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First Semester Examination - March 2021 Paper = 90%

Subject : Islam Oral = 10%
Class : 1 ....... Total = 100%
Duration : 2 periods Date : ....................................
Candidate's name : ................................................................. Admission no : .........................

1. Underline the correct answer.

(i) Allah has ----------------------- beautiful names.

(a) 3 (b) 99

(ii) The Holy Quran is the words of ----------------------------.

(a) Allah (b) Imam

(iii) Before we eat we say --------------------------.

(a) Alhamdullilah (b) Bismillah

(iv) People called Prophet Muhammed ( ) -----------------------.

(a) Al-Ameen (b) Abdullah

(v) We worship ----------------------------.

(a) Prophets (b) Allah

[Total = 3 x 5 = 15 marks]

Grade 1 Islam - March 2021 Page 1


2. Tick Right (  ) or Wrong ( × ).

(i) Prophet Muhammed ( ) was the first prophet. ( )

(ii) We should be united with all. ( )
(iii) Islam teaches us to respect elders. ( )
(iv) The Masjid is not a place of worship. ( )
(v) We should recite Salawath when we hear
the name of Prophet Muhammed ( ). ( )
[Total = 3 x 5 = 15 marks]

3. Match the following.

(i) Muslims should always (a) with slippers.

(ii) We must keep our (b) regularly.

(iii) We must bathe (c) after using the toilet.

(iv) Enter the toilet (d) clothes clean.

(v) Wash the hands well (e) be clean.

[Total = 3 x 5 = 15 marks]

Grade 1 Islam - March 2021 Page 2


4. Choose the correct answer to fill in the blanks.

Allah, Arabic, silent, prophets, Adam (alai)

(i) Quran is in the -------------------------- language.

(ii) Masjid is the house of ----------------------------.

(iii) Allah created-------------------------- with clay.

(iv) We should remain ---------------------- in the masjid.

(v) Allah sent many --------------------------- to this world.

[Total = 3 x 5 = 15 marks]

5. Write the correct answer.

(i) Who is our creator?


(ii) Name two things He created.



(iii) What should we say before we start any work?


(iv) Name the book of Allah.

[Total = 2 x 5 = 10 marks]
Grade 1 Islam - March 2021 Page 3
6. Colour the boxes that shows good qualities.

(i) Help others

(ii) Keep the house clean

(iii) Don’t feed pets

(iv) Fight with my friends

(v) Put the dirt into the dustbin

(vi) Pray on time

(vii) Speak the truth

(viii) Talk back to your parents

[Total = 4 x 5 = 20 marks]


Ref: MP/CG

Grade 1 Islam - March 2021 Page 4

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