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Holiday Homework, Session-(2024-25)


• The first five assignments from factual comprehension have to be done on the
Comment Sheet from VIVA Smart Score Book
• The first five assignments from discursive comprehension have to be done on the
Comment Sheet from VIVA Smart Score Book
• Do first two assignments based on writing letters of Complaint and To the Editor do
VIVA Smart Score Book.
• Do first two assignments from analytical paragraph based on Pie Chart and Bar Graph
do VIVA Smart Score Book
• Do all assignments based on tenses do in VIVA Smart Score Book
• Do first two assignments from your textbook ‘First Flight’ of prose in VIVA Smart Score
• Do first two assignments from your textbook ‘First Flight’ of poetry in VIVA Smart Score
• Do first two assignments from your textbook ‘Footprints without Feet’ in VIVA Smart
Score Book
• The first five assignments from discursive comprehension have to be done on the Comment
Sheet from VIVA Smart Score Book
English project work:
• Read chapter ‘The glimpses of India’create a photo journal describing your visit either
Coorg or Assam.
• Use A4 size sheet or comment sheets.
• • Cover page showing project title, school name, student’s name, class and section and
academic session (year).
• • The total length of the project will not more than 20 written pages.
• • The report will be hand written illustrations and pictures may be included.
• • Use sketch pens, gel pens and crayons to make your project effective.
• • Bind your project in a simple file.
• Cover Page.
• Acknowledgement
• List of contents.
• conclusion

प्रश्न 1) सूरदास के अतिररक्त मीरा और रसखान ने भी कृष्ण तिषयक काव्य तिखा है। मीरा या रसखान
में से तकसी एक कति के 5 पद तिखखए ।
प्रश्न 2) रामिृक्ष बेनीपुरी जी का जीिन पररचय दे िे हुए सातहखिक सेिा पर अपने तिचार व्यक्त कीतजए।
प्रश्न 3) तिद्यािय में खेि तदिस पर आयोतजि काययक्रम में मुख्य अतिति के रुप में सतचन िेंदुिकर के
आगमन की सूचना दे ने के तिए सूचना- पत्र बनाइए।
प्रश्न 4)’ जंक फूड और उसके दु ष्पररणाम’ तिषय पर िगभग 125 शब्ों में अनुच्छेद तिखखए।
प्रश्न 6) आपका खोया हुआ डर ाइतिंग िाइसेंस तकसी अपररतचि द्वारा िौटाए जाने पर आभार व्यक्त करिे
हुए पत्र तिखखए।
प्रश्न 7) क्या मनुष्य को आशािादी होना चातहए ? तनराशािादी िो संघषय करने से पहिे ही हार मान िेिा
है । अपने तिचार बिाइए । प्रश्न 8) नेिाजी सुभाष चंद्र बोस का संतक्षप्त पररचय दे िे हुए राष्ट्र के प्रति
उनके योगदान पर अपने तिचार व्यक्त कीतजए।
प्रश्न 9) तनम्नतिखखि िाक्यों के िाच्य भेद पहचातनए और उनका पररिियन भी कीतजए –
1. मुझसे अंग्रेजी नहीं पढी गई।
2. रखि पत्र तिखिी है।
3. ििा मंगेशकर मधुर गीि गािी हैं ।
4. बच्चे तिद्यािय को साफ़-सुिरा रखेंगे।
5. िकान के कारण मजदू र से उठा नहीं जािा।
6. मरीज से अब और नहीं सहा जािा।
7. शेर तशकार की ििाश में घूम रहे हैं।
8. उसने बच्चे को खखिौना तदया।
9. अध्यापक द्वारा तचत्रकिा तसखाई जािी है।
10. मच्छरों ने राि की नींद हराम कर दी।
प्रश्न10) तनम्नतिखखि िाक्यों के रे खांतकि अंश का पद पररचय दीतजए –
1. ओह ! तकिना सुंदर तचत्र बनाया है िुमने।
2. मैं प्रतितदन स्नान करिा हूँ।
3. जो सि बोििे हैं, िे सियत्र आदर पािे हैं।
4. खरगोश धीरे -धीरे झाडी के तनकट आ गया।
5. इस िडके को आिाज िगाना।
6. उत्तम पररश्रम से पढिा है।
7. हनुमान जी ने िंका जिा दी
8. कि दशहरा िा।
9. माधिी सिेरे-सिेरे भजन गािी है
10. अरे ! िुमने ‘ए’ ग्रेड प्राप्त तकया।
11. मैं दे श के तिए अपनी जान भी दे दू ं गा।
12. दादा जी ने उपिन में पौधे िगाए।
नोट – उपरोक्त समस्त कायय एक अिग फाइि में करें गे ।

Prepare a project on any one of the following: Consumer Awareness Or Sustainable
Development Or Any one Social Issue Guide lines for submitting the projects: •
Use A4 size sheet or comment sheets.
• Cover page showing project title, school name, student’s name, class and section and
academic session (year).
• The total length of the project will not more than 20 written pages.
• The report will be hand written illustrations and pictures may be included.
• Use sketch pens, gel pens and crayons to make your project effective.
• Bind your project in a simple file. Follow the sequence of pages as given below:
• (For example : Consumer Awareness)
1. Cover Page.
2. Acknowledgement
3. List of contents.
4. Who is consumer? How they are exploited?
5. Emergence of consumer movements.
6. Duties and Responsibilities of consumer.
7. Enactment of COPRA Act 1986.
8. Consumer Rights.
9. Remedy available in district, state and National level.
10. Conclusion •
Sustainable Development
1. Cover page
2. Acknowledgement
3. Preface
4. Introduction
5. What is Sustainable Development?
6. Evolution of Sustainable Development concept
7. Need and Importance of Sustainable Development
8. The pillars of Sustainable Development
9. Sustainable Development and India
10.Goals and approaches of Sustainable Development
11.Steps taken by government of India
12.Outcomes of Sustainable Development
13.Conclusion • Complete activity in Map and Activity Workbook.
1. Resources and Development 2. The Rise of Nationalism in Europe 3. Power Sharing
• Revise the covered syllabus.
Computer Application (165)
Written Work:-
1. Create a report file and write some HTML code using following points:
a. Font tag with its attribute
b. Bold, Italic and underline tag
c. Superscript and subscripttag
d. Comment tag
e. Ordered list with its attribute
f. Unordered list with its attribute
Practical Work:-
2. Create a webpage using following points:
a. Font tag with its attribute
b. Bold, Italic and underline tag
c. Superscript and subscripttag
d. Comment tag
e. Ordered list with its attribute
f. Unordered list with its attribute
Note:-1.Do your practical work in pendrive.
2.Bring your pendrive according teacher’s concern.
• explain the concept of plane mirror and spherical mirror
• state the laws of reflection with help of
• draw the rate gram formed for all possible cases
• Concave mirror convex mirror
• solve all the numericals present in your NCERT textbook
• Define the following terms
• exothermic with reaction
• Precipitation
• redox reaction
• Neutralization
• how could corrosion take place? what is resting? What is resting and how would you
prevent your metallic articles.
• Complete the NCRT text question present on book.
• state the role played by the following
• Enzyme trypsin , Enzyme light page
• Ride difference between autotroph and heterotroph
• Explain with the help of neat and well labelled diagram that different steps involved in
nutrition in amoeba.
• explain the functioning of glands associated with elementary canal and their role in

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