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-1 qEqilr (mrs ) qplsqsls6;6 e of the Dean (Academic)

,idmrd 16€ nXrq nrem,rqa dern Fr-arqn trqIrRM - a99oo8(soqo) qrrf,

Motilal Nehru National lnstitute of Technology Allah abad Prayagrg
- 21'1 004 (Up) tndia


ln accordance with the minutes of the sub-committee of the

senate (standing committee) herd
on 22.05.2024 (wednesday) at 03:00 pM in the office of Dean (Academic),
the foilowing is noiified:
The Sub-Committee of the Senate (Standing Committee) considered
the applications of ACD students
duly fon/lrarded by Chairman SUGC for taking additional courses for
Supplementary Examination 2024
and resolved to recommend that the students may be allowed to appear
in maximum of six (6) number
ofcourses in the Supplementary Examination 2024 including theory
courses and practical courses both.
The Sub-Committee of the Senate (Standing Committee) also resolved
to recommend that the students
having ACD due to non-compliance of spl/cpl requirements or both,
may also be allowed to take
maximum of two courses with "D" grade along with courses with N, F or grade.
E However the maximum
number of courses including theory courses and practical courses both in
the supplementary
Examination 2024 will be Six (6) only.

It was further resolved to recommend that in order to provide timely

academic counselling to the ACD
students so as to enable them to remove their ACD at the earliest, the following
details of ACD students
will be compiled by the departments and discussed with lhe students having
1 . Semester wise CPI/ Spl
2. Semester wise list of courses as per ACD status of students.

This notification is issued with the approval of Competent Authority.

Dr. Shwetank Parihar.
Assistant Registrar (Academic) [oftg.]

No. R 33 I acad. t2024-2s Dated : May 27 ,2024

Copy to:
o Director, MNNIT Allahabad for his kind information.
o Chairperson, SUGC.
o All Heads of Departments / Chairman, GIS Cell.
F.l. (Ex a mhation)

Dr. Shwetank Parihar.
Assistant Registrar (Academicl Ioftg.]
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