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Introduction to Robotics

A Robot is a type of automated machine that can execute specific tasks with little or no
human intervention and with speed and precision.
The word Robot comes from the Russian word ‘Robota’ which means ‘forced labour’.

ROBOTICS :- It is a branch of Computer science that deals with designing, construction

and operation of robots.

Real life examples of Robots :-

1. Vacuum cleaner :- It uses pressure sensors to understand where things are and
work accordingly.
2. Drones :- These are flying robots that capture data and images from an elevated
3. Remote controlled toy.

Additional information about Robots :-

1. First programmable robot was made in 1954 by George Devol and represents the
foundation of the modern robotics industry.
Name of Robot -> Unimate
2. There are different types of Robots -> Home, industrial, medical, defense, space.
3. The word Robot doesn’t have a full form.
4. A Robot doesn’t necessarily look like humans.

Essential ingredients for a machine to be robot

1. Sensors :- Just like we have eyes to sense light, ears to sense sound, robots have
sensors so they can feel the things around them.
2. Actuators :- It is a device that causes something to happen. This could be a robot
movement which is often achieved using motors.
3. Programs :- This involves writing computer code that enables a robot to execute
specific tasks.

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