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Class: ISC XII II semester- Pre board 1 [March 2022 Time: 9) mins

Sub: English Literature [paper 2] Max Marks: 40

Question 1
A Read the lines given below and answer the questions given after each: Ix8-8

. Ferdinand: 1 do believe it
Against an oracle.
acquisition worthily purchased take my
Prospero: Then, as my gift and thine own

I.What does Ferdinand 'believe'?
a. Prospero's tales about his Dukedom
b. Prospero's praise of Miranda
C. Prospero's prophesy regarding his kingship
d. None of the above
11. What does 'oracle' mean here in the extract?
a. The prediction by someone with supernatural powers.
b. The judgement passed by Prospero.
c. The who appears with Ariel.
d. The Greek mythological character.
II1. What is the 'gift' referred to here in the extract?
a. along with its inhabitants.
The island
for Miranda
b. The treasure that Prospero has kept
with all her grace and beauty
c. Miranda, the virtuous,
d. All of the above
to must have been mad,
letter, bought hat-stand to-day-Basil..."
B. "Pay no attention
letter betore?
IV. What had Basil written in the
a. ie was in love with s o m e o n e
buy a hat-stand
b. He does not wish to
c. He was not a martying inan

d. He did not Like Miss Meadows

after receiving the letter?

Miss Meadows was
. .

a. relieved

b. despained
c. indifferent

d. vengefu!
VI Basil's telegran1 made lher ieturnu to the nmusic hall....
a. downhearted
b. On rosy
C. disgusted
d. On the
wings of hope
"W'orld-losers and world-forskers,
On whom the
pale moon gleans:"
VI In the poenm 'We are the music
makers', the artists are considered to be the
Harbingers of the new world
b. Destroyers of the world
c. Saviours of the world
d. Sleeping souls of the world
VII. These music makers are.i n the eyes ofthe people
a. Worthless escapists
b. Lonely people
c. Adorable creatures
. All the above

SECTIONB (32 marks]

Answer the following questions as briely as possible and with close rcference to the
relevant text.

Question 2
i. How does Prospero emerge as a moral teacher in act IV of the Tempest? [4]
ii. In act V of "The Tempest', how does Ariel express his sympathy for Prospero's enemies [4]
Question 3
How does the story 'Sound Machine' by Roald Dahl, convey Klausner's concern for the
envirenment? [4]
ii. Elaborate the use of 4 important examples of symbolism that Mansfield uses to create a poetic
work of art called "The Singing Lesson'? 141

Question 4
i. Winat was the dying confession of B. Wordsworth? Why did he make this cenfession?[4]
Briefly descrike the narrator's first meeting with B. Wordsworth [4]

Quesiion 5
i. Descibe the niglit scene at Dover Beach in the poem, Dover Beach'?
ii. In the poum " We are the Music Makers", the poet establishes the power of artists. How? 14]

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