English Speaking Test

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First Semester Examination – March 2022

Speaking Test
Grade 1

The purpose of the exam is to find how the students are able to communicate in English and to give
them confidence in the use of English. The child should not be made to feel that he/she is being
subjected to a severe test of language competency.

Guidelines for Examiners/Teachers

NB : Every teacher should read the criteria for awarding marks according to the mark scheme.

(1) Only one student is tested at a time.

(2) Demonstrate/simulate in the class, (preferably more than once) how the examination will be
conducted. Practice tests should be done from now itself, at least once a week, to make the
students familiar and comfortable with the procedure. Do not use any of the questions that are
to be asked at the test itself.

(3) The venue for the test is a corner of your classroom (or in the junior library). It should be
prepared before the test.

(4) The oral examination should be conducted during the last 10 minutes of an English lesson
only. Always use English only. Speak slowly and clearly using a friendly tone. It is important
to remember this is not an elocution test.

(5) During the time of the test, the other students should not be able to see/hear what the subjects
of the tests are and the questions etc. The class must be given an assignment/task to
complete while one student is being tested. Coteachers if/where present must supervise
the carrying out of the lesson/assignment/task. If/When possible, try to obtain help from
one of your colleagues to supervise the class.

(6) The examination is to be conducted in three parts. At all the stages, smile, be cheerful, and have a
friendly attitude.

Section I Dialogue : Ask the student a few general questions to break the ice and to make
the child feel comfortable.Once the child appears settled, introduce
with a statement/question, a theme. E.g. I have a pet. Do you have a
pet? Can we talk about it?/Do you like to say something about your
pet? (The theme is pets) Encourage the child to have a conversation
with you, on the topic specified in the question. This part of the test
ought to take about 2 – 3 minutes.

Grade 1 English - First Semester Examination - March 2022

Prepared for Lyceum International Schools by Lyceum Assessments
Section II Describing a picture : Once the child speaks comfortably/confidently, show
him the (three) pictures you have. Ask him which one he likes to
talk about. Prompting would be necessary to encourage the child.
You may draw attention to a feature, a character etc. in the picture.
Motivate the child to speak about the picture in his own
way.During the conversation, prompt him to ask you a

Skill and maximum marks for content Marks gained

SECTION I DIALOGUE FORMAL ORAL TEST ------------------------

Language is socially appropriate politeness, greeting etc. (2 marks)
Understands what is heard and responds appropriately and logically (2 marks) ------------------------
SECTION II ------------------------
Is able to narrate (using action verbs) with the teacher's prompting (2 marks) ------------------------
Is able to describe details where relevant (2 marks) ------------------------
Is coherent and clear (2 marks)


Sentence structure Grammar (4 marks) ------------------------
Richness and suitability of vocabulary (2 marks)

Pronunciation, intonation, presentation (confidence) (4 marks)

Section III Reading out loud : Reading out loud (pronunciation) is assessed as continuous
evaluation during class sessions from mid February until the
end of the study period, rather than tested separately during
oral exams.
If you teach multiple subjects to the same group, you may
even assess their reading during other subjects. During the
relevant study period, give each child the opportunity to read a text
that is designed for her/his age and allocate marks according to the
grid given below in your SIB

Student's Name Admission Number and ability to read (10


Grade 1 English - First Semester Examination - March 2022

Prepared for Lyceum International Schools by Lyceum Assessments

At the end of the reading, commend and thank the student for doing the test. e.g. You did well.
Thank you.


Continuous evaluation from February to March (10 marks for both
and language) (Start of assessment : After the January Monthly test) ---------------

Total out of 30 marks

Final marks (30 ÷ 3 = 10 marks)

(7) At all stages of the test, the candidates must be encouraged to speak out and express themselves. Use
questions with the question words, Who, What, When, Where, Which. Yes/No questions may be
asked provided students have been trained to explain the reasons for the Yes/No. The child should not
be discouraged in any manner, either verbally, through interruptions or through body language, once
he/she starts to speak.

(8) The certified pictures, themes and mark sheets to be used at the tests will be provided in
advance. Teachers must collect them from the Principal.

(9) Marks awarded to the candidates for all three sections must be recorded in the Student
Information Book; the individual grids with marks filled in must be attached to
the first Semester English answer script.

(10) The total score for orals should be calculated and converted to 10%.

(11) Once all the candidates have been examined, the test material must be returned to the Principal.

Grade 1 English - First Semester Examination - March 2022

Prepared for Lyceum International Schools by Lyceum Assessments

First Semester Examination- March 2022

Subject: English (Oral Examination) Teacher’s copy

Grade: 1

Ask a few of the following questions to make the student feel comfortable. Do not ask all of the

1. What is your name?

2. How old are you?

3. Where do you live?

4. How did you come to school today?

5. Do you have a pet?

Part – 1 (Dialogue)

Ask at least 3 of the 5 questions given below.

Theme 1: My Best friend

1. Who is your best friend?

2. Why do you like her/him?
3. Do you like to play with your friend?
4. What are the games you play?
5. Where do you play?

Grade 1 English - First Semester Examination - March 2022

Prepared for Lyceum International Schools by Lyceum Assessments

Theme 2: My Class

1. Which class are you in?

2. What is your class teacher’s name?
3. Can you tell me some of the things you can see in the
4. Where do you sit in the class?
5. Do you like your class? Why?

Theme 3: My School

1. What is the name of your school?

2. Where is your school?
3. What are your school colours?
4. What is your favourite place in the school?
5. Do you like your school? Why?

Grade 1 English - First Semester Examination - March 2022

Prepared for Lyceum International Schools by Lyceum Assessments

Part – 2 (Picture Description)

Text 1

Text 2

Grade 1 English - First Semester Examination - March 2022

Prepared for Lyceum International Schools by Lyceum Assessments

Text 3

Grade 1 English - First Semester Examination - March 2022

Prepared for Lyceum International Schools by Lyceum Assessments
Part III
Reading Out Loud
No. Name Pronunciation Intonation Reading in Total
(3) (3) sense of (10)
Groups (4)

Grade 1 English - First Semester Examination - March 2022

Prepared for Lyceum International Schools by Lyceum Assessments

Mark Scheme
First Semester Examination - March 2022
English (Speaking Test) - Grade 1

Number of the dialogue chosen - 1 2 3 Number of the picture chosen - 1 2 3

Candidate’s Name : -----------------------------------------------------------Date:------------------

Topic for conversation: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Circle the mark in the appropriate cage in column A.

Part I (Dialogue) A B

• Speaks fluently using correct idiom, grammar, appropriate

vocabulary and correct pronunciation. 10 Very good
• Answers questions with ease, expresses him/herself
• Answers are relevant to the question.
• Uses correct grammar. appropriate vocabulary and 8 Good
correct pronunciation.
• Is able to ask a question from the teacher.
• More comfortable with Yes/No questions. 5
• Answers in phrases, fragments. Fair
• Attempts to construct a simple question.
• Attempts to speak
• Understands a few Yes / No questions 3 Satisfactory

Circle the mark in the appropriate cage in column A.

Part II (Picture Description) A B

• Describes the picture with ease. Has a good command of the

language. 10 Very good
• Uses correct idiom, grammar and expresses him/herself clearly.
• Uses appropriate vocabulary and pronunces the words correctly.
• Describes the picture using simple sentences.
• Uses correct grammar and vocabulary. 8 Good
• Pronounces words correctly.
• Uses phrases to describe the picture.
• Identifies and names a few objects/figures. 5 Fair

• Attempts to name objects/people etc. in English. 3 Satisfactory

Grade 1 English - First Semester Examination - March 2022

Prepared for Lyceum International Schools by Lyceum Assessments
First Semester Examination - Continuous Evaluation
March 2022
Speaking Examination - English
Grade 1

Circle the mark in the appropriate cage in column A.

Part III (Reading out loud) A B

• Reads fluently using correct pronounciation.

10 - 8 Very good
• Able to read sight words as well as words with sounds.

• Capable of reading a few words.

7-6 Good
• Able to read phonetically.

• Capable of recognizing the letter sounds. 5-4

• Able to link two/three words. Fair

• Attempts to recognize the sound and letter. 3-0 Improvement

Mark Allocation

Written Paper - 75%

Listening Test - 10%
Speaking Test (20÷ 2)- 10%
Reading (10 ÷ 2) - 5%
Total - 100%

Grade 1 English - First Semester Examination - March 2022

Prepared for Lyceum International Schools by Lyceum Assessments

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