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The Old Testament is a collection of various writings placed together over a long period of time to
make what appears to be a continuous volume of God’s revelation to mankind and man’s constant
rebellion against God.

This work begins by making a comparison between the modern scientific ideas of the beginning of
things and the biblical teaching about creation, the continuity and discontinuity of the bible, the
meaning of the bible and the Authorship of the Pentateuch. I believe these are foundation chapters
and for someone to understand the Old Testament must first grasp them.

For academic reasons the Old Testament can be divided into four broad sections;
The Pentateuch; this refers to the first five books in the bible which are widely believed to have
been written by Moses. In them we find the primeval history, the liberation theology and most
important the law. Very often those writings are referred to as the TORAH

Historical books; in these books, the history of Israel is continued from the death of Moses to the
establishment of a united monarchy-a loose confederation of twelve tribes of Israel under kings.

In these books we realize a transition from theocracy to a monarchy. The main theme in these books
is the disobedience of the nation of Israel against the Laws given to the Israelites by Moses.

The Prophetic books; these books are a collection of prophetic messages addressed to prominent
individuals usually kings or the children of Israel as a whole or the neighboring tribes and nations.

Emphasis here is placed on five prophets i.e. Amos, Hosea, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and Isaiah although
other Prophets like Nathan, Elijah and Elisa are treated under kingship in the same way some kings
like Ahaz &Hezekiah are treated under Isaiah.

Wisdom books; these special writings detail the wisdom literature which flourished throughout the
ancient near east often ignoring national boundaries. Emphasis is placed on the book of Job, Psalm
2,20,22,47 and137 for study purposes.


How can the scientific idea of evolution be reconciled with the biblical teaching about creation?
According to the evolution theory there was water in form of liquid due to forces of nature.

Later on it changed to solid matter and the forces further forced it to split thus resulting into the
present day continental planet.

Some people have opposed the biblical creation stories as false that the universe was created within a
period of 6 days.

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It might have taken very many millions of years for the universe to be what it is today.

It should be noted that the evolution theory does not answer certain pertinent questions, e.g. when
did creation take place? Who was responsible for creation? Why did it take place?

The scientific and bible teaching about the existence of the universe can be reconciled in the
following ways;

Christians must maintain their reference to God and any attempt to explain the meaning of life
without reference to God is meaningless.

Therefore according to Christians the theory of evolution does not hold much water, scientists
should know that knowledge was given to them by God.

Evolution theory should be reconciled with the idea of creation that it becomes hard for it to answer
certain questions which were asked e.g. When did creation take place?

The scientific idea of evolution also explains that man and animals developed from the smallest
things on earth but the question is who created these smallest things?

It should be further noted that science has gone far with discovering new things e.g. nuclear
weapons, AIDS and its associated problems all these have failed to give a systematic explanation of
life and the universe.

However it should be noted that the biblical teachings can explain certain events that have
occurred due to man`s failure to control his power.

The writer of Genesis did not intend to write a historical book, he did not want to present scientific
facts but only wanted to explain logical facts; his main purpose was to present the religious truth.

The word bible is got from a Greek word biblos which literally means the book of library. The bible
therefore is a collection of many books and it was written by different people under the influence of
the Holy Spirit. Those people were inspired and that is why we say that the bible is an inspired book.

However these people wrote in the language they understood and according to the needs of their
circumstances and history.

The bible has been translated into various languages and it is divided into two major sections- i.e.
the Old Testament and New Testament.

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The Old Testament deals with all those facts that occurred before the birth of Jesus Christ and the
New Testament deals with all facts that occurred after the birth of Jesus Christ.

The word Testament means a pact or agreement and the Old Testament means the old agreement.
The Old Testament is again divided into 4 divisions i.e. the Pentateuch, the Historical books, the
prophets and the wisdom books.


“There is no connection between the Old testament and the New testament “Discuss

In the Old Testament, Jesus as a savior is fore shadowed in Isaac (i.e. the lamb to be sacrificed), in
Moses (liberator), David (King) and Elijah (Prophet).

Jesus inherited the culture and faith of the Jewish people into which he was born.

Both Testaments are concerned with the same God. The God who speaks of Jesus Christ in the New
Testament is the same God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

The God who works on the redemption in Christ is the same God who led them through the
wilderness, spoke to them at Mt. Sinai, gave them prophets and brought them safely from the land of

Isaiah prophesied about the suffering servant, Isaiah 52:13-15 and Psalms 22 gives the nature of the
suffering servant. This is reflected in the suffering of Jesus Christ; the centre of the New Testament.

Prophet Ezekiel looked forward towards the coming of a good shepherd (Ezekiel 34) “I will give
them a king like my servant David”. This is reflected in the life and ministry of Jesus. John 10:1-21
portrays Jesus as a good shepherd, hence the New Testament fulfilling the Old Testament.

The new covenant that was going to be made with people of Israel as outlined in Jeremiah 31:33 is
later fore shadowed in the New Testament whereby Jesus made it on behalf of Christians, thus
showing the connection between the two testaments.

Prophets, “Ezekiel and Isaiah” talk about a new and purified temple for the holy people where the
holiness of God would be deserved. In the New Testament Jesus taught about worship in a temple
and sent away people who were defiling it.

The two testaments teach about purposeful worship. They condemn religious formalism. This was
condemned by Prophet Amos and later Jeremiah in his temple sermon. In the same way Jesus
condemned those who would go to the temple (Pharisees) with purpose of showing off.

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Abraham as the most important figure in the Old Testament is portrayed as the first ancestor of Jesus
Christ the core of the New Testament; Mathew 1:1.

Moses the great prophet of the Old Testament is hailed in the New Testament. This is portrayed
when he appeared during the transfiguration of Jesus. Mark 9.

The nature of God as shown in the Old Testament is the same nature portrayed in the New
Testament as having values like loving caring, gracious, provider, kind, shield, e.t.c

The promises that were given to Abraham and his descendants are the same promises that followers
of Christ long for. The land of Canaan that was promised to Abraham is like heaven which
Christians are striving to go to after their earthly life.
The laws that were given to the Jews in the Old Testament are still upheld in the New Testament.
Jesus said that he did not come to abolish the law but to perfect it.

The suffering and oppression that was experienced by God’s people of the Old Testament are
reflected in the New Testament. The New Testament portrays suffering as caused by sin. Thus as
Moses liberated the Israelites from the bondage of slavery, Jesus liberated Christians from the
bondage of sin.

Both testaments are connected with the same people. These people are the Israelites of God. The
record of origin triumphs and the destiny of Israel is the church of the New Testament. Thus
Christians are the new Israelites in the New Testament.

The coming of Jesus and all that followed was a long process that the God of Israel has now fulfilled
with his promises he made in the Old Testament. The New Testament expresses the conviction that
Christianity is as old as Israel. It began when Israelites were called out of Egypt.

The Old Testament and the New Testament however show certain instances that guarantee
discontinuity or disconnection which can be seen from the following.

The book of Leviticus 11:1-47 gives the laws about food prohibitions like not eating Pigs, vultures,
fish with no fins, e.t.c. But in the New Testament, Jesus said that nothing that goes inside man can
make him unclean, but what comes out of him. The same teaching was upheld by St. Paul in 1st
Corinthians 8.

Christians today base their teaching on the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ the centre of
Christian teaching. This distinguishes them from the Jews who only believe in the Old Testament.

Polygamy in the Old Testament was not a problem. Even the patriarchs of Israel were polygamists,
e.g. Abraham, Jacob and even Kings like David and Solomon, whereas in the New Testament, Jesus
condemned polygamy and widow inheritance hence a disconnection of the two testaments

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In the Old Testament, there is corporate punishment where by sin committed by one person affected
the whole community. This is challenged in the New Testament whereby each individual is
accountable for his or her own sins, i.e. there is individual responsibility of sin.

In the Old Testament, God is seen as a warrior who kills his people’s enemies and fights for them.
However, this is challenged in the New Testament whereby Jesus said that a person should pray for
his enemies and that God loves the sinners.

The Old Testament guaranteed death of people who committed sins that were horrible, e.g. adultery,
murder, incest, e.t.c. (Deut. 22:13-30). However, Jesus in the New Testament says that such people
can be forgiven by showing love and mercy to them so that they can reform.

The New Testament challenges the Old Testament perception of wealth as a blessing from God. It
says that too much wealth makes man evade God.

The word Pentateuch is derived from the Greek word known as Pentateuchos which comes from the
word penta meaning 5 (it means five scrolls) these are the first five books of the bible- i.e. Genesis,
Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy.


There are divergent views regarding the authorship of the Pentateuch. Some scholars say that the
Pentateuch was written by Moses and they give their views to support their arguments.

According to Exodus 17:14 it is said that the lord said to Moses, “ write an account of this
victory…” this statement was made after the Israelites had defeated the Amalekites in the battle and
by Moses recording this account he was contributing to the Pentateuch.

Exodus 24:7 indicates that Moses had the book containing the law. It could therefore be argued
rightly that it must have been Moses who had written this book.

The ability of Moses to perform Miracles e.g. before the Pharaoh could have enabled Moses to
remember things that occurred before his existence hence writing the Pentateuch.

In Exodus 34:27 the Lord said to Moses write these words down because it is on the basis of these
words that I am making covenant with you and with Israel. Moses did as he had been commanded
and this qualifies him to be the author of the Pentateuch.

In Deut 31:9 we see God commanding Moses to write down the law and giving it to the Levitical
Priests who were in charge of the ark of the covenant this comprised the laws that cover a large part
of the Pentateuch an Indication that Moses was the author of the Pentateuch.

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Since Moses had a close connection with God he must have known about the details and the
development of a theocratic nation it is these details that we find in the Pentateuch.

Since Moses grew up in the Pharaohs palace he must have got the art of writing since writing was
always taught at the palace, using this skill he must have been able to write the Pentateuch.

The call of Moses was an inspiring one as such Moses must have been able to remember all those
things that could have happened before he was born. E.g. the creation stories, the fall of man and the
call of Abraham.

Moses was the leader of the Exodus and as a leader he must have been able to write certain facts
about the experience of his people hence contributing to the Pentateuch.


Julius Willihansen a German Scholar argued that Moses lived at the time the art and science of
writing had not been developed therefore he could not be the author of the Pentateuch.

R.C. Simon a protestant theologian says that there are many things that took place before Moses was
born e.g. the sin of Man, creation stories, the call of Abraham e.t.c. how did he know about all these

The Pentateuch has got details of biography of Moses e.g. his birth, his death and burial. In Deut
34:4-12 we see a description of where Moses was buried i.e. the plains of Moab and the days people
took mourning his death. How did he come to know what happened after his death? This is a clear
indication that he did not write the Pentateuch.

Julius Willihansen said that Moses never existed physically he was a legendary figure he said that,
the writers of the bible used it to justify their mythical stories. Moses did not exist therefore the
Pentateuch was written by other people.

In the book of Genesis there are 2 stories of creation if the author was one why did he write 2 stories
and all of them contradicting each other. This is an indication that many people contributed to the
authorship of the Pentateuch but not Moses alone.

Despite these controversies about the authorship of the Pentateuch some scholars still hold the view
that Moses was the author of the Pentateuch they argue that if Hammurabi King of Mesopotamia
wrote the laws yet he existed longer before Moses so it is wrong to argue that Moses was not the
author of the Pentateuch.


“The stories of creation and the fall of man in Gen 1-3 are mythical” How far do you agree?

To a smaller extent I agree that the stories in Gen 1-3 are a collection of myths;

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The stories in Gen 1-3 are mythical since they resemble stories of African tribes about creation.

The story of evolution has disapproved the creation story in which the world was created in only 6

The Garden of Eden has never been geographically located. It was a symbol for the heavenly kind of
life that God wished for mankind.

A woman being created out of the man’s rib is not true because man has no missing rib; it simply
symbolizes equality of a man and a woman.

The story that God rested on the 7th day is a myth because God does not rest .He is ever at work
watching his creatures if he rested the world would collapse; the writer wanted to show the value of
resting and praising God.

Man being created out of soil sounds mythical since man’s body has blood, water, bones e.t.c.

The tree in the middle of the Garden of Eden did not exist in reality; it is simply a symbol of Gods

The fruits on the tree might have not existed in reality, but the writer used the symbol of fruits to
symbolize the attractive nature of sin.

It is a myth that the snake talked to Eve. Snakes do not talk; the snake symbolized how Satan tempts
our minds.

The story that the snake was cursed to eat dust is not true because snakes eat Lizards, birds e.t.c it
simply stood for Punishments, more over it is not the only creature that craws.

The Rivers Pison and Gihon Gen 2:11-13 have never been found anywhere. This is a clear indication
that they never existed hence the stories are a myth.

Eating of the forbidden fruit is a myth which symbolized disobedience otherwise which exact fruit
did Adam and Eve Eat.

After eating they realized their nakedness this is not literally true it means that they felt guilty.

Gods making of clothes out of animal skin is not literally real. It only symbolizes Gods love for man
and his forgiving nature.
However to a greater extent the stories of Genesis1-3 are not mythical they are real stories or
stories that represent spiritual truth.

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Nothing is impossible for God, so his creation of the world in 6 days stands good.

For God a day may represent a year or 1000 years-so it is useless to argue that God could not have
created the universe in 6 days.

The theory of evolution has never been experimentally proved it cannot therefore erode the bible
theory of creation these are both theories.

River Pison and River Gihon could have dried up or were renamed.

Scientists have discovered that human bodies have some components of soil so it is useless to argue
that man was not created out of soil.

When man dies his body rots and becomes soil so it is useless to dismiss Genesis stories as mythical.

The snakes still craw up to now.

The woman up to now she is slightly inferior to man.

Women still suffer 9 months of pregnancy and labour pains.

Man still sweats to earn a living.

The relationship between man and some creatures became difficult and in some cases hostile.

The relationship between man and the snake is that of enemies.

It is true that Genesis 1-3 could be mythical but the message behind these myths still stands.
Examine the view that the stories of Genesis 1-3 are a myth but with a lot of theological meaning.

God is the creator.

God is the provider.

God is holy.

God is omnipresent.

God is all powerful.

God is very wise / omniscience.

Man is a sinner.

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Man disobeys God by depending on other things.

Man tempts and seduces fellow man into sin.

Sin is very attractive.

The devil persuades man into sin.

Sin destroys the relationship between man and fellow man.

Sin destroys the relationship between man and God.

Sin destroys the relationship between man and other creatures.

Sin puts man into an inferior position.


It is one of the books of the Pentateuch the word Genesis means origin. It therefore comes to the
origin of everything in the universe created by God. Therefore Genesis means the origin or the
beginning of creation.

On the other hand it refers to the bringing into existence whether by the will or act of a transcended
being or otherwise.

Genesis portrays the beauty of the world, man’s happiness and his co-existence with other creatures,
his peaceful relationship with God and Gods salvation.

Genesis gives the nature and character of God but does not give his origin. It only indicates that God
existed before creation. The writer indicates that he used to move around the universe as a spirit.

The book of Genesis has 2 creation accounts which may be some approaches on how
Creation took place. The first creation account begins with Gen 1:1 to Gen 2:4a and is a priestly
source; the 2nd account is Yahwist i.e. Gen 2:4b-25.

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The creation stories tell us, the creation of human beings which is presented in Genesis 1and 2 and
more especially Gen 2:1-25.

There are 2accounts of creations reported by 2 different sources i.e. the priestly source reported the
1st creation account and the Yahwist source reported the 2nd creation account.


Give an account of the first creation story
(The 1st creation story/ account as it appear in the bible talks about God creating the universe in
6days and resting on the 7th day.

On the first day God created light and separated it from darkness he called light day and he called
darkness night.

On the 2nd day God created dome\ expanse that separated water into two and he named the dome

On the 3rd day God created the earth and the sea and the earth produced all kinds of plants those that
bare grain and those that bare fruits.

On the 4th day he created lights in the sky to separate day from night and to show the time when
days, years and religious festivals begin. This is when God made the sun to rule over the day and the
moon and stars to rule over the night.

On the 5th day he created all living creatures in water, all the birds to fly around the earth after
getting pleased he placed the birds increasingly on the earth.

On the 6th day after he had done all the things, God created man in his image and likeness he created
them male and female.

On the 7th day God had completed creating the universe he rested and blessed the 7th day and set it
apart as a special day because by that day he had completed his creation.


Examine the meaning of the 1st creation account.

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The 1st account is called the priestly account and is said to have been written between 550 and 450
BC. That’s the time when many priests were in exile in Babylon.

In this account God used his words to create the universe e.g. Genesis 1:6-7 he commanded that let
there be a dome to divide water and it happened. Therefore he used his words to show his power.

In the 1st account God created the universe following a certain order e.g. he created light on the 1st
day the sky on the 2nd day e.t.c. This proves that in the 1st creation account he was a God of order.

In this account he was pleased with whatever he had created meaning that he had love for all
creatures. Genesis 1:31.

God created human beings in his own image meaning that he wanted them to represent him on earth.

In this account he created man last because he wanted to provide him with the responsibility of
masterdom over other creatures.

In the same account there is an idea of trinity to signify or to show that God was not a lone this
shows that God was with the son, and the Holy Spirit. E.g. Genesis 1:26 “then God said and now we
will make human beings, they will be like us”.

He created man as a summit of creation and commanded him to be fruitful fill the earth and subdue
it. Gen 1:28. This shows the idea of pro-creation.

God in the 1st creation account he created human beings male and female which shows that he
blessed marriage.

Equally important he created human beings at the same time showing that they were supposed to be
equal before God.

For God to command the creatures i.e. male and female to multiply and be fruit full meant that sex in
marriage was blessed.
Of what benefit is the first creation account to modern Christians/What lessons do modern
Christians learn from the first creation account?


In this account God made the earth and heaven and no shrubs of the field nor plants were made.

He created the Garden of Eden and there was no man to work on the ground.

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Finally God created man from dust and breathed through his nostrils with the breathe of life and then
man became a living creature.

After God had created all things and man was put in control of everything, he remained lonely and

So the lord God caused Adam to fall into deep sleep he took out the man’s rib and closed the flesh.

He created the woman who was brought to man and the man said she will be called woman because
she is born out of my flesh.

The lord said, “It is for this reason that a man leaves his father and mother and is united with his wife
to become one” and at that time man and woman were was naked and felt no shame.


Compare the 1st creation story in Genesis 1:1-4a with the 2nd creation story in Gen 2:4b-25.
This question requires the similarities and differences found in the two creation stories in Gen 1
and 2.
Both Gen 1 and 2 give accounts about creation

In both Gen 1and 2 God is the creator.

In Both Gen 1 and 2 God is the provider.

In Both Gen 1 and 2 God is orderly.

In Both Gen1 and 2 God is omnipresent.

In Both Gen1 and 2 God is omnipotent and almighty.

In Both Gen1 and 2 God is the source of life.

Both stories present man as the climax of God’s creation.

In Both Gen1 and 2 man is given power to control other creatures.

In Both Gen1 and 2 man and woman need each other i.e. companionship.

In Both stories God instituted monogamous marriage.

In Both stories man and woman are equal in value and dignity.

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In Both stories human beings are greatly blessed.

In Both God expects man to be obedient and worship him.

In Both Gods pre-existence and eternity is presented.

Both stories present God as a saving God.

The two stories present the world as peaceful, orderly and enjoyable.

In both man is a co-creator i.e. he has to work and make the world a better place to live in.

The 1st creation story Gen 1:1 to Gen 2:4b was written by the priests (ie p source) while the 2nd
creation story Gen: 2:5B-25 was written by the Yahwist.

Gen 1 presents a God who is a distance from his creatures while Gen 2 presents a God who is nearer
to his creatures.

Gen 1 presents an authoritative God while Gen 2 presents a democratic and parental God.

In Gen 1 man was created last after all other creatures while Gen 2 man was created first before
creating other creatures.

In Gen 1 both man and woman were created at the same time while in Gen 2 man was created first
and woman after some time.

In Gen 1 the creator is referred to as God while in Gen 2 he is referred to as the Lord God.

In Gen 1 human beings were created in Gods image where as in Gen 2 they were created out of soil.

In Gen 1 creation is presented as a very orderly process that took 6 days while in Gen 2 there is no
sense of time.

In Gen 1 God rested on the seventh day after creating while in Gen 2 Gods rest is not mentioned.

Gen 1 presents a spiritual God while Gen 2 presents both a spiritual and physical God who touches
and molds his creatures.

In Gen 1 the original water was covered in darkness and was hostile Gen 1:2 while in Gen 2:6
original water was peaceful and good.

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Gen 1 presents God creating in trinity “let us create human beings”. Gen 1”26 while Gen 2 presents
God in the first person singular. I will make a suitable companion for him Gen 2:18.

Gen 1 is poetic (evening passed and morning came ---) while Gen 2 is symbolic ( reap, Eden etc.)

The 2nd story i.e. Gen 2 limits man from eating fruits from the tree in the middle of the Garden of
Eden while in Gen 1 man was free to eat the fruits of any tree.

In Gen 2 the nakedness of man and woman is mentioned i.e. Gen 2:25 while Gen 1 does not refer to
this nakedness.

In Gen 2 man names all the creatures including the woman whereas in Gen 1 it is God who names all
the creatures.

In Gen 1 the purpose of creating the two sexes is pro-creation while in Gen 2 is companionship.

In Gen 2 there is a deeper concern and description of the creation of man, woman and the Garden of
Eden while in Gen 1 God is equally concerned about all his creatures.

Gen 2 shows God planting the Garden of Eden while this garden is not mentioned in the first
creation story.


Account for the similarities and differences betweenGen1 and 2.
This question requires the reasons why these creation stories are similar and why they are

The authors of Gen 1 and Gen: 2 were both Jews writing to fellow Jews hence similarities.

The writers of Gen 1 and 2 used the same source i.e. they depended on oral tradition of Jews handed
down from generations to generations.

Both writers wanted to show the origin of the world.

Both the priest and the Yawhist writers wrote to show the origin of man.

Both the priest and the Yahwist writers wanted to show the sanctity of life.

Both the priest and the Yahwist were inspired by the spirit of God hence the uniformity.

Both writers aimed at showing Gods love for mankind.

Both wanted to develop people’s faith in God.

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They wanted to prove that the Israelite God was greater than the Babylonian gods.

Both P and J (Yahwist) were complementing each other.

Both wanted to show the origin and sanctity of marriage and sex in marriage.

Both aimed at presenting Gods wisdom.

Both Gen 1 and 2 are claimed to have been written by Moses the author of the Pentateuch.


The 2 creation stories were written by different authors Gen 1 was written by the Priests while Gen.
2 was written by the Yahwists, hence the difference.

The 2 stories were written at different periods of time. The story in Gen 1 was written during the
exilic period 550-450 while the 2nd creation story was written earlier during Solomon’s rule.

The Yahwist writer wrote to call for hard work so as to prosper whereas the priestly writer realized
the danger of over working without worship and wrote to call for worship after work and hence he
ends by showing Gods rest on the 7th day.

The priestly writer wanted to develop people’s faith because they thought that Babylonian gods were
more powerful than Yahweh on the other hand the Yahwist writer wanted to develop people’s
devotion to work this is why he shows God physically at work.

The priestly writer wanted to show the invisibility and spirituality of God while the Yahwist writer
wanted to show God’s omnipresence in the daily activities of man.

The Yahwist writer of Gen wrote from Babylon outside Israel and painted a picture of a very
authoritative God while the priestly writer wrote from Israel and wanted to paint a picture of God’s
love for man.

The priestly writer wanted to portray the total equality of man and woman created at the same time
in Gods image while the Yahwist writer wanted to trace the origin of women inferiority to men.


The story of creation of man in Genesis 1:26-30 indicates God thinking of creation of man who
would resemble them. This signifies that the creation of man was in accordance to Gods plan and
therefore it was not accidental.

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God also said; they will be like us and resemble us. By this, it showed a special relationship and
uniqueness between God and man. It also meant that man occupies a privileged position in this
world and therefore he is a unique creature.

God created them male and female which signified the equality of sexuality i.e. both a male and a
female are equal before God and they are equal in rights and status.

After this, God blessed them to have so many children. The blessing signifies inauguration of
marriage as a divine institution. God blessed man in recognition of his uniqueness and the love that
God had for him.

God commanded man to put the earth and other creatures under his control. “I am putting you in
charge of the fish, the birds and the wild animals”. This signified that man is a special representative
of God on earth.

God was using the same command he had used in creating other things like the luminaries (sun to
guide the day and the moon, stars to guide the night). By use of mere command to create, it means
that Gods word is creative and he is powerful.

The creation of man was done on the sixth day i.e. man was the last creature to be created when all
other creatures had been created. This means that man occupies a superior position over other
animals on earth.

God commanded man to produce and fill the whole world. This signified the idea of pro-creation
since God could not continue commanding all the time in order to have human control.

God also commanded man to dominate the universe. This meant that idea of co-creation with God
had been born. Man is supposed to dominate and control the whole universe.

Man was given authority and mandate to improve the world and make it a better place to live in; this
signified that man is an agent of God’s creation on earth.

God commanded man to eat all kinds of plants on earth. Genesis 1:29; I have provided all kinds of
grains and all kinds of fruits for you to eat. This signified that God is a provider and giver of life and

When God created man, i.e. male and female, he created them in his own image and likeness.
Genesis 1:27; so God created human beings making them to be like him. It indicated that God had
given man his divine favors and that’s why man is distinguished from other creatures God created

God looked at everything he had made and he was very pleased especially the creation of man. This
signified that God is a source of pleasure, joy and happiness for man.

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The writer shows that on the seventh day, God rested from work and the day of rest is called the
Sabbath day.


QN: Then God said “And now we will make human beings; they will be like us and resemble us, -
---- So that God created human beings in his likeness----”) Gen 1:26-27.
Discuss the meaning / significance of creating human beings in Gods image.

The meaning of creating man in Gods image means that man is unique from other creatures.

It means that man shares some of the unique qualities with God.

.It points at the privileges given to human beings e.g. the ability to think reason and make decisions.

It means that man has to worship and glorify God.

Creating of man in Gods image showed that man is a co-creator with God i.e. God did his work and
gave the responsibility of creation to man. Man is to subdue the world so as to co-create a long side
what God created.

Man being created in Gods image showed that he is a representative of God on earth. I.e. he reflects
Gods presence on earth and acts as Gods servant on earth.

The creation of man in Gods image showed that man is beyond other creatures. I.e. he is
transcendent in reasoning and Judgment.

The creation of man in Gods image implied that mankind had been given a gift of pro-creation since
God is a creator therefore man has to subdue the world.

Man being created in the image of God means that there is equality among people since they were all
created in Gods image. I.e. man and woman are equal before God since they shared Gods characters.

The creation of Man in Gods image meant that man is the summit of creation; he is above all
creatures in matters of reasoning and character.

Man being created in Gods image implied that man is unique from the rest of creation since he is the
only one who shares a special relationship with God.

Man being created in Gods image meant that man should worship God because he was created in a
special way.

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It meant that man has to develop in Gods likeness e.g. he should be holy just as God is holy since he
shares in this holiness by the fact that he was created in the image of God.

It also shows the loving nature of God towards mankind and man has to love his God and his fellow

It shows that man is not equal to God. He is just a mere reflection with qualities like reason,
intelligence and Judgment of good and bad.

It showed the dependence of man upon God for knowledge.

It meant that man should recognize God as the creator.

Since God is wise, human beings share this wisdom by the fact that they are created in his image.

God wanted to have some one of his own kind who would be close to him. Therefore, Man should
fellowship with God.

It means that man has a close relationship with God since man looks like God therefore man should
fellowship with him.

It means that man shares Gods quality of living forever unlike other creatures. He was created to live
forever though death came in after man’s disobedience in Gen 3.


How should Christians today live up to Gods image?

Examine the application of the creation of man in Gods image in Gen 1:26 to modern Christians.

Explain the relevance of creation of man in Gods image to modern Christians.

What lessons do modern Christians learn from the story of creating man in Gods image?

Christians should fellowship with God through prayers, worshipping and respecting the holy days
like Sunday.

Christians should practice monogamy which was Gods original plan for marriage and to uphold
equality of man and woman because they were both created in Gods likeness.

Christians should practice monotheism (worship only one God since God is the only creator).

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Christians should practice harmony in their country through peaceful negotiations.

Christians should worship God in their special ways through composing gospel music and respecting
the Sabbath day.

Christians should obey Gods laws and live up to them e.g. they should love one another.

Christians are called upon to repent and forgive in order to fellowship with God.

Christians should protect and care for the unprivileged through setting up orphanages and babies
home such as Sanyu babies home.

Christians should pro-create by bettering the world though their marriage.

Christians should maintain morality in whatever they do i.e. they should respect the gift of sex as its
only practiced in marriage between man and woman.

Christians should protect rights and freedoms of people through organizations like Uganda Human
Rights Commission.

Christians should spread the word of God through preaching, crusades and missionary journeys.

Christians should believe and trust in God for providence because man depends on God.

Christians should administer fair Judgment in courts of law.

Christians should work as a human activity there by co-creating with Go

To what extent has man lived up to God’s image today.
To a smaller extent man has lived up to Gods image today as shown below.

Man has passed on the gift of life through pro- creation.

Man has made improvements on the world e.g. through construction work.
Man is a worker who offers service to others e.g. health services.
Man has continued preaching the word of God.
Some people genuinely worship one God.
Some human beings practice monogamous marriage in life.
Man has made more efforts to produce more food by tilling the land.
Man has improvised irrigation services in desert and semi-arid areas.
Man has improved soil fertility through manufacturing fertilizers and mulching.
Man has struggled for peace and justice e.g. through UNO.
Man has identified and utilized natural resources e.g. gold and oil.
Man has extended a hand of love and help to the poor, the weak, the refugees and the disabled.

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However to a greater extent man has failed to live up to Gods image through the following
abusive irresponsible acts;

Man has practiced abortion there by refuting Gods command to pro-create.

Man has killed / murdered fellow man there by distorting Gods image.

Man has exploited fellow man.

Some leaders have become dictatorial instead of serving fellow man.

Some people have cut down forests leading to global warming.

Man has continuously manufactured weapons of mass destruction e.g. atomic and nuclear bombs.

Man has involved himself in terrorist attacks.

Countries have attacked countries destroying properties and human life.

Man has practiced religious syncretism or mixing the belief in Jesus and traditional gods.

Man is increasingly depending on the powers of magic and witch craft.

Man has abused sex thru acts of homosexuality, lesbianism, adultery etc.

There is a lot of rape cases in the world.

Man has failed to have control over alcohol leading to alcoholism.

Man has involved himself in corruption thus swindling funds meant for public well fare.

There is increasing disobedience to parents and other authorities.

There is disunity and abuses between Christian churches there by lowering Gods image in man.

Man has resorted to nude/ naked shows and indecent dressing.

People have become addicted to pornography and drugs.

To what extent did people of the Old Testament respect God’s image in them.
This is a two sided question which requires the bad and the good acts of the Israelites.

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To a smaller extent the people of the O.T respected Gods image in them.

Noah was faithful to God and his family was spared from floods Gen 7 hence he lived up to Gods

Abraham was obedient to Gods voice and he moved to the land he did not know.

Abraham abandoned the gods of his ancestors and worshipped one God.

Abraham made altars and gave sacrifices to God.

He was ready to offer his son Isaac as a sacrifice to God.

He made and fulfilled his covenant with God.

Joseph had trust in God and he turned him into a great man in Egypt.

Moses trusted laws from God and he passed them over to Israelites.

Moses argued Israelites to keep holy.

Moses mediated the covenant between Israelites and God.

Samuel remained morally up right at the time when everyone was a sinner.

Samuel preached monotheism, purified the lord’s sanctuary and called for repentance.

King David realized his mistakes and repented.

King David praised God and danced before the lord.

Both King David and Solomon Composed Psalms; for worshipping Yahweh.

King Solomon prayed for wisdom and God gave it to him.

King Solomon built the Jerusalem temple.

Both Solomon and David expanded trade between Israel and the neighboring nations.

Prophets of God e.g. Elisha, Amos, Jeremiah, Isaiah e.t.c protected their image in God as follows:

They remained truly monotheistic. They requested Israelite to repent and they condemned evils in
society etc.

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However to a greater extent people of the Old Testament failed to respect Gods image in them;

Adam and Eve disobeyed God and instead listened to the snake.

Cain killed his brother Abel Gen 4:8, King Ahab killed Naboth and took away his vine yard.

Human daughters seduced some of Gods angels into sex Gen 4.

Men built the tower of Babel without consulting God Gen 11.

Some Israelites believed in Idols e.g. they worshipped the golden calf image at Mt Sinai, i.e. Exodus

They practiced slavery e.g. the brothers of Joseph sold him into slavery.

Judges like Samson went into prostitution there by dropping Gods image.

Some priests like Elis sons defiled Gods house of prayer.

Some priests ate Gods sacrifices e.g. Elis sons ate the fatty parts of the sacrificial animals.

King Saul consulted a witch and killed Gods priests at Nob.

King David killed Uriah thereby abusing Gods image.

King David committed adultery with Uriah’s wife Bathsheba.

Israelites worshipped Canaanite gods e.g. Ahab.

They sold worthless commodities to fellow Israelites in markets.

They practiced theft and robbery.

They refused to listen to Gods true prophets.

They stopped Gods true prophets from prophesying e.g. Amaziah stopped Amos and Pashhur the
Priest stopped Jeremiah.

Kings married foreign women. e.g. Solomon.

Kings of Israel made alliances with foreign nation’s e.g Tyre.

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Sexual immorality was rampant e.g. a father and a son had sexual intercourse with the same slave
girl during Amos’s time.

They drank and carried out business in Gods temple.


“--- Have many children so that your descendants will live all over the earth and bring it under
their control---“Gen 1:28.
What problems has man encountered in trying to implement this command?

Some people are barren and they cannot produce to fill the world.

It has resulted into over population. A lot of pressure has been put on the limited resources.

Deforestation has resulted leading to desertification.

Poor quality of human life, poor standards of living.

Wars of competition for resources are rampant because of a large population.

Famine is rampant because of over production of children.

Failure to pay for the education of the many produced children.

High crime rate because of poverty and un employment caused by high population.

It has resulted into abortion.

Availability and abuse of family planning MTDs.

Diseases as a result of overcrowding.

Development of slums in urban areas.

Prostitution where very many people have nothing to do and women have decided to offer their
sexual services for money.

Emergency of fatherless children (bustards and street children).

It has resulted into high dependence ratio and begging.

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Kidnapping and sacrifice of children in pursuit for wealth, some women do not want to have
children for fear of losing their morphology figures.

Some women do not want to breast feed for fear that their breasts will become loose.


What efforts has manmade to try to overcome those problems
A forestation i.e. planting of trees.

Contraceptive use to control or prevent pregnancy, so as to check on population growth.

Provision of employment opportunities by the government, NGOs and churches.

Provision of universal primary and secondary education.

Provision of primary health care.

Sensitization campaigns calling upon people to work hard.

Man has developed the culture of saving money.

Man has developed tough laws against crimes.

Research has been made into causes of barrenness.


The meaning of creating a woman out of a man’s rib
It signified Gods initiation of marriage as a divine institution.

It was a symbol of monogamous marriage i.e. one man one woman.

It symbolized / symbolizes equality between man and woman.

It signified the oneness of spirit between man and woman, it meant that a woman is to bring
happiness and joy to a man but not sorrow.

It meant that a woman was created to guide and counsel a man.

The rib story symbolizes that a woman is to walk and sleep besides a man.

It meant that a woman is to give support, companionship and complement a man.

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It symbolizes the need by a man to love not to dominate his wife.

It points at God as the creator and source of life.

Man’s sleep was a symbol of peace and perfect trust in God. So both man and woman should trust in

It meant that man and woman are to live in a peaceful harmonious and loving relationship.

It meant that both man and woman need each other for pro-creation, fulfillment, and co-creation.

It meant that just as a body cannot do without ribs even a man cannot reach perfection without a

It meant that man and woman are to stay together for life.

It meant that man and woman are to worship together.

To what extent have Christians today understood the story of creating a woman out of a man’s

Some Christians are truly monogamous i.e. they have one wife or one husband.

Some men show love and care to their wives.

Some Christian men support their wives financially and otherwise.

Some men do support the global women liberation movement.

Some Christian women show love and respect to their husbands.

Some women are obedient to their husbands which brings them joy.

Some women constantly guide, counsel and advise their husbands.

Some women have stood with their husbands even during difficult moments.

Some women do preach the gospel with permission from their husbands.

There are some men who plan the pro-creation process with their wires.


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However to a greater extent both Christian men and women have misunderstood the story of
creating women out of the man’s rib.

A good number of Christian wives and husbands have abused monogamy through practicing
Married couples keep on quarrelling and fighting instead of settling their problems through

Some women are not obedient and respectful to their husbands.

There is divorce which shows lack of love and forgiveness in marriage.

Some women abuse their husband causing sorrow instead of joy.

Some women have misinterpreted their equality with men and want to dominate their husbands.

Some women do not want to produce children.

Some men do not give financial help to their wives.

Some men oppress women by beating them and over working them.

Some men look at women as sex objects and some women use their half-naked bodies to attract

Some men do rape their wives and other women.

Some men regard women as inferior and deny them a right to work, move and vote.

Some men regard women as inferior and pay them less salary than men for the same work.

Some men grab all the money earned by their wives and use it for drinking.

Then the lord God took some soil from the ground and formed a Man out of it. He breathed life
giving breath in to his nostrils and then man began to live “ [Gen 2:7GNB]”

The significance of the above statement:-

Creating man out of soil and breathing life giving breathe into his nostrils signifies the following.
It shows that God is the creator and giver of life.
It shows that man is fragile he was made out of soil.

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Man has physical and spiritual entity i.e. after God creating the physical man he put the spiritual man
in him.
It points at Gods special love for man out of love he gave him a special position.
It shows that man lives as long as God is in him and he is with God.
It is a challenge that man has to work just as God worked.
It signifies that man was created to worship and fellowship with God.
It means that man is capable of sharing spiritual relationship with God.
It shows that man’s body is useless without spiritual God (the breath).
It shows man’s uniqueness of other creatures. It was only man that received Gods breath.
The act signifies the pre-existence of God.
It presents God as a worker; he got soil and formed man out of it.
Man’s life just like soil is in God’s hands.


(NOTE: These points should be connected to the context as guided)
Christians should work following the example of the creator.
Christians should place their lives in the hands of God.
Christians should worship and praise God.
Christians should pray for the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
Christians should love one another as God loves them.
Christians should transmit life through pro-creation.
Christians should exercise their authority over other creatures in a responsible way.
Christians should strive to preserve human life other than removing it.
Christians should condemn acts of abortion, murder e.g. because life belongs to God alone.
Christians should live holy / moral lives worthy being called sons and daughters of God.
Christians should strive for spiritual rather than physical wealth.
Christians should be hopeful for eternal life which God promised later on through Jesus Christ.


Man is a special creature of God.

By nature man has Gods image and likeness in him.

Man by nature is unique from other creatures.

By nature man is a co-creator with God.

By nature man needs a companion.

Man is Rebellious and unfaithful to God e.g. he rebelled against God by going
a head to eat the for bidden fruit.

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Man is a master of all other creatures e.g. after creation God brought all the animals for naming to
man. He was given masterdom over other creatures.

Man avoids responsibility of sin e.g. after sin Adam blamed Eve and Eve shifted the blame to the
Man feels lonely that is in Gen1. a woman was for companionship.

Man is generally weak spiritually that is Man is easily tempted that’s why he was tempted by the
woman to eat the forbidden fruit.

Man is a pro-creator i.e. God blessed him to subdue the world i.e. he should pass on life thereby
sharing in the life giving ability of God.

Man is the summit of all creation in the 1st creation story man was created last after creation of other

By nature man and woman are equal in value this is shown by both being created in Gods image and
the woman being part and parcel of the man’s body.

Man needs leisure to rest and worship God.

Man is greedy he was provided with everything in Eden but he was not satisfied.


God is the source of life in that he gave man life in his own image and breathed in him the breath of

God is pre-existent i.e. he was there before creation which brought the universe into existence.

God is the creator who created everything from the command i.e. let there be and it was. He created
with freedom of action.

God is transcendent i.e. he is above all things and is comparable to none.

God is omnipresent i.e. he is all present and he was their when Adam and Eve sinned and started

God is loving, that is why he created man and made him in his own image and gave him the
masterdom over other creatures.

God is omnipotent i.e. all powerful and created the universe out of nothing but by the use of divine
command let there be and it was Gen 1-3.

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God is omniscient i.e. all knowing he knew that Adam and Eve had sinned that is why they were

God is a perfect worker who made the universe in such an appreciative way he worked for 6 days
and put everything in order.

God is a provider i.e. he provided man with the Garden of Eden and also provided him with clothes
after he had sinned in Gen 3:21

God is a Judge who punishes evil i.e. he passed Judgment upon man, woman and the snake after
their sin.

God is spiritual i.e. in Gen 1:1-2 we are told that the world was formless and the spirit of God moved
on the earth’s surface.

God is a personal God i.e. he thought of Adams loneliness and created him a companion Eve.

God is orderly i.e. he created the world according to days on the 1st day, 2nd day e.t.c and he put
everything on the proper time.

God is trinity i.e. God the father, the son and the holy spirit e.g. Gen 1:26 says let us create human
beings and they will be like us which meant that he was not alone during creation.


Genesis teaches that marriage is God ordained

Marriage takes place between people of the opposite sex i.e. he created them male and female

In marriage sex is a divine gift from God.

The prime purpose of marriage is pro-creation i.e. producing children Gen:1:28

Marriage is also meant for love.

Marriage is also for companionship and complementarity.

Marriage should be monogamous because God created one woman for Adam

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A woman was created to counsel and guide a man in marriage.

In marriage a man and a woman are equal

Married people should obey, worship and praise God.

Marriage should be a permanent union

There should be total unity of the body, soul and heart in marriage i.e. they are no longer two but one

Man is supposed to love his wife more than his parents. “A man shall leave his mother and his father
and be united to his wife”, Gen:2:24


After God created man and woman he placed them in the Garden of Eden. God then conditioned
Adam (man) and woman (Eve) not to eat the fruit of the tree of knowledge that leads to knowing
what is good and what is bad.

While in the Garden of Eden, the snake which was the most cunning animal came and asked the
woman (Eve). Did God really tell you not to eat the fruit of any tree in the garden Gen: 3:1?

The woman answered the snake; that God instructed them to eat fruits from any tree except the tree
in the middle of the garden (Gen 3:2-3). This is because in case they touched this tree they would

The snake however replied to the woman (Eve) that she and Adam would not die. The snake
convinced the woman on the argument that in case they ate the fruits from the tree of life they would
be like God and know what is good or bad Gen 3:4-5

She then took the snakes advice to eat the beautiful fruit of the tree of life that had been forbidden by
God Gen: 3:6-8

Gen 3:6 says that Eve took part of the fruit to the husband and the husband also ate.

After Adam and Eve eating the forbidden fruit they became knowledgeable and realized that they
were naked Gen 3:7. They then looked for leaves and covered themselves

God then appeared in the Garden of Eden in the evening this forced Adam and Eve to hide from him
among the trees, but the lord however called Adam “where are you?”

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Upon God’s call on man; he answered, “I heard you in the garden” Adam was afraid and hid from
God because he was naked Gen: 3:8. I was naked so I hid

God then asked Adam who told you that you were naked. The lord then asked man why he had eaten
the forbidden fruit. Adam replied by blaming Eve.

Man answered that the woman you put here with me gave me the fruit and I ate it Gen: 3:11-12.

God again asked Eve that, “why did you do this?” The woman answered by blaming the snake Eve
answered, “The snake tricked me into eating it”. Gen 3:13

This marked the fall of man, Adam and Eve had broken God’s command and this resulted into


Approach: These two questions require the candidate to give the features of sin according to Gen

Sin is attractive for instance Eve ate the forbidden fruit because it looked attractive to her.

Sin is disobedience of man Eve and Adam disobeyed God even after warning them against the eating
of the fruit.

Sin is punishable after Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit they were punished by God.

Sin destroys relationships, Adam and Eve lost their relationship with God which existed before and
the relationship between man and other creatures worsened in Gen 3:10-12 God accused man and
man accused one another

Sin leads to guilt and shame that is after sinning Adam and Eve hid from God Gen 3:8

Sin brings about suffering e.g. after Adam and Eve sinned they lost joy, happiness and freedom i.e
they were expelled out of the garden of Eden

Sin results into lack of confidence in oneself after Adam and Eve realized that they were in wrong
they went into hiding Gen: 3:8

Sin causes sin e.g. after Adam and Eve eating the forbidden fruit they continued sinning by being
unrepentant to God.

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Sin degrades man; Adam lost his responsibility of master dome of other creatures. God’s intention
for man was for him to be above all other creatures that’s why he brought other animals for man to
name, but instead man accepted to be mastered by the snake

Sin makes man’s life hard e.g. it was after sinning that the suffering inform of work started Gen

Sin is tempting Eve was tempted by a snake and she tempted Adam

Sin is abusing Gods trust Adam and Eve abused Gods trust which he had put in them to the extent of
creating them in his image

Sin is mockery, Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit in a view of getting better but they ended up
being worse

Sin results into death. Gen: 3:19 says you were made from soil and you will go back to the soil again
i.e. man lost his eternal life as a way of punishment


These questions require a candidate to present Implications of the story of Adam and Eve eating
the forbidden fruit in Gen 3

The eating of the forbidden fruit meant that man had disobeyed God’s rule e.g. they were not to eat
the fruit but they decided to eat it.

Adam and Eve eating the forbidden fruit meant that man was greedy. He took more than what God
had provided. God provided them with all the food except the fruits that were on the tree in the
middle of the Garden of Eden.

It meant that man and woman were unrepentant this is seen when they failed to ask for forgiveness
after sin and instead they blamed each other.

Adam and Eve eating the forbidden fruit meant that man had failed to master creation having
allowed the snake and the woman to deceive him. Man was given the responsibility of controlling all
the creatures but instead he succumbed to the snake

Adam and Eve eating the forbidden fruit meant they had lacked trust in God. As the provider and
instead trusted the snake.

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The story of a man and woman eating the forbidden fruit meant that they were trying to equate
themselves to God because the snake told them that God didn’t want them to be like him so they ate
thinking that they will be like God

The story of Adam and Eve eating the forbidden fruit meant that they were proud and they wanted to
know what was good and what was bad.

The story of Adam and Eve eating the forbidden fruit, meant that they had refused to accept the
responsibility of sin i.e. they continued blaming each other for instance Adam blamed Eve and Eve
shifted the blame to the snake

Eve eating the forbidden fruit meant that she accepted to be tempted by a mere creature. (The snake)
yet she was aware of the truth.

The story of man eating the forbidden fruit meant that Adam and Eve failed to consult God before
eating the forbidden fruit.

Eve eating the forbidden fruit meant that she took the responsibility which was not hers i.e of giving
the fruit to the man

Eating of the fruit meant that the woman had misled Adam into sin by taking to him a fruit.

It meant that man had misused the wisdom God gave him to decide between good and bad i.e. by
choosing the bad thing eating the forbidden fruit.


(please explain these points)
Christians today can avoid disobedience to God through praying to him.
Through repentance.

Through consulting God

Through respecting parents because they are God’s representatives on earth.

Through respecting God’s messengers like priests and pastors.

Reading and respecting holy books like the Holy Bible.

Accept responsibilities given to them by God by praying and worshiping God.

Following God’s commandments

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Man was to toil for all his life to earn a living.

Man was to eat wild plants.

Man was to die i.e. he lost immortality

Man was chased out of the Garden of Eden


She was to face trouble during pregnancy

She was to suffer great pains while giving birth

She was to become inferior and subject to man

She lost equality with her husband

She was chased out of the Garden of Eden

The snake was to bite heels of her off springs


The snake was cursed to crawl on its belly

It was cursed to eat dust

Its head was to be crushed by a woman’s off spring


The snake always bite people and some people even die of snake bites i.e. the off springs of the
woman are great enemies with the off springs of the snake

Women have trouble in pregnancy and pain at giving birth even up to date as a result of man’s
disobedience Gen 3

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Women today are subordinates to men i.e. they are mistreated by their husbands and sometimes they
are even beaten

Man everywhere has to work hard before he can get what to eat i.e. work which was a blessing
became a curse and man toils before getting what to eat.

Death is experienced today i.e. Man goes back to soil since he lost the gift of living forever.

The soil is very infertile and unproductive and produces weeds and thorns due to the curse passed on
it after man’s disobedience in Gen 3

The relationship between man and God has worsened today as evidenced with the increasing
murder, theft, robbery, wars, etc

Today man has no close communication with God but instead he runs away from God to the extent
of consulting witch doctors and magicians.

Man is still born with original sin i.e. born a sinner and needs salvation.

Even today man denies accept responsibility of sin but shifts blame to other persons.

Toady man works hard to make the soil productive through application of fertilizers and manure in
order to make the soil productive.

Man today lives in chaos, disease, and suffering and wars because he was chased out of the paradise
of Eden.

There are accidents, coups, strikes, earthquakes, storm and landslides.

Man has to struggle to be on good terms with God because of the worsened relationship between
him and God by eating the forbidden fruit.

IN GEN: 3:14-24
In this question a candidate is expected to give reasons why man, woman and the serpent were
punished in Gen 3

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They deserved the punishment because they disobeyed God. In Gen 2:15-17 God instructed Adam
and Eve not to eat the forbidden fruit in the middle of the Garden of Eden but they instead ignored
his command and ate the fruit hence they deserved the punishment

Adam and Eve deserved the punishment because they had become greedy for they took more than
what was given to them. God provided for man all the fruits in the Garden but instead they weren’t
satisfied and decided to eat the forbidden fruit.

Man deserved the punishment because he tried to equate himself to God; the snake told Eve that God
refused them to eat the fruit because he did not want them to be like him so they ate knowing that
they would get the wisdom of what is good and what is bad

The snake deserved a punishment because it distorted God’s message which led mankind into sin
e.g. in Gen 3:4 the snake says you will not die

The woman deserved the punishment because she accepted to be tempted by a mere creature

The snake deserved the punishment because it assumed the responsibility that was not its own of
giving the fruit to the woman i.e. it tried to compete with God

The woman deserved the punishment because she accepted to eat the fruit when the snake told her to
do so yet she was aware of the truth.

Man and woman deserved the punishment because they were unrepentant i.e. after sinning they
didn’t repent but instead shifted blame to each other and to the snake

Man and woman deserved the punishment because they showed pride and wanted to know what is
good and what was bad.

They deserved the punishment because they refused to accept responsibility of their sin. They shifted
blame to one another e.g. Adam told God that it was the woman and the woman blamed the snake.
Gen 3:12-13

They deserved the punishment because they failed to master creation. By Eve allowing the serpent to
tempt her meant that she had failed to master other creatures as required by God

The woman deserved the punishment because she led her husband into sin. The snake tempted Eve
and finally Eve tempted Adam to eat the fruit and hence leading him into sin

The snake deserved the punishment because it deceived the woman and led her into sin in Gen 3:5
the snake said to the woman God didn’t want you to be like him.

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The snake deserved the punishment for proving to be wiser than God. It proved to be having more
knowledge of who God was.

They deserved the punishment because of misusing God given wisdom i.e. they thought God had not
given them enough wisdom yet they were given knowledge to decide between good and bad. They
instead chose to eat the forbidden fruit which was bad

The woman deserved the punishment because she performed the responsibility which belonged only
to God i.e. taking the forbidden fruit to Adam which was God’s task to provide

Man deserved the punishment because he had lost faith in God as the provider. God gave them all
the fruits in the garden except that on the tree in the middle of the Garden of Eden but they continued
to provide for themselves.

Man deserved the punishment because he acted independent of God that is instead of following
God’s instructions they diverted and they wanted to be their own bosses



Adam and Eve had felt guilty and ashamed for they had sinned against God

They had disobeyed God and they were hiding from his presence

Man and woman were undermining God’s omniscience and ability to detect wrong

They had disrespected God’s word and God himself

Adam and Eve were too greedy for they took more than what was due to them.

They were not ready to repent and apologize for the sin committed.

They had eaten the forbidden fruit.

They had tried to equate themselves to God but in vain they became ashamed

They had annoyed God by trying to be wiser than him and feared the consequences.

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They had turned away from God and wanted to be independent

They had lost faith in God.

They yielded to the serpent’s temptation and yet they were to master it.

They had gone beyond their limitations by being too inquisitive.

They were evading their responsibility for their action.

They wanted to usurp God’s power which belonged to God alone.

They ought to have accepted their mistake instead of hiding

They ought to have confessed their mistake or sin after accepting it.

They should have repented before God the creator

They should have asked for forgiveness instead of hiding from God.

They should have prayed to God.

They should have sought for reconciliation.

They should have humbled themselves before God instead of hiding and blaming each other later.

They ought to have acknowledged God’s presence everywhere (omniscience) and therefore go to
God instead of hiding.

They should have respected God’s command so as not to commit sin which led them into hiding.

They should have acknowledged and preserved God’s holiness.

They should have acknowledged God’s providence and be satisfied with what God had provided

They should have acknowledged their inability to resist temptation and therefore seek for God’s

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Comment on Adam blaming his wife for eating the forbidden fruit.
It implies that Adam could not appreciate his mistake i.e. he denied his mistake.

It brings out man’s weakness or failure to recognize God.

It portrays Adam as an irresponsible character.

It shows that man is full of excuses when he sins (escape goat)

It is a sign of undermining the wisdom that God gave to man.

It shows man’s lack of appreciation of what God gave him.

It is another way of subjecting the woman to an inferior position.

Adam was judgmental hence usurping God’s power.

The blame undermines God’s idea of companionship between man and woman.

It was a display of pride by Adam.

It shows lack of repentance from Adam

Adam abused the authority he had been given as the head and subjected himself below the woman.
Show how Adams action undermines the Christian teaching on mistakes and responsibilities.
Christian teaching shows that individuals should take personal responsibility of their sins and ask for

It undermines the idea that God’s punishment is extended to individual sinners.

Christians should ask for forgiveness which Adam failed to do.

Christians should attend to the log in their eyes rather than concentrate on the speck in the brother’s

It was a situation of hypocrisy whereby man blamed his wife yet he should have accepted his own
sin and repented.

Christians should appreciate that they are bound to make mistakes but should not yield to them.

Christians should show humility in face of sin rather than pride.

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It undermines the idea that mistakes are human but should be overcome.

Christian should trust in God to empower them against sinning.

It undermines the practical love expected of Christians.

Christians should remain steadfast through prayer and go against temptations.

Christians should leave God’s power of judgment to him alone.


It signified God’s love for mankind
It was a sign of God’s forgiveness
It symbolized God’s care and providence
It showed God’s commitment to save mankind
It showed God’s desire to uplift man’s dignity beyond that of other creatures
God was teaching mankind to value their bodies
God wanted to restore his image in mankind
It signified the difference between man and other creatures
God was teaching man a lesson to improvise
God was teaching man a lesson to care for others in need


Christians should love one another
Christians should offer help/charity to the needy
Christians should respect their bodies for they are images of God
Christians should condemn nude shows normally known as Kimansulo
Christians should obey God’s commandments and avoid shame
Christians should repent whenever they go a stray
Christians should forgive those who trespass against them
Christians should struggle to maintain God’s image in them
Christians should improvise i.e. they should use their talents and brains to improvise just as God
improvised for Adam and Eve.


Abraham was a son of Terah living in the land of Haran in Ur. This land was a pagan nation because
they worshipped pagan gods.

Abraham was from a humble background and from the ungodly family which lived among the pagan
people. However he is the father of the faithful in the Old Testament.

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This is because when he was called by God to leave his land he responded positively and this was a
clear indication that he was a faithful man or the father of believers.

It was because of his faithfulness that he was chosen by God to play an important role in the history
of salvation.

It was also because of his faithfulness that God made a number of promises to him.


God wanted to make a new relationship with man under a new covenant with Abraham and later
with his descendants thus God wanted to bridge the gap between him and man.

God wanted to introduce man into a spiritual and holy living which had been destroyed in the
Garden of Eden.

God wanted to establish a monotheistic and true religion which Abraham and his descendants were
to follow.

God may have wanted to show his miraculous power to mankind through the call of Abraham e.g.
by Sarah later giving birth to Isaac although previously it was thought that she was infertile.

The call of Abraham pointed to the initiation of a historical salvation ministry for the sake of
mankind. It was through Abraham’s linage that pointed to the coming of the messiah.

God’s call of Abraham pointed to the Genesis of the new nation through which God’s work was to
be known worldwide.

The call of Abraham by God was also intended to manifest God’s blessings to mankind universally.
In deed upon Abrahams call God said “I would bless those who bless you”.

The argument that God wanted to establish a Godly kingdom through Abraham should also hold
water. It was through the kingdom descending from Abraham that God’s kingdom would become a
universal affair.

It is possible to suggest that God wanted to illustrate that he chooses people regardless of status,
background, origin and race the fact that Abraham was a moon worshipper, did not stop God from
calling him.

God’s desire to initiate a covenant is strong enough to justify God’s call for Abraham. This covenant
was to be binding and it would later manifest itself in Abraham’s descendants like David.

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God called Abraham as a means of bringing into being, exemplary model people. It was from
Abraham’s line that Jews would be ambassadors to act as examples to the rest of the world.

Due to man’s fall the world had greatly become unpeaceful with little joy. There was need to revive
a peaceful atmosphere and Abraham’s call was to provide an answer to that.

Due to the fall of man in the Garden of Eden the future generations had become unfaithful and
disobedient to God. The call of Abraham by God therefore pointed to the faithfulness and obedience.

God wanted to show and emphasize the importance of faith i.e. through faith and obedience, any
person can be blessed the way Abraham was blessed.


Upon God’s call of Abraham he made a number of promises to him and these include the

I will make you a great nation upon which your descendants will reign forever.

I will give you many descendants like stars in the sky.

The land of Abraham’s descendants would flow with milk and honey forever.

Abraham would have a peaceful death.

Abraham’s descendants would be liberated from slavery in Egypt.

God promised Abraham a son who would be his heir upon his death.

Abraham was promised to be a father of all nations. “I will make you very fruitful; I will make
nations of you”. And kings will come from your nation Gen 12:2

I will bless you and bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you.

Abraham’s name was to be great.

Abraham’s descendants were to take over the land of Canaan forever.


Abraham became the father of all nations through him all nations of the world were blessed and this
was fulfilled through the coming of Christ his descendants Mathew 1:1-2.

God promised Abraham many descendants indeed as it came to be from him; came Isaac, Jacob and
the twelve tribes of Israel. This was a fulfillment.

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The descendants of Abraham came to occupy the land of Canaan this came to pass with generations.

As the lord had promised Abraham had a peaceful death.

The descendants of Abraham suffered from exile in Egypt for about 430 years however Moses later
liberated them.

God promised Abraham a son as it came to be, despite Abraham and Sarah’s old age God blessed
them with a son called Isaac.

Abraham became a father of many nations he was fruitful and from him came great kings e.g. David,
Solomon and Jesus the king of kings.

Abraham’s name became great indeed in future he became a point of theological reference among
believers up to the present day.

Abraham became the father of all nations of the earth and through him all nations of the world were
to be blessed. This was fulfilled through the coming of Christ his descendant.

Why Abraham is regarded the father of the faithful.

Upon God’s call of Abraham; despite his old age he chose to respond obediently without any doubt.
Thus his positive response illustrated his faithfulness in Yahweh. Gen 12:1-5.

When God conditioned Abraham to leave his original homeland at the age of 75 to go to the land of
Canaan that God was going to show him he accepted indeed it’s this acceptance despite his age that
makes him a faithful father.

On Abraham’s way to the Promised Land he built altars as holy places to worship Yahweh. It is this
that certainly demonstrates how faithful Abraham was hence a faithful servant of Yahweh. Gen12:7.

When God made a number of promises to Abraham he believed without seeing. It’s important to
note that these promises later came into fulfillment e.g. I will make you a great nation, I will give
you many descendants like stars in the sky Abrahams acceptance of such promises points to the fact
that he was a man of faith. Gen 12”2-3.

Abraham can be regarded to be a faithful father because he chose to do without the worship of other
gods of his parents. He chose monotheism i.e. the worship of Yahweh this is a clear indication that
he was a man of faith.

God conditioned Abraham to shed part of his blood through physical circumcision. He accepted, and
his descendants were to be circumcised as a sign of identification. Such obedience to God’s
command shows that Abraham was a man of faith Gen 17:11-12.

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God ordered Abraham to offer his lovely son Isaac who was to be his heir. Abraham obeyed God’s
command without any doubt which was a sign of faith.

Abraham was a rich man in the land of his ancestors he had so many animals and a lot of land but
after his call he accepted to leave everything behind and go to the land that Yahweh was to show
him this was a sign of faith Gen 12:5.
Abraham had personal rights to ignore God’s call because he had not known him for a long time but
he instead gave a positive response which shows that Abraham was a man of faith.

Abraham’s wife was known as Sarai and he himself was known as Abram but he accepted to change
these names from Sarai to Sarah and from Abram to Abraham. This shows him as a man of faith Gen

Abraham was an interceder upon God’s anger which was going to be manifested in the destruction
of Sodom and Gomorrah. Abraham interceded and God spared some few people i.e. lot and part of
his family.


Examine the main features of Abraham’s call.
Abraham was called at on old age of 75. Gen 12:24.

He was called out of God’s will and initiative.

His call was characterized by change of location i.e. from Haran to Canaan.

At his call Abraham was ordered to move to the land he did not know.

It was characterized by the abandonment of the god’s of his ancestors.

Abraham was to move at once with his wife Sarai his nephew lot and all his wealth and slaves.

Abraham’s call was characterized by faith, obedience and trust in God.

It was characterized by sacrifice; he left behind his relatives and friends and went to the land where
he had no relatives and friends.

It was a purposeful call that was aimed at restoring the relationship between God and man that had
been destroyed in Gen 3.

It was characterized by promises of land and descendants to Abraham.

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During the call God promised a great nation to Abraham and Abraham had to believe what God had
told him.

It was characterized by blessings to Abraham, Abraham was to be a blessed man and all his
descendants were to be blessed.

The call was characterized by change of name Abram was to change his name to Abraham and his
wife was to change her name from Sarai to Sarah.

The call was characterized by promises to bless all nations through Abraham and to curse who ever
cursed Abraham.
The call was characterized by making altars where Abraham went e.g. Shechem.

It was characterized by challenges of famine in Canaan and threats in Egypt.

It was characterized by making of the covenant with God and this covenant was to be called the
Abrahamic covenant.
(Gen 15 and 17.)
Examine the main features of Abrahamic covenant.
It was a binding agreement between two unequal parties God on one side and man on the other i.e.
between the holy God the creator and the un holy Abraham the creature.

The Abrahamic covenant was initiated by God out of his love, will and grace.

The Abrahamic covenant was a bi-lateral covenant i.e. a covenant between God and Abraham.

It had universal element because Abraham represented all nations (mankind) in this covenant.

It was a covenant aimed at reconciling sinful man back to God.

It was characterized by sacrifice of a cow, ram, a goat, a dove and a pigeon Gen 15:9-11.

Abraham cut the animals into halves and placed them opposite to each other, birds were not cut into

It was characterized by a sign of a smoking fire, pot and a flaming light.

The fire and torch light passed between the halves of sacrificed animals which meant God’s
acceptance of Abraham’s sacrifice and a pledge to fulfill his promises.

It was characterized by a confirmation of earlier promises of land, descendants and blessings.

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It was directly between God and Abraham and required no mediator.

It was characterized by faith, trust and obedience on the side of Abraham.

It was characterized by change of names Abram was renamed Abraham meaning father of a
multitude Gen, 17:5-6

Abraham’s wife Sarai was renamed Sarah meaning a princess Gen 17:15-16.

It was characterized by male circumcision as a sign of Membership to God’s covenant community.

It was characterized by a prophecy about future enslavement of Abraham’s descendants in Egypt

Gen 15:13-14.

It was made when Abraham was 99years old and Sarah 90 years old.

It was characterized by a promise for a child between Abraham and Sarah this made Abraham laugh
because he was very old. Gen 17:17-18.

It was characterized by Abraham bowing down with his head touching the ground. Gen 17:17.

It was characterized by Abraham’s request for a favor on Ishmael and God’s promises to do so Gen

The Abrahamic covenant was an everlasting covenant Gen 17:7 and Gen 18:19
Examine the importance of Abraham to the Israelites/ the Jews

Israelites /Jews regard themselves as the true descendants of Abraham.

Israelites trace their beginning as a nation from Abraham

Israelites trace their salvation history from Abraham’s positive response to God.

They consider their land as the land promised to their ancestor Abraham thus they can never vacate
it because it is theirs.

Israelites regard themselves as God’s people due to Abraham’s positive response to God when he
was called.

The monotheistic belief of the Israelites was traced from Abraham.

The Israelites believe that Abraham was their greatest patriarch.

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They have always connected their blessings and greatness to the promises God made to Abraham.

God rescued the Israelites from Egypt due to the promises he had made to Abraham.

Their religious custom of circumcision began with Abraham.

Whenever they were in trouble the Israelites would call up on God of Abraham to help them.

Prophets quoted Israel’s greatness by tracing it from Abraham’s humble beginning Isaiah 51:1-3

Prophets called upon the Israelites to be as righteous as Abraham. Ezekiel 33:22-23

The Abrahamic covenant became the basis of the sinatic covenant that God made with the Israelites
during the Exodus event.

Israelites have always attributed their deliverance to Abraham e.g. their rescue from Egypt.

Their practice of building altars and offering sacrifices to God began with Abraham.

In Exodus 32 Moses appealed to God to remember the promises to Abraham and forgive the Idol

The idea of divine election began with Abraham and spread to Moses to Samuel, Amos e.t.c

Examine the significance of Abraham in the Old Testament?

Abraham is regarded to be the founder of the Jewish nation. All the Jews are descendants of
Abraham in fact they owe their existence to Abraham.

Abraham pioneered the monotheistic worship. That is to say his response to God’s call indicated the
need to abolish the worship of many gods to start the worship of one God.

The Jews benefited from God’s blessings to Abraham and they regard themselves as a chosen race
since they are the members of the kingdom that Abraham founded.

The idea of divine election in the Jewish race has its origin from Abraham. The descendants of
Abraham believed that they were chosen long before they were born and they constitute a theocratic

In Old Testament, Abraham is hailed as the champion of the salvation process of sinful mankind.
The nation had sinned and the whole of human race had become evil. Therefore God’s choice of
Abraham was to begin his salvation plan of all sinful mankind and all the descendants of Abraham
became the beneficiaries of this process so long as they have faith.

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In Exodus 3, God called Moses the descendant of Abraham and identified himself with Israelites
(Abraham’s descendants) who had been enslaved in Egypt for about 430 years.

In Exodus chapter 19, Yahweh made a covenant with the Israelites (Abraham’s descendants) and
this covenant was partly based on and at the same time a fulfillment of the Abrahamic covenant.

Deuteronomy 8 also gives a reference to Abraham and particularly the land he was promised which
the Israelites were to occupy. Moses noted that the occupation of this land was not a right but rather
a privilege and they had to obey God’s commands if they were to have peace in this land.

Isaiah 51:1-3 gives a reference of Abraham as a rock from which all the Israelites originated and
therefore acknowledges Abraham’s faith as a basic requirement for the Israelites if they were to
survive under God’s mercy in the Promised Land.

Joshua 24:1-4 indicates how Abraham’s descendants under the leadership of God fathered in a place
called Shechem. Here, Joshua reminded the Hebrews the importance of Abraham and how Abraham
had constructed an altar when God called hm.

Abraham in the Old Testament is a foundation of faith and all the prophets in the Old Testament
called for faith in the community. The essentials of faith and worshipping one God are all reflected
in the prophetic teachings of Elijah, Amos, Jeremiah, e.t.c.


The sin of man in Genesis 3 separated man from God. The call of Abraham in Genesis 12 was aimed
at bringing the sinful man closer to God. Therefore Abraham’s call was meant to unite sinful man
with God.

The disobedience of man in Genesis 3 had displeased God. God was so annoyed up to the extent of
punishing the parties in sin, but the call of Abraham in Genesis 12 was meant to forgive man for his
sins, thus a strong relation between the two chapters.

The relationship between man and God had been cut off due to man’s sin but the call of Abraham in
Genesis 12 was meant to revive the earlier lost relationship between man and God. This shows how
Genesis 3 and Genesis 12 are connected.

There is a strong relationship of reviving the lost obedience between the chapters of Genesis 3 and
12. Man in Genesis 3 showed his lack of obedience to God but the obedience which Abraham
portrayed brings out a new chapter of obedience towards God.

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The sin of man in Genesis 3 was a reflection of his lost faith but when Abraham was called, he
responded with utmost faith. Abraham demonstrated his faith by his actions — say turning from
polytheism to Monotheism. This shows a relationship between Genesis 3 and Genesis 12.
By the sin of man in Genesis 3, man was chased from the Garden of Eden. But in Genesis 12,
Abraham was promised a good land and his descendants.

In Genesis 3, man was punished because of his sin .For instance, a man was to work hard, sweat to
make the soil produce anything. However, in Genesis 12 Abraham’s sins were forgiven and in place,
God Promised blessings which show a connection between the two.

There was loss of trust in God by man in Genesis 3 which was later revived when Abraham was
called by God in Genesis 12; Abraham turned his trust to God.

Loyalty to God was what man lacked which led to human disobedience. The call of Abraham had a
feature of loyalty to God. Abrahams’ loyalty was even facilitated with his action. This therefore
shows how the two chapters i.e. Genesis 3 and 12 are related.

Man had fallen short of God’s glory when he disobeyed God’s commands as shown in Genesis 3.
The call of Abraham was to rebuild the lost glory between man and God.

By its nature, the fall of man meant loss of confidence and total rejection of God by man. This
resulted into punishments to which God pronounced upon man. The call of Abraham came with total
confidence and total trust of man. This also shows how Genesis 3 and Genesis 12 are related.

God’s love is common in both chapters. Man sinned and lost his love from God but the call of
Abraham was meant to revive God’s lost love for sinful man.

By human disobedience, man lost joy and peace. Abraham was called to revive happiness, joy and
peace which man had lost through a rebellion seen in Genesis3.


Examine the application of Abraham’s positive response to God to modern Christians.

Christians should have total faith in Jesus in order to attain salvation just as Abraham had total faith
in God in order for him to be the source of salvation.

Christians should abandon their traditional gods and old ways of life just as Abraham abandoned
polytheism to monotheism.

Christians should be purely monotheistic just as Abraham the father of the faithful was.

Christians should worship God in a worthy manner as Abraham did.

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Christians should practice monogamy in their marriages despite the fact that Sarah was barren
Abraham did not marry other wives.

Christians should put their faith into good actions like Abraham.

Christians should baptize the young ones in order to initiate them in the family of God because it
replaced circumcision.

Christians should emulate Abraham because they are his spiritual descendants.

Christians should educate their children in God’s ways just as Abraham did to Isaac.

Christians should live prayerful lives just as Abraham always prayed to God.

Christians should trust in God with God everything is possible, Sarah got a child at 90 years.

Christians should be ready to separate with their relatives to go and preach the gospel just as
Abraham separated with his friends and relatives to go to the Promised Land.



Abraham was the son of Terah he came from Babylon (Ur) to Canaan. He had been a moon
worshipper but later became a monotheist i.e. great believer in Yahweh. Incidentally Abraham’s
relationship with God is quite important to modern Christians this can be analyzed as below:-

Today Christians appreciate the fact that it is only through faithfulness that they can be put right
with God. Abraham is considered to be the father of the faithful.

Christians today are what they are due to Jesus Christ who fulfilled the establishment of a historical
salvation ministry. Note that Jesus Christ was a descendant of Abraham; this was however was due
to Abraham’s relationship with God.

Besides Christians respond positively to God because Abraham did the same upon God’s call. Hence
in whatever situation Christians may respond positively to God when called.

Abraham’s response in terms of faith presents a great challenge to modern Christians living
communities. As a father of faithful believers he is God’s own and hence Christians should imitate
him as a model if they are to be God’s children.

Abrahams call is a pointer to the service ship of priesthood basing on this therefore Christians should
always accept God’s call in whatever circumstances.

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From Abraham`s relationship with God ,Christians come to know that God demands of them to be
faithful. In deed through Abraham`s faithfulness to God he became a great man.

Christians today can be forgiven their sins because of the Abraham’s relationship with God like
Abraham Christians should repent and exhibit faithfulness.

As a consequence of Abraham`s relationship with God Christians have become God’s chosen
children this is because Jesus Christ the pinnacle of the Christian faith is a direct descendant of

Christians today appreciate the validity of prayer. It has to be noted that through Abraham`s prayer
Sodom and Gomorrah were partly spared though God destroyed the outstanding sinners.

Christians have become friendly to God because of Abraham’s relationship with God. This was
because it was through Abraham’s call that man was reconciled with God.

Christians today can expand, build worshipping places and support churches this can however be
derived from Abraham’s construction of alters for the worship of Yahweh.

It is also argued that the change of name from Abram to Abraham and from Sarai to Sarah is
indicative to baptism among Christians. This point to the Christians entry into new life.

Christians today can practice the subject of obedience, love and trust as an effect of Abraham’s
relationship with God. Indeed the loving, trustworthy and loving nature of Christians can be
attributed to the personality of Abraham.

The monotheistic nature among Christians today is a result of Abraham’s relationship with God,
indeed one can argue that Christians follow God due to Abraham’s monotheistic attitude which
made him a great patriarch.

Blessings are manifested among Christians today e.g. they can be referred to as the chosen ones this
was however due to Abraham’s relationship with God he was promised to be a great nation.

Christian nations today appreciate the fact that they are great because of Abraham. Due to
Abraham’s relationship with God he was promised to be a great nation.

NOTE: Students should be able to be flexible to answer questions about the aspects below using
the above points.
Applicability of Abraham’s relationship with God.
Relevance/benefits of Abraham to Christians today.
Importance, significance, validity of Abraham to Christians today.
Lesson that Christians today can learn from Abrahams history.

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Examine the significance of Abraham in the New Testament?

In the gospel of Mathew Abraham is presented as an important person through whom Jesus
descended Mathew 1:1ff.

St. Paul in his letter to the Romans says that Abraham’s faith is honored and praised because it
helped to bring about blessings.

In St. Paul’s letter to the Romans he says that Abraham’s righteousness before God did not depend
on his deeds and action but on faith.

Paul’s letter to the Galatians point out that people of faith are the true children of Abraham.

In Hebrews 11:8-10 Abraham’s faith is said to have been responsible for the Israelites going to the
Promised Land.

St. James in his letter 2:14-26 says that Abraham accompanied his faith with actions and that’s
why he received salvation hence faith without action’s is dead.

In Galatians 3:6-10 Paul gives an example of Abraham to show the importance of faith i.e. its faith
and not the law that puts a person right with God.

In Galatian’s Paul uses the example of Sarah to portray faith as opposed to Hager who portrayed
the law.

The greatest religion promised to Abraham got to be fulfilled in the person of Jesus who came as a
true revelation of God to cement monotheism.


In both sinatic and Abrahamic covenants God is majorly the initiator i.e. Yahweh was at the fore
front of the covenant i.e. between him and the Israelites represented by Moses and Abraham.

The two covenants i.e. Abrahamic and Sinatic illustrated God’s love for the Israelites.

Both covenants pointed at the liberating and giving birth to a new nation. The Abrahamic covenant
was a link to the setting up of the Israelites nation while the Sinatic covenant pointed to the end of

Both covenants were followed by the sacrificial offerings. In the Sinatic and Abrahamic covenants
a ram, a heifer, a goat, a pigeon and a dove were offered to bind the covenant.

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In both covenants Yahweh’s revelation was manifested. This was more so through earth quakes,
thunder, smoke, wind, flaming fire e.t.c.

Both the Abrahamic and Sinatic covenant pointed to the establishment of a firm foundation of
monotheism. This applied to both Abraham and his descendants led by Moses.

Both covenants were followed by some promises i.e. Abraham was to get a son, the land of Canaan
and in the Sinatic covenant Yahweh promised to be the God of the Israelites as his promised


The duration of Abrahamic covenant was short while that of the Sinatic covenant was quite long. It
took about 40 years.

The cleansing of the Israelites because they were guilty of sin followed the Sinatic covenant while in
the Abrahamic covenant there was no need for purification because Abraham was faithful.

The occurrence of the two covenants was at different times and different locations i.e in Canaan and
Mt. Sinai respectively between people on one hand and God on the other.

The Abrahamic covenant was followed by a change in names i.e from Abram to Abraham; from
Sarai to Sarah while with sinatic covenant the Israelites stayed with their names.

The Abrahamic covenant was characterized by circumcision while in the sinatic covenant the
Israelites were merely meant to continue with circumcision.

In the sinatic covenant God used Moses as a mediator on behalf of Hebrews while in the Abrahamic
covenant God directly talked to Abraham.

The Abrahamic covenant was followed a bilateral relationship between God and Abraham while the
Sinatic covenant was followed by multilateral relationship i.e. between God and the Hebrews.

The Sinatic covenant was followed by conditional commitments to the liberated Jews and
consequent generations while in Abrahamic covenant Abraham had free will of choice and he chose
to work with Yahweh.

The Sinatic covenant was between Moses and God on behalf of sinners while the Abrahamic
covenant was between God and the faithful father Abraham.

Abrahamic covenant was between God and Abraham the original ancestor of the Israelites while the
Sinatic covenant was between Yahweh and the Israelites the descendants of Abraham.

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The Israelites continued to worship Yahweh and maintained the worshiping centers where Abraham
had prayed to God e.g. Bethel, Gilgal, Shechem.

Sacrifices as a sign of worship became part of the rituals of the Israelites which was initiated by their
great ancestor Abraham.

The Israelites became Gods chosen race because of their ancestor Abraham i.e. he was promised a
great nation which was later fulfilled.

The Israelites received Gods divine protection in the wilderness through promises God made to
Abraham; the Jews experienced the protection of God all through their life.

The Israelite cultures had the practice of circumcision as an out ward symbol of identification.
Circumcision which started with Abraham continued being a very significant ritual in the Old

Because of Abraham’s loyalty the Israelites enjoyed the privileges of occupying the promised land
of Canaan which God had promised to Abraham.

God fulfilled Abrahams promise of a son (Isaac) from which the Israelites descended i.e. Isaac
produced Jacob who in turn produced the 12 sons who made up the 12 tribes of Israel.

The response of Abraham institutionalized the practice of monotheism (worship of one God)
because Abraham changed from polytheism to monotheism.

The Abrahamic covenant was a reference and a basis to all other covenants that God made with the
Israelites. E.g. Sinatic and Davidic covenants which were central in the Salvation history of sinful

The call of Abraham opened away for future divine calls in Israel e.g. true priests and prophets
received Gods divine calls just like Abraham e.g. Moses, Jeremiah and Ezekiel.

The Israelites acknowledged the characters of their God through Abraham such as loving and caring.

The God who appeared to Moses in Exodus 3 identified himself as God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob
who had come to rescue his people.


The religion of Abraham and his descendants was a monotheistic one.
They believed in one God called El shaddai. This was almighty God.
He was a God who appeared to Isaac, Jacob and to Moses.
The Patriarchs thought of God as a God of people.

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He moved and sustained the people on the move.
Consequently sacrifices and altars were built for this God as the people moved.
The patriarchs held God with great respect.
Their attitude to God was of obedience and trust.
They believed God was bound to his people.
The patriarchs expressed their response to God by worshipping him (sacrifices, Altars).
Offerings were to express a sense of guilt and show desire for forgiveness.
Something of value was offered with blood presented to God.
There was intercession on behalf of other people and oaths were made in the name of God.
Prayer was part of their religion.
Blood to Israelites was life that belonged to God and could only be taken by him.
When a vision of God was received, such a place was regarded holy and an altar would be set up to
meet God.
Because Abraham and his descendants portrayed their faith in God, they made special thanks to God
because they were the chosen race of God.


Christianity has continued with some of the ideas of patriarchal religion.

To Christian, like the patriarchs, there is only one God.
He is considered to be an almighty and loving God like the God of the patriarchs.
Christians consider God to be the sustainer and giver of all things.
They take God in great awe, just like the patriarchs. This is done through worship.
However this form of worship has changed to a small extent.
For example animal sacrifices are not given to God today.
Such sacrifices have been replaced with the sacrifice of Jesus, since
Jesus’ blood removes the sins of people and not animal blood.

Baptism is a form of new circumcision.

Christians do not practice law of purification.
Through baptism, Christians enter into a covenant (intimate relationship) with God.
Christians regard themselves individually to be sons of God whereas the Jews did it communally.
People sacrifice their lives to God e.g. Nuns and Priests.


How relevant is the book of Genesis to modern Christians?(NOTE: These points should be
connected to the context as guided)
Christians should be faithful unlike Adam and Eve who were unfaithful
Christians should sacrifice for the service of God.
Christians should respect God’s commands so as to avoid judgment.
Christians should put away their hold on sinful ways and turn to Christ.
Christians should pro-create.
Christians should co-crate with God.

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Christians should worship one God.
Christians should respect the institution of marriage and more importantly monogamous type of
Christians should work and rest after work just as God rested after creation.
Christians should observe the usefulness of Sabbath and use this day to glorify God.
Companionship is what modern Christians should respect especially in a family relationship.
Christians should live in a state of peace, joy, harmony and let happiness prevail.


The birth of Moses and his growth
(Exodus 2:1ff).

The name Moses means pulled out of water and he was a descendant of Levi one of the 12 tribes of
Israel. He was born at the time when the Jews were under Egyptian slavery; this however coincided
with the time when pharaoh was killing all newly born baby boys of Hebrew origin.

Moses was hidden for 3months until it became quite difficult to continue hiding him.

It was when Pharaoh’s daughter had gone to take a bath along the Nile that she saw a basket made of
reeds which had a child. Exodus 2:2-6.

The baby was taken to Pharaohs palace and brought up as Pharaohs child and the child was named
Moses Exodus 2:10.

When Moses grew up he went to meet his fellow Israelites to see their burdens. He saw an Egyptian
fighting an Israelite; he killed an Egyptian and buried him in the sand Exodus 2:11-12.

In another development Moses found two Jews fighting each other when he tried to intervene one
Hebrew warned him for having killed the Egyptian he then realized that his committing of murder
was known.

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Give an account of the call of Moses
One day while Moses was taking care of the sheep and goats of his father-in-law Jethro, the priest of
Median he led the flock across the desert and came to Sinai, the holy Mountain.Exodus3:1

The angel of the lord appeared to him as a flame coming from the middle of a bush. Moses saw that
the bush was on fire but it was not burning up.Exodus3:2
“This is strange” he thought “Why is the bush not burning up? “I will go closer and see.

When the lord saw that Moses was coming closer, he called him from the middle of the bush and
said “Moses” he answered yes here I am Exodus 3:4.

God instructed Moses not to come any closer, take off his sandals because he was standing on a
Holy ground.

God reminded Moses that he was the God of his ancestors, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and
Moses covered his face because he was afraid to look at God. Exodus 3:6

Then the Lord told Moses that he had seen how cruelly his people were being treated in Egypt, he
had heard them cry out to be rescued from their slave drivers and that he had come down to rescue
them and bring them to a spacious land Exodus 3:7.

God informed Moses that he was sending him to the King of Egypt so that he could lead his people
out of Egypt Exodus 3:10

But Moses told the Lord that he was a no body and there was no way he could go to the King and
bring the Israelites out of Egypt Exodus 3;11.

God answered and told Moses that he would be with him and when he brings the people out of
Egypt, they would worship him on Mountain Sinai as a sign of proof that he had sent him. Exodus

Moses demanded to know from God what he would tell the Israelites if they demanded to know the
name of the God of their Ancestors who sent him to rescue them from Egyptian slavery.

God answered by telling Moses to tell the Israelites that the God called “I AM” had sent him to
them. That the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob appeared to Moses and sent him to rescue his
people Exodus 3:14-16

That the Lord had decided to bring his people out of Egypt where they were being treated cruelly,
and would take them to a rich and fertile land the land of the Canaanites, Hittites, the Amorites, the
Perizzites, the Hivites. Exodus 3:17

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God assured Moses that his people would listen to what he had to say to them.

Then Moses was to go with the leaders of Israel to the King of Egypt and say to him that the Lord
the God of the Hebrews had revealed himself to them to tell the King to let them travel for three days
into the desert and offer sacrifices to the Lord their God. Exodus 3:18

God told Moses that he knew that the King of Egypt would not let them go unless he was forced to
do so but God would use his power and would punish Egypt by doing terrifying things there after the
King would let them go. Exodus 3;19-20

God assured Moses that he would make the Egyptians respect him so that when people leave they
would not go empty handed. Exodus 3:21.

That every Israelite woman would go to her Egyptian neighbors and to any Egyptian woman living
in her house and will ask for clothing and for gold and silver jewelry. Exodus 3:22.

That the Israelites would put these things on their sons and daughters and carry away the wealth of


The event signified the divine election of the Isrealites as a priestly nation of God. Israelites from
everywhere were to worship God the almighty as the only God.

The event showed the Israelites and the rest of mankind that God is holy and his name should not be
misused by anybody i.e. the bush could be burnt but not consumed.

The event showed God’s natural power i.e. omnipotent God.

The burning bush incident signified a turning point in Moses carrier from shepherd hood to
leadership of the Israelites i.e. from the servant of the flock to the servant of people.

The incident showed that God can reveal himself in any form i.e. fire or smoke or voice this is
because Moses could not expect God in form of fire.

Israelites were liberated from the Egyptian bondage and slavery after the burning bush incident i.e.
Moses was to move and begin the process.

The incident signified the fulfillment of God’s promise to Abraham Gen 15:13-16 i.e. delivering his
descendants from bondage.

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The incident showed that God who appeared to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is the same God who
liberated them he is a God of their father and God of history.

The encounter showed God’s love, mercy and care and it showed that God had concern for his

I am who I am the voice that came from fire showed the monotheistic character of God and Israelites
were to observe this throughout their lives.

The event showed Moses as a servant of God’s people. He realized that when he killed an Egyptian
he was trying to save Jews. However service was not through force and he realized that it was to
come from God.

The burning bush marked the beginning of the struggle between the evil forces and God i.e. between
Moses and the Pharaoh this struggle was not easy it required miracles.

The event shows that God’s call does not depend on the personal relationship or experience and
background Moses was not holy he had killed an Egyptian but God called him.

The event made the Israelites to realize that God is a personal God i.e. God of Abraham, Isaac and
Jacob who can meet the individual needs e.g. need to be liberated from slavery.

It portrays Gods justice by calling Moses. He had seen his people suffering in Egypt then God
realized his promises to Abraham and so he decided to call Moses to liberate the descendants of
Abraham and ensure justice.

It was the only way through which the fallen man could be reconciled with God. Moses was a
fugitive who had escaped to median desert to look after his father- in- laws sheep but God calling
him increased his faith which can further be related to Christ the Lamb of God.


Christians should be holy just as God is holy. Moses was commanded to remove his sandals because
he was standing on a holy place.

Christians should love one another just as Yahweh loved his people so much that he liberated them
from exile.

Christians should respect God because he is almighty and above all gods as evidenced in the phrase
I am who I am.

Christians should always accept the call of God however strange it is like how Moses did.

Christians should worship only one God who liberates people from sin.

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Christians should have faith in God but not to question him for he is able in all circumstances just as
he was able to liberate the Israelites from oppression.

Christians should undertake and accept missionary journeys to do God’s work just as Moses was
sent on a mission to Egypt to liberate Israelites from Egyptian oppression.

Christians should always intervene and help those who suffer. God intervened because he had
Israelites suffering in Egypt.

Christians should show great love and mercy to those in problems just as God had mercy and
showed love to the Israelites.

Christians should search for God just as Moses asked to know God’s name and God told him I am
who I am.

Christians should be ready for God’s call, God calls people through various experiences just as
Moses’ call came in form of a burning bush.

Christians should accept to take up different vocations in life. Moses was a shepherd but changed to
a leader when called by God.


It was characterized by fire.
The bush that was being burnt but not consumed by fire.
Moses came closer to the fire.
The voice of God talked to Moses.
Moses removed his sandals.
God revealed himself to Moses.
Moses covered his face.
God gave reasons for his call to Moses.
Moses asked the name of God.
God gave Moses his name I am who I am.
Moses first objected to take up the task.
Account for the call of Moses
God wanted to choose someone from the descendants of Abraham who was to act as a leader to
prove that God cared for the Israelites.

God wanted to show Moses that he was determined to deliver his people i.e. rescue them from the
harsh treatment in Egypt.

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God wanted to show that he had love and compassion for his people who were suffering in Egypt.

God wanted to assign Moses a mission of going to announce God’s intervention on the side of
Abraham’s descendants this was to show the divine election.

God intended to give Moses a task of challenging Pharaoh in the name of Yahweh so as to release
God’s people i.e. Moses announced plagues to Pharaoh.

The call was intended to channel the history of Israelites liberation to Moses this liberation became a
historical event among the Israelites as it was started by Moses.

God wanted to show his people that he was above the Egyptian gods this was to be revealed by the
powers God gave Moses when he announced the plagues to Egyptians.

God wanted to show that he is a faithful God who could not forget his people that were suffering in

God wanted to fulfill promises that he had made to Abraham that he would not let his people suffer.

God wanted to show his character as a holy God.


Account for Moses initial objection to God’s call.
Account for Moses’ demand to know the name of God who was calling him. Exodus 3:13-14.

A candidate is expected in this question to give reasons to why Moses at first refused Gods call to
be sent to Egypt.

God told Moses to go and tell the Pharaoh that he wants him to release his people so that they can
worship him on Mt. Sinai.

Moses still objected but God gave him power to perform miracles e.g. he ordered him to throw the
stick down and the stick turned into a snake. He picked it and became a stick again.

Moses objected because he wanted to get an answer which he would give to the Israelites who were
slaves in Egypt in case they asked the name of God who had sent him. Exodus 3:13.

Moses objected because he had not heard any experience with God before he wanted exactly to
know the nature of God he had never seen before hence his objection.

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It was a long time since God had talked to Abraham. So Moses knew that the Israelites had already
forgotten him in their exile life of about 400years. This prompted Moses to doubt God’s call for the
liberation of the Israelites Gen 15:13-16.

Moses considered himself a sinner for he had killed an Egyptian. So he never expected God to send
him back to Egypt hence his objection Exodus 2:12.

He wanted to get the true picture of God so as to be able to explain the answer ;if the Israelites
demanded to know.

Moses objected because he knew that the enslaved Israelites would test him if he was God’s

The nature of God’s appearance, Moses was terrified with God’s mysterious appearance Moses saw
a burning bush which was not being consumed up. So his objection was needed to seek the proper
identity of God. Exodus 3:6.

Moses objected because he was a poor speaker i.e. he was stammering. So his objection was in need
of a spokesperson who would explain to the Pharaoh and finally he was given his brother Aaron.

Moses objected God’s call because he knew the Egyptian army since he had lived in Egypt so he
was not sure whether he could accomplish God’s task.

Egypt was a polytheistic country with many gods and even during Moses revelation there were many
gods, so Moses wanted a clarification of who that God was.

Moses objected God’s call because he was a no body compared to the King. In Exodus 3:11 Moses
said “I am no body how can I go to the King and bring the Israelites out of Egypt”.

Moses wanted to evade God’s task of going to Egypt to liberate the Israelites because it seemed to be
a very big task for him.


Explain the implication of the name of God revealed to Moses.

I am who I am meant that God is always the same i.e. today, tomorrow and in future and he will
never change.

I am who I am meant that God is omnipresent, he is always there and everywhere.

I am who I am meant that God is omnipotent i.e. all powerful.

I am who I am meant that God is great, unique and above all other gods.

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In Hebrew I am who I am meant that God is eternal and self-existing.

I am who I am meant that God is universal i.e. he is God of all nations not to be monopolized by
Israelites alone.

The phrase I am who I am implied that God is above all he cannot be compared to anyone.

It also meant that God is the creator of the universe who created what he wanted and he would
continue creating what he wishes.

I am who I am implied that God has no beginning and the end so he is eternal.



Christians should seek the knowledge of God the way Moses was trying to find out the name of God
in the incident of the burning bush.

Christians should respond positively when God calls them. Even if Moses had earlier on refused he
finally accepted to do God’s will.

Christians should have hope in their tasks when God calls them unlike Moses who first resisted.

Christians should be obedient to God and accept to be sent in whatever situation unlike Moses who
disobeyed God by giving several reasons.

Christians should request for spiritual gifts that can help them fight the satanic forces just as Moses
was given powers to perform miracles.

Christians should seek God’s protection in every situation that threatens their security just as Moses
asked for God’s protection and was given powers to perform miracles.

Christians should have faith in God when he calls them to perform certain tasks unlike Moses who
had great doubt in God.

Christians should have confidence and self-esteem in themselves when dealing with God because
before God all people are equal.

Christians should make God’s name known to everyone just as Moses was to make God’s name
known to the Egyptians.

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Christians should undertake liberation struggles and help those who are suffering just like Moses
helped the Israelites who were suffering.

The call reflected the power of God (God is omnipotent) as evidenced by the way the bush was
burning i.e. the bush was burning but was not getting consumed up.

It showed God’s omnipresence i.e. God is always present he was there when Moses was looking
after his father in- laws flock.

Moses’ call showed God’s holiness and purity as evidenced by the removal of Sandals by Moses and
the burning bush.

It should be noted that God is full of Justice he was determined to help his people in Egypt because
they were oppressed and exploited in the foreign land.

The call of Moses showed that God was the only God. This is evidenced when God’s powers
protected the bush from burning and defeated the gods of Egypt.

The call showed that God is the God of history, a God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob when God
approached Moses he said Iam the God of your ancestors Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

God is portrayed as a loving God that God is the overall ruler of the universe evidenced when the
bush was burning but not getting consumed up hence has power over nature.

The call showed that God was beyond human understanding evidenced when he said that I am who I

It showed the sovereignty of God that God is the overall ruler of the universe evidenced by when the
bush was burning but was not consumed hence he has power over nature.

God is the liberator, savior and redeemer and that’s why he sent Moses to the Pharaoh of Egypt to let
the Israelites free.

God is shown as all knowing (omniscience) he knew the problems and sufferings of his people
where ever they were in the Egyptian slavery.

The call showed the universal nature of God i.e. he is not only the God of Israel but also other
nations seen even when he controlled the Egyptians.

God is transcendent in nature he is beyond any power evidenced by the way the bush was burning
but was not getting consumed.

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It showed that God fulfills his promises, the promises he made to Abraham were being fulfilled in
the call of Moses e.g. he promised Abraham that his descendants will be liberated from a foreign

Moses was once a shepherd across the desert. This made him understand the Mount Sinai area where
a covenant was conducted and inaugurated Moses leadership over Israel.

Moses grew up from the King’s palace where he got the best education of the time. This made him
learn administrative roles.

At the King’s palace where a king was a political leader, he learnt political ideas and tactics which
he used to guide the Israelites and act as a better judge in Israel at the time.

Moses killed an Egyptian, put his body in the sand and ran for his safety. This pushed him nearer to
a place of Gods call, i.e. Mount Sinai. This was nearing his leadership roles.

At Jethro’s home, Moses learnt works of priesthood because Jethro — a highly religious man taught
him religion and further instructed him to go back to Egypt because all those who wanted to kill him
were dead.

In his call, Moses stick turned into a snake due to the lord’s miraculous powers. This deepened his
faith as a military leader and the people he led from bondage (see Exodus 17:8 in the war with

God gave Moses an orator i.e. Aaron because he (Moses) was a great stammer. This strengthened his
priesthood authority.

The revelation as I am who I am” prepared Moses as a man to do the service of Yahweh. It also
made him strong because he realized he was with the Almighty God. In his leadership, Yahweh was
the first consultant.

More still, as a shepherd, he learnt all forms of harshness which encouraged him to lead the Israelites
across the harsh wilderness.

His biological mother also told him what was happening in the field and need for him to liberate his
fellow Jews. This increased his leadership ambitions.

Moses was born of a Levite family i.e. a blessed family where all priests of Israel descended from.

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The act of receiving the ten laws prepared him as a victor and leader of a congregation which God
availed him especially through the desert. It also bettered his position in front of the people he was


He was a liberator and he liberated the Israelites from Egyptian slavery where they had stayed for
400years to the land of freedom i.e. Canaan.

Moses was a political leader, as a politician he led the Israelites from Egypt to the Promised Land
because of the love he had for the people. He assisted all the tribes of Israel to go and get a share of
the Promised Land.

Moses was a military commander. On his way to the Promised Land the Israelites faced military
challenges from Egyptians, Amalekites, and other many nations that were defeated under Moses’

He was a law giver, when Israelites reached Mt. Sinai on their way to Canaan Moses prepared to
receive Ten Commandments from God which acted as a constitution for the Israelites in the whole of
their life.

He was a mediator and prophet, Moses was a chief messenger of God, during God’s meeting with
the Pharaoh and Israelites e.g. in making the covenant at Mt. Sinai Moses was the mediator between
God and the Israelites.

As a prophet Moses delivered God’s message and will, to Pharaoh, Israelites and all his prophesies
always came true.

Moses was a miracle performer i.e. with God’s power he delivered Israelites from Egypt. Moses
performed a lot of miracles e.g. he changed his stick into a snake, he separated the water of the Red
sea and passed through he put his hand into the pocket and pulled it out when it was diseased he
announced the plagues and they happened.

Moses was an interceder, the Israelites could not have reached the promised land if it was not
because of Moses’ effort and intercession e.g. when the Israelites made a golden calf God was
annoyed and wanted to kill everyone and spare only Moses and Moses interceded and only the
outstanding sinners were killed.

Moses was a religious leader i.e. he interpreted God’s message to people. He delivered religious
laws (10 Commandments) (Exodus 20), he offered sacrifices on behalf of people and he consecrated
religious leaders like Aaron Lev 8:30.

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Moses was a judge, after leaving Egypt Moses was the only judge with the Hebrews; his judgment
was based on evidence and God’s laws.

Moses was a writer; he is believed to have written the bible i.e. the Pentateuch.

Moses rejuvenated monotheism i.e. the worship of one God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob therefore
he was the founder of Judaism a religion that exists up to today.

Moses was the author of religious days e.g. the Passover, the Day of Atonement which are on the
Jewish calendar and celebrated up to today.


Both had concern for the suffering people Moses was concerned with the suffering Jews in Egypt
while Jesus was concerned about the suffering sinners.

Both of them preferred to suffer for their people.

Both prepared religious celebrations, Moses prepared the Passover while Jesus prepared the last

Both were supposed to die during their infancy. Jesus was born when the Romans were killing all
boys of Hebrew origin while Moses was born when the Pharaoh was killing the first son of Hebrews.

Both gave out God’s laws i.e. Moses gave out the Ten Commandments while Jesus gave out the two
greatest commandments.

Both were born when the Jews were under foreign rule e.g. Moses was born when the Jews were
under the rule of the Egyptians while Jesus was born when the Jews were under the rule of the

Both were prophets i.e. they were intermediaries between God the father and his people.

Both performed miracles e.g. Jesus walked on water while Moses changed a stick into a snake, he
separated water of Red sea.

Both were teachers of God’s laws e.g. they were called rabbi meaning teacher.

Right from child hood both were recognized as people who were to carry out God’s work.

Both spent time in the wilderness preparing for God’s mission.

Both were descendants of Abraham.

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Both had followers i.e. Moses Israelites and Jesus Christians.

Both played part in the covenant theology i.e. Moses played a very big part in the Sinatic covenant
making process while Jesus played a big role in the making of the new covenant.

Both were healers i.e. Moses healed people from the snake bites and Jesus healed people from

Jesus was a son of God while Moses was only a Prophet of God.

Moses’ liberation was physical while that of Jesus was spiritual.

Jesus’ mission was foretold by John the Baptist while Moses’ mission just came about after his call.

Moses was a political leader while Jesus was a spiritual leader.

Moses’ death was a result of disappointment to God while Jesus was an obedient son of God and his
death was according to God’s plan.

Jesus rose from the dead but Moses died completely.

The Mosaic covenant was strictly for the Jewish people while Jesus’ covenant was for entire
mankind (it was universal).

Moses gave out many laws while Jesus gave out two laws.

Moses died and was buried by God himself while Jesus was buried by human beings.

Jesus was divine while Moses was a human being.

Both calls restored people back to the Promised Land. I.e. Moses’ call liberated Israelites from the
Egyptian slavery while Ezekiel’s call liberated Israelites from the Babylonian exile.

Both were sent to people who were suffering in exile i.e. Moses to the suffering Israelites in Egypt
and Ezekiel to the Exiles in Babylon.

Both were given difficult tasks to accomplish they were to give hope to the disappointed group of
people i.e. Moses to the Israelites in Egypt while Ezekiel to the exiles in Babylon.

In both calls God appeared inform of visions i.e. Moses through the burning bush while Ezekiel
through the cherubim (the chariot throne).

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Both calls show the holiness of God i.e. Moses was commanded to remove his Sandals because he
was standing on a holy place.

Both expressed an element of fear — but God gave them assurance and power i.e. Ezekiel fell down
because of fear and Moses covered his face because he feared to see God.

Both were alone when God called them i.e. Moses was a lone looking after the flock of his father- in
law Jethro and Ezekiel was at the river side.

Both calls were initiated by God i.e. it was God’s workmanship to liberate his people from slavery
that’s why he gave them protection.

In both calls God promised his protection and assistance i.e. God promised to make Ezekiel as firm
as a rock and as hard as diamond and Moses was given powers to perform miracles.

In both calls God’s power over nature is depicted e.g. the theophany of God (the burning bush
incident) and the cherubim throne.

Both were sent to hard hearted people e.g. Ezekiel was sent to the rebellious people of Israel just as
Moses was sent to the Pharaoh.

Moses was sent to the slaves who were suffering in Egypt while Ezekiel was sent to the rebellious
people of Judah.

In Moses’ call he was addressed by his name while Ezekiel’s call he was a dressed as mortal man.

Moses was commanded to remove his shoes because he was standing on a holy ground while
Ezekiel was raised up by God.

Ezekiel was given a scroll that he ate while Moses was given a stick to perform miracles.

Moses was given a spokesman who was Aaron his brother while Ezekiel spoke by himself.

Moses at first rejected and objected the call of God while Ezekiel simply accepted the call of God.

God appeared to Moses in form of a burning bush while in Ezekiel’s call God appeared in form of a
chariot throne.

By the time of Moses’ call he was an ordinary man (Shepherd) while Ezekiel was a priest.

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Moses was given powers to perform miracles whereas Ezekiel was not given such powers to perform

Moses simply covered his face during his call for fear of seeing God while Ezekiel just fell down.

Moses spoke to God i.e. he asked him who God was while Ezekiel simply listened to God’s


The Jewish Exodus means the departure of the Israelites from Egypt to the promised land of Canaan.
The Israelites were in bondage and suffering in Egypt.

God through Moses organized his people and liberated them from slavery the character of God was
realized when God called Moses at Mt. Sinai and made a covenant with him and told him to liberate
the Israelites. Thus the Exodus event is significant in the following ways.


Why was the deliverance from Egypt such an important event in the life of the Israelites?
“The Israelite way of life was dependent on Exodus event” Discuss.

Give the significance of the Exodus event to the Israelites.

The event exposed Israel as a special chosen nation and unique race seen in the Covenant making at
Mt. Sinai where God promised to be their God. It was through this race that salvation to mankind
was to be delivered.

It marked the end of suffering in Egypt where the Israelites were oppressed and subjected to forced

The event led to the worship of only one God (monotheism) by the Israelites. The Exodus made
people to realize that God is the master of all creation seen when he commanded Moses to strike the
Red sea and water separated and therefore he deserved to be worshipped alone.

It was through the exodus event that the Israelites were able to possess the Promised Land after
being released from Egypt; they went and occupied the land which was promised to their ancestor

Exodus event led to the beginning of the priestly and prophetic ministry in Israel Moses who was
their leader became the first prophet in Israel.

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It led to the rebirth of some Jewish cultures that had been abandoned by the Israelites e.g.
circumcision that had been put in place as a sign of the covenant made with the people and the
Sabbath that had died out when the Israelites were in Egypt were revived on the return to Canaan.

The event was a way of reconciling man who had sinned in the Garden of Eden (Gen 3) e.g. it was
through the Israelites that Jesus came to save mankind from sin.

It became the basis of Prophetic teaching in Israel, Prophets based their preaching on what had
happened during the Exodus.

The event led to divine election of Israelites by God this was seen when the lord protected them from
enemies meaning that they had a special relationship with God.

The Exodus event fulfilled God’s promises to Abraham that he would liberate his descendants from
exile after 400years and will occupy their land. Gen 15:12-16.

The Exodus event helped the Israelites to get a new constitution which governed them i.e. at Mt.
Sinai they got the Ten Commandments which guided their social, political, economic and religious

The Israelites’ obedience, faithfulness and loyalty to God were traced from the Exodus event.

The Exodus event showed God as powerful i.e. God was able to overpower the Egyptian gods and
also the miracles he performed such as feeding them in wilderness and separating the red sea
portrayed God’s omnipotence.

It led to the rebirth of Israel as a nation of God i.e. a theocratic nation governed by God as their
leader and operating on God given laws.

It showed that God is just and hates injustices that is why he punished the Egyptians for oppressing
and exploiting the Israelites.

The Exodus became a source of unity among the Israelites who were scattered in Egypt i.e. they
were all united under the leadership of Moses.


How is the theme of deliverance used and developed in the New Testament?

The theme of deliverance in the New Testament is developed through the passion of Jesus Christ as
the Pascal lamb.

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Jesus saved people from the powers of evil both spiritually and physically e.g. the healing of the
paralyzed man lowered from the roof, the rise of Lazarus from the dead and the healing of the blind

Jesus came to save and deliver people from the bondage of sin just as Jews were liberated from

Jesus says in the gospel of John that he was the way the truth and life through which we get to God.

Through the Lord’s Supper Jesus started a new covenant by calling upon people to partake in his
body and blood for the purpose of deliverance and redemption.

The death and resurrection of Jesus is the beginning of the new Exodus because we hope to resurrect
and believe in unending life.

Many of the miracles Jesus performed were intended to deliver people from their various afflictions
i.e. healing of the blind hence deliverance from evil.

Jesus says that he did not come for the righteous but for the sinners in saying so he meant that he had
come to deliver the troubled from evil.

In summarizing the Decalogue into love of God and neighbors, Jesus developed the theme of
deliverance as being founded only in two laws.

In marks Gospel John the Baptist proclaimed the coming of Jesus who would come to save people
from evil by baptizing them with the Holy Spirit.
Jesus became the new Moses and brought spiritual liberation by perfecting whatever Moses did e.g.
he changed the Ten Commandments into two major laws. I.e. love one God and love one another.

Jesus and the New Testament teachings call people to repent as the only way to heaven.

It is through Jesus baptism that we get deliverance from our sins.


Justify the view that the exodus event marked the beginning of Israel as a nation

Show how the Exodus event led to the beginning of Israel as a nation, identify the features and
emphasize the factor of nationhood.

Exodus was the massive out flow of the Israelites from slavery in Egypt across the Red sea through
the wilderness to Mt. Sinai and finally to the Promised Land.

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The event exposed Israel as a special chosen nation and unique race it is through this race that
salvation to mankind was to be delivered.

It marked the end of suffering in Egypt e.g. while in Egypt the Israelites were subjected to
oppression and forced labour which reduced on their life span but after deliverance they lived longer
as a nation.

The event led to the worship of only one God as a nation hence practice of monotheism by the
Israelites after acknowledging the omnipotence of Yahweh.

It was through the exodus event that the Israelites were able to possess Canaan as promised to them
as a nation of God. After being released from Egypt they went and occupied the land which was
promised to their ancestors.

Exodus event led to the beginning of the priestly and prophetic ministry in Israel nation. Moses was
the first prophet in Israel and their leader.

It led to the rebirth of some Jewish cultures that had been abandoned. e.g. circumcision that had
been put in place as a sign of the covenant God made with his people.

The event was a way of saving man who had sinned in the Garden of Eden. It was a way of
reconciling Israel nation with God.

It became the basis of prophetic teaching in Israel; prophets based their preaching on what had
happened during the Exodus event e.g. Hosea referred to the Exodus event.

The event led to divine election of Israelites by God this was seen when the lord protected them from
their enemies meaning that they had a special relationship with God as a nation.

The Exodus event fulfilled God’s promise to Abraham that he would liberate his descendants from
exile after 400years and will occupy their land as a nation of God.

The Exodus helped the Israelites to make a covenant with God because it was after this journey that
the Israelites assembled at Mt. Sinai to make a covenant with God as a special chosen nation.

The Exodus event helped the Israelites to get a new constitution which governed them at Mt. Sinai
they got the Ten Commandments which guided their social, political and economic welfare as a

The Israelites’ obedience, faithfulness and loyalty in God as a nation were traced from the Exodus

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Israel was made a special unique nation of God because through the Exodus the Israelites were set
aside for a special cause.

The event helped the Israelites to become a theocratic nation i.e. Kingdom ruled by God since they
accepted the laws which were given to them at Mt. Sinai.


Christians should be united just as Moses united the Israelites during the Exodus event.

Christians should accept the idea of salvation just as it was God’s plan for every one so as to be
delivered from sin.

Christians should keep themselves holy so as to be part of God’s Kingdom.

Christians should follow the laws which were given to them by God through Moses during the
Exodus event.

Christians should carry on the idea of the Passover just like Moses encouraged the Isrealites to be
involved in memory of God’s liberation and the exodus event.

Christians should obey God’s commandments in order to possess God’s belongings just like the
Israelites got the Promised Land after the exodus event.

Christians should stand firm and practice monotheism unlike the Isrealites who made a golden calf
and worshipped it during the exodus event.
Christians should circumcise their hearts so as to always live pure lives and be worthy in God’s

Christians should up hold the Sabbath as a day of worship.

Christians should acknowledge God’s love and providence because he provided for Israelites during
the Exodus event.

Christians should be ready for God’s call just as Moses did.

Christians should acknowledge God’s fairness, justice and the fact that he hates injustice and sin.

Christians should endure suffering just as the Israelites endured suffering during the Exodus event.

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Analyze the instructions God gave to the Israelites concerning the celebration of the Passover.
Examine the features of the Passover event.

The Passover was the night when God’s angel passed through Egypt killing the first born sons in
each Egyptian household. While saving the first born sons of the Israelites. The whole Israelite
community had to participate in celebrating this day.

Each family had to choose a sheep or a goat on the tenth day of the month.

If the family was too small it had to share with the neighbouring family.

The lamb or goat had to be one year old.

This month was to mark the 1st month of the Israelite religious year.

The chosen animal had to be male without any defects or blemish.

On the evening of the 14th day, Israelites had to slaughter the animals.

While slaughtering the animal they were not to break its bones.

They were instructed to smear some of the blood of the animal on their door posts.

The blood was to serve as a mark that the house was for an Israelite.

They had to eat that meat that night, including the intestines the head and the legs they were not to
boil any part of the meat.

They had to eat all the roasted meat that night.

They had to eat bitter herbs and bread without yeast a long with the meat.

If any meat remained it had to be burnt before morning.

They had to eat quickly, fully dressed and with Sandals on.

They had to eat with sticks in their hands.

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No one was to leave the house until morning.

That night God was to send the angel of death through the land of Egypt

The angel was to kill every first born Egyptian male of both animals and human beings.

God was also to punish Egyptian gods.

The angel would Passover houses whose door posts were smeared with blood.

The Israelites were to rest from work for 7 days prior to the Passover and to eat bread without yeast.

They were also to eat bread without yeast from the 14th day to 21st day.

They were to celebrate this feast annually in all their future.

They had to explain to their children how God had spared the Israelite children on that day of the
Passover Exodus 12:27.

In future only circumcised people were to take part in the Passover.

Israelites were to dedicate their first born children and animals to God in appreciation.
The Passover was very significant to the Israelites / Jews in Egypt, Canaan and, in Exile up to date.

The Passover marked the end of the Israelites slavery in Egypt.

It was a national liberation day in Israel.

It separated the Israelites from the Egyptians.

It showed that their God was omnipotent.

It broke the arrogance of the Pharaoh, he had refused to set the Israelites free and this event forced
him to send them a way immediately and give them their freedom.

It revealed the universal nature of God. I.e. he had powers over the King of other nations.

It showed that Yahweh fulfilled promises he had made to Abraham.

It convinced Israelites that Yahweh was actively present in their lives.

It brought unity among the Israelites.

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It showed the importance of faith and obedience.

It made Israelites renew their commitment to monotheism.

It always reminded the young about their historical roots and religious heritage.

It marked the beginning of Israel religious calendar 1 year.

It showed that Moses was God’s servant.

It showed that Israelites were God’s unique people.

The blood on their door posts symbolized Salvation and pre-figured Jesus’ blood on the cross.

The bitter herbs they ate symbolized the bitter days of suffering in Egypt.

The unleavened bread and full dressing symbolized that they were in a hurry.

It gave birth to the practice of dedicating their first born sons and animals.

Future religious reforms were influenced by the Passover event.


For Christians the Passover had to be transformed to the lord’s supper- they knew that Christ is the
new Passover lamb whose death and resurrection redeem Christians from the bondage of sin.

During the lords supper Christians meet and share the blood and body of Jesus Christ.

The bread taken on the Lord’s Supper symbolizes the body while the wine symbolizes the blood of
Jesus Christ.

Christians know that by having faith in Jesus through baptism they are saved from sin. Their
commitment to God will make them begin a new Exodus the journey to the spirit of the lord.

This is a feast attended by those who are baptized and have attended catechism classes and after
wards they are officiated by the priest.

Among the Catholics the celebrations of the Lord’s Supper is on the daily basis in parishes i.e. in the
morning and in the evening.

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During the feast the priest lifts up the bread and repeats the words of Jesus “Jesus took the piece of
bread and gave a prayer of thanks and said to his disciples this is my body which will be given up for
you” Mk 14:22

The priest also lifts up the cup and says this is my blood which is poured out for many drink it all of
you for the forgiveness of sins. After this the priest takes the bread and wine gives other Christians.

Christians also prepare on the Eve of Good Friday most of them carry the cross to indicate that they
take part in the suffering of the lamb. All this is done to indicate that they agree with the new Exodus
and the Journey to redemption of sin from the cross.


The Jews up to the time of Jesus used to celebrate the Passover as the way of remembering their
deliverance from Egypt.

The major ideas in the New Testament related to the Passover include the following,

Jesus like any other Jew celebrated the Passover, John’s gospel records that he attended the Passover
feasts during his ministry John 6:1-7.

Jesus used the Passover days to teach people the word of God, to perform miracles and engage in
theological debates. John 1:6ff.

Jesus noticed the way people were celebrating the Passover and he disagreed with those who had
diverted from the purpose. People used to sell lamb at very expensive prices to worshippers. The
whole ritual had diverted from the purpose. The ordinary Jews were complaining of the priests who
lived by cheating the worshippers.

Jesus reacted to this situation by sending a way and over turning the tables of money changers and
driving away the animals.

Jesus transformed the purpose of celebrating the Passover. He turned it from the day of remembering
their liberation from Egypt to the feast of deliverance from sin and evil thus he was about to be
killed as a sacrifice of redemption of sinful mankind. Mark 14:22.

Jesus turned out to be the Passover lamb, the Passover lamb was killed and the blood was smeared
on the door posts to protect the Jews from the angel of death. Jesus affirmed that his blood was about
to be shed and it would be blood of the new and everlasting covenant which would be shed for the
liberation of mankind from sin.

The Passover to Christians changed the name to the Lords Supper. Christians were to celebrate the
Lords Supper as the way of remembering Jesus death for them on the cross.

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Jesus’ death on the cross as a Passover lamb replaced the sacrifice of the animals. No more sacrifice
was to be made Jesus Christ was the only acceptable sacrifice before God dying on the cross
delivered man from the bondage of sin and evil.

Jesus equally commanded his disciples and followers to always do the same in memory of what he
did during the Passover celebrations.

This is similar to Yahweh’s command to the Jews to always celebrate the Passover compare Luke
22:13 with Exodus 22:14.

Jesus death coincided with the celebration of the Passover and as a messiah he died on the cross as a
sacrifice and his death and resurrection justified the Passover.

Jesus as a sacrificial lamb was sacrificed once and for all and his words regarding the Passover when
he died and resurrected.

During the celebration of the Passover the Jews were not supposed to break the bones of the
sacrificial animal likewise Jesus’ bones were not broken when he was killed.

Compare the Jewish Passover and the Christian Easter.

Both show the power of God i.e. it is because of God’s power that the Jews moved from Egypt to the
Promised Land while for Easter shows the power of God because Jesus resurrected from the dead.

Both prepare feast meals i.e. the Jews carried out feasts and for Easter also at times people make
parties and enjoy.

Both show that God is omnipotent i.e. he liberated the Israelites from slavery while in Easter Jesus
rose from the dead.

They both revealed the universal nature of their God i.e. he had powers over the Kings eg Pharaoh
and Pilate.

Both rest from work i.e. during the Passover the Israelites rested from doing work while during
Easter season people rest from work.

Both celebrate the feast annually in all their societies

Both explain to their children the purpose of those days i.e. Israelites explained to their children how
God liberated them while for Easter they explain to their children how Jesus rose from the dead.

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The Passover marked end of Israelites suffering in Egypt while Easter marks the rising of Jesus from
the dead.

The Passover separated the Israelites from Egyptians while for Easter Christians gather together and

The sacrificial lamb / goat regardless of age is sacrificed while during the Passover the sacrificial
lamb had to be one year old.

while slaughtering an animal during the Passover bones were left intact while for Easter they are

In the Passover event only the circumcised would take part while in Easter event the un circumcised
take part in celebrating it.

Israelites were to dedicate their first born children and animals to God in appreciation while on
Easter all animals are slaughtered regardless of being first borns or last borns

During the Passover the Israelites had to eat quickly, fully dressed and with Sandals while when
celebrating Easter Christians take their time while eating.

During the Passover event the chosen animal had to be male without any blemish while for Easter
people normally slaughter animals with blemish and even females.


Examine how God commanded Moses and the Israelites to prepare for the making of the Sinatic
covenant in Exodus 19:3-25.
God called Moses to the mountain.

The children of Israel were challenged to be obedient in every instruction given.

They had to obey the covenant so as to be a peculiar nation of God (treasured).

Moses came down from the mountain, called the elders and sat before them and told them the words
of God.

The people agreed to do all that God commanded and Moses was to return it to God

The people had to sanctify themselves.

They had to wash their clothes before the covenant was made.

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No one was to touch the mountain.

They were not to have sexual relations with their wives.

They had to put a boundary around the mountain as a barrier.

On the third day, God was to come down in the sight of all the people on Mt Sinai.

Priests too had to sanctify themselves before coming near God because he is holy

On the 3rd day the mountain was covered by smoke.

Moses was to speak to the people and warn them not to force their way through to see the lord.

Comment on how Jesus prepared his disciples for the making of the new covenant.
Jesus called them out to be his disciples and leave their former occupations.
He urged them to have a holy life.
He taught them how to pray.
He challenged them to be humble.
He lived nearer and closer to them.
He challenged them to respect the people in authority.
He told them to prepare for the Passover.
He revealed to them the betrayers.
He ate and drank with them which climaxed in the last super.
He taught them about the last things (Eschatology).
He explained the purpose of his mission to the disciples.
He was a source of encouragement to those who were doubtful.
He advised them to avoid hypocrisy of the Pharisees / taught in the temple.
He perfected the law for them
He empowered them to preach in his name.
He guided them and warned against worldly material possessions (riches).
He prepared them for suffering because it is through suffering that they inherit God’s Kingdom.
He trained them on how to lead his church after his death.
Comment on the covenant God made with Israelites on Mt. Sinai
A covenant is a binding agreement that should never be broken. Therefore the Sinai covenant was an
agreement God made with the people of Israel at Mt. Sinai.

The covenant was initiated by God and made between God and the people of Israel.

God talked to Moses and referred to what he had done for Israelites. “You know what I the lord did
to the Egyptians and how I carried you as an eagle carries her younger ones on her wings and
brought you here to me Exodus 19:4.

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It was conditional i.e. if the Israelites obeyed God and kept the covenant they would be God’s own
people. Exodus 19:5.

Moses then asked the people if they would accept to be God’s people to which the people accepted.

It was characterized by purification i.e. they were to wash their clothes and not to have sexual
relations ;so as to make them holy before their God Exodus 19:10.

Moses was asked to make limits and boundaries on the foot of the mountain upon which people were
not supposed to cross Exodus 19:12.

On the 3rd day the mountain was then covered with a thick cloud and smoke which was a
manifestation of the Kingdom of God.

It was characterized by God’s presence in form of fire, thunder, lightning and a triumphant blast
Exodus 19:16.

It was characterized by a mediator Moses, Moses was the go-between of the Israelites and God.

God introduced and identified himself to the Israelites as the God who liberated them from slavery in

The covenant was featured by laws i.e. Moses went up the hill and received laws from God. He then
read and gave the laws to the Israelites Exodus 19:20.

All the Israelites accepted to do what God had said i.e. they re- affirmed their faith and obedience to
the lord and his laws.

Moses was then ordered to build an altar and set it up with 12 stones to represent the 12 tribes of
Israel Exodus 20:24.

It involved sacrifices i.e. cattle and sheep were sacrificed as burnt and fellowship offerings Exodus

Moses took half of the blood of the animals and put it in the bowls and the other half he threw it
against the altar to show that the covenant was sacred. Exodus 24:6.

Blood was then collected in the Bowls and then Moses sprinkled it on the people Exodus 24:8.

Then the laws were read and the people promised to do everything that had been written.

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This covenant was made between two un equal parties i.e. God( the omnipotent) with the people of

It was characterized by promises God made several promises inform of blessings if they obeyed the
covenant and curses if they disobeyed.

It was characterized by fear and terror when the people heard the thunder, the trumpet, the blast and
saw the lightening and the smoking mountain they trembled with fear Exodus 20:18.


Compare the Sinatic covenant and the new covenant Jeremiah prophesied in Jeremiah 31.

The Sinatic covenant prophesied the coming of the new covenant while the new covenant was ever

The earlier covenant emphasized the community responsibility for sin; while the new covenant
emphasized individual responsibility of sin.

The earlier covenant was written down on the stone tablets for people to read while the new
covenant was written on people’s hearts.

The sinatic covenant was basically for the people of Israel while the new covenant was universal i.e.
the new covenant will be for all people and nations even the gentiles.

The earlier covenant required sacrifices as a way to express commitment while the new covenant
referred to Jesus as the final sacrifice.

In the earlier covenant God used intermediaries e.g. Moses was a mediator between God and the
Israelites while the new covenant God worked directly with the Israelites.

The Sinatic covenant involved external signs such as circumcision while the new covenant was
based on purity of the heart.

The earlier covenant was compulsory to all people while the new covenant would be free choice and
to only those who will be faithful and obedient to God’s command.

In the earlier covenant prophets taught people to know God while in the new covenant there is no
need for teachers.

The earlier covenant was broken over and over again while the new covenant would be permanent.

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In the earlier covenant there was community relationship between people and God while in the new
covenant there was personal relationship between people and God.

In the earlier covenant there were promises of holiness while in the new covenant it promised
forgiveness of sin; God will provide a way for reconciling sin full man to him.


“The Sinatic covenant embodied obligations and responsibilities for the people of Israel”

A candidate is expected to present the obligations and responsibilities as outlined in the Sinai

The Sinatic covenant was an agreement made between the people of Israel and their God at Mt. Sinai
where they were given commandments.

The Israelites were to be obedient and loyal to their God if they were to live longer in the Promised
Land (Canaan).

They had an obligation of living as a theocratic nation; they were to be guided by God in their
political religious, economic and social welfare. I.e. they were to acknowledge and accept God as
their leader.

The Israelites had an obligation to remain holy to God because God is holy in this way they were to
avoid sin and they would be blessed.

They were obliged to respect all the laws of God given to them by Moses during the Sinatic
covenant Ex 20:1-17. All their social, political and economic welfare was to be determined by the

The Israelites were supposed to make people know God all over the world. They were supposed to
act as messengers of God to all nations.

They had an obligation to be exemplary and make other nations aware of their divine promise and
their chosen nature.

They were obliged to serve God faithfully i.e. they were to practice monotheism and avoid apostasy
and idolatry in the Promised Land.

They were obliged to practice the act of Herem they were to destroy their enemies completely during
the war against the pagan nations.

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They were to practice monotheism i.e. they had an obligation of worshipping only one God who
delivered them from the Egyptian slavery.

God had a responsibility of keeping his promise i.e. he led them into the Promised Land (Canaan).

They were expected to love their neighbors as their God loved them by showing love, care and
mercy to the un privileged.

They were to avoid marriage alliances with Pagan nations i.e. they were not to marry non-Israelites
because if they did so they would be tempted to worship other gods which would retard the practice
of monotheism.

They were not to practice syncretism i.e. worshipping God alongside other gods.

They had the responsibility of maintaining their holiness just as God is holy i.e. they were to avoid
sin in order to approach their God.

The Israelites had a responsibility of serving as priests because they were chosen from other nations
to serve him whole heartedly.

The covenant emphasized the relationship between God and man and man and fellow man so they
were to be responsible to their God and fellow man.

God had a responsibility of keeping his promises leading his people and assist them in the times of
trouble so long as they were loyal to him.

The Israelites had a responsibility of making friends and not making enemies with the nations they
would meet in the Promised Land.

The Israelites had an obligation of observing and celebrating the three feasts e.g. celebrating the
feast of unleavened bread.

The Israelites were obliged to put God at the centre of all their activities.

The covenant faith was to be passed on to their children through circumcision as a sign of identity
and the traditions of the Passover.

The Israelites were to thank God for delivering them from the Egyptian slavery and this was possible
through fellowships with God and offering sacrifices.

The Israelites had a responsibility of caring for the widows, orphans and the needy in the society
thereby fulfilling the requirements of love.

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God had a responsibility to care for the Israelites i.e. to feed them and lead them to the Promised

God therefore had a responsibility of fulfilling his promises which depended on man’s obedience
and disobedience which would lead to death and loss of the Promised Land.

Significance of the Sinai Covenant to the Israelites

How did the Sinatic covenant affect the history and way of life of the Israelites?

At Mt Sinai the Israelites entered into communion with God for the first time.

The communion/covenant bound them to God to be his people and God to be their God.

This initiated them into a new way of life which affected their history there and then and for the rest
of their future.

The Israelites had to put Yahweh at the centre of their activities by being obedient and loyal to him
than anything else.

The Israelites became aware of their duties towards their God as well as fellow man exemplified in
the Decalogue.

The Israelites observed and accepted their theocratic nature in all life aspects, religious, political,
social and economic orientations.

The Israelites started practicing holly living to avoid sin which was their obligation.

They started teaching the covenant faith to their children, their future generations were to observe
these traditions.

They became the people of the promise; the chosen Nation which they had to make other Nations
aware of.

As a result they lived hopefully to enjoy the promises and indeed in future they actively participated
in acquisition of their promised land by defeating the former occupants.

By the Sinatic covenant the Israelites enjoyed God’s protection, guidance, care and mercy as long as
they remained faithful.

By the Sinatic covenant the Israelites became a united Nation/group of people under Moses.

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The Israelites were initiated into a Priestly Nation, they started being intermediaries between God
and the rest of mankind through worship.

They became the basis for God’s deliverance and salivation plan. However this was through
focusing at God as their liberator throughout their lives.

They started practicing love towards one another indiscriminately including their neighbors and
enemies to differentiate themselves as special people.

By the covenant, the Israelites realized and acknowledged God as a God of history and had to
respect and believe in him.


Discuss the ways in which the making of the golden calf image by the Israelites showed lack of
understanding of God.

By choosing to have an image representing God in form of a golden calf the Israelites wanted a God
who is near to them hence misunderstanding of God who is everywhere.

They wanted a god who could immediately answer their prayers since their God was taking long
thereby misunderstanding of God who responded to their needs and prayers while in the Egyptian

The making of the Golden calf image showed that Israel was the same with other nations i.e. morally
and religiously since they wished to make a golden calf hence misunderstanding of God.

The making of the golden bull image showed that the Israelites forgot Moses patient teaching and his
endurance in the wilderness hence misunderstanding of God.

By the Israelites making the golden calf image it showed that they wanted a God whose presence
was compatible with the prevailing culture yet God was all powerful hence misunderstanding of

By the Israelites making the golden calf showed that God was very far from the Israelites and yet
they wanted a god nearer to them yet God is everywhere hence misunderstanding of God.

By the Israelites making the golden calf they had forgotten Yahweh’s guidance to them while in the
wilderness yet God is a God of protection hence misunderstanding of God.

By the Israelites making of the golden calf, it showed that there was need for the laws to guide the
Israelites since they opted to make a golden calf to guide them hence misunderstanding of God.

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It showed that the Israelites were deciding how their God would look like and not live as a theocratic
nation hence misunderstanding of God as the leader of Israel.

By the Israelites making the golden calf they tempted to control God because they wanted him to be
like the calf hence misunderstanding of God.

It showed that the Israelites were blasphemous by worshipping the bull in the name of God hence
misunderstanding of God.

By the Israelites making the golden calf they were practicing idolatry instead of monotheism hence
misunderstanding of God.
How do people show their lack of understanding of God today?
People show lack of understanding of God by practicing corruption and embezzlement of funds etc.
Today Government Funds are misused and corruption is on rampage hence misunderstanding of

There are family instabilities based on alcoholism and poverty many husbands still fight and quarrel
with their wives yet Gods plan is stability in marriage.

There are polygamous families today yet Gods plan for a family is monogamous i.e. one man one
woman thereby showing lack of understanding of God.

There are acts of blasphemy today many people talk evil words about God and some doubt his
existence hence misunderstanding of God.

Most people today engage in witch craft and sorcery which shows that they doubt Gods abilities
hence misunderstanding of God.

They practice sexual immorality such as homosexuality and prostitution yet sex should be between
male and female hence misunderstanding of God.

There is selfishness and lack of care for the under privileged people such as the lame and the
capitalistic tendencies are manifestations of lack of understanding of God.

Practice of idolatry e.g. most people today worship idols which are against Gods commandment
hence misunderstanding of God.

There are acts like nepotism, racial and religious discrimination. All those are indicators of man’s
failure to understand God.

Today there are acts of divorce yet Gods plan in marriage is meant to be permanent. This shows
peoples lack of understanding of God.

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The political instabilities in form of wars reflect peoples lack of understanding of God since Gods
plan for mankind is to live in harmony.
Examine the significance of the ten commandments to the Israelites
How did the Ten Commandments guide the relationships among the people of Israel?
A candidate is expected in the above questions to give the significance of the Decalogue to the
Israelites showing how it guided their relationship with one another.

The Ten Commandments helped the Israelites to have respect for one another e.g. the 9th
Commandment stated that, “Do not give false witness against others” which helped in strengthening
the relationship with one another.

The Ten Commandments were a fulfillment of God’s promise to Abraham i.e. after the Israelites
made the Sinatic covenant they set off to the Promised Land.

The Ten Commandments helped the Israelites to respect the parents and realize that God is the
source of life. E.g. Exodus 20:12 encouraged them to respect their parents.

The Decalogue helped the Israelites to be united i.e. it maintained law and order thereby bringing
harmony and social order in Israel.

The Decalogue showed that Israel is ruled by God and is guided by God given law i.e. it is a
theocratic nation.

The Decalogue showed God’s revelation; God’s presence was revealed through the laws given to the
Israelites while at Mt. Sinai.

The Decalogue helped the Israelites to realize that they were the divine elected nation having a
special relationship with God since they were the only nation given the Commandments.

The Decalogue helped to morally edify the Israelites e.g. the 7th law in Exodus 20:12 encourages
respect of parents.

The Decalogue guided the Israelites because it stipulated man’s role, responsibility and obligations
in the covenant union.

The Decalogue helped the Israelites in a way that it became a basis for the other covenant union e.g.
the Davidic covenant.

The Decalogue helped the Israelites to cooperate and work hard in order to attain the necessities by
condemning stealing Exodus 20:15.

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The Decalogue helped the Israelites to respect the Sabbath as a day of resting and praising God
hence sharing religious views Exodus 20:8-11.

The Decalogue promoted peace among the Israelites e.g. Exodus 20:13 discouraged killing.

The Decalogue advocated for faithfulness in marriage among the Israelites since it condemned

The Israelites were not to commit adultery which helped them to uphold the gift of sex and the
institution of marriage Exodus 20:14.


How relevant are the Ten Commandments to Christians today.
Analyze the relevance of the Ten Commandments to Christians in Uganda today.

Christians today should respect their parents as a source of life.

Christian should practice monotheism they are called upon to worship only one God in the first
commandment. Exodus 20:1-6 says worship one God and avoid other gods and idols.

Christians should live in peace and harmony with other people just as it is stressed in the Decalogue
i.e. do not steal and accuse one falsely.

Christians should be faithful in their marriages just as adultery is against Gods commandment i.e.
Exodus 20:14.

Christians should cooperate and work hard to attain basic needs since theft is discouraged Exodus

Christians should live morally upright in relation to one another.

Christians should have respect for one another because it is Gods command. Exodus 20:16
encourages people not to accuse any one falsely.

Christians should trust in God as the provider.

Christians should be contented with what they have since admiring is discouraged. Ex 20:17
discourages desiring other people’s property.

Christians should observe the Sabbath as a day of rest and worship of God as it is in Exodus 20:8-11.


Jesus in the New Testament understood the Ten Commandments in the following ways.

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He called upon all the believers to obey his father and this was the greatest law.

As the son of God who gave out the mosaic law he respected it but ignored those parts of the law
that were manmade e.g. fasting and not working on the Sabbath.

Some people (Jews) thought that he was a reformer who came to destroy the law of Moses he told
them that he had not come to destroy the law and the teachings of the prophets but to perfect and
fulfill it.

Jesus Christ also made few perfections in the Mosaic law e.g. on the law of retribution i.e. an eye for
an eye, a tooth for a tooth Jesus stressed reconciliation and love for the neighbors those who hate
your enemies Jesus said love them.

When he healed the man suffering from leprosy he told him to go to the priest and perform all the
Mosaic law rituals. This means that he had respect for the law because he told the leper to go to the
priest for purification.

During his youthful age Jesus lived with his parents in Nazareth and obeyed them Luke 2:51 while
on the cross before he died he asked John to take care of his mother John 19:26-27 this means that he
honored the Parents.

Jesus also responded to religious leaders who asked him which law was the greatest. Jesus responded
that the greatest law is that of love your lord your God with one heart soul and strength and the love
of ones neighbor as one loves himself Mathew 22:31-39.

Jesus also advocated for self-Commitment faith and devotion to God that extended beyond the
observance of the law-he was responding to a younger man who had followed all the laws and that
he was looking for a way to receive the kingdom of God.

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