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Data Structures, Artificial Intelligence, OOP, Computer Networks, Data

base management systems, Operating Systems
1. Default constructors vs conversion constructor
A constructor is a special type of function called to create an object.
Default constructor has no arguments, or if they have arguments then
these are default values.
Conversion constructors can accept any values other than default values.
It uses argument to create conversion rules for class.
Constructor is used to initialize the object of the class while destructor is
called by the compiler when the object is destroyed.
2. Define programming language.
A programming language is a set of instructions written by a
programmer to deliver instructions to the computer to perform and
accomplish a task.
It is basically a computer language engineered to create a standard form
of commands. These commands can be interpreted into a code
understood by a machine.
3. Define SDLC?
The software development lifecycle (SDLC) is the cost-effective and
time-efficient process that development teams use to design and build
high-quality software. The goal of SDLC is to minimize project risks
through forward planning so that software meets customer expectations
during production and beyond.
4. Primary memory?
Primary storage includes random access memory (RAM), read only
memory (ROM), cache and flash memory. It is directly accessible by
5. Inheritance?
It's a programming procedure that allows you to reuse code by
referencing the behaviors and data of an object. In other words, a class
that inherits from another class shares all the attributes and methods of
the referenced class.
6. Deadlock?
In an operating system, a deadlock occurs when a process or thread
enters a waiting state because a requested system resource is held by
another waiting process, which in turn is waiting for another resource
held by another waiting process.
The four necessary conditions for a deadlock situation are mutual
exclusion, no preemption, hold and wait and circular set.
7. OSI model
The Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model describes seven layers
that computer systems use to communicate over a network. The modern
Internet is not based on OSI, but on the simpler TCP/IP model.
Application layer: HTTP,FTP, DNS, POS
For SQL:
For problem solving:
Leet code, hackerrank,

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