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Stained glass is coloredglass
that is used to create windows,
panels, andother objects. It is
made by adding metallic salts to
molten glass, which gives it its
Stained glass finds diverse applications in religious buildings, architectural
decoration, artistic installations, interior design, Tiffany lamps, jewelry and
accessories, and contemporary design. It enhances the beauty of churches,
diffuses light in architectural features, and enables artistic expression. Its colorful
panels depict religious scenes and symbols, while also dividing spaces and
creating focal points in interior design. In the form of Tiffany lamps, stained glass
creates a warm and vibrant ambiance. It is even used in jewelry and contemporary
design, showcasing its versatility as a medium. Stained glass's enduring appeal lies
in its ability to add visual splendor, diffuse light, and evoke a sense of awe and
The history of stained glass dates back over a
thousand years. It flourished in the medieval era,
adorning churches and cathedrals with intricate
designs and vibrant colors. The techniques evolved,
with artists using lead came to join glass pieces and
painting details on the surface. Stained glass reached
its pinnacle during the Gothic period, where large,
breathtaking windows were created. Over time,
stained glass continued to be appreciated for its
artistic and religious significance, and it remains a
cherished art form to this day.
Geometric shapes and patterns play a significant role in the art of
stained glass. These elements are used to create visually striking
designs and enhance the overall aesthetic appeal. By incorporating
geometric shapes such as squares, rectangles, triangles, circles,
and polygons, artists achieve a sense of balance, symmetry, and
order in their compositions. The repetition of geometric patterns
adds rhythm and harmony to the artwork, creating a cohesive and
captivating visual experience. Geometric motifs also allowfor the
play of light and shadow, as the intricate intersections and
produce mesmerizing effects when illuminated.

The Clitfordtorus was introduced by Clifford in 1873, not as embedded into R4 or C2,
but first protectively and then intrinsically, by identifying the opposite sides of aflat
parallelogr am, a commonplace method in modern topology textbooks. The
embedding into R4 first appeared in Killing's Die Nichteuklidischen Raumformen in
Analytischer Behandlung (Non-Euclidean Space Forms in Analytic Treatment, 1885),
where he also pointed out that the embedded torus is contained in a 33-sphere. The
name "Clifford torus" was given by Klein in Zur Nicht-Euklidischen Geometrie (On
Non-Euclidean Geometry, 1890), in this book he also used Clifford's identification
method to construct the "Klein bottle" The Clifford torus was one of the first non
trivial examples of "space forms", manifolds locally isometric to a classical geometry
(flat, spherical, hyperbolic, etc.).
The Clifford torus is an example of a square torus, because it is isometric to
a square with opposite sides identified. It is further known as a Euclidean 2-torus (the
"2" is its topological dimension); figures drawn on it obey Euclidean geometry as it it
were flat, whereas the surface of a common "doughnut"shaped torus is positively
curved on the outer rim and negatively curved on the inner. Although having a
different geometry than the standard embedding of atorus in three-dimensional
Euclidean space, the square torus can also be embedded into three-dimensional
space, by the Nash embedding theorem; one possible embedding modifies the
standard torus by afractal set of ripples running in two perpendicular directions
along the surface.
In geometric topology, the Clifford torus is the simplest and most
symmetric flat embedding of the Cartesian product of two circles S, and S, (in the
same sense that the surface of a cylinder is "flat"). It is named after William Kingdon
Clifford. It resides in R, as opposed to in R:. To see why Ris necessary, note that
if S, and S, each exists in its own independent embedding space R', and R', the
resulting product space will be R' rather than R?.

Formal definition
The unit circle S' in R' can be parameterized by an angle coordinate:

s' = {(cos 6, sin 8)|0s 0< 2n}

In another copy of R:, take another copy of the unit circle

S = {(cos , sin ) | 0<9< 2r}.

Then the Clifford torus is
(cos 8, sin 9, cos (p, sin y) |0s0< 2n,0 sp< 2n.
Since each copy of S' is an embedded submanifold of R², the Clifford torus is
an embedded torus in R' x R² = R'. If R' is given by coordinates (x,, y, X, y), then the
Clifford torus is given by 2

This shows that in R the Clifford torus is a submanifold of the unit 3-sphere S?.
It is easy to verify that the Clifford torus is a minimal surface in S.
Alternative derivationusing complex
It is also common to consider the Clifford torus as an embedded torus in C. In two
copies ofC, we have the following unit circles (still parametrized by an angle

s' =fe |0<0<2n}


s ={e |0<p<2m}.
Now the Clifford torus appears as

1 1
S' x
*,e") |0s0 <2n,0 S <2r.

As before, this is an embedded submanifold, in the unit sphere S in C.

If C is given by coordinates (2, 2,), then the Clifford torus is given by

In the Clifford torus as defined above, the distance of any point of the
torus to the origin of C is

The set of all points at a distance of 1 from the origin of C is the unit
so the Clifford torus sits inside this 3-sphere. In fact, the Clifford 3-sphere, and
torus divides this 3
sphere into two congruent solid tori
Since O(4) acts on R by orthogonal transformations, we can move the
Clifford torus defined above to other equivalent tori via rigid "standard"
rotations. These are all
called "Clifford tori". The six-dimensional group O(4) acts transitively on the
all such Clifford tori sitting inside the 3-sphere. However, this
space of
action has a two
dimensional stabilizer (see group action) since rotation in the meridional and
it to a
longitudinal directions of a torus preserves the torus (as opposed to moving
Clifford tori, In
different torus). Hence, there is actually a four-dimensional space of
unit 3-sphere
fact, there is a one-to-one correspondence between Clifford tori in the
and pairs of polar great circles (i.e., great circles that are maximally separated). of the
circles of each
a Clifford torus, the associated polar great circles are the core
two complementary regions. Conversely, given any pair of polar great circles, the
associated Clifford torus is the locus of points of the 3-sphere that are equidistant
from the two circles.

The Clifford torus is "flat"; it can be flattened out to a plane without
stretching, unlike the standard torus of revolution.
The Clifford torus divides the 3-sphere into two congruent solid tori. (In
a stereographic projection, the Clifford torus appears as a standard torus
of revolution.The fact that it divides the 3-sphere equally means that the
interior of the projected torus is equivalent to the exterior, which is not
easily visualized).

Uses in Mathematics
In symplectic geometry, the Clifford torus gives an example of an
embedded Lagrangian submanifold of C' with the standard symplectic
structure. (Of course, any product of embedded circles in Cgives a Lagrangian
torus of C, so these need not be Clifford tori.)
The Lawson conjecture states that every minimally embedded torus in the 3
sphere with the round metric must be a Clifford torus. This conjecture was
proved by Simon Brendle in 2012.
Clifford toriand their images under conformal transformations are the global
minimizers of the Willmore functional.
"One of the key properties of the Clifford torus is that it is a non-orientable
surface, which means that it cannot be given a consistent orientation. This
property has important implications in the field of topology, which is
concerned with the study of the properties of objects that do not change
when they are deformed."

"Overall, the Clifford torus is afascinating mathematical construct that has important
applications in a variety of areas of physics and mathematics. Its unigque properties
and geometry have helped scientists to better understand the fundamental nature of
the universe and the mathematics that describe it."
The Clifford torus was a new topic to and out of the three options provided to
research on, to me the Clifford Torrus looked the most interesting as it had cool
looking circles and Isaw an amazing 3D model on it andIwant you to experience it
too, here is the link: torus/clifford torus.html and I
just had to know more. Ihave learned various things about The Clifford Torrus, its
properties, its uses in not only mathematics but also in the world of physics. There is
nothing in particular that Idislike about the project; Ithink Idid the best I could in
the time was provided to complete this project. I mostly enjoyed finding the
pictures and seeing the math involved. Iwant peopleto know that it was a great
learning to research about the topic and Ican easily recommend you to too research
on this topic.


Tused 4 resources to complete this project, They are:
torus-and-for-what-purpose, https://en, torus, torus/clifford torus.html,

for math knowtdfe
The thont

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