final week 10

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Western Mindanao State University


Zamboanga City


TOPIC: Nutrition in the Life Cycle and Nutrition in Health and Illnesses.

Height: 5’5’’ or 1.65m
Occupation: Call Center Agent
No. of mos. pregnant: 4months

Solution: 106lbs + 5 (4lbs)

106lbs + 20lbs
DBW=126lbs or 57 kg

Solution: 58kg/2.72 m2
BMI= 21.32 kg/ m2 (NORMAL)


STEP 1. Solution: Previous weight + Weight gain per trimester

58 kg + 3.5 kg (2nd trimester)

61.5 kg

STEP 2. Solution: DBW x Physical Activity (Sedentary/ 30kcal/kg)

61.5 kg x 30kcal/kg

1,845 kcal + 300 kcal (additional KCAL for pregnant)

TER=2,145 Kcal

IV. COMPUTE FOR CHO, CHON and FATS (65%, 15% and 20% respectively)

CHO= 2,145 Kcal x .65= 1,394.25 kcal / 4g/kcal =348.56 grams

CHON= 2,145 Kcal x .15= 321.75 kcal/ 4g/kcal=80.43 grams
+ 10 grams (additional for pregnant) = 90.43grams
FATS=2,145 Kcal x .20= 429 / 9g/kcal= 47.67grams

V. DIET PRESCIPTION: ENERGY= 2,145 kcal; CHO=348 g; CHON= 90 g and Fats= 47 g.

I. Using the data below compute the following:
Height: 5’2’’
Weight: 54kg
Date of Birth: June 17, 1992
Age: 28
Occupation: Nurse
No. of mos. pregnant: 5 months

1. Desirable Body Weight using NDAP method.

Solution: 106 lbs + 5(4 lbs)
106 lbs + 20 lbs
DBW= 126 lbs or 57 Kg

2. Body Mass Index.

Solution: 54 kg/2.46 m2
BMI = 21.95 kg/m2

3. Total Energy Requirement in Kcal.

STEP 1. Solution: Previous weight + weight gain per trimester
54 kg + 4.66 kg (2nd trimester)
58.66 kg
STEP 2. Solution: DBW x Physical Activity (Light/35kcal/kg)
58.66 kg x 35 kcal/kg
2,053.1 kcal + 300 kcal (additional KCAL for pregnant)
TER= 2, 353.1 kcal

4. Distribution of TER (Carbohydrates-65%, Protein-15%, Fats-20%)

Solution: CHO = 2,353.1 x .65 = 1,529.515 kcal/4g/Kcal = 382.38 grams
CHON = 2,353.1 x .15 = 352.965 kcal/4g/Kcal = 88.24125 grams
+ 10 grams (additional for pregnant) = 98.24 grams
FATS = 2,353.1 x .20 = 470.62/9g/Kcal = 52.29 grams

5. Additional Protein Requirement:

10 grams (additional for pregnant)

6. Diet Prescription:
a. TER = 2,353.1 kcal
b. CHO = 383 grams
c. CHON = 98 grams
d. FATS = 52 grams


 Fruits and vegetables  Raw fish

 Water  Raw eggs
 Sweet potatoes  Raw meat
 Dairy products  Organ meat
 Whole wheat bread  Caffeine
 Orange juice  Unpasteurized milk, cheese, and fruit
 Tomatoes juice
 Alcohol
 Junk foods
 Softdrinks


In coclusion I have learned that there are some foods that we should not eat during pregnancy and also food
that is being recommended while you are pregnant. I’ve also learned the computations on body mass index,
total energy requirement and many more. Pregnancy and birth can be a very special time in the life of a
woman. The nine months of pregnancy, as well as labor and delivery, are filled with many physical and
psychological changes, as well as changes in lifestyle. Each change poses a challenge that can be met
successfully when the woman shares her feelings and experiences with a partner or other supportive person
and with her physician, midwife, nurse, and childbirth educator. The importance of health care throughout
pregnancy is emphasized, because proper health care increases the likelihood of a healthy pregnancy, a
healthy baby, and satisfied parents. Check your diet from time to time and have a atleast 8 hours of sleep a
day even on your busy schedule, don’t forget to have a healthy diet and always stay hydrated.


Height: 5’5’’ or 1.65m
Occupation: Teacher


Solution: 106lbs + 5 (4lbs)

106lbs + 20lbs
DBW=126lbs or 57 kg

Solution: 56kg/2.72 m2
BMI= 20.5kg/ m2 (NORMAL)


Solution: DBW x Physical Activity (Sedentary/ 30kcal/kg)

57 kg x 30kcal/kg

1,710 kcal + 500 kcal (additional KCAL for lactating)


IV. COMPUTE FOR CHO, CHON and FATS (65%, 15% and 20% respectively)

CHO= 2,210 Kcal x .65= 1,436.5 kcal / 4g/kcal =359.13 grams

CHON= 2,210 Kcal x .15= 331.5 kcal/ 4g/kcal=82.88 grams
+ 20 grams (additional for lactating) = 102.88grams
FATS=2,210 Kcal x .20= 442 kcal / 9g/kcal=49.11grams

V. DIET PRESCIPTION: ENERGY= 2,210 kcal; CHO=359 g; CHON= 102 g and Fats= 49 g.
Using the data below compute the following:
Height: 5,3
Weight: 54kg
Date of Birth: June 17, 1992
Age: 28
Occupation: Nurse

1. Desirable Body Weight using NDAP method.

Solution: 106 lbs + 5(4 lbs)
106 lbs + 20 lbs
DBW = 126 lbs or 57 kg
2. Body Mass Index.
Solution: 54kg/2.56 m2
BMI = 21.1 (NORMAL)
3. Total Energy Requirement in Kcal.
Solution: DBW x Physical Activity (Light/35kcal/kg)
54 kg x 35 kcal/kg
1,890 kcal + 500 kcal (additional KCAL for lactating)
TER = 2,390 Kcal
4. Distribution of TER (Carbohydrates-65%, Protein-15%, Fats-20%)
Solution: CHO = 2, 390 x 65 = 1,553.3 kcal/ 4 g/ kcal = 388.37 grams
CHON = 2,390 kcal x .15 = 358.5 kcal/4 g/ kcal = 89.63 grams
+ 20 grams (additional for lactating) = 109.63 grams
FATS = 2,390 kcal x 20 = 478 kcal/9 g/ kcal = 53.11 grams

5. Additional Protein Requirement:

20 grams (additional for lactating)

6. Diet Prescription:
a. TER = 2,390 kcal
b. CHO = 89.63 grams
c. CHON = 109.63 grams
d. FATS = 53.11 grams


Nutrition in Preschool Age

Work Exercise No. 1. In order to achieve optimal growth and to meet the child’s development and
behavioural needs, foods are given in age-appropriate amounts and nutrient-dense. What recommendations
can you give to assist children in developing desirable food patterns?

Take charge by presenting mostly healthy foods, but don't teach that certain foods are "bad." You want your
preschooler to eat enough nutritious food, but you don't want to start negotiating the number of bites of dinner that
must be eaten to get dessert.At a parent's request, a preschooler may be willing to try new foods especially if mom and
dad are eating the same thing. There's nothing wrong with serving foods you know your child likes, but they shouldn't
always be on the menu. Serve a variety of foods and don't cater to a child's limited palate. Don't fall into the trap of
fixing a meal specifically for your child that is different from your own before you know it, you will be fixing two
dinners every night.It may seem illogical but it's better to present a range of foods, even if your child sometimes
refuses to eat anything on the plate. It's normal to want your child to eat at dinner, but it's also important to know that
skipping one meal will not harm healthy kids. Let your child know food will be available at the next regular meal or
snack time.

Encouraging a Healthy Diet

To encourage a well-rounded diet:
 Continue offering a variety of foods, even ones the child has rejected in the past.
 Keep healthy foods in the house and limit the availability of high-calorie, low-nutrient foods.
 Involve kids in meal preparation — for example, let them tear lettuce for a salad or help set the table.
 Create a structure for daily meals and snacks so kids don't graze all day long.
 Have regular family meals and make them pleasant times for the whole family to get together.
 Set a good example by eating a nutritious diet yourself.

Work Exercise No. 2. Why does energy need of children vary so widely at any age?
 Once a child is eating solids, offer a wide range of foods to ensure adequate nutrition. Young children are
often picky with food, but should be encouraged to eat a wide variety of foods. Trying again with new foods
may be needed for a child to accept that food. During childhood, children tend to vary their food intake
(spontaneously) to match their growth patterns. Children’s food needs vary widely, depending on their growth
and their level of physical activity. Like energy needs, a child’s needs for protein, vitamins and minerals
increase with age.

Work Exercise No. 3. What independent feeding skills would you expect a normal 18-month-old child to

 A 18 month old child is learning to feed themselves using a spoon and cup for drinking and maybe
with a fork there might be even be fewer spills than before. They are also learning on how to drink
their milk independently.

Work Exercise No. 4. What factors influence food acceptance by children?

 Availability of food
 Having a structured meal and snack schedule can help you and your child keep your hunger
in check. This helps avoid unplanned fast-food and vending-machine purchases.
 Eating routines
 Adults and children who eat regular meals tend to have better diets and be closer to a healthy
weight than those who "graze" throughout the day. One of the main barriers to planning
regular and balanced meals is a busy lifestyle. But taking the time to plan meals can help you
improve your and your child's nutrition. Family meals are an important time to share and
discuss the day's events. They also teach children what balanced meals look like.
 Food Marketing
 Marketing creates a desire for many less-than-nutritious foods. Snack foods—marketed not
for their nutritional value, but for their fun and tast often replace the healthier foods we could
be eating. Foods advertised on television during children's shows tend to have very little
nutritional value. Marketing also caters to a busy lifestyle. Grocery store shelves are crowded
with frozen meals, microwavable meals, instant soups and stews, and prepackaged lunches.
These foods usually contain few fruits and vegetables and are often high in fat and salt.
Marketing often targets children through tie-ins between movies, fast-food restaurants, and
toys. Children then pressure their parents to visit certain restaurants and buy foods for them
based on whether they can get a desired toy. Resist this type of marketing, and plan the meals
you know are nutritious.
 Cultural and Social meaning of food
 We may serve and eat foods because we were brought up eating them and find them
comforting. Some people eat, or don't eat, certain foods based on religious, political, or social
beliefs. Many ethnic foods can be very healthy, and they have developed over time because
they supported life.
 Emotions
 Depression, anxiety, boredom, and stress often lead to unhealthy eating habits, both in adults
and children. Sometimes attempts to change eating habits cannot succeed until we learn to
manage the emotions and stress in our lives. In children, ongoing stress can cause a change in
normal growth, leading to too much or too little weight or height gain. Fixing the problem
that is causing a child's stress (rather than resorting to a weight-loss or weight-gain diet) will
return a child to a normal growth pattern.

Work Exercise No. 5. List down the food items following the different food groups which you think
appropriate for pre-schoolers.


 Sweet potatoes
 Squash
 Carrots
 Tomato
 Cabbage
 Peas


 Apple
 Banana
 Mango
 Orange

 Fresh Milk
 Bear brand
 Yakult
 Alaska

Rice or substitute
 Porridge
 Plain rice

Meat, fish, egg or substitute

 Boiled egg
 Sunny side up
 Salmon fish
 Roasted chicken
 Fried chicken
 Beef steak
 Roasted beef


 Avocado
 Cheese bread
 Whole eggs
 Whole milk yogurt

Sugar or sweets

 Chocolate
 Cake
 Brownies
 Ice cream

Work Exercise No. 6. List feeding behavior concerns of most importance to mothers of pre-school children.
 Weight problems
 Pickiness (child eats a limited variety of food)
 Tantruming when they are refused food
 Accepting food one day but rejecting it on another
 Spitting out of food during feedings and becoming upset when food was restricted
 Food refusal (child refuses to eat specific foods)
 Struggle for control (frequent struggles with child over food)
 Positive parental behavior domains(praising child about their food intake)
Work Exercise No. 7. List snack foods appropriate for children that are supportive of a program to prevent
excessive weight gain and dental caries.
 Low-fat milk
 Fish
 Lean meats
 Egg
 Cheese
 Whole grain products
 Fruits
 Vegetables


 Good nutrition is fundamental for children’s current and future health, as well as their development
and learning. The benefits of developing healthy dietary and lifestyle patterns from an early age
onwards can positively impact on people’s nutrition and health throughout their adult lives, and
enhance the productivity of individuals and nations. Nutrition education is an important element in
an overall strategy aimed at improving food security and preventing all forms of malnutrition.
Schools (from pre-school to secondary) are ideal settings for promoting lifelong healthy eating habits
and lifestyles. Good nutrition and healthy food choices are an important component of child health
and development. The nutrition choices that young children learn to make affect them throughout
their lifetimes. The optimal time to teach nutrition is in the preschool years before unhealthy habits
are established and while children are eager to learn. We hope you enjoy sharing these ideas with
your young patients and their parents.

Nutrition in School-Age Children

Work Exercise No. 1. Lunch eaten outside the home oftentimes contribute to inadequate nutrient intake of
schoolchildren. More often than not, their packed lunches are nutritionally inadequate. Occasionally, “lunch
swapping” among children is also practiced so even if a child has nutritionally adequate lunch pack, chances
are, he will exchange it with someone else’s soft drinks or other non-nutritious foods. If you’re going to
follow this situation, what will be your advice to consider in planning packed lunches for school-age
children? List down the things on how will the packed lunches of a school-age child must be prepared and
how will some instances like what was mentioned above can be avoided.


Work Exercise No. 2. What are other feeding problems of during school-age you know? How can these
problems be minimized?


Work Exercise No. 3. List and discuss some factors that affect the food habits of children. How can good
food habits have developed among children?

Work Exercise No. 4. List food and feeding behaviour concerns of most importance to mothers of school
age children.


Work Exercise No. 5. What did you observe in public school canteens on the food that they are selling? Do
you think that these foods they are selling are appropriate for the children? Elaborate your answer.
Work Exercise No. 6. On the school lunch program being implemented in some public schools, give your
comments and recommendations.


Nutrition in Adolescence

Work Exercise No. 1. Base on this excerpt, normal adolescent growth and development as well as physical
activities and health problems involved and require increased specific nutritional needs, what will be your
effective and efficient way of eliciting this opinion?

Work Exercise No. 2. Interview 5 adolescent separately regarding their food habits. Comment on the
method of your interview. What are the possible implications of your findings?


Work Exercise No. 3. Discuss the eating patterns of Filipino adolescents.


Work Exercise No. 4. What possible strategies can you give in which you can stimulate interest in nutrition
among adolescents?

Nutrition in Adulthood

Work Exercise No. 1. During adulthood, the control of health problems requires continuing preventive care
and individual therapeutic measures with optimal nutritional support. In the field of nutrition and dietetics,
proper diet and nutrition is our concern. You as a practitioner in this field what advice can you give in order
to achieve these? List down some guidelines for proper diet and nutrition during adulthood that can be

Work Exercise No. 2. Describe various approaches to health promotion. Which do you think has the
greatest application to current health issues? Why?


Work Exercise No. 3. From what you had understood, list and describe the components of a healthy
lifestyle. How is each related to wellness or the prevention of chronic disease?

Work Exercise No. 4. Describe adult nutritional needs and factors influencing these needs. Identify and
compare three nutrient or food guidelines for meeting these needs.

Nutrition in Elderly

Work Exercise No. 1. During this stage the growing segment is considered to be the fastest, sometimes
nutrition support services is required to maintain independent healthy living. Aging brings a gradual decline
in normal physiologic functions. In order for you to get along with the discussion, it is important to know
first the physiologic changes during aging particularly with regards to nutrition. Can you name what might
be the reason of these changes during the transition from adult to elderly? What are the things to consider to
maintain or improve the nutritional status? List down some physiologic changes that an aging person
undergoes. Recall now your lesson in anatomy and physiology and relate this to nutrition and dietetics.


Work Exercise No. 2. Describe several physiologic changes that occur with normal aging. Give a
nutritional implication of each.


Work Exercise No. 3. How does the RDAs/RENI for older person differ from those of younger adults?
What are the limitations of the current RDAs/RENI for older persons?

Work Exercise No. 4. Define osteoporosis. What physiologic, socioeconomic, and dietary factors have been
related to this problem? Can osteoporosis be prevented? Explain.


Work Exercise No. 5. How may age, sex, loneliness, physical ability, poverty, and living alone influence
nutrient intake in older persons?

Nutrition in Health and Illnesses

Instructions: List the different foods allowed and avoided for the different chronic diseases.


Heart Disease




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