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1 Complete the sentences with the words in 3 Complete the sentences with the
the list. words/phrases in the list.

take I struggle I get into I give I take I ways I do

travel the world | get promoted | leave school
start a career | get a degree | start a family
1. When you __get into__ the habit of doing settle down | retire
something, you start doing something
regularly. 1. Can you __leave school__ at the age of
2. My dad wants to ____________ up having 16 in your country?
cake every day. It is very bad for you. 2. After university I want to _____________
3. I think Jill will __________ well in the for the year. I’d love to go to Africa and
talent competition this afternoon. South America.
4. Bill’s diet is very unhealthy. He needs to 3. Jamie wants to _____________ in History
change his ___________. at university.
5. We ____________ with the difficult 4. Beth and John want to ______________.
questions our Maths teachers gives us. They would love to have two children.
But it is good to be challenged. 5. You can ____________ at any age. My
6. Next year I am going to ______________ grandfather has just become a cook.
a resolution to listen to some new music. 6. Is it easy to ____________ in this
7. I would like to ___________ up a new company? I want to make progress and
hobby this summer. I like the idea of judo. earn more money.
8. You should ____________ the chance to 7. My grandma says she is never going to
apply for that job. You’d be great at it!. ____________. She is 69 and still
2 Complete the sentences with the phrases for 8. Poor Brad. He just can’t ______________.
making changes in Exercise 1. He’s lived in 12 different places in six
1. You must work harder at school. You years.
should change your ways. 4 Match the sentences halves.
2. I hope to ____________ in my exams. I
have studied a lot. 1. I spend g
3. I’ve found it really easy to ___________ 2. You look sad, __
the habit of getting up early. 3. Thanks very much, __
4. Why don’t you _____ the _____ to go 4. Do you think I __
travelling before you start university? You 5. It’s up __
may not have the opportunity again. 6. My time at university __
5. You need new hobbies. Why don’t you 7. What’s Nora __
__________ a sport? 8. Where have __
6. Learning German is difficult for me. I really
______________ it. a. you’re a star.
7. My mum wants us to _________ adding b. am up to the game?
sugar to our food. She says there is too c. you been hiding?
much sugar in food nowadays. d. to me to make the right decision.
8. Every December I _____ New Year’s e. up to these days?
___________ and every January, I break f. is almost up.
them. g. up to two hours a night doing my
h what’s up?
© Cambridge University Press Vocabulary

Answer Key

1 3

1. get into 1. leave school

2. give 2. travel the world
3. do 3. get a degree
4. ways 4. start a family
5. struggle 5. start a career
6. make 6. get promoted
7. take 7. retire
8. take 8. settle down

2 1. g
2. h
1. change your ways
3. a
2. do well
4. b
3. get into
5. d
4. take, chance
6. f
5. take up
7. e
6. struggle with
8. c
7. give up
8. make, resolutions

© Cambridge University Press Vocabulary

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