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1. Aristotle-
Proposed Two Kingdom Classification (Plantae and Animalia)
2. R.H Whittaker (1969)-
Proposed Five kingdom Classification (Monera, protista, Fungi,
Plantae, Animalia)
3. Dmitri Ivanowsky (1892)-
Recognised certain microbes as causal agent of tobacco mosaic
4. M.W. Beijerinek(1898) –
Demonstrated that infected plant extract can cause disease in
healthy plants. Called fluid “ Contagium Vivum Fluidum)
5. W.M. Stanley (1935)-
Viruses could be crystallized and crystals are largely of proteins.
6. T.O. Diener (1971)-
discovered Viroids
7. Carolus Linnaeus-
Artificial classification system, Systema Naturae Book and Binomial
8. George Benthem and J.D Hooker –
Natural System of Classification
9. Ernst Mayr-
“Darwin of the 20th Century”
10. G.N Ramachandran proposed -
Ramachandran plot for studying the conformation of protein
11. AntonVon Leeuwenhoek –
first saw and described live cells.
12. Robert Brown (1831) –
Discovered nucleus
13. Flemming-
Stained the nucleus material with basic dyes and gave the name
14. Matthias Schleiden (1838) ,
German Botanist studied various plant cells
15. Theodore Schwann (1839),
British Zoologist- Studied various animal cells and proposed the
present of outer layer i.e Plasma membrane
16. Rudolf Virchow (1855)-
Explained that cells divide and new cells are formed from pre
existing cells (Omnis cellula-e-cellula)
17. Camillo Golgi (1898) –
First observed Golgi bodies
18. George Palade (1953)-
First observed Ribosomes under electron microscope
19. Julius von Sachs(1860)-
German Botanist- Demonstrated that plants can be grown to
maturity in a defined nutrient solution in complete absence of
20. Joseph Priestley (1770)-
discovered Oxygen and by his experiments revealed the essential
role of air in growth of green plants. ( Belljar experiment) 1733-
21. Julius von Sachs (1854)-
Provided evidence of production of glucose when plants grow.
22. T.W. Engelmann-
Described the first action spectrum of photosynthesis and
importance of blue and red light in photosynthesis. 1730-1799.
23. Cornelius van Neil- Demonstrated that in photosynthesis
hydrogen from a suitable oxidizable compound reduces carbon
dioxide to carbohydrates. 1897- 1985.
24. Melvin Calvin demonstrated
Calvin cycle in C3 plants (first product 3- Phosphoglyceric acid)
25. Hatch and Slack-
C4 pathway
26. Blackman (1905)-
Proposed Law of Limiting Factor
27. G. Embden, Otto Meyerhof and J Parnas-
Proposed scheme of glycolysis.
28. Charles Darwin and Francis Darwin-
Discovered Auxin while working on phototropism of Canary grass
29. F.W. Went isolated
Auxin from coleoptiles of oats seedlings.
30. E. Kurosawa (1926)-
Observed that the sterile filtrates of fungus Gibberella fujikuroi
caused disease symptoms in rice seedlings.
31. F.Skoog and co-workers-
Showed that internode segments of tobacco stems the callus
differentiated only when supplied with auxin + extracts like yeast
extract or coconut milk.
32. Miller et al (1955)-
identified and crystallized the cytokinesis promoting substances
which was named Kinetin.
33. H.H Cousins (1910)-
Confirmed release of a volatile substance from ripened oranges
that hastened the ripening of stored unripened bananas.
1. Reginald C Punnett-
British Geneticist, Developed Punnett square.
2. G. mendel-
Worked on pea plant and gave laws of Inheritance
3. de Vreis , Correns,von Tschermark-
Rediscovered Mendels result.
4. Sutton and Bovery gave-
Chromosomal theory of Inheritance
5. Morgan-
Experimental verification of Chromosomal theory of Inheritance.
6. Alfred Sturtevent-
Student of Morgan- Used Frequency of recombination between
gene pairs on same chromosome as a measure of the distance
between genes and mapped their position on chromosome.
7. Henking-
Traced a specific nuclear structure all through spermatogenesis in a
few insects and observed that 50% of sperms received this
8. Langdon Down-
Down’s syndrome was first discovered in 1981.
9. Friedrich Meischer-
Identified DNA as an acidic material present in nucleus and called it
10. Maurice Wilkins and Rosalind Franklin gave
X-ray diffraction data for DNA structure.
11. James Watson and Francis Crick-
Gave double helix model for the structure of DNA.
12. Francis Crick-
Proposed Central Dogma
13. Erwin Chargaff gave
the proposition that purines = pyrimidnes(A=T, G=C) A+G/T+C=1
14. Freidrick Griffith-
Experiment of transforming principle.
15. Oswald Avery, Colin Mac Leod and Maclyn Carty-
Biochemical Characterisation of transforming principle.
16. Hershey and Chase-
Unequivocally proved that DNA is the genetic material (E.coli and
17. George Gammow-
Physicist,Suggested that in order to code for all 20 amino acids ,the
code should be madeup of three nucleotides.
18. Har Gobind Khorana-
Synthesized RNA molecules with defined combinations of bases
(homopolymers and co-polymers).
19. Marshall Nirenberg-
Provided cell free system for protein synthesis.
20. Severo Ochoa- Discovered the polynucleotide phosphorylase
enzyme. Helped in polymerizing RNA in a template independent
manner in cell free system.
21. Taylor and Collegues-
Worked on Vicia faba using radioactive thymidine and proved
semicionservative nature of DNA replication.
22. Francois Jacob (Geneticist) and J Monad(Biochemist) –
Elucidated lac operon.
23. Frederick Sanger-
Developed methods for determination of amino acid sequence in
proteins and also Method for DNA sequencing.
24. Dr Lalji Singh-
Started DNA sequencing in India at CCMB(Centre for Cell and
Molecular Biology)
25. Alec Jeffery-
Technique of DNA Fingerprinting.
26. Stanley Miller-
American scientist Created conditions similar to primitive earth.
Created electric discharge in a closed flask containing methane,
ammonia water vapour and hydrogen at 800°C. Got amino acids as
a result.
27. Oparin (Russia) and Haldane(England)-
proposed “ Chemical Evolution” . First form of life could have came
from pre-existing non-living organis molecules.
28. Louis Pasteur-
Life came from pre-existing life.
29. Charles Darwin-
Gave the theory of Survival of the Fittest and Natural Selection.
30. Alfred Wallace-
Naturalist, Studied malay Archipelago and supported the theory of
natural selection.
31. Ernst Haeckel-
Embryological support for evolution. Observed certain features
during embryonic stage common to all vertebrates that were
absent in adults.
32. Karl Ernst von Baer-
Adult never pass through adult stages of other animals.
33. Thomas Malthas-
Worked on Population studies.
34. Hugo de Vreis-
Worked on evening Primroseand brought forth the idea of
35. Hardy Weinberg-
Gave the Hardy Weinberg Principlewhich says that allele frequencies in a
population are stable and is constant from generation to generation .
Gene pool and their alleles in a population remains constant.
p + q = 1 and p2 +2pq + q2 = 1
36. Norman Borlaug-
Developed semidwarf wheat at International Centre for Wheat and
37. Verghese Kurien-
Father of “White Revolution in India”
38. Alexander Flemming-
Discovered Penicillin
39. Ernst Chain and Florey established
the full potential of of penicillin as an antibiotic.
40. Stanley Cohen and Herbert Boyer-
Constructed frist recombinant DNA in 1972.
41. Nathan, Arber and Smith –
Got Nobel Prize for discovery of Restriction enzyme.
42. Kary Mullis-
Demonstrated the PCR process.
43. Allen-
Gave Allen’s rule which states that people from colder region have
smaller ears and legs to reduce heat loss.
44. Gause-
Gave Gause’s Competetive Exclusion Principle” which states that no
two closely related species competing for same resources cannot
exist indefinitely and the competetively inferior one will be
leminated eventually.
45. Mac Arthur-
Supported Co-existance principle for closely related species
competing for similar resources. Five species of Warblers on a tree.
46. Robert Constanza and Collegues-
Put price tags on natures life support services
47. Connel-
Worked on Competetive release in Field experiment with Barnacles
48. Robert May-
Placed global species diversity at about 7 million.
49. Edward wilson-
Sociobiologist, Popularized the term Biodiversity
50. M.S. Swaminathan-
Father of Green Revolution in India.
51. Alexander von Humboldt geographer,
gave law of Area Species Relationship.
52. David Tilman-
Showed from his experiments that increased diversity contributed
to higher productivity.
53. Paul Ehlrich-
Ecologist from Stanford, gave Rivet Popper hypothesis. Ecosystem
was compared toairplane and species to its rivets.
54. E. Haeckel –
German Zoologist, Coined and defined the term Ecology
55. Lindmann-
10% energy transfer Law.
56. Reiter-
First used the term ecology
57. Odum-
Father of Modern Ecology
58. Ramdeo Mishra-
Father of Ecology in India.

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