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Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 66 (2014) 41–50

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Chaos, Solitons & Fractals

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Goodness of fit assessment for a fractal model of stock markets

Massimiliano Frezza ⇑
University of Cassino and Southern Lazio, Department of Economics and L.I.S.A., Campus Folcara, Via S. Angelo-03043, Cassino, Italy

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: An assessment of the goodness of fit of a new stochastic model of stock dynamics is
Received 7 May 2013 investigated. The model is the multifractional Brownian motion (mBm), introduced
Accepted 13 May 2014 independently by Péltier and Lévy Véhel (1995) [2] and Benassi (1997) [3]. The analysis
concerns the (un)conditional distributions of log-variations of the Dow Jones Industrial
Average (DJIA). By comparing the performance of mBm with respect to a Garch (1,1), we
argue that the former captures the distributional features as well as the pathwise empirical
ones displayed by the U.S. Dow Jones index, while the Garch (1,1) works better in global
Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction works were developed during the past years in the field
of non linear continuous time processes as (multi)frac-
Reams and reams have been written about the incapa- tional models or in econometry as ARCH-based family in
bility of the traditional Gaussian tools to capture the discrete time, each of them built to somehow seize the
well-known stylized facts displayed by financial time ser- stylized facts. The (multi)fractional approaches gained
ies and covered in a celebrated work by Cont [1]. In details, popularity basically in geophysics, in the field of signal
these anomalies are: (1) Absence of (linear) autocorrela- and imaging processing and recently also in finance
tion, (2) Heavy tails, (3) Gain/loss of asymmetry, (4) Aggre- ([4,5]), but the employment of this new model is still
gational Gaussianity, (5) Intermittency, (6) Volatility limited in this context, owing to the unsolved questions
clustering, (7) Conditional heavy tails, (8) Slow decay of it raises about the exclusion of arbitrage. Briefly, the fBm
autocorrelation in absolute (squared) returns, (9) Leverage satisfies ‘‘nice’’ statistical properties but reveals itself
effect, (10) Volume/volatility correlation, (11) Asymmetry unable to model phenomena (such as the price variations)
in time scales. whose regularity changes through time, sometimes
In this work, we will assume that the stock indexes abruptly. This limit, which is overcome by mBm, is
follow multifractional Brownian motions, a family of non- due to the constancy of the parameter H 2 ð0; 1 which
linear stochastic processes introduced independently by prescribes the time independent regularity of the fBm.
[2] and [3] as an extension of the well-known fractional Briefly, the mBm replaces the constant parameter H by a
Brownian motion (fBm). Indeed, although many attempts deterministic function of time HðtÞ which allows us to
were carried out to match theory and practice in finance, control the pointwise regularity, and therefore to account
the traditional Gaussian modeling does not give satisfac- for the bursts of variance. In this regard, it is well-known
tory answers. Starting with these considerations, by relax- that different market conditions originate an uneven
ing the assumption of independence and/or identical impact on the financial dynamics; when uncertainty
distribution of the price variations, a growing number of predominates, the consequent quick buy-and-sell activity
tends to generate mean-reversion and high volatility in
⇑ Tel.: +39 7762994845. prices. Contrarily, when information is perceived by
E-mail address: investors as confirmative of their past open positions,
0960-0779/Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
42 M. Frezza / Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 66 (2014) 41–50

prices tend to follow trends which reflect themselves in with the random walk hypothesis as suggested by [17]
price low volatility. This mechanism implies the so called (among others). Consequently, we compare the mBm with
volatility clustering effect, which in its turn causes high Garch (1,1) also in terms of autocorrelations. The paper is
peaks and fat tails in the unconditional distributions of organized as follows: Section 2 provides a review of litera-
returns. Thus, while the fBm seems to be inappropriate in ture, while the sliding window estimator is proposed in
seizing this effect, the mBm succeeds in matching this styl- Section 3. Section 4 shows the empirical applications.
ized fact right because of its time-varying functional Actual data is described in Sub-Section 4.1, while the fit-
parameter. ting analysis is developed in Sub-Section 4.2. In conclusion,
In this concern, very interesting results about the capa- Sections 5 and 6 regard discussion and conclusions.
bility of mBm in describing the time-varying volatility
come from the recent work by Corlay et al. [6] that, in their 2. An overview of literature
turn, extend the model studied in Comte and Renault [7].
The latter describe the dynamics of the price of a risky The pioneering1 work which introduced the fBm as a mov-
asset by using a fBm as driving noise of (log) volatility. ing average of the Brownian motion was due to Mandelbrot
Despite their model accounts for relevant concepts in price and Van Ness [19]. This process is characterized by a slowly
modeling such as long-range correlations in volatility, the decaying autocorrelation function which depends on the
semimartingale property of prices and the capability to parameter H (named Hurst or Hölder parameter) belonging
capture lower (higher) persistence in volatility process in to the interval (0, 1]. It can be shown (see [20] for a survey bib-
the short (long) term (Comte et al. [8]), the approach pro- liography) that fBm’s increments are the only zero-mean
posed by Comte and Renault arises also some problems Gaussian, stationary, self-similar2 sequence with autocovari-
n o
such as a rigidity in fitting the volatility surface due to 2
ance function .ðaÞ ¼ K2 ða þ 1Þ2H  2a2H þ ja  1j2H , where
the constancy of H of fBm which implies also a constant
regularity (contrarily to actual data). In order to overcome a > 0 is the lag and K is a scale factor (if K ¼ 1 the motion is
these difficulties, Corlay et al. re-proposed the model of called reduced). One of the most remarkable property of the
Comte and Renault by replacing the fBm by an mBm, i.e. fBm concerns its capability to capture the long-range depen-
by replacing the parameter H of fBm by a smooth function dence3 in a time series; in fact when H 2 0; 12 the motion dis-
h in (0, 1). This allows them both to fit the nonstationarity plays antipersistence (the more evident it is the more H
local regularity of volatility as measured on data and main- decreases to 0), when H 2 12 ; 1 the fBm shows persistence
taining long range dependence properties. In particular, by (the stronger it is the more H tends to 1) while when H ¼ 12
adequately choosing the smooth function h, authors show it reduces to the ordinary Brownian motion. In 1995 Péltier
that it is possible to mimic a given implied surface better and Lévy Véhel [2] generalized the fBm, by allowing to the
than Hull & White model driven by an fBm (as in the case Hurst parameter to change over time, becoming in this way
of Comte and Renault). While Corlay et al. obtain these a function H : ð0; 1Þ ! ð0; 1 (Hölderian function4). In fact,
promising results in terms of volatility, in this work we once the lag is fixed, the autocovariance function of a fBm
focus on the capability of mBm in reproducing the mar- depends only on H; from a financial viewpoint this means that
ginal distributions of log-variations for the U.S. Dow Jones the intensity of dependence between observed prices changes
index by assuming an mBm as driving process. To do this, along the path according to a change of H.
we compare how mBm performs with respect to the well- This extension, referred to as multifractional Brownian
known Garch (1,1) model [9] (symmetric or vanilla Garch), motion (mBm), has the following stochastic representation:
whose fat tailed appearance is linked to the above recall Z
intermittence (or volatility clustering). In fact, relaxing BHðtÞ;KðtÞ ðtÞ ¼ KðtÞV 2HðtÞ ft ðsÞdBðsÞ ð1Þ
the hypothesis of identical distribution, the main recog- R

nized property of the family of Arch-based models is their where

capacity to account for the conditional heteroscedasticity, n
1 1 1
by assuming the today’s conditional variance is a weighted ft ðsÞ ¼  1
 jt  sjHðtÞ2  I  1; t½ðsÞ  jsjHðtÞ2  I
average of past squared unexpected returns (see Section 2 C HðtÞ þ 2
for details). Despite the large number of variants proposed  1; 0½ðsÞ
in literature to improve the model’s goodness of fit (see,
e.g., [10–15]), the GARCH (p,q) remains the very bench-
mark and for this reason we choose it as term of compari-
son in evaluating the goodness of fit of a discretized Actually, the former traces of the fBm can be tracked back to the
seminal works by Kolmogorov [18].
version of mBm. Another effect concerning the volatility 2
The stochastic process fXðtÞ; t 2 TÞg is called self-similar with parameter
clustering is represented by the significant positive auto- n o
H if for any a > 0; XðatÞ ¼ aH XðtÞ , where the equality holds for the finite-
correlation in the squared or absolute returns, contrarily
dimensional distributions of the process (see, e.g., [21]).
to linear returns that do not exhibit significant autocorre- 3
Let fXðtÞ; t 2 TÞg be a stationary process. If there exist a real number
lation: the larger the price variations, the larger the follow- a 2 ð0; 1Þ and a constant cq > 0 such that limk!1 cqq ðkÞ k
a ¼ 1 or alternatively

ing. In this direction, empirical works on indexes or stocks qðkÞ  cq ka as k ! 1, then X t is called a stationary process with long
(see, e.g., [16]) indicate that the autocorrelation of squared memory or long range dependence or strong dependence.
The Hölder exponent measures the degree of irregularity of the graph
or absolute returns is positive and decays slowly, remain- of a function. Formally, the function h : R ! R is called a ðb; cÞ-Hölder
ing significantly positive over several days or sometimes function, with b > 0 and c > 0, if and only if for all t1 ; t 2 such that
weeks (the so-called ARCH effect); this is incompatible jt 1  t2 j < 1 it holds jhðt1 Þ  hðt 2 Þj6cjt1  t 2 jb .
M. Frezza / Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 66 (2014) 41–50 43

and H : ½0; 1½!0; 1 is a Hölderian function (which ensures to fBm in order to describe those dynamics whose regular-
the continuity of the motion), I is the indicator function ity changes over time. For this reason it is not senseless to
and V HðtÞ ¼ Cð2HðtÞ þ 1Þ sinðpHðtÞÞ. From (1) it is easy to assume mBm as a possible model of prices’ movements
note that the mBm is Gaussian with 0 mean and variance that change from periods of high volatility in the price
h i
E ðBHðtÞ;KðtÞ Þ2 ¼ KðtÞjtj2HðtÞ . It is worthwhile to underline (antipersistence), marked by a quick buy and sell activity,
to periods of low volatility in which the information is per-
that the mBm differs from the well-known Multifractal ceived by investors as a confirmation of their past open
Model (Mandelbrot et al. [22]). In fact, the former controls positions (persistence). Thus, HðtÞ can be viewed as the
the local regularity of a time series by changes to the point- ‘‘degree of confidence’’ assigned to the past by agents
wise Hölder exponent, whereas the latter obtains similar who influenced the price of the asset itself. This interpreta-
results by properly deforming the physical time scale (for tion is natural and intuitive if one looks at HðtÞ in dynam-
a comparative study see, e.g., [23]). One of the most ical terms with respect to the meaning of the Hurst
remarkable properties of mBm regards its local asymptot- parameter of fBm. Fig. 1 provides an example of how
ical self-similarity (see [3]) in the sense that, denoted by mBm works; it displays a sample path (panel a) generated
Zðt; auÞ ¼ BHðtþauÞ ðt þ auÞ  BHðtÞ ðtÞ the increment process by a sine function HðtÞ ¼ 0:5 þ 0:3ðsinð4ptÞÞ (panel c) via
of the mBm at time t, and lag au, and by X HðtÞ a fBm with the Wood and Chan algorithm (see [24]); panel (b) shows
parameter HðtÞ, then lima!0þ aHðtÞ Zðt; auÞ ¼ X HðtÞ ðuÞ; u 2 R. the first differences. If on one hand, the relaxation of the
The previous distributional equality basically states that assumption of independence leads to the definition of
at any point t there exists a fBm with parameter HðtÞ fBm (and hence, more recently, of mBm) since 1982 the
tangent to the mBm. This implies that, assumed relaxation of the assumption of identical distribution lead
fBði; nÞ; i ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; ng to be a discretized version of to other very well-known econometric models such as
mBm, the infinitesimal increments of mBm distribute as: the Arch-based models. Principally focused on the volatil-
 ity clustering, they were first introduced in [25] by Engle.
 q 2HðiÞ 
Following his approach, the ARCH (p) captures the condi-
Bðj þ q; nÞ  Bðj; nÞ  N 0; K 2 ð2Þ
n1 tional heteroscedasticity of financial returns by assuming
that today’s conditional variance is a weighted average of
for j ¼ i  d; . . . ; i  q; i ¼ d þ 1; . . . ; n; q ¼ 1; . . . ; d. Here d past squared unexpected returns, namely
represents the window in which a fBm behaves as a
mBm, K2 Rþ and HðÞ 2 ð0; 1. r2t ¼ a0 þ a1 e2t1 þ a2 e2t2 þ a3 e2t3 þ . . . þ ap e2tp ð3Þ
In other words, if one assumes fBði; nÞ; i ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; ng
to be a discretized version of mBm then it locally behaves a0 > 0; a1 ; a2 ; a3 ; . . . ; ap P 0; et jIt  N 0; r2t
like a fBm of given Hölder exponent; this is a consequence
of the Hölderianity of HðtÞ combined with the local where It is the available set of information. If a major
asymptotical self-similarity property of mBm. In statistical market movement occurred yesterday, the day before or
terms, the mBm loses the property of stationarity and self- up to p days ago, the effect is to increase today’s condi-
similarity of increments but it is more flexible with respect tional variance because all parameters are constrained to

Fig. 1. Panel (a) a trajectory of mBm, panel (b) mBm variations, panel (c) sine functional HðtÞ.
44 M. Frezza / Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 66 (2014) 41–50

be non-negative (and a0 large is constrained to be strictly through time. Estimators proposed for the functional
positive). There is no difference whether the market move- parameter of mBm are mainly based on two approaches:
ment is positive or negative, since all unexpected returns (1) generalized quadratic variations (see, among others,
are squared on the right-hand side of (3). It is a common [28–31]) and (2) average variations of a Gaussian random
ascertainment that for financial data it is more appropriate variable. As for the latter group, the first work is due to Pél-
to use a generalization of this model, the symmetric tier and Lévy Véhel [32] who defined a class of estimator
GARCH introduced in [9] (see also [26] for a complete based on the absolute moment of a normal random vari-
review). The fundamental idea in GARCH is to add a second able in order to evaluate the parameter H of a fBm. Follow-
equation to the standard regression model providing the ing this direction, Bianchi [4] defined the ‘‘sliding window’’
conditional mean equation. In practice, many of the GARCH estimator (also called ‘‘Moving Window Absolute Moment-
models, take the simplest possible conditional mean equa- Based Estimators’’), by extending the work of Péltier and
tion, for example Lévy Véhel to cover the case of the functional parameter
of an mBm. By exploiting the Gaussianity of mBm, the fol-
r t ¼ c þ et ð4Þ
lowing pointwise Hölder exponent, that will be used in the
in which the return rt is the sum of a constant and an application of this work, was developed:
uncorrelated white noise. The second equation rules the    k02 
conditional variance. A full Garch ðp; qÞ model adds q auto- log 2k02 C kþ1
regressive terms to the ARCH (p) specification (from here Hkd;N ðtÞ ¼
k logðN  1Þ
the generalization), and the conditional variance equation pffiffiffi P 
t1 k
takes the following form: log dp j¼td X jþ1;N  X j;N
k logðN  1Þ
r2t ¼ a0 þ a1 e2t1 þ a2 e2t2 þ a3 e2t3 þ . . . þ ap e2tp þ b1 r2t1
þ b2 r2t2 þ b3 r2t3 þ . . . þ bq r2tq ; for j ¼ t  d; . . . ; t  1; t ¼ d þ 1; . . . ; N; k P 1. It can be
shown that, when H 2 0; 34 (case of financial interest), 
1 1
the estimators’ rate of convergence is O d2 ðlog N Þ , that
a0 > 0; a1 ; a2 ; a3 ; . . . ; ap ; b1 ; b2 ; b3 ; . . . ; bq P 0 allows to get reliable estimates even for very short d0 s. Esti-
Here mator (7) was proved to be correct and normally distrib-
uted as follows
et ¼ zt rt ð5Þ !
where zt is an independent, identically distributed Hkd;N ðtÞ  N HðtÞ; 2 2   2 r

sequence of random variables that distribute as N ð0; 1Þ. dk ln ðN  1Þ2k C kþ1

It is remarkable that, since innovations et are serially
When H ¼ 12 the variance of estimator can be written as:
uncorrelated, GARCH modeling does not violate the effi-
cient market theory. However, in applications it is rarely p
necessary to use more than a Garch (1,1) model, which Var Hkd;N ðtÞ ¼ 2 2  2
dk ln ðN  1Þ C kþ1
has just one lagged error square and one autoregressive
term. Using the standard notation the symmetric (generic 2k þ 1 1 kþ1
 C  pffiffiffiffi C
or vanilla) GARCH (1,1) model is: 2 p 2
r2t ¼ x þ ae2t1 þ br2t1 ð6Þ In the next section, devoted to application, the follow-
x > 0, and a; b P 0. The parameters a and b assume a ing parameters5 will be set: q ¼ 1; k ¼ 2; d ¼ 30; K ¼ 1.
well-defined meaning in this contest; in fact their size Indeed, it was shown in [4] that the variance of the estima-
determines the short-run dynamics of the resulting volatil- tor (7) is increasing with q, so the natural choice is to set
ity series. When b is large, shocks to conditional variance q ¼ 1 (a financial day). Moreover, it can be seen that k ¼ 2
take a long time to die out; so volatility is persistent. Large is the value which minimizes the variance with respect to
a’s mean that volatility reacts quite intensely to market the central value H ¼ 12. The length of the ‘‘window’’ d ¼ 30
movements; thus if a is relatively high and b is relatively poses a trade-off problem. On one side, since the estimator
low then volatility tends to be more ‘spiky’. In financial variance is decreasing with d, the higher delta the smoother
applications, common values for a and b are found to be the estimates; on the other side it describes the pointwise
approximately equal to 0.2 and 0.8, respectively. Both the financial information and therefore the larger it is the
parsimony in estimating only four parameters and the greater the pointwise information lost is. Since the modeling
capability in capturing most of the variability in many process of the stock index is a reduced mBM we set K ¼ 1
return series represent points of strength of Garch model- (this problem was deeply studied by Coeurjolly in [33] and
ing as pointed up by [27]. recently in [34]). Just to give an example in support of our
choice, recently Gaci and Zaourar [35] used the estimator
of Bianchi to study the discontinuities lithology. They
3. The ‘‘sliding window’’ estimator
The analysis we perform in this paper has been carried out through a
The attempt to revise the asymptotical estimators in dedicated software described in [23]. This software was implemented in
order to increase their rate of convergence constitutes a the Computer-Lab L.I.S.A. (Laboratorio Informatico per le applicazioni
classical problem when one assumes that H changes Scientifiche Avanzate) of the University of Cassino and Southern Lazio, Italy.
M. Frezza / Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 66 (2014) 41–50 45

Table 1
Main descriptive statistics.

S S1 S2 S3 S4 S5

Mean ð10 4
Þ 3.7458 5.6779 5.2156 5.2090 5.2446 1.8137
Std 0.0102 0.0077 0.0096 0.0103 0.0102 0.0121
Max 0.0615 0.0447 0.0486 0.0486 0.0447 0.0615
Min 0.0745 0.0401 0.0745 0.0745 0.0401 0.0745
Skewness 0.2249 0.1878 0.4453 0.4295 0.1878 0.1881
Kurtosis 7.5079 5.4696 8.0804 7.3285 5.4696 6.5071

Fig. 2. Analysis of DJIA.

Table 2 1990 to February 16, 2005 (3775 obs.). Table 1 shows the
Fitting: K–S results. A first approach. main descriptive statistics of log-variations obtained on
both the whole time series indicated by S ¼ ½1:3774
S S1 S2 S3 S4 S5
and subsamples S 1 ¼ ½1:1887; S 2 ¼ ½500:2837; S 3 ¼
½1000:2887; S 4 ¼ ½1200:3087 and S 5 ¼ ½1888:3774. The
ða ¼ 0; 05Þ 95.39 92.10 99.50 100.00 100.00 100.00
ða ¼ 0; 01Þ 99.82 99.80 99.90 100.00 100.00 100.00 reason of this partitioning will be explained in detail in
the next section. Fig. 2 displays the log-variations (panel
GARCH (1,1)
ða ¼ 0; 05Þ 20.23 23.70 19.60 32.30 23.60 59.33 a), the sample autocorrelation function6 computed on the
ða ¼ 0; 01Þ 36.50 43.90 33.00 45.20 35.70 73.11 simple log-variations (panel b), the estimated pointwise
Hölder exponent (panel c) and the sample autocorrelation
function of squared log-variations (panel d).
defined the algorithm ‘‘for its simplicity and accuracy’’ an As expected from the stylized facts, the values of
appropriate tool for estimating the local time-varying Hurst kurtosis and skewness are far from those prescribed by
exponent. the Gaussian law. Again, according to what heuristics
state, the log-variations do not exhibit significant (linear)
autocorrelation whereas squared variations do (Fig. 2,
4. Empirical analysis
panels (b)–(d)). Furthermore, looking at panel (a) another
4.1. Actual data and estimations
We adopt the standard procedure of Box et al. [27]. They compute the
The analysis concerns the daily closing price of the ACF by removing the sample mean of the input series and then normalizing
U.S. Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) from March 01, the sequence in such a way that the ACF at lag zero is unity, see [27].
46 M. Frezza / Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 66 (2014) 41–50

Fig. 3. Actual vs simulation.

well-known market anomaly is evident: the volatility clus- analysis was performed on both the whole time series
tering. This effect is stressed if one splits the series in two indicated by S ¼ ½1:3774 and on the subsamples S 1 ¼
parts; the first one (left), dominated by lower daily volatil- ½1:1887; S 2 ¼ ½500:2837; S 3 ¼ ½1000:2887; S 4 ¼ ½1200:3087
ity, and the second one (right) by higher daily volatility. and S 5 ¼ ½1888:3774. Note that S 1 and S 5 split the whole
This graphical intuition is sized by the estimated functional sequence into equal intervals, while the other windows are
parameter HðtÞ (Fig. 2, panel (c)) whose paths alternate obtained by sequentially shifting the previous window of
values lower than 0.5 (antipersistence/high volatility) and five hundred observations (except for S 4 obtained by shift-
values larger than 0.5 (persistence/low volatility). ing S 3 just by two hundred observations in order to not
excessively overlap S 5 as will be clarified in the following).
The justification of this choice is twofold: (1) on one side,
4.2. Fitting the behavior of the time series changes with the subsamples,
a.s. observations in left are smoother (less volatile) than
In order to compare the fitting capabilities of the mBm those on the right. In this concern the partitioning can help
with respect to the Garch (1,1) model, the analysis was in addressing the question of whether the fitting perfor-
performed as follows: (i) Generation of three thousand mance of the two models changes depending on the subs-
sample paths of each model using specific toolboxes in amples; (2) on the other side, as will be clear in the
matlab 7.12.0 (R2011a)7. In this concern, while nothing following, the partitioning serves to test the global fitting
can be added to well-known Garch model, the basic assump- capabilities of the two models, roughly speaking we will
tion for the generation of mBm surrogates is that log- use the samples in S 1 ; S 2 ; S 3 and S 4 as training and the
variations follow an mBm and for this reason they distribute sample in S 5 as forecasting. (iii) Application of the two-
as (2), i.e. as a Normal with zero mean and variance equals sample Kolmogorov–Smirnov (K–S)9, a distributional free
 q 2HðiÞ
to K 2 n1 , where HðtÞ was estimated according to the test which compare the whole empirical distribution of
procedure recalled in the previous section. The resulting log-variations with those simulated by the two models at
parameters were used as input signal to generate discretized 5% and 1% significance levels. (iv) The percentage of
surrogates of mBm by exploiting relation (2)8. (ii) The fitting ‘‘successes’’ of the K–S, i.e. the percentage of simulations that
do not reject the null hypothesis (H0 : the distributions are
To be more specific, the Econometric toolbox was used to generate the same) when compared to the actual one, were com-
Garch (1,1) trajectories by the functions: Garchset (Set ARMAX/GARCH puted. Table 2 and Fig. 3 show the results: the left hand side
model specification parameters) with command spec = garchset (‘P’,1,‘Q’,1), displays the actual log-variations (solid-blue line) against
Garchfit (Estimate ARMAX/GARCH model parameters) with command
[Coeff, Errors, LLF, Innovations, Sigmas, Summary] = garchfit (spec) whose
surrogates of mBm (solid-red line) and Garch (1,1) (solid-
results are shown in Table 3 and Garchsim (Simulate ARMAX/GARCH model black line) while the right hand side shows probability plot
responses) with command [Innovations, Sigmas, Series] = garchsim (Spec,
NumSamples, NumPaths).
8 9
The software Fraclab (available at: <>), which is a This test has two main statistical advantages in this context: (a) it does
general purpose signal and image processing toolbox based on fractal and not need any assumptions about the distribution of data (i.e. it is non-
multifractal methods, uses the Wood and Chan circulant matrix method to parametric and distribution free) and (b) it compares the whole distribu-
surrogate mBm. This procedure makes use of the inbuilt function tion and not just some moments such as mean or variance (this represented
kdkmbmqk0 =mBmQuantifKrigeage (n,H (t),..). a limitation in classical approaches).
M. Frezza / Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 66 (2014) 41–50 47

Table 3
Garch outputs.

c x a b Log-Lik.
(s.e.) (s.e.) (s.e.) (s.e.)
(T Stat.) (T Stat.) (T Stat.) (T Stat.)
S 1:915  104 9:1383  107 0.0659 0.9263 12293.1
(1:3473  104 ) (1:7568  107 ) (0.0044268) (0.0055834)
(1.4213) (5.2016) (14.8915) (165.9034)
S1 1:6448  105 3:3019  107 0.027381 0.96761 6481.2
(1:6557  104 ) (9:847  108 ) (0.0039169) (0.0036481)
(0.0993) (3.3531) (7.5056) (247.0377)
S2 9:8454  105 8:9995  107 0.077068 0.91589 7821.11
(1:5899  104 ) (2:0103  107 Þ (0.0065212) (0.0075987)
(0.6192) (4.4767) (11.8180) (120.5323)
S3 2:4015  104 1:2757  106 0.088062 0.9041 6132.32
(1:9914  104 ) (3:3309  107 ) (0.0076882) (0.0085459)
(1.2060) (3.8299) (11.4542) (102.1928)
S4 3:3974  104 1:4313  106 0.096459 0.8978 6013.37
(2:1426  104 ) (3:9307  107 ) (0.0078145) (0.0090076)
(1.5857) (3.6413) (12.3436) (99.6706)
S5 1:4987  104 1:9026  106 0.087244 0.88349 13074.5
(1:1856  104 ) (3:4372  107 ) (0.0064446) (0.010871)
(1.2640) (5.5354) (13.5376) (81.2670)

for normal distribution. (v) Estimation of the sample auto- S 1 ; S 2 ; S 3 ; S 4 are used as training. In terms of HðtÞ this
correlation functions. It was computed, via the Montecarlo would not imply some form of stationarity; in terms of
method, at lags 1–50, with step D ¼ 5. Fig. 4 shows in the left Garch (1,1) this would mean stability of its coefficients. On
hand side the ACF computed on the actual log-variations the contrary, if the distribution does change, we will expect
(solid-blue line) against the ACF calculated on surrogates the goodness of fit to deteriorate when the distance of the
of mBm (dash-red line) and Garch (1,1) (dot-black line). In left subsample increases. From a financial point of view this
the right hand side, the corresponding ACF is computed on would confirm the global goodness of fit of Garch (1,1), i.e.
the squared variations10. its trajectories could reflect (on average) the time series
Since we are comparing a global (Garch (1,1)) model behavior. In order to check for the effects above described:
with a local (mBm) model, we expect that the former will
perform better than the later as the estimation window 1. We first estimate from the left windows the pointwise
slides far away from the estimation point and, contrarily, Hölder exponent for mBm and the Garch (1,1)
we expect to observe the opposite in the reverse case. In coefficients.
order to test this issue, we built the following ‘‘naive’’11 2. Generate the surrogates of each models.
procedure. The basic idea is to generate surrogates of mBm
and Garch (1,1) able to fit the unconditional distribution of The results are displayed in Table 4. For example, the
the actual log-variations belonging to the interval (S 5 ). The value 68.40 means that the null hypothesis is not rejected
steps followed are the same of the previous section with a 68.40 % at a ¼ 5%, once HðtÞ was estimated on S 3 and the
basic difference: in order to generate the simulations, the corresponding simulations were simulated and compared
running values adopted for each model (the pointwise (via the K–S test) with those resulting from FS 5 .
Hölder exponent for mBm and the Arch–Garch coefficients
for Garch (1,1)) are those estimated on the following
sliding intervals: S 1 ¼ ½1:1887; S 2 ¼ ½500:2387; S 3 ¼ 5. Discussion of results
½1000:2887; S 4 ¼ ½1200:3087, i.e. we tried to fit the actual
log-variations in right interval S 5 ¼ ½1888:3774 by exploit- The fitting analysis was performed on the unconditional
ing the left (sliding) estimations. The main reason is the distributions of actual log-variations for the Dow Jones
following: if the log-variations distribution did not signifi- Industrial Average (DJIA). All calculations were developed
cantly change over time, we would expect the Garch (1,1) using Matlab 7.12.0 (R2011a) which allows a specific
to behave better than mBm when the left windows section to both models: Econometric toolbox for Garch
(1,1) and Fraclab toolbox for mBm. Although just heuristi-
cally, Fig. 3 shows clearly that mBm succeeds in capturing
In order to not overload the work by more graphs, the ACF results the different market phases. This originates, in its turn,
obtained on the subsequences have been omitted because they reflect the
goodness of fit of the corresponding simulations. All results are available.
the alternation of periods of persistence (low volatility)
This naive procedure is the best one can do absent in literature an and antipersistence (high volatility). In graphical terms,
explicit functional modeling the dynamics of HðtÞ. the red line (surrogates of mBm) shadows very well the
48 M. Frezza / Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 66 (2014) 41–50

Table 4
Fitting: K–S results. A second approach.

mBm GARCH (1,1)

S1 S2 S3 S4 S1 S2 S3 S4
ða ¼ 0:05Þ 0.00 0.00 68.40 99.99 0.08 16.20 59.80 60.60
ða ¼ 0:01Þ 0.00 0.00 97.20 99.99 3.80 26.60 76.60 75.80

Fig. 4. Sample ACF of simple log-variations (left) and squared log-variations (right).

blue line (actual), especially when a shock impacts the capability of mBm is evident, on the other hand its
market (this is the case, e.g., of what happens in the right forecasting ability remains an open problem. According
window). This intuition is confirmed by data in Table 2. to the procedure followed here, when the left sample, used
According to the Kolmogorov–Smirnov test, mBm fits as training, slides forward, both the mBm and the Garch
actual data better than Garch (1,1) both on the whole time surrogates gain in reproducing the actual unconditional
series and the subsamples. This would suggests that the distribution of the right sample but at different extents.
samples chosen do not affect the results. The gap between It seems clear that mBm loses the capability to reproduce
the two models is particularly pronounced: this bears out the unconditional distribution in S 5 except for the last win-
the peculiar role assumed by the pointwise Hölder expo- dow S 4 . This is due to the fact that mBm loses pointwise
nent, working as a market ‘‘thermometer’’. If the market is information captured by HðtÞ. Conversely, (on average)
dominated by uncertainty (high volatility) then HðtÞ tends Garch (1,1) seems to hold because it accounts for global
to lower, the faster the more pronounced is the shock that dynamics (note how, in Table 3, the coefficients a and b
be occurs; conversely, if market is not stricken by shocks in S 3 ; S 4 and S 5 are simultaneously closer). This strongly
(low volatility), HðtÞ increases, the faster the more new suggests that an unsolved issue for the mBm to represent
information is felt by investors as confirmative of their an effective model of stock price resides in a financial
own past open positions. Both these financial situations robust modeling of HðtÞ function. A possible answer comes
translate in distributional terms in the capability of mBm from the work by Barrière et al. [36] in which a particular
to tackle the (eventual sudden) larger or smaller variations version of mBm called ‘‘self-regulating multifractional
of actual data. This agrees also with the results obtained in Brownian motion’’ (srmBm) is defined. By moving in both
terms of sample autocorrelations functions. Indeed, even deterministic and stochastic setting, the authors find a
though both mBm and Garch (1,1) surrogates do not functional relation among amplitude and local regularity
exhibit significant correlation in simple log-variations of ‘‘particular’’ functions built by extending Weierstrass
and significant correlation in squared log-variations (a function (deterministic) and multifractional Brownian
confirmation of the very well-known volatility clustering motion or Lèvy construction of Brownian motion (stochas-
effect), the mBm shows results closer to the estimated tic). In the direction of our work, it is worthwhile to focus
actual ones (Fig. 4). If on the one hand the pointwise fitting on srmBm. Briefly, the authors define a process Z ¼ ZðgÞ
M. Frezza / Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 66 (2014) 41–50 49

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