
JetBrains Rider 'IntelliJ' Keymap

ANALYZE AND EXPLORE Show Usages ⌥⌘F7 Append Tests to Session ⌘;, A
Problems Tool Window ⌘6 NAVIGATE CONTEXT Run Current Session ⌘;, Y
Show Error Description ⌘F1 Select In... ⌥F1 Rerun Tests ⌃⌘R
Next/Previous Highlighted Error F2 / ⇧F2 Switcher ⌃⇥ Go to Test ⇧⌘T
Next/Previous Error in Solution ⌥F2 / ⌥⇧F2 Recently Viewed/Changed Files ⌘E Show Coverage Data... ⌥⌘F6
Toggle Code Inspection in File ⌥⇧⌘8 Last Edit Location ⇧⌘⌫ Unit Tests Tool Window ⌥⌘8
Run Inspection by Name… ⌥⇧⌘I Navigate Back/Forward ⌘[ / ⌘] REFACTOR AND CLEAN UP
Inspect This... ⌥⇧⌘A Next/Previous method ⌃⇧↓ / ⌃⇧↑ Refactor This... ⌃T
Type Hierarchy ⌃H Go to Line:Column... ⌘L Copy... F5
Method Hierarchy ⇧⌘H Go to Code Block End/Start ⌥⌘] / ⌥⌘[ Move... F6
Call Hierarchy ⌃⌥H Next/Previous Occurrence ⌘G / ⇧⌘G Safe Delete... ⌘⌦
VERSION CONTROL Toggle Bookmark F3 Rename... ⇧F6
VCS Operations ⌃V Toggle Bookmark with Mnemonic ⌥F3 Change Signature... ⌘F6
Commit... ⌘K Go to Numbered Bookmark ^ [0-9] Inline... ⌥⌘N
Update Project ⌘T Show Bookmarks... ⌘F3 Extract Method ⌥⌘M
Recent Changes ⌥⇧C Find Tool Window ⌘3 Introduce Variable ⌥⌘V
Rollback... ⌥⌘Z Bookmarks Tool Window ⌘2 Introduce Field ⌥⌘F
Push... ⇧⌘K Introduce Constant ⌥⌘C
Next/Previous Change ⌃⌥⇧↓ / ⌃⌥⇧↑ Introduce Parameter ⌥⌘P
Commit/Version Control Tool Window ⌘0 Reformat Code ⌥⌘L

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