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Resources Policy 83 (2023) 103702

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Natural resources, child mortality and governance quality in

African countries
Sosson Tadadjeu a, Henri Njangang b, Simplice A. Asongu c, d, *, Brice Kamguia a
Dschang School of Economics and Management, University of Dschang, Cameroon
Faculty of Economics and Management (LAREFA), University of Dschang, Cameroon
School of Economics, University of Johannesburg, Johannesburg, South Africa
“New Uzbekistan” University, 54, Mustaqillik street, Mirzo Ulugbek district, Tashkent, Uzbekistan


JEL classification: This paper contributes to the resource curse literature by investigating the effect of natural resources on under-
J13 five mortality in a sample of 50 African countries over the period 1996 to 2018. Additionally, we examine the
O55 extent to which governance shapes the relationship between natural resources and under-five mortality. The
empirical analysis is based on the system generalized method of moments and the results show that natural
resources have increased under-five mortality. Resource rents also have detrimental effects on child mortality by
age, gender, and the three major causes of infant mortality from infectious diseases. However, an extended
Natural resources
analysis of different types of natural resources suggests that point resources (such as oil, natural gas, and mineral
Child mortality rents) increase under-five mortality in contrast to diffuse resources (such as forest rent). We also find that
Governance governance mitigates the unfavorable effect of natural resources on child mortality. Corresponding governance
Africa policy thresholds that should be attained in order to reverse the unfavorable effects of natural resources on child
mortality are provided. We thus suggest an increase in the funds allocated to the health sector from resource
rents and encourage efforts to improve governance standards in sampled countries.

1. Introduction death rates per 1000 greater than 100. According to the World Bank
(2020), the average under-five mortality rate in Sub-Saharan Africa in
In recent decades, the improvement of child health has been and 2018 was 78 per 1,000, compared to a global average of 39 per 1000.
continues to be on the agenda of development partners and governments Furthermore, if current fertility and mortality trends continue, Africa
around the world. The United Nations, through the Millennium Devel­ will account for more than 60% of all child deaths by 2030, up from 50%
opment Goals (MDGs), urged international agencies and national gov­ in 2013 (Liu et al., 2015).
ernments to achieve Goal 4, which aimed to reduce child mortality by Given the high child mortality rates in some parts of the world,
two-thirds between 1990 and 2015. The Sustainable Development particularly in Africa, and its potential political and socio-economic
Goals (2016–2030) also reaffirm the importance of improving child implications, it is highly important to understand its determinants.
survival rates (Goal 3). Given these efforts, the under-five mortality rate Recent studies have made major inroads into documenting the de­
fell from 9.8 million in 2000 to 5.3 million in 2018, a drop of over 45% terminants of child mortality, highlighting the roles of factors such as
(UN IGME, 2019). However, this apparent success hides huge disparities education (Grépin and Bharadwaj, 2015; Andriano and Monden, 2019),
by region and income level. According to data from IHME (2019), in health expenditure (Anyanwu and Erhijakpor, 2009; Bernet et al.,
2017, 93% of child deaths occurred in low and middle-income countries, 2018), health aid (Mishra and Newhouse, 2009; Pickbourn and Ndiku­
and the majority of these deaths were recorded in Africa. While devel­ mana, 2019), trade openness (Panda, 2020), income inequality (Wil­
oping countries like Peru have been able to reduce their child mortality kinson and Pickett, 2006), institutional quality (Wigley and
rate by more than half between 2000 and 2017 (from 38.6 deaths per Akkoyunlu-Wigley, 2017; Achim et al., 2019), conflicts (Gates et al.,
1000 in 2000 to 15.5 deaths in 2017), several African countries still have 2012), globalization (Welander et al., 2015), women parliamentarians

* Corresponding author. School of Economics, University of Johannesburg, Johannesburg, South Africa.

E-mail addresses: (S. Tadadjeu), (H. Njangang),, (S.A. Asongu), (B. Kamguia).
Received 18 June 2022; Received in revised form 3 May 2023; Accepted 8 May 2023
0301-4207/© 2023 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
S. Tadadjeu et al. Resources Policy 83 (2023) 103702

(Macmillan et al., 2018), remittances (Azizi, 2018), and recently eco­ child mortality in Africa. Second, we analyze the effect of resource rents
nomic complexity (Vu, 2020). The present study considers that an on child mortality by the age of the child, gender, as well as the three
important factor of child mortality that has not been sufficiently main causes of child mortality. Despite progress in the fight against
analyzed is natural resources. As Gylfason (2001) suggests, if oil reve­ childhood diseases, infectious diseases1 remain a major cause of death
nues are well managed, they can educate, heal, and create employment among children under five, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa and South
for populations. However, some argue that oil rent engenders authori­ Asia. Pneumonia (15%), diarrhea (8%) and malaria (5%) are identified
tarianism, increases the risk and duration of conflict, increases income as the leading causes of death among children under five worldwide (UN
inequality, and leads to low institutional quality (Van der Ploeg, 2011; IGME, 2019). Using these original indicators makes it possible to iden­
Ross, 2015). As an illustration, in 2019, Nigeria and Angola were the two tify the age, gender and cause of death for which the effects of natural
largest oil producers in Africa, but they were also the countries with resources are most detrimental. To our knowledge, no study has tested
some of the highest under-five mortality rates in 2018, with 120 and 77 the effect of natural resources on these three dimensions of child mor­
per 1000 live births, respectively. This suggests that natural resources tality. Third, several studies have shown that different types of natural
may paradoxically be a curse rather than a blessing. resources can have different effects on economic growth (Bulte et al.,
Since the influential works of Sachs and Warner (1995, 1999) sup­ 2005; Yilanci et al., 2021), education expenditures (Cockx and
porting the negative effect of natural resources on economic growth, Francken, 2016), and access to drinking water and sanitation (Tadadjeu
empirical and theoretical studies have analyzed the relationship be­ et al., 2020). Their argument implies that different types of natural re­
tween natural resources and economic growth with rather mixed evi­ sources may also have different effects on child mortality. Despite these
dence. Several studies provide evidence of a negative relationship arguments, existing studies have focused on the effect of oil on infant
between natural resources and economic growth (Papyrakis and Ger­ mortality, which gives only a partial view of the resource curse. We fill
lagh, 2004, 2007; Satti et al., 2014; Tiba and Frikha, 2020). However, this gap by analyzing the effects of five different types of natural re­
other studies provide evidence rejecting the resource curse hypothesis sources on under-five mortality. Fourth, we examine the moderating
(Brunnschweiler and Bulte, 2008; Adika, 2020). Through a role of institutional quality in the relationship between natural resources
meta-analysis of 1419 estimates, Dauvin and Guerreiro (2017) show that and child mortality. We assume that better governance promotes
while there is a “soft curse” in developing countries, natural resources do transparency in the collection of natural resource revenues and im­
not harm growth in developed countries. The way natural resources are proves the quality of investments, particularly in the health sector. To
measured, as well as their “appropriability,” explains part of the het­ the best of our knowledge, this paper is the first to empirically examine
erogeneity of the results found in the literature. In recent decades, the role of governance in the relationship between natural resources and
studies have extended the effect of natural resources to other aspects of child mortality. Besides using the six governance indicators provided by
economic development, such as health outcomes (De Soysa and Gizelis, the World Governance Indicators (WGI) of the World Bank, we construct
2013; El Anshasy and Katsaiti, 2015; Edwards, 2016; Kim and Lin, 2017; four other indicators through a Principal Component Analysis (PCA),
Chang and Wei, 2019; Madreimov and Li, 2019; Chang, 2020; Oduyemi one representing global governance, and the other three representing
et al., 2021). However, few studies have focused on the effect of natural political governance, institutional governance, and economic gover­
resources on child mortality, particularly in Africa. Empirical literature nance (Asongu and Nwachukwu, 2016, 2017). To increase the relevance
on the effect of natural resources on child mortality is still at the nascent of policy implications, we use both individual indicators and composite
stage and the results remain inconclusive. Cotet and Tsui (2013) show indicators of governance variables.
that oil reduces infant mortality in 150 countries. Wigley (2017) finds To sum up, using the two-step system Generalized Method of Mo­
that petroleum-poor countries outperform petroleum-rich countries in ments (GMM), the following results are established. We find evidence of
reducing under-five mortality in a panel of 167 countries. Bellinger and a positive and significant relationship between natural resources and
Fails (2020) analyze the effect of oil wealth on child mortality rates in under-five mortality. Natural resources also have a positive effect on
non-democratic countries and identify some specific conditions under child mortality by age, gender, and the major causes of infant mortality
which oil can be detrimental to child mortality. What about Africa? from infectious diseases (i.e. pneumonia, diarrhea, and malaria). Look­
Apart from the literature on natural resources and health, the role of ing at the types of natural resources, we find that point resources have a
governance has received very little attention. Mehlum et al. (2006) positive effect on under-five mortality, as opposed to diffuse resources.
suggest that aggregate income is reduced by natural resources when Finally, we show that the quality of governance enables African gov­
institutions can easily be captured by a few elites, while when in­ ernments to partially break the resource curse. Corresponding gover­
stitutions cannot easily be captured, more resources engender higher nance policy thresholds that should be attained in order to reverse the
income levels. Several studies share this view that natural resources positive effects of resources on child mortality are provided.
interact with the quality of institutions, which determines whether The rest of this paper is organized as follows: Section 2 describes the
resource revenues become a blessing or a curse (Robinson et al., 2006; theoretical predictions through which natural resources affect child
Epo and Faha, 2020; Njangang et al., 2022). The effect of natural re­ mortality. Section 3 discloses the data and methodology, while Section 4
sources on the economy depends critically on institutions, as these presents the empirical results. Section 5 concludes with implications and
determine the extent to which political incentives are embedded in future research directions.
policy outcomes (Robinson et al., 2006). Countries with institutions that
promote state accountability and competence will benefit from natural 2. Natural resources and child mortality: transmission channels
resources. Countries without such institutions may suffer from a
resource curse. Considering this argument, this study seeks to under­ Several studies have provided a review of the literature on trans­
stand if governance quality plays any significant role in the relationship mission channels explaining the negative correlation between natural
between natural resources and child mortality in Africa. resources and development (see Frankel, 2010; Badeeb et al., 2017).
This paper departs from the previous studies and attempts to fill the Based on this theoretical framework, several channels can be conjec­
gap in the existing literature on at least four points. First, we contribute tured to explain the link between natural resources and child mortality,
to the growing literature on the resource curse within one specific re­ including institutions, internal conflict, inequality, and public health
gion. We focus on Africa, where a particularly interesting case is given
that Africa is a resource-rich continent but, paradoxically, a part of the
world where children’s health problems are much more acute. This 1
Infectious diseases account for 53% of under-five deaths worldwide in 2018
study therefore aims to fill this gap by providing one of the first (UN IGME, 2019).
empirical studies on the relationship between natural resources and

S. Tadadjeu et al. Resources Policy 83 (2023) 103702

expenditures.2 that elites may distribute rents selectively and create clientelism net­
works, from which those who largely benefit are leaders of politically
2.1. Institutional channel important organizations. Through this channel, personal ties motivate
access to and distribution of resource revenues, which end-up with a
Commodities can be a blessing or a curse for resource-rich countries, relatively small part of the population. Regarding the effect of income
some of which suffer severely from corruption, while others have been inequality on health, the health economic literature provides evidence
managed to prosper with a relatively low level of corruption (Neudorfer, suggesting that income inequality is associated with poorer health (see
2018). Regarding the type of natural resources, economists have iden­ Wilkinson and Pickett (2006) for a meta-analysis). Therefore, if resource
tified oil as a substantial cause of corruption (Okada and Samreth, endowment is an additional factor leading to income inequality, other
2017). Arezki and Brückner (2011) establish that a growth in oil rent things being equal, we should see evidence that natural resources are
significantly increases corruption and deteriorates political rights. associated with higher under-five mortality rates.
Similarly, Okada and Samreth (2017) find that while more oil rents
increase corruption, non-oil resources do not. In the same vein, several 2.4. Health expenditure channel
studies have analyzed the relationship between resource wealth and
democracy, especially oil wealth. Most of these studies validate the Another channel through which natural resources can affect child
premise that higher levels of oil wealth are associated with more stable mortality is health expenditure. An important measure of the level of
autocratic governments, which are less likely to change to liberal dem­ investment in health is health expenditure in a country. Accordingly,
ocratic governments (Anyanwu and Erhijakpor, 2014; Ross, 2015; Ber­ government expenditure, such as health expenditure, can enable the
gougui and &Murshed, 2020). Government dependence on oil reduces administration and provision of health care services and hence play the
democracy and accountability by weakening the links between the state role of a relevant policy tool for the government (Anyanwu and Erhi­
and society, facilitating government investment in patronage and jakpor, 2009). Thus, public health expenditure is recognized as having
repression, and fostering political corruption (Ross, 2015). Regarding an important contribution to improving health outcomes (see Bernet
the effects of institutional quality on health, there is a consensus sug­ et al., 2018; Chireshe and Ocran, 2020). Theoretically, natural resources
gesting that corruption reduces health outcomes, while democracy re­ can be an effective way for resource-rich countries to increase health
duces child mortality (Dincer and Teoman, 2019; Wigley and budgets and therefore positively affect health outcomes. However,
Akkoyunlu-Wigley, 2017). Li et al. (2018) argue that extortion and emerging literature shows that natural resources are negatively associ­
bribery in the public and private sectors enable the production and sale ated with health expenditure (Cockx and Francken, 2014; Turan and
of counterfeit medicines, which lead to patient death and morbidity, Yanıkkaya, 2020). Cockx and Francken (2014)found a significant in­
pathogen resistance and reduced drug effectiveness. Authors such as verse relationship between natural resources and public health expen­
Besley and Kudamatsu (2006) establish that democracy contributes to diture. Consequently, through its negative effects on health expenditure,
improved health, as measured by life expectancy and infant mortality. natural resources will lead to a decrease in health care provision and an
Thus, resource-dependent governments may be characterised by high increase in child mortality.
levels of corruption and weak democracy, which reduce the provision of
care for better child health. 3. Data and methodology

2.2. Civil conflicts channel 3.1. Data

Concerning civil conflicts, the appropriation and exploitation of Our sample covers 50 African countries over the period 1996–2018
natural resources has frequently been mentioned as a cause of civil with data from various sources: World Bank (2020): World Development
conflicts (Collier and Hoeffler, 2004; Welsch, 2008). In fact, competition Indicators (WDI), World Bank (2020): World Governance Indicators
for rent can exacerbate existing tensions between ethnic groups or fac­ (WGI), World Health Organisation (WHO, 2020): Global Health Obser­
tions in power, leading to armed conflict. Experts have cited greed and vatory data repository, and Alesina et al. (2003). The periodicity under
grievances as reasons for how natural resources can lead to conflict. investigation is chosen according to data availability constraints.
Whereas the grievance hypothesis regards civil wars as originating from
poverty, the greed-based explanation (Collier and Hoeffler, 2004) em­ 3.1.1. Dependent variable
phasizes voracity as a cause of conflict (Welsch, 2008). In The principal dependent variable is the under-five mortality rate
conflict-affected countries, the damage to the health system may sub­ (IMR5) which represents the probability, per 1000 live births, that a
sequently manifest itself in the destruction of health services, the lack of newborn baby will die prior to reaching the age of five, if subject of age-
medical personnel, and the massive displacement of populations, specific mortality rates of the specified year. For robustness, we also use
exposing them to multiple risk factors (Gates et al., 2012). These risk the under-five mortality rate by gender, distinguishing between the fe­
factors include the increasing prevalence of infectious diseases, male mortality rate and the male mortality rate aged 0–5 years.
including diarrheal diseases and respiratory infections, which are among Although under-five mortality is the most widely used variable for
the leading causes of child mortality. One can therefore postulate that measuring child mortality, it is worth noting that this variable does not
natural resources, through their effects on the risk and duration of civil capture all dimensions of child mortality. As alternative measures in the
conflicts, can lead to higher child mortality rates. robustness analyses, we use the infant mortality rate, which represents
the mortality of children aged 0–12 months (IMR1), and the neonatal
2.3. Income inequality channel mortality rate, which denotes the mortality of children aged 0–28 days
(IMRNEO). We also use indicators representing the three main causes of
There is an emerging strand of literature suggesting that natural child mortality in developing countries, namely, mortality from pneu­
resources are associated with increased income inequality (Fum and monia, mortality from diarrhea, and mortality due to malaria. These
Hodler, 2010; Buccellato and Mickiewicz, 2009; Carmignani, 2013). indicators reflect the mortality per 1000 live births of children aged
Natural resources are often unequally distributed within countries, be­ 0–59 months due to pneumonia, diarrhea, or malaria. Data for the latter
tween ethnic groups, or between regions. Basedau and Lay (2009) show measures are available in the WHO (2020) .3

2 3
It should be noted that some of these channels are linked. Data for these indicators is available for the period 2000–2017.

S. Tadadjeu et al. Resources Policy 83 (2023) 103702

3.1.2. Independent variable among women is rather a factor that is detrimental to child survival
Consistent with recent work by Tadadjeu et al. (2021) and Ncho­ (Adetunji, 2000). However, the effect of urbanization, as measured by
foung et al. (2021), we use total natural resource rents as a percentage of the proportion of people living in urban areas, is associated with poor
GDP as a measure of natural resource dependence (TNR). Indeed, it is health outcomes (see for example, Goryakin et al., 2017; Brueckner,
one of the most widely used measures in the literature on the resource 2019).
curse, given its availability. Fig. 1 shows a positive correlation between For robustness purposes, we also use additional control variables
natural resources and under-five mortality, which is consistent with the such as female parliamentarians (%), trade openness (% GDP), official
resource curse hypothesis. In other words, resource-rich countries have development assistance (% GNI), CO2 emissions, and ethnic fraction­
on average higher under-five mortality rates compared resource-poor alization. Consistent with recent work by Macmillan et al. (2018),
countries. Pickbourn and Ndikumana (2019), and Panda (2020), we expect a
negative effect of female parliamentarians, trade openness, and foreign
3.1.3. Governance variables aid on child mortality. In contrast, Churchill et al. (2017) and Bou­
We analyze the role of governance in the relationship between nat­ choucha (2021) show that ethno-linguistic fractionalization and carbon
ural resources and under-five mortality using six unbundled governance emissions have a negative effect on health. Therefore, we expect a
indicators; namely: the rule of law, control of corruption, regulatory positive effect of CO2 emissions and ethnic fractionalization on infant
quality, government effectiveness, voice and accountability, and polit­ mortality.
ical stability, plus four measures that are bundled through PCA, notably
political governance, economic governance, institutional governance, 3.2. Methodology
and general governance.
According to Asongu and Nwachukwu (2016, 2017), this study em­ In an effort to analyze the relationship between natural resources,
ploys PCA in order to derive composite governance indicators. Building governance, and under-five mortality, this paper has two main objec­
on the attendant literature, the PCA is widely used a statistical method tives. First, we examine the direct effect of natural resources on child
that is employed to reduce a set of highly correlated variables into a mortality in African countries. We hypothesize that natural resources
smaller set of uncorrelated variables, which are known as principal are positively related to child mortality. Therefore, we investigate the
components (PCs). “Eco. gov (economic governance) is the formulation and following dynamic model in Equation (1)
implementation of policies that deliver public commodities. Pol. Gov (political
governance) is defined as the election and replacement of political leaders. IMR5i,t = α + β1 IMR5i,t− 1 + β2 TNRi,t + γXi,t + μi + νt + εit (1)
Inst. gov (institutional governance) is the respect of the State and citizens of
institutions that govern interactions between them(Asongu and Nwa­ Where IMR5i,t , is our dependent variable measured by the under-five
chukwu, 2017 p.258)”. Table 1 presents the results of the PCA and the mortality rate of country i in year t. IMR5i,t− 1 represents suitable lags
construction of each governance indicator. Table 2 displays the sum­ of the dependent variables. TNRi,t is the total natural resource rents as
mary statistics. percentage of GDP. Xi,t is the vector of control variables and εit denotes
the error term. μi and vt are the country and time specific effects
3.1.4. Control variables respectively.
To ensure that the results are not biased by omission of variables and The second objective of this paper is to investigate the role of
in line with the recent literature on child mortality (Wigley, 2017; governance in the relationship between natural resources and child
Pickbourn and Ndikumana, 2019), this paper includes several control mortality. Therefore, we formulate the following interactive model in
variables. They comprise the log of GDP per capita, female primary Equation (2) as follows:
school enrollment, urban population growth, and the prevalence of fe­
IMR5i,t = α + β1 IMR5i,t− 1 + β2 TNRi,t + β3 GOVi,t + β4 (TNR × GOV)i,t
male HIV/AIDS. The negative relationship between income per capita (2)
and child mortality is well documented in the health economic literature + γXi,t + μi + νt + εit
(Khanam et al., 2009). Higher incomes may be correlated with healthier
Where GOVi,t represents the different governance indicators,
environments (including housing) and more nutritious diets. While
(TNR × GOV)i,t is the interaction between natural resources and the
several studies agree that women’s education, particularly through
better knowledge of medical practices in child health, reduces child different governance indicators. We conclude a mitigating effect if β2 >
mortality (Grépin and Bharadwaj, 2015), the prevalence of HIV/AIDS 0 and β4 < 0, with both estimated coefficients being statistically sig­
nificant. The rest of the parameters have the same significance as in
equation (1).
The introduction of the lagged dependent variable as an explanatory
variable leads to a dynamic panel bias (Nickell, 1981). We address this
bias and endogeneity concerns by using the Generalized Method of
Moments (GMM) (Arellano and Bover, 1995; Blundell and Bond, 1998).
The GMM not only addresses the endogeneity problem resulting from
possible reverse causality, measurement errors or omitted variables; it
also takes into account unobserved country-specific effects. In addition,
the GMM solves the autocorrelation problem caused by the inclusion of
the lagged value of the dependent variable as a regressor by differenti­
ating the lagged value of the dependent variable.
By considering the first difference on both sides of equation (2), we
eliminate the fixed effects and the bias related to unobserved hetero­
geneity over time.

ΔIMR5i,t = α + β1 ΔIMR5i,t− 1 + β2 ΔTNRi,t + β3 ΔGOVi,t

+ β4 Δ(TNR × GOV)i,t + γΔXi,t + Δεit

Equation (3) specifies the GMM in difference introduced by Arellano

Fig. 1. Relationship between natural resources and under-five mortality. and Bond (1991). This method consists of estimating equation (3) using

S. Tadadjeu et al. Resources Policy 83 (2023) 103702

Table 1
Principal component analysis (PCA) for governance.
Principal components Eigen value Component matrix (loadings) Proportion Cumulative proportion


First PC (G. Gov) 4.695 0.38 0.356 0.425 0.418 0.414 0.444 0.782 0.782
Second PC 0.494 0.1390 0.857 − 0.356 − 0.321 − 0.108 − 0.062 0.082 0.865
First PC (Pol. Gov) 1.607 0.707 0.707 0.803 0.803
Second PC 0.392 − 0.707 0.707 0.196 1.000
First PC (Eco. Gov) 1.870 0.707 0.707 0.935 0.935
Second PC 0.129 0.707 − 0.707 0.064 1.000
First PC (Inst. Gov) 1.865 0.707 0.707 0.933 0.933
Second PC 0.134 0.707 − 0.707 0.067 1.000

P.C: Principal Component. CC: Control of Corruption. GE: Government Effectiveness. PS: Political Stability. R.Q: Regulation Quality. RL: Rule of Law. VA: Voice and
Accountability. G. Gov (General Governance): First PC of VA, PS, RQ, GE, RL and CC. Pol. gov (Political Governance): First PC of VA and PS. Eco. gov (Economic
Governance): First PC of RQ and GE. Inst. gov (Institutional Governance): First PC of RL and CC.

equation (4).
Table 2 [ ] [ ] [ ]
Descriptive statistics. IMR5i,t IMR5i,t− j Xi,t
=θ + + εit (4)
Variables Obs Mean Std. Min Max
ΔIMR5i,t ΔIMR5i,t− j ΔXi,t

Child Mortality Blundell and Bover (1998) show that the system-based GMM gen­
IMR5 1150 97.491 48.361 14.5 265.8 erates more efficient estimates than the difference-based GMM. How­
Female IMR5 1150 91.441 46.480 13 261.5
ever, there is still unobserved heterogeneity in the model. In order to
Male IMR5 1150 103.229 50.223 15.9 269.8
IMR1 1150 62.650 27.231 12.5 157.5 eliminate the remaining unobserved heterogeneity, the model is
IMRNEO 1150 30.749 10.634 5.6 59.2 assumed to have the orthogonality conditions shown in equation (5).
Mortality_pneumonia 900 12.222 7.127 0.7 38.9 This involves the instrumentation of differential equations with delayed
Mortality_diarrhea 900 9.281 6.494 0 39.5 levels and level equations with delayed differences.
Mortality_malaria 900 11.149 13.88 0 71.1
[ ] [ ]
Natural resources E ΔXi,t− 1 (αi εit ) = E ΔIMR5i,t− 1 (αi εit ) = 0 (5)
TNR 1130 12.065 11.901 0.001 84.228
Coal rent 1130 0.108 0.528 0 7.869 For all these reasons, the two-stage GMM is the best estimator for the
Forest rent 1134 5.634 6.182 0 40.426
characteristics of our models.4 In addition, as suggested by Roodman
Mineral rent 1134 1.816 4.504 0 46.624
Gasrent 1104 0.235 0.788 0 7.071 (2009a), we pay close attention to the choice of the number of in­
Oil rent 1130 4.255 10.643 0 78.541 struments in order to reduce the risk of “instrument over identification”
Control variables in the model. The instruments for the first-difference regression are
Income(ln) 1112 7.107 0.988 5.233 9.9297 lagged endogenous level explanatory variables, and the instruments for
Female education 909 93.03 26.266 21.441 151.314
the level regression are lagged endogenous difference explanatory var­
Urban population 1120 40.012 17.104 7.412 89.37
HIV female 1127 3.209 4.837 0.1 24.2 iables. We use lags of order 2 to 4 for these estimates.
Women in parliaments 1029 15.760 11.07 0 63.75 Two main tests are associated with the GMM, namely the model
CO2 emissions 1043 0.944 1.70523 0.016 11.203 over-identification test (Hansen-test), through which we check the val­
Trade openness 1059 70.11 36.845 17.858 347.99
idity of the instruments used, in the sense that they must be correlated
Ethnic fractionalization 1127 0.632 0.244 0 0.930
Foreign aid 1118 8.523 9.170 − 0.250 92.141
with the instrumented variables and not with the error term (Hansen,
Governance variables 1982). We also perform the error autocorrelation test of Arellano and
Control of Corrupt. 1000 − 0.613 0.586 − 1.826 1.216 Bond (1991) (AR(1) and AR(2)). For the first-order autocorrelation test,
Gov. Effectiveness 999 − 0.717 0.588 − 1.884 1.05 the null hypothesis is that there is no first-order correlation of the errors
Political stability 1000 − 0.532 0.855 2.444 1.219
in the first-difference equation. For the second-order autocorrelation

Regulatory quality 1000 − 0.655 0.586 − 2.297 1.127
Rule of Law 1000 − 0.667 0.614 − 2.129 1.077 test, the null hypothesis is the presence of second-order correlation of
Voice and Account. 1000 − 0.613 0.717 − 2.226 1.007 the errors in the first difference equation. Thus, we should reject the null
G. Gov 999 0.0000 2.166 − 5.417 5.784 hypothesis of no first order serial correlation (AR(1) test) but not reject
Pol. Gov 1000 0.0000 1.267 3.009 2.883

the null hypothesis of no second order serial correlation.
Eco. Gov 999 0.0000 1.367 − 3.374 4.264
Inst. Gov 1000 0.0000 1.365 − 3.020 4.085
4. Results
IMR5, IMR1, IMRNEO and TNR denote under-five mortality, infant mortality,
neonatal mortality and natural resource rent, respectively.G. Gov (General
4.1. Baseline results
Governance), Pol. gov (Political Governance), Eco. gov (Economic Governance),
Inst. gov (Institutional Governance).
Table 3 presents the baseline results. The consistency and coherence
of the two-step GMM estimators depend on the validity of the assump­
the lagged values of the explanatory variables as instruments. Further­
tion of no second order serial correlation of the error terms and the
more, it should be noted that the instruments must be uncorrelated with
validity of the instruments (Hansen test). The results of the diagnostic
the first difference of the error term.
tests show that our models are well specified. The Hansen test does not
However, there are two potential problems with specifying the GMM
in difference. First, first-differencing could amplify the impact of mea­
surement errors on the dependent variables (Griliches and Hausman,
1986). Second, the instruments chosen may be weak for first-difference We run our regressions with the Stata 14 software, in which the system
equations (Arellano and Bover, 1995). To alleviate these problems, GMM is pre-programmed (“xtabond2” and “twostep” commands). Also, in
Blundell and Bond (1998) propose using first difference variables as writing the commands related to our estimates, we rely on the recommenda­
tions of Roodman (2009a, 2009b) and Newey and Windmeijer (2009),
instruments for level equations in a system of equations represented by
including the application of the Windmeijer (2005) correction.

S. Tadadjeu et al. Resources Policy 83 (2023) 103702

Table 3
Baseline results.
Dependent variable: IMR5

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Lagged Mortality_5 0.947*** 0.956*** 0.909*** 0.917*** 0.903***

(0.003) (0.004) (0.012) (0.003) (0.007)
TNR 0.014*** 0.009** 0.038*** 0.041*** 0.070***
(0.003) (0.004) (0.013) (0.009) (0.015)
Income(ln) − 1.800** − 0.364 0.280 − 0.437
(0.740) (0.508) (0.298) (0.555)
Female education − 0.137*** − 0.136*** − 0.161***
(0.026) (0.007) (0.014)
Urban pop. Growth − 0.046*** 0.008
(0.014) (0.029)
HIV female 0.379***
Constant 1.496*** 13.526** 20.251*** 16.786*** 21.905***
(0.233) (5.521) (5.792) (2.204) (3.761)
Observations 1028 1008 838 838 823
Number of countries 50 50 48 48 47
Number of instruments 26 24 23 39 33
AR(1) 0.023 0.032 0.024 0.045 0.041
AR(2) 0.279 0.260 0.296 0.296 0.269
Hansen OIR 0.167 0.238 0.254 0.330 0.419

Notes: *, **, *** denote statistical significance at the 10%, 5% and 1% levels, respectively. Robust standard errors reported in parenthesis. The coefficients are based on
the two-step GMM system estimation, using the finite sample correction of Windmeijer (2005). All explanatory variables are treated as potentially endogenous. The
lags of the explanatory variables are taken as an instrument for the difference equation, while the first differences of the explanatory variables are taken as an in­
strument for the level equation. IMR5 and TNR denote under-five mortalityand natural resource rent, respectively.

reject the validity of the instruments. Furthermore, the test results 4.2. Robustness checks
validate the absence of second order serial correlation. Too many in­
struments can seriously weaken and bias Hansen’s test of identification We apply three approaches to test the robustness of the previous
restrictions and the rule of thumb is therefore that the number of in­ results. First, we introduce five additional control variables, including
struments should be less than the number of countries (Roodman, women parliamentarians, CO2 emissions, trade openness, ethnic frac­
2009b). The two-step system GMM presented in Table 2 generated a tionalization, and foreign aid. We summarize the estimation results in
maximum of 39 instruments, which is less than the number of countries, Table 4. From column (1) to column (5), when we introduce each con­
and the regression results are therefore free of instrument proliferation. trol variable individually, the coefficient associated with natural re­
Column (1) of Table 3 presents the results of the relationship be­ sources remains positive and statistically significant. In column (6),
tween natural resources and under-five mortality without control vari­ when we introduce the five additional control variables into the same
ables. The coefficient associated with resource rent has a positive and regression, the coefficient associated with resource rent remains positive
statistically significant sign. This suggests that natural resources are on and statistically significant. We can conclude that our result is robust to
average associated with higher under-five mortality rates. When we the inclusion of additional control variables. Regarding additional
control for per capita income in column (2), the sign of the coefficient control variables, in column (1), we find that female parliamentarians
associated with natural resources remains positive and statistically sig­ reduce child mortality. This result is similar to the work of Macmillan
nificant. Furthermore, consistent with Khanam et al. (2009), we show et al. (2018) showing that female parliamentarians are negatively
that income reduces child mortality. We introduce female primary associated with child mortality in developing countries. Similarly, we
school enrollment in column (3). Once again, the effect of natural re­ find that trade openness and foreign aid reduce child mortality. This
sources remains positive and significant, confirming the resource curse result is similar to the findings of Mishra and Newhouse (2009), sug­
thesis. We also find that female education reduces child mortality gesting that aid allocated to health reduces child mortality in recipient
consistent with Grépin and Bharadwaj (2015). Indeed, more educated countries. This result is also similar to those of Jawadi et al. (2018), who
women have better knowledge about preventive and curative measures show that trade openness has a positive effect on health in the MENA
to ensure the health of their children. In column (4), we include the region, as it reduces infant mortality rates and increases life expectancy
growth rate of the urban population. We again find that natural re­ for men and women.
sources are positively associated with under-five mortality. However, Second, we estimate our model using alternative dependent vari­
we find that urbanization increases child mortality. Indeed, the pressure ables. We summarize the results in Table 5. The first-two columns
on health facilities in urban areas, which is characteristic of many summarize the results of estimating the effect of natural resources on
developing regions, leads to increased mortality rates (Arthur and Oai­ under-five mortality by gender. We find that natural resource rents have
khenan, 2017). In column (5), when we consider HIV/AIDS prevalence a positive and significant effect on child mortality by gender, with a
among women, the effect of natural resource rent remains positive and larger effect on male mortality. Then, in columns (3) and (4), we esti­
significant. Thus, natural resources, through their negative effects on mate the effect of resource rents on child mortality by age by dis­
institutional quality, democracy, and health expenditure, lead to higher tinguishing between neonatal mortality (column 3) and infant mortality
under-five mortality rates. Similarly, natural resource dependence being (column 4). Once again, we find that resource rents have a positive effect
a source of wealth for existing generations increases inequality in the on child mortality by age, with the effect being larger for children aged
short and long terms (Sebri and Dachraoui, 2021), which also leads to 0–1 year. Finally, we are interested in the effect of natural resources on
higher infant mortality rates. These results agree with those of Wigley child mortality from infectious diseases such as pneumonia, diarrhea,
(2017), who shows that oil wealth is positively associated with and malaria. We find that natural resources also have a positive and
under-five mortality. We also show that HIV-positive women are more significant effect on deaths from infectious diseases. Specifically, the
likely to infect and cause the deaths of their children. effect is more detrimental on mortality due to pneumonia, mortality due

S. Tadadjeu et al. Resources Policy 83 (2023) 103702

Table 4
Robustness to additional control variables.
Dependent variable: IMR5

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

Lagged IMR5 0.896*** 0.892*** 0.898*** 0.902*** 0.910*** 0.945***

(0.006) (0.013) (0.007) (0.008) (0.004) (0.009)
TNR 0.075*** 0.049*** 0.046*** 0.054*** 0.051*** 0.063***
(0.012) (0.018) (0.017) (0.021) (0.010) (0.016)
Baseline control Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Women in parliaments − 0.049** − 0.044***
(0.023) (0.017)
CO2 emissions v 0.508** 0.050
(0.245) (0.264)
Trade openness − 0.016* − 0.015
(0.009) (0.016)
Ethnic fractionalization 2.060 − 3.276
(1.359) (2.502)
Foreign aid − 0.139*** − 0.130***
(0.014) (0.025)
Constant 28.182*** 35.151*** 29.284*** 22.284*** 28.439*** 28.258***
(2.825) (7.802) (3.652) (5.544) (2.333) (5.803)
Observations 779 734 794 794 807 679
Number of countries 47 47 47 47 47 47
Number of instruments 38 25 31 31 45 35
AR(1) 0.031 0.035 0.046 0.044 0.031 0.002
AR(2) 0.240 0.354 0.260 0.286 0.277 0.311
Hansen OIR 0.549 0.320 0.480 0.171 0.811 0.760

Notes: *, **, *** denote statistical significance at the 10%, 5% and 1% levels respectively. Robust standard errors reported in parenthesis. IMR5 and TNR denote under-
five mortality and natural resource rent, respectively.

Table 5
Robustness to alternative dependent variables.
Dependent variables: Mortality by gender Mortality by age Mortality by causes

Female IMR5 Male IMR5 IMRNEO IMR1 Mortality_ pneumonia Mortality_ Mortality_

diarrhea malaria

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

Lagged dependent variables 0.900*** 0.899*** 0.971*** 0.865*** 0.800*** 0.839*** 0.797***
(0.008) (0.007) (0.023) (0.043) (0.007) (0.003) (0.093)
TNR 0.025** 0.028*** 0.018** 0.062** 0.014*** 0.005** 0.003**
(0.011) (0.010) (0.007) (0.028) (0.002) (0.002) (0.001)
Baseline control Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Constant 32.758*** 35.979*** 3.347* 23.482** 9.954*** 4.838*** 1.818
(3.309) (3.339) (2.017) (10.518) (0.871) (0.398) (1.325)
Observations 823 823 758 823 609 567 567
Number of countries 47 47 47 47 47 46 46
Number of instruments 33 43 40 39 35 40 39
AR(1) 0.046 0.041 0.021 0.013 0.008 0.018 0.039
AR(2) 0.282 0.319 0.123 0.641 0.702 0.509 0.768
Hansen OIR 0.576 0.588 0.196 0.308 0.395 0.523 0.407

Notes: *, **, *** denote statistical significance at the 10%, 5% and 1% levels respectively. Robust standard errors reported in parenthesis. IMR1, IMRNEO and TNR
denote infant mortality, neonatal mortality and natural resource rent, respectively.

to diarrhea, and mortality due to malaria. mortality, child mortality by age, gender, and causes. We find that the
In our empirical estimation, we have so far used annual data, and our coefficient associated with total natural resource rent remains positive
regression results may be affected by business cycle effects. Common and statistically significant in all models. Our results are not affected by
practice is to take 3- or 5-year averages to filter out business cycle in­ the short-run business cycle and thus remain robust to a change in the
fluences. As discussed in Islam and McGillivray (2020), the longer the data structure.
period over which the averages are taken, the less the estimates are
affected by business cycles and transitory dynamics. This leads us to
conduct a third robustness test using data averaged over three years. The 4.3. Do different types of natural resources have different effects?
advantage of using 3-year averages of data is that it limits the prolifer­
ation of instruments and mitigates short-term disturbances that can be Several authors argue that the type of resources matters in the val­
significant (Njangang et al., 2022).5 The results are presented in Table 6, idity of the resource curse hypothesis (Isham et al., 2005; Bulte et al.,
where we have estimated the effect of natural resources on under-five 2005). The literature distinguishes between point resources and diffuse
resources based on the concentration of production patterns and in­
come. Point resources are extracted from a narrow economic and
Averages are taken over 7-year periods (1996–1998, 1999–2001, geographic base and entail oil and minerals (Bulte et al., 2005). The fact
2002–2004, 2005–2007, 2008–2010, 2011–2013, and 2014–2016), then we that these resources are concentrated spatially is an indication that they
take a final 2-year period (2017–2018). can be controlled and protected at a relatively low cost. The diffuse

S. Tadadjeu et al. Resources Policy 83 (2023) 103702

Table 6
Robustness to alternative data structure.
IMR5 Female IMR5 Male IMR5 IMRNEO IMR1 Mortality_ pneumonia Mortality_ Mortality_

diarrhea malaria

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

Lagged dependent variables 0.900*** 0.895*** 0.905*** 0.977*** 0.929*** 0.712*** 0.656*** 0.569***
(0.007) (0.008) (0.007) (0.006) (0.008) (0.037) (0.032) (0.012)
TNR 0.047*** 0.052*** 0.039** 0.013*** 0.019* 0.031** 0.027*** 0.008***
(0.016) (0.017) (0.016) (0.005) (0.011) (0.012) (0.010) (0.001)
Baseline control Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Constant − 4.692* − 4.440* − 5.360** − 3.348*** − 5.442*** 7.972** − 0.903 1.952***
(2.404) (2.571) (2.417) (0.678) (1.575) (3.404) (1.454) (0.136)
Observations 233 233 233 233 233 59 90 168
Number of countries 47 47 47 47 47 17 18 47
Number of instruments 37 37 37 37 37 26 32 42
AR(1) 0.059 0.062 0.060 0.001 0.007 0.030 0.048 0.093
AR(2) 0.118 0.112 0.135 0.502 0.391 0.289 0.622 0.244
Hansen OIR 0.248 0.262 0.235 0.403 0.222 0.915 0.989 0.276

Notes: *, **, *** denote statistical significance at the 10%, 5% and 1% levels respectively. Robust standard errors reported in parenthesis. IMR5, IMR1, IMRNEO and
TNR denote under-five mortality, infant mortality, neonatal mortality and natural resource rent, respectively.

resource are rather scattered in space and have a greater understanding between natural resources and under-five mortality. In this perspective,
of agricultural or forest products. first, we assume that individual governance quality moderates the
Table 7 summarizes the results of estimating the effect of different relationship between natural resources and under-five mortality. Sec­
resource rents on under-five mortality. We find that point resources ond, we assume that, composite governance also mitigates the positive
(such as minerals, natural gas, and oil) have a positive and significant effect of total resource rents on under-five mortality. We put the first
effect on under-five mortality. Specifically, oil rent has the largest effect, claim to the test by estimating models that include each governance
followed by natural gas rent. However, we find that forest rent has a indicator proposed by WGI, as well as a term that represents its inter­
weak negative effect on under-five mortality. According to the litera­ action with total rents.
ture, these results suggest that dependence on point resources, through We summarize our estimation results in Table 8. We find that the
their deleterious effects on the quality of institutions and the risk of coefficients of the interaction terms between natural resources and four
conflicts, leads to poor economic and social performance, whereas indicators of the quality of governance are negative and significant.
dependence on diffuse resources does not. Specifically, we find that control of corruption, government effective­
ness, political stability, and voice and accountability moderate the
positive effect of natural resources on under-five mortality. Thus, the
4.4. Can governance lift the curse? effect of natural resources on child mortality is conditioned by the
quality of governance. In other words, better control of corruption,
We analyze the extent to which governance shapes the relationship improved government effectiveness, coupled with political stability and
accountability, mitigate, the resource curse for child health. Consistent
Table 7 with contemporary threshold literature based on interactive regressions
Effects of different resource types on under five mortality. (Tchamyou and Asongu, 2017; Asongu et al., 2018; Tchamyou, 2019;
Dependent variable: IMR5
Njangang et al., 2022), we compute the corresponding governance
policy thresholds that should be attained in order to reverse the positive
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
effects of natural resources on child mortality. These thresholds are
Lagged IMR5 0.959*** 0.936*** 0.906*** 0.922*** 0.886*** obtained by dividing the unconditional effect of the total rents by the
(0.039) (0.009) (0.024) (0.021) (0.009)
absolute value of the associated conditional or interactive effect. Fig. 2
Coal rent − 0.215
(0.683) shows the marginal effects of resource rents on under-five mortality
Forest rent − 0.106** conditional on individual indicators of governance quality. The mar­
(0.049) ginal effect of natural resources is negative when corruption control,
Mineral rent 0.118* government effectiveness, political stability, and accountability are
above a certain threshold.
Gas rent 2.972**
(1.400) We test the second assertion by examining the role of aggregated
Oil rent 0.067*** governance indicators and distinguishing between general governance,
(0.020) political governance, economic governance, and institutional gover­
Baseline Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
nance. This approach provides precise information on the extent to
Constant 2.827 16.528*** 23.696** 29.814*** 29.292*** which governance transforms natural resources to reduce child mor­
(15.601) (5.888) (11.633) (10.724) (3.658) tality. The results summarized in Table 9 show that the coefficient
Observations 794 828 827 778 823 associated with the interaction variable between natural resources and
Number of 47 47 47 47 47 general governance is negative and significant. This suggests that
improved general governance partially mitigates the positive effect of
Number of 34 28 44 18 34
instruments natural resources on under-five mortality. Regarding the different forms
AR(1) 0.240 0.236 0.251 0.300 0.250 of governance, we find that political governance, economic and insti­
AR(2) 0.268 0.289 0.282 0.276 0.326 tutional governance attenuates the effect of resource rents on child
Hansen OIR 0.189 0.164 0.847 0.563 0.497
mortality. Consistent with the narrative in Table 8, the corresponding
Notes: *, **, *** denote statistical significance at the 10%, 5% and 1% levels composite governance thresholds needed to overturn the effect of nat­
respectively. Robust standard errors reported in parenthesis. IMR5 denotes ural resources are also provided. Similarly, in Fig. 3, we see that the
under-five mortality.

S. Tadadjeu et al. Resources Policy 83 (2023) 103702

Table 8
The role of individual governance quality.
Dependent variable: IMR5

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

Lagged IMR5 0.860*** 0.874*** 0.908*** 0.850*** 0.887*** 0.882***

(0.005) (0.007) (0.004) (0.003) (0.008) (0.007)
TNR 0.021*** 0.020** 0.031*** 0.035*** 0.083*** 0.015*
(0.007) (0.009) (0.007) (0.011) (0.026) (0.008)
Control of Corrupt. − 1.914***
TNR × Control of Corrupt. − 0.039***
Gov. Effectiveness − 0.724***
TNR × Gov. Effectiveness − 0.022***
Political Stability − 0.148
TNR × Political Stability − 0.041***
Regulatory Quality − 0.450***
TNR × Regulatory Quality − 0.039***
Rule of Law − 0.783
TNR × Rule of Law 0.026
Voice and Account. 0.150
TNR × Voice and Account. − 0.016**
Baseline control Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Constant 36.073*** 31.174*** 12.009*** 35.775*** 31.728*** 14.480***
(2.172) (2.498) (2.075) (2.375) (3.600) (3.139)
Individual governance thresholds 0.538 0.909 0.756 0.897 na 0.937
Observations 594 594 675 594 594 594
Number of countries 47 47 47 47 47 47
Number of instruments 41 40 46 30 38 40
AR(1) 0.081 0.005 0.000 0.072 0.011 0.058
AR(2) 0.521 0.580 0.356 0.556 0.680 0.532
Hansen OIR 0.286 0.615 0.525 0.320 0.192 0.220

Notes: *, **, *** denote statistical significance at the 10%, 5% and 1% levels respectively. Robust standard errors reported in parenthesis. na: not applicable because at
least one estimated coefficient needed for the computation of thresholds is not significant. IMR5 and TNR denote under-five mortalityand natural resource rent,

marginal effect of natural resources is negative when overall gover­ The adverse effect of natural resources on child survival is likely due
nance, political governance, economic governance, and institutional to the fact that the ruling elites have little incentive to invest in and take
governance are above a certain threshold. effective actions to improve child health. However, this trend can be
broken if strong institutions ensure that political leaders are more
5. Concluding implications and future research directions accountable to the people. Thus, there is an urgent need for African
countries to continue with efforts towards improving governance. Some
Abundant literature has shown a negative relationship between countries have already begun this process, but much remains to be done.
natural resources and economic growth, known as the resource curse. In In addition, in order to achieve the SDG target of reducing under-five
recent years, several studies have extended the resource curse hypoth­ mortality to less than 25 per 1000 births by 2030, it is important that
esis to quality of life, including health outcomes. To contribute to this African leaders allocate a fraction of their resources to the health sector
emerging literature, this paper has studied the effect of natural resources in order to subsidize the treatment and prevention of common childhood
on child mortality in 50 African countries for the period 1996–2018. The diseases.
results show that total resource rent has a positive effect on under-five The importance of political and institutional governance in moder­
mortality. We also find that natural resource dependence has a posi­ ating the positive effects of natural resources on child mortality has two
tive effect on under-five mortality by age, gender, and the three major main direct policy implications: (i) the procedures by which political
causes of child mortality from infectious diseases, namely, mortality leaders are elected and replaced should be improved in sampled coun­
from pneumonia, diarrhea, and malaria. Looking at the types of re­ tries. Such is the definition of political governance as conceptualized,
sources, we find that the resource curse is attributed to point resources measured, and applied in this study in the light of extant literature
(such as oil, natural gas, and mineral rents), as opposed to diffuse re­ (Asongu and Odhiambo, 2019; Tchamyou, 2021). (ii) By the same vein
sources (such as forest rents), which have a negative effect on child (Asongu and Odhiambo, 2021), procedures by which the state and cit­
mortality. Finally, we provide evidence that improving the quality of izens respect institutions that govern interactions between them (i.e.
governance, particularly political and institutional governance, miti­ institutional governance) should improve.
gates the resource curse. Corresponding governance policy thresholds In light of the established importance of governance dynamics in
that should be attained in order to reverse the unfavorable effects of moderating the unfavorable incidence of natural resources on child
resources on child mortality are provided. mortality, the corresponding governance policy thresholds that have

S. Tadadjeu et al. Resources Policy 83 (2023) 103702

Fig. 2. Average marginal effects of natural resources rent with individuals measures of governance.

been provided are indicative of the actionable measures that sampled

Table 9
countries should take in order to enhance suggested governance mea­
The role of composite indicators of governance quality.
sures to levels at which the natural resource curse with respect to child
Dependent variable: IMR5 mortality is no longer apparent. In other words, at the established
(1) (2) (3) (4) governance thresholds, governance completely dampens the effect of
Lagged IMR5 0.849*** 0.843*** 0.862*** 0.853***
natural resources in order to engender overall negative impacts on child
(0.004) (0.008) (0.008) (0.009) mortality dynamics.
TNR 0.033*** 0.022*** 0.033** 0.032** This study obviously leaves room for improving extant knowledge in
(0.006) (0.005) (0.014) (0.013) this area of economic development, especially as it relates to examining
G. Gov − 0.243***
whether these findings withstand empirical scrutiny within country-
TNR × G. Gov − 0.017*** specific remits. Accordingly, engaging country-specific studies is rele­
(0.004) vant for country-specific implications and, by extension, addresses a
Pol. Gov − 0.899*** shortcoming in the adopted estimation strategy which fails to account
(0.083) for country-specific effects in order to avoid concerns of endogeneity
TNR × Pol. Gov − 0.014*
pertaining to the correlation between the lagged outcome variable and
Eco. Gov − 0.077 the error term. In the same vein, it would also be very interesting if
(0.201) future research on the relationship between natural/mineral resources
TNR × Eco. Gov − 0.027*** and health (child and maternal) could be examined at the micro level.
Indeed, there are few studies that explore the resource curse at the micro
Inst. Gov − 0.548***
(0.140) level, particularly in Africa. This opens the door to examining whether
TNR × Inst. Gov − 0.025*** revenues from natural resource exploitation can improve access to
(0.009) health services and health outcomes in specific countries and to drawing
Baseline control Yes Yes Yes Yes policy implications.
Constant 35.494*** 34.271*** 40.958*** 37.700***
(1.233) (3.365) (4.898) (4.041)
Composite governance 1.941 1.571 1.222 1.28 Authors’ statement
Observations 594 645 594 556
Number of countries 47 47 47 47
Sosson Tadadjeu: conceptualisation, data analysis, writing of paper
Number of instruments 40 40 39 42 and proofreading of final manuscript. Henri Njangang: conceptualisa­
AR(1) 0.064 0.024 0.092 0.005 tion, data analysis, writing of paper and proofreading of final manu­
AR(2) 0.493 0.627 0.612 0.627 script. Simplice A. Asongu: conceptualisation, data analysis, writing of
Hansen OIR 0.301 0.222 0.412 0.257
paper and proofreading of final manuscript. Brice Kamguia: con­
Notes: *, **, *** denote statistical significance at the 10%, 5% and 1% levels ceptualisation, data analysis, writing of paper and proofreading of final
respectively. Robust standard errors reported in parenthesis. na: not applicable manuscript.
because at least one estimated coefficient needed for the computation of
thresholds is not significant. IMR5 and TNR denote under-five mortalityand
natural resource rent, respectively. G. Gov (General Governance), Pol. gov Declaration of competing interest
(Political Governance), Eco. gov (Economic Governance), Inst. gov (Institutional
The authors have no conflict of interest.

S. Tadadjeu et al. Resources Policy 83 (2023) 103702

Fig. 3. Average marginal effects of natural resources rent with composites measures of governance.

Data availability

Data will be made available on request.

Table A1
List of the countries

Algeria Comoros Gabon Mali Senegal

Angola Congo, Dem, Rep, Gambia, The Mauritania Sierra Leone

Benin Congo, Rep, Ghana Mauritius South Africa
Botswana Cote d’Ivoire Guinea Morocco Sudan
Burkina Faso Djibouti Guinea-Bissau Mozambique Tanzania
Burundi Egypt, Arab Rep, Kenya Namibia Togo
Cabo Verde Equatorial Guinea Lesotho Niger Tunisia
Cameroon Eritrea Liberia Nigeria Uganda
Central African Republic Eswatini Madagascar Rwanda Zambia
Chad Ethiopia Malawi Sao Tome and Principe Zimbabwe

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