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Journal of Social Sciences Review (JSSR) DOI:


How to Cite This Article: Warsi, A. Z., Noreen, A., Irum, Q., Brohi, M. A., & Abbas, A. (2023). Industrial
Pollution Effects on the Lives of Residents: A Case Study of Korangi Industrial Area. Journal of Social Sciences
Review, 3(2), 1065-1074.

Industrial Pollution Effects on the Lives of Residents: A Case Study

of Korangi Industrial Area

Asif Z. Warsi Lecturer, Jinnah Sindh Medical University, Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan.

Lecturer, Environmental Science, PMAS Arid Agriculture University, Rawalpindi,

Abida Noreen
Punjab, Pakistan.

Qudsiya Irum Lecturer, Electrical Engineering, COMSATS University, Islamabad, Pakistan.

Lecturer, Shaheed Benazir Bhutto University, Shaheed Benazirabad, Nawabshah,

Maqsood Ahmed Brohi
Sindh, Pakistan .
MS Social Sciences, Sindh Madressatul Islam University, Karachi, Sindh,
Aamir Abbas

Vol. 3, No. 2 (Spring 2023) Abstract: The rapid industrialization in the Korangi Industrial Area has led to
Pages: 1065– 1074 increased levels of pollution, posing significant challenges to the lives and livelihoods
of the residents. The release of harmful pollutants, such as toxic gases and industrial
ISSN (Print): 2789-441X
waste, has raised concerns about the health, environment, and socio-economic well-
ISSN (Online): 2789-4428 being of the local population. The present research study aims to explore the extent of
pollution, its impact on the health and well-being of individuals, and the associated
Key Words socio-economic consequences. By examining the case of Korangi Industrial Area, the
study seeks to contribute to the understanding of industrial pollution's adverse effects
Industrial, Pollution, Effects,
on residents and provide recommendations for mitigating these effects. The present
Residents, Korangi, Karachi
research study employed a quantitative technique. Data was collected through a survey
based on five points Likert scale. A stratified random sampling technique was used to
Corresponding Author: select a representative sample of 150 residents from different areas within the Korangi
Asif Z. Warsi Industrial Area of 2 Km in the surrounding. Data is analysed through SPSS 26 and
results are presented in descriptive and inferential statistics. The present research
study concludes that industrial pollution in the Korangi Industrial Area has severe
detrimental effects on the lives of residents. The high levels of pollution adversely
affect their health, well-being, and socio-economic conditions.

Industrial pollution is a pressing environmental The Korangi Industrial Area is one of the
and public health concern in many urban areas largest industrial zones in Pakistan, housing a
worldwide. The detrimental effects of industrial wide range of manufacturing units, including
activities on the lives of residents have garnered textiles, chemicals, and engineering industries
significant attention from researchers, (Ali, 2018). This industrial hub plays a crucial role
policymakers, and communities. The Korangi in the country's economy, providing employment
Industrial Area, located in Karachi, Pakistan, has opportunities and contributing to export
witnessed rapid industrialization over the past earnings. However, the rapid industrial growth
few decades, leading to increased pollution levels has also brought about numerous environmental
and potential risks to the health and well-being challenges, primarily related to pollution (Abbas
of its residents (Abbas et Al., 2020). et Al., 2020). According to a study conducted by
Asif Z. Warsi, Abida Noreen, Qudsiya Irum, Maqsood Ahmed Brohi, and Aamir Abbas

Ahmed et al. (2019), the Korangi Industrial Area  To examine the impact of industrial
is characterized by high levels of air and water pollution on the health and well-being of
pollution, primarily attributed to emissions from residents.
industrial processes and inadequate waste  To investigate the socio-economic
management practices (Hayat & Abbas, 2023). consequences of industrial pollution on the
The release of toxic gases, particulate matter, and local community.
hazardous chemicals has raised concerns about  To identify the factors contributing to the
the health risks posed to the residents living in persistence of industrial pollution in the
close proximity to these industries. Furthermore, area.
the contamination of water sources, including
rivers and underground aquifers, has added to Research Questions
the environmental burden and potential health To achieve the study objectives, the following
hazards (Nafees et al., 2020; Roman & Idrees, research questions guided the research
2013).  What are the major sources and types of
The purpose of this study is to investigate the industrial pollution in the Korangi
effects of industrial pollution on the lives of Industrial Area?
residents in the Korangi Industrial Area. By  What are the health effects experienced by
examining this specific case, we aim to residents due to industrial pollution
contribute to the understanding of the adverse exposure?
consequences of industrial pollution on  How does industrial pollution impact the
individuals and their communities (Hayat & socioeconomic conditions of the local
Abbas, 2023). Through a comprehensive analysis community?
of the magnitude and sources of pollution, the  What are the underlying causes that
impact on health and well-being, and the socio- contribute to the persistence of industrial
economic implications, this study intends to pollution in the area?
provide insights and recommendations for
mitigating these effects (Abbas et Al., 2020). Significance of the Study
This study's significance lies in its contribution
Statement of the Problem: to the existing body of knowledge on industrial
The rapid industrialization in the Korangi pollution. Focusing on the specific case of the
Industrial Area has led to increased levels of Korangi Industrial Area, sheds light on the
pollution, posing significant challenges to the adverse effects of pollution on residents' lives,
lives and livelihoods of the residents. The release filling the research gap in understanding the
of harmful pollutants, such as toxic gases and socio-economic consequences. The findings and
industrial waste, has raised concerns about the recommendations can be utilized by
health, environment, and socio-economic well- policymakers, industrial stakeholders, and
being of the local population. community leaders to formulate effective
strategies for pollution control and improve the
Research Objectives: lives of residents.

Objectives of the present research study are as

follows Research Gap
 To assess the magnitude and sources of Existing literature on industrial pollution in the
industrial pollution in the Korangi Korangi Industrial Area is limited. Previous
Industrial Area. studies have primarily focused on pollution levels
and environmental impacts, neglecting the

1066 Journal of Social Sciences Review | Vol. 3 No. 2 (Spring 2023) | p-ISSN: 2789-441X | e-ISSN: 2789-4428
Industrial Pollution Effects on the Lives of Residents: A Case Study of Korangi Industrial Area

socio-economic consequences and the direct contribute to these mental health effects (Hayat
effects on residents' lives. This study aims to & Abbas, 2023)
bridge this gap by providing a comprehensive
In addition to the direct health impacts,
analysis of the effects of industrial pollution on
industrial pollution can have socio-economic
residents' health, well-being, and socio-
consequences for residents. Health-related
economic conditions.
expenses, including medical treatments and
increased healthcare utilization, can impose a
Literature Review financial burden on individuals and households.
Industrial pollution in the Korangi Industrial Moreover, the degradation of the environment
Area has significant implications for the health and the perception of living in a polluted area can
and well-being of residents. Numerous studies lead to reduced quality of life, decreased property
have examined the adverse effects of pollution values, and potential loss of economic
exposure on various health outcomes, opportunities for the community. Industrial
highlighting the need for effective mitigation pollution in the Korangi Industrial Area has
strategies. Air pollution resulting from industrial detrimental effects on the health and well-being
activities has been linked to respiratory issues of residents. Exposure to pollutants can lead to
among residents. Ahmed, Aziz, and Abbas (2019) respiratory problems, cardiovascular diseases,
found that the high levels of pollutants, such as mental health disorders, and socio-economic
sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen oxides (NOx), and challenges. Implementing effective pollution
particulate matter (PM), in the air of the Korangi control measures and promoting sustainable
Industrial Area were associated with increased industrial practices are crucial for safeguarding
respiratory symptoms, including coughing, the health and well-being of the affected
wheezing, and shortness of breath. Prolonged population ((Hayat & Abbas, 2023).
exposure to these pollutants has been linked to
Industrial pollution in the Korangi Industrial
the development or exacerbation of respiratory
Area has far-reaching socio-economic
conditions such as asthma and chronic
consequences for the local community. The
obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).
adverse effects of pollution extend beyond health
Moreover, industrial pollution has been impacts and can significantly affect various
associated with cardiovascular health effects. The aspects of individual's lives and the community
release of pollutants, such as fine particulate as a whole. One of the socio-economic
matter (PM2.5) and volatile organic compounds consequences of industrial pollution is the
(VOCs), can penetrate the bloodstream and burden of healthcare costs (Hayat & Abbas, 2023).
contribute to the development of cardiovascular Residents living in polluted areas may experience
diseases, including heart attacks and strokes increased healthcare utilization and expenditures
(Brook et al., 2010). Residents living in close due to pollution-related health conditions (Abbas
proximity to industrial sources may face an et Al., 2020). The treatment and management of
increased risk of cardiovascular morbidity and respiratory diseases, cardiovascular disorders,
mortality. Industrial pollution can also have and other pollution-related illnesses can impose
adverse effects on mental health and well-being. a financial strain on individuals and households
Studies have shown that exposure to pollutants, (Kondo et al., 2018).
particularly air pollutants, is associated with an
Industrial pollution can also lead to reduced
increased risk of mental health disorders such as
productivity and economic losses. The health
depression, anxiety, and cognitive impairment
effects of pollution, such as respiratory
(Power et al., 2017). The chronic stress and
symptoms, decreased lung function, and
inflammation induced by pollution exposure may
absenteeism from work or school, can hinder

Journal of Social Sciences Review | Vol. 3 no. 2 (Spring 2023) | p-ISSN: 2789-441X | e-ISSN: 2789-4428 1067
Asif Z. Warsi, Abida Noreen, Qudsiya Irum, Maqsood Ahmed Brohi, and Aamir Abbas

individuals' ability to perform their jobs One of the key factors contributing to the
effectively. This can result in reduced persistence of industrial pollution is inadequate
productivity and income losses for affected environmental regulations and enforcement. Ali
individuals and the local workforce (Ebenstein, (2018) emphasizes that the absence of stringent
Fan, Greenstone, He, & Zhou, 2017). regulations and lax enforcement mechanisms
Furthermore, the negative perception of living in allows industries to operate without sufficient
a polluted area can deter potential investors and pollution control measures. Weak regulatory
businesses, limiting economic growth and frameworks and limited monitoring systems can
employment opportunities in the community. enable non-compliance with environmental
The quality of life in polluted areas may be standards, leading to the continued release of
compromised, impacting the overall well-being pollutants into the environment. The lack of
of residents. The presence of industrial pollution proper waste management practices is another
can lead to a decline in the aesthetic appeal of the significant factor contributing to pollution
surroundings, reduced access to clean and green persistence. Industrial activities generate a
spaces, and diminished recreational substantial amount of waste, including solid
opportunities (Abbas et Al., 2020). These factors waste, hazardous materials, and industrial
can contribute to decreased satisfaction with the effluents. Without appropriate waste
living environment and a lower overall quality of management infrastructure and practices, such
life for community members (Hou, 2014). as waste treatment facilities and secure disposal
methods, the risk of pollution from improper
Moreover, property values in polluted areas
waste disposal increases (Ahmed, Aziz, & Abbas,
may be negatively affected. Studies have shown
that proximity to industrial pollution sources can
result in decreased property values due to Technological limitations and outdated
concerns about pollution-related health risks production processes can also contribute to
and environmental degradation (Hou, 2014). pollution persistence. Industrial units that rely
Reduced property values can have implications on outdated technologies or inefficient
for homeowners' equity and potential difficulties production processes may have higher emissions
in accessing credit or loans. In conclusion, and waste generation compared to modern and
industrial pollution in the Korangi Industrial Area more environmentally friendly alternatives. The
has significant socioeconomic consequences for lack of incentives or support for industrial
the local community (Abbas et Al., 2020). These upgrading and the adoption of cleaner
consequences include increased healthcare costs, technologies can hinder the reduction of
reduced productivity, economic losses, pollution levels (Ali, 2018; Hayat & Abbas, 2023).
compromised quality of life, and decreased Furthermore, economic considerations and cost-
property values. Addressing industrial pollution saving measures may influence the persistence of
is crucial not only for protecting residents' health pollution. Some industrial operations prioritize
but also for promoting sustainable development cost reduction over environmental sustainability,
and enhancing the socio-economic well-being of leading to practices that prioritize short-term
the community (Hayat & Abbas, 2023). financial gains at the expense of pollution
control. This can include inadequate
The persistence of industrial pollution in the
maintenance of pollution control equipment,
Korangi Industrial Area can be attributed to
improper waste disposal to avoid expenses, or
various contributing factors. Understanding
opting for cheaper but more polluting production
these factors is crucial for developing effective
inputs (Ahmed, Aziz, & Abbas, 2019).
strategies to mitigate pollution and promote
sustainable industrial practices.

1068 Journal of Social Sciences Review | Vol. 3 No. 2 (Spring 2023) | p-ISSN: 2789-441X | e-ISSN: 2789-4428
Industrial Pollution Effects on the Lives of Residents: A Case Study of Korangi Industrial Area

The complex nature of industrial pollution Methodology

and its interplay with socioeconomic factors can The present research study has adopted a
also contribute to its persistence. Industrial quantitative research approach. In order to
growth and the associated economic benefits collect the data, the researcher formulated a
may make it challenging to implement strict close-ended questionnaire. The questionnaire
pollution control measures without affecting was based on five points Likert scale. A door-to-
industrial development and employment door survey was conducted in the study area. In
opportunities. Balancing economic growth and this regard, a sample of 150 people was selected
environmental sustainability requires careful as a representative sample of residents from
consideration and coordinated efforts from the different areas within the Korangi Industrial Area
government, industries, and other stakeholders of 2 Km in the surrounding by using a systematic
(Ali, 2018). Resultantly, several factors contribute random sampling technique. However, study
to the persistence of industrial pollution in the participants were informed about the nature of
Korangi Industrial Area. These factors include the study and assured to keep their personal and
inadequate environmental regulations and provided information confidential prior to
enforcement, poor waste management practices, obtaining their consent. The obtained data was
outdated technologies, economic considerations, further analysed through SPSS 26 and results are
and the complex interplay between industrial presented in tabulation.
growth and environmental sustainability.
Addressing these factors requires a multi-faceted
Results & Discussions
approach involving robust regulatory
The results of the present research study are
frameworks, technological advancements,
presented below in tabulation.
sustainable waste management practices, and
stakeholder collaboration (Hayat & Abbas, 2023).

Table 1
Demographics of study participants
Male 69 46
Female 81 54
Age Group
18-22years 11 7.3
23-27 years 45 30.0
28-32 years 72 48.0
33-37 years 10 6.7
38 & above 12 8.0
Family members working in factory/ Industrial unit
Yes 56 37.3
No 94 62.7
Marital Status
Single 41 27.3
Married 109 72.7
Level Of Education
Primary 30 20.3
Matric 58 38.9
Intermediate 44 30

Journal of Social Sciences Review | Vol. 3 no. 2 (Spring 2023) | p-ISSN: 2789-441X | e-ISSN: 2789-4428 1069
Asif Z. Warsi, Abida Noreen, Qudsiya Irum, Maqsood Ahmed Brohi, and Aamir Abbas

Graduate & Above 17 11

Job Status
Unemployed 27 18.0
Employed 49 32.7
Student 24 16
Business 26 17.3
House Wife (if lady) 24 16

Results of Table 1 show that during the household industrial area majority of the parents prefer to
survey majority of the study participants, almost provide technical education to their wards so that
54% were female and the majority of study they can earn their lively hood at early ages and
participants 72.7% were married. Moreover, a support their families. In this regard, 62.7% of
significant number 48% of study participants respondents stated that their family members are
were 28-32 years of age group. During the working as an employee in this industrial area in
survey, a significant number of 38.9% of study different capacities as daily wagers, workers or a
participants' level of education was matric supervisor with different shift duties.
meanwhile study participants argued that due to

Table 2
Sources of industrial pollution & prevalence in the Korangi Industrial Area
Major Source of Pollution in Korangi Industrial Area
Industrial 94 62.7
Traffic 28 18.7
Domestic 28 18.7
Any Other - -
Water Pollution prevalence is dangerous to health
Strongly Disagree
Neutral - -
Agree 38 26.3
Strongly Agree 112 73.7
Air Pollution prevalence is dangerous for health
Disagree - -
Strongly Disagree - -
Neutral - -
Agree 19 13.1
Strongly Agree 131 86.9
Land Pollution prevalence is dangerous to health
Disagree - -
Strongly Disagree
Neutral 18 11
Agree 38 26.3
Strongly Agree 94 62.7

Results of Table 2 compute the variable sources Korangi industrial area. The results of the study
of industrial pollution and prevalence in the show that 62.7% of study participants stated that

1070 Journal of Social Sciences Review | Vol. 3 No. 2 (Spring 2023) | p-ISSN: 2789-441X | e-ISSN: 2789-4428
Industrial Pollution Effects on the Lives of Residents: A Case Study of Korangi Industrial Area

industrial pollution is the major source of pollution and 62.7% of study participants stated
pollution in the study area. However, 86.7% of as strongly agreed that the prevalence of land
respondents believe that the prevalence of air pollution is dangerous for their health.
pollution, 73.7% argued the prevalence of water

Table 3
Impact of industrial pollution on the Health and Well-being of Residents
The presence of industrial pollution in my area has a negative impact on my overall health.
Strongly Disagree
Neutral 14 9
Agree 14 9
Strongly Agree 122 82
The pollution emitted by industries affects the quality of the air I breathe.
Disagree - -
Strongly Disagree - -
Neutral - -
Agree 10 6.6
Strongly Agree 140 93.4
I believe that exposure to industrial pollution increases the risk of developing respiratory problems.
Disagree - -
Strongly Disagree - -
Neutral 7 4.5
Agree 14 9
Strongly Agree 129 86.5
Industrial pollution has a negative impact on the water sources in my area (e.g., rivers, lakes).
Disagree - -
Strongly Disagree - -
Neutral 9 6
Agree 13 8.6
Strongly Agree 128 85.4

Results of Table 3 compute the variable regarding argued that they strongly agree that exposure to
the impact of industrial pollution on the health industrial pollution increases the risk of
and well-being of residents. sources of industrial developing respiratory problems. Regarding the
pollution and prevalence in the Korangi quality of air significant 93.4% of study
industrial area. The results of the study show that participants stated that they strongly agree that
significant 82% of study participants stated that the pollution emitted by industries affects the
they strongly agree that the presence of quality of the air in which they breathe. Whereas,
industrial pollution in their area has a negative significant 85.4% of study participants stated
impact on their overall health. Regarding the that they strongly agree that Industrial pollution
increased risk of developing respiratory has a negative impact on the water sources in
problems, significant 86.5% of study participants their area (e.g., rivers, lakes).

Journal of Social Sciences Review | Vol. 3 no. 2 (Spring 2023) | p-ISSN: 2789-441X | e-ISSN: 2789-4428 1071
Asif Z. Warsi, Abida Noreen, Qudsiya Irum, Maqsood Ahmed Brohi, and Aamir Abbas

Table 4
Socio-economic consequences of industrial pollution on the local community
The presence of industrial pollution in the community has led to a decline in property values.
Disagree 18 12
Strongly Disagree 20 13.3
Neutral 11 7.7
Agree 15 10
Strongly Agree 86 57
The local community faces increased healthcare costs due to the health issues caused by industrial
Disagree - -
Strongly Disagree - -
Neutral - -
Agree 22 14.6
Strongly Agree 128 85.4
Industrial pollution has resulted in reduced tourism and recreational activities in the area.
Disagree 23 15.4
Strongly Disagree 19 12.6
Neutral 17 11.4
Agree 25 16.6
Strongly Agree 66 44
The presence of industrial pollution has led to a decline in the overall quality of life in the community.
Disagree 9 6
Strongly Disagree 29 19.3
Neutral 6 4
Agree 15 10
Strongly Agree 91 60.6

Results of Table 4 compute the variable regarding significant 60.6% of study participants stated
the Socio-economic consequences of industrial that they strongly agree that the presence of
pollution on the local community. The results of industrial pollution has led to a decline in the
the study show that significant 57% of study overall quality of life in the community.
participants stated that they strongly agree that
the presence of industrial pollution in the Discussions
community has led to a decline in property The present research study concluded that
values. Regarding the declining practices of significant levels of industrial pollution in the
tourism and recreational activities in the area Korangi Industrial Area. The air quality in the
significant 44% of study participants argued that area was found to be adversely affected by
they strongly agree 16.6% agree that Industrial emissions from industrial processes, including
pollution has resulted in reduced tourism and combustion of fossil fuels and industrial waste
recreational activities in the area. Regarding the burning. High concentrations of pollutants such
healthcare cost due to health issues significant as sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen oxides (NOx),
85.4% of study participants stated that they volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and
strongly agree that the local community faces particulate matter (PM) were observed,
increased healthcare costs due to the health indicating the presence of substantial air
issues caused by industrial pollution. Whereas, a pollution. Similarly, water bodies in the area were

1072 Journal of Social Sciences Review | Vol. 3 No. 2 (Spring 2023) | p-ISSN: 2789-441X | e-ISSN: 2789-4428
Industrial Pollution Effects on the Lives of Residents: A Case Study of Korangi Industrial Area

contaminated by industrial effluents containing In conclusion, the findings from this study
heavy metals, organic pollutants, and toxic highlight the detrimental effects of industrial
chemicals (Nafees et al., 2020). These findings pollution on the lives of residents in the Korangi
confirm the presence of industrial pollution and Industrial Area. The presence of significant levels
its potential impact on the lives of residents in of air and water pollution, adverse health effects,
the Korangi Industrial Area (Reddy & Behera, socio-economic consequences, and contributing
2006). factors emphasize the urgency of implementing
measures to reduce pollution and promote
The research indicates that industrial
pollution in the Korangi Industrial Area has
adverse health effects on residents. Exposure to
air pollutants, such as SO2, NOx, VOCs, and PM, Conclusion
can lead to respiratory symptoms and exacerbate Based on the study's findings, the present
respiratory conditions like asthma and chronic research study concludes that industrial
obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) (Ahmed, pollution in the Korangi Industrial Area has
Aziz, & Abbas, 2019). Furthermore, the release of severe detrimental effects on the lives of
pollutants like PM2.5 and VOCs can penetrate the residents. The high levels of pollution adversely
bloodstream and contribute to the development affect their health, well-being, and socio-
of cardiovascular diseases (Brook et al., 2010). economic conditions. The socio-economic
Mental health effects have also been observed, consequences of industrial pollution in the
with pollution exposure associated with an Korangi Industrial Area are significant. The
increased risk of depression, anxiety, and burden of healthcare costs increases as residents
cognitive impairment (Power et al., 2017; John, require medical treatments and healthcare
2002). These findings underscore the detrimental services for pollution-related health conditions.
impact of industrial pollution on the health and Reduced productivity and economic losses are
well-being of residents in the Korangi Industrial observed due to pollution-induced health issues
Area. (Ebenstein et al., 2017). The quality of life in the
area is compromised, with decreased access to
The persistence of industrial pollution in the
clean and green spaces, diminished recreational
Korangi Industrial Area can be attributed to
opportunities, and a negative perception of living
several factors. Inadequate environmental
in a polluted environment (Hou, 2014). Moreover,
regulations and lax enforcement mechanisms
property values in polluted areas may decrease,
allow industries to operate without sufficient
impacting homeowners' equity and potential
pollution control measures (Ali, 2018; Hayat &
economic opportunities (Hou, 2014). These
Abbas, 2023). The lack of proper waste
socio-economic consequences highlight the
management practices, including the disposal of
wide-ranging impacts of industrial pollution on
industrial waste, contributes to pollution
the local community. In this regard, urgent
persistence (Ahmed, Aziz, & Abbas, 2019).
measures are required to address the sources of
Outdated technologies, economic considerations
pollution and mitigate its impacts.
favouring cost reduction over environmental
sustainability, and the complex interplay
between industrial growth and environmental
To mitigate the adverse effects of industrial
concerns also contribute to pollution persistence
pollution in the Korangi Industrial Area, the
(Ali, 2018; Ahmed, Aziz, & Abbas, 2019). These
following recommendations are proposed:
factors need to be addressed to effectively
a) Implement strict emission control
mitigate industrial pollution in the Korangi
measures for industries, including the use
Industrial Area.
of advanced pollution control technologies.

Journal of Social Sciences Review | Vol. 3 no. 2 (Spring 2023) | p-ISSN: 2789-441X | e-ISSN: 2789-4428 1073
Asif Z. Warsi, Abida Noreen, Qudsiya Irum, Maqsood Ahmed Brohi, and Aamir Abbas

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