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INTRODUCTION The Covid-19 outbreak has had a significant impact on the global economy in ‘general and the Vietnamese economy in particular in recent years, Many Vietnamese businesses are facing a global economic erisis as a result of the Covid-19 outbreak, Which has had disastrous consequences, including recession, To get through this difficult era, businesses must stabilize intemal resources, have a competent human resource management plan, and have a flexible policy that is linked with their aims. PNJ took advantage of the moment of social separation during the Covid-19 pandemic to enhance refresh activities e implementation capacity, and promote research, creation, and planning. New programs and projects, particularly those involving technology, provide both energy regeneration and care for PNI's staff, (PNJ, Unity is a prerequisite to "surmount the storm" of Covid-19, 2020) In 1992, the company was formally titled Phu Nhuan Jewelry Company, with the goal of becoming a professional jewelry manufacturer and trader. Established significant presence in the Vietnamese market over the course of more than 30 years, PNJ has progressed to become one of the most prestigious companies in the field of ‘The year 2021 will be professional jewelry manufacturing and distribu remembered for PNJ's significant achievements in developing the multi-channel sales system and fast entering the digital market based on population|psychology and purchasing behavior. Furthermore, Talentnet praised PNJ and praised excellent human resources policy for taking prompt and effective actions in the F5-Refresh process in Covid-19 pandemic. (PNJ, STORY PNJ, 2022) ‘The goal ofthis study is to look at how PNY's leadership style in Vietnam affected employees and businesses before and during the Covid-19 outbreak. The objective of this study is {0 examine how PNI's leadership style in Vietnam influenced employees and businesses before and during the Covid-19 outbreak through imerviews from the leader and a small survey from employees with information searched through the websites, Through this study it can be concluded that a leader's style significantly influences the goals and success of an organization, CHAPTER 1: LITERATURE REVIEW LL. Concepts LLL. ‘The concept of leadership Leader is the person who takes the leacl role, orients, sets vision and goals for the company, for individuals inthe group, build cohesive team, work together to achieve goals, Leadenhip is a provess of action, leading people to voluntarily work for the common goal of an organization or business. The leader is not behind to motivate employees but to motivate, encourage, guide and support employes to achieve thet goals. Leaders are people who survey and adjust problems arising at work in reasonable and appropriate way to ther situation. (Oanh, 2022) 112. ~ Leaders are people who leah way, show the way for businesses. A capable leader he common characteristics of a leader is someone who has a strategic vision, has the ability o see far. They are the ones Who have the ability to assemble a large team of followers to carry out the mission of the business. Accordingly, "leadership includes the ability to eeate vision, inspire and influence within an organization”. Therefore, it ean be said: "leadership is both art and science". (SGV, 2022) = The first is having a vision: "Foresight is a must for leaders and this is what sets them apart from others". When seeing a new direction of development that brings opportuni es for breakthrough succes the new leader can draw up an implementation plan and move the organization in the right direction, The second is, the ability to inspit leader must accompany and inspire positively to motivate employees to implement. «: When starting to implement implementing a certain plan, the Because during the process, there will be difficulties that easily discourage people, so keeping the enthusiasm to implements essential, Next is strategie planning: “For leaders, strategy isthe clearest manifestation of foresight. Init it includes steps to implement and allocate resources, including preparing a plan forbad situations. And finally recruiting and training: "A leader wants to create If you have strong resources, you must Find talented people and recruit them.” Then there's thd coaching to build the team that plays a key role in the HR departments (PachiPethi289, 2020) 1.1.3. The skills of the leader ‘A good and successful leader must have the necessary leadership skills. Different leaders will have diferent skills and develop perfect skills every day. Besides, there are necessary skills that every leader must have to manage his or her organization most effectively. +. Self-development: Today, businesses and organizations, along with technologies and people, are all evolving constantly. To be a successful leader, they must know how to develop themselves every day to be able to develop their employees, their plans and the whole organization, (Staff, 2019) ‘+ Team development: Leaders want the plan to succeed, it is indispensable to develop their staff, develop relationships with employees, work together, understand and motivate|In particular, retaining talent is the most important for team development, (Staff, 2019) 1g and acting: This is the most important skill of a leader: + Strategic tt Leadership is about creating strategies, thinking the best way to get results, ‘making strategies quickly and effectively against risks and unexpected situations to develop your organization to the best. (Staff, 2019) + Enhancing the ethics and qualities of leaders: A leader must have good ethies and qualities to be able to manage his employees. This can make it easier for leaders to get along with employees, who will absorb their ideas and appreciate thei leaders. + Innovation: In the ever-changing and competitive market, leaders must make innovations for their organizations and businesses. Creating «new working environment for employees is also an innovative way to improve work performance. Sometimes, innovation is the best way to change and lead the way to success sooner. (Staff, 2019) 12. Leadership style 1.2.1, Transactional Leadership = Transactional leaders are results-focused people who fit within an organization's ‘existing structure and view success according to that organization's reward and punishment system. (STU, 2014) ~ Some characteristics of the Transactional Leadership (Saga, 2015) + Using incentives and punishments to get subordinates to obey. + This type of leader is willing to work within the existing system in order to achieve the organization's objectives. When it comes to issue solving, they have ‘tendeney to think in a certain way. + Lower-level personnel are frequently not actively working and must be continuously monitored and regulated in order to assure job completion. ~ Advantages: Short-term objectives be achieved rapidly + Bonus and penalty regime is clearly defined for employees jsadvantages: + Suboruinates are not encouraged to be innovative orcome up with fresh solutions to problems. + In order fo assure job completion, subordinates must be closely monitored and managed 1.2.2. Transformational Leadership = ‘Transformational Leadership is the process where by a person engages with others and creates a connection that raises the level of motivation and morality in both the leader and the followers, This type of leader is attentive (o the needs. followers and tries to help followers reach their fullest potential. (Burn, 1987) = Transformational Leadership Characteristics (ITD, 2020) + Define clear objectives and set realistic expectations. + Inspire positive employees + The spirit of cooperation is high and is willing 1 recognize other people's achievements, + Build a working culture owards the common goals ofthe organization instead of th nvidal interes. = Advantages + Create opportunities for employees to develop new ideas +. Build trust among employees ~ Disadvantages + Only suitable for bus + This style of leadership requires clarity in the organizational structure4 esses with long-term operation 1.2.3. Coaching Leadership = A.coaching leader is someone who can quickly identify the skills, limitations, and motivations of members of a team or organization, and then devises a tailored solution to help them improve their performance. This leader's work style is to help staff create reasonable goals, provide constructive comments, and assign particular initiatives to help them grow. (INSTITUTE, 2022) ~ Coaching Leadership Characteristies (INSTITUTE, 2022) Always support employees enthusiastically ‘+ Give instructions instead of commands for employees Acquire knowledge as a way to grow your business. Maintain a balance between training activities and subordinate self-study. ~ Advantages + Encourage employees the development of new skills, critical thinking, self- determination, and goal-setting 4+ BiketepRepositive and self-assn ~~ Disadvantages .d corporate culture + Spend a lot of leader's time individually + Because of the limited time available, it is difficult to do with large groups or organizations. 1.24, Servant Leadership = Leaders in satisfied on all levels, from professional to personal, they will perform better k that if employees are s style have a people-first mentality and Therefore, the leader is always interested in the wishes of the employees. (INSTITUTE, 2022) ~ Servant Leadership Characteristics + Motivating employees + Always care and sympathize with the staff + Make a commitment to team development professionally, Advantages + Encourage employee growth, increase productivity, and promote employee loyalty + Create a culture of trust and future leaders. = Disadvantages + Overexertion and mental weariness are common occurrences, 1.2.5. Autoeratic Leadership = This type of leader is only concerned with output, Typically, they simply make a decision on their own or in a small group, and then ask everyone to do whatever they want, In businesses that demand strong monitoring and conformity, especially when educating new staff with minimal experience, the autocratic approach can be beneficial. An authoritarian leadership style, on the other hand, can stifle creativity and make staff feel restricted. (INSTITUTE, 2022) = Autocratie Leadership Characteristics + Self-assured and assertive. + Ability to work on one’s own. + Follow the rules and put faith in a highly supervised environment ~ Advantages + Increase productivity by delegating tasks and providing precise information. + Employees will be less stressed if they can make quiek decisions on their own. ~ Disadvantages + Lack of flexibility and unwillingness to listen to others -wpoints, leading in resentment among colleagues or employees. + Leaders are prone to severe stress when they have too much job to handle. 1.2.6, Democratic Leadership = Before making any decision, big or little, a democratic leader communicates with and receives feedback from all team members on a regular basis. Employees have been more satisfied and engaged since then because their voices have been heard and the value they provide has been recognized. (INSTITUTE, 2022) = Democratic Leadership Characteristics + When making a choice, they provide the team all ofthe information. + Encourage coworkers to share more ideas. + ‘They aren = Advantages sonable, adaptable, and good at resolving conflicts. + Employees feel empowered, valued, and part of a team, which helps to boost retention and morale. (a ee) Disadvantages + Large group convers consuming, iS are difficult to organize, expensive, and time + It can be inconvenient for persons who don't want to discuss their opinions in large groups 1.2.7, Laissez-Faire leadership = Laissez-faire leadership, also known as delegated leadership, is a style of ‘management in which the leader takes a back seat and lets the team make decisions (Cherry, 2022) = Laissez-faire Leadership Characteristics + Leaders provide relatively litle guidance: + Thdfollover have complete control over ther decisions and members of the team are + Leaders supply the required tools and resource expected to tackle the problem independently. + Followers have power, but leaders are nonetheless responsible for the group's decisions and actions. = Advantages + Employees are self-employed, highly skilled, and capable of completing tasks with little oF no supervision, + Allows employees to show off their extensive knowledge and expertise on a specific topic. + Help certain team members to be more satisfied with their work by releasing them, = Disadvantages +. Employees are given little or no direction, and they may be unsure of 1 function in the team or what they should do with their time: + Some leaders may use this strategy to avoid taking personal responsibility for the failures of their teams + Leaders sometimes do little to motivate their followers, fail to appreciate team members’ achievements, and refuse to join the group. 13. Previous study 1.3.1. Researching the leadership style of Pham Nhat Vuong = This study analyzed the leadership style of Pham Nhat Vuong, the leader of ingroup. Vingroup is a large corporation in the top in Vietnam with great scien a ier of billionaire Pham Nhat Vuong. = This study has show! smocratic leadership style of Pham Nhat Vuong, showing that tis leadership style of hist reated conitions fr employee to promote their capacity, contribute ideas and participate implementation of the plan, employees, have the right to make their own decisions. At the same time, Mr. Pham Nhat Vuong. is a serious and disciplined worker, but he also very friendly and open to ‘employees, making employees feel comfortable and promoting their full performance. This study analyzed and highlighted his democrat eadership style. Through research, it is clear that this leadership style has helped him in the development and success of Vingroup. (KNTH1, 2022) 1.3.2. Analysis of leadership style of CEO Mai Kieu Lien = This study analyzes the leadership style of CEO Mai Kieu Lien of Vinamilk, one of the leading companies in Vietnam in the dairy industry. This research has shown her outstanding leadership style, seeing through the dairy market that many businesses compete extremely fiercely, but thanks to this leadership, Vinamilk has continuously been in the top of enterprises with the best enterprises in the world highest income in Vietnam. Ms. Lien isa transparent and honest leader who has the trust of employees and subordinates. She has an assertive but non-toxic leadership style that has made her one of Asia's most powerful businessmen. This study has analyzed leadership styles, proving that whether an organization or business can succeed or not is thanks to the leadership style of the leader. 2021) 14. = Team-oriented leaders! Models of leadership 1.4.1. Types of leadership models Leadership model shows how effective is fora large, medium or small busines, to identify and appropriately adjust the personality, appropriate expertise, and uals ofthe leader. A Feder’ successor not is determined by how quickly they cope and aap i ferent working environments and he strategies they devise 10 excute a plan ord With a risky station and determine its sucesso failure (Indeed, 2021) 14 ‘Team-oriented leadership is also known as “people-oriented leadersti achieve many achievements in terms of productivity, efficiency, active participation and harmony of members. (Indeed, 2021) + Coaching: Leaders will have different ways of coaching in the specialties they cover. Itis important to the job that they find and evaluate the strengths. ividual better, contributing to the of each team member, to guide each i ‘company's project success. (Indeed, 2021) + Afllitive: a leader who always excels at coordinating teams, creating a healthy space for employees to socialize and work together to optimize productivity and quality at work. Leaders always support employees to make informed decisions and agree with each other, and reward individuals who contribute a lot to the project. The person who will stand responsible for resolving all internal conflicts. (Indeed, 2021) 4 Participative: This is democratic leadership, which is the synthesis of authoritative leadership and group thinking. Being self-involved, helping, and encouraging the group to make decisions and meet stated goals. A prominent feature of their leadership style is always seeking the input and contribution of team members. (Indeed, 2021) 10 14.12. Authoritarian leadership Authoritarian leaders refer to people with leadership positions, but put their tasks first, paying litte attention to those around them. They want everyone to go their ‘own way so there will be no mistakes in the group. (Indeed, 2021) This type of leadership can be effective temporarily in urgent situations, but it can have long-term consequences such as decreased motivation, disengagement, and continuity change people. These leaders tend to exhibit the following characteristics: (Indeed, 2021) + Only focus on the given goal. + Highly strategic. + Makes own decisions and do not accep the opinions ofthe members under them. + Lack of creativity, always follow the pattern already outlined. + Confirm your decision is correct + Implement nufes and will use the anvil form when something goes wrong, + Focus on marking the texture target and achieving the goal, 1.4.13. Country club leadership ‘This leadership style emphasizes the value of team members more than other types of leadership. They are always friendly with members making them fee! important to help them be more active in reinforcing and sociable activities that promote growth at work. (Indeed, 2021) ‘This country style makes the employees feel respected and the spirit will be relaxed to achieve hetter product quality, creating human-friendly working environment. The downside of this type of leadership is that it focuses so much fn the emotions of the team members that it misses out on opportunities for success. (Indeed, 2021) Indecisive and iabiito separate punishments or enforce rues thinking it will affect the good relationships they build with team members, they are blurred from the boundaries of a leading leader to consequences such as reduced product late completion of the set targets and stagnation. (Indeed, 2021) ul 14.14, Impoverished leadership = This type of leadership receives results in the work that always comes after the word success. This leader has little or no interest in the results of the work like are not thd members and does not pay much attention 1 the work, because interested in the long-term development of the company. (Indeed, 2021) 1) ~ Here are the advantages of this type of leader: (Indeed, 2 + Give employees feed sef-determination + Employees are happier when making their own decisions without a manager. +. Employees are free to experiment with their own research. = But it is a way of narrowing down the interests of employees who want to stick With the company’s growth because the leadership is always indifferent to their effions. These leaders don't deal with internal conflicts that force employees to endure it without their leader, ing them complete control over projects. Leads to them being iesponsible to present, poor management of groups. and themselves. (Indeed, 2021) 14.15. Bureaucratic leadership = Bureaucratic leadership is a leadership style that is often concemed with performance and results. They are leaders who aim for eS requirements are not negotiable, employees of this leader must follow cle goals, and are monitored inthe process to results, Because. this type of leader always follows a certain set of rules, a strict standard and the rule of law. Bureaucratic leadership is serious about details, so it is not suitable for industries that need creativity. (Indeed, 2071) 12 14.2, The importance of leadership models Determining the right leadership model for you is very important, The leadership model helps that leader know who he is, and where to start. Help Wiemifyand of leading your subordinates. (Fontein, ‘establish a strong foundation in the proce 2021) When you identify your own leadership model, it makes it easier to set goals and ‘complete it aovording to your leadership style. Also clearly see your strengths and weaknesses Understanding leadership model is understanding leadership style. Compare your ‘own qualities with your own leadership model, o enhance your strengths and limit your weaknesses to change, easier 10 understand employee psychology, to take ponsbility Fr feedback employees toward ih management trends with your leadership model, so you can adjust your behavior and leader saders. (Fontein, 2021) hip in the eyes of subordinates Besides, when determining the right leadership model for you, to adjust as well as develop and change. Currently, this leadership model is suitable, but later, in the process of becoming a leader, you can discover more management methods and leadership skills to improve your own leadership model. (Fontein, 2021) CHAPTER 2: Discussion/Analysis 2.1. Overview of Phu Nhuan Jewelry Joint Stock Company = Phu Nhuan Jewelry Joint Stock Company with name_as PJ, the ‘company was established on April 28, 1988. PNJ 1s the leading enterprise in Vietnam inthe jewelry industry, is one ofthe sellers. The most prestigious and famous jewelry Fetal Viet With more than 30 years of company development, PNY has 353 stores distributed throughout the country. (Triet, 2020) ~ PNI is leading jewelry enterprise in Vietnam trsted by many people, it can be sen that PNIS products ae extremely quality, with many designs, extremely delicate and luxurious designs the value of PNJ products also very diverse to suit the pocket of ceach customer segment. PNJ enterprise has developed many large centers with diversified brands with many other products such as specialized production of silver (PNISilver), diamond (CAO FINE Jewelry) and Jemma brand. PNJ deals in main product lines such as PNJ gemstone jewelry, diamond jewelry, gold jewelry, high ced watches, corporate gifts... (Triet,2020) = Logo: A a vw ~ The meaning of the logo is Convergence and Shine. Brand logo is an essential part to create a unique and distinguishing point for a business to affirm its position in the specialized market. 5 light ray icons are quite simple but powerful but no less soft and delicate, typical for jewelry, which is the core of the business. Not only that, according to feng shui, 5 rays of light are like the five elements, representing the prosperity and relentless efforts ofthe business that makes it. (PNJ, About PNJ | High- end Jewelry PNJ, 2020) ~ The company's mission is: "PNIJ is constantly innovating to bring exquisite products ‘with real value to honor the beauty of people and life." PNJ with a committed mission will bring to the market quality and sophist cated products thereby holding the trust of consumers. Besides, PNI's vision is a long-term, strategic one, which is: "To 4 become the leading Asian company in jewelry manufacturing and retailing products that honor beauty, reaching out to the world." (PNJ, About PNJ | High-end Jewelry PNJ, 2020) ~ PNJ's philosophy Teme business ethies of the busine: quality of PNI's products and services, and show innovation and creativity to commitment to the best businesses and customers as such as the jewelry market, and at the same time towards the great goals of the business. PNI's philosophy is “Customer benefits is our commitment”, (PNJ, About PNI | High-end Jewelry PNI, 2020) ~ PNI's goal isto become a leading enterprise in the jewelry industry, the goal is clearly expressed in the company’s vision to become the leading enterprise in Asia in the field of jewelry manufacturing and trading. Expand the segment and ereate more new brands in the market. (Triet, 2020) 2.2. Analysis 2.2.1. The situation of the company before and after the Covid-19 pandemic In April 2020, the whole world began to actively deal with the Covid 19 epidemic. In response to the epidemic the leaders of the countries offered different solutions, in which ‘many countries have applied social distancing directives to avoid the disease spreading ‘more seriously. In particular, the Vietnamese government also issued a distance directive to avoid the epidemic. However, this has directly affected the domestic economy and the icult for ld income of domestic people. The import and export stagnation makes it dil domestic and foreign enterprises to export goods to foreign countries. In which, the of gold, silver and gems in general and PNJ in particular suffered a lot of loss in revenue, and PNJ branches had to suspend operations from March 2020. 1s 6% 67% 6ax TIS 7.0% 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Chart 1: VIETNAM'S GDP GROWTH IN THE FEMALE STAGE 2010 - 2021 (%) (PNILPN} Before Covid-19: ~The business results of PNJ in March 2020 compared to March 2019 increased by 6% over the same period and PNJ has planned to respond to the Covid-19 pandemic, ~ PNJ plans for periods when the epidemic is raging 10 a period of recession and, post-pandemic recovery. ~ PNJ has implemented a "defensive" plan that has been deployed smoothly on the problems encountered in human resources, assets and finance. ~ PNJ chooses the right time to develop and exploit appropriately by the "attack" plan to survive during the covid-19 pandemic. ~ PNJ will make full use of opportunities to accelerate the recovery & regeneration, process to stabilize and inerease its revenue During the Covid-19 pandemic: = Atthe beginning of April 2020, when the authorities issued a directive document ‘on social distancing, this had a great impact on the business activities of PNJ in ar and the world in general, due to compliance with the following pa conditions: Due to sox ues, PNI had to temporarily close many branches throughout its retail system. At the same time, the epidemic spread strongly affecting everyone's income in the country, and consumer demand was limited 16 for non-essential goods. As a result, PNI's net sales index dropped significantly, net revenue was only VNDSOI billion, down 47% and a loss of VND89 billion in the month. - Covi 19 also affects the human resources of all businesses in general and PNI in particular. Covid-19 spreads quickly in a crowded environment, especially in offices, factories . shops, ete., which strongly affects the health of workers and leads to a decrease in work efficiency. When there is a distance directive, businesses comply with the directives and are forced to close their doors for ‘employees to distance themselves. Since then, production and business activities have been temporarily interrupted. (PNJ, PNI's 2021 ANNUAL REPORT, 2021) = PNJeontinously upgrades and develops he infrastructure system, as wells te information in production, business and marketing of products to meet the requirements of customers. However, in the context of the Covid-19 epidemic, the company had to spend a lot of reasonable investment costs on technology and hhuman resources, synchronize information systems, optimize data for operations. (NI, "NJ 2021 ANNUAL REPORT, 2021) = Trading in high-value goods is always risky in terms of security, loss, and cost- effectiveness during operation] (PNJ, PNJ's 2021 ANNUAL REPORT, 2021) Aer the Covid-19 epidemic: When the social distancing directive has ended, at the same time, industries and businesses are gradually starting to operate, In which, PNJ has implemented many actions to grasp the trend, plan to prepare for the period of economic recovery after the epidemic has been controlled. = In October 2020, according to the vision and pre-set plan of PNJ, the monthly revenue has improved more positively. +. Net revenue increased by 6.5% or 1.827 billion over the same period. +. Profit after tax increased 35% to 175 billion over the same period = About the channel's revenue growth: + Reta channet reaching the target in October has increased by 17.3% over the same period. Accumulated PNI increased by 6% over the same period in 2019. (PNJ, BUSINESS RESULTS OCTOBER 2020, 2020) 7 + In October, the profit for the wholesale business fell 16.1% year-on-year. 2.2.2. PNJ handles company activities after the Covid-19 epidemic In difficult market conditions due to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, many large retail emerprises in the world and Vietnam faced difficulties, howeved, PNJ. stil exceeded the plan in terms of revenue and profit thanks to its strategy and leadership talent. (PNJ, PNJ ANNUAL REPORT 2020, 2020) — PNJ has changed the store opening in 2020 due to the influence of the Covid-19 epidemic, mainly focusing on exploiting more locations with good positions, anticipating the trend when the market recovers from the epidemic. During the year, PNJ opened 29 new Gold stores and closed 36 stores (mostly PNI Silver) to restructure new store locations and better rent costs to fulfill the goal of optimizing revenue per store row. (PNI, PNJ ANNUAL REPORT 2020, 2020) ~ PNJ has implemented the program FS - Refresh personnel, optimizing operations has been implemented drastically and has initially brought results. ~ Inthe face ofthe Covid-19 epidemic, PNI has proactively prepared many personnel plans, responded t@ cach stage of the epide recession, and revovery in order to ‘maintain the continuous operation of businesses and organizations, so that there is not much volatility, and also be ready to speed up when necessary. (PNI, PNI ANNUAL REPORT 2020, 2020) ~ Refresh company through redesign/build new Organizational Structure. Building FS Frameworks to minimize organizational layers, in \se development ‘opportunities/challenges. expand scope of work. enhance authority for employees «as well as promote strong connection work between funetions, ~ Coortinating resources effectively during the impact of Covid Save company budget and help increase employee productivity while ensuring company finances. + Cost reduction: PNJ proposes to reduce rent by 15-20% for 3-6 months to ‘maintain operations, 40% of leasing partners have agreed to review and adjust rents. At the same time, PNJ's policy isto actively reduce the salary of managers by 50% and temporarily for 2 fixed working days a week for employees to be off work. (STUDOCU, 2021) 18 + Establishing loans and pausing new project development plans in 2020 has stabilized cash flow ‘Thanks to the industry's inherent high value and niche supply chain advantages, PNJ's high-value inventory keeps pace with the trend of being less prone to obsolescence. (STUDOCU, 2021) Consumers have a habit of buying products made from gold, silver and precious stones, so PNJ has planned to restructure key products and retail locations by focusing on promoting gold bars. From March 2020 to meet the needs of each customer, PNJ immediately implemented a project to produce gold bars with a high percentage of gold components to meet the gold hoarding habits of primary ‘consumers during the Covid-19 pandemic, (STUDOCU, 2021) 2.2.3. Leadership approaches of PNJ Looking at PNJ after the Covi extremely successful in building and leading all employees to develop and grow with the company. 19 pandemic, it can be seen that PNI's leadership is PNJ leaders focus on the efficiency and productivity of the company by boosting, the market share of online sales channels, focusing on promotional campaigns for the retail market to unleash creativity and tools modern advertising. ‘The fact that the goods supply chains are maximized by the aaministratrs, is the ‘key for PNJ to optimize the|preyention scenarios against the COMIETS:episemic.— In particular, a leader must always care about his employees to succeed. PNIS leader, Mrs. Dung, president of PNJ, emphasized that: "As a leader, you should never think that if you pay your employees, they have to do it for you. Also, never think that you are taking care of your employees, but they are the ones who are taking care of you. Without those employees, no one would work for them, unable to build a sustainable business. People go to work and get paid, not beg for themselves." (PNJ, PNJ PNJ President CAO THI NGOC DUNG: AS A LEADER, NEVER THINSXOU'RE FEEDING EMPLOYEES, IT IS THEIR FEELINGS. 2020) 19 = When the pandemic just broke out, in oder fo ensure health and avoid the spread of disease, PNJ made a move to find the fastest and earliest vaccine supply for its staff. Prioritize proposals to proactively control the disease, provide ways to cope and prepare to promptly return to protect the safety of more than 6,000 officials and their families. (Dao, 2020) = PNJ offers many incentives, cares and takes care of employees in difficult times ‘The epidemic makes workers always in a state of insecurity, especially female worke 0 making policies that list these objects is given the top priority, In order to reduce stress and bring relaxation to employees, the management of PNI specially organized a vacation for 4,500 employees in Phu Quoc in a 5-star hotel 50% of the salary of PNY leaders will be voluntarily reduced so that the income of the workers here is kept ata stable level. (Dao, 2020) = Besides, PNJ leaders also inspire employees by building a new working environment, with the support of technology. PNJ always re-energizing ourteam. PNJ refreshes the workforce with a training program for employees to constantly lear, training from skills to empowering more, creating trust and confidence for the team. (Nhien, 2022) = Looking at PNI's achievements during the epiclemic season compared to those of businesses that have had a decrease in revenue and faced difficulties in all aspects due to the impact of the Covid-19 epidemic, it ean be seen that the ability of PNJ to solve the problem can be seen. PNJ's leadership is extremely effective Although the Covid-19 epidemic creates risks that directly and indirectly affect the company's activities, from before the isolation until the end of the epidemic, PNJ leaders always have anti-epidemic strategies and internal management, The company is very effective to maintain and improve revenue after the Covid-19 pandemic. CHAPTER III: RECOMMENDATION 3.1. Recommendation 1 PNJ has to deal with alot of challenges in its operation and development because of the intricate developments in the Covid-19 outbreak. However, PNJ has promoted creativity and innovation throughout the system by proactively preparing and implementing plans for human resources and preparing strategies to respond to the Covid-19 epidemic. (PNJ, PNI RECEIVED THE HUMAN RESOURCES POLICY RESPONSIBILITIES IN COVID-19, 2020) After the Covid-19 pandemic had stabilized, PNJ organized a teambuilding @yent in Phu Quoc for over 6,500 employees in order to boost staff morale. While other ‘companies in the same industry have been forced to go bankrupt or cease operations, PNYJ has been able to continue to develop because to the Refresh - Renewal capacity method. (PNJ, Unity is a prerequisite to "surmount the storm" of Covid-19, 2020) (PNJ, STORY PNJ, 2022) ‘Through two Covid -19 outbreaks, PNJ has steadily expanded its coverage through the retail network, ensuring employment, income, and the development of employees’ spiritual lives, thereby assisting businesses in regai their footing, seize the opportunity to grow your market share. (PNJ, PNJ RECEIVED THE HUMAN RESOURCES POLICY RESPONSIBILITIES IN COVID-19, 2020) PNIs success is reflected in the achievements of "Excellent HR policy of Covid-19" at the Vietnam HR Award ceremony. Mr. Nauyen Anh Hung, Head of Human, Resources Division of PNJ, was also recognized as an “Excellent HR Leader” during the ceremony. (PNJ, PNJ RECEIVED THE HUMAN RESOURCES POLICY RESPONSIBILITIES IN COVID-19, 2020) 32. Recommendation 2 During the epidemic, many organizations failed to pay attention to the leader's style, resulting in ineffective leadership styles, which in tum reduced employee ‘motivation, resulting in decreased work efficiency. Employees are also becoming less connected with the organiz mn, and human resources are shifting from the public to the private sector. Organizations and enterprises require more precise leadership tactics to establish and promote a positive leadership style that brings efficiency to the workplace: ~ Emphasizing and encouraging communication inside the organization, including boosting information sharing, fostering cross-departmental collaboration, and providing favorable conditions for the execution of tasks in accordance with the organization's common goals. - Changes in policy affecting officials and employees should be communicated clearly and completely to help them understand their rights and obligations for the organization, and to draw the company's attention to them. They are mostly for the benefit of the organization. ~ There is 4 need for quick communication and feedback between superiors and subordinates on assigned duties, so that when subordinates are having trouble, they will receive timely direction from their superiors to help them improve and perform better job - Employees gain a greater understanding of the organization's activities and a sense of belonging when organizational orientation and goals re shared with them. Asa result, they are aware of their roles and responsibilities in contributing to the organization's overall success, and they are prepared to do their best for the individualfand the organization's future careers, 2 ~ Through exchanges and meetings, gain a better understanding of their employees’ ‘management, pay more attention to their life, and listen to their opinions and goals. Employees will feel cared for and valued, and this will motivate them to do their best work. ~ Employees will feel cared for and trusted if training is prioritized, which will encourage them to stay, contribute more to the business, and enhance job efficiency. - Fairness and consistency are critical in appraising each employee's dedication, as well as in developing governance principles that sti motivateemployees. They wl fel propery compensated fortheirffonsi they are rated rightly by their bosses, Employees, on the other hand, will believe that prejudice, bias, and inconsistency inthe organization's policies and operations would instill unfavorable feelings in each officer, causing them to remain silent in publi. ‘Work, a diminished spirit of cooperation, support, unhappiness, response, and, in the ‘worst-case scenario, resignation are all possible outcomes. B CONCLUSION Managing an organization or corporation during an epidemic presents numerous ult, a leader with the right leadership style will inspire the jon to grow, creating the best conditions for employees to grow in terms of thinking, skills, qualifications, qualities, capabilities, and increasingly self- improvement. Employees in the organization will connect, share knowledge, and assist one another at work. However, if the leader employs ineffective leadership styles, the organization's growth will be stifled, employees will lack cohesion and ‘mutual respect, and there will be a lack of cooperation and mutual support at work, resulting in decreased productivity, Due to Covid-19 pandemic, the study method had some difficulty finding material through interviews. However, based on the information gathered, PNJ's leadership ployee Strategy has demonstrated the significance of leadership style in terms of performance and business success, RREFERENCES, Burn, J. M. (1987). 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