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Plasmodium is classified into four classes

Describe the classification of Plasmodium

based on locomotary organs: Rhizopoda,
based on locomotary organs.
Flagellata, Sporozoa, and Ciliata.

What is the simplest and most preventive of Plasmodium is described as the simplest and
all animals according to the content? most preventive of all animals.

Define the sub-cellular grade of body Plasmodium exhibits a sub-cellular grade of

organization in Plasmodium. body organization.

Nutrition in Plasmodium is holozoic,

How is nutrition carried out in Plasmodium? saprophytic, halophytic, etc., with intracellular
digestion and the presence of trypsin.

Describe the discovery of Plasmodium by Charles Laveran discovered Plasmodium in

Charles Laveran. the red blood cells of humans.
Ronald Ross discovered the Oocyst in the gut
What did Ronald Ross discover about wall of mosquitoes, establishing the
Plasmodium and mosquitoes? relationship between malarial parasites and

Plasmodium belongs to the Kingdom Protista,

Define the Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Genus,
Phylum Protozoa, Class Sporozoa, Genus
and Species of Plasmodium.
Plasmodium, and Species Vivax.

There are 92 known species of Plasmodium,

How many species of Plasmodium are known,
with four species causing different types of
and how many cause malaria in humans?
malaria in humans.

P. Vivax causes Benign Tertian Malaria, P.

Describe the types of malaria caused by malariae causes Benign Quartan Malaria, P.
different Plasmodium species. Falciparum causes Malignant Tertian Malaria,
and P. Ovale causes Benign Tertian Malaria.

The asexual stage of the malarial parasite

What is the peculiarity of the malarial
occurs in the secondary host (man), while the
parasite regarding its asexual and sexual
sexual stage occurs in the primary host
(female Anopheles mosquito).
How is malaria transmitted according to the Malaria is transmitted by the bite of female
content? Anopheles mosquitoes.

The asexual cycle (Schizogony) of

Describe the completion of the asexual and Plasmodium is completed in humans, while
sexual cycles of Plasmodium. the sexual cycle (Gamogony/gametogony) is
completed in female Anopheles mosquitoes.

Schizogony is a type of multiple fission that

What is Schizogony, and where does it occur
occurs in Plasmodium, showing multiple
in Plasmodium?

Sporogony in Plasmodium takes place in the

Define Sporogony in Plasmodium and its
stomach wall of mosquitoes, resulting in
sporozoites (the infective stage).

Trophozoites in RBC grow in size, forming a

vacuole that pushes the nucleus to one side,
Describe the process of formation of
resulting in the ring-shaped trophozoite
merozoites in Plasmodium during erythrocytic
known as the signet ring stage. This
eventually leads to the formation of
The release of haemozoin in the blood brings
What is the role of haemozoin in causing
about periodic fever, with chill and body pain
periodic fever in malaria patients?
being attributed to haemozoin.

The duration between the initial sporozoite

Define the term 'Incubation period' in the infection and the first appearance of malarial
context of malaria. symptoms is referred to as the Incubation

Microgametocytes give rise to 6-8 haploid

microgametes (male gametes), while
How are gametes formed in Plasmodium
macrogametocytes give rise to one haploid
during the mosquito stage of the life cycle?
macrogamete (female gamete) after meiotic

Micro and macrogametes fuse to form a

Describe the process of zygote formation in
zygote (Synkaryon), which then transforms
into a motile ookinete.

The process of formation of whip-like

microgametes/sperms, known as
What is the significance of exflagellation in
exflagellation, is crucial for sexual
the life cycle of Plasmodium?
reproduction and subsequent development in
the mosquito host.
Sporozoites are formed from sporoblasts and
Explain the role of sporozoites in the undergo sporogony to form sporozoites, which
transmission of malaria. migrate to the salivary gland of the mosquito
and are ready to be transmitted to humans.

The signet ring stage is a ring-shaped

Describe the characteristics of the signet ring trophozoite where the trophozoite in RBC
stage in Plasmodium. grows in size, a vacuole is formed in the
cytoplasm pushing the nucleus to one side.

P. vivax: Schuffner's granules/dots, P.

What are the different types of dots found in
falciparum: Maurer's dots, P. malariae:
various species of Plasmodium in the
Ziemann's dots, P. ovale: Jame's
cytoplasm of amoeboid trophozoites?
dots/Schiffner's dots.

Explain the process of formation of Sporozoites in the blood invade liver cells,
metacryptozoites in the life cycle of leading to the formation of cryptozoites and
Plasmodium. metacryptozoites in their respective cycles.

Schizogony in the liver refers to the process

where sporozoites invade liver cells, carrying
Define the term 'Schizogony in Liver' in the
pre-erythrocytic and exo-erythrocytic
context of Plasmodium life cycle.
schizogony, resulting in the formation of
cryptozoites and metacryptozoites.
Haematin (Fe) forms a toxic pigment called
What is the role of haematin in the
haemozoin, while the protein globin is used as
metabolism of Plasmodium?

Explain the significance of the pre- and exo- The pre- and exo-erythrocytic phase of
erythrocytic phase of Plasmodium in terms of Plasmodium remains immune to host
host resistance. resistance mechanisms.

Sporoblasts undergo sporogony to form

Describe the process of formation of sporozoites, which migrate to the salivary
sporozoites in Plasmodium. gland of the mosquito and are ready to be
transmitted to humans.

The vacuole formed in the trophozoite pushes

What is the function of the vacuole in the
the nucleus to one side, contributing to the
trophozoite of Plasmodium?
growth and development of the parasite.

Merozoites are the result of erythrocytic

Explain the role of merozoites in the life cycle schizogony and are responsible for invading
of Plasmodium. new red blood cells, continuing the cycle of
Gametocyte stage refers to the stage where
Define the term 'Gametocyte stage' in the some merozoites develop into macro- and
context of malaria. micro-gametocytes, which are then taken up
by mosquitoes during a blood meal.

Microgametes and macrogametes fuse to

Describe the process of formation of zygote in
form a zygote (Synkaryon), which transforms
Plasmodium during sexual reproduction.
into a motile ookinete.

The exo-erythrocytic phase involves the

What is the significance of the exo- invasion of liver cells by sporozoites, leading
erythrocytic phase of Plasmodium in the life to the formation of cryptozoites and
cycle of the parasite? metacryptozoites, which are crucial for the
continuation of the infection cycle.

Schogamy is the asexual reproduction

Describe the process of schizogamy process of Plasmodium where multiple
Plasmodium. nuclear divisions occur without cytokinesis,
resulting in the formation of merozoites.

What is the storehouse of the malarial The spleen is the storehouse of the malarial
parasite? parasite.
Gametocytes are the sexual stage of the
malarial parasite that develop in the human
Define gametocytes in the context of malaria.
host and are essential for the transmission of
the parasite to mosquitoes.

Quinine is prepared from the bark of the

How is quinine prepared? cinchona tree and is a common anti-malarial

The life cycle of Plasmodium in Anopheles

mosquitoes involves the union of mature
Describe the life cycle of Plasmodium in
male and female gametocytes, forming a
Anopheles mosquitoes.
zygote that develops into oocysts on the
mosquito's stomach wall.

What is the active feeding stage of The active feeding stage of Plasmodium is
Plasmodium known as? known as Trophozoite.

Sporozoites are the infective stage of the

Define sporozoites in the context of malaria. malarial parasite that are injected into the
human blood by mosquitoes.
Female Anopheles mosquitoes transmit
Describe the role of female Anopheles malaria by injecting sporozoites of the
mosquitoes in malaria transmission. malarial parasite into the human blood during
a blood meal.

What is the most dangerous species of Plasmodium falciparum is considered the

Plasmodium? most dangerous species of Plasmodium.

How is quinine classified among anti-malarial Quinine is classified as an important alkaloid

drugs? in anti-malarial drugs.

Describe how Tulsi seeds contribute to

Tulsi seeds kill mosquito larvae.
controlling mosquito larvae.

What is the role of Gambusia affinis in Gambusia affinis feeds on mosquito larvae
biological control of mosquitoes? and pupae.
How does oil spraying on stagnant water help Oil spraying prevents mosquito larvae from
control malaria? breathing, causing them to die.

Define Paludrin and its effectiveness against Paludrin is effective as it destroys malarial
malaria. parasites in all forms.

What is the significance of haematin in Unused haematin forms poisonous heemozoin

malaria infection? in characteristic colors.

Describe the condition known as meagly of Meagly of spleen is when the spleen enlarges
spleen and its secretion. and secretes Lysolecithin.

What characterizes a paroxysm in tertian Paroxysm in tertian malaria occurs every 48

malaria? hours.
The incubation period is the duration between
What is the incubation period in the context
sporozoite infection and symptom
of malaria?

Explain what cryptomerozoites are in the Cryptomerozoites are products of schizogony

context of malaria infection. in the liver cells of humans.

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