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NDS M OURO to S20) a eon uIyiTe UNS Re ON CC) frome CRUITMENT E POST O1 p CONSTABLE. DLCATION & SIRESS COUNSELOR). 2024 Ontine Applications are invited from eligible Male & Female Indian citi (including susject of Nepal & Bhutan) possessing educational qualification & gge as preseribed below for filing up following vacencies 10 the post of Head Constable {Education and Stress Counselor), Generil Central Service, Group °C" Non-Garetted (Now Ministerial) on temporary basis likely to be permanent in TTHPF. Selected teandidates will be liahle to seve anywhere in India or abroad. On appointment, the ccanidates shall be governed by the ITBPF Act, 1992 and [TBPF Rules, 1994 and oxher Rules applicable from time to time, Applications from eandidaes will be accepted ‘through ONLINE MODE only. No other mode for submission of application ix ullowed. ONLINE APPLICATION MODE WiLL BE OPENED W.EF, 7" JULY, 2024 (0207774) AT Os” AM_AND WILL BE CLOSED ON $"-AUGUST, 2024 (05/08/2024) AT 11:59 PM, The applicants are advised to check ther eligibility before applying so as toavoid disappointment at a later sage. 2, Details of vacancies as per post based roster are as under: = Head Constable (icueation & Stress Counselor) Par lars Categon | tata} HUR[SC_ ST [OBC TAWS | Mate 3718) 771 24 18) The vacencies are tentative and may inerease or decrease without any notice, Any change in the number of vacancies will be intimated through ITBPF Recruitment wobs tei, htips://reervitmentithpolice.nitzia. b) ITAPE reserves the right 1o make changes in sequence of the recruitment process after publication of this advertisernent. ITBPF also reserves ‘he right to cancel or postpone the recruitment ut uny stage due to administrative reasons ©) 10% of the vacancies are reserved for Ex-Servicemer in the respective PostCategory. In case vacuney reserved for Ex-servicemen remains unfilled duc to non-availability of eligible or qualified candidates, the same shall be filled by ton Ex-serviceman candidates oF respechve categories, 4) As per MHA guidelines, if situation so arises wherein the women candidates in the horizontal compartmentalized reservation in any of the vertical reservation ccalegories are not available, then the posts shall te filled vp from amongst the male candidates From the concerned vertical reservation categories, ) Candidates claiming OBC (NCI) status way note that cer 2. cate on No-Creamy Layer status should have been obtained within three years from the closing dute ipt of online applications and must ensure that hu/she possess that 4 lan of leaching or equivalent. we By feu ff date for Age and Retasations ithe Pay Matrix Re 25,800.81 100 per "Ol 'b) Other allowances | Post will carry Deamess Allowance, Ration Money, Special tata alae Cais palo eecea eee [ean eee essen ork cape Alves Ieee Concer, re Meal eit et any oh: SAAT eitinaae aus Veetten unions ee Saco | On appoiniment the candicates shall be entitled forthe pension | benefits as per the “New Restructured Defined Contributory | Pension Scheme” appirale for the mow entrants 19 the Central Government Services we. 01/01/2004 ELIGIBILITY CONDITION: Educational Qualifications & Age “Age limit: | Betweers 20 10 25 years, ‘Educational and other Qualification Degree from a recognized University or equivalent with Psychology as = subject > i Degree from recognined University with Bachelor of Hdveation of oe ‘Creial date for determining the age Tit wil be the el cei ‘online application, Le. 5" August, 2024 (0508/2024). Candidates should nox have been born exslice than 6" August, 1999 (06/08/1999) end later than $* Avgust, 2004 (0082004). Note 1) The dae of Binh as eorded in the Matriculation ceifieate available on the dato of submission of application shal) be accested as proof for determining the age and no subsequent request for its change Will be considered oc granted ii) Crucial date for claiming SCISTIOBC (NCIYEWS satus will be the losing date for reecipt of online applications. ndidates Caiig OBC (NCL) Nakis may oe that eetfiene om non-ereary ayer stats should have been obiainec within three years | before the closing date for submission of online applications ic. $” ‘August, 2024 (05/08/2024) and must ensure that re’she possesses the castetcommnity certificate and does not fallin creamy layer on the Shisial date he. 5 August, 2024 (05/08/2024). Candidates who wish to be considered against reserved vacancies oF seeking age relaxstion rust submit requisite certificate isued by the | competent authority, in the prescribed format when suci certificates are sought oy the Recruitment Board, otherwise, theit claim for | SCSTIOBC(INCLYEWS status will ‘rot be exenained and their candidavore’ applications will be considered under Unreserved (UR) category, ‘The formuts of the centificates Annexure Ul, I-A, Il, IV, V, VI & VII are annexed, Contticates obtained in any other format will not be ccepted, i vi) Age relaxation available t9 differen categories of eligible candidates | pres under = | 3 “Age-Relaration permissible [ No. beyond the upper age imi 1 [Se years 2 [OBC NCI sare 3 | ExServicemen (UnreservediGencral) | yeare aftr deduction of the "military sevice rendered from a the actual age 4 | Ex-Servicemen (OHCNCE) T6 yours (3 yeurs ~ 3 years) aller deduction of the _ miliary service rendered from. the — sual age erviem (SCT) |S years G3 years 13 yes) ater deduction of the — military i service rendered fom the | : etl age % | Deparment eandFdates on closing [OS years date fo receipt of ontne application, 7°"/ Children and dependent of vietims | ORTEWS- § years : URILLED in the 1984 riots OR | OBC. (513-8 years ! comirtal ots of 2002 in Gujrat. | SC & ST-(545)- 10 years. | Tea | Explanatina of Ex-Serviceman: |" kn ExServicemam mes a person: 1. Who has served in any rank whether as a combatant of non-comatant | in the Regular Amy, Navy. Ais Force of the Indian Union, aad 18) Who either has been retired or relieved or disckerged trom such service whetlier at his own request or being relieved by the employer after earning his or ber pension 1) Who has been relieved from such service on medical grounds acributable military service or circumstances beyond his control and awirded modicel or other eisebilty pension. ¢} Who has been released from such service as « result of reduetion in establishaver. 2. Who has been released from such scrvice after completing the specific period of engagement, otherwise than at his own reque, or by way of ismissal, or discharge on account of misconduct or inefTicieney and has been | ‘given a gratuity: und includes personnel of the ‘ervitorial Army, namely, pension bolder: for continous embodied service or broken spells of | qualifying service: | 3, Personnel of the Army Postal Service who are part of reguler Army and | retired from the Army Postal Serviee without reversion to their parent service with pension, or are released trom the Army Postal Service on medical ‘grounds atlibutable to or aggravated by military service or circumstances beyond their control znd awarded medical or other disability pension; 4, Personnel, who were op deputation in farmy Postal Service for nusre than ‘ix months prior to the 14 Apri, 1987, |S. Gallaney award winners of the Armed Yorees including personel of |Territoral Army. | 6. bx-reeruits boarded out or relieved on medical ground anc granted medicel | deailtypecsion “) | Eeonomieally Weaker Sections (EWS). The reservation for HWS to those candidates who are not covered under the scheme of reservation for SCs, STs 1d OBCs will be admissible as por Department of Personnel & Training (OM, No,36039/1/2019-Fst(Res) dated 31.01.2019 and its amendment ised by the Central Government ftom time t time, 9 Ll Annexure-V, whe vegan reas nly) [Nate Tramale Ua spare {sso “ Tor other Sisies and Union Teartories | 170 [137 | (except eategetes mentioned below) For candidates falling in the categories | 165 Kumsonis, Gurkhas, Dogeas, Marathas and candidates, belonging 19 the states of Sikkim, ; Nagaland, Arunachal Pradesh, Mar‘pur | Tripura, Mizocam, Meghalaya, Asser. Himachal Pradesh, Kashmir region of| Union territory of Jammu & Kashmir and Union territory of Ludah ie For candidsies pelorying to Scheduled 1623 | Tribes (ST) including Mizos and Nagas piss oad Weiglt-Corresponding to height and age as per medical standards (for male) ‘and female candidures), Note:-Candidate who” intends 15” avail relaxation in Heeighi/Chest| sought by the Reet “Minimam Medical Standard: (Bye sight - The minimum distance vision shall be 6'6 and 6/9 for both eyes without conection i.e. without wearing speetacks or lenses. The minimum visual standard for the candidates of all categories will be as Unsoneded | Retraaion 1 Colour | Rema visual acuty Vision ona? | SION) ter | Won | | \ et eeiee . 6°) 68 | vial "PHT Tin igh” handed | ccorevction of /S¥ARA| person, the Right jeny kind is ye is better eve i | not permitted and vieo versa i even” by Binoviler vison | i gimses. is require (ii) A colour blind person shall not be eligible for recruitment. If at any stage of service carver, person is found to he colour blind, he will be boarced ‘ou ts per SHAPE policy in vogue in the TUBE eee WH heey [athe cans at por ve Koei, tt Tot jseatineestiy i ph en || Gax)__ Must bein good imental snd bodily heath and fee from any hye sett Ie erie ih te kn perme fn () Tattoos: - (a) Content: Being a secular country, the religious semiments of our ountrymen are to be respected and thus, tattoos depicting religious symbol or figures ard the name, as followed in Indian Army are to | | be permitted | (b) Location: Tattoos marked on traditional sites of the body like inner Aspect of forearm but only Left forear dlorsum of the hands are to be allowed Size must be less than % of the particuls: part (Elbow os Thane) ofthe body. cing, nor saluting limb or ©! Nate :- Im case a candidate has undergone removal of tattoo (s) prior to ‘appearing for recruitment process and the same has faded substantially, this will bo treated as a “sear” and nota tatoo. Such candidates will be permitted | | to undergo the entire seleetion process withthe approval of Presiding Officer ‘oF the reeruitment Board. Further, the sear resulting due to -emoval of tattoo will be reviewed by the Medical Beard ef Oificer during Detailed Mectcal Examination 5. HOWTO APPLY AND BY WHICH DATE: fe) | Bigible and Tnverestod candidates need to apply online through TTSPF recruitment website ttps:/, Candidates are avivised to fill the online application form after reading the instructions | carefully and should provide genuine and functional e-mail 19 and Mobile : number atthe time of fling online application torm. Details as required under various segments should be mentioned clearly, correctly and logically. As the applications need to be submitted onfine only, applications received offline shall not he considered and will be rejeeted summarily. By. Candidates are to fil all inforination e.g. GerdecC Category SOSTIONC c= j Employment staus/Ricts affected etc. in the profile exated on ITBP | recruitment website before submission of online application. Any false‘incorrect information in online application witl lead to cunecilation oF ‘candidature and no request for change in such details will be considered et later stages <) | APPLICATION FEE & MODE OF PAYMENT — Male candidates belonging 1 |ta UR, OBC & EWS category applying for this recruitment wil Rave to pay Rs. TOG (Rupees one hundred only) as appleation fee through enline Payment gateway system on httpsi//recruitmentuitbpolice.niein. Canclicates he DV rteg. | are exempted from paying the fee. ae | Not 1) Fee once paid will not be refunded under any circum ii) Fee paid by modes other than online made will not be accepted and che applications of such candidate wil be rejected forthright. Besides above, the payments made in such cases shall stand forfeited @ [Candidates working in CeniralSute Governmont/Auoromous Statutory BodiewPublic Sector Undertaking ete. applied to the post arc required to fumish “No Objection Certificate” in original as per Anmexure-IV issued! by Jihe employer at the time of veriffcetion of documents. The candidature of| | cangidates who ful to submit “No Objection Certificate” at the time of | dovumentation shall be summarily rejected Online application mode will be opened wie.k 7 July, 2024 (07/07/2024) at 00:01 am. and will be closed on 5" August, 2024 (05/08/2024) at 11:59 pam, Procedure for online submission of application is avilable on ITBPF reeruitment website https://reeruitmertithpolice.nic ie @ | Candidates are sirongly advised to apply well in time without wating for The |_| ase date for submission of online appfication form. 6, SELECTION PROCESS: 2) Admit Cards to the candidotes will be issued online mestioning the date and ‘vonuc of reervitment test. Candidature of candidates who are issued online admit cards will remain provisional till they are finaly selected and submit all re.ated docurients/certfietes in original and in preserined format at the stage of ver feation of ariginal documents. a a | b) Candidates are requited to bring a clear & legible print out of their online application fom & aémic card; else they will not be permitted to emer the ‘venue of Physical Efficiency Tes (PET) and Physics! Standard Test ST). Before stan of PET & PSI the candidares wil undergo. theieugh verification of identity eluding Biometre capture Gi) Biometric identitication of candidates can also be verified at any sage oF recruitment, Gil) This candidate's responsibility to check before hand that the biometric machines ae able to capture the fingerprint itiage. In case, i the biometric machine is notable fo capture the fingerprint image due to Mehndi, wax, et. then, the candidate will not be allowed to appewr inthe examination iv) Failine in biometne verifcation at any stage will lic to cancellation of candidature se = Nea ©) Candidates will have tp undergo the following recruitment tests ~YHASE 1 PHYSICAL EFFICHINCY TEST (PET) ithe even aT ihe PET ane allows [For mai a Le kis taco To bs completed win 70 mis (Bigg 1 rt 05 Ce) i aDOM i) ong Jump i Tit Fligh Jump [3 Feet (03 Chances) | iy No marks wil be avarded for this test and PET shall be aqmlifying in nature, Candidates have to qualify cach event 6? PET, those who do not quality shal beefing J) On repectng of female candidates for PETIPS 1, «sf declaration indiating about her pregnancy staus will be scbmited. in ase, if she declares Yet she isnot pregnant, then, sho wil e a lnvod 0 participate PST. Ie case of false declarsion, all the rsk for endergoine iv) A women candidate, who as a fesult of tess is found to be pregnant of 12 weeks stending ‘or over, stall be declared temporarily unfit and appointment be jield in abeyanee until the confinement is over. The vacancy xpinst which a woman candidate was selected will be kept reserved for her. She will be +e-esaminod for Physical Efficiency Test (PET) sx weoks aller the date of confinement, subject (0 the production of medical certificate of fitness from a registered medical practioner. If she is found fit, she may he appointed tothe pest kept resorved for and allowed the benefit of seniority in eceordance withthe instructions Of the Government, as amended ftom time to

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