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Green Chemical Engineering xxx (xxxx) xxx

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Green Chemical Engineering

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Original Article

Renewable non-edible oils derived long chain (C24.1) bio-based

zwitterionic surfactant with ultralow interfacial tension between crude oil
and formation brine
Homely Isaya Mtui a, Fang-Hui Liu a, Wei Wang a, Jian-Qiao Lang a, Shi-Zhong Yang a, b, c,
Bo-Zhong Mu a, b, c, *
State Key Laboratory of Bioreactor Engineering and School of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering, East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai, 200237,
Engineering Research Center of Microbial Enhanced Oil Recovery, Ministry of Education, East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai, 200237, China
Shanghai Collaborative Innovation Center for Biomanufacturing Technology, Shanghai, 200237, China


 NDAS surfactant could be prepared from

nervonic acid derived from non-edible
oils by a simple and effective method.
 NDAS exhibited excellent interfacial ac-
tivity to an ultralow value (~104 mN/
m) at a very low dosage (0.05 g/L) for
 NDAS demonstrated high NaCl compat-
ibility up to 100 g/L, Ca2þ up to
200 mg/L, and temperature stability to
90  C.


Keywords: A new ultra-long chain monounsaturated 4-(N-nervonicamidopropyl-N,N-dimethylammonium) butane sulfonate

Bio-based surfactant (NDAS) zwitterionic surfactant with ultralow interfacial tensions was developed through the modification of
Interfacial tension nervonic acid derived from renewable non-edible seed oils by a simple and effective method. Its structure was
Salt tolerance
characterized by ESI-HRMS, 1H NMR, and 13C NMR. NDAS surfactant exhibited a strong interfacial activity
Enhanced oil recovery
(~104 mN/m) between the crude oil and the formation brine at a very low surfactant dosage (0.05 g/L) and at
high salinity conditions, which is equivalent to 2% (w/w) of dosage of the most traditional surfactants used in the
enhanced oil recovery field. Meanwhile, at a very low concentration (0.05 g/L), NDAS demonstrated strong NaCl
compatibility up to 100 g/L, Ca2þ ions compatibility up to 200 mg/L, and temperature stability up to 90  C. The
surface tension, emulsification, and biodegradability parameters were also evaluated. This work consolidates our
hypothesis that increasing the hydrophobic chain length of a surfactant certainly contributes to the high inter-
facial activity and good compatibility of salts and temperatures. Hence, it will facilitate the design of a sustainable
alternative to petroleum-based chemicals to develop bio-based surfactants and extend the domain of bio-based
surfactants to new applications such as in enhanced oil recovery (EOR).

* Corresponding author. State Key Laboratory of Bioreactor Engineering and School of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering, East China University of Science and
Technology, Shanghai, 200237, China.
E-mail addresses: homelymtui@mail.ecust.edu.cn (H.I. Mtui), bzmu@ecust.edu.cn (B.-Z. Mu).

Received 17 April 2022; Received in revised form 12 July 2022; Accepted 2 August 2022
Available online xxxx
2666-9528/© 2022 Institute of Process Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Publishing services by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of KeAi Communication Co. Ltd. This
is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).

Please cite this article as: H.I. Mtui et al., Renewable non-edible oils derived long chain (C24.1) bio-based zwitterionic surfactant with ultralow
interfacial tension between crude oil and formation brine, Green Chemical Engineering, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gce.2022.08.001
H.I. Mtui et al. Green Chemical Engineering xxx (xxxx) xxx

1. Introduction industry and the oil recovery field still face difficulty developing syn-
thetic approaches to ecologically benign products [21] and limited
Surfactants are surface-acting agents with a hydrophobic/lipophile biomaterial feedstocks.
tail and a hydrophilic/hydrophile head in the same molecule [1]. Sur- In this study, we developed a new ultra-long chain bio-based zwit-
factants are not only widely used as detergents in daily household ap- terionic surfactant 4-(N-nervonicamidopropyl-N,N-dimethylammonium)
plications but are also used as patterns for constructing nanoparticles and butane sulfonate (NDAS) with ultralow interfacial tensions at a very low
as carrier vehicles for drug delivery [2], catalysts in organic synthesis [3], dosage and high salinity by a simple and effective synthetic strategy
as well proved to be efficacious in the oil field industry, particularly in using a nervonic acid derived from bioresource non-edible Malania
chemically enhanced oil recovery [4]. According to records, surfactants oleifera and Lunaria seed oils as a feedstock. The intermediate product
originating from fossil resource (usually crude oil-based) feedstocks, and the final NDAS surfactant product structures were characterized
notably petrochemical-based, are the most widely employed in enhanced using electrospray ionization high-resolution mass spectrometry (ESI-
oil recovery (EOR) and other industrial domains [5]. On the other hand, HRMS), proton nuclear magnetic resonance (1H NMR), and carbon nu-
they cause the depletion of fossil resources and pollution to the envi- clear magnetic resonance (13C NMR) techniques. The properties of NDAS
ronment due to their low biodegradability and emission of greenhouse surfactant in aqueous solutions such as water solubility, surface tension
gases during their production or uses, which pose a risk to microbial, (SFT), interfacial tension (IFT), thermal stability, salt tolerance, emulsi-
plant, and animal life [6]. To address these challenges, the production fication, and biodegradability were evaluated. This study's innovation is
and research on natural surfactants (bio-based surfactants) have drawn associated with introducing a new ultra-long-chain C24.1 bio-based
attention in recent years [7,8]. Since the crude oil limits of the early zwitterionic surfactant NDAS derived from the renewable feedstock, via
1970s and the beginning of the 1990s, the oil recovery field, surfactant an inexpensive, simple, and effective synthetic pathway. NDAS surfactant
industry, and market have proved the renewable oleochemical feedstocks demonstrated an outstanding interfacial activity to ultralow at a very low
to be a viable alternative to conventional crude oil-based systems. Palm dosage, high salinities compatibility, and high temperatures stability,
and coconut-derived oleochemicals have increased, with soybeans being which are significant results for EOR field applications, and is environ-
cited more recently [9]. However, oleo chemical-based feedstocks are mentally friendly.
edible vegetable oils, which have created problems in recent years due to
fierce competition with food, biodiesel, and renewable surfactant pro- 2. Experimental section
duction requirements. And that causes a challenge in producing sufficient
renewable-based surfactants in the market, which drives surfactant 2.1. Materials and structural analyses
producers to find workable substitute feedstock sources that are also
renewable and less closely connected with petrol and oleo oil to support 2.1.1. Materials
the oil recovery field and the surfactant industry. Commercial nervonic acid (> 90%, GC, Shaanxi Yikanglong
Central and Southern Europe, North America, the Balkans, South- Biotechnology Co., Ltd.), N,N-dimethyl-1,3-propanediamine (99%, GC,
West Asia, and China are well-known for cultivating flowering plants. Shanghai Macklin Biochemical Co., Ltd.), 3,4,5-trifluorophenylboronic
They are mainly native to Malania oleifera and Lunaria species ‘honesty acid (98.8%, GC, Leyan Mall-Chemical Reagent), 1,4-butanesultone (>
plant’, which produce a massive amount of seeds from their fruits and are 99.0%, GC, Tokyo Chemical Industry Co., Ltd.), ethyl acetate (99.7%, GC,
considered environmental wastes [10]. Malania oleifera and Lunaria Collins Chemical Ltd.), methyl alcohol (99.9%, HPLC, TEDIA high purity
seed oils (such as Lunaria biennis or Lunaria annua) are non-edible solvents), and phenyltrimethylammonium bromide (99%, DARUI Fine
vegetable oils and essential sources of nervonic acid (NA: C24.1). Chemicals Co., Ltd.). All chemicals were analytical grade and didn't need
Malania oleifera seed oil contains more than 55.7% of NA [11], while to be further purified or analyzed.
Lunaria seed oils cover more than 20% of NA in triglyceride lipids [12]. It
is well noted that the ultra-long chain fatty acid level below 5% is only 2.1.2. Structural analyses
acceptable for human health, and the standard level in an edible oil H NMR and 13C NMR spectra were recorded on a Bruker Avance 300
should be less than 2%. Hence, the excess amount of nervonic acid be- spectrometer at 400 MHz for N-nervonicamidopropyl-N,N-dimethyl-
comes leftover, which can have great potential as an alternative to amine (NAPDMA) in CDCl3 and at 600 MHz for NDAS in deuterated
traditional oleo- and petro-based chemicals as surfactant production methanol (MeOD solvent) at room temperature. ESI HRMS spectra were
feedstock. It has also been well-identified that ultra-long chain fatty taken on a Bruker Daltonics Data Analysis 3.2 system. A high-
acid-based surfactants have excellent properties on the aqueous solu- performance liquid chromatography-ultraviolet/visible spectrophotom-
tions, high surface activities, good rheological behaviors with high vis- eter (Vis: UV-2075 plus) was used to determine the percentage content of
cosity, and are environmentally friendly [13,14]. Despite that, most the NDAS surfactant from the nervonic acid.
bio-based surfactants described and used in EOR are those invented
from typical/short vegetable fatty acids chained between carbon-8 and 2.2. Water solubility tracing
carbon-18, owing to the ultra-long chain fatty acid-based surfactants'
inability to dissolve in water and restricted feedstocks. However, the type Five different portions of the 1.0 g/L NDAS surfactant solution were
of a hydrophilic group connected to its head part and the degree of prepared in the presence of various phenyltrimethylammonium bromide
unsaturation on the hydrophobic tail part control their water solubility, (PTMAB hydrotrope) concentrations (0, 0.05, 0.1, 0.25, and 0.5 mol/L,
potentially lowering the Krafft temperature property of surfactants. respectively). And to investigate the solubilization efficiency in a specific
Generally, the solubility of ultra-long chain-based surfactants in pure PTMAB concentration, different NDAS solutions were prepared at a
water can be improved by lengthening the hydrophilic part [15], the selected PTMAB concentration. Mind that all solutions were prepared from
usage of hydrotropes [16], or the addition of some amount of salts [17]. pure water followed by agitation and boiled at 45–50  C for about 2 h to
And compared to their saturated counterparts, the degree of unsaturation facilitate the solubility. After that, solutions were allowed to cool to below
of their hydrophobic component leads to an increase in the solubility rate 0  C. Finally, observations were made to see if there were any precipitates.
[18]. The surfactants yielded from the unsaturated hydrophobic chain
part are also readily decomposed at the unsaturated bond position at high 2.3. Surface and interfacial tension measurement
temperatures in the presence of air (oxygen), which primarily determines
the degradability, apart from increasing the polarity of surfactant in the 2.3.1. Surface tension measurement
aqueous solution [19]. Currently, biomass-derived materials are Surface tension measurements of NDAS solutions (prepared with pure
attracting a lot of interest [20]. However, the bio-based surfactant water in 0.1 mol/L PTMAB) were performed using the plate method on a

H.I. Mtui et al. Green Chemical Engineering xxx (xxxx) xxx

Table 1 surfactant solution made in formation brine were separately preheated at

The properties of the simulated formation brine. 45  C for 1 h. The NDAS surfactant as an emulsifier was tested according
Inorganic salt Purity, % Amount/(mg/L) to the procedures mentioned in Zhang et al., 2015 [23], but the tem-
perature was constant at 45  C. The mixture made from 5 mL of 0.5 g/L
Anhydrous sodium sulfate 99.0 18.1
Magnesium dichloride 98.0 91.6 NDAS surfactant (in simulated formation brine) and 5 mL of crude oil was
Calcium chloride 96.0 113.2 prepared in a 10 mL graduated test tube and shaken vigorously for 1 min.
Sodium carbonate 99.5 387.1 The time for separating 1 mL to the 5 mL volume of the aqueous phase
Sodium chloride 99.0 1601.5 solution from the crude oil phase was recorded. The same procedures
Sodium bicarbonate 99.5 3182.1
were applied for measuring emulsification capacity and stability at
different NaCl and Ca2þ ions concentrations and temperatures variations.
DCAT 21 tensiometer machine (Dataphysics, Germany) at an equilibrium Each test was repeated three times to ensure the result's precision
stop of 0.01 mN/m at 25.0  0.1  C. The quartz plate was washed with (Table S2).
plenty of running pure water to achieve the equilibrium conditions. It
was dried by heating it above an alcohol burner until it was flaming red, 2.5.2. Biodegradability estimation
then allowed to cool to room temperature. Each concentration was The biodegradation estimation of NDAS was achieved on an EPI Suite
measured three times (Table S1), and an average value was calculated to software on the BIOWIN-3 model. EPI Suite is frequently used to estimate
ensure the precision of the final results. The calibrated surface tension of the biodegradation of organic chemicals in the environment. An ultimate
pure water at 25  C was 71.63 mN/m. biodegradation prediction was computed from the BIOWIN-3 model of
2.3.2. Interfacial tension determination
The spinning-drop method at 45  C and 4500 r/min using the TX- 2.6. Synthesis
500C interfacial tensiometer was used to measure dynamic interfacial
tension between Daqing crude oil and simulated formation brine vs. time 2.6.1. The yield of intermediate NAPDMA
at various concentrations of NDAS surfactant (the composition of the The amidation reaction was tangled by the reaction between 20.13 g
simulated formation brine found in Table 1, and fundamental properties (55 mmol) nervonic acid and 16.72 g (164 mmol) N,N-dimethylpropane-
of the Daqing crude oil located in the Supporting Information). The 1,3-diamine (DMPDA) in the presence of 3.85 g of 3,4,5-trifluorophenyl-
equilibrium precision was determined by taking successive readings from boronic acid (TFPB) as catalyst without a solvent, and the reaction
the image of a spinning drop every 2 min for a maximum of 2 h. Other IFT mixture was refluxed at 120  C for 8 h (Scheme 1). After the reaction time
properties evaluated at an NDAS concentration of interest include ther- was completed, the simple purification process was conducted so that the
mal stability by temperature fluctuations and salts tolerance by the byproduct H2O and remains of DMPDA were recovered by being evap-
change in NaCl and Ca2þ concentrations. The calibrated interfacial ten- orated under reduced pressure using a rotary evaporator in an oil bath.
sion between the oil drop of Daqing crude oil and the simulated forma- Then, the flask of the product mixture of amide intermediate NAPDMA
tion brine was 12.55 mN/m at 45  C. and TFPB was cooled to room temperature before being dissolved in
ethyl acetate and followed by centrifugation to remove the TFPB catalyst.
2.4. Salts tolerance measurement Eventually, the purified intermediate product NAPDMA was obtained,
and its chemical structure was achieved as NAPDMA (C29H58N2OþESþ):
The salts tolerance of the NDAS surfactant was determined using ESI HRMS-TOF MS ESþ: calculated; m/z ¼ 451.5 (Fig. S1). 1H NMR
standard salt tolerance test techniques [21,22]. 0.5 g/L NDAS surfactant (400 MHz, CDCl3) δ 7.05 (s, 1H), 5.35–5.27 (m, 2H), 3.32–3.26 (m, 2H),
solutions with various NaCl and Ca2þ concentrations were prepared, 2.37 (t, J ¼ 6.4 Hz, 2H), 2.23 (s, 6H), 2.14 (t, 2H), 2.00 (m, 4H),
respectively. All of the produced solutions were centrifuged for 15 min at 1.71–1.54 (m, 4H), 1.26 (m, 32H), 0.88 (t, J ¼ 13.4 Hz, 3H) (Fig. S2).
2500 r/min before monitoring, observing, and recording the concentration
that precipitations occurred at 45  C for 24 h, and that concentration was 2.6.2. The synthesis of NDAS
used to infer the NDAS surfactant's salts tolerance in aqueous solutions. The quaternization reaction was performed based on the recognized
method [24]. 30.3 g (67 mmol) of the purified NAPDMA amidated
2.5. Emulsification test and biodegradation estimation product was quaternized using 11.5 g (84 mmol) of 1,4-butanesultone,
which was dropped into the reactor in no more than 0.5 h, escorted by
2.5.1. Emulsification test strong mechanical magnetic stirrings and refluxed at 85  C for 3 h
Before the experiment, the Daqing crude oil and the 0.5 g/L NDAS (Scheme 1). After the reaction, the mixture was cooled to room

Scheme 1. The synthetic protocol of NDAS surfactant from nervonic acid extracted from non-edible oils.

H.I. Mtui et al. Green Chemical Engineering xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 1. The depiction of solubility of the NDAS surfactant in pure water before and after the addition of 0.1 mol/L PTMAB.

temperature and washed several times with ethyl acetate to remove 155–160  C for 10 h and restricted to reaction conditions such as inert
unreacted sultone and amide compounds. The washed cake was atmospheric conditions [27]. In addition, a high yield of purified amide
concentrated by evaporation under reduced pressure and dried to remove intermediate was obtained without any need for solvent in the reactor,
the remains of ethyl acetate before a single raw NDAS surfactant product which substantiates that the method used here was more economical and
was obtained. Lastly, the final purified and dried NDAS surfactant sustainable compared with other reports that used large amounts of
product was achieved at a yield of 87.7%. The percentage content organic solvent in the reactor, even to purify [26]. The intermediate was
detected using HPLC/UV–Vis was higher than 85% (Scheme 1, then quaternized by 1,4-butanesultone to obtain the final product. Feng
Figs. S3–S4) and was characterized as NDAS (C33H66N2O4SþESþ): ESI et al. [17,26] used 1,3-propanesultone compound as a quaternization
HRMS-TOF MS ESþ: calculated; m/z ¼ 587.5 (Fig. S5). 1H NMR reaction reagent, but this compound was found to be highly toxic, which
(600 MHz, MeOD) δ 5.38 (m, 2H), 3.37–3.32 (m, 2H), 3.31–3.25 (m, 4H), has proved to contribute a carcinogenic for mammals, and it has been
3.07 (s, 6H), 2.88 (t, J ¼ 7.1 Hz, 2H), 2.22–2.03 (m, 4H), 2.02 (m, 2H), prohibited for industrial usage since then. Hence, herein we used 1,
1.96 (t, J ¼ 4.8 Hz, 2H), 1.94–1.85 (m, 2H), 1.84 (m, 2H), 1.60 (m, 2H), 4-butanesultone, which is less toxic than 1,3-propanesultone [24] and
1.38–1.24 (m, 32H), 0.90 (t, J ¼ 7.0 Hz, 3H) (Fig. S6). 13C NMR is recommended to be used as a substitute compound in the industry.
(151 MHz, MeOD) δ 175.32, 129.47, 129.45, 63.49, 63.46, 63.45, 61.86, Thus, this synthetic convention procedure was designed to meet the
61.82, 61.79, 61.77, 61.09, 48.04, 47.89, 47.75, 47.47, 47.32, 47.18, current demand for sustainable chemistry and widen the industrial needs
31.68, 29.45, 29.40, 29.38, 29.28, 29.22, 29.07, 29.03, 28.91, 26.71, for NDAS biobased surfactant.
13.08 (Fig. S7).
3.2. Water solubility
3. Results and discussion
The solubility of NDAS zwitterionic surfactant in pure water was ut-
3.1. Structural characterizations terly invisible, even when its solution boiled at a temperature of 100  C,
which implies that the Krafft point (TK) of NDAS was higher than 100  C.
To minimize environmental pollution, the manufacturing of chemical But, in the presence of 0.1 mol/L of PTMAB hydrotrope, it took about 2 h
products by a green pathway with no waste or harmful byproducts is to dissolve entirely into the pure water at 45–50  C, accompanied by
vital. Through a simple and effective synthesis reaction scheme using a strong agitation. No any precipitates were formed after cooling even to
renewable natural nervonic acid (derived from non-edible seed oils) as 0  C (Fig. 1). NDAS surfactant solutions in PTMAB were stable and sol-
the starting material, the NDAS surfactant product was achieved without uble even when stored for months without forming any precipitates,
using any solvents and with no harmful byproducts. Preparing the amide which proved that the TK was decreased to below 0  C and water solu-
intermediate is a crucial first step in determining the final surfactant bility was significantly improved (as shown in Figs. S8–S9). So, the water
product. Yet, the synthesis of amide intermediate without the con- solubility challenge of this ultralong chain-based surfactant was resolved.
sumption of high temperature, longer reaction time, and waste genera- The wide applications of ionic surfactants are manifested by their ability
tion is the main challenge [25]. Here, we used an effective TFPB as a to be soluble in aqueous solutions [28].
catalyst and succeeded in shortening the amidation reaction time to only Fundamentally, the solubility point of the surfactants in aqueous so-
8 h at an average temperature of 120  C. No harmful byproduct was lutions is commonly determined at the temperature acknowledged as the
yielded other than water and was readily isolated from the amide product TK, the point at which the ionic surfactant's solubility is usually equal to
by reduced pressure evaporation. The synthetic scheme used in our work its critical micelle concentration (cmc). The solubility of ultra-long chain
was much easier and more robust to the high-yield of amide intermediate surfactants is very challenging because of the longer hydrophobic tail
compared to the past reports on ultra-long chain-based surfactants, chain, which increases TK value and impedes their practical applications.
which took a tedious reaction time of 65 h [26] at high temperatures of Hence, studying their water solubility parameters in pure water is vital.

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3.3. Surface activity evaluation

By extrapolation of two-linear parts of the surface tension plot, the

cmc of NDAS (made in pure water) in 0.1 mol/L PTMAB hydrotrope at a
surface tension of 36.81 mN/m was 3.58  106 mol/L (Fig. 2, Table 2).
Because of the longer hydrophobic chain tail, the NDAS surfactant had a
lower cmc and a better tendency to accumulate at the air/water interface
than surfactants bearing short hydrophobic tail counterparts.
The decrease of the surface tension of pure water indicates an
inversely proportional function of the increase in the concentration of
surfactant, with the repercussions of decreasing the surface tension until
it reaches a constant point known as cmc. The Gibbs adsorption isotherm
Eq. (1) is commonly used to compute the maximum surface excess con-
centration at cmc (Γ cmc ) at constant temperature and pressure conditions

1 ∂γ
Γ cmc ¼  ð Þ (1)
2:303nRT ∂logC

Where R is the value of a molar gas constant, T is the constant temper-

ature (K), C is the concentration of surfactant (mol/L), and ð∂logC Þ stands
Fig. 2. Surface tension (SFT) plotted as a function of NDAS surfactant concen- for the slope below the cmc in the surface tension vs. NDAS concentration
tration in 0.1 mol/L PTMAB hydrotrope at 25  C. plot. The value of n is denoted as the constant number of NDAS zwit-
terionic surfactant species at the interface, which was presumed to be 1.
Also, the occupied area per the NDAS surfactant molecule adsorbed at the
The TK value of the surfactant increases with the broadening of its hy-
air/aqueous solution interface (Acmc) was calculated using an equation
drophobic tail chain and point of saturation, decreases with the intro-
reported in the past reports (Eq. (2)) [17,21,31]:
duction of an unsaturated bond onto the tail and depends on the type of
the hydrophilic group attached to the surfactant's head part [17,29]. The 1
saturated fatty acid-based surfactants with non-polar components more Аcmc ¼  1016 (2)
LΓ cmc
extended than 18 carbon atoms in the chain typically have poor water
solubility even in boiling pure water compared to unsaturated ones [18]. L stands for Avogadro’s constant.
It was also reported that the long-chain bearing (C18–C22) sulfobetaine As the hydrophobic tail chain part of the surfactant is extended, it will
surfactants were utterly insoluble in the pure water since they had a TK influence high surface activity by the surfactant's greater tendency to
value higher than 73  C but decreased sharply only after the addition of adsorb at the air/water interface and form a strong monolayer at the
NaCl [17]. However, the demand for NaCl salt as a food ingredient, a interface [32]. In the comparison to the previously reported short-chain
laboratory chemical, or a medical component continues to be high. surfactants (Table 2), the occupied area of the NDAS zwitterionic sur-
Unlike in pure water, the NDAS surfactant's solubility in the simulated factant at the air/water interface (Acmc) was much better as it could reach
formation brine was completely visible with clear solutions due to the as low as 0.23 nm2/molecule with the maximum value of adsorption at
inorganic salt compositions in brine which could dissociate into ions and the interface, which mainly attributed by its longer hydrophobic tail
increase the solution conductivity and polarity. This phenomenon could chain. However, the value of surface tension at cmc of NDAS (γcmc) was
displace the zwitterionic nature in the head part more readily and tends slightly higher because an ultra-long hydrophobic tail chain causes a
to disassemble the packing surfactant tail, resulting in increased surfac- steric effect, as well as the result of hydrophobic–lipophilic interaction
tant solubility to the aqueous solution. within the molecule. This phenomenon makes the surfactant prone to
In our work, the solubility challenge of NDAS zwitterionic surfactant form pre-micelle aggregates (or submicelle aggregates) in the solution,
in pure water was successfully resolved by the presence of a mono- which is inverse to the surfactants with hydrophobic tail chains shorter
unsaturated double bond in the hydrophobic tail, the introduction of an than C24 fatty acid. As shown in Table 2, compared to NDAS surfactant,
amido-based group on its head part, and the addition of 0.1 mol/L which has the most extended hydrophobic chai tail, the largest Acmc
PTMAB hydrotrope. Also, cationic nitrogen and an anionic sulfonate demonstrated by erucyl dimethyl amidopropyl hydroxy sulfobetaine
form a zwitterionic nature on its head part (Fig. 1), which contribute ions (EHSB) is mainly associated with the establishment of hydrogen bonds
to the aqueous solution and increase the polarity of the NDAS. As a result, between hydroxyl groups in its head and H2O molecules.
the solubility was improved, making the NDAS bio-based zwitterionic The fascinating thing is that the SFT results obtained in this study are
surfactant certainly applications extensive. And, unless there is a special closely related to other reports relating to ultra-long chain surfactants
note, all of the samples examined under pure water in this work contain such as erucyl dimethyl amidopropyl carboxybetaine (EDAB) and EHSB.
0.1 mol/L PTMAB to ensure good NDAS solubility. Since all of them showed a cmc value in the magnitude of 106 mol/L,
which is relatively lower than that of surfactants from short-chain

Table 2
NDAS bio-based zwitterionic surfactant surface tension results compared with other zwitterionic surfactants.
Surfactant Hydrophobic length cmc/(106 mol/L) γcmc/(mN/m) Γ cmc/(103 mmol/m2) Acmc/(nm2/molecule) Ref.

NDAS C24 3.58 36.81 7.43 0.23 This work

EHSB C22 5.64 31.41 2.98 0.56 [17]
EDAB C22 5.98 35.09 3.94 0.42 [17]
SPODP C18 þ Phenyl 71 32.5 5.23 0.31 [22]
C18DmB C18 140 – 9.27 1.8 [21]
C16DmB C16 150 – 5.49 3.0 [21]

H.I. Mtui et al. Green Chemical Engineering xxx (xxxx) xxx

N,N-dimethyl-2-ammonio-1-ethanecarbonate (C18DmB). The lower cmc

with maximum surface excess adsorption and small value of Acmc results
prove that NDAS surfactant has higher performance at a low dosage. In
this way, it helps to address the environmental challenges associated
with using short hydrophobic-chain surfactants, because they are used in
large quantities with low performances, resulting in severe environ-
mental pollution [33]. And the results prove that NDAS bio-based sur-
factant has potential in the EOR industrial field and can be applied in
many daily household applications such as detergent, fabric softener,
shampoo, etc.

3.4. Interfacial activity evaluation

As shown in Fig. 3a and 3b, 0.05 g/L of NDAS surfactant could reduce
the interfacial tension between the Daqing crude oil and simulated for-
mation brine to 4.7  10-4 mN/m at 45  C. Also, there was no significant
difference in the decrease of the Daqing crude oil-water interface at
NDAS concentrations higher or equal to 0.05 g/L, since all those con-
centration ranges were able to reach the ultralow values in the magnitude
of 10-4 mN/m (Table 3). As illustrated in Fig. 3c, at 0.05 g/L NDAS, the
dynamic interfacial tension between crude oil and simulated formation
brine with time at different temperatures was studied to pattern the
thermal stability of NDAS chemical structure. The minimum and equi-
librium interfacial tensions could reach ultralow levels (~10-3 mN/m) at
45  C to 90  C (Table 3). As exemplified in Fig. 4a and Fig. 4b, the var-
iations of interfacial tension with time between Daqing crude oil and
0.05 g/L NDAS concentration at 45  C were also studied by adding extra
NaCl and Ca2þ ions, respectively. IFTs between Daqing crude oil and
formation brine of 0.05 g/L NDAS could reach an ultra-low level of
~103 mN/m at NaCl concentrations less than 150 g/L (Fig. 4a, Table 3).
When the Ca2þ ions' concentrations in 0.05 g/L NDAS were less than or
equal to 200 mg/L, the interfacial tensions could still reach ultra-low
levels (the magnitude of 103 mN/m) (Fig. 4b, Table 3). Interestingly,
the NDAS's ultra-long hydrophobic chain part guaranteed exceptional
activity at the crude oil-water interface to an ultralow value of 104 mN/
m at a dosage of 0.05 g/L. This NDAS dosage is very low, equivalent to
lower than 2% (w/w) of the highest reference concentration (3 g/L)
commonly used in the EOR field. This achieved result could be the
newest and likely result ever discovered in the ultra-long chain bio-based
surfactant field.
In the EOR industrial field, 0.5 g/L (lowest concentration) and 3 g/L
(highest concentration) are used as reference surfactant concentrations
for treatment in the oil reservoir flooding systems [23,34,35]. A fasci-
nating result was obtained in this work, as only 0.05 g/L NDAS con-
centration (equivalent to 10% (w/w) dosage from the common 0.5 g/L)
was required to reduce the Daqing crude oil-simulated formation brine
interface to an ultralow value equal to 4.7  104 mN/m. And it still
could reach the magnitude of 103 mN/m for a 0.03 g/L NDAS con-
centration, corresponding to 1% (w/w) dosage relationship from the
standard 3 g/L EOR surfactant dosage. It should be noted that all of the
experiments and measurements were conducted in an alkali-free envi-
ronment. The readily IFT reduction mechanism was associated with the
Daqing crude oil, which covers more than 65% as hydrocarbons with
primary alkanes ranging from C13 to C31, and resins compositions are
more than 24%, making it have high compatibilities with the NDAS
surfactant's long alkyl chain tail composed of C24 by non-polar covalent
interaction and part polar covalent bond interactions, respectively. Also,
Fig. 3. (a) The plot of IFT vs. NDAS surfactant concentration at 45  C. (b) The the dipole-dipole interactions between the surfactant polar head and
dynamic IFT between Daqing crude oil and NDAS surfactant concentration vs. brine sub-phase resulted in the decrease of the IFTs to ultra-low levels
time at 45  C. (c) Consequence of temperature variations to the IFT vs. time at relating to the increased tertiary oil recovery.
0.05 g/L NDAS concentration.
Alkali additives have traditionally been employed to boost the
effectiveness of petrochemical-based surfactants or plant-derived sur-
factants in lowering crude oil-water interfacial tensions to ultra-low
counterparts such as N,N-dimethyl-N-[2-hydroxy-3-sulfo-propyl]-N0 -
levels [35–37]. On the other hand, alkali addition poses a severe issue
phenyloctadecanoyl-1,3-diaminopropane (SPODP), N-hexadecyl-N,N-
regarding well bore scaling, stratum degradation, and surfactant
dimethyl-2-ammonio-1-ethanecarbonate (C16DmB), and N-octadecyl-
permeability fading [38]. The result of ultralow interfacial tension

H.I. Mtui et al. Green Chemical Engineering xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 4. Dynamic IFT between Daqing crude oil and simulated formation brine of 0.05 g/L NDAS surfactant vs. time at 45  C: (a) at different NaCl contents and (b) with
the variation of Ca2þ ions' concentrations.

(~103 mN/m) of surfactants in formation of brine is a critical compo- hydration of the surfactant head. They caused the surfactant to move
nent for tertiary oil recovery technologies [39]. Independent of alkali from the oil-water interface to the oil phase, impacting the gradually
addition, NDAS surfactant showed an ability to decrease the crude increased interfacial tension. With reference to many oil fields in China,
oil-water interface to an ultralow value. Mechanistically, at the start, the salt concentrations of many oil wells are commonly less than or equal
with the increase in concentrations of NDAS, the crude oil-water inter- to 16 g/L for NaCl concentrations and not higher than 0.3 g/L for con-
face could be reduced to a very low level, which was attributed to the centrations of Ca2þ ions [23,41]. As shown in Fig. 4, with the addition of
surfactant molecules' mainly accumulating at the oil-water interface. As a small amount of Naþ/Ca2þ ions, the IFT decreased slightly because the
the NDAS surfactant molecules continued to diffuse onto the oil phase Naþ/Ca2þ ions acted as counter ions, which waned the interaction of
before saturation point, the interfacial tension slowly reached equilib- SO2
3 . And as the concentration of Na /Ca

in the NDAS solution
rium, and eventually the interfacial tension value was also steady increased, the excessive Naþ/Ca2þ ions hampered surfactant hydration,
(Fig. 3a). Furthermore, as the temperature was raised, the duration of the causing the surfactant to transfer from the water-oil interface to the
dynamic interfacial tension reaching the ultra-low level was decreased, non-polar oil phase and increase the IFT.
possibly due to an increase in the surfactant's solubility [22,40], which In addition, the NDAS’s zwitterionic nature of the head part governs
also demonstrates the thermal stability of NDAS and its ability to work in the performance over a wide range of pH in the oil reservoir. Hence,
surfactant flooding systems with higher temperature degrees at a very according to the results we obtained here and those facts, the ultra-long
low concentration (Fig. 3c). hydrophobic chain part of the NDAS zwitterionic surfactant proves
Apart from that, the addition of salt ions into the aqueous solutions excellent performance in reducing the oil-water interface without adding
was noted to sink the performance of NDAS surfactant since the extreme any chemicals like alkalis. It still had outstanding interfacial activity at
amount of Ca2þ or Naþ ions acted as counter ions that diminished the low dosage in high salinity conditions, and its impressive result ever

Table 3
The summary of the effect of NDAS surfactant on IFT between Daqing crude oil and simulated brine at different parameters.
Concentrations/(g/L) At 0.05 g/L NDAS concentration

0.05–3 0.03  0.01 Temperature/ C NaCl/(g/L) Ca2þ/(mg/L)

45–75 90 105–120 0–25 50–100  150 0–40 100–200  400

104 mN/m ✓ ⨯ ⨯ ✓ ⨯ ⨯ ✓ ⨯ ⨯ ✓ ⨯ ⨯
103 mN/m ✓ ✓ ⨯ ✓ ✓ ⨯ ✓ ✓ ⨯ ✓ ✓ ⨯
 102 mN/m ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Fig. 5. Photographs of the salt tolerability test results of 0.5 g/L NDAS surfactant solutions made from the simulated formation brine: (a) at different NaCl con-
centrations and (b) with the variation of Ca2þ ions' concentrations.

H.I. Mtui et al. Green Chemical Engineering xxx (xxxx) xxx

Table 4 Testing the salts tolerance of the surfactants is crucial and has been
The comparison of salt tolerances of various surfactants at 45  C. well presented in previous research works relating to EOR [21]. But
Surfactant NaCl/(g/ Ca2þ/(mg/ Ref. remarkably, the salts tolerance results of ultra-long fatty acid chain-based
L) L) surfactants are first exposed in this work. When the salts tolerance result
Petroleum sulphonates 14 18 [42] of NDAS surfactant was compared to that of other previously reported
Linear alkylbenzene sulfonates 22 133 [22] short-chain surfactants, it was discovered that NDAS is noticeably more
Nonylphenol alkyl sulphonate 42 216 [43] robust than those of petroleum sulphonates [42], linear alkylbenzene
surfactants sulfonates (LAS) [22], and nonylphenol alkyl sulphonate surfactants
NDAS  200  250 This
(C12-NPAS) [43] (Table 4). And with reference, this result proves that
the NDAS zwitterionic surfactant can be more prominent in EOR,
particularly in harsh reservoir conditions, as it has strong compatibility in
revealed in the ultra-long chain bio-based surfactant industry. The result such high salinity conditions.
guaranteed the great potential of NDAS with widely applied functions,
especially in EOR.
3.6. Emulsification analysis

3.5. Salts tolerance evaluation As shown in Fig. 6, the time for the separation rate of 20%, 40%, 60%,
80%, and 100% of aqueous solutions from the emulsion (a fused mixture
As shown from the photographs in Fig. 5a, no precipitation occurred of crude oil and 0.5 g/L NDAS surfactant) at 45  C were 2, 3, 5, 20, and
after adding any concentration of NaCl higher up to 200 g/L in 0.5 g/L 301 min, respectively (the time average was calculated after three times
NDAS surfactant solution (0.5 g/L ¼ EOR field reference concentration) experiments as shown in Table S2). Meanwhile, the separation rate at
made in simulated formation brine. Also, no precipitation was observed different NaCl and Ca2þ concentrations was achieved in the maximum
when adding Ca2þ concentration to 250 mg/L at 45  C for 24 h (Fig. 5b). duration of 30 min, as shown in Tables S3–S4. The increase in temper-
During the experiment, before the solutions were allowed to settle for ature could manifest the emulsion stability longer to the maximum of
more than 24 h for observations and inferences, the centrifugation of all 519 min (Table S5). The results indicate that the NDAS surfactant could
of the prepared solutions was performed to confirm whether the solu- ensure the emulsion capacity and stability roughly to 5 h, and more than
bilization of the NDAS surfactant and extra salt molecules was completed 8 h when the temperature was raised to 65  C.
with a homogenous solution in the formation brine. Mechanistically, it substantiates that the hydrophobic chain part of

Fig. 6. Photographs of the separation rate of aqueous phase from the crude oil phase in the presence of 0.5 g/L NDAS surfactant at different times measured at 45  C.

Fig. 7. Illustration of biodegradation estimation obtained by EPI SUITE-BIOWIN-3 model software.

H.I. Mtui et al. Green Chemical Engineering xxx (xxxx) xxx

NDAS surfactant had a lot of contact with the crude oil molecules due to synthesis procedure used in this work is advised to be used in bio-based
the covalent electronic interaction by van der Waal force which exists surfactants on an industrial scale to scale up the production of NDAS
between carbon atoms in crude oil and alkyl chain tail in surfactant. In surfactants.
contrast, because of the ionic nature of amido and sulfonate, the polar
part had a lot of connections with water molecules via dipole or ion- CRediT authorship contribution statement
dipole interactions. And this result demonstrates that NDAS is a strong
emulsifier because it took longer to stabilize than the branched short- All authors contributed to the writing of the manuscript. Homely
chain surfactants like N-phenyl fatty amidopropyl-N,N-dimethylcarbox- Isaya Mtui: conceptualization, methodology, synthesis, detection, anal-
ylbetaine [23]. It also notable results in the ultra-long chain surfactants ysis, first draft writing, final draft reviewing, and editing. Fang-Hui Liu's
field relating to the emulsification parameter. responsibilities include investigation and guidance. Wei Wang was in
charge of conducting thermal stability experiments. Jian-Qiao Lang:
3.7. Biodegradability estimation moderation and guidance. Shi-Zhong Yang: methodology, analysis, and
supervision. Bo-Zhong Mu was in charge of conceptualization, supervi-
Fig. 7 shows NDAS surfactant's biodegradability estimation ratings. sion, fundraising, project management, review, and editing. All authors
An ultimate biodegradability estimation time for NDAS surfactant after have approved the final version of the manuscript.
being released to the environment was in months since it had a BIOWIN-3
model scored at 2.34, which was expected that the NDAS surfactant could
have longer or no biodegradability time, but it was vice versa here as Declaration of competing interests
NDAS showed a good biodegradability (high score) just in the order of
months. This is due to the presence of a monounsaturated double bond in The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
its tail, which is easily degradable in the presence of oxygen, and also the interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
presence of an amido functional group in its head (Fig. S10). In addition, the work reported in this paper.
NDAS because of sulfonate hydrophilic head group which significantly
undergoes hydrolysis under the high acidity condition and when there is Acknowledgments
high temperature. Also oxidation of the long alkyl chain is anticipated to
occur if there is a presence of a high abundance of oxidants. This research was financially supported by the National Key Research
Environmental protection and sustainability concerns are quite pre- and Development Program of China (No. 2017YFB0308900), the Na-
vailing nowadays, and the development of environmentally friendly tional Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 51574125), and the
surfactants and other highly degradable compounds has a lot of promise. Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities of China (No.
As a result of this finding, it was confirmed that NDAS is safer in the 50321101917017). Additional support was provided by Research Pro-
environment because it appears to be biodegradable in a short period, gram of State Key Laboratory of Bioreactor Engineering. The authors are
just months. Song et al. [44] (2014) elucidated that the more significant grateful for the financial support.
score obtained in the ultimate biodegradation estimation model indicates
the probability of total degradation speed is faster. Scores above 2.8 are Appendix A. Supplementary data
in the biodegradable order of weeks, while scores between 2.0 and 2.8
are in the months’ category [23]. Our developed NDAS bio-based zwit- Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://doi.
terionic surfactant's biodegradation score was in the order of months, org/10.1016/j.gce.2022.08.001.
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