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IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution

Research Article

Effects of QV curves in the dynamic behaviour ISSN 1751-8687

Received on 28th August 2015
Revised on 12th April 2016
of power systems Accepted on 27th May 2016
doi: 10.1049/iet-gtd.2015.1042

Renan S. Moura, Antonio Carlos Zambroni de Souza ✉, Benedito Isaias Lima Lopes,
Fritz Walter Mohn
Institute of Electrical Systems and Energy, Federal University of Itajubá, Itajubá, Brazil
✉ E-mail:

Abstract: This study addresses some issues related to reactive power support in electric power systems. This study
considers the QV curve as a tool for indicating the robustness of generators in terms of their reactive power margin
(RPM). The QV curve yields information that is then considered for contingency studies. Then, the dynamic behaviour
of a system with respect to the RPM is investigated. A positive margin, the study shows, may drive a system to
instability. To move the system to a secure region, fuzzy logic is proposed and the effects are dynamically analysed. To
simulate the proposed methodology, the study employs a sample system of five buses and a real Brazilian system.

1 Introduction associated with this new RPM is calculated and the same
contingencies are dynamically assessed again. This paper shows
Since the 1980s, voltage stability problems became a concern as a that the proposed methodology effectively handles the problem.
function of several events reported in different countries [1]. The The tests are executed first with the help of a small sample system.
explanations to understand these events then relied on a static Then, to address the robustness and accuracy of the proposed
approach focusing on load margin calculation [2, 3] and critical methodology, the study uses a real Brazilian system, so the
area identification [4–7]. Since the voltage collapse point could, complexities and non-linearities of a real system are taken into
depending on the system model, be associated with a saddle-node account.
or a Hopf bifurcation, the blackouts were then explained using
bifurcation theory [8–11]. Zambroni de Souza [12] discussed the
behaviour of some indices aimed to predict voltage collapse, 2 Review of voltage stability concepts
showing that under certain conditions, the ‘linear’ indices based on
the Jacobian matrix tended to provide similar results. This was an Certain concepts related to voltage stability are discussed in this
important result that could explain different methodologies, e.g. section. The items described in Sections 2.1–2.4 are simulated
family of test functions, eigenvalues, singular values and reduced with the help of MATLAB.
Jacobian determinant.
Dynamic and quasi-dynamic models were later exploited [13–15],
creating a whole set of computational tools which deal with the 2.1 PV curve
problem of voltage collapse. Such tools enable one to capture the
A PV curve represents the relationship between the voltage level in a
load amount that may drive a system to voltage collapse and to
bus and the load increase in the system. This curve, obtained by the
monitor the dynamic response after discrete control actions are taken.
continuation method [19] indicates the maximum load increase a
Researchers have considered other issues such as penetration of
system may sustain. The distance between a current operating
renewable power generation [16, 17], flexible AC transmission
point and the maximum load is called the load margin. The point
system devices and probability studies. Little attention, however,
of maximum loading is associated with a saddle-node bifurcation.
has been paid to how the reactive power margin (RPM) affects
The continuation method is based on two steps. A predictor step
system stability. The reactive margin, which is calculated through
moves the system from one equilibrium point to another. This
the QV curve [18, 19], shows the robustness of a bus with respect
second point is not on the bifurcation manifold. This is corrected
to voltage collapse. In this sense, studying this curve may shed
by the corrector step, executed by a power flow programme that
light on some voltage collapse problems that the aforementioned
considers the predictor step as the initial guess. The basics behind
techniques generally overlook. The association of the RPM with
this methodology were presented in [8].
transmission lines outages was addressed in [20], pointing out
the importance of keeping a good reactive power reserve.
Reference [21], on the other hand, seeks the best control action to 2.2 QV curve
enhance reactive power reserve. Reactive power management must
also be addressed in isolated microgrids, even rural ones, when Given a curve QV, the stable operating region is located to the right
the issue of power and energy arises [22]. of the minimal point (∂Q/∂V > 0), while the unstable region, left from
The main contribution of this paper lies on the connection the same point (∂Q/∂V < 0). For example, in Fig. 1, the point A is in
between RPM and dynamic stability. This paper shows that, if a the stable region, because an increase in Q will result in a higher
contingency occurs, a generator with an inadequate RPM may voltage. Point B is unstable, since an increase in Q decreases V.
yield dynamic instability. This is confirmed with computational In this paper, the distance from the minimal point to the V-axis
simulations. The problem is mitigated by employing some fuzzy indicates the RPM. The RPM yielded by a QV curve provides a
rules to change the RPM. In this sense, the fuzzy rules employed robustness index of the bus of interest. This characteristic was
are aimed to change the QV curve, so it is moved to a new investigated in [20] for contingency studies. The authors of that
position associated with a larger RPM. The new operating point study focused on a connection between the RPM and

IET Gener. Transm. Distrib., 2016, Vol. 10, Iss. 12, pp. 2861–2870
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Fig. 3 QV curve with negative margin

In dynamic simulations presented in the next sections, the

Fig. 1 QV curve and unstable–stable regions
academic versions of ANAREDE and ANATEM programmes
developed by CEPEL-RJ have been employed. These programmes
are also used by the Brazilian independent system operator (ONS).
contingencies that lead the system to voltage collapse. They
The generator, voltage regulator and speed regulator model used
concluded that contingencies close to buses with power margins as
[21] are shown in Appendix 1 of Section 9.
of type shown in Fig. 2 are severe and tend to drive the system to
instability. The QV curve depicted in Fig. 2 is associated with a
positive margin and the one depicted in Fig. 3 is associated with a
negative margin. 3 Dynamic implications of RPM

The data of the systems used in this section are listed in Appendix 2
2.3 Tangent vector of Section 9, as well as the schematic of the system. Tables 1 and 2
show the RPM with respect to the load factor. By load factor one
The predictor step in the continuation method can be carried out by means the system parameter applied (Δl) to load and generation.
tangent vector (TV). Such a vector converges to the zero right This parameter increase occurs until a positive RPM is flagged.
eigenvector at the bifurcation point and tends to provide an early The active and reactive pattern variations are given by
identification of the critical buses. When the continuation method
is applied to draw a QV curve, the TV is calculated as proposed in
P = P0 (1 + Dl)
[19] and reproduced below for convenience (2)
Q = Q0 ( 1 + D l )
TV Q = J −1 Q1 (1)
Note that as the system is loaded the RPM decreases and may even
become positive. Thus for the operating conditions with positive
where J is the power flow Jacobian and Q1 is a null vector, excepting
margins, dynamic simulations are made, and the results are shown
the reactive power associated with the bus under study. Therefore,
in Tables 3 and 4. The event considered is stressed in column 1,
such a vector provides the sensitivity of the voltage level with
whereas the result obtained is shown in column 2. The results
respect to reactive power variation.
show that the systems may not sustain the outage of a branch
close to generators with a positive margin. In Tables 3 and 4, ‘no
2.4 Dynamic models of generators and regulators operation point’ means that the system could not find an
equilibrium point. These results show a connection between RPM
Reference [15] addresses the importance in voltage collapse studies and dynamic instability. This paper focuses on improving the
of considering long-term dynamics. The objective is to study the system stability by enlarging the RPM. For this sake, TV is
dynamic response of the system when a contingency takes place in employed to calculate the sensitivities that may help to determine
the neighbourhood of a generator with a positive margin. the control actions.
TV is calculated by (1). Such a vector is important because it
shows the sensitivities of the state variables with respect to a
system parameter, in general, a load increase. Here, a variation in
the reactive power generation at the generators is considered as the
parameter (one generator at a time). The entries associated with
the generators are depicted in Table 5. This table shows that, even
when a positive RPM is identified, an operating point may lie on

Table 1 Relation between RPM and load factor, 5-bus system

Load factor, pu RPM, pu

Generator #1 Generator #2

1.0 −0.7179 −0.3932

1.1 −0.6934 −0.3162
1.2 −0.6650 −0.2344
1.3 −0.6318 −0.1376
1.4 −0.5924 −0.0259
1.5 −0.5445 +0.1004
Fig. 2 QV curve with positive margin

IET Gener. Transm. Distrib., 2016, Vol. 10, Iss. 12, pp. 2861–2870
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Table 2 Relation between RPM and load factor, real Brazilian system
Load factor, pu RPM, pu

Generator #1 Generator #2 Generator #3 Generator #17 Generator #18

1.0 −12.0242 −6.4706 −4.2672 −8.8692 −5.0360

1.1 −9.3322 −0.4477 +1.5133 −7.8095 −4.9010

Load factor, pu RPM, pu

Generator #19 Generator #20 Generator #26 Generator #29 Generator #30

1.0 −7.7612 −10.7178 −13.2307 −4.7159 −6.4515

1.1 −7.4803 −9.6889 −4.9695 +4.2100 −0.6220

Load factor, pu RPM, pu

Generator #31 Generator #43 Generator #44 Generator #45 Generator #46

1.0 −8.7695 −4.3866 −5.1955 −2.3685 −8.608

1.1 +2.5514 +2.9662 +1.2833 −0.7666 −0.2221

Table 3 Contingency for positive RPM, 5-bus system, load factor of 1.5 Once the RPM indicates the generators whose QV curves must be
Transmission line outage Dynamic behaviour altered, the control actions to produce this effect must be determined.
The methodology presented in the next section is meant to monitor
1–3 stable and change the RPM with the help of fuzzy logic. Note that the QV
2–4 no operation point curves of the generators may be assessed for any scenarios and
3–4 circuit 1 stable operating points, but the proposed control actions are only flagged
3–4 circuit 2 stable
3–5 circuit 1 no operation point when the system presents generators with positive margins. Thus,
3–5 circuit 2 no operation point the proposed approach may be applied for light and heavy loading

Table 4 Contingency for positive RPM, real Brazilian system, load factor
of 1.1 4 Methodology to enhance the RPM
Transmission line outage Dynamic behaviour
The methodology is considered in the power system operation
10–7 circuit 1 no operation point context. The idea is to monitor the RPM and take actions to keep
10–7 circuit 2 no operation point it negative, since a positive RPM may yield dynamic instability.
39–10 circuit 1 no operation point For this sake, reactive power redispatch is employed according to
39–10 circuit 2 no operation point the steps indicated in the next sections. The proposed
33–47 circuit 1 no operation point
33–47 circuit 2 no operation point methodology is based on sensitivity techniques and fuzzy logic, so
38–47 no operation point no assumption from over or under excitation of the machines
38–61 no operation point analysed is assumed.
56–57 no operation point
57–54 no operation point
57–59 no operation point 4.1 Preliminary tests
57–61 no operation point
59–51 no operation point
Preliminary tests aim to study the behaviour of the margin of the QV
curve for a set of generators. The flowchart depicted in Fig. 4 is
the stable side of the QV curve, since a positive sensitivity is Preliminary tests are executed for one sample system (5-bus) and a
identified. This is confirmed by the proximity index proposed in real one. The tests showed that an increase in the RPM in the 5-bus
[19] and employed in [23]. It is important to stress, however, that system demands higher-voltage level and reactive power generation
the focus here is not on moving the operating point from an from Bus 2 and a decrease in the reactive power generation at Bus
unstable to a stable region, but ‘pushing’ the QV curve down, so a 1. For the Brazilian real system, a better RPM is achieved when
negative margin is obtained. Another difference from [23] lies on the generators with positive margin reduce their reactive power
the dynamic implications of the RPM, as explored here. Note that, generation and other generators with negative margin increase
though based on different philosophies, these approaches complete their reactive power generation. These results show that each
each other. This is because if the current operating point lies system behaves differently with respect to reactive power and
on the unstable side of the QV curve and presents a positive voltage level control. This imposes a complexity that must be
RPM, the approach proposed in [23] must be first employed, and considered in the problem studied here, so the fuzzy rules
then the methodology proposed here may take place. proposed must take this into consideration. Next section describes
the basics of fuzzy logic. Then, the methodology employed to play
redispatch is discussed in Section 4.3.
Table 5 TV sensitivities
Generator TV 4.2 Fuzzy logic in control systems
5-bus system
#2 0.3379
The basic idea behind fuzzy logic in control systems is to integrate
Real Brazilian system the knowledge of a human agent in the design controlling a
#3 0.0475 process whose input–output relationship is described by a set of
#31 0.0123 fuzzy rules (e.g. IF–THEN rules) involving linguistic variables
#43 0.0181
#44 0.0223
rather than a complicated dynamic model. In relation to
conventional control techniques, the fuzzy-logic control is best

IET Gener. Transm. Distrib., 2016, Vol. 10, Iss. 12, pp. 2861–2870
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Table 6 Fuzzy inference table

O+ L+ ML+ TML+



(i) A group of generators is chosen to play reactive power

redispatch according to the sensitivity between voltage level and
reactive power injected. The selected generators are the ones with
a positive RPM and located in the stable region of the QV curve.
(ii) Fuzzy logic is used to calculate the reactive power redispatch.
The input variables are TV entries (ΔVi/ΔQi) and the RPM from
the QV curve.
(iii) The generators become PQ buses and the reactive power
redispatch values are considered in order to obtain the
corresponding voltage level.
(iv) For this operating point, the new RPM is calculated. Then,
dynamic simulation is carried out to assess the effects of the
control action in the system dynamic stability.
(v) The above steps can be repeated again in order to improve the
operational condition of the analysed system. The process ends when
it reaches the voltage limits or the margin of the QV curve becomes
negative for the selected generators.

The fuzzy-logic rules are shown in Table 6 and the representation

of input and output variables are displayed in Figs. 6–8. These rules
are applied to the 5-bus system, so the proposed procedure may be
Fig. 4 Proposed flowchart visualised. Then, a real Brazilian system is used, when some real
operating conditions are considered.
The index+ indicates the RPM and the TV and both of them must
used in complex and ill-defined processes that can be controlled by a be negative for the redispatch. This ensures reactive power reserve
skilled human agent without much knowledge of their underlying and operating point in the stable region of QV curves. In Table 6,
dynamics. A typical architecture of fuzzy-logic control is pictured the labels O, L, ML and TML are ‘OK’, ‘Large’, ‘Much Large’
in Fig. 5, which comprises of four principal blocks: a fuzzifier, a and ‘Too Much Large’ in relation to the RPM, respectively. S, B
fuzzy rule, inference engine and a defuzzifier. This is a figure and MB are ‘Small’, ‘Big’ and ‘Much Big’ in relation to the TV,
widely spread in the literature that helps reader to understand how respectively. The outputs are labelled as TLR, LR, MR and TMR
the process works. If the output from the defuzzifier is not a or ‘Too Little Redispatch’, ‘Little Redispatch’, ‘Much Redispacth’
control action, in a plant or process, then the system is a and ‘Too Much Redispatch’, respectively. As example, some fuzzy
fuzzy-logic decision system. The fuzzifier transforms measured rules are obtained as follows: Rule 1: IF TV = S + AND RPM = O +
data (e.g. power is 100 MW) into suitable linguistic values. The THEN output is TLR; Rule 2: IF TV = S + AND RPM = L + THEN
fuzzy rule base stores the empirical knowledge of the operation of output is TLR; and so on. Further rules can be obtained from
the process from the domain experts. The inference engine is the Table 6. It is important to note that the fuzzy inference table can
core of a fuzzy controller, since it may emulate human be increased or changed at any time.
decision-making to achieve a desired control strategy. The
defuzzifier block employs the inference engine to turn a non-fuzzy
decision into an inferred fuzzy control action.
5 Results
4.3 Reactive power redispatch by fuzzy logic
5.1 5-Bus system
Section 4.1 indicates whether a set of generators must take a positive
or negative reactive power redispatch. This section calculates, using The idea behind all tests is to stress the systems by employing the
fuzzy logic, the reactive power redispatch. The steps are described continuation method. In this sense, (2) is used to increase load and
below: generation. For each operating point, the QV curves are calculated

Fig. 5 Fuzzy logical in control systems

IET Gener. Transm. Distrib., 2016, Vol. 10, Iss. 12, pp. 2861–2870
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IET Gener. Transm. Distrib., 2016, Vol. 10, Iss. 12, pp. 2861–2870
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Fig. 8 Fuzzy output as redispatch
Fig. 7 Fuzzy input as RPM
Fig. 6 Fuzzy input as TV
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Table 7 First application for the 5-bus system – RPM Table 12 Stable dynamic response, real Brazilian system
Load factor, pu RPM, pu Transmission line outage Dynamic behaviour

Generator #1 Generator #2 10–7 circuit 1 stable

10–7 circuit 2 stable
1.5 −0.5815 +0.0413 33–47 circuit 1 stable
33–47 circuit 2 stable
57–59 stable

Table 8 First application for the 5-bus system – Dynamic response and monitored. When a positive RPM is encountered, voltage
control problems are flagged and the proposed algorithm is executed.
Transmission line outage Dynamic behaviour
For the 5-bus system, the load factor that produces a positive RPM
1–3 stable
is 1.5 pu. For this load factor, the TV (ΔV2/ΔQ2) and RPM on
2–4 no operation point Machine 2 are equal to 0.3379 and + 0.1004 pu. Fuzzy logic yields
3–4 circuit 1 stable a redispatch of 0.0429 pu. This takes the voltage value at Bus 2 to
3–4 circuit 2 stable 1.0395 pu. The voltage at Bus 1 is also changed to 1.0395 pu
3–5 circuit 1 stable
3–5 circuit 2 stable
because this system has only two machines.
These changes result in the RPM and dynamic response displayed
in Tables 7 and 8.
Note that, in comparison with Table 3, a larger RPM produced a
better dynamic response when contingencies are considered. Table 7
Table 9 Second application for the 5-bus system shows that the RPM of Generator 2 is still positive, demanding the
fuzzy rules to be employed again. The results obtained by applying
Load factor, pu RPM, pu the methodology once again are depicted in Table 9, which shows
the gain in the RPM. The dynamic results of Table 8 do not change
Generator #1 Generator #2
in this new stage, so this table should be replicated after these tests.
1.5 −0.6182 −0.0302
The results indicate a better static response, since a larger RPM is
obtained. However, no change is observed in the dynamic

Table 10 RPM, real Brazilian system

Load factor, pu RPM, pu

Generator #3 Generator #29 Generator #31 Generator #43 Generator #44

1.1 −0.5007 −2.7707 −4.6835 −1.1157 −2.1574

Table 11 Voltage levels, real Brazilian system

Voltage level, pu Generator #3 Generator #29 Generator #31 Generator #43 Generator #44

1.0796 1.0300a 1.0485 1.1000 1.0699

Note: no change after applying the methodology because generator #29 is swing bus

Fig. 9 Dynamic response – original case

IET Gener. Transm. Distrib., 2016, Vol. 10, Iss. 12, pp. 2861–2870
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Fig. 10 Dynamic response – after control actions

simulations. This is because this system has only two machines and unstable if a contingency takes place in a transmission line close
the control actions to make the system stable are limited. This is to a generator with positive RPM.
better explored in the real Brazilian system analysed next. Pushing down the QV curve is first obtained by a reactive power
redispatch, producing a negative RPM. Dynamic simulations show
that, after this control action, the dynamic may be stable. This
5.2 Real Brazilian system paper then proposed a formal procedure for redispatch based on
fuzzy-logic rules. To do this, a TV was used to identify the
The real system employed here consists of 65 buses and 96 generators likely to play redispatch.
transmission lines. The results are shown in Tables 10–12. Results obtained in the sample system and the real one show the
Table 11 indicates that the generators that previously had positive proposed methodology to be effective and robust, enabling one to
margins in QV curves (Table 4) yielded, after application of the employ it in real operating conditions, so as to enhance system
methodology, positive margins from QV curves. As for this real stability. Other redispatch approaches should be tested in the
system, an important question regarding the computational burden future in order to consider other kinds of control actions.
arises. In this paper, the continuation constraint reactive implicit Another advantage of the proposed methodology lies on
coupling method proposed in [19] is employed. That reference secondary voltage control. In this sense, because the generators are
discussed the potentiality of this methodology, so calculating the set to a better RPM, they may contribute in an effective manner in
QV curve for a set of generators is not time consuming, enabling the voltage control of the pilot buses.
one to employ this approach in operating scenarios.
As in the previous test systems, a more negative margin on the QV
curve meant the best dynamic results. In Table 12, some
contingencies previously classified in Table 4 as ‘no operating 7 Acknowledgments
point’ become stable after applying the methodology proposed in
this paper. The other contingencies not shown in Table 12 The authors thank CAPES for partially supporting this work. The
presented dynamic responses classified as ‘no operating point’ or second author thanks CNPq, FAPEMIG and INERGE for
‘stable with large oscillation reactive power’. Fig. 9 shows the supporting this work.
dynamic response of the reactive power generation for a case
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Smart Grid Technologies Conf. Latinamerica, Uruguay, 5–7 October 2015 (generator MVA basis) and Pbt (turbine MW basis) as 465.
23 Marujo, D., Zambroni de Souza, A.C., Lima Lopes, B.I., et al.: ‘On control actions
effects by using QV curves’, IEEE Trans. Power Syst., 2014, 1, pp. 1–8
9.2 Appendix 2

9 Appendices This section presents the data and the network configuration of the
systems used in this paper. Table 14 indicates the initial load-flow
9.1 Appendix 1 conditions for the 5-bus system with load factor of 1.5 pu and
Table 15 indicates their grid parameters. The schematic diagram of
In dynamic simulations, the academic versions of ANAREDE and the 5-bus system is also shown in Fig. 16.
ANATEM programmes developed by CEPEL-RJ have been used. Brazilian real system data have been obtained from the Brazilian
The generator, voltage regulator and speed regulator models used independent system operator.

Fig. 12 Diagram for quadrature axis equations

Fig. 11 Diagram for electromechanical swing equation generator model

IET Gener. Transm. Distrib., 2016, Vol. 10, Iss. 12, pp. 2861–2870
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IET Gener. Transm. Distrib., 2016, Vol. 10, Iss. 12, pp. 2861–2870
& The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2016
Fig. 13 Diagram for direct axis equations

Fig. 14 Model of voltage regulator used

Fig. 15 Model of speed regulator used

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Fig. 16 5-Bus system diagram

Table 13 Parameter data for all dynamic models

Generator model Saturation curve on Voltage regulator model Speed regulator model
generator model

Parameters Values Parameters Values Parameters Values Parameters Values

Ld 272.00 Y1 0.016 Ka 200.00 R 0.050

Lq 260.00 Y2 8198 Ke 0.5 Rp 0.381
Ld′ 36.00 X1 0.8 Kf 0.063 At 1081
Ld′′ 26.00 – – Tm 0.00 Qnl 0.15
Ll 12.00 – – Ta 0.2 Tw 1.15
Tdo′ 8.5 – – Te 0.314 Tr 7.0
Tdo′′ 0.03 – – Tf 0.35 Tf 0.05
Tqo′′ 0.9 – – Lmin −9999 Tg 0.5
Ra 0 – – Lmax 9999 Lmin 0.0
H 3.84 – – – – Lmax 0.984
D 0 – – – – Dturb 0.352
MVA 5200.00 – – – – D 1.0
frequency 60.00 – – – – Pbg 465.
– – – – – – Pbt 465.

Table 14 Initial load-flow conditions, 5-bus system with load factor of 1.5
Bus type Terminal voltage, pu Active power generation, pu Reactive power generation, pu Loads, pu Limits of reactive power generation, pu

swing 1.01700◦ 0.4553 0.0643 0.0 without limits

PV 1.02505.4280◦ 1.3500 0.6067 0.0 without limits
PQ 1.0079 − 5.0927◦ 0.0 0 0.0 X
PQ 0.98650.1004◦ 0.0 0 0.0 X
PQ 0.9937 − 14.4001◦ 0.0 0 Pl = 1.8 X

Table 15 Transmission lines, 5-bus system

Connection between buses Resistance, pu Reactance, pu Total shunt susceptance, pu Tap (1:t) Bus tap

1–3 0.001 0.20 0.0 X X

2–4 0.001 0.07 0.0 X X
3–4 0.001 0.14 0.0 1.02 4
3–4 0.001 0.14 0.0 0.9 4
3–5 0.001 0.18 0.0 X X
3–5 0.001 0.18 0.0 X X

IET Gener. Transm. Distrib., 2016, Vol. 10, Iss. 12, pp. 2861–2870
2870 & The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2016

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