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@echo off

setlocal enabledelayedexpansion enableextensions

set "cmd.con=HKCU\Console\%%SystemRoot%%_system32_cmd.exe /v"
set gpu=core\MineColor.dll
set "ram=!tmp!\WRAM.tmp"
del "%tmp%\_$xy.bat">nul 2>&1
md Worlds >nul 2>&1
if [%1]==[ok] goto:init
Reg export HKCU\Console Backup.reg>nul
Reg delete HKCU\Console\%%SystemRoot%%_system32_cmd.exe /f>nul
for %%a in (
"FaceName /t REG_SZ /d "Terminal" /f"
"FontFamily /t REG_DWORD /d 48 /f"
"FontSize /t REG_DWORD /d 1024294 /f"
"FontWeight /t REG_DWORD /d 700 /f"
"ScreenBufferSize /t REG_DWORD /d 13107280 /f"
"CursorSize /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f"
) do (
set "param=%%a"
set "param=!param:~1!"
set "param=%cmd.con% !param:~0,-1!"
Reg Add !param! >nul
start /high cmd /q /k "%~0" ok
for %%a in (
"FaceName /f"
"FontFamily /f"
"FontSize /f"
"FontWeight /f"
"CursorSize /f"
) do (
set "param=%%a"
set "param=!param:~1!"
set "param=%cmd.con% !param:~0,-1!"
Reg Delete !param! >nul
Reg import Backup.reg>nul
Del /Q "screen.size">nul
Del /Q "Backup.reg">nul
echo Set objshell = createobject(""^)
echo Objshell.sendkeys "{Bs}"
mode con cols=64 lines=21
Title BatchCraft - Version 1.3 beta - By Honguito98^^!
for %%a in (
"����� ���� ����� ���� � .� ����� ����� ���� ����� ����� "
"� . � �. . � . �. � . � . � �. . �.. � �. . � � . �. ."
"�.. � � . .� . � .� . �. � � . . �. . � � .. � ����� . �. ."
"� ��� ������ .�. � . ����� �. . � ��� ������ � . . . �.. "
"�.. � � . �.. � � . �. � � . . �. .� � .. � �. . . � ."
"����� �. .� . � .���� � . � ����� � . � �. . � � . . �. "
" . . . __________________________ . . . . . . .. "
" . . . . �MineCraft in Batch Edition� . . . . . "
" . . . . . `--------------------------' . . . . . . ."
" . . . . . . Ver 1.3 beta . . . . . . . . ."
" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ."
" . . . . . . . . �������������Ŀ. . . . . . . ."
" . . . . . . . � Start Game � . . . . . . . ."
" . . . . . . � _______ � . . . . . . . "
" . . . . . . � / /� � . . . . . . . "
" . . . . . . � ������� � � . . . . . . . "
" . . . . . . � ������� � � . . . . . . . "
" . . . . . . � ������� � � . . . . . . ."
" . . . . . � �������/ � . . . . . . . "
" ��������������� Honguito98^^^!�") do echo.%%~a
!gpu! mouse >nul
set file=
echo.� .::{New World}::. �Start^^!� Exit �Delete �
title BatchCraft [World Selected: '!file!' ] %x%,%y% !sel.wld!
for /f "tokens=1,2,3" %%a in ('!gpu! mouse') do set/a x=%%b,y=%%c
call "!tmp!\_$xy.bat" !x! !y! 2>nul
if !y! geq 1 if !y! leq 3 if !x! geq 2 if !x! leq 34 goto:new
if !y! geq 1 if !y! leq 3 if !x! geq 36 if !x! leq 41 goto:start
if !y! geq 1 if !y! leq 3 if !x! geq 43 if !x! leq 49 exit
if !y! geq 1 if !y! leq 3 if !x! geq 51 if !x! leq 57 goto:del

!gpu! 0 0 1,4
set/a fi=4,max=17,comax=1
for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('"dir Worlds\*.bc /b 2>nul"') do (
if not !comax! geq !max! (
echo.if [%%1]==[2] if [%%2]==[!fi!] %%Gpu%% 10 0 2,!fi! O^&set "file=%%a">>"%tmp%\
echo.[ ] %%a)
set/a fi+=1,comax+=1)
set todel=
if not defined file (
!gpu! 12 4 13,10 "[Select a World Please]"
ping -n 2 localhost>nul&goto:phase2
!gpu! 12 0 13,10 "[Are You Sure?]"
!gpu! 12 0 13,11 "[Yes/No]: "
!gpu! 10 0 22,11
start wscript.exe "%tmp%\sp.vbs"&set/p todel=
if not defined todel goto:del
if /i [!todel!]==[Yes] del "worlds\!file!" >nul&goto:phase2
if /i [!todel!]==[No] goto:phase2
set file=
!gpu! 11 0 10,3 "[Name of World to create:]"
!gpu! 14 0 10,5 "-To Finish and start the game press enter-"
!gpu! 10 0 10,8 "->"
start wscript.exe "!tmp!\sp.vbs"
set/p file=
if not defined file goto:new
if exist "core\!file!" goto:new
set "file=!file!.bc"
!gpu! 10 0 8,4 "Creating !file!. This may take several seconds..."
for /l %%y in (2,1,5) do (
for /l %%x in (2,1,46) do (
if %%x leq 9 (set xc=0%%x) else (set xc=%%x)
if %%y leq 9 (set yc=0%%y) else (set yc=%%y)
set "!!!xc!,!yc!;"
for /l %%y in (6,1,25) do (
for /l %%x in (2,1,46) do (
if %%x leq 9 (set xc=0%%x) else (set xc=%%x)
if %%y leq 9 (set yc=0%%y) else (set yc=%%y)
set "!!!xc!,!yc!;"))

for /l %%# in (10,1,45) do (

!gpu! 12 4 %%#,6 $178
SET /a _rand=%RANDOM%*2/32768+1
!gpu! sleep !_rand!80
if not defined file (
!gpu! 12 4 13,10 "[Select a World Please]"
ping -n 2 localhost>nul&goto:phase2
mode con cols=48 lines=33
set clr1=
set tmp_=false
for /l %%y in (2,1,25) do (
for /l %%x in (2,1,46) do (set "clr1=!clr1!%%x,%%y;"))
title Please Wait^^!...
set clean=
for /l %%# in (1,1,30) do set "clean=!clean!."
set coord=
set "item=&call:toRAM %%c%% %%s%% %%tip%%&call:GetItem"
set "put=&call:Getplaced"
set "box.1=19,28 12 7 $176 "Brick Block""
set "box.2=21,28 10 2 $178 "Grass Block""
set "box.3=23,28 15 7 $178 "Quartz Block""
set "box.4=25,28 08 7 $178 "Boulder""
set "box.5=27,28 02 4 $177 "Wood Block""
set first=box.1
set cp.1=1252
Chcp !cp.1! >nul
!gpu! 14 6 1,1 �
for /l %%a in (2,1,46) do !gpu! 14 6 %%a,1 �
!gpu! 14 6 47,1 �
for /l %%a in (2,1,25) do !gpu! 14 6 1,%%a �
for /l %%a in (2,1,25) do !gpu! 14 6 47,%%a �
!gpu! 14 6 1,26 �
for /l %%a in (2,1,46) do !gpu! 14 6 %%a,26 �
!gpu! 14 6 47,26 �
!gpu! 14 6 07,1 ".::{BatchCraft - By Honguito98}::."
!gpu! 10 2 18,27 "�����������Ŀ"
!gpu! 10 2 18,28 "� � � � � �:�"
!gpu! 10 2 18,29 "�������������"
!gpu! 07 0 18,30 " O O O O O"
!gpu! 12 4 1,27 "[ ]Break Block"
!gpu! 11 3 1,28 "[ ]Save World "
!gpu! 13 5 1,29 "[ ]Main Menu "
!gpu! /f "worlds\!file!" || goto:phase2
copy /y "worlds\!file!" !ram! >nul
title BatchCraft: [Playing World:'!file!'] !x!,!y!
for /f "tokens=1,2,3" %%a in ('!gpu! mouse') do (
if %%b leq 9 (set x=0%%b) else (set x=%%b)
if %%c leq 9 (set y=0%%c) else (set y=%%c)
if not [!first!]==[na] (
if !x! geq 02 if !x! leq 46 (
if !y! geq 02 if !y! leq 25 (
!gpu! !c! !s! !x!,!y! !tip!
if not [%tmp_%]==[true] set tmp_=true
set coord=%coord%!x!,!y!;
if [!first!]==[na] (
if !x! geq 02 if !x! leq 46 if !y! geq 02 if !y! leq 25 (
set tmp_=false
!gpu! 0 0 !x!,!y! " "
for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('type !ram!') do (
set "ln=%%a"
if "[!ln!]"=="[!x!,!y!;]" (set "ln=#") else (set "ln=!ln:%x%,%y%;=!")
copy /y "%tmp%\" !ram! >nul
del "%tmp%\" >nul

if !y!==28 (
if !x!==19 set first=box.1%item%
if !x!==21 set first=box.2%item%
if !x!==23 set first=box.3%item%
if !x!==25 set first=box.4%item%
if !x!==27 set first=box.5%item%
if !x!==29 goto:objects
!gpu! 12 4 2,27 " "
if !y!==27 if !x!==02 goto:break
if !y!==28 if !x!==02 goto:save
if !y!==29 if !x!==02 goto:return
if [!first!]==[na] call:toram !c! !s! !tip! &set first=box.1
chcp 850 >nul
for /l %%# in (1,1,5) do (
for /f "tokens=1,2,3,4,*" %%a in ('echo.!box.%%#!') do (
if !first!==box.%%# (
!gpu! 07 0 18,30 " O O O O O"
call:getcord %%a
!gpu! 09 0 !xx!,30 O
set c=%%b&set s=%%c&set tip=%%d
!gpu! 00 0 18,31 !clean!
set "type=%%~e"
!gpu! 10 5 18,31 %%e
!gpu! %%b %%c %%a %%d
chcp !cp.1! >nul
for /f "Tokens=1,2" %%a in ('echo.%*') do set xx=%%a&set yy=%%b
if not [%tmp_%]==[true] goto:eof
set tmp_=false
set coord=
!gpu! 12 4 2,27 " "
call:toRAM %c% %s% %tip%
set count.block=1
set count=2
!gpu! 06 4 5,2 "�������������������������������������Ŀ"
for /l %%# in (3,1,13) do (
set/a count+=1
!gpu! 06 4 5,!count! "� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �"
set/a xc=!count!+1,count+=1
!gpu! 06 4 5,!xc! "�������������������������������������Ĵ"
!gpu! 06 4 5,24 "���������������������������������������"
!gpu! 06 4 5,25 "Select Blocks: [X]"
!gpu! 09 1 36,3 $219 &!gpu! 12 4 38,3 #
!gpu! 12 7 6,3 $176 &!gpu! 10 2 8,3 $178
!gpu! 15 7 10,3 $178 &!gpu! 08 7 12,3 $178
!gpu! 02 4 14,3 $177 &!gpu! 14 6 16,3 H
!gpu! 14 6 18,3 $176 &!gpu! 09 3 20,3 $178
!gpu! 13 4 22,3 $178 &!gpu! 12 4 24,3 $176
!gpu! 10 3 26,3 $176 &!gpu! 00 7 28,3 $178
!gpu! 15 7 30,3 $219 &!gpu! 12 6 32,3 $177
!gpu! 11 3 34,3 $178 &!gpu! 10 2 6,5 $005
!gpu! 13 5 8,5 $004 &!gpu! 12 4 10,5 $003
!gpu! 11 3 12,5 $001 &!gpu! 12 4 14,5 $002
!gpu! 09 1 16,5 $014 &!gpu! 14 4 18,5 $015
!gpu! 10 2 20,5 $006 &!gpu! 00 7 22,5 $009
!gpu! 14 6 6,7 $201 &!gpu! 14 6 8,7 $203
!gpu! 14 6 10,7 $187 &!gpu! 14 6 12,7 $205
!gpu! 12 4 14,7 $030 &!gpu! 12 4 16,7 $031
!gpu! 12 4 18,7 $016 &!gpu! 12 4 20,7 $017
title BatchCraft: [Current Box:!count.block!] [Past Object:!type!]
for /f "tokens=1,2,3" %%a in ('!gpu! mouse') do set/a x=%%b,y=%%c
if !y!==25 if !x!==42 (
!gpu! /f "%tmp%\clr.dat"
!gpu! /f !ram!
set first=box.1
if !y!==3 (
if !x!==6 set "desc=12 7 $176 "Brick Block"" %put%
if !x!==8 set "desc=10 2 $178 "Grass Block"" %put%
if !x!==10 set "desc=15 7 $178 "Quartz Block""%put%
if !x!==12 set "desc=08 7 $178 "Boulder"" %put%
if !x!==14 set "desc=02 4 $177 "Wood Block"" %put%
if !x!==16 set "desc=14 6 H "Stair"" %put%
if !x!==18 set "desc=14 6 $176 "Yellow Wool"" %put%
if !x!==20 set "desc=09 3 $178 "Blue Wool"" %put%
if !x!==22 set "desc=13 4 $178 "Pink Wool"" %put%
if !x!==24 set "desc=12 4 $176 "Red Wool"" %put%
if !x!==26 set "desc=10 3 $176 "Green Wool"" %put%
if !x!==28 set "desc=00 7 $178 "Black Wool"" %put%
if !x!==30 set "desc=15 7 $219 "Snow Block"" %put%
if !x!==32 set "desc=12 6 $177 "Orange Wool"" %put%
if !x!==34 set "desc=11 3 $178 "Sky Block"" %put%
if !x!==36 set "desc=09 1 $219 "Water Block"" %put%
if !x!==38 set "desc=12 4 # "Lava Block"" %put%
if !y!==5 (
if !x!==6 set "desc=10 2 $005 "Clover Block"" %put%
if !x!==8 set "desc=13 5 $004 "Micro Diamond""%put%
if !x!==10 set "desc=12 4 $003 "Heart Block"" %put%
if !x!==12 set "desc=11 3 $001 "Blue Monster"" %put%
if !x!==14 set "desc=12 4 $002 "Red Monster"" %put%
if !x!==16 set "desc=09 1 $014 "Blue Note"" %put%
if !x!==18 set "desc=14 4 $015 "Sun Block"" %put%
if !x!==20 set "desc=10 2 $006 "Micro Tree"" %put%
if !x!==22 set "desc=00 7 $009 "Circle Block"" %put%
if !y!==7 (
if !x!==6 set "desc=14 6 $201 "A Fence 45�"" %put%
if !x!==8 set "desc=14 6 $203 "A Fence 180�"" %put%
if !x!==10 set "desc=14 6 $187 "A Fence Inverted 45�""%put%
if !x!==12 set "desc=14 6 $205 "A Fence Normal 180�"" %put%
if !x!==14 set "desc=12 4 $030 "Peak Block (up^)"" %put%
if !x!==16 set "desc=12 4 $031 "Peak Block (down^)"" %put%
if !x!==18 set "desc=12 4 $016 "Peak Block (right^)"" %put%
if !x!==20 set "desc=12 4 $017 "Peak Block (left^)"" %put%
if !count.block! geq 6 set count.block=1
set first=box.!count.block!
for /f "tokens=1" %%a in ('echo.!box.%count.block%!') do set "box.coord=%%a"
set "box.!count.block!=!box.coord! !desc!"
set/a count.block+=1
call:ToRAM %c% %s% %tip%
set first=na
!gpu! 07 0 18,30 " O O O O O"
!gpu! 09 4 2,27 "O"
call:ToRAM !c! !s! !tip!
copy /y !ram! "worlds\!file!" >nul
!gpu! 10 4 1,30 "Saved sucessfully"
ping -n 2 localhost>nul
!gpu! 00 0 1,30 "Saved sucessfully"
call:ToRam !c! !s! !tip!
copy /y !ram! "worlds\!file!" >nul
!gpu! 12 4 16,10 "[World Saved]"
ping -n 2 localhost>nul
mode con cols=64 lines=21

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