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EEE 1203: Electronic Devices and Circuits

1st Year 2nd Semester

Transistor Amplifier
Md. Ibrahim Abdullah
Computer Science and Engineering
Islamic University
• Transistor DC Amplifiers;
• CE, CB and CC Amplifiers and their Equivalent Circuits;
• Class A, Class B and Class C Amplifiers,
• Class AB pushpull Amplifier

• What is Amplifier?
– Amplification is a process of increasing the signal strength by
increasing the amplitude of a given signal without changing its
– The input signal may be a current signal, voltage signal or a power
signal; amplifier will amplify the signal without changing its

Classification of Amplifiers
Linear amplifiers are classified according to their mode of operation
1. As based on its input: (a) small-signal amplifier (b) large-signal
2. As based on its output: (a) voltage amplifier (b) power amplifier
3. As based on its frequency response: (a) audio-frequency (AF)
amplifier (b) intermediate-frequency (IF) amplifier (c) radio-
frequency (RF) amplifier
4. As based on its biasing conditions: (a) class-A (b) class-AB (c)
class-B (d) class-C
5. As based on transistor configuration: (a) common-base (CB)
amplifier (b) common-emitter (CE) amplifier (c) common-collector
(CC) amplifier

Classification of Amplifiers
• Small-signal amplifiers- Those amplifiers which handle small input
a.c. signals (a few μV or a few mV) are called small-signal amplifiers.
– Voltage amplifiers generally fall in this class.
– The small-signal amplifiers are designed to operate over the
linear portion of the output characteristics.
• Large-signal amplifiers- Those amplifiers which handle large input
a.c. signals (a few volts) are called large-signal amplifiers.
– Power amplifiers fall in this class, for example speaker
– The main features of a large-signal amplifier or power amplifier
are the circuit’s power efficiency, the maximum amount of
power that the circuit is capable of handling and the impedance
matching to the output device.

Classification of Amplifiers
• Difference Between Voltage and Power Amplifiers

• Usually Power transistors are large in size have thick base, since it
conducts more current
• While voltage amplifier is small in size and have thin base region

BJT Beta Rule
• Like transformer, resistance from one part of a transistor circuit can
be referred to another part.
• For instance, resistance of collector circuit, RL can be referred to the
base circuit and vice versa.
• Similarly resistance of emitter circuit RE may be referred to the base
circuit and, reciprocally, RB can be referred to the emitter circuit.
• The BJT Beta Rule may be used for transfer of resistance from one
part of a transistor circuit to another part.
– While referring to collector circuit resistance RL to base circuit, it
is to be multiplied by β, the ratio of collector current IC and base
current IB (Collector current, IC = βIB).

BJT Beta Rule
• While referring base circuit resistance RB to collector circuit, it is to
be divided by β.
• While referring to emitter circuit resistance RE to base circuit, it is to
be multiplied by (β + 1), the ratio of emitter current IE and base
current IB
[Emitter current, IE = IC + IB = βIB + IB =(β + 1)IB].
β may also be used in place of (β + 1) because (β + 1) ≈ β.
• Similarly, while referring base circuit resistance, RB to emitter
circuit, it is to divided by (β + 1) or β.
• The precautionary point in application of BJT Beta Rule is that only
those resistances can be transferred which lie in the path of the
current under computation. Not otherwise.

Transistor Small Signal amplifier
• Common Base Amplifier

• The E/B junction is forward-biased by VEE whereas C/B junction is

reverse-biased by VCC.
• For positive input half cycle => decrease forward bias > decrease IB
> decrease IE and IC ( times) > drop ICRC decreases > VCB increases.

Transistor Small Signal amplifier
• Various Gains of a CB Amplifier

Transistor Small Signal amplifier
Characteristics of a CB Amplifier
• Common-base amplifier has
1. very low input resistance (30 – 150 Ω),
2. very high output resistance (upto 500 K),
3. a current gain α< 1,
4.large voltage gain of about 1500,
5. power gain of upto 30 dB,
6. no phase reversal between input and output voltages.
1. CB amplifier is used in matching a low-impedance circuit to a high
impedance circuit.
2. It also has high stability of collector current with temperature

Transistor Small Signal amplifier
• Common Emitter Amplifier

1. For positive half cycle VBE is increased => increase forward bias
of base emitter junction => IB increases.
2. IC is increased => as IC = βIB, drop ICRC is increased => VCE is
• Uses: Most of the transistor amplifiers are of CE type because of
large gains in voltage, current and power.
Transistor Small Signal amplifier
Various Gains of a CE Amplifier

CE transistor amplifier has the following characteristics :

1. Produces phase reversal of input signal (1800 phase shift)
2. Moderately low input resistance (1K to 2K),
3. Moderately large output (50 K or so),
4. Current gain (β) is high (50–300),
5. High voltage gain of the order of 1500 or so,
6. Produces very high power gain (10,000 times or 40 dB),
Transistor Small Signal amplifier
• For the single-stage CE amplifier circuit shown in Fig. (a), calculate
(a) rin (b) r0 (c) Ai (d) Av and (e) Gp
(Take transistor β= 50. Neglect VBE and take re = 25 mV/IE)

Transistor Small Signal amplifier
• Common Collector (CC) Amplifier

• When positive half-cycle of the signal is applied, then -

Forward bias is increased since VBE is positive w.r.t. collector i.e.
ground => IB is increased => IE is increased => Drop across RE is
increased => Output voltage (i.e. drop across RE) is increased.

Transistor Small Signal amplifier
• Various Gains of a CC Amplifier

• Characteristics of a CC Amplifier
1. high input impedance (20-500 K),
2. low output impedance (50-1000 Ω),
3. high current gain of (1 + β) i.e. 50 – 500,
4. voltage gain of less than 1,
5. power gain of 10 to 20 dB,
6. no phase reversal of the input signal.

Transistor Small Signal amplifier
• Uses of CC amplifiers :
1. for impedance matching i.e. for connecting a circuit having high
output impedance to one having low input impedance;
2. for circuit isolation;
3. as a two-way amplifier since it can pass a signal in either
4. for switching circuits.

Transistor Small Signal amplifier
• Comparison of Amplifier Configurations
Characteristics Common Base Common Emitter Common Collector
Current gain nearly unity (α) high (β) highest (1 + β)
Voltage gain High Very high nearly unity
Power gain Moderate Highest Lowest
Input impedance Lowest Moderate Highest
Output impedance Highest Moderate Lowest
Phase reversal No Yes No

Transistor Small Signal amplifier
• The amplifying action depends on low-power input circuits
controlling the high power output circuits.
• In the CB circuit, although the input and output currents are nearly
equal, the low impedance emitter circuit absorbs less power as
compared to that which is available at the high impedance collector.
• The low base current flowing into the CE circuit (where the
impedance is a few kilo-ohms) gives rise to much higher collector
current flowing out of the high-impedance output circuit.
• The CC circuit with approximately equal input and output
resistances requires a low input current to control much larger
output current.

Amplifier Classification Based on Biasing Conditions

• Class-A Amplifier
- Output current
flows for the full
cycle of the input
signal (360°)

• Class-B Amplifier
- output current
flows for only
half-cycle (180°)
of the input signal

Amplifier Classification Based on Biasing Conditions

• Class-C Amplifier - Output

current flows less than
half-cycle of the input
signal i.e. up to 1200 or
1500 angle of conduction

• Class-AB Amplifier -
Output current flows for
appreciably more than
half cycle (1800) but less
than the entire cycle input
signal (3600) Class-AB Amplifier

Power Amplifier
• For comparing, greater collector efficiency, better power amplifier.

a.c. power output

Collector efficiency  
d.c. power input
 o
Vce I c
where Vce  rms value of signal output voltage
and I c  rms value of signal output current
VCC I C  dc biasing voltage
VCC I C  dc collector current

Class A Amplifier
• The most commonly used type of power amplifier configuration is
the Class A Amplifier.

• It has centered Q-point so that the transistor operates only over the
linear region of its load line.
• It has a conduction angle of 360°. In other words, the transistor
remains FR-biased throughout the input cycle.

Class A Amplifier
Characteristics of Class A Amplifier
1. Since the transistor operates over the linear portion of the load
line, the output waveform is exactly similar to the input waveform.
Hence, class-A amplifiers are characterized by a high fidelity of the
output. They are used where linearity or freedom from distortion
is the prime requisite.
2. Since its operation is restricted only over a small central region of
the load line, this amplifier is meant only for amplifying input
signals of small amplitude. Large signals, will shift the Q-point into
non-linear regions near saturation or cut-off and produce
3. Due to the small ac input signal amplitude, ac power output per
active device (i.e. transistor) is small.

Class A Amplifier
Characteristics of Class A Amplifier
4. The maximum possible collector efficiency of a class – A amplifier
with resistive load is 25%
5. If output transformer is used, the maximum possible overall
efficiency and maximum possible collector efficiency for a class-A
amplifier are both 50%.
In other word
• Output is similar to input i.e. distortion free
• Suitable for small signal, large signal may be distorted due to
shifting Q point
• Output power is small since input signal amplitude is small
• Maximum possible collector efficiency is 25%
• If transformer is used then overall efficiency is 50%
Class A Amplifier
Power Distribution in a Class-A Amplifier
• Total average dc power drawn by the circuit from collector battery
VCC is Pin(dc) = VCC. ICQ
• Now, this power goes to supply the following :
1. heat dissipated by the load resistor RC connected to the
collector PRC(dc)
2. the balance Ptr(dc) is given to the transistor. It is further
subdivided into :
1. ac power developed across the load resistor which
constitutes the ac power output Po(ac) = i2RC=V2/RC=Vm2/RC
2. power dissipated (in the form of heat) by the transistor
itself i.e. its collector region. It may be called Pc(dc)
• where i = rms value of the ac output current through the load,
V = rms value of ac voltage and Vm = its maximum value.

Class A Amplifier
• Power Distribution in a Class-A Amplifier

• Since, under zero-signal condition, there is no ac output power, all

the power given to the transistor is wasted as heat.
• Hence, a transistor dissipates maximum power under zero-signal

Class A Amplifier
Power Rectangle
• When input signal is
applied, the Q-point shifts
to positions Q1 and Q2
• The output current varies
around its quiescent value
from maximum value of
IC(max) to minimum value
• Collector-emitter voltage
varies from maximum
value of VCE(max) to VCE(min)
around its quiescent value
of VCEQ.

Class A Amplifier
• Rectangle 0-1-4-5
= VCC × ICQ = total average
power supplied to the
circuit by VCC battery =
Now, VCC– VCEQ = voltage
drop across load resistor RC
• Rectangle 3-4-5-6
= power lost as heat in load
resistor RC = ICQ2RC
VCEQ is the voltage drop
across the transistor itself

Class A Amplifier
• Rectangle 0-1-3-6 = VCEQ.ICQ
= power delivered to
transistor = Ptr(dc)
• Triangle 2-3-7 = ac power
across RC= Po(ac)= I2RC

• Area 0-1-2-7-6 = power

dissipated by the collector
region of the transistor =
Pc(dc) .

Class A Amplifier
Power Efficiency
Pin(dc) = Area A + B + C
Po(ac) = Area B Pc(cc) = Area C
PRc(dc) = Area A
• Amplifier efficiency or overall

• The collector efficiency is

• If VCE(max) = VCC and VCE(min) =0

Class A Amplifier

Maximum Collector Efficiency of Class A Amplifier

• When an ac signal is applied to the amplifier, the output current
and voltage will vary about the operating point Q.
• Since Q point located in center of load line then
IC = VCC/2RC and VCE = VCC/2 .

Class A Amplifier
• Power Distribution in a Class-A Amplifier
vce(p-p) VCC  Vm 
Maximum vce(p-p)  VCC rms value of vce(p-p)( rms )    rms  
2 2 2 2 2
VCC ic(p-p) VCC
Maximum ic(p-p)  rms value of ic(p-p)( rms )  
RC 2 2 2 2 RC
Maximum ac output power Po (max)  vce(p-p)( rms )  ic(p-p)( rms )
Po (max)    CC
2 2 2 2 RC 8RC
D.C. power supplied Pdc  VCC I C  VCC 
2 RC 2 RC
Po (max)
Maximum Collector efficiency   100%
 VCC 2   VCC 2 
    /   100%  1  100%  25%
  
 8RC   2 RC  4

Class A Amplifier
Transformer Coupled Class A Amplifier

• The main reason for the poor efficiency of a direct-coupled class-A

amplifier is the large amount of dc power that the resistive load in
collector must dissipate.
• This problem can be solved by using a suitable transformer for
coupling the load (say, a speaker) to the amplifier

Class A Amplifier
Transformer Coupled Class A Amplifier

• Since the load is not directly connected to the collector terminal,

the dc collector current does not pass through it.
• In an ideal transformer, there is no primary drop, hence VCC = VCEQ
• All the power supplied by VCC is delivered to the transistor. Hence,
the overall and collector efficiencies become equal.

Class A Amplifier
Transformer Coupled Class A Amplifier

Class A Amplifiers
Advantages of Class A Amplifiers
• The current flows for complete input cycle
• It can amplify small signals
• The output is same as input
• No distortion is present
• Simple Design

Disadvantages of Class A Amplifiers

• Low power output
• Low collector efficiency

Stages of A Practical Power Amplifier

• The function of a practical power amplifier is to amplify a weak

signal until sufficient power is available to operate a loudspeaker or
other output device.
• A power amplifier has generally three stages – (1) voltage
amplification stage, (2) driver stage and (3) output stage
• Voltage amplification stage- The signals found in practice have
extremely low voltage level (< 10 mV). Therefore, the voltage level
of the weak signal is raised by two or more voltage amplifiers.
Generally, RC coupling is employed for this purpose.

Stages of A Practical Power Amplifier

• Driver stage- The output from the last voltage amplification stage is
fed to the driver stage. It supplies the necessary power to the
output stage. The driver stage generally employs class A
transformer coupled power amplifier. Here, concentrated effort is
made to obtain maximum power gain.
• Output stage- The output power from the driver stage is fed to the
output stage. It is the final stage and feeds power directly to the
speaker or other output device. The output stage is invariably
transformer coupled and employs class B amplifiers in push-pull

Class B Amplifiers

• In class B power amplifier the collector current flows only during

the positive half cycle of the input signal.
• When the signal is applied, the circuit is forward biased for the
positive half cycle of the input, the collector current flows.
• During the negative half cycle of the input, the circuit is reverse
biased, the collector current will be absent.
• Hence only the positive half cycle is amplified at the output.
Class B Amplifiers
Characteristics of Class B Amplifier
• The operating point is located at or very near the collector cut off
• The collector current flows only for one half of the cycle of the
input signal. Signal distortion is high.
• The collector current is zero when there is no input signal.
• The transistor dissipates no power with zero input signals. But, it
increases with the increase in the amplitude of input signal.
• The average current drawn by this circuit in class-B operation is
smaller than that in class-A amplifier.
• The maximum possible collector efficiency is about 50%.
• The maximum possible overall efficiency is 78.5%.
• The a.c. output power is large.

Class B Amplifiers
Why class B amplifier?
• Power efficiency of class A amplifier is 25%. It waste power in the
form of heat.
• In class B amplifier, the active device is switched off for half the
input cycle, hence the active device dissipates less power and the
efficiency is improved.
• Other hand signal distortion is high in Class B amplifier as it conduct
only half of input signal. So why do we use it?
• If the other half of the waveform can be obtained in some other
way without too much distortion, then class B amplifiers can be
used to drive most types of output device.
• In order to amplify the entire signal, two devices will be needed.
• In order to compensate these problems, the push-pull configuration
is introduced in class B amplifier.
Class B Amplifiers
(i ) Input DC Power : Pin ( dc )  VCC I dc
wher e I dc is the average or dc current drawn from the supply
If I C( max ) is the maximum or peak value of collector or output current
I C( max ) I C( max )
I dc   Pin ( dc )  VCC
 
(ii ) DC Power Loss in Load : PRc ( dc )  I dc2 RC
2 V 2 Vm2
(iii ) AC Power Output in Load : Po ( ac )  I RC  
whe re I = rms value of output ac current
V = rms value of output ac voltage
Vm = maximum value of output ac voltage
(iv ) DC Power Loss in Collector Region of Transistor
Po ( dc )  Pin ( dc )  PRc ( dc )  Po ( ac )
Po ( ac )
(v ) Overall efficiency  overall 
Pin ( dc )

Class B Amplifiers
Maximum Efficiency
I c (max)
rms value of output or collector current 
rms value of output voltage 
Hence, ac output power during half - cycle
1 VCC I c (max) VCC I c (max)
P o ( ac )  
2 2 2 4
( The factor comes in because power
is produced during one half - cycle only.)
P o ( ac ) VCC I c (max) VCC I c (max) 
 overall   
P in ( dc ) 4  4
 overall  0.785 or  overall  78.5%

Amplifier Classification Based on Biasing Conditions
Advantages of Class B amplifier.
• High efficiency when compared to the Class A configurations.
• Push-pull mechanism avoids even harmonics.
• No DC components in the output (in ideal case).
Disadvantages of Class B amplifier.
• The major disadvantage is the cross-over distortion.
• Coupling transformers increases the cost and size.
• It is difficult to find ideal transformers.
• Transformer coupling causes hum in the output and also affects the
low frequency response.
• Transformer coupling is not practical in case of huge load

Class B Push-pull Amplifiers
• Though the efficiency of class B power amplifier is higher than class
A, as only one half cycle of the input is used, the distortion is high.
• Also, the input power is not completely utilized.
• In order to compensate these problems, the push-pull configuration
is introduced in class B amplifier.
• It employs two identical transistors (Tr1 & Tr2) operating as a single-
stage of amplification.
• The base of the two CE-connected transistors have been connected
to the opposite ends of the secondary of the input transformer T1
and collectors to the opposite ends of the primary of the output
transformer T2.
• For getting a balanced circuit, the two emitters have been returned
to the centre tap of T1 secondary and VCC connected to the centre
tap on the primary of T2.
Class B Push-pull Amplifiers

• Since zero bias is required for cut-off, the two bases have been
• A push-pull amplifier is sometimes referred to as balanced

Class B Push-pull Amplifiers
• When no signal is
applied at the input, the
transistors Tr1 and Tr2
are in cut off condition
and hence no collector
currents flow. As no
current is drawn from
VCC, no power is wasted.
• When input signal is given, it is applied to the input transformer T1
which splits the signal into two signals that are 180o out of phase
with each other.
• These two signals are given to the two identical transistors Tr1 and

Class B Push-pull Amplifiers
• For the positive half
cycle, the base of the
transistor Tr1 becomes
positive and collector
current flows.
• At the same time, the
transistor Tr2 has
negative half cycle,
which throws the
transistor Tr2 into
cutoff condition and
hence no collector
current flows.

Class B Push-pull Amplifiers
• For the next half cycle,
the transistor Tr1 gets
into cut off condition
and the transistor Tr2
gets into conduction, to
contribute the output.
• Hence for both the
cycles, each transistor
conducts alternately.
• The output transformer
T2 serves to join the two
currents producing an
almost undistorted
output waveform.
Power Efficiency of Push-Pull Amplifiers
The input dc power to the amplifier is given by Pin ( dc )  VCC I dc
where I dc  Average current delivered to the amplifier
1  2Im VCC I m
I m sin d   cos  0 

I dc   Pin ( dc )  2
  0  
The output ac power supplied by the amplifier is given by
P o ( ac )  VC I C where VC and I C are the rms values of collector
voltage and current respectively
rms value of collector current I C  m and collector voltage VC  m
2 2
P o ( ac )  m m  m m
2 2 2
P V I 2VCC I m 
 overall  o ( ac ) 100%   m m  100%
P in ( dc )  2  
   V 
 overall    m  100%
 4  VCC 
This equation find the efficiency of Class - B Push Pull Amplifier.
Under ideal condition of maximum power in the load, Vm  VCC
 
 overall    100% or overall  78.5%
Class B Push-pull Amplifiers
• No power drawn by the circuit under zero-signal condition.
• In this arrangement, 180° phase difference exists between even-
order harmonics produced by each transistor, they cancel out
thereby giving an almost distortion-free output.
– This automatic cancellation of all even-order harmonics from
the output current makes class-B push-pull amplifiers highly
desirable for communication sound equipment.
• This double-ended class-B amplifier provides practically four times
the power supplied by a single-ended amplifier provided signal load
resistance remains the same.
• Class-B push-pull amplifiers are extensively used for audio work in
portable record players, as stereo amplifiers and in high-fidelity
radio receivers.
Class B Push-pull Amplifiers
Complementary Symmetry Push-Pull Class-B Amplifier
• The push-pull amplifier suffers from two disadvantages :
(i) it requires a bulky and expensive output transformer
(ii) it requires two out-of- phase input signals which necessitates an
input centre-tapped transformer or phase inverter. It makes the
driver circuitry quite complicated.
• There is another type of Class B amplifier called a Complementary-
Symmetry Class B Amplifier that does not use transformer.
• The circuit employs a NPN transistor and a PNP transistor
connected in push pull configuration.
– The term ‘complementary’ arises from the fact that one
transistor is PNP type and the other is of NPN type.
– They have symmetry i.e. both are made with the same material
and technology and have the same maximum rating.
Class B Push-pull Amplifiers
Complementary Symmetry Push-Pull Class-B Amplifier

• With no input signal, neither transistor conducts and, therefore,

current through RL is zero.

Class B Push-pull Amplifiers
Complementary Symmetry Push-Pull Class-B Amplifier
• When the input signal is applied, during the positive half cycle of
the input signal, the NPN transistor conducts and the PNP transistor
cuts off.
• During the negative half cycle, the NPN transistor cuts off and the
PNP transistor conducts.
• Obviously, this circuit is a push-pull amplifier because turning one
transistor ON turns the other OFF.

Class B Push-pull Amplifiers
Complementary Symmetry Push-Pull Class-B Amplifier
• As there is no need of center tapped transformers, the weight and
cost are reduced and the circuit becomes compact also.
• Equal and opposite input signal voltages are not required.
• It can be easily fabricated in an IC form.
• It is quite difficult to get a pair of transistors (NPN and PNP) that
have similar characteristics (or, matched transistors).
• Require both positive and negative supply voltages
• The harmonics will be developed if there is any unbalance in the
two transistors which results in the increase of distortion.

Class B Push-pull Amplifiers
Cross over distortion

Class B Push-pull Amplifiers
Cross over distortion
• Silicon transistors must have at least 0.7V of forward base-emitter
bias before they will go into conduction.
• Since in class B push-pull amplifiers the forward bias is produced by
the input signal, both of the transistors will be non-conducting (or
off), when the input signal is approximately ± 0.7 V.
• This forms a “dead band” in the input and produces crossover
distortion in the output.
• To eliminate crossover distortion, it is necessary to add a small
amount of forward bias to take the transistors to the average of
conduction or slightly beyond.
• This does slightly lowers the efficiency of the circuit and there is a
waste of standby power, but it alleviates the crossover distortion
Class B Push-pull Amplifiers
Pre-biasing To Reduce Crossover
• The problem of Crossover
Distortion can be reduced
considerably by applying a
slight forward base bias voltage
to the bases of the two
transistors via the center-tap of
the input transformer.
• The transistors are no longer
biased at the zero cut-off point
but at a level determined by
this new biasing voltage.

Class AB Push-pull Amplifiers
Class AB Power Amplifier
• Class A has the problem of low
efficiency and class B has distortion
• Class AB eliminate these two
• The conduction angle of class AB
amplifier is somewhere between
180o to 360o depending upon the
operating point selected.
• The small bias voltage given using
diodes D1 and D2.
• The crossover distortion created by
class B is overcome by this class AB,
Class C Power Amplifier
• In class C power amplifier the collector current flows for less than
half cycle of the input signal.
• It is generally around 90o, which means the transistor remains idle
for more than half of the input signal.
• This kind of biasing gives a much improved efficiency of around 80%
to the amplifier, but introduces heavy distortion in the output
• Using the class C amplifier, the pulses produced at its output can be
converted to complete sine wave of a particular frequency by using
LC circuits in its collector circuit.
• The Class C amplifier is used in the applications like RF oscillators,
RF amplifier, FM transmitters, Booster amplifiers, High frequency
repeaters and Tuned amplifiers

Class C Power Amplifier

Transformer-coupled class C amplifier

• Electrical Technology (Volume IV)- B.L. Therja
• Principle of Electronics – V. K. Meheta


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