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First Semester Examination ­ March 2020

Subject : Christianity
Class : 1 ...........
Duration : 2 periods
Candidate's name : ........................................................... Date : ........................................

Colour the things that are part of Christianity.

(i) (ii) (iii)

Church Mosque Diwali

(iv) (v) (vi)

Christmas Temple Cross

(vii) (viii) (ix)

Holy Bible Oil lamp Jesus


Hospital [Total = 2 × 5 = 10 marks] page 2
Grade 1 Christianity contd.....from page 1
(2) Use the words in the box to label each picture.
Three kings Manger star angel Baby Jesus
(i) (ii) (iii)

---------------------- ---------------------- ----------------------

(iv) (v)

---------------------- ----------------------
[Total = 3 × 5 = 15 marks]
(3) Tick () the good fruits to be a child of God.

happy stealing love

unity pinching kind

angry frienship fighting

[Total = 2 × 5 = 10 marks] page 3
Grade 1 Christianity contd.....from page 2
(4) Circle the correct answer to each question.
(i) Who was David in this story?

girl shepherd boy old man

(ii) What did Goliath look like?

shepherd fireman giant

(iii) What weapon did David use?

tennis racket sword and shield sling and stones

(iv) David's brother was a

carpenter soldier shepherd

(v) What did Goliath do when he saw David?

laughed cried danced

[Total = 3 × 5 = 15 marks] page 4
Grade 1 Christianity contd.....from page 3
(5) Number the pictures in the correct order.

(i) Animals came in two (ii) They drifted on the

by two water

(iii) Noah built an ark (iv)Noah sent a dove from

the ark.

(v) The rain began to fall. [Total = 2 × 5 = 10 marks] page 5
Grade 1 Christianity contd.....from page 4
(6) Underline the correct answer.
(i) A small boy had ----------------------- (five / ten) loaves of

(ii) God created the ----------------------- (Sun / house) and the


(iii) We must ----------------------- (pray/ fight) every day.

(iv)Let us thank God for giving us --------------------------

(good/ bad ) friends.

(v) The wise men offered ----------------------- (food / gifts) to

baby Jesus.

[Total = 2 × 5 = 10 marks] page 6
Grade 1 Christianity contd.....from page 5
(7) Match the name of the story with the picture.

(i) Friends and relations.

(ii) The good Samaritan.

(iii) Jesus always spoke to

his father.

(iv)Thank God for the beautiful


(v) We are Gods' creations.

[Total = 2 × 5 = 10 marks]
(8) Oral test [Total = 10 marks]
(9) Sunday school attendance [Total = 10 marks]

Ref : CJ

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