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First Semester Examination - March 2022

Subject : English Paper = 75 %

Oral Test = 10 %
Class : 1 ........… Listening = 10 %
Reading = 5%
Duration : 2 periods Total = 100%
Date : .........................................
Candidate's name : .....................................................

1. Find the correct vowel sound in the word and match.

(i) hen • • a

(ii) box •
(iii) fish • • e

(iv) run •
(v) clap • • i

(vi) jet •
(vii) fig • • o

(viii) rug •
(ix) shop • • u

(x) chat •
[Total = 10 marks]
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Grade 1 English - First Semester Examination - March 2022
Prepared for Lyceum International Schools by Lyceum Assessments

2. Use the correct subject pronoun.

He She It We They

(i) This is Anne.

----------------------- is a teacher.

(ii) These are my friends.

----------------------- play together.

(iii) This is Rocky.

----------------------- can run fast.

(iv) I have two good friends.

----------------------- are very helpful.

(v) This is Kevin.

----------------- likes to eat healthy food.

[Total = 3 × 5 = 15 marks]

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Grade 1 English - First Semester Examination - March 2022
Prepared for Lyceum International Schools by Lyceum Assessments

3. Use capitalisation and punctuation marks and rewrite the


(i) i go to school every day


(ii) can you lift the box


[Total = 2 × 2 = 4 marks]

4. Write the comparative form using ‘er’ or ‘ier’

(i) easy - ---------------------------------

(ii) cold - ---------------------------------

(iii) dirty - ---------------------------------

(iv) strong - ---------------------------------

(v) high - ---------------------------------

(5 marks)

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Grade 1 English - First Semester Examination - March 2022
Prepared for Lyceum International Schools by Lyceum Assessments

5. Fill the table using the words from the word box.

It is We are He’s I’m They’re You’re She is

(i) I am

(ii) We’re

(iii) You are


(v) He is

(vi) It’s

(vii) They are

[Total = 2 × 7 = 14 marks]

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Grade 1 English - First Semester Examination - March 2022
Prepared for Lyceum International Schools by Lyceum Assessments

6. Look at the picture and answer.

Read and put a tick ( ) or a cross (  ).

(i) The book is on the table. ( )

(ii) The ruler is next to the book. ( )

(iii) The fan is above the table. ( )

(iv) The dog is under the table. ( )

(v) The boy is next to the chair. ( )

(vi) The clock is above the bookshelf ( )

(vii) The bag is under the chair. ( )

[Total = 7 marks]

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Grade 1 English - First Semester Examination - March 2022
Prepared for Lyceum International Schools by Lyceum Assessments

7. Read and answer the questions.

Hello, I am Seth. The Football Match

This is our Football Team. There
are eleven players on the team.
Today we have our first match. We
all work hard to win the match. The
winning team will get gold medals
and certificates.
(i) Write answers.
(a) How many players are there on the team?
(b) When do they have the match?
(c) Circle the noun in the sentence.

Hello, I am Seth.

(d) Find and write a verb in the sentence.

We all work hard. - --------------------------------------

(2× 4 = 8 marks)
(ii) Read the paragraph and sort the words with:

nd ll st rk ld ch
----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------
(2 × 6 = 12 marks)
END [Total = 20 marks]
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Grade 1 English - First Semester Examination - March 2022
Prepared for Lyceum International Schools by Lyceum Assessments

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