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26th June, 2024

ICT Department
IT Option
Level six
Year Two
Module Code: CCMRM601
CCMRM601 Assignment (Duration: 3 weeks, not later than July 17th, 2024)

1. Develop a research proposal of your own topic. Take account of all the contents covered so far and
write your final proposal in line with the guideline will be given).
Note: Each student should write a research proposal according to field he/she is interested in.



“Proposed title of your research project”

Case study (if applicable)

Submitted by: your names

REG. NO: your reg. number

Supervisor’s name: Supervisor’s name

Date (Month, year)

Table of Contents

Introduction ............................................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.

Background and Context ...................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
Problem Statement .............................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
Relevance and Importance of the Research .....................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
Literature review ....................................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
Key Concepts, Theories and Studies .................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
Gaps in Existing Knowledge ..............................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
Research design and methods ................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
Research design ...................................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
Methods and Sources ..........................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
Practical Considerations ....................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
Implications and contributions to knowledge ......................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
Practical Implications .........................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
Theoretical Implications ....................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
References ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 7
Research schedule ................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
The introduction should include the following elements:
1.Background and Context
Lead the reader into the topic and scope of your research.

2.Problem Statement
Describe the theoretical or practical research problem that you want to address. What is already
known about the problem? What is missing from current knowledge?
Moreover, the problem statement states a specific issue that needs urgent attention and a possible solution. As a
researcher, show your readers how your investigation will fill or narrow the gap in existing literature. An
excellent problem statement is just a line or two. The rest of the paragraph(s) is its elaboration, discussing a
possible solution and most importantly, why it is a problem that needs urgent attention. The problem must
generate questions for the research to answer. (Faryadi,2012).

The problem statement must seek to answer the following questions:

1) What is the problem?
2) Where is the problem?
3) How can the problem be solved?
4) Why do you want to solve the problem?
5) Is the problem a current issue?
6) Will the problem persist(Continue) if it is not solved?
7) Who are affected adversely(badly) by the problem?
8) Will this problem prove or disprove(contradict) existing knowledge?
In short, the problem statement describes an existing issue which is so grave that it must be addressed. Generate
questions about your problem statement and try to answer these questions to prove or disprove your research
problem. Hence, the research problem is the mains part of any scientific enquiry(Jacobs,2013).
3.Research Questions/Hypothesis
The end of this study is to respond on the following research questions:
State the specific question(s) that you aim to answer.
4. General objective
The general objective is a statement that summarizes the central idea and purpose of a work
“the general objective of the research is to generate the attendance management system to IPRC
5.Specific objectives
The specific objectives detail the processes necessary for the complete performance of the work.

• Design database and tables that will contains all information about attendance management
• Make forms for providing interaction between end users and attendance management system

• ………………
• ……………….

II. Literature review

The literature review summarizes, compares and critiques the most relevant scholarly sources on the
topic. There are many different ways to structure a literature review, but it should explore:

1.Key Concepts, Theories and Studies

Compare, contrast, and establish the theories and concepts that will be most important for your

2.Key Debates and Controversies

Identify points of conflict and situate your own position.
3.Gaps in Existing Knowledge
Show what is missing and how your project will fit in.

III. Research design/Methodology and methods

Here you should explain your approach to the research and describe exactly what steps you will take
to answer your questions.

1.Research design
Explain how you will design the research. Qualitative or quantitative? Original data collection or
primary/secondary sources? Descriptive, correlational or experimental?

2.Methods and Sources

Describe the tools, procedures, participants and sources of the research. When, where and how will
you collect, select and analyze data?
Explain how you will solve the problem while conducting your study.
4.Practical Considerations
Address any potential obstacles, limitations and ethical or practical issues. How will you plan for and
deal with problems?
IV. References

AuthorLastName, FirstInitial., & Author LastName, FirstInitial. (Year). Title of article. Title of

Journal, Volume(Issue), Page Number(s).

AuthorLastName, FirstInitial., & Author LastName, FirstInitial. (Year). Title of article. Title of

Journal, Volume(Issue), Page Number(s).

AuthorLastName, FirstInitial., & Author LastName, FirstInitial. (Year). Title of article. Title of

Journal, Volume(Issue), Page Number(s).

AuthorLastName, FirstInitial., & Author LastName, FirstInitial. (Year). Title of article. Title of

Journal, Volume(Issue), Page Number(s).

AuthorLastName, FirstInitial., & Author LastName, FirstInitial. (Year). Title of article. Title of

Journal, Volume(Issue), Page Number(s).

AuthorLastName, FirstInitial., & Author LastName, FirstInitial. (Year). Title of article. Title of

Journal, Volume(Issue), Page Number(s).

V. Research schedule

Research phase Objectives Deadline


APPENDIX 1: Transmittal Letter

APPENDIX 2: Informed Consent (Agreement)

APPENDIX 3: Proposed Budget

A detailed budget for running the project to the end must be shown. A budget is the systematic
enumeration (listing into details) of the anticipated costs of the planned inputs and activities of the
project. It involves describing explicitly every budget line to show the way it is related to the study
I. Preparation for the study

The preparation for the study is shown below in table 4:

No Item No of month Quantity Cost/Unit(RWF) Total(Rwf)
1 Airtime 5 5 4000 20000
2 Hand Book 1 2 600 1200
3 Pens 2 2 150 300
Sub_total 1 21500

Table 1: Preparation for the study

Source: own drawing
II. The survey or experimentation
No Item No of days Quantity Cost/Unit(RWF) Total(Rwf)
1 Transport 2 1 10220 20440
2 Note book --- 1 600 600
3 Pens ---------- 2 150 300
4 Airtime 150 100 200 20000
Sub_total 2 41340

Table 2: The survey or experimentation Source: own

III. Production of the report
No Description Quantity Cost/Unit(RWF) Total(Rwf)
1 Entering data(software) ---------- 25000 25000
2 Report(printing) Draft(1-44) 1600 1600
Sub_total 3 26600

Table 3: Production of the report

Source: own drawing
IV. Workshop for the report validation
No Item Quantity Cost/Unit(RWF) Total(Rwf)
1 Laptop 1 300000 300000
2 Modem 1 20000 20000
3 Paper A4 4 Reams 2500 10000
Sub_total 4 330000

Table 4: Workshop for the report validation

Source: own drawing
V. Budget summary
No Description Total(Rwf)
1 Preparation for the study 21500
2 The survey 41340
3 Production of the report 26600
4 Workshop for the report validation 330000

Table 5: Budget summary

Source: own drawing

APPENDIX 4: Questionnaire
A student should add a questionnaire in case he/she has been using a questionnaire while collecting

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