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KET 3 Speaking practice: Family and hometown

For each of the sections below, the prompts on the left show the order in which you should
structure your answers. Use the space on the right to write notes.
Example: Tell me about your mother...
Name My mother’s name is Wendy.
Age She is 47 years old.
From She is from Oaxaca City.
Job/occupation She is a teacher. She works in a high
Personality / She is tall, with short black hair and brown
description eyes. She’s a little fat. She’s very friendly.
Hobbies / Other She likes cooking. She often goes swimming
information in the evenings, after work.I love my mother
very much.

Tell me about your family.

Number of people There are ___ people in my family, my ____, my ____, my ___ (...) and me.
I have ___ siblings / brothers / sisters. ___ are older than me and ___ are
younger than me.
Names of family members My ___’s name is _______.
I have ___ sisters: my older sister’s name is ___, ...
What do they do? (Jobs)
Where do they live?
What do you all do together
in your free time?

Tell me about your hometown.
Name of your hometown
Size of your hometown
How far is your hometown
from Huajuapan? Where is
your hometown?
What places are there in your
hometown? (e.g. churches,
banks, rivers, etc.)
What do you think about your
hometown? What do you like
/ dislike about it?
* Hometown = pueblo natal, lugar de dónde siento que pertenezco

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