anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa

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While both anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa are eating disorders, they differ in key

aspects, primarily in how individuals manage their weight:

Weight and Body Image:

Anorexia: Individuals with anorexia nervosa typically have an intense fear of gaining weight and
a distorted body image. They often maintain a significantly low body weight through extreme
calorie restriction or excessive exercise.
Bulimia: People with bulimia nervosa may have episodes of binge eating, consuming large
amounts of food in a short period. Unlike anorexia, they are not necessarily underweight, as
they engage in compensatory behaviors to prevent weight gain.

Eating Patterns:

Anorexia: Restriction of food intake is a primary feature. Individuals may avoid entire food
groups, limit portion sizes, and have rituals or rules around eating.
Bulimia: Involves episodes of overeating during which a person feels a loss of control. This is
often followed by compensatory behaviors, such as self-induced vomiting, excessive exercise, or

Compensatory Behaviors:

Anorexia: The focus is on restriction and avoidance of food. Compensatory behaviors like
vomiting or laxative use are not typical in anorexia but may occur in a subset of cases known as
purging-type anorexia.
Bulimia: Compensatory behaviors are a defining feature, aimed at eliminating the excess
calories consumed during a binge episode.

Physical Consequences:

Anorexia: Can lead to severe malnutrition, organ damage, and other health issues due to
prolonged starvation.
Bulimia: The frequent cycle of bingeing and purging can result in electrolyte imbalances,
gastrointestinal problems, and dental issues.

Perception of Self:

Anorexia: Individuals may see themselves as overweight even when underweight, leading to a
relentless pursuit of thinness.
Bulimia: While body image concerns are present, individuals may be more focused on the cycle
of bingeing and purging.

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