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Background of the Study

Poverty is a big problem in the Philippines. Their situation are very poor;
many of them are unemployed and their only hope for life is not easily attainable. The
shortage seems to be continuing. Social problems in the Philippines are increasing
and the population is growing rapidly. Thus, the Philippine government shows its
serious desire to reduce poverty by continuously improving the Pantawid Pamilyang
Pilipino Program (4Ps), the social assistance program and the social development plan
of the national government. In addition, the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program
(4Ps) is regulated by law. (Aquino, 2016) introduced (Senate Bill No. 687) a law to
institutionalize the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program.
Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) is Conditional Cash Transfer
(CCT) program that is implemented by Department of Social Welfare and
Development, the Department of Health, agreed by Department of Education and with
the National Economic and Development Authority. All 4ps beneficiaries in the
Philippines are provided with cash grants under this program. The program is aimed
at reducing poverty in the Philippines by ensuring every child has access to health and
education, including those under 18 years old. The government considers that this
program will make these children healthier and give them a better future. According
to the World Bank, 9 million children are currently beneficiaries of this program. The
study estimated that the program led to a poverty reduction of 1.4 percentage points
per year, which would have resulted in 1.5 million fewer poor Filipinos. Not only in
the Philippines, but also other countries have been implementing similar programs
like Argentina’s Universal Allowance for Children, Brazil’s Family Grant, and Chile’s
Solidarity System which all have reduced their poverty levels significantly (Catubig,
Dollery, & Villano, 2015).
According to the study, the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program, often
known as 4Ps, has an impact on households by minimizing child labor, providing
daily necessities, education, and health. It also shows that their program assists poor
individuals and break the cycle of poverty. (Sasis, P. L., Pelenio, E., & Dalde, M. N.,
According to a research conducted by Genaro Basas (2021) in Bagacay,
Daram, Samar, Philippines, there are more households with two children covered by
the program continue to suffer from a lack of daily basic necessities such as food,
water, clothes, and other family costs. The majority of them bought flat screen TVs,
electric fans, lights, or fluorescents, and mobile phones at the most affordable price.
Their houses or the land they live on are not owned or guaranteed by them. Most of
them couldn’t afford to buy building materials, so their homes were mostly not
concrete. Not all household recipients built toilets, and some of those that did were
substandard. Other household recipients farmed agricultural land that they did not

have. There were other household beneficiaries who cultivated agricultural land that
they didn’t own. Parents are monitoring their children’s attendance and progress at
school more often than ever. They’ve been active participants in school activities.
In Barangay Tin-Awan Mac-Arthur, Leyte which is considered as one of the
Barangay that has more than 50 members of the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino
Program or 4Ps. Based on the initial interview of the researcher, a total of 83
household 4Ps beneficiary in Barangay Tin-Awan, 40 of them are member for about
three to five years and above and already receiving cash assistance from the program.
From the results it showed that the new 4Ps beneficiaries or this are the member of the
program for less than three years are still suffering from food shortages and some of
them do not have access to clean water. In comparison to those members of program
who have been members for a long period of time, are now living in sufficient food
supply and access to safe drinking water. The researcher has find out that still there
has been no formal study was conducted in order to determine the current social status
of every beneficiaries of 4Ps in Barangay Tin-awan. As a result, the researchers are
looking forward to being able to fully analyze changes in beneficiaries’ social status.
Given the above discussions, it is evident that not only the 4Ps beneficiaries in
Barangay Tin-Awan Mac-Arthur Leyte are still experiencing deprived of food, water
and other basic necessities of a family but also for many 4Ps beneficiaries in other
places. Again, it is for this reason that the researcher is motivated to conduct the study
to determine if there had been any improvement for every 4Ps beneficiaries welfare
This proposed research aims to know and determine the impact of the
Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program on the social status of 4Ps beneficiaries in
Barangay Tin-Awan Mac-Arthur Leyte. The researcher contend that if we can be able
to know the impact of Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program to the social status of
every 4Ps beneficiaries. In doing so, the researcher would be able to assess how each
4Ps beneficiary in our barangay has improved his or her living and determine whether
any of those beneficiaries have increased their social status. In addition, the researcher
would like to know if there are 4Ps beneficiaries who are still experiencing a lack of
food and basic family needs and how the 4Ps program changes their social status.

Statement of the Problem
This study aims to determine the impact of the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino
Program on the social status of each 4Ps beneficiary in Barangay Tin-Awan Mac-
Arthur, Leyte. By analyzing the impact of the 4Ps on the beneficiaries in the said
place, the researchers hope to be able to fully analyze changes in the social status of
the beneficiaries.

Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions:

1. What is the 4Ps beneficiary demographic profile in terms of:
a. name; (optional)
b. educational attainment;
c. marital status;
d. occupation; and
e. family size
2. What is the current social status of 4Ps beneficiary in Barangay
Awan Mac-Arthur, Leyte?
3. How many 4Ps beneficiary are still suffering from lack of basic
4. Is there a significant impact of Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino
Program on
the social status of every 4Ps beneficiaries?

Research Objectives:
The main objective of this study is to analyze the impact of Pantawid
Pamilyang Pilipino Program to the social status of every 4Ps beneficiary in Barangay
Tin-Awan Mac-Arthur, Leyte.
Likewise, this study aim to find answers to the following specific objective:
1. To identify the demographic profile of the respondents;
a. name; (optional)
b. educational attainment;
c. marital status;
d. occupation; and
e. family size
2. to identify the current social status of 4Ps beneficiary in Barangay Tin-
3. to determine the number of 4Ps beneficiary who are still suffering from
lack of basic family needs; and

4. to analyze the significant impact of Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino
Program on the social status of every 4Ps beneficiaries.

Research Hypothesis
Ha: The Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) has a significant impact
to the social status of every beneficiary.

Significance of the Study

This study will benefit the following:

To the 4ps Beneficiaries

This study will do help family members of 4Ps in Barangay Tin-Awan of
getting aware of the changes that has been made because of being member of
Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program.

To the Local Government Officials

This study will be a basis of the Local Government Officials in our
municipality in monitoring the improvement of the family members of 4Ps.

To the Government
This study will be a basis of the government officials in producing new
members of the 4Ps and expanding the program.

To the Future Researchers

This study would be a guide for future researchers for them to have an idea of
the findings that will help in achieving the goals of their study.

Theoretical Framework
The Social Contract Theory of Jean Jacques Rousseau may be applied to the
Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) since it is a great instance of a social
contract in which the government offers financial subsidies to poor families in order
to satisfy their most basic needs. In exchange, grantees must meet the program’s
requirements. This theory can also be applied to this study because the purpose of this
study is to focus on the impact of the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program on the
social status of beneficiaries, and Jean Jacque Rousseau theorized that the Philippines
deals with poverty in addition to providing financial subsidies and to find the root
causes and potential causes of poverty in order to prevent further development.
Support for employment and social development are the two primary objectives of
4Ps. Livelihood support means that under a welfare program, cash and financial aid is
provided to poor households with reduced incomes for their needs. By getting out of
poverty, by meeting fundamental and essential needs such as shelter, food and
clothing. The second purpose is social development; by investing in human capital, it
aims to reverse the cycle of intergenerational poverty (Talimia and Salagubang, 2019).

Conceptual Framework


Pantawid Social
Pamilyang Pilipino Status

Marital Status
Family size

Figure 1. The Conceptual Paradigm of the Study

The figure shows the conceptual framework of the study and the independent
and dependent variables. It is shown in Figure 1, illustrating the 4Ps as the
independent variable and the social status as the dependent variable.

Scope and Delimitation
This study is limited only to determine the impact of Pantawid Pamilyang
Pilipino Program to the social status of every 4Ps beneficiaries in Barangay Tin-Awan
Mac-Arthur, Leyte. This study will consist of 4Ps beneficiary in Barangay Tin-Awan
Mac-Arthur Leyte. The participants will be chosen only if a 4Ps beneficiaries and a
bonafide resident of Barangay Tin-Awan Mac-Arthur, Leyte, member of 4Ps for three
to five years and already receiving cash subsidy from the program. Based on the
initial interview of the researcher, a total of 83 household 4ps beneficiary in Barangay
Tin-Awan, 40 of them are member for about three to five years and above and already
receiving cash assistance from the program.

Definition of Terms
This part contains code terms and their meanings operationally and
conceptually defined as used in the study.
1. Beneficiaries. As indicated in this study, it is the people whom will be
receiving cash subsidy from the program.

2. Child. Those who are below eighteen (18) years of age or over but are unable
to fully take care of themselves or protect themselves from abuse, neglect,
cruelty, exploitation, or discrimination because of physical or mental disability
or condition ( RA 7610).

3. Grantees. Those who are the recipient of every household member and who
receive the program cash assistance. It can be the mother. If the mother is
absent, the father becomes the grantee.

4. Conditional Cash Transfer. As indicated in this study, it is a program concept

that gives cash subsidy to poor families in the world.

5. Department of Social Welfare. As indicated in this study, it is one of the part

of the government that agreed to help the 4Ps beneficiaries.

6. Household. It is composed of all people living in the same dwelling, which

may or may not be a nuclear family.

7. Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program. As indicated in this study, it is the

Conditional Cash Transfer of the Philippines.

8. Poverty. It is the condition of every household beneficiary of the program in

which they cannot provide for the immediate needs of their family.

9. Social Status. It is the current socio-economic status of the household

beneficiaries defined by education, occupation, and income.

10. World Bank. As indicated in this study, it is the source/bank where the money
or cash that will be given to the beneficiaries cam from.

This chapter presents the relevant literature and studies that the researcher
gathered through an extensive literature review. The further information included in
this study is relevant to and similar to the current study.
According to Genaro Basas (2021), income, occupation, and education are the
three main indicators of socioeconomic position. Each element shows varying
correlations with various health outcomes, and specific strategies would address each
one. One of the biggest societal causes of children’s academic and general well-being
issues is still their socioeconomic situation. Once issues arise, they can be lessened by
having access to social resources. A policy or program that provides children with
social resources such as education and health care is needed in order to invest in their
human capital. Teaching children to fish will ensure that they grow up to be well-
informed and healthy citizens.
Furthermore, according to the study of Reyes et al. (2014), a substantial
portion of the Filipino population is experiencing prolonged poverty. In society,
poverty is defined as not having enough resources to meet basic needs or to survive
on a daily basis.
As Crossman (2017), stated that poverty is characterized by ongoing hunger,
limited access to healthcare and education, and social marginalization. The
Philippines, like many other countries, is deeply worried about poverty.
According to Fernandez and Abocejo (2014), the majority of Filipinos
undoubtedly struggle to provide for their families and pay for their children's
educations. Many families were struggling and unable to feed themselves, so they
forced their children to leave school in order for them to work at the family’s
employment and make things fulfill.
Thus, Garoma et al. (2017), stated that there is harm to children’s
development, wellbeing, nutrition, and overall health. Programs for conditional cash
transfers, which provide financial subsidies and help to less fortunate families,
became necessary as a result of the conditions. As a result of this, in an effort to at
least lessen poverty in the country, the government has put in place a variety of social
programs and laws. But given that nearly all of people get attracted to a more
However, Dungog-Cuizon and Cuizon (2016) explained that as most
individuals are attracted to more targeted solutions and instant results, it has shown to
be unstable and unsuccessful. One of the most well-known social programs in the
nation, the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps), was not implemented in the
Philippines until 2008.
The 4Ps is a rights-based program, according to Department of Social Welfare
and Development (2021), that aims to help poor households (HHs) with children
between the ages of 0 and 18 achieve human development goals, particularly those
related to the beneficiaries’ socioeconomic status, health, and nutrition. Ultimately,
the program hopes to help end the intergenerational cycle of poverty by enabling
beneficiary to meet these goals.

In the study of Catubig et al. (2015), since the program’s launch, numerous
families have benefited from it. Additionally, 4Ps is a social protection and aid
program that aims to promote nutrition, school attendance, and mother and child
health. Additionally, it helps to stop child labor. The program has the support and
assistance of numerous respected organizations, including the local government and
other agencies. The Program’s seven-year social case management approach, known
as the Kilos-Unlad or KU Framework, directs the process of helping 4Ps to a state of
enhanced well-being. In roughly seven years, the 4Ps beneficiaries will receive cash
grants, in line with current program implementation. This involves accomplishing the
program’s primary goal in full as well as improving and elevating the beneficiaries’
existing social status to a level of improvement and genuine success. There are ten
social case management components in all, ranging from exit and graduation to
registration. The improvement is characterized by a rise or graduation from one state
of well-being to another, from the state of surviving and making ends meet to the state
of self-sufficiency, and ultimately from poverty as the means of exit.
Additionally, by making investments in the education and health of children in
low-income households aged 0 to 18, the lead seeks to eliminate poverty. Through the
support and oversight of the healthcare practitioners, the initiative offers free access to
the barangay’s medical facilities. By encouraging every family beneficiary with
children aged 0 to 5 to receive preventative health care, this would enhance the health
and nutrition of mothers and young children. It is predicted that the children will
increase the number of visits to health centers for pregnant women and young
children, ensure that children under five years old receive regular nutrition and growth
monitoring, encourage complete immunization of infants and children under three
years old, increase child growth and reduce stunting among children under five years
old, and reduce the number of pregnancy-related complications and maternal deaths.
As one of the means, enhancing each child beneficiary of the program’s health as well
as their education will help their family’s status in society. The program’s objectives
include increasing the number of children enrolled in and attending child development
centers (CDCs), pre-schools, elementary schools, and secondary schools; lowering the
prevalence of child labor; and raising the average food expenditure rate of low-
income households, which indicates that the beneficiaries have an adequate supply of
food. Additionally, sending these children to school and keeping them under close
supervision will ensure that they have a better future waiting for them, which will act
as a lucky charm to elevate them above their current social status.
To add, a study of Genaro Basas (2021), the researchers thought that the 4Ps
had a real effect on living conditions of the nation’s household beneficiaries. These
beneficiaries don’t have equal possibilities because of the economic and social system
in which they live. By making education more accessible to them and offering them
much-needed health services, the 4Ps give them the equality they deserve. It was
based on the idea that children who are well and have received an education may
contribute positively to both their families and the nation as a whole.
Moreover, Cuesra, et. al. (2014), the program assists low-income households
and students with their financial difficulties. The program made a significant
contribution to students’ awareness and academic performance. Students will be able
to purchase school supplies and pay their school contribution through this service.
The second is accomplished by making conditions better in return for the recipients
receiving financial assistance from the program.

In addition, from the study of Mangahas et al.(2018), it was clearly explained

that the World Bank claims that the PMT targeting technology has resulted In
successful targeting results. Approximately 90% of those who benefit from the
Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program are from the bottom 40% of the population.
This result has been attained by combining a thorough and standard household
evaluation, which includes validating houses in need with nearby communities, with
geographical targeting based on poverty maps. The Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino
Program has already had a good effect on beneficiary households for over three years
since it was introduced. The conditionalities have improved the children’s health and
education, while the monetary grants assist those in poverty earn more money every
household. Anecdotal data indicates that there has been an increase in the net
education enrollment rates of children in recipient homes, as well as in the number of
children receiving vaccinations from health centers and having their worms removed
at school. Furthermore, field reports show that the development sessions and seminars
benefit the recipient households in their areas. In addition, it is mandatory for the
parent-beneficiaries to participate in mother’s class and family development sessions.
These are intended to improve their knowledge and abilities regarding fundamental
family values and parental duties, as well as to motivate them to engage in community
To add, based on the study of the International Labor Organization [ILO]
(2016), claimed that in order to meet the needs of their families, the FDS aims to
empower those who benefit from the program to become more productive as well as
accountable; improve the knowledge and skills of household beneficiaries; strengthen
marriages and parental roles and responsibilities, with a focus on children’s health,
nutrition, and education; and encourage social awareness and involvement in
community development initiatives. In doing the seminars and Family Development
Sessions (FDS), the program’s head beneficiary or grantees will not only assist each
household’s overall well-being, but they will also gain relevant learning experiences
that will improve their general knowledge, skills, and understanding. This is going to
help them maintain on path for a better future for their family and themselves. This
will genuinely prepare parents with the knowledge they will acquire and use to any
obstacles they may face, whether they be financial or family-related, by being
practical in every aspect and exercising critical thinking.
According to respondent #1 from the study of Sasis, Pelenio, Dalde (2019),
“4Ps also acts as an intermediary wherein they offer job fairs and act as the center
person,” there are also opportunities for employment through Family Development
Sessions. They provide trainings to mothers and young people who are not enrolled in
school. Some of the lessons they provide include baking, cooking, catering, sewing,
family planning, teen pregnancy, child labor, and other livelihood seminars. Because
of the 4Ps, some individuals who have completed their training have already received
employment offers; some of them are even employed abroad. Sewing, cooking,
catering, baking, and cooking classes are a few of the livelihood and skill-building

initiatives offered by the programs. Further, 4Ps organizes job fairs where individuals
who attended seminars can find employment and support their families financially.
For certain beneficiaries who wish to launch their own businesses, 4Ps also provides
interest-free capital loans.
It is clear that the 4Ps substantially improve families in meeting their
children’s needs, particularly in the area of education. With the aid of the 4Ps subsidy,
students who are beneficiaries of the program currently reside in extreme poverty are
now able to complete their coursework, including assignments, projects, and
extracurricular activities. All things considered, the beneficiaries in Barangay 211,
Zone 19, Lico Street, Tondo, Manila, are quite happy with the benefits they are
getting because, in their own expressions the program Is really helpful in helping
deprived households, particularly with their children’s education.
Additionally, as a conditional cash transfer (CCT) program, the Pantawid
Pamilyang Pilipino Program provides cash to beneficiary households only if they
agree to and are able to complete the program’s requirements. The World Bank is the
source of this data. Complying with the health and education standards of the
program, for example, can enhance its ability to reduce poverty. The households of
the beneficiaries must take specific actions to enhance the health and education of
their children in order to be eligible for the funds. These include dropping the kids off
at school, visiting the healthcare provider on a regular basis, and providing preventive
exams for expectant mothers. The Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program, like the
majority of CCT initiatives, seeks to end the intergenerational cycle of poverty by
enhancing human capital and providing additional funding to meet basic
requirements. This suggests that the program is enhancing the household
beneficiaries’ overall well-being and prospects for a better future, as well as their
physical wellness and education in particular. In general, the Pantawid Pamilyang
Pilipino Program improves the social status of those who receive it by giving them
financial support and motivating them to give their children’s health and education the
highest priority.
Moreover, the study of Millán et al. (2018), CCT program helped improve
children’s nutritional health and strengthened the users’ use of healthcare services. In
simplest terms, this helped the recipient families with parenting and caring for their
young children, which enhances the health, intellectual, and sociobehavioral
development of the kids.
Further, the core of the Philippine government’s policy for reducing poverty
and providing social safety is the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program. The CCT
program has been implemented in a number of nations as an innovative approach for
giving those who need social assistance in recent years. Such programs are
implemented in several Latin American nations, and large-scale CCT initiatives are
also being carried out in Asian nations like Bangladesh and Indonesia. The
Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) in the Philippines launched
the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program as a pilot project in 2007 as part of the
agency’s social sector reform program. In a broader sense, the program is now
considered as a means of improving government collaboration in aiding those in
poverty and raising the impact of social protection programs. In order to address
deficient human development outcomes, the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program

works in collaboration with other line agencies’ supply-side interventions, such as the
Department of Education (DepEd) and Department of Health (DOH).
It is apparent that the program is the CCT version that the Philippines
inherited from other developed nations worldwide. This makes it possible for the
nation to give low-income households the best chance possible to ensure the long-
term fulfillment of their dreams and the wellbeing of their families. Beneficiaries may
see an improvement in their quality of life in the years to come with the help of
Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino’s commitment to bettering health and education
outcomes. Similar to the reports from other CCT programs in nations other than
Philippines where they achieved positive impact of their very own version of CCT
program, the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program aims to address lacking outcomes
in education and health, especially among children, in addition to providing
immediate income support. Similar favorable benefits are expected from the Pantawid
Pamilyang Pilipino Program, considering their significant income-related inequality
in health and education indicators. This is possible provided that the program’s
implementation stays concentrated on making sure that beneficiaries follow the rules
and that the quality and amount of health and education services meet the needs of the
population, particularly that of Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program beneficiaries,
who will be affected by this in terms of their eligibility for financial aid.
One of the objectives of the Philippine 4Ps, like most Conditional Cash
Transfer Programs being implemented in different countries, is to end up the cycle of
poverty as well as meet the demands of those most in need by giving cash grants to
household recipients in order to supplement what they have financially and meet their
Furthermore, the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program can dramatically
reduce poverty in the targeted areas, according to preliminary estimates and Ex ante
simulation research. It is projected that 62% of people living in towns covered by the
first and second stages of program expansion are poor based on statistics from the
Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program. The program improves the socioeconomic
standing of those it serves by lowering rates of food insecurity, poverty, and income
inequality. In fact, the cash transfer to beneficiary households raises household
income in these areas by up to 2.6 percentage points. According to the findings,
household beneficiaries of the Pantawid Pamilya gsrant may experience a 13.3
percentage point decrease in food poverty. As a result, it can eliminate 5.5 percentage
points of food poverty overall in program regions. The Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino
Program appears to have significant potential effects on both the intensity of poverty
in the regions of focus and the income disparity of the poor. Specifically, studies
applying data from the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program estimates indicate that
the cash transfer might lessen poverty seriousness by roughly 4.3 percentage points
and the income disparity of Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program users by 5.3
percentage points. Beneficiaries of the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program have
seen an average rise in per capita inc10ome of 12%. These estimates are similar with
the findings of impact evaluations of analogous CCT programs in other nations,
despite being based on projected income estimates. Progresa communities in Mexico
saw a 17 percent decrease in poverty, whereas the Familias in Acción program in
Colombia experienced a more than 6 percent decrease in poverty. According to the
study’s findings, the program has considerably raised household income and lessened
the degree of poverty in low-income households.
On the other hand, a study of. Fernandez and Abocejo (2014), families in
extreme poverty struggle to meet their children’s and their family’s basic demands
since they are not privileged to do so. This put financial burden on the family, forcing
them to sacrifice the children’s schooling in favor of helping their parents make
finances meet. Because of this, children often quit school or, in the event that they do,
miss a lot of school. Additionally, a lot of kids from low-income households suffer
from malnutrition as a result of a shortage of food, which hinders their development
and health. In in the context of this, the government launched the cash transfer
program to assist and supply families living in extreme poverty with financial
subsidies. The main objectives are to lessen poverty, deal with the generational
transfer of poverty, and assist the families that are among the lowest of the poor. The
CCT helps its beneficiaries by providing financial aid to improve the health and
education of their children. Families in extreme poverty are given preference under
the program, and they can use the conditional cash transfer to help them with
everyday expenses, particularly basic requirements. No matter how beneficial the
training was, the CCT program participants continue to have errors and issues. The
beneficiaries lack financial understanding, and they typically spend the cash
assistance they get on purchasing needs for their homes. They used to purchase
alcohol instead of school supplies in order to satisfy their demands. The lifestyles of
the program participants have generally improved. Their kids are able to go to school
and take part in all of the extracurricular activities and classes. The program
participants are remarkably satisfied. The program participants must possess the
necessary literacy skills to manage the financial subsidies and not become entirely
dependent on these little amounts of money. In the long run, they need to be
accountable individuals who are passionate about improving their lives and achieving
the aims and objectives of the CCT program.
Moreover, the study of Dulliyao (2019) highlighted that the government
intervention aimed at reducing poverty, the Conditional Cash Transfer (CCT) Program
is evaluated. Even with a modest financial contribution, the CCT program’s
beneficiaries are able to meet their basic necessities, and they acknowledge and show
gratitude for the program. Children of members of the program can improve their
standard of living and pursue their education without hindrance through the aid
provided by the program.
According to Arriagada et al. (2018), these assist the receivers in leading
productive lives and making contributions to society. The CCT participants first saw
how the program improved their quality of life after receiving the financial grants. On
the opposite side, some 4Ps beneficiaries are still waiting to receive financial support
from the program.
However, Pambid (2017) claimed that some of the beneficiaries now can
purchase the educational materials their kids require for school. They can also
purchase the necessities for the near future. This is presently an improvement over
when they were not yet a part of the program, when the children had to miss school to
assist their parents with tasks like planting rice or selling vegetables so they could
meet their basic needs, which included food based on the study o Basas III ( 2021).
Further, based on Flores et al. (2019) study, added that in terms of medical
treatment, this is the major burden for parents who need to get their children checked
up and give them vitamins because a lot of them are undernourished and develop

harmful habits as a result of not having enough food to consume. Additionally, it has
been seen that the conditional cash transfer program enhances the academic
performance of the recipient children in terms of higher academic success, reduced
school dropout rates, and increased enrollment and attendance percentages.
As well, from the study of Sasis, Pelenio, Dalde (2019), the outcome
demonstrated how the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) affected the
household status of its participants, potentially improving each individual’s status in
society. The health area had the most influence, with an average score of 3.69, which
corresponds to verbally agreeing strongly, according to the researchers’ survey. The
program provides children with opportunity to attend and engage in livelihood
projects, consume a diet rich in nutrients, receive supplemental feeding in schools,
and receive health hygiene education, which is the reason a majority of respondents
strongly agreed.
In similar study of Vigilla, Hurtada, and Gordoncillo (2015), the recipients
claim that even in previous years, when the program was not yet in place, they always
ate a minimum of three times a day, bought nice clothes, paid their monthly expenses,
and had light at night. Concluded that although the program does not provide the
maximum amount of help for them in their daily lives, family beneficiaries primarily
give cash advances for their education, health care, and nourishment. Upon careful
examination, the total results demonstrated that the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino
Program (4Ps) achieved its main objective of improving the lives of registered
Along with that, the study of Grade (2016), stated that the vast majority of the
4P’s beneficiaries in the province of Marinduque own their homes and lots both
before and after the livelihood programs and initiatives are put into action. However,
there are abrupt changes before as well as after livelihoods projects and programs are
implemented in relation to farm animals such as the carabao, cattle, goats, pigs, and
poultry (chickens, ducks, quail, and turkeys). Farm animals can be quickly sold; for
example, a pig can be sold within three months after birth. This could cause the
unexpected changes in population between before and after. Improvements in the
income of households, food security, livestock and agricultural productivity, housing
circumstances, and financial capacities are therefore demonstrated by the impact
evaluation results. Giving farmers the technical know-how and entrepreneurial
abilities to expand and grow their enterprises, along with the local community’s
involvement, is a beneficial technique.
However, the study of Guardo (2018) explained in terms of educational
opportunities that there are 1,768 students recently completed their college education
through the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps), funded by the Expanded
Students Grants-In-Aid Program for Poverty Alleviation (ESGP-PA). Participants in
the program are expected to enroll in courses that align with the human demands
outlined in the National Development Plans.
Similarly, based on the study of Bloom (2016), this initiative assisted the
students in completing their schoolwork, and numerous individuals received their
degrees as a result. The majority of them were given leadership awards and Latin
honors. Consequently, a large number of students graduated from the program.

Overall, according to research published in the International Journal of Social
Science Research and Review (2022), the CCT program has significantly improved
the standard of living and quality of life for its recipients. The children’s accessibility
to health care and education was mostly made easier by the financial grants. However,
beneficiary families frequently use the subsidies for family consumption instead of
paying for their school-age children’s medical and educational needs, which suggests
poor management among program participants. The beneficiaries certainly believe
that the program has improved their lives generally and that it has succeeded in
accomplishing its objectives.


The research methodology employed in this study aims to analyze the impact
of the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program to the Social Status of every household
beneficiary in Barangay Tin-awan Mac-Arthur, Leyte. This section outlines the
research design, research method and design, respondents and locale of the study,
sample and sampling technique, research instruments used, data gathering procedure,
statistical treatment of data, and ethical considerations to gather and analyze the
necessary data.

Research Method and Design

This study will utilize a quantitative research method, and under this, the
particular type of approach that will be used is descriptive research, for it will
discover the impact of the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program on the social status
of every beneficiary.

Respondents and Locale of the Study

The respondents of this study are the grantees of every household beneficiary
of 4Ps in Barangay Tin-awan Mac-Arthur, Leyte. This study will be conducted at
Barangay Tin-awan Mac-Arthur, Leyte from February 2024 to May 2024. Tin-awan is
a Barangay in the Municipality of Mac-Arthur, in the province of Leyte. There are 4Ps
beneficiaries in the said Barangay, which was the reason it was chosen.

Sample and Sampling Technique

The study will utilize probability sampling method using random sampling
technique. The total population of 4Ps grantees in Barangay Tin-awan Mac-Arthur,
Leyte is 83 based on the data given by the PL of Barangay Tin-awan. The number of
respondents is 69 4Ps grantees based on the slovin formula N/ (1+Ne2) with a number
of error 0.05.

Research Instruments Used

The study will make use of guided interview questions and in-depth
interviews. When a participant’s responses in the interview are not clear, the
researcher will only use follow-up questions.

Data Gathering Procedure

In order to collect data, the researcher will ask permission from the Barangay
Captain and to the participants. The researcher created guided interview
questionnaires. The first section asked about the respondents personal information,
including their name (optional), marital status, occupation, educational attainment,
and family size. The impact of the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program on the social
status of every beneficiary was covered in the second portion of the interview. The
information gathered will be analyzed in a descriptive study. The researchers will
assess the collected data and determine the participants’ perspectives based on their
experiences. The process of information analysis and data interpretation falls under
the responsibility of the researchers.

Statistical Treatment of Data

In this study, the researcher will use the Chi-Square Test to examine the
relationship between the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program as a categorical
variable and the social status of the household beneficiaries also treated as a
categorical variable. The Chi-Square Test can help determine if there is a significant
impact of Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program to the social status of every
household beneficiary.
Also the study will utilized descriptive analysis and employed descriptive
statistical tools like frequency count, simple percentage, arithmetic mean, weighted
mean, and standard deviation to answer the specific questions indicated in this study.

Ethical Consideration

The researcher recognized and acknowledged the sources of information used

in the study. In the data gathering of the researcher, the informed consent will be
distributed and discussed its content to the respondent. This notice of consent letter
ensured that the researcher informed the respondent of the nature and purpose of the
study, its causes and benefits from the study. The researchers assured the respondents
that all of their answers to the questions would be treated with utmost confidentiality
and that the respondents have the right to refuse since they were not forced to answer.

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Brgy. Captain
Brgy. Tin-awan, Mac-Arthur, Leyte

Dear Ma’am,
Greetings of peace!
The undersigned will be conducting a research on “The Impact of Pantawid
Pamilyang Pilipino Program to the Social Status of every household beneficiary
in Barangay Tin-awan Mac-Arthur, Leyte” in partial fulfillment of the
requirements in Practical Research 2.
In connection with this may we have the honor to ask permission from your
good office to administer our study among involve 4Ps grantees in your barangay.
Your favorable response will be highly most appreciated God bless and Thank

Approved by :
Brgy. Captain

Respectfully yours,

Noted by:



Brgy. Tin-awan Mac-Arthur Leyte

Dear Participants,

I, the undersigned, humbly request your participation in our study, “The

Impact of Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program to the Social Status of every
household beneficiary in Barangay Tin-awan Mac-Arthur, Leyte.” In order to
partially fulfill the requirements for Practical Research 2 (Quantitative Research).
I am hoping that you can assist me by honestly and completely responding to
the questions. You may be sure that we will keep all of your responses private.
I sincerely appreciate your cooperation.

Respectfully yours,

Noted by:



Research Interview Form for the 4Ps beneficiary


Question for the 4Ps beneficiary
Please answer the questions honestly and freely. Your response will be kept
confidential. You may withdraw from the study at any time for any reasons. However,
once data is complied for analysis. The responses cannot be removed from the data.
(Optional) Name: ________________ Educational Attainment:
Occupation: ________________ Family Size: _____________
Marital status:
____ With live-in partner (not yet wedded)
____ Separated
____ Windowed
____ Married
____ Single
Q1. How many year’s are you a 4Ps member?
( Pera kana ka tuig na miyembro hit 4Ps?)
More than 3 years and above (Sobra pa ha tulo ka tuig ti-paigbaw)
Less than 3 years (Ubos ha tulo ka tuig)
Q2. Did your family still experience a lack of food and other basic needs?
( Nakaka eksperensya la ba gihapon hin pagkuri ha pagkaon ngan iba pa
na mga pan-adlaw-adlaw na kinahanglanun an iyu pamilya?)
Always (permamente)
Nearly ( haros permamente)
Sometimes (talagsa la)
Never ( dere na)

Q3. In your own perspective, does the 4Ps program helps your family a lot in terms of
daily accessibility to food?
( Para haimo, nakabulig ba hin duro an 4Ps na programa para ha pan-
adlaw- adlaw na pagkaon han iyu pamilya?)
Yes, the program helps our family to sustain our basic needs in everyday.
(Oo, nakabulig an programa haamon pan adlaw-adlaw na kinahanglanon ha
Yes, it helps our family to sustain our basic needs in everyday but not totally.
(Oo, nakabulig an programa haamon pan adlaw-adlaw na kinahanglanon ha
panimalay pero dere gud la gihapon sakto.)
No, the cash assistance is just enough for the needs of the children in school.
( Dere, kay bag-o pala kami na miyembro han programa.)
Other answers:_______________
Q4. Do you think there have been changes in the social status of your family since
you became a member of the program? What are the changes?
( Para haimo, may pinagbag-o ba han kahimtang han iyu pamilya tikang
kamo na 4Ps? Ano an mga pagbag-o?)
Yes, the program has been improved the social status of our family in terms of
easier to access education and health care support provide by the program that lead
our family to have a quality life.
( Oo, nabag-o han programa an kabutang han amon pamilya pinaagi han
libre na edukasyon para han akon mga anak ngan libre na konsulta ha akon mga
anak haamon barangay ngan pinaagi hini naging maupay an kalidad han amon
No, since our family is a new member of the program.
(Dere, kay bag- o pala tam pamilya na miyembro han 4Ps)
Other answers:_______________
Q5. Is your family able to access clean water?
( Mayda ba kamo nakukuhaan hin malimpyo na tubig?)
Sources of water:
Water pump
Deep well
Q6. Can you say that your family’s social status has improved because of the

(Makakayakan kaba na naging maupay an kabutang han iyu pamilya tungod han
Yes, the social status of our family was improved compared before when we
weren't member of the program.
(Oo, nagbag-o an kabutang han amon pamilya tungod la han programa kun
ikukumpara han dere pa kami miyembro.)
No, still our family's social status is the same as before when we weren't
member of the program.
( Dere, kay amo lagihapon an kabutang han amon pamilya yana ngan han
una na dere pa kmi miyembro han programa.)
Other answers:__________


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Name: Darrel L. Cabuyoc

Address: Brgy. Tin- awan Mac- Arthur, Leyte
Mobile: 09505505261
Email address:

Date of birth : July 15, 2006
Place of birth : Brgy. Tin- awan Mac- Arthur,
Gender : Female
Social Status : Single
Religion : Roman Catholic
Nationality : Filipino


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