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Phytomedicine Plus 1 (2021) 100089

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A systematic and comprehensive review on current understanding of the

pharmacological actions, molecular mechanisms, and clinical implications
of the genus Eucalyptus
Nikhil Chandorkar a,1, Srushti Tambe b,1, Purnima Amin b, Chandu Madankar a,∗
Institute of Chemical Technology, Department of Oils, Oleochemicals, and Surfactants Technology, Mumbai 400019, India
Institute of Chemical Technology, Department of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology, Mumbai 400019, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Keywords: Background: The interest in the use of Eucalyptus genus members, in parallel with preclinical studies has been
Eucalyptus steadily growing over the last few decades in the field of pharmaceuticals, agriculture, cosmetics, food, etc.
Cineole Eucalyptol (1,8-cineole or cineole), the main terpenoid constituent in Eucalyptus species, has been studied in both
preclinical and clinical settings for its various pharmacologic activities. Investigations into the pharmacological
Respiratory disorders
activities of the genus Eucalyptus revealed that it manifests astounding potential in the treatment and management
Wound healing of respiratory disorders, COVID-19, pain, oral health, infectious diseases, cancer, etc.
Purpose: This review congregates and discusses the hitherto scattered data on Eucalyptus species morphology,
chemical composition, some of its profusely investigated multifaceted therapeutic applications with insights into
their molecular mechanisms, and clinical studies. The current understanding of the molecular mechanisms arising
from cell lines, animal models, and clinical trials are emphasized. Lattermost, this review sheds light on various
reported Eucalyptus-based formulations and relevant patents. Overall, this review aims to summarize and bridge
the lacunae in the current research and offer a plethora of opportunities for the researchers engaged in the
validation of the traditional claims and development in Eucalyptus utilization for safe and effective treatment of
various diseases
Method: The systematic and comprehensive review was carried out by adhering to the guidelines of the Preferred
Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) statements. PubMed, Scopus, ScienceDirect,
Google Scholar, and Google patents databases were used to explore literature published till April 2021 by using
relevant keywords.
Results: The systematic search retrieved 306 papers that were potentially relevant and after the selection pro-
cedure, 103 studies were included in this review and discussed. The evidence reviewed herein suggested that
several Eucalyptus species possess anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, anti-viral, anti-oxidant, anti-nociceptive,
anti-cancer, anti-diabetic, etc., activities.
Conclusion: Preclinical and clinical studies have shown that the Eucalyptus plant and its chemical constituents
have enormous potential for disease prevention and treatment. Eucalyptus, an ancient and underutilized ally with
its diverse therapeutic applications can give rise to a paradigm shift in the treatment regime of several diseases
in this era of modern science.

Abbreviations: 𝛽-TrCP, 𝛽-Transducin Repeat-Containing Protein; 3CL- Choline-acetyltransferase; COX – cyclooxygenase; DAG – diacylglyc-
pro, 3C-like protease; 3Cpro, 3C protease; 5-HT – Serotonin; AMPK, erol; DNA, Deoxyribonucleic Acid; EAC, Ehrlich ascites carcinoma;
5′ adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinase; AP-1, Activa- EEO, Eucalyptus essential oil; EGR-1, Early growth response protein
tor protein 1; BALF – bronchoalveolar lavage fluid; Calm – Calmod- 1; EO, Essential oil; ER, Endoplasmic Reticulum; ERK, Extracellular-
ulin; CAT – catalase; CD 8/ 14, Cluster of differentiation 8/ 14; ChAT, signal-regulated kinase; Fc𝜀RI, high-affinity receptor for the Fc re-

Corresponding author at: Institute of Chemical Technology, Department of Oils, Oleochemicals, and Surfactants Technology, Nathalal Parekh Marg, Matunga,
Mumbai, Maharashtra, 400019, India.
E-mail addresses:, (C. Madankar).
Nikhil Chandorkar and Srushti Tambe contributed equally to this work as first authors.
Received 7 June 2021; Received in revised form 18 June 2021; Accepted 23 June 2021
2667-0313/© 2021 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
N. Chandorkar, S. Tambe, P. Amin et al. Phytomedicine Plus 1 (2021) 100089

gion of immunoglobulin E (IgE); FYN, Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein years. Eucalyptus globulus Labill. (E. globulus) is a widely cultivated
kinase; G6PDH, Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase; GABA, Gamma- species around the world and well-represented in the international phar-
amino butyric acid; GADS, Grb2-related adaptor downstream of dock- macopoeia. E. globulus is the world’s leading source of Eucalyptus oil,
ing protein Shc; GLUT5, a fructose transporter expressed on the apical where1,8-cineole is the most important monoterpene ether. Although E.
border of enterocytes in the small intestine; GPX, Glutathione peroxi- globulus contains a lower proportion of 1,8-cineol than Eucalyptus poly-
dase; GRB2, Growth factor receptor-bound protein 2; HepG2, a human bractea R.T. Baker (E. polybractea) and some other species, E. globulus
liver cancer cell line; HSV, Herpes simplex virus; IgE, Immunoglobulin E; remains the most important source of cineole in the world. This can be
IKK, I𝜅B kinase; IL-1 𝛽, interleukin-1𝛽; IL-10, Interleukin 10; IP3, Inosi- attributed to the mass utilization of E. globulus in the wood and pulp
tol trisphosphate; I𝜅B𝛼, Nuclear factor of kappa light polypeptide gene industry and as a result, the ‘waste’ leaf is used to produce oil. This and
enhancer in B-cells inhibitor, alpha; JNK, c-Jun N-terminal kinase; KC other commercially generated oils with lower cineole concentrations
– Chemokine; LAT, linker for activation of T cells.; LBP, Lipopolysac- than E. polybractea such as Eucalyptus smithii R.T. Baker (E. smithii) and
charide binding protein; LPS – lipopolysaccharides; LTB4, leukotriene Eucalyptus radiata Sieber ex DC. (E. radiata) are either fractionated to in-
B4; LTC4, Leukotriene C4; LYN, Tyrosine-protein kinase; MAPK/ MEK/ crease cineole levels to 70–75% or 80–85% as required by International
p38, Mitogen-activated protein kinases; MCP-1, Monocyte chemoattrac- Organization for Standardization and various national pharmacopoeias,
tant protein-1; MDA – Malondialdehyde; MDR, Multidrug-resistant; MIA or marketed for uses where cineole content is not as essential (e.g.,
PaCa-2, Human pancreatic cancer cell line; MIC, Minimum inhibitory aromatherapy). Eucalyptus’s medicinal properties are found in its oil
concentration; MKP-1, Mitogen-activated protein kinase; Mpro, Main which is extracted from fresh leaves. Other Eucalyptus spp. with medic-
protease; MYD88, Myeloid differentiation primary response 88; NE, Nor- inal properties include E. smithii, Eucalyptus bentahmii Maiden & Cam-
epinephrine; NFAT, Nuclear factor of activated T-cells; NF-𝜅B, Nuclear bage (E. bentahmii), E. polybractea, Eucalyptus bicostata Maiden, Blakely
factor ‘kappa-light chain enhancer of activated B cells; NK, Natural & Simmons (E. bicostata), Eucalyptus sideroxylon A.Cunn. ex Woolls (E.
Killer; NLRP3, NLR Family Pyrin Domain Containing 3 is a Protein Cod- sideroxylon), Eucalyptus cineria F.Muell. ex Benth. (E. cineria), Eucalyp-
ing gene; NOS, Nitric oxide synthase; p50/p65, also known as RELA. It is tus leucoxylon F.Muell. (E. leucoxylon), Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh.
a REL-associated protein involved in NF-𝜅B heterodimer formation, nu- (E. camaldulensis), Eucalyptus Tereticornis Sm. (E. Tereticornis), Eucalyp-
clear translocation and activation; PARP, Poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase; tus grandis W.Hill ex Maiden (E. grandis), Eucalyptus radiata Sieber ex DC.
PGD2, Prostaglandin D2; PGE2, prostaglandin E2; PIP2, Phosphatidyli- (E. radiata) (Ashour et al., 2019; Döll-Boscardin et al., 2012; Liapi et al.,
nositol 4,5-bisphosphate; PKC, Protein kinase C; PLA2, Phospholipases 2007; Luís et al., 2016; Silva et al., 2003; Soyingbe et al., 2013). In the
A2; PLC𝛾, Phospholipase C-𝛾; RAF, Rapidly Accelerated Fibrosarcoma; light of various potentialities as well as the existing demand for Euca-
RAS, Renin-Angiotensin System; ROS, Reactive oxygen species; SLP76, lyptus species, this review aims to address the myriad of therapeutic
SH2-domain-containing leukocyte protein of 76 kDa; SOD, Superox- applications of Eucalyptus spp. including its emerging role in SARS-CoV-
ide dismutase; SOS, Son of Sevenless; Spp. – Species; SYK, Tyrosine- 2 treatment with a brief discussion on its morphology and chemistry.
protein kinase; TBARS, Thiobarbituric acid reactive substances; TLR4, The molecular mechanisms of the pharmacological activities of the Eu-
Toll-like receptor 4; TNF𝛼, Tumor necrosis factor-𝛼; TREM-1, Triggering calyptus spp. derived from the cell lines, in vivo models, and clinical tri-
Receptor Expressed On Myeloid Cells 1; TRP, Transient receptor poten- als are discussed. Lattermost, this review congregates the hitherto scat-
tial; TRPM8, Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily M tered reports on Eucalyptus-containing formulations and patents for var-
(melastatin) member 8; TXB2, thromboxane B2 ious therapeutic applications. Overall, this review emphasizes the sig-
nificance of Eucalyptus spp. in therapeutics as a natural medicine based
Introduction on the encouraging evidence that exists in the literature.

The use of extracts from Eucalyptus species leaves for the treatment Literature search and selection methodology
of various ailments especially respiratory problems have a rich folkloric
history, especially by the Australian Aborigines (Galan et al., 2020). PubMed, ScienceDirect, Scopus, Google Scholar, and Google patents
The French botanist Charles L’Héritier de Brutelle first described the databases were used to conduct an extensive literature search to iden-
genus Eucalyptus in 1788, based on a specimen of Eucalyptus obliqua tify and retrieve scientific studies performed with Eucalyptus spp. and
from Adventure Bay on Bruny Island, Tasmania (Kantvilas, 1996). The its therapeutic applications for the treatment, management, and pre-
word Eucalyptus originates from the prefix "Eu," which implies "true," vention of various diseases. This review was structured and constructed
and "calyptus," which implies "to cover," and corresponds to the lower according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and
bud made up of united calyx and corolla parts that seal the flower un- Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) criteria (Fig. 1) (Liberati et al., 2009). Appro-
til it blooms (Kantvilas, 1996). Eucalyptus oil is ethnomedicinally im- priate articles published in peer-reviewed journals till the year 2021 (up
portant and popular essential oil (EO) with diverse therapeutic activ- to April) were included. Publications or reports in English were cho-
ities such as analgesic (Silva et al., 2003), antimicrobial (Gilles et al., sen whereas non-English language papers, letters to editors, conference
2010), anti-oxidant (Mishra et al., 2010), antibacterial (Bachir and Be- abstracts, and unpublished data were eliminated. The keywords were
nali, 2012), antiviral (Elaissi et al., 2012), sedative (Teixeira et al., used in numerous permutations for literature searches which included
2008), CNS stimulant (Kovar et al., 1987), pulmonary decongestant Eucalyptus, ethnobotany, pharmacological actions, treatment, molecu-
(Burrow et al., 1983), antispasmodic (Coelho-de-Souza et al., 2005), etc. lar mechanism, in vitro cell lines model, in vivo model, health benefits,
Due to its therapeutic potential, Eucalyptus essential oil (EEO) has found patents and formulations. The primary literature bibliography was also
its application in the treatment of various ailments such as bronchitis used to discover additional related publications. The studies included
(Lu et al., 2004), sinusitis (Kehrl et al., 2004), asthma (Juergens et al., in the review met the predefined eligibility criteria: (1) The search re-
2003), Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) (Worth et al., sult was a study on a Eucalyptus species comprising cell lines model, in
2009), pain (Jun, Yang Suk et al., 2013), infections (Schnitzler et al., vivo model, or involved molecular docking; (2) The search result was a
2001; Yadav and Chandra, 2017), wounds (Velmurugan et al., 2014), randomized controlled clinical trial; (3) The search result demonstrated
cancer (Takasaki et al., 2000), malaria (Nathan, 2007) and last but not outcomes pertaining to the respiratory disorders, cancer, tumors, gas-
the least COVID-19 (Panikar et al., 2021). Moreover, it is widely used trointestinal disorders, pain, immunomodulation, diabetes, infectious
in perfumery, cosmetics, food, beverages, aromatherapy, phytotherapy, diseases, neurological disorders, periodontitis, oral health, wound heal-
and soap industries. The EEO has also expanded its application in other ing; (4) The search result featured novel formulations and inventions
industries as a mosquitocide (Nathan, 2007), insecticide (Kumar et al., containing Eucalyptus for therapeutic application. Based on this, the sys-
2012; Maciel et al., 2010), herbicide (Benchaa et al., 2018) over the tematic search approach retrieved 306 potentially relevant papers and

N. Chandorkar, S. Tambe, P. Amin et al. Phytomedicine Plus 1 (2021) 100089

Fig. 1. PRISMA flowchart of included articles in this review.

after the exclusion of articles based on the eligibility criteria, 103 stud- tus cosmophylla F.Muell. (E. cosmophylla), Eucalyptus cladocalyx F.Muell
ies were included in this review and discussed below. The inconclusive (E. cladocalyx), and Eucalyptus diversicolor F.Muell. (E. diversicolor) shed
studies were discussed between authors to reach a consensus. the dead bark in the form of large slabs, ribbons, or small flakes. Other
species like Eucalyptus leptophleba F.Muell. (E. leptophleba), E. radiata,
Morphological description and Eucalyptus jensenii Maiden (E. jensenii) retain and accumulate the
dead bark that dries out. Eucalyptus species like Eucalyptus brachycalyx
Eucalyptus is a genus of the Myrtaceae family, which comprises Blakely (E. brachycalyx), Eucalyptus ochrophloia F.Muell, and Eucalyptus
900 species and subspecies. This evergreen woody perennial ranges occidentalis Endl. are called ‘blackbutts’ or ‘half-barks’ as they tend to re-
in height from shrubs to tall trees and grows rapidly to gigantic size tain their dead bark in the lower half of the trunks or stems (Khan et al.,
(Coppen, 2002). Eucalyptus is native to Australia and Tasmania and is 2020). E. globulus appears to be unique as their bark cells can photo-
known to be the second-largest genus after Acacia (Davis, 2002). Aus- synthesize in the absence of foliage that increases their capacity to re-
tralia is a home to almost all 700 known species of Eucalyptus trees. fix internal CO2 following partial defoliation (Eyles et al., 2009). This
Among the several Australian Eucalyptus species, E. globulus was intro- ability allows the tree to grow in less-than-ideal climates, additionally
duced extensively thus becoming the most widely cultivated species in providing them with a better chance of recovery from the damage done
Mediterranean and subtropical regions as well as in Nigeria. The Eu- to its leaves in events such as forest fires, insects or leaf fungal pathogen
calypts have a natural latitude range extending from 7° N to 43 ° 39′ infestations, grazing, etc. (Saveyn et al., 2010). Eucalyptus plants have
S. Their natural habitat is specifically limited to the east of the hypo- been drawing the attention of several researchers and environmentalists
thetical ‘Wallace’s line’ that divides Indo-Malayan and Austro-Malayan worldwide because they represent a rapidly growing source of wood and
life forms (Williams and Woinarski, 1997). Eucalyptus species can dra- oil that can be used for several purposes. However, this plant has some
matically range in height, anywhere from 30 to 200 feet. The tallest disadvantages. It squeezes the water from the earth, decreases the wa-
Eucalyptus tree, the Mountain Ash, can reach over 301 feet. The E. radi- ter table, and disturbs the tube well system of the world. Moreover, this
ata tree is typically about 98 feet tall, sometimes reaching up to 164 feet plant needs more water so they tend to compete with other plants in the
(Boland et al., 2006). The leaves and twigs of many Eucalyptus species area. The root of this plant goes very deep which also affects the plain
are the most important source of Eucalyptus oil for pharmaceuticals, per- land of the farmer (Khan et al., 2020).
fumes, soaps, and detergents. Most of the Eucalyptus species exhibit leaf
dimorphism and they exist as mature and juvenile leaves. In the juvenile Chemical composition
stage, the leaves are opposite, sessile, oval to roundish, and glaucous.
Leaves in the mature stage are usually petiolate, pendulous, and lance- The EO from Eucalyptus is generally obtained from steam distilla-
olate, often stiff, thick, highly coriaceous, and cutinized. Leaf venations tion (Moudachirou et al., 1999) or hydro-distillation (Mann et al., 2013;
play a major role in determining the Eucalyptus species and most of- Vivekanandhan et al., 2020) majorly from the leaves and less commonly
ten, pinniveined, oblique, or spread form of leaf venations are observed from the fruits, flowers, and stems of the Eucalyptus. Several other ex-
(Hardel and Laxmidhar, 2011). The bark of the Eucalyptus tree exists traction techniques such as Soxhlet extraction (Zhao and Zhang, 2014),
in several types including smooth or rough, deciduous or persistent, or supercritical CO2 extraction (Santos et al., 2012; Zhao and Zhang, 2014),
both. The shedding pattern, length of the fiber, color, thickness, hard- microwave-assisted extraction (Bhuyan et al., 2015; Liu et al., 2016),
ness, and the extent of furrowing of the bark of Eucalyptus varies with and solid-phase microextraction (Zini et al., 2003) are also utilized
the age and species of the plant (Blakely, 1965). Every year, all Euca- to obtain EEO. The EO profile of Eucalyptus is characterized by a
lyptus species add a layer of bark soon after the death of the outermost high content of volatile organic compounds. Essential oils are a mix-
layer. Species like Eucalyptus sheathiana Maiden (E. sheathiana), Eucalyp- ture of natural volatile bioactive compounds, mainly sesquiterpenoids,

N. Chandorkar, S. Tambe, P. Amin et al. Phytomedicine Plus 1 (2021) 100089

Table 1
Important Eucalyptus species with major constituent and total percentage.

Species Major component Total Percentage References

Medicinal Eucalyptus oil

Eucalyptus smithii 1,8-cineole 84.27 (Chalchat et al., 1997)
Eucalyptus globulus 1,8-cineole 83.89 (Maciel et al., 2010)
Eucalyptus maideni 1,8-cineole 83.59 (Sebei et al., 2015)
Eucalyptus bicostata 1,8-cineole 81.29 (Sebei et al., 2015)
Eucalyptus sideroxylon 1,8-cineole 80.75 (Sebei et al., 2015)
Eucalyptus cineria 1,8-cineole 79.18 (Sebei et al., 2015)
Eucalyptus leucoxylon 1,8-cineole 77.76 (Sebei et al., 2015)
Eucalyptus camaldulensis 𝛾-terpinene 72.50 (Mubarak et al., 2015)
Eucalyptus tereticornis 𝛽-pinene 39.00 (Ogunwande et al., 2003)
Eucalyptus grandis 𝛼-pinene 30.40 (Ogunwande et al., 2003)
Industrial Eucalyptus oil
Eucalyptus dives Schauer Piperitone 53.00 (Ebadollahi, 2013)
Eucalyptus elata Dehnh. 𝛼-Phellandrene 35.20 (Ebadollahi, 2013)
Eucalyptus oil for essence/aroma
Eucalyptus citriodora 𝛽-citronellal 71.77 (Maciel et al., 2010)
Eucalyptus gomphocephala A.Cunn. ex DC. Dihydrocarveol acetate 50.82 (El-Mageed et al., 2011)
Eucalyptus macarthurii H.Deane and Maiden Geranyl acetate 50.49 (Chalchat et al., 1997)
Eucalyptus staigeriana F.Muell. ex F.M.Bailey (+) Limonene 28.82 (Maciel et al., 2010)
Eucalyptus aggregata H.Deane & Maiden ß-phenylethyl phenyl acetate 90 (Hellyer, Lassak and McKern, 1966)
Eucalyptus globulus var. bicostata 1,8-cineole 73.09 (Dayal and Ayyar, 1986)
Eucalyptus deglupta Blume p-cymene 7.90 (Dayal and Maheshwari, 1985)

monoterpenoids, phenylpropanoids, etc., containing hundreds of indi- 1,8-cineole is the major constituent of Eucalyptus spp. that attributes
vidual chemical constituents. The importance of Eucalyptus in medicine to the medicinal properties. The following section discusses the mul-
largely depends on the content of one specific constituent namely, 1,8- tifaceted therapeutic applications of Eucalyptus spp. for the treatment
cineole (cineole or eucalyptol). The major composition of Eucalyptus oil of various diseases and disorders with an emphasis on their molecular
is 1,8-cineole and constitutes more than 70% (v/v) of the total oil and mechanisms. Fig 3. represents various therapeutic applications of Euca-
the other major constituents co-occurring with eucalyptol are limonene lyptus spp.
and 𝛼-terpineol. Eucalyptus oil for medicinal purposes is commonly ex-
tracted from E. globulus, E. polybractea, or E. smithii as their total eucalyp- Respiratory disorders
tol content is more than 70% and listed in the pharmacopoeias of many
countries, including the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Belgium, Herbal medicines such as cineole capsules and Myrtol® standardized
the Netherlands, the United States, Australia, Japan, and China. Euca- (GeloMyrtol®, GeloMyrtol forte®) have received tremendous attention
lyptol accounts for more than 90% in some species like E. polybractea over the past 20 years due to their potential therapeutic benefits in var-
(Mishra et al., 2010), Eucalyptus bakeri Maiden (Mishra et al., 2010), ious respiratory conditions. Several in vivo and ex vivo studies suggest
Eucalyptus kochii Maiden and Blakely (Barton et al., 1989), Eucalyptus that Myrtol® standardized has significant secretolytic and secretomo-
oblonga A.Cunn. ex DC. (Baker and Smith, 1920), Eucalytpus plenissima toric effects, resulting in increased upper and lower airway patency and,
(C.A.Gardner) Brooker (Brooker et al., 1988), and Eucalyptus sturgissiana as a result, rapid relief of patients’ symptoms. The medication has been
L.A.S.Johnson and Blaxell. Except for E. polybractea, few of these are be- used to treat a variety of acute and chronic infections of the upper and
ing exploited as commercial sources of 1,8-cineole. Other constituents lower airway system, including acute and chronic rhinosinusitis, acute
are macrocarpals (phloroglucinol-sesquiterpenes), eucalyptin, monoter- and chronic bronchitis, and COPD (Rantzsch et al., 2009), due to its
penes (p-cymene, 𝛼-pinene, d-limonene, 𝛽-pinene), phenols, oleano- additional antioxidative, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial proper-
lic acid, flavonoids (8-desmethyl-eucalyptin, 6,8- dimethylkaempferol- ties. In Germany, small gut soluble capsules namely, SoledumTM con-
3,7-dimethyl ether), alkaloids, tannins, 2′6′-dihydroxy-3′-methyl-4′- taining 100 mg of 1,8 – cineole have been used for the treatment of
methoxy-dihydrochalcone, terpenoid phenolaldehydes, and verbenone, acute and chronic bronchitis, sinusitis, and other respiratory infections.
a monoterpene bicyclic ketone (Dhakad et al., 2018). E. globulus is a The pharmacological effects of eucalyptol in respiratory diseases can
Eucalyptus species that has been researched extensively. Phytochemical be attributed to its anti-inflammatory (Yu et al., 2018), anti-spasmodic
analysis has revealed that the monoterpene profile differs among Euca- (Bastos et al., 2009), and mucus secretion inhibiting (Sudhoff et al.,
lyptus species, indicating the differences in the medicinal properties of 2015) actions that result in the downregulation of tumor necrosis factor-
various species. E. camaldulensis EO exhibits a more complex composi- 𝛼 (TNF𝛼) and inflammation cytokines such as interleukin-1𝛽 (IL-1 𝛽)
tion. Approximately fifty-four compounds representing 95% of the total (Juergens et al., 2004). Zhou et al. (Zhou et al., 2007) demonstrated
leaf oil were identified wherein eucalyptol (16.20%) was the most abun- that the anti-inflammatory action of 1,8-cineole may be attributed to the
dant monoterpene, followed by 𝛼-pinene (15.60%) (Gakuubi, 2016). 1,8-cineole induced blockage of Egr-1 effect by inhibiting the synthesis
The phytochemical analysis of E. grandis oil revealed that it consti- of Egr-1 and preventing Egr-1 nuclear internalization. In another study,
tutes high content of eucalyptol and a total of 22 other chemical com- Greiner et al. (Greiner et al., 2013) studied 1,8-cineole to enunciate the
ponents accounting for 95.95% of the major components of the EO molecular mechanism of its anti-inflammatory action using lipopolysac-
(Sewanu, 2012). The common chemical constituents in Eucalyptus are charides (LPS). LPS plays a critical role in inflammatory processes by
represented in Fig. 2. Table 1. represents important Eucalyptus species activating the NF-𝜅B and MAPK signaling pathways (He et al., 2015).
with their major oil components and total percentage. It was observed that cineole reduced NF-𝜅B (nuclear factor ‘kappa-light
chain enhancer of activated B cells), which plays a vital role in regulat-
Therapeutic applications of Eucalyptusoil ing the pathogenesis of inflammatory diseases (Salminen et al., 2008).
After treating with cineole, an increase in the protein amounts of I𝜅B𝛼
The bark and leaves of various Eucalyptus species have been used as was observed which restored interaction between I𝜅B𝛼 and NF-𝜅B p65.
folk medicines for the treatment of various ailments since ancient times. As a result, due to the absence of p65 translocation into the nucleus,

N. Chandorkar, S. Tambe, P. Amin et al. Phytomedicine Plus 1 (2021) 100089

Fig. 2. Chemical structures of some common constituents

present in commercial Eucalyptus oils.

binding to B-sites was substantially reduced, and expression levels of of resistant pathogenic micro-organisms are urgently required. Pinheiro
NF-𝜅B target genes were significantly decreased. I𝜅B𝛼 and JNK were and co-workers (Pinheiro et al., 2020) investigated the antimicrobial
identified as potential targets of 1,8-cineol by the authors, assuming activity of E. citriodora EO against some of the important MDR bacte-
that JNK acts directly on NF-𝜅B target gene expression via AP-1. Lack rial species such as S. aureus and 𝛽-lactamase-producing strains. The
of I𝜅B𝛼-degradation appears to be phosphorylation-independent, imply- studies revealed that showed E. citriodora EO effectively inhibited re-
ing that altered kinetics may be involved in an IKK-independent manner. sistant strains, presenting itself as a possible alternative for the use of
The overview of the potential mode of action of 1,8-cineol in an animal these drugs at concentrations lower than those indicated against resis-
model with LPS-induced pulmonary inflammation is shown in Fig. 4. tant strains. In another study, Cermelli et al. (Cermelli et al., 2008) inves-
(Zhao et al., 2014). Not only an increase in the anti-inflammatory cy- tigated the activity of E. globulus EO on various respiratory bacteria and
tokine IL-10 was observed in the lung tissues but inhibition of TNF𝛼, viruses. In the study, the EEO was found effective against H. influenzae,
IL-1𝛽 and decreased expression of p65, which is a subunit of NF-kB was Haemophilus parainfluenzae, and Stenotrophomonas maltophilia whereas
also seen. Caceres et al. (Caceres et al., 2017) explained that the high S. pneumoniae, Streptococcus agalactiae, and Klebsiella pneumoniae did not
potency of eucalyptol in humans can be attributed to its superior sensi- show susceptibility to Eucalyptus oil. Based on the evidence, it can be
tivity to Human TRPM8 channels than rodents. The author also reported concluded that EEO can be used as adjuvant therapy for the treatment
that the metabolite of eucalyptol, 2‐hydroxy‐1,8‐cineol, also possesses of sinusitis to minimize the risk of MDR. Sudhoff et al. (Sudhoff et al.,
anti-inflammatory effects. It can be concluded that 1,8-cineol can be ex- 2015) demonstrated that eucalyptol reduces the bacteria-induced mu-
tremely beneficial in the treatment of several anti-inflammatory diseases cus hypersecretion in sinusitis by reducing mucin-filled goblet cells and
such as sinusitis, bronchitis, asthma, and COPD. Table 2. represents the MUC2-gene expression associated with suppressed NF-𝜅B-activity in hu-
efficacy of Eucalyptus extracts in clinical trials for the treatment of res- man nasal slice cultures. The authors concluded that therapy with eu-
piratory disorders. calyptol in sinusitis can be highly effective.

Sinusitis Bronchitis

Sinusitis can be broadly defined as inflammation of one or more Bronchitis is a common inflammation of the lining of the tubes
of the paranasal sinuses which in turn impair the function of the mu- (bronchi) that carries air to and from the lungs. The inflammation usu-
cociliary transport due to the accumulation of excessive secretion of ally develops due to viral infection, but often antibiotics are prescribed
abnormally viscous mucus and inflammatory mediators (Leung and Ka- unnecessarily (Singh et al., 2017). The major constituent of EEO, 1,8-
tial, 2008). For the treatment of sinusitis, 85–98% of patients have been cineole has been traditionally used for the treatment of bronchitis from
generally prescribed antibiotics that target the most common bacte- ancient times. Cineole acts by accelerating the beat frequency of the cil-
rial pathogens such as Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae, ias in the mucous membrane. It also acts as a bronchodilating and anti-
Staphylococcus aureus, and Moraxella catarrhalis when culture results are inflammatory agent (Fischer and Dethlefsen, 2013). Lu et al. (Lu et al.,
unavailable (Leung and Katial, 2008). Multidrug resistance (MDR) of 2004) studied the effects of Eucalyptus globulus oil on bronchiolitis and
these common pathogens is a major and rapidly growing public health mucin hypersecretion in chronic bronchitis induced by LPS in rats. The
concern. As a result, alternative antimicrobial agents for the treatment authors reported that there was a significant decrease of mucin content

N. Chandorkar, S. Tambe, P. Amin et al. Phytomedicine Plus 1 (2021) 100089

Fig. 3. Various therapeutic applications of the genus Eucalyptus.

in BALF (bronchoalveolar lavage fluid) and MUC5ac expression in the flammatory components in BALF. Inhaled 1,8-cineole, in a recent report,
trachea and bronchiole epithelium indicating the therapeutic potential exhibited a significant reduction in the number of eosinophils in BALF
of E. globulus EO in bronchitis. as well as IL-4, IL-13, and IL-17A in an HDM-induced murine asthma
model (Lee et al., 2016).
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is characterized by chronic
Asthma and COPD inflammation and irreversible airflow obstruction, which is primar-
ily caused by cigarette smoking (Dennis et al., 1996), genetic factors,
Asthma is characterized by an inflammatory process that causes and noxious stimuli including infection, environmental pollutants, etc.
bronchial hyper-responsiveness and normally reversible airway ob- (Rabe et al., 2007). Eucalyptol, owing to its expectorant properties in
struction. Juergens et al. (Juergens et al., 1998a) studied the ef- dyscrinemic mucus, the German Guideline for COPD recommends its ad-
fects of eucalyptol in patients with bronchial asthma by isolating dition to other mucolytics (Vogelmeier et al., 2018). The guideline also
human blood monocytes. The authors reported that eucalyptol ex- suggests that antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agents can be used to
erts anti-inflammatory effects by inhibiting both the pathways of minimize exacerbations in COPD patients who have recurrent exacer-
arachidonic acid metabolism, namely LTB4 (leukotriene B4 ) and PGE2 bations. It has been proven that eucalyptol can substantially reduce ex-
(prostaglandin E2 ). This was the first evidence of the anti-inflammatory acerbations in COPD patients who have frequent exacerbations. Feitosa
action of 1,8-cineole which spiked the tremendous interest of sev- et al. (Kennedy-Feitosa et al., 2016) attempted to investigate the effects
eral researchers. The same group of researchers expanded the study of eucalyptol in COPD in a mouse model with cigarette smoke-induced
and demonstrated a dose-dependent and highly significant inhibition inflammation and oxidative stress in the lungs. It was observed that eu-
of production of TNF𝛼, IL-1𝛽, LTB4, and thromboxane B2 (TXB2 ) calyptol reduced cytokine levels (IL-1𝛽, IL-6, and KC), NF-kappa B p65
(Juergens, Stöber and Vetter, 1998b). The potential of 1,8-cineole subunit, and oxidative stress [reactive oxygen species (ROS), superoxide
to inhibit polyclonal stimulated cytokine production by human uns- dismutase (SOD), catalase, and malondialdehyde (MDA)] at 3 mg/mL
elected lymphocytes and LPS-stimulated monocytes was investigated and 10 mg/mL concentrations indicating its potential in the treatment
(Juergens et al., 2004). The study revealed that 1,8-cineol significantly of COPD. Wang et al. (Wang et al., 2017) studied the protective effects of
suppressed cytokine production in lymphocytes (TNF𝛼, IL-1𝛽, IL-4, IL- EEO in LPS and K. pneumoniae-induced COPD. On treatment with EEO,
5) and monocytes (TNF𝛼, IL1𝛽, IL6, IL8). Very recently, Hosoki et al. a significant reduction in the infiltration of leucocyte cells in BALF, em-
(Hosoki et al., 2015) reported that neutrophils and IL-8 are the only in-

N. Chandorkar, S. Tambe, P. Amin et al. Phytomedicine Plus 1 (2021) 100089

Fig. 4. Molecular anti-inflammatory mechanism of 1,8-cineole showing inhibition of nuclear translocation of NF-𝜅B p65 and NF-𝜅B target gene expression in a I𝜅B𝛼-
and JNK-dependent manner.

physematous damage, bronchiolitis around the bronchioles, number of Gastrointestinal disorders

AB-PAS positive goblet cells in bronchioles was observed. Furthermore,
a significant reduction in the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines One of the leading causes of gastrointestinal (GIT) disorders such as
(TNF-𝛼 and IL-1𝛽) and MDA formation was seen with an increase in the peptic ulcers is a spiral-shaped microaerophillic gram-negative bacillus,
SOD activity. The authors concluded that eucalyptol can be beneficial Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori). Approximately 95% of duodenal ulcers
as a concomitant therapy for the treatment and management of COPD. and up to 75% of gastric ulcers are caused by this bacterium and af-
fect nearly 10% of the world’s population (Malfertheiner et al., 2009).
SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) It has been reported that Eucalyptus species, E. camaldulensis and Eu-
calyptus torelliana F. Muell are used to treat GIT disorders in Nigeria
The COVID-19 pandemic is widely regarded as the most serious (Gill, 1992). The leaves extract of E. torelliana and E. camaldulensis have
global health disaster of the century and the greatest threat to human- demonstrated a significant reduction in gastric acid intake in an animal
ity since World War II. SARS-CoV-2 (severe acute respiratory syndrome model, making them greatly beneficial for the treatment of gastric ul-
coronavirus 2), a new type of corona virus, has been identified as the cers (Adeniyi, Odufowoke and Olaleye, 2006). Based on the evidence,
cause of this disease (Chakraborty and Maity, 2020). Coronavirus (CoV) Adeniyi et al. (Adeniyi et al., 2009) studied the in vitro susceptibility
replication occurs when a polypeptide is converted into a functional pro- of six H. pylori strains to E. camaldulensis and E. torelliana extracts. The
tein, which is accomplished by the key enzyme Main protease (Mpro ). authors reported good anti-H. pyroli properties of the two extracts with
Mpro is a ~306 aa long main enzyme that aids coronavirus duplica- MIC (minimum inhibitory concentration) range between 12.5 to 400
tion by removing functional proteins from the viral polypeptide. Mpro μg/mL. The presence of tannins and saponins, which are known to have
is also known as 3C-like protease (3CLpro) because it shares the same antimicrobial properties and offer protection against ulcers, may be re-
restriction-site specificity as picornavirus 3C protease (3Cpro). COVID- sponsible for the anti-H. pylori properties of these Eucalyptus species. The
19′s main protease (Mpro ) was previously identified as a latent and im- ulcer healing properties of E. camaldulensis and E. torelliana methanolic
portant target for blocking CoV replication. In a recent study, Panikar extracts were also studied in a rat model with acetic acid induced-ulcer.
et al. (Panikar et al., 2021) carried out an in-silico study to investigate The authors demonstrated that E. camaldulensis and E. torelliana extracts
the effects of E. globulus biocompounds on Mpro by molecular docking. significantly reduced the size of the ulcers to half of their original size
The authors reported that Eucalyptol showed the least binding energy as compared to the controlled group (distilled water and ranitidine).
to Mpro without toxicity which indicated that eucalyptol can be uti- The authors concluded that the studied Eucalyptus species can be used
lized as a potential inhibitor against COVID-19 and also it can be used for treating existing peptic ulcers effectively (Lawal, Adeniyi and Olal-
in its treatment. Based on this evidence as well as previously demon- eye, 2014). In another study, Jucá et al. (Matthews Jucá et al., 2011)
strated anti-inflammatory (Merad and Martin, 2020; Sadlon and Lam- reported that EO extracted from E. torelliana accelerates GIT transit by
son, 2010), antiviral (Usachev et al., 2013), mucolytic, and bronchodila- the contrasting effects induced by 𝛼- and 𝛽-pinene on gastrointestinal
tory (Juergens et al., 2020) effects of Eucalyptus, further studies are ur- smooth muscle which can be attributed to the ability of the monoter-
gently warranted in this regard.

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Table 2
Summary of clinical trials data demonstrating the efficacy of Eucalyptus for the treatment of respiratory disorders.

Disease/Disorder Model Dose Clinical outcome Ref

Sinusitis 331 patients with acute - Myrtol® was proven to be an effective (Federspil, Wulkow and
sinusitis treatment in acute, uncomplicated sinusitis Zimmermann, 1997)
instead of antibiotics as the first choice.
Sinusitis 150 people with acute sinusitis Oral administration of The study revealed that patients on the (Kehrl et al., 2004)
eucalyptol 200 mg, 3 times treatment of eucalyptol recovered
significantly faster than those given a
placebo confirming that eucalyptol thins
and drains secretion and reduces
inflammation as well as secretion in
comparison to placebo.
Acute Bronchitis 676 male and female Oral administration of 300 mg Myrtol® demonstrated superior efficacy and (Matthys et al., 2000)
outpatients with acute Myrtol®, 4 times a day for more rapid and complete recovery in
bronchitis 14 days patients with acute bronchitis. The efficacy
was comparable to ambroxol and
cefuroxime, making it a great substitute
for antibiotic treatment, particularly in
patients who do not have other respiratory
illnesses and whose bacterial infection is
Acute Bronchitis 413 patients with acute Oral administration of 300 mg, It was observed that there were significantly (Gillissen et al., 2013)
bronchitis 4 times a day for 14 days fewer daytime coughing fits, less difficulty
in coughing up, fewer sleep disturbances
due to night-time coughing. Treatment
with Myrtol® was found to be
significantly superior to placebo in
treating acute bronchitis.
Acute Bronchitis 242 patients with confirmed 200 mg cineole for three days The authors reported a significant (Fischer and Dethlefsen, 2013)
acute bronchitis improvement in the bronchitis-sum-score
than the placebo group. The study
suggested that the anti-tussive effects with
oral cineole were due to the amelioration
of inflammation and mucociliary clearance
in patients.
Chronic Bronchitis 246 patients with chronic Oral administration of 300 mg The authors reported that long-term (Meister et al., 1999)
bronchitis of cineole 3 times a day for treatment with cineole showed superior
over a period of 6 months efficacy in terms of protecting against
acute exacerbations in patients with
chronic bronchitis. Also, a reduction in the
frequency and intensity of acute
exacerbations were observed along with
reduced health impairment by cough and
expectoration and the need for antibiotics
for treatment.
Bronchial asthma 32 patients with Oral 200 mg 1.8-cineol, 3 times A significant reduction (36%) of prednisolone (Juergens et al., 2003)
steroid-dependent bronchial a day dosage was observed as compared to the
asthma control group (7%) indicating
steroid-saving effect in steroid-dependant
Asthma/COPD 247 patients with confirmed 200 mg of cineole 3 times a Authors reported cineole having mucolytic, (Worth and Dethlefsen, 2012)
asthma day for over a period of 6 bronchodilating, and anti-inflammatory
months. effects of cineole that reduced the
exacerbation rate in patients suffering
from COPD. They also found that using
cineole in conjunction with other
medications improved lung function and
health condition, along with reduced
dyspnea in asthma patients.
COPD 242 patients with stable COPD Eucalyptol 200 mg 3 times as Eucalyptol decreased the frequency, severity, (Worth et al., 2009)
concomitant and duration of exacerbations in lung
therapy for 6 months function.

penes to affect the existing balance between the stomach and duode- and apply it to the affected area (Darwin, 1993). To validate the wound
num, thereby accelerating the gastric emptying rate. Despite the fact healing activity of Eucalyptus, Velmurugan et al. (Velmurugan et al.,
that Eucalyptus has demonstrated its potential in the treatment of GIT 2014) investigated the wound healing activity of ethyl acetate and
disorders including duodenal and gastric ulcers associated with H.pyroli ethanolic extracts of E. citriodora in Wister albino rats. The authors re-
infection, clinical trials are yet to be approved. ported that an increase in wound contraction decreased epithelization
in the scarred area. The treated group of wounds [ointment with ex-
tracts 10% (w/w)] showed complete healing of wounds with the al-
Wound healing
most normal architecture of the collagen and reticulin. Furthermore,
a significant increase in skin breaking strength was observed due to
In traditional Aboriginal medicine, topical ointments containing Eu-
the increased collagen levels owing to the increased cross-linking of
calyptus oil have been used for thousands of years to support wound heal-
collagen fibers. An increase in the dry granulation tissue weight was
ing. To relieve joint pain and speed the healing of cuts, skin conditions,
also observed which can be attributed to the higher protein content.
wounds, and infections, Aborigines would make a poultice out of leaves

N. Chandorkar, S. Tambe, P. Amin et al. Phytomedicine Plus 1 (2021) 100089

The authors concluded that EEO exhibits would healing activity via camaldulensis EO for its in vivo and in vitro antimicrobial activity against
mechanisms: angiogenesis, collagen deposition, granulation tissue for- oral pathogens along with its ability to prevent biofilm formation. It
mation, epithelization, and wound contraction at the proliferative stage. was observed that all concentrations of Eucalyptus oil were found to
In another recent study, Kadhim and Amer (Kadhim and Amer, 2018) have substantially higher antibacterial and in vivo biofilm preventive
investigated the therapeutic potential of EEO on rats and evaluation efficacies than chlorhexidine. The results suggest that EEO can be ef-
was done based on histopathological data and laser Doppler flowmetry. fectively used in the treatment of dental caries. In another study, Gold-
The wound size in the Eucalyptus-treated rats was significantly smaller beck et al. (Goldbeck et al., 2014) investigated two Eucalyptus species,
than in the control rats, according to the findings. When compared to namely, E. globulus and Eucalyptus urograndis W. Hill ex Maiden (E. uro-
the controls, blood perfusion was significantly higher in the Eucalyptus grandis) for their antimicrobial activity against planktonic and biofilm
group. Moreover, accelerated epithelialization and a significant reduc- cells of Streptococcus mutans. The authors reported that the best results
tion in an inflammatory reaction in the Eucalyptus group were seen as came from E. globulus oil, which needed just 15 minutes of contact to
compared to the control group. Wound healing is a complicated pro- kill bacteria whereas, E. urograndis oil required 50 minutes to achieve
cess that can be slowed by a variety of factors. Wound infection is one the same bactericidal impact. This difference in the antimicrobial ac-
of the leading causes of wound chronicity (Robson, 1997). Before the tivity of the two species is attributable to the higher 1,8-cineole con-
tissue invasion, bacteria have been shown to delay wound healing at tent in E. globulus as compared to E. urograndis. Moreover, in the pres-
lower levels either by secreting toxins from viable cells (exotoxins) or ence of the EEOs, biofilm formation by S. mutans was also inhibited
as a result of cell lysis (endotoxins). These toxins cause local necrosis with more successful results than 0.1 percent commercial NaF (sodium
and disturb the sensitive balance of crucial mediators such as proteases fluoride). Based on the results, it can be concluded that EEO can be
and cytokines, which are essential for wound healing. As a result, toxin successfully used as an adjuvant therapy to treat periodontal diseases.
control or absorption could be a useful complement to any infection- Another species of Eucalyptus, named E. galbie was proven to possess
control strategy (Robson, 1997). Several researchers have reported the antimicrobial activity against Enterococcus faecalis, the bacteria that is
anti-microbial activity of Eucalyptus species EOs against a wide range of responsible to cause infection in the root canal. The authors reported
microorganisms. The antibacterial activity of EEO is majorly attributed that E. galbie eliminated more than 90% of the bacterial cells from the
to its chemical components such as 1,8-cineole, citronellol, citronellal, root canal via flushing action and hence appears promising in the field
p-cymene, citronellyl acetate eucamalol, linalool, 𝛼-terpinol, 𝛽-pinene, of endodontics (Nourzadeh et al., 2017). The clinical effectiveness of
limonene, 𝛾-terpinene, aromadendrene, and alloocimene (Nezhad et al., Eucalyptus‐extract chewing gum was also studied to reduce oral mal-
2009). The antibacterial actions can also be linked to the increased odor (Tanaka et al., 2010). In this study, at the baseline and 4, 8, 12,
cell permeability owing to the hydrophobic nature of the oil thereby and 14 weeks, tongue‐coating score, organoleptic score, and lastly the
causing the cell constituents to leak out (Dorman and Deans, 2000; level of volatile sulfur compounds (VSCs) were measured and it was ob-
Helander et al., 1998; Lambert et al., 2001). Also, EOs have multiple served that Eucalyptus‐extract chewing gum had long‐term effects on the
target sites on bacterial cells, but they all appear to be linked to their tongue‐coating score, olganoleptic score, and the levels of VSCs. Euca-
principal mode of action on bacterial envelopes, either directly or in- lyptus extracts functioned as an antiseptic and effectively inhibited the
directly i.e., by disturbing cell wall and cell membrane (Lambert et al., growth of periodontopathic bacteria and virulence factors of Porphy-
2001; Oussalah et al., 2007), which further results in significant loss romonas gingivalis which aided in the reduction of oral malodor. In a
of intracellular ATP (Oussalah et al., 2007; Turgis et al., 2009), induc- similar study, Eucalyptus‐extract chewing gum was investigated for its
tion of the heat shock proteins synthesis, disturbance in the pH levels efficacy in periodontal diseases by measuring gingival index (GI), peri-
(Burt et al., 2014; Oussalah et al., 2007), and intracytoplasmic changes odontal probing depth (PD), plaque accumulation (PLA), clinical attach-
(e.g., periplasmic space enlargement, coagulation) (Burt, 2004). How- ment level (CAL), and bleeding on probing (BOP) at weeks 0, 4, 8, 12,
ever, the exact mechanism is still unknown. The overview of the antimi- and 14 (Nagata et al., 2008). A significant improvement was observed
crobial activity of Eucalyptus is shown in Fig. 5. The anti-bacterial activ- with respect to PLA, GI, BOP, PD as compared to the control group.
ity of EEO was investigated by Bachir et al. (Bachir and Benali, 2012) These findings suggest that the daily use of Eucalyptus extract chewing
against two pathogens, S. aureus and Escherichia coli, the former being gum can act as a new functional food for periodontal health distinct from
responsible for toxic shock syndrome, post-operative wound infection, toothpaste and mouthwash. Currently, deeper knowledge with regards
food poisoning, and the latter being responsible for urinary tract infec- to the applicability of Eucalyptus and other potential herbal species as
tions. In the study, EEO exhibited a dose-dependent inhibition of both antimicrobial agents against dental caries and periodontal pathogens is
bacterial strains. This antibacterial action of Eucalyptus can serve as an a call for demand. Exploiting research in this field would support the
effective treatment for minor cuts and wounds. Based on the evidence, advancement of a new and groundbreaking strategy, which, apart from
the inclusion of EEO in wound management appears promising, espe- reducing drug resistance, can also simultaneously inhibit the two most
cially in chronic wounds, where treating infection and inflammation are common dental disorders in humans.
still important issues.
Pain management
Oral health
Patients with serious, chronic pain await the advent of new drugs
Biofilms of cariogenic and periodontopathic bacteria can be found in with little or no side effects while depending on a variety of alternative
dental plaque. Plaque bacteria such as Streptococcus mutans and Strep- medicines meanwhile. Several studies have demonstrated the analgesic
tococcus sobrinus are known to colonize the tooth surface and cause a and anti-inflammatory activities of EEO (Gbenou et al., 2013; Lee et al.,
disease called dental caries (Hamada and Slade, 1980; Loesche, 1986). 2019; Mondal et al., 2021; Mworia et al., 2020; Sahouo et al., 2003;
Other gram-negative bacterial strains such as Porphyromonas gingivalis, Shuping and Weiming, 1996; Silva et al., 2003). Very recently, Owemidu
Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans, and Fusobacterium nucleatum have et al. (Owemidu et al., 2020) investigated the anti-nociceptive activity of
also shown to play a role in the onset and progression of periodontal dis- E. globulus EO and the probable mechanism using thermal and chemical
eases (Signat et al., 2011; Slots et al., 1986; Slots and Listgarten, 1988). models of nociception. The authors reported that E. globulus significantly
The herbal medicaments have several benefits, including lower tox- reduced pain perception in the male Swiss albino mice model which in-
icity, lack of microbial resistance, availability, and cost-effectiveness dicated the involvement of peripheral and central systems to achieve
(Sinha and Sinha, 2014). The antimicrobial effects of EEO have long analgesia. An increase in the withdrawal latency was seen which is an
been recognized and used against a wide range of bacteria and fungi, indication of the activation of the periaqueductal gray matter to produce
including oral pathogens. Rasooli et al. (Rasooli et al., 2009) studied E. endogenous peptides that goes to the spinal cord to prevent transmis-

N. Chandorkar, S. Tambe, P. Amin et al. Phytomedicine Plus 1 (2021) 100089

Fig. 5. Antimicrobial activity of Eucalyptus constituents.

sion of pain impulses in the dorsal horn, thereby preventing nociceptor mosensitive transient receptor (TRP) cation channels (TRPM8). It was
activation. The authors concluded that the mechanism of action of anti- also revealed that eucalyptol acts by inhibiting a known sensor of nox-
nociception of E. globulus may not be due to the adrenergic system, ATP ious cold, called the human transient receptor potential cation channel,
sensitive K+ channel but the L-Type voltage-gated calcium channel. In belonging to subfamily A, member 1 (TRPA1) (Takaishi et al., 2012).
another study, Mondal et al. (Mondal et al., 2021) studied the analgesic In contrast, Santos et al. (Santos and Rao, 2000) revealed that the anti-
and anti-inflammatory potentials of EO of E. camaldulensis leaf. Herein, inflammatory and antinociceptive action of eucalyptol may involve a
the authors showed that the anti-nociceptive activity of E. camaldulen- non-opioid mechanism. The clinical efficacy of EEO was demonstrated
sis may be due to its affinity towards various anti-inflammatory recep- by Jun et al. (Jun, Y. S. et al., 2013) on patients who had undergone
tors (COX-2, TNF𝛼, and IL-1𝛽 convertase). Additionally, the authors sug- total knee replacement surgery. The treatment involved inhalation of
gested that that the central analgesic effect of E. camaldulensis EO can be Eucalyptus oil for 30 minutes for three consecutive days. It was observed
due to the interactions with 𝜇 opioid receptors based on the results of the that inhalation of Eucalyptus oil was effective in decreasing the patient’s
thermal nociception tail immersion method. Lee et al. (Lee et al., 2019) pain and blood pressure following the surgery, suggesting that Eucalyp-
also reported that the involvement of EEO in the 𝜇-opioid pathway tus oil inhalation may be a nursing intervention for pain management
may attribute to the analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties of EEO. after total knee replacement surgery. Hong and Shellock (Hong and Shel-
There is further evidence that shows analgesic and anti-inflammatory ac- lock, 1991) also made an attempt to demonstrate the clinical efficacy of
tivity of eucalyptol by stimulating the cool temperature-detecting, ther- Eucalyptus-based ointment (Eucalyptamint) in 10 patients by measuring

N. Chandorkar, S. Tambe, P. Amin et al. Phytomedicine Plus 1 (2021) 100089

cutaneous circulation and skin and muscle temperatures. An increase in cancer (Khazraei et al., 2021). Eucalyptus benthamii Maiden & Cambage
circulation was observed when the formulation was applied to the fore- EO has also demonstrated antitumor and cytotoxic effects via apoptosis
arms of participants. This suggested that Eucalyptus may temporarily mechanism (Döll-Boscardin et al., 2012). Furthermore, EOs extracted
ease minor muscle soreness when applied topically. The authors con- from the leaves of Eucalyptus torquata Luehm. and E. sideroxylon has
cluded that based on the significant physiologic responses produced by also been reported to possess cytotoxic effects against the human breast
Eucalyptus ointment, Eucalyptus can be effective for pain relief and/or adenocarcinoma cell line (Ashour, 2008). In the light of these research
useful to athletes as a passive form of warm-up. These findings suggest findings, assessment of the safety and efficacy of Eucalyptus for the treat-
that EEOs can be extremely beneficial in reducing the dose of analgesics ment of various forms of cancer is encouraged by performing preclinical
endowed with serious side effects such as opioids. Nonetheless, clinical and clinical studies. Moreover, photodynamic therapy has emerged as a
translations, extensive research, and standardization of in vivo preclini- promising light-based therapy that combines the use of photosensitizers
cal studies are the need of the hour in the field of pain research to allow (aloe-emodin, berberine, hypericin, curcumin, etc.), light, and molecu-
coherent research in order to elucidate the underlying mechanisms of lar oxygen for treating cancer. This treatment approach leads to the pro-
EEO analgesic activity. duction of ROS within malignant cells through photochemical reactions
which consequently result in cell death (Foresto et al., 2021). Eucalyptus
Cancer in combination with photodynamic therapy has the potential to greatly
minimize the side effects and improve the anti-cancer efficacy as well
Cancer is a general term that encompasses over 277 different as selectivity in the treatment of cancer. Further in-depth research in
forms of cancer disease and a second major cause of death worldwide this field such as computational simulations, in vitro tests, in vivo pre-
(Hassanpour and Dehghani, 2017). Traditional medicinal herbs have clinical studies, and clinical trials are warranted that can significantly
been used in East Asia for centuries for pharmaceutical and dietary contribute to effective cancer treatment.
therapy, including China, Japan, India, and Thailand. They are com-
monly used in cancer therapy owing to their great structural diversity of Immunomodulation
phytochemicals which is attributable to their antioxidant, anticarcino-
genic, antimutagenic, and antiproliferative activity (Cai et al., 2004). The key cellular effectors of the immune response are the mono-
In a study, Takasaki and co-workers (Takasaki et al., 2000) investi- cytic/granulocytic system as well as differentiated macrophages, which
gated the effects of euglobal-G1 from leaves of E. grandis on two-stage play a critical role in the identification and removal of foreign bodies
skin carcinogenesis in a mouse model. The researchers reported that such as pathogenic microorganisms. Foreign microorganisms are rec-
euglobal-G1 inhibited the promotion stages on two-stage carcinogene- ognized by these cells, which leads to phagocytosis and the subsequent
sis as well as pulmonary tumorigenesis. In another study, Taheri et al. destruction of pathogens by lysosomal enzymes (Stafford, Neumann and
(Taheri et al., 2020) investigated the anticancer and antioxidant activ- Belosevic, 2002). In a study, Yadav and Chandra (Yadav and Chan-
ity of E. camaldulensis EO on colorectal cancer cell line Caco-2. It was dra, 2017) reported that EEO not only inhabited inflammatory medi-
observed that cell line Caco-2 treated with E. camaldulensis EO showed ators but also stimulated phagocytosis and pathogen clearance of my-
dose and time-dependent antioxidant and anticancer activity which may cobacteria in lung macrophages. It was observed that MKP-1 and TREM-
be due to the induction of apoptosis process as well as reduction of 1 mRNA levels were significantly reduced. Additionally, there was a sig-
free radicals in colorectal cancer cells. The mechanism of action of anti- nificant increase in phosphorylated ERKs (ERK1/2) and a notable reduc-
oxidant activity for chemoprevention is shown in Fig. 6. Vuong et al. tion in phosphorylated p38 and phosphorylated forms of JNK1/2. LPS
(Vuong et al., 2015) studied the anti-cancer and anti-proliferative activ- activates the NLRP3 inflammasome, which is essential for IL-1 secretion
ity of Eucalyptus robusta Sm. leaf against various cancer cell lines (colon, as well as the inflammatory response, and EEO was found to reduce
lung, neuroblastoma, glioblastoma, and ovarian) and was proven effec- the NLRP3 significantly. Based on these results, Shao et al. (Shao et al.,
tive in inhibiting cancer cells in all cell lines, especially in pancreatic 2020) expanded the study using a rat model to achieve deeper insights
cancer cell lines derived from both primary and metastatic sites. A simi- into the mechanism of Eucalyptus in respiratory immunomodulation. A
lar study was performed by Bhuyan et al. (Bhuyan et al., 2017) assessing significant decrease in the proportion of natural killer (NK) cells and
the anti-cancer activity of Eucalytpus microcorys F.Muell. (E. microcorys) B cells/ B lymphocytes in the blood was observed. Moreover, the au-
against pancreatic cancer which showed inhibition of cancer cells by thors reported that 30 mg/kg and 100 mg/ kg doses of Eucalyptus ex-
Caspase 3/7-mediated apoptosis and morphological changes of the cell tract had an up-regulation effect on CD8, which may help the body fight
(shrinkage, rounding, and membrane blebbing). Deeper insights into the inflammation. During primary respiratory virus infections, CD8 T cells
mechanism of action of E. microcorys against pancreatic cells were fur- play a very crucial role in immune memory (Retamal-Díaz et al., 2019;
ther given by the same group of researchers (Bhuyan et al., 2018). Au- Zhang and Bevan, 2011). The fact that CD8 was stimulated at a low EO
thors proposed that the anti-cancer and anti-proliferative activity of E. dose provided sufficient evidence that eucalyptol could help improve
microcorys is attributed to the initiation of apoptosis pathway by reg- immune cell memory, however, a high dose (~ 300 mg/kg) had an in-
ulating key apoptotic proteins namely Bak, Bcl-2, Bax, procaspase-3, hibitory effect on CD8, potentially lowering body immunity. Also, on
cleaved PARP, and cleaved caspase-3 in MIA PaCa-2 cells, suggesting the administration of a high dose, significant inhibition of phagocyto-
the involvement of intrinsic mitochondrial apoptotic pathway and ar- sis of rat alveolar lavage fluid macrophages was observed whereas a
rested cells at G2/M phase. E. citriodora species was studied in seven hu- medium and a low dose i.e., 100 mg/kg and 30 mg/kg respectively,
man cancer cell lines from seven different tissues, such as colon, lungs, showed no significant effect on macrophage phagocytosis. These find-
prostate, ovaries, cervix, neuroblastoma, and lastly liver by Bhagat et al ings correlated well with the in vitro study demonstrated by Serafino
(Bhagat, Sharma and Saxena, 2012). It was observed that ethyl acetate et al. (Serafino et al., 2008) which revealed that the stimulated cytokine
extract of E. citriodora exhibited antiproliferative effects by significantly generation was efficiently inhibited by EEO from human monocytes and
inhibiting growth (71-92%) at the concentration level of 100 μg/ml. lymphocytes. Furthermore, after oral administration of EEO, a signifi-
Moreover, anti-tumor effects were also demonstrated on EAC (ehrlich cant increase in monocytes, as well as an elevation in the CD 25 and CD
ascites carcinoma) and sarcoma (solid) tumor models that showed sig- 44 monocyte surface markers, was observed after 15 days. However, no
nificant tumor growth inhibition in 9 days. E. globulus EO was also inves- changes were seen in lymphocytes or granulocytes. In another study,
tigated for its anticancer, antiproliferative effects against colon cancer Nakamura et al. (Nakamura et al., 2020) demonstrated the ability of
cell lines. The authors demonstrated that E. globulus EO successfully in- EEO in reducing allergic reactions and suppressing mast cell degranu-
hibited the proliferation of colon cancer cells by inducing apoptosis and lation by downregulating IgE-Fc𝜀RI signaling. It was observed that EEO
hence might be an excellent candidate as adjuvant therapy for colon not only suppressed the degranulation of mast cells but also suppressed

N. Chandorkar, S. Tambe, P. Amin et al. Phytomedicine Plus 1 (2021) 100089

Fig. 6. Antioxidant activity of Eucalyptus for chemoprevention.

cytokines such as IL-4 and IL-13, and the production of lipid media- also observed in a dose-dependent manner. The authors suggested that
tors such as prostaglandin D2 and leukotriene C4. The authors also re- the specific transporter GLUT5 transports fructose across the intestinal
ported a reduction in the intracellular Ca2+ concentration due to the brush boundary membrane and inhibits intestinal fructose absorption
suppression of PLC𝛾 and p38 which can be attributed to the presence of thereby preventing adiposity in subjects who consume significant quan-
1,8-cineole in EEO. Also, 1,8-cineole dependent inhibition of PGD2 and tities of sucrose and fructose. Fructokinase metabolizes fructose in the
LTC4 production by pathways other than inhibition of PLA2 phospho- liver, which is then split by aldolase B into glyceraldehydes and dihy-
rylation was reported. Based on these findings, the authors confirmed droxyacetone phosphate, which are glycolytic intermediates. Fructose is
that Eucalyptus oil can be extremely beneficial in the treatment of aller- more lipogenic than glucose and can supply carbon atoms for both the
gic dermatitis. The overview of the role of Eucalyptus and 1,8-cineole in glycerol and acyl parts of triglyceride molecules. The activities of fruc-
the inhibition of mast cell degranulation is shown in Fig. 7. tokinase and G6PDH are inhibited by E. globulus, preventing the activa-
tion of fructose metabolism and fatty acid synthesis caused by dietary
sucrose. In another study, E. tereticornis extracts increased glucose up-
Diabetes mellitus
take in insulin-resistant C2C12 cells and inhibited glucose production in
insulin-resistant HepG2 cells, according to Guillén et al (Guillén et al.,
Diabetes mellitus is a category of metabolic disorders marked by
2015). Also, E. tereticornis extracts exhibited a significant decrease in
hyperglycemia caused by insulin resistance, insufficient insulin secre-
fasting glucose levels as well as a notable increase in glucose toler-
tion, or excessive glucagon secretion (Blair, 2016). Eucalyptus has also
ance in a nutritional mice model which can be due to its role in the
been used as a traditional medicine for the management of diabetes
liver activating routes that favor the inhibition of glucose production,
mellitus in South America, Africa, and Iran. In a study, E. globulus was
as an insulin pathway, or activating proteins such as AMPK (5′ adenosine
studied against alloxan-induced oxidative stress in rats by Ahlem et al.
monophosphate-activated protein kinase) that inhibits the expression of
(Ahlem et al., 2009). Alloxan’s diabetogenic effect is caused by an ac-
key genes of gluconeogenesis as in the case of G6Pase. It was also ob-
cumulation of ROS, which causes toxicity in pancreatic cells, reduc-
served that E. tereticornis reduced the mRNA levels of all the cytokines
ing insulin synthesis and release (Sakurai et al., 2001). It was found
(MCP-1, TNF-𝛼, IL-1, and IL-6) and decreased the proinflammatory con-
that eucalyptol was able to restore the blood glucose to a normal level,
dition of adipose tissue in diabetic mice. Similar results with E. globulus
which was comparable with the insulin-treated group. Furthermore, a
were obtained by Gray et al. (Gray and Flatt, 1998). The author pro-
significant reduction in the liver proteins content, TBARS (thiobarbi-
posed that stimulation of insulin secretion and enhancement of muscle
turic acid reactive substances) level, an index of lipids peroxidation,
glucose uptake and metabolism may be attributed to the antidiabetic ac-
and the antioxidant activity of SOD, CAT, and GPX were observed.
tivity of the Eucalyptus species. Another species of Eucalyptus, E. camal-
Sugimoto et al. (Sugimoto et al., 2005) demonstrated that E. globulus
dulensis has proven its anti-diabetic activity by inhibiting 𝛼-glucosidase
leaf extract not only suppressed adiposity but also inhibited intestinal
and 𝛼-amylase via non-competitive inhibition (Sahin Basak and Can-
fructose absorption in rats which was induced by high sucrose diet. A
dan, 2010). 𝛼-glucosidase and 𝛼-amylase, carbohydrate hydrolysis en-
decrease in the plasma and hepatic triacylglycerol concentrations was

N. Chandorkar, S. Tambe, P. Amin et al. Phytomedicine Plus 1 (2021) 100089

Fig. 7. Overview of the Eucalyptus and 1,8-cineole in the inhibition of mast cell degranulation.

Fig. 8. The overview of anti-Alzheimer activity of Eucalyptus (1,8-cineole).

N. Chandorkar, S. Tambe, P. Amin et al. Phytomedicine Plus 1 (2021) 100089

Table 3
Current progress in the development of Eucalyptus containing formulations.

Carrier system Dosage form Results/Clinical outcomes Indication References

Liposomes Gel The results showed that the minimum Antifungal (Moghimipour et al., 2012)
inhibitory volume of the EO was 0.125
ml and 95 ± 0.57% on dermatophytes
Microemulsion Intranasal spray The human volunteers confirmed the Migraine (Tiwari and Bajaj, 2007)
soothing and calming effect of
Eucalyptus oil intranasal formulations
as compared to the blank.
Microemulsion Topical The emulsion system exhibited superior Antimicrobial (Nirmala, Rakesh and
antimicrobial properties against S. Nagarajan, 2018)
Nanoemulsion Topical Nanoemulsion was proven to be an Antimicrobial – Wound healing (Sugumar et al., 2014)
effective antibacterial agent with
improved wound healing properties
that can be attributed to the
penetration enhancing property of
Nanoemulsion Transdermal The developed NE demonstrated better Analgesic (Aziz et al., 2019)
analgesic activity of Eucalyptus globulus
EO by prolonging the pain responses of
rats towards thermal stimulus after
being put on top of a hot plate.
Nanoliposomes - The developed nanoliposomes Antimicrobial (Lin et al., 2015)
demonstrated excellent antimicrobial
activity against S. aureus.
Lipid nanocapsules Topical The authors reported that the Antifungal (Hussein et al., 2020)
encapsulation into lipid nanocapsules
enhanced the antifungal effects and
Eucalyptus oil had a significantly higher
antifungal activity compared to the
orange oil.
Composite sponges Topical The developed formulation exhibited Antimicrobial (Tang and Ge, 2017)
more rapid and efficient microbicidal
effects against S. aureus, P. aeruginosa,
and C. albicans than pure chitosan
Silver nanoparticles - The developed Eucalyptus containing Anti-bacterial, anti-oxidant, (Kiran et al., 2020)
silver nanoparticles exhibited anti-cancer
antibacterial, antioxidant, and
anti-cancer activities.
Colloidal silver - The developed nanoparticles showed Anti-cancer (colon cancer) (Zein et al., 2020)
nanoparticles dose-dependent cytotoxicity against
Caco-2 cell lines. High toxicity effects
were seen at a low concentration of 5
Nanoemulsion Topical The developed nanoemulsion was Anti-fungal (da Silva Gündel et al., 2020)
revealed superior efficacy than
miconazole for treating vulvovaginal
candidiasis in a murine model.
Nickel oxide Topical Antibacterial and anti-biofilm activity of Anti-bacterial (Saleem et al., 2017)
nanoparticles nickel oxide nanoparticles was

zymes, are the current focus to develop new anti-diabetic agents as they attenuation of raised levels of ROS and NO due to inflammation. It was
can lower the postprandial blood sugar by delaying the absorption of also observed that cineole not only caused significant suppression of
glucose (Bashary et al., 2020; Kumar et al., 2011). Based on the evi- TNF𝛼 at higher doses but also decreased IL-1b and IL-6 levels in a dose-
dence, it can be concluded that Eucalyptus species are very promising dependent manner. In addition, a reduction in the expressions of COX-2,
in the treatment of diabetes. The meticulous and detailed studies are NOS-2, NF𝜅B, and ChAT was seen. The overview of the anti-Alzheimer
further required to ensure its safety and antidiabetic potential before activity of Eucalyptus is shown in Fig. 8. Eucalyptus has also been found
entering into clinical use. to be beneficial in the treatment of anxiety. Anxiety is described as a
state of mind that is concerned about the future and is associated with
preparation for potential, unfavorable events. One of the major causes
of anxiety disorders is a low level of Gamma-amino butyric acid (GABA)
in the CNS. Serotonin (5-HT), Nor-epinephrine (NE), and dopamine, in
Insoluble amyloid beta deposits and neurofibrillary tangles provide
addition to GABA, play important roles in the pathophysiology of anx-
clear stimuli for inflammation, which plays a key role in the pathogen-
iety disorders. Anxiety disorders can be caused by damage to neuro-
esis of Alzheimer’s disease. Neuroinflammation is now recognized as a
transmitter systems due to ROS (Craske et al., 2009). Manikkoth et al.
key aspect of Alzheimer’s pathology and based on the established anti-
(Manikkoth et al., 2017) investigated the effects of E. tereticornis for the
inflammatory activity of Eucalyptus, Khan et al. (Khan et al., 2014) stud-
treatment of anxiety in a rat model. Authors reported that E. tereticornis
ied the effects of 1,8-cineole in differentiated PC12 cells with induced
exhibited anti-anxiolytic activity due to its GABA agonistic activity or
inflammation by A𝛽 25-35 . In this study, pretreatment with cineole caused

N. Chandorkar, S. Tambe, P. Amin et al. Phytomedicine Plus 1 (2021) 100089

Table 4
Patents granted for Eucalyptus-based formulations.

Patent number Patent Title References

US7048953B2 Methods and apparatus to prevent, treat and cure infections of the human (Vail, W. and Vail, 2006)
respiratory system by pathogens causing severe acute respiratory
syndrome (SARS)
US5976547A Analgesic and antiphlogistic compositions and therapeutic wrap for (Archer and Pettit, 1999)
topical delivery
CN101391108B Sympathetic nerve-stimulating fragrant compositions (Haze et al., 2005)
US6019963A Deodorizing composition containing tea tree and Eucalyptus oils (Kling and Kling, 2000)
WO2008011699A1 Eucalyptus oil based fungicid (Tessmann, 2008)
US6352727B1 Bactericide (Takahashi, 2009)
US6413555B1 Composition and method of treating nail infections (Lee, 2002)
US5998335A Herbicidal composition and method (Selga and Kiely, 1999)
US6086853A Medicated vapor candle (Michaels, 2000)
US005620695A Method and composition for treating minor skin irritations (Elliott, 1997)
US6287567B1 Method of making an herbal drink (Blount, 2001)
EP0772434B1 Method of preparing natural-oil-containing emulsions and microcapsules (Magdassi, Mumcuoglu and Bach, 1996)
and its uses
US7150888B1 Methods and apparatus to prevent colds, flus, and infections of the human (Vail, W. and Vail, 2002)
respiratory system
US6444238B1 Pain relief composition and method of relieving pain (Weise, 2002)
US5686074A Poison ivy treatment composition and method of use (Stewart, 1997)
US6159473A Sore throat spray (Watkins and Coyne, 2000)
US5970212A Waterless vaporizer (Freidel, 1999)
US20070054000A1 Anti-obestic composition (Hayashi, Nakagawa and Sugimoto, 2010)
US20030049337A1 Composition for preventing fructose absorption (Sugimoto et al., 2003)
US20030077319A1 Double-headed, closed-mouth cough suppressant and cold relief device (Huntley, 2005)
US6626673B2 Root canal filling material remover (Abiru, Sato and Takeshita, 2003)
US6582736B2 Therapeutic oil composition (Quezada, 2003)

antioxidant property. Furthermore, the effect of inhalation of Eucalyptus Eucalyptus-based formulations and patents
oil and its constituents on patients with preoperative anxiety was stud-
ied by Kim et al. (Kim et al., 2014). It was observed that not only systolic Formulations containing Eucalyptus for therapeutic application
blood pressure significantly lowered after the inhalation but a decrease Terpenes, like eucalyptol, are lipophilic molecules that increase the
in anxiety was also observed in patients inhaling 1,8-cineole as com- fluidity of stratum corneum (SC) lipids by acting on the intercellu-
pared to the control group. The authors concluded that Eucalyptus oil can lar lipid structure between corneocytes and improve drug penetration
be used to relieve anxiety. In another study, 1,8-cineole demonstrated (Furuishi et al., 2013). The overall size and degree of long-chain alkyl
the ability to lower aortic pressure and minimize Ca2+ influx through functionality may be linked to the extent of SC lipid disruption caused by
calcium channels in cardiac muscle in a rat model (Lahlou et al., 2002; terpenes (Moghadam et al., 2013). It has been reported that the boiling
Soares et al., 2005). Based on these findings, Moon et al. (Moon et al., points of terpenes play an important role in determining the efficiency of
2013) further investigated the effects of cineole on systolic blood pres- penetration enhancement (Narishetty and Panchagnula, 2004). Higher
sure (SBP), nitrite concentrations, corticosterone, Angiotensin II concen- penetration enhancement efficacy appears to be associated with ter-
trations, and oxidative stress in rats chronically exposed to nicotine. The penes having lower boiling points. When it comes to sesquiterpenes,
authors reported that cineole inhibited lipid peroxidation, reduced cell oxygenated sesquiterpenes outperform hydrocarbons in terms of drug
damage and corticosterone levels, and elevated nitric acid concentra- permeation (Moghadam et al., 2013). In addition, combining terpenes
tions. The authors suggested that cineole may also reduce Angiotensin can boost the permeation enhancement effect (Prasad et al., 2007). EOs
II concentrations. For decades, Eucalyptus extracts have been used to are assumed to transport drugs across the skin via various mechanisms:
treat a variety of infectious diseases. Okba et al. (Okba et al., 2017) in- (1) Creating a permeable layer for the transportation of the drugs by
vestigated the anti-HSV-II (herpes simplex virus 2) activity of E. siderox- disrupting the highly ordered intercellular lipid structure between cor-
ylon leaves and revealed its antiviral potential which can be attributed neocytes in SC; (2) interacting with the intercellular domain of the
to the presence of phloroglucinols, cypellocarpines, and flavonoids. The protein, which results in some conformational modifications, making
mechanism of action involved reduction in the viral replication and at- SC more permeable; (3) partitioning promotion – many solvents alter
tachment on Vero cells rather than virucidal effect. In another study, the properties of the SC, resulting in increased drug partitioning and;
the antiviral activity of E. camaldulensis was demonstrated on HSV-1, (4) increasing desmosomal connections between corneocytes or altering
HSV-2, and VZV (Varicella-Zoster Virus) by Jafar and Huleihel (Abu- metabolic activity within the skin (Williams and Barry, 2012). Eucalyp-
Jafar and Huleihel, 2017). It was observed that E. camaldulensis inhib- tus has been used as a penetration enhancer to improve skin penetra-
ited all the three tested viruses by interfering with different stages of the tion of the drugs such as Chlorhexidine (Karpanen et al., 2010), tetram-
viral infection such as inhibiting the early stages of the infection (viral ethylpyrazine (Shen et al., 2013), 5-fluorouracil (Abdullah, Ping and
adsorption/ penetration into the host cells) and probably blocking one Liu, 1996; Williams and Barry, 1989), and ketoconazole (Rajan and Va-
or more steps during the virus replication inside the host cells after their sudevan, 2012). Table 3. Represents the current progress in the develop-
penetration.Brezáni et al. (Brezáni et al., 2008) studied another species ment of Eucalyptus-containing formulations for the treatment of various
of Eucalyptus, E. globulus for its antiviral activity against HSV. Twelve diseases.
pure compounds were isolated from E. globulus and it was found that
Tereticornate A, one of the isolated compounds showed the strongest Patents on Eucalyptus-based inventions
antiviral activity against HSV – I, even stronger than acyclovir. Another Several studies are being carried out on the Eucalyptus genus for var-
isolated compound, Cypellocarpin C showed the highest activity against ious therapeutic applications. Patents granted for novel therapeutic ap-
HSV – II, greater than acyclovir as well. plications and delivery systems of Eucalyptus species are represented in
Table 4.

N. Chandorkar, S. Tambe, P. Amin et al. Phytomedicine Plus 1 (2021) 100089

Conclusion and future perspectives nano-formulations will advance beyond infancy for treating several ail-
ments, and the future developments and applications are assured to be
Eucalyptus species have demonstrated their incredible health benefits astounding. Also, activity enhancement in combination with other avail-
from ancient times till the present. 1,8-cineole is the main component able agents offers a promising strategy that may ultimately improve clin-
of EEO that is responsible for its medicinal value and biological effects ical outcomes. The context provided in this review serves as a strong
such as antibacterial, antiseptic, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti- base for the future development and utilization of Eucalyptus species to
cancer, and several other biological activities. 1,8-cineole has demon- its full potential in the field of health sciences which will encourage
strated anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activity by regulating NF-𝜅B researchers to continue making major contributions that will yield in-
and MAPK signaling pathways. Caspase, ROS, Erk, p38, μ opioid recep- teresting results in the coming years.
tors, TRP channels, etc. have also been identified as 1,8-cineole targets.
The plethora of health benefits offered by the Eucalyptus genus can act Declaration of Competing Interest
as a revolutionary breakthrough in the future of healthcare majorly re-
solving issues linked with multi-drug resistance, pain management, and The authors declare that there are no conflicts of interest.
treatment of several serious diseases including COVID-19, cancer, di-
abetes, Alzheimer’s, hypertension, etc. This review has critically ana- Author contribution
lyzed and comprehensively summarized the current state-of-art of the
Eucalyptus genus in the field of health sciences with insights into their N.C. and C.M. conceptualized the idea. N.C. and S.T. performed the
molecular mechanisms. The preclinical and clinical studies reported in literature search. N.C. and S.T. wrote the first draft of the manuscript.
the present review also confirm the therapeutic value of the genus Euca- N.C. and S.T. reviewed and revised the manuscript. C.M. and P.A. criti-
lyptus. In addition, this review has taken into consideration the various cally reviewed the manuscript. All the authors have read and approved
Eucalyptus-containing drug delivery systems and patents developed to the final version of the manuscript. All authors agree to be accountable
achieve enhanced targeting, stability, and solubility of the oil and its for all aspects of work ensuring integrity and accuracy.
active constituents.
Despite its remarkable applications which can serve as a major break- Acknowledgments
through in the arena of healthcare, the clinical translation is still in
its initiation phase and has a number of complications and drawbacks None.
linked to it. Some advanced research is required to close the existing
gaps and elucidate the benefits of Eucalyptus beyond its traditional uses References
and extend its therapeutic potential for treating a wide spectrum of
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