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such times can be damaging and even complicate your life further. Mentioned
below are some strong reasons on why you require self motivation: o Self
motivation is extremely important when it comes to accepting challenges and
opportunities in life. o The force of self motivation helps in planning your life and
easing the difficulties. o Self motivation provides a new sense of purpose and
direction to your life.o Self motivation is important to provide enthusiasm in life. o
Self motivation lets you live a fulfilling life.
o You can empower and encourage yourself to face tough times and competition
in life with the help of self motivation. o Self motivations fill you with positive
energy and boost your enthusiasm. o Self motivation is important for your
existence. It provides you an identity for yourself. Motivation is a kind of driving
force that encourages an individual to get going. It is a kind of boost to the self
confidence, faith and inner conscience of a person. All of us look for some kind of
motivation in life. It is almost
impossible to face a competition, achieve success of accomplish a goal without
Q4) Which are the Tips to Stay Self-Motivated?
Answer :
• Seeking constant feedback to figure out how to improve. You can take feedback
from your seniors about your work on a timely basis. You should always welcome
their suggestions and implement them. If they tell you any negative point, then
also accept and work on them.
• Continue learning and acquiring knowledge (i.e., develop a love of learning).
Keep yourself updated to the latest changes in the environment. Don‘t fear from
adopting them.
• Spend time with motivated, enthusiastic, and supportive people. Stay away from
negative people. Find some people who motivate you. They can be your parents,
family, teachers, friends. You can use YouTube, Facebook and social sites where
you can find motivational videos.
• Cultivate a positive mindset and work on your optimism and resilience. Never
fear from doing any work. You should have an attitude of ―I can do it‖. Always
remember this-
• Identify your strengths and weakness and work on them. Work over your
weaknesses and make them your power. For example- if you are a student and
one of your subjects is weak, give that extra subject time
.• Avoid procrastination and work on your time management skills. Set a daily
target, make a proper time table and do your work accordingly. Don‘t postpone
your work.
• Give yourself rewards for achieving your targets whenever you achieve your
goals, compensation yourself. It motivates you.
• Be your competition. Don‘t compare yourself with others. Compare yourself with
your previous self. It will help in keeping track of your progress and keep you
Q.5) What are the Advantages of Self-Motivation?
Answer :
There are many advantages of self-motivation:
• Self-motivated people tend to be more organized
• They have excellent time management skills
• Self-motivated people have more self-esteem
• They are confident

• Self-motivation lasts longer

• They are straight forward, i.e., they know what they have to do and what
• They are bright, i.e., don‘t get confused among available options
• Understanding and developing your self-motivation can help you to
take control of many other aspects of your life.
Q.6) What Is Optimism?
Winston Churchill once said, "A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity;
an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty." Research shows that, on
average, human beings are hardwired to be more optimistic than not.Optimism is
an attitude that can positively affect a person‘s mental and physical health.
Optimism can also help reduce a person‘s stress and increase longevity.To many
psychologists, optimism reflects the belief that outcomes of events or
experiences will generally be positive. Others contend that optimism is more an
explanatory style; it resides in the way people explain causes of events. Optimists
are likely to see the causes of failure or negative experiences as temporary
rather than permanent, specific rather than global, and external rather than
internal. Such a perspective enables optimists to more easily
see the possibility for change.Some optimists consistently ascribe benevolent
motives to others and interpret situations in the best possible light; others simply
disassociate their internal mood from external circumstances, no matter how
sticky. Being optimistic is not necessarily always the "best" strategy,
though. Research shows that tempering a sunny disposition with a small dose of
realism, or even pessimism, might be the best way to build resilience and achieve
one's goals.
Q.7) What are the Examples of Optimism?
Optimism is looking at the positive aspects of things. It is also a hopeful
anticipation that future events will be favourable. Basically, it is seeing and
expecting the best in all things. Optimism in Idioms
Here are examples of optimism in idioms and popular phrases:
• Seeing the glass half full instead of half empty.
• When life hands you lemons, make lemonade.
• Every cloud has a silver lining.
• Hope against hope.
• Things have a way of working out for the best.
• There is light at the end of the tunnel.
• Keep your chin up.
• Hang in there.
• There are plenty of fish in the sea.
• When one door closes, another one opens.
• See the world through rose-colored glasses.
• Count your blessings.
• Everything is coming up roses.
Optimism for Every Day in routine life:
Here are examples of optimism in everyday situations:
• Work was cancelled due to inclement weather. An optimistic person enjoyed the
time off. • The phone rings and Albert answers it, expecting good news. • J K
Rowling had 12 rejections of Harry Potter before someone accepted it and

published it. • When checking the mail, Betsy expects something wonderful froma
friend. • Optimism is a person becoming paralyzed from the waist down realizing
that he still has his hands andcan still do many things. • Marie performs poorly on
a test but determines that she will do much better on the next one to make up for
it. • When it appeared that the charity would have to close its doors because of a
shortage of donations, the volunteers organized a charity rummage sale, certain
it would bring in enough money.• When shipwrecked on a deserted island, the
crew optimistically believed they would be rescued. • After getting fired, Johnny
and his wife celebrated for the job he would soon have. • Instead of being
dejected when her scholarship application was denied, she focused on the other
applications she had out there and knew one would come through for her.
Q8) Which are the Different Types of Optimism?
Answer :
In order to gain a better understanding of optimism, it is important to consider the
different types of optimism that researchers consider today.
• Dispositional optimism is defined as a global expectation that more good
(desirable) things than bad (undesirable) will happen in the future (Scheier and
Carver, 1985). As a personality trait, it is presumed to be stable with little scope
for change and is alternatively described as big optimism (Peterson, 2000).
• The term ‗unrealistic‘ in unrealistic optimism (Weinstein, 1989) describes the
objective mismatch between the expectations of dispositional optimism and
actuarial evidence about probability of life events occurring. It also refers to the
presumed non-congruence between the inevitability of adversity and the
anticipation of experiencing life as more good than bad. The question is whether
it is irrational to view adversity as anything other than bad. If adversity is
perceived as unpleasant at the time but sufficiently replete with opportunity for
personal growth and learning as to be beneficial overall, this element of non
congruence between actuality and expectation is reduced or disappears. •
Optimism as attributional style views optimism as a style of reasoning about
cause (Buchanan & Seligman, 1995). Optimists attribute good events with
permanence (likely to recur), pervasiveness (the ‗goodness‘ will extend to other
future events) and internality (I caused it and can cause it again). Bad events are,
by contrast, regarded as impermanent, non pervasive and due to causes
external to the self. • Comparative optimism (Radcliffe and Klein, 2002)
introduces relativity of expectation of good outcomes for the self compared with a
similar other.
• Situational optimism refers to the general expectations of a good outcome in a
specific context.• Strategic optimism (Ruthig et al., 2007) is a domain specific
denial of risk based on a belief in having control. • Realistic optimism is defined by
Sneider (2001) with reference to Degrandpre (2000) as the ‗tendency to maintain
a positive outlook within the constraints of the available measurable phenomena
situated in the physical and social world‘. Realism refers to the relationship
between available knowledge and understanding at any given moment, possible
choices and chosen actions. • Optimism bias refers to the way knowledge
evaluation has been shown to be skewed in predictable, positive and self serving
ways. More weight is given to information if it favours the self or it supports a
desired conclusion (Flyvbjerg,
2006). Optimism helps people remember and recall personally relevant health
related information (Abele and Gendolla, 2007). People given identical
descriptions or statistics will weight information differently when used to

describe something they want (e.g. the tablet might cure them) or something they
do not (e.g. the tablet might cause side-effects). The strength of this effect is not
constant. Positive affect increases optimism bias, although motivation
theory would predict the opposite (Chambers and Windschitl, 2004). In situations
of limited opportunity to evaluate knowledge due to time pressure or lack of
information, evaluations are based on affect (Lench and Ditto, 2008).
Q9) What Is Pessimism?
The glass is half-empty, and storm clouds loom overhead, never with a silver
lining. Pessimists get a lot of flak for their inclination toward negativity and their
tendency to expect the worst in most situations. Besides taking a toll on their
mental health, their physical health may take a beating, too. Pessimism is
associated with anxiety, depression, sleep disorders, hostility, high blood
pressure, heart disease, and lifestyle or behavior choices that can be damaging
to one's overall health and well-being. At the same time, pessimists sometimes
make better leaders, particularly where there is a need to ignite social change,
and their skepticism may make them more resistant to propaganda and false
advertising. The degree of pessimism felt by an individual or group can often be
linked to political and economic conditions in their personal lives and their
.Q. 10) Write about : The balance between Optimism and Pessimism.
Answer :
Being optimistic, may lead you to a better and longer life. That does not mean that
you always stay on top of the optimistic ladder, looking at the sky. All you need do
is be aware of the negative and pessimistic thoughts and remain balanced to live
a positive and yet realistic life. Successful living requires a fine balance between
optimism and pessimism. Both are feelings of expectations; arising from the state
of our mind and depend on the way we experience the forces of faith or fear.
Often enough, I use strategic optimism and defensive pessimism to make
By Using following points, we are balancing between optimism &
When a pessimist thought shows up think of something positive, choose to be
happy. Choose your attitude each day, expecting good things, choose to be
grateful. A shift in attitude will
Only in the present, can we make decisions or respond to events or challenges.
Only in the present can we exercise our free will to change our lives. The only
point of power to create and change our lives is the present moment. When we
rise above our thoughts and emotions, we begin to realize that between the
perception of the past and wonderful dreams of the future, lay the magnificence
of the present.
If you don‘t set your mind on possibilities, limitations will set it for you. See the
bright side of things and remain at a state of gratitude. Allow feelings of being at
ease with everything and everyone around. It is a peace of mind and a sense of
well-being that will allow you to access to more choices.4 . F O C U S YOUR E N E

If you are dealing with a challenging situation, focus your energy on the best
outcome. Search for positive aspects and visualize all possibilities. Use your
imagination to envision, strengthen and reinforce your desired outcome. Believe
that you can bring success to the issue at hand.
Put on your clear glasses for seeing and fully accept the reality of the challenging
experience. By distancing yourself from automatic impulses, time bound
mechanisms, and limiting beliefs, you bypass the mind‘s programming and are
able to create fresh results.
In order to have accurate thinking and give your best effort in a situation not only
you have to have faith, you also need to understand and embrace your fears.
Realize the interplay between the mind and the heart. Courage of the heart is
what will give you the freedom over the mind‘s conformity to standards, providing
you with the capability to make better decisions.
7 . YOUR G R E A T E S T P O W E R I S I N V I S I B L E
Use optimism and pessimism as motivators, appreciating both as tools to
successful decisions. Always paired them with a reality check, making sure that
your positive expectations do not drift you away from your targets. It‘s your
actions, not your perceptions, that help you improve the way you view
the world. Your greatest power is invisible, and the value of your optimism is
defined in terms of your ―aliveness.‖ Life is not easy, but focusing on your
progress will keep you motivated. You must recover the joy and pleasure in doing
the work. You have the power to transform any situation from the inside
Q.11) What are Differences Between Optimists And Pessimists?
Answer :
Optimism maximizes potential as pessimism squashes it. Look at these five
distinguishing differences between optimists and pessimists and tell me – which
one are you?
1. Optimists Believe They Are in Control
Optimists believe they can shape their future. They see no reason why tomorrow
can‘t be better than today was, and they‘re right. Circumstances and prior
failures don‘t matter as much to an optimist. An optimist‘s worldview is such that
life improvement is expected. This loops and strengthens itself over time through
positive reinforcement, especially with the right strategies. But pessimists often
feel no sense of control over their lives. If they believed they had control, they
wouldn‘t be pessimists, because that would mean that they choose negative
outcomes. Quite often, pessimists base their gloomy expectations on prior
2. Optimists Are Forward-Looking
Yesterday is filed away as a joyful or educational experience in the mind of an
optimist. There is no day like the present, and hey, tomorrow is looking pretty
good too. Have you thought about this? The present moment is completely
neutral. Anything (good or bad) can happen from this moment on. So the optimist
sees this neutrality as an opportunity to make something good happen. Another
optimist skill is connecting how today‘s positive actions almost guarantees a
better future. Pessimists are not forward-looking in general. Yes, they look ahead
and see a bleak future, but they often base it on the past, where they like to hang
out and drink slurpees. Do you know of any super successful and happy people

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