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Date: July 25

5, 2018
Subject: End‐off‐Life and End
d‐of‐Sale Products

To Our Cusstomers:

mal notification that the BW

This letter serves as form W64, Flex4G‐30000, and Flex4G
G‐5000 produccts in our catallog
are classifiied as Manufacturer Disconttinued (MD) efffective today,, July 25, 20188. Milestone daates of affected
products are
a included wiithin this notice e will not acceppt orders for tthese assembliies after Septeember
e. BridgeWave
25, 2018. These
T last‐time
e buy orders are
a non‐cancellable and non‐‐returnable.

BridgeWavve will continue
e to provide warranty
w support for installedd products provvided warranties are current, and
customers may buy extended warranties for these prroducts. If a cuustomer does n
not have an acttive manufactu
warranty or
o extended waarranty, we will not offer tele
ephone/e‐maill support.

BridgeWavve will continu
ue to provide repair
r services for installed p
products until December 31,, 2023 (or earliier
should parrts from suppliiers become unavailable). Our Customer SService engineeers will also continue to field
queries until this date viaa phone, e‐mail, or the suppo
ort portal for t hese products, and provide d
downloads of u
manuals an
nd firmware. No pport for bug‐related
N new firmwaare features wiill be added; hoowever, we maay provide sup
issues until December 31
1, 2023.

00, Flex4G‐LITE, and Flex4G‐‐10000
o provide alternative solution
BridgeWavve is pleased to ns to the BW644, Flex4G‐30000, and Flex4G‐5
5000 systems w
G‐1000, Flex4G‐LITE, and Flexx4G‐10000. The
our Flex4G e Flex4G‐1000 delivers up to 1Gbps full‐duplex data
ut per radio, an
nd the Flex4G‐LLITE delivers up
p to 3Gbps fulll‐duplex data tthroughput perr radio. The Fleex4G‐
10000 is a super‐high cap
pacity 80GHz millimeter
m wave radio system
m delivering fibber capacity and performancee, and
supportingg both backhau
ul and fronthau
ul applications..

Each of the
ese radio syste
ems offers an alternative
a nd provides neetwork owners and
to fiber in dense uurban areas, an
operators with ultra‐high
h capacity optio ps to 10Gbps to meet future
ons that quickly and easily sccale from 1Gbp

BridgeWave e Communicatioons
17034 Camiino San Bernardo
San Diego, CA
C 92127
(408) 567‐6908
h requirementss. The Flex4G‐1
1000, Flex4G‐LITE, and Flex4G
G‐10000 systems support a b
broad range off
ns including fib
ber extension, replacement, or
o redundancyy; 3G/4G/5G baackhaul; fronth
haul supportingg
C‐RAN arch
hitectures; leasse line replacement; disasterr recovery; andd shared netwo


Please con nal sales directtor, reseller, orr authorized distributor should you have an
ntact your BridggeWave region ny
questions. BridgeWave Communication
C ns appreciates and values ouur business relaationship, and we look forwaard to
u with new miccrowave and millimeter
serving you m wave products, annd to meeting yyour future needs with our b
in‐class point‐to‐point baackhaul and fro
onthaul solutio


Pamela Valentine
Vice Presid
dent, Marketing
BridgeWavve Communications
End‐of‐Liffe Milestoness and Dates for
f the Bridge
eWave BW644, Flex4G‐30000, and Flex4G
G‐5000 Millim
Wave Rad

e Definition Date

e Announcemen
nt Date th he document an nnouncing end‐oof‐sale and end‐‐of‐ Jul 25, 22018
life is announced.
End‐of‐Salle – Products Last daate to order throough BridgeWavve authorized Sep 25, 2018
distribu utors, systems integrators, and channel partneers.
End‐of‐Support – Dec 31, 2023
Last daate to receive ph
hone support annd/or repair
Telephonee/Email Supportt and (or earliier should parts from
es as part of the product warrannty.
Repair Serrvices supplierrs become unavvailable)

Last Ship Date

D Last‐po
ossible ship date
e that can be reqquested of Sep 25, 2018
Wave. Actual sh hip date is depenndent on lead tiime. (plus product lead timee)

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