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Master of Information Technology (MIT)

September Intake 2023

Second Semester

Case Study
Requirements Engineering (CSC 5300)

Submitted By: Submitted To:

Roshan Kumar Thapa Aayush Shrestha

Submitted for the partial fulfillment of the assignment Requirements Engineering


Date: 26th June 2024

Question 1: How does the use of Agile methodologies in requirements engineering
influence the frequency and quality of communication between stakeholders and
the development team?

Agile methodologies significantly enhance both the frequency and quality of

communication. This is achieved through regular, structured interactions such as daily
stand-ups, sprint planning meetings, and review sessions. These practices ensure
continuous feedback loops and close collaboration between stakeholders and the
development team. This frequent engagement allows for immediate clarification of
requirements and rapid response to any changes, thus maintaining alignment and
understanding throughout the project lifecycle.

Question 2: In what ways does Agile facilitate the adaptation of requirements in

response to changing stakeholder needs throughout the project lifecycle?

Agile methodologies support the adaptation of requirements through iterative

development and regular review sessions. Requirements are treated as flexible entities
that can evolve as stakeholder needs change. Each iteration (or sprint) includes planning
and review phases where requirements can be re-evaluated and adjusted based on the
latest feedback and project insights. This allows the development team to incorporate
new or altered requirements continuously, ensuring the final product remains aligned
with stakeholder expectations and business goals.

Question 3: How does the Agile approach to requirements engineering impact

the management of project scope and the handling of scope creep?

Agile methodologies manage project scope effectively by delivering work in small,

manageable increments and maintaining a focus on high-priority tasks. Scope creep is
controlled through constant reprioritization of the product backlog, where only the most
valuable and critical features are included in upcoming sprints. This incremental
approach allows for frequent reassessment of project scope, making it easier to
incorporate necessary changes while preventing uncontrolled expansion of the project’s

Question 4: How effective is Agile in prioritizing requirements to ensure that the

most critical features are developed and delivered first?
Agile is highly effective in prioritizing requirements through the use of a dynamic
product backlog, which is regularly reviewed and updated. Features are prioritized
based on their business value, customer needs, and potential impact. The use of
techniques such as MoSCoW (Must have, Should have, Could have, Won't have)
prioritization helps ensure that the development team focuses on delivering the most
critical features first. This prioritization ensures that the most important functionalities
are addressed early in the project, providing maximum value to stakeholders .

Question 5: What are the observed effects of Agile practices on collaboration and
coordination among cross-functional teams in requirements engineering?

Agile practices significantly enhance collaboration and coordination among cross-

functional teams. Regular ceremonies such as daily stand-ups, sprint planning, and
retrospectives promote transparency and communication. These practices help in
identifying dependencies and coordinating efforts across different teams. The
collaborative environment fostered by Agile ensures that all team members are aligned
on project goals and are working cohesively towards common objectives, leading to
more integrated and effective project outcomes.

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