Year 11 Maths Standard Task 2 Assessment Notification (1)

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Canley Vale High School

Assessment Task Notification

Year 11 Mathematics Standard
Task 2

Task number: 2 Weighting: 30% Date of issue: Tuesday, 4th June (Week 6)
Marks: 40 Due date: Period-1 Tuesday, 25th June (Week 9)

Outcomes assessed
● Represents information in symbolic, graphical and tabular form (MS11-2)
● Develops and carries out simple statistical processes to answer questions posed (MS11-7)
● Uses appropriate technology to investigate, organise and interpret information in a range
of contexts (MS11-9)
● Justifies a response to a given problem using appropriate mathematical terminology and/or
calculations (MS11-10)

Nature of the task

Question 1: (11 marks)

Graduate Careers Australia (GCA) is the leading authority on graduate employment issues in
Australia ( Every year, GCA performs a national survey that
examines graduate activity after they have completed their degree. Key findings and a summary
of the data collected are published in the GradStats ‘Research and Surveys’ section of the GCA
website each year.
To complete this question, you are required to search and download the publication GradStats
2009 and GradStats 2017 from the Research and Surveys section on the GCA website.
a) Prepare a table to show and compare the ‘Job Search Strategies’ data from the GradStats
2009 (Table 5) and GradStats 2017 (Table 4) publication. Ensure the table includes a
‘Total’ for each column.
b) Classify the data represented in this table as numerical discrete, numerical continuous,
ordinal categorical, or nominal categorical. Include a reason for your answer.
c) Which measure of location is the most appropriate indicator of central tendency regarding
the data represented in the table. Provide the answer for your selected measure for 2017.
d) Construct a Pareto chart to represent the data for 2017.
e) Using your Pareto chart above, apply the 80-20 principle to determine the most popular
methods students obtained employment in 2017.

Question 2: (17 marks)

The Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology provides information and data regarding the
climate in Australia ( For this question, you are required to
generate and compare data of ‘Daily maximum temperature’ for any two locations of your choice
across a fortnightly period.
a) Select ‘Temperature’ using the drop-down menu. Ensure the second drop-down menu is
set at ‘Maximum temperature’. Select a weather station in a location which interests you.
Press the ‘Get Data’ button to access the “Daily maximum temperature” data. From the
information that appears in the table, examine the weather for one fortnight.
i. State the station number from which you selected the data for both towns.
Canley Vale High School
Assessment Task Notification
ii. State the date period from which you are investigating.
iii. Display the data from both towns in a table.
b) Calculate the following values for both towns: minimum, maximum, median, mode, mean,
sample standard deviation and population standard deviation.
c) Construct a parallel box-and-whisker plot to compare the temperatures for the two
d) Compare and contrast the two box-and-whisker plots from above.
e) ​Determine if there are any outliers in the data. Support your answer with reasoning and

Question 3: (12 marks)

a) Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) ensures a safe food supply to protect
public health through regulating the use of food ingredients, processing aids, colourings,
additives, vitamins and minerals ( Moreover, FSANZ
has created a food database which gives information on the nutritional content of foods. To
access the database: Open the link above ➞ Scroll to “Resources” ➞ Click on “Australian
Food Composition Database” ➞ Click on “Searchable database”).
To complete this question, you are required to measure the nutritional content of a meal
that you have consumed by filling in the food record label table (attached). You will break
down the meal into its food/beverage components and examine each item’s nutritional
content. This meal must include at least 4 food ingredients. Additionally, you must include
a photo of the meal with your student ID (or any form of photo ID) in the space provided.
Note: If you cannot find a food or beverage in the database, you may use other resources
(e.g. food labels) to calculate the nutritional contents. A photo or link of that resource must
be included in your final report.
b) Consider the following three appliances and their energy rating label:


($1100) ($2600) ($2000)
Canley Vale High School
Assessment Task Notification
i. Choose ONE CVHS appliance from above. Given that the cost of electricity is
35.38c/kWh, find the annual running cost of that appliance.
ii. Research and find a more energy efficient option to your chosen CVHS appliance in
part i., which is a similar price (±$300). Clearly state the name, energy rating and
energy consumption of the new appliance. Include a screenshot and the link to the
new appliance.
iii. Calculate how much money would you save by switching from the CVHS appliance
to your new appliance, over the course of a year.

Submission Instructions
● There will be no time allocated in class for this task.
● You cannot submit a draft to be marked prior to the due date, but may seek verbal
feedback from your teacher.
● Your assessment must be submitted as a hard copy in PERIOD 1 of class on 25th of June.
● If you need help submitting the task, ask your teacher BEFORE the due date.

Marking Criteria:
A marking rubric follows this notification and shows how your work will be evaluated based on the
listed criteria. Please review the guidelines and the marking criteria for achieving a successful

Question Criteria Marks

1 (a) ● Table completed correctly for each set of data. /2

1 (b) ● Classification of data is correct. /2

● Reason given is accurate.

1 (c) ● Correct measure of location is chosen and found. /1

1 (d) ● Drawing of Pareto chart provided. /4

● All necessary features of a Pareto chart are

1 (e) ● Correct conclusions are made using the 80/20 /2


2 (a) ● Town and time period are stated. /2

● Table is provided with correct temperatures.

2 (b) ● Correct values given for minimum, maximum, /7

median, mode, mean, sample standard deviation
and population standard deviation.

2 (c) ● Correct box plot for Town 1 and Town 2. /4

● Box plots are drawn on the same axes parallel to
each other.
● Plots have a title, axis labels and key.
Canley Vale High School
Assessment Task Notification

2 (d) ● Comparison of the range and interquartile range /2

between the two box plots and implications

2 (e) ● Demonstrates understanding of criteria used to /2

identify an outlier.
● Justifies outliers according to criteria identified.

3 (a) ● Meal is broken down into its ingredients. /6

● Correct values for macronutrients and
micronutrients of each ingredient.
● Correctly finds total intake of each content.
● Photo of the meal (with student ID) is provided.

3 (b-i) ● Correct value for annual running cost of one of /2

the given appliances.
● Working out is accurate.

3 (b-ii) ● Finds new appliance, within the price range, with /2

a better energy rating and lower energy
● Provides screenshot and link to new appliance.

3 (b-iii) ● Correctly calculates the money saved. /2

● Working out is accurate.


Feedback provided
Class teachers will provide informal feedback throughout the task when returning the task to
outline strengths and areas for improvement to build on knowledge, understanding and skills for
future learning.

Assessment Policy
Assessment tasks are to be submitted/completed on the due date in accordance with the Assessment Notification.
LATENESS-any task submitted after the due date/time without a valid reason and evidence (eg. Medical Certificate)
will receive a ‘zero’ mark and an ‘N-warning’ will be issued. PLAGIARISM-and any other form of malpractice will not
be tolerated. Plagiarism will result in the task receiving a ‘zero’ mark and an ‘N-warning’ will be issued. Reference
should be made to the Assessment Policy for details relating to issue, submission, and incompletion of assessment
tasks. If you miss an assessment task, you must see the Head Teacher of the subject the first day you return to
school. If you are unsure about any of this information, it is your responsibility to consult your teacher immediately.

Teacher’s Comment:



QUESTION 3 (A): Food Record Table
Complete the table below to enter foods and beverages you consumed over any 1-meal period, entering in as many rows as you require
(minimum of 4 food/beverage components). Each food ingredient should have its own row.

Food Record Energy and macronutrient content Micronutrient content

consumed Saturated Calcium Sodium
Foods and beverages Energy (kJ) Carbohydrates Sugars (g) Protein (g) Total Fat (g) Fibre (g) Iron (mg)
(grams, Fat (g) (mg) (mg)


*Include a photo(s) of your meal accompanied with

your student ID.

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